Main / RumRunner

Rum Runner

Island Time Era

From 01-10-351 SGR to 12-10-351 SGR

The group completed saving the Malkin family from the chupacabra. After relaxing and enjoying their success they went to attend the festival at the Temple of the Orange Sunsets. While there they were pulled aside after a theft was discovered. The group was tasked with chasing down Ruffus DeOrange, a one legged man known to frequent a very upscale establishment for the well to do in Osterhold.

Discussion Threads

Goals & Themes

Character Quotes

Levi Reed: So what exactly do you all do here?
Levi Reed: Do you just like, pray all day?
Vesta Ronchessac: Smiles at Levi, we do much more than just pray
Carissa (Vee Barlett): "we also give thoughts"

Chat Links

2023 09 08c
2023 09 15c Thirtieth Anniversary Game
2023 09 22c 2023 09 29c
2023 10 06c 2023 10 13c2023 10 20c 2023 10 27c
2023 11 03c

Story Arc Concept

This was a chance to do multiple chase scenes and have the players interact with the other parts of how Borinquen operates. I wanted to start exploring the differences between the church and the King. Also to have the players start to explore family interactions and introduce the other characters to their families.

Feed Back & Recollections

This story arc was my attempt to .....