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Chat Log List - 2023 10 06 - Rum Runner - Formatted - Story

BOB as you all explain to each other what youa re planning on doing as you have land in sight

BOB and it is early in the morning

Vee Barlett: points to Rothuss and indicates he better get over here. Now.

Vee Barlett: NOW, Rothuss.

Rothuss Carder: sips at his rum and leans back on a crate and looks back at Vee.

Rothuss Carder: Yah?

Vee Barlett: I'm going to cut you off if you don't get over here. Or you want the whole crew to know?

Rothuss Carder: Sorry, Cap'n. If you called me over, I didn't hear it.

Rothuss Carder: saunters over to Vee's side.

Vee Barlett: That's how you drown.

Vee Barlett -> Rothuss Carder: Only an idiot causes chaos on a ship. I ain't quite sure HOW you did it, but you make it clear it was you. Sleezy way to flirt, ain't it? BUT...

Vee Barlett -> Rothuss Carder: You do that on another ship? Maybe one we're coming up to soon? I'll look past that, yeah?

Vee Barlett -> Rothuss Carder: Capisce?

Vee Barlett: HEY LIRTH! How far you think land is from here?

Vee Barlett: doesn't wait for Rothuss to answer and gets back to Cap'nning

Rothuss Carder -> Vee Barlett: Hmm... I think I get your drift, Cap'n, Sir.

Vee Barlett -> Rothuss Carder: gives a small nod in acknowledgement of hearing him

Rothuss Carder: smirks as he takes another sip from his cup.

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Distance Sense [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 12]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 15]

-> Lirtimya: Under 6 miles

Lirtimya: Looks to see about how far they are from the land

Vee Barlett: Hmm, anyone see any of the dolphins about?

Jericho: Peers

Jericho: Peers

Lirtimya: Just under 6 miles Vee

Jericho: I dont' see any Dolphins Vee

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 4]

Vee Barlett: looks for signs of the Flying Fish

-> Vee Barlett: THAT Vee can spot, there is a small boat that is floating, looks to be abandoned from the Flying Fish, they likely beat you to the island but at the cost of getting rid of everything that the boat was carrying

BOB Vee does not see any dolphins, as one jumps over the ship and SLAPS her on the side of the head then dives back in


Jericho: Excitedly

Jericho: Supressing a laugh

Jericho: [SKILL] Veterinary Healing [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 11]

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Ah, sorry. I get focused when we're coming upon land. You find anything?

Rothuss Carder: strolls back to his spot and resumes his seat.

<font color="#000000">GM : [Translation] Fishing is good

Vee Barlett : [Translation] You see that little boat drop any bottles overboard?

Vee Barlett: Hmm, I see what I think to be the Flying Fish, but it looks abandoned. Damn. I was hoping we'd avoid goin' on land.

Vee Barlett: Might need you smooth talkers again. And a better job of hunting them down. Can't let them leave Mizzan. You all got me?

<font color="#000000">GM : [Translation] boat flop sand

Vee Barlett: makes a note to see if the Flying Fish stays abandoned after they finish up here to maybe borrow it for an extended period of time.

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Boat flop sand? I don't know that phrase.


Vee Barlett: to the crew

Levi Reed: Yeah yeah yeah

<font color="#000000">GM : [Translation] sleep on sand

Rothuss Carder: tosses back the last of his drink and checks his gear.

Vee Barlett : [Translation] They're asleep on the sand??

Vee Barlett : [Translation] You willing to take one or two of us there?

<font color="#000000">GM : [Translation] Take close sand

MeLange: whoa what's going on?

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Let me check with my pod. One sec (whistling chirp).

Vee Barlett: Hmm...

Lirtimya: I wouldn't call myself one of the "smooth talkers"you're referring to, but I can help elsewhere

<font color="#000000">GM : [Translation] Chirp

Vee Barlett: Who wants to sneak up on some sleeping scumbag?

MeLange: oh oh!

MeLange: raises hand

Vee Barlett: points to Melange

MeLange: yes!

MeLange: pumps fist in success

BOB TO be clear, the Flame can get you to the same spot just as fast

BOB BUT yes you want a landing party

BOB Particularly those who can swim

Rothuss Carder: Tell me where to go and what to do, Cap'n.

Vee Barlett: some can stay on the ship, and some can go with the dolphins if they want. They say our prey is asleep on the sand and they'll lead us there...

Levi Reed: Sounds like it might be fun

Vee Barlett: Lirt! You comfortable being in charge on the ship? You're a damn fine First Mate.

Lirtimya: Yeah I can do that, I'll make sure we get there in one piece

Vee Barlett: Thank ya, m'am.

BOB Just a roll to hold on to the dolphins

BOB It is a question of how many to go as your Dolphin Attack Force and the rest on the Flame, the ship will arrive about 5 to 10 minutes after the Dolphins do

BOB Sounds like Vee, Melange, Rothuss on Dolphine Attack Force and the rest on the Flame following as fast as possible behind?

BOB So need swimming checks from Vee, Rothus and Melange

BOB and then Navigation check from Lirth

BOB and Strength checks from the rest for adding to the rowing

Rothuss Carder: stashes most of his gear below, especially any instruments that would be damaged by water.

Vee Barlett: Rothuss, you're swimming with the dolphins.

MeLange: [SKILL] Swimming [MOD:STR] (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 9]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Swimming [MOD:STR] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 9]

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Navigation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 8]

Rothuss Carder: nods briskly and smirks.

Rothuss Carder: Of course, Cap'n. Whatever you say, Cap'n.

Vee Barlett: mutters, "Better than the fishes. Remember that."

MeLange: have fun rowing! <tee hee>

Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Swimming [MOD:STR] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 4]

Jericho: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 8) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 9]

Rothuss Carder: tips over backwards off the side of the ship into the sea.

Vee Barlett: gracefully dives in

MeLange: Cannonball!

BOB So the three Dolphin Attack Force (keeping to the theme) move quickly through the waves, enjoying the surfing and quick dives. There is a school of tuna that goes by and Vee needs an animal handling check or something you think you can use to stop them from being distracted

MeLange: [SKILL] Animal Lore [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 8]

Levi Reed: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 15]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 4]

Rothuss Carder: grins wildly as he is pulled across the waves.

-> MeLange: Melange can recommend to Vee that convincing the dolphins there are better fish or prey at the boat can stop them from heading towards the tuna

MeLange: Hey Vee

Vee Barlett: Yeah?

MeLange: The dolphins, think you could tell em there are better prey somewhere else? Like around the ship?

MeLange: could be a good distraction, you know dolphins only one thing on their mind

Vee Barlett : [Translation] There's better eatin' near the sand. Easier to catch when you scare them all into the shallows. Think of how many fish you'd get that way! It's where them schools often feed before they venture deeper.

Vee Barlett: gives Melange a quick salute

MeLange: that was loud

Vee Barlett: grins

Vee Barlett: I keep tell y'all it sounds better underwater, but they can still understand it all the same above.

MeLange: think they bought it?

Dolphin : [Translation] Fish fast here

Dolphin : [Translation] fish taste good

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Too fast here. You run them onto the sand, tho? They can't escape ya. And ya got us to help toss them to ya.

Dolphin : [Translation] Chase to sand!

Dolphin : [Translation] Chase to Sand!

Vee Barlett : [Translation] YEEHAW!

Dolphin : [Translation] Chase to Sand!

BOB and suddenly the Dolphins veer around and start to surround some of the tuna and drive them towards the beach

BOB You are caught in a rodeo

Vee Barlett: Oh well... I mean that also works?

MeLange: good try though

BOB New swimming checks please

BOB As the Flame has now overtaken the Dolphin Attack Force

MeLange: Dolphins you can't reason with em

Vee Barlett: Hold tight, fellas! They're going to try to run the tuna up on the sand. Which is where we need to go anyways.

Rothuss Carder: just holds on, obviously having a blast.

Vee Barlett: Hmm, although being smacked by tuna could be a fun wakeup call for them, too....

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Swimming [MOD:STR] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 13]

MeLange: [SKILL] Swimming [MOD:STR] (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 17]

Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Swimming [MOD:STR] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 7] [d20 = 20]

BOB In the excitment Rothuss loses his grip on the dorsal fin

MeLange: Uh OH!

Rothuss Carder: loses his grip on the fin of his dolphin as it makes a sharp turn and is quickly left behind.

MeLange: Man Down!

Rothuss Carder: takes off swimming as fast as he can towards the beach.

Vee Barlett : [Translation] One of ya grab him, please? Can't lose my pod, but can't stop the chase, either.

MeLange: heads towards the beach

Dolphin : [Translation] Grab old prey

Vee Barlett : [Translation] We'll still get them. Only need one of ya to grab my pal there.

Vee Barlett : [Translation] He's got a way with tuna, essential in catching them.

BOB So in the chaos the three of you make it close to shore, the Dolphins diving in and devouring the Giant(s) tuna

BOB Dropping off the three of you near the Flame as it comes to rest near the shore

The time is 8:00 AM

Vee Barlett: while slightly annoyed to be delayed, is still having a blast.

MeLange: that was fun!

Vee Barlett: Easy to communicate, hard to handle... well, at least it was fun.

BOB But in any case you are all set here on the shore, the Flame comes to rest just off the beach

BOB There is a smallish ship there on the beach, what remains of the Flying Fish

BOB It looks like they made it to shore but barely in one piece

BOB It looks not totalled but not seaworthy

MeLange: so why did we need to swim here again?

Rothuss Carder: is wading up behind Vee and MeLange, still a ways back, but catching up as quick as he can.

Rothuss Carder: is wading up behind Vee and MeLange, still a ways back, but catching up as quick as he can.

Vee Barlett: points to the ship

MeLange: You good Rothuss?

Vee Barlett: Hm, I suppose they meant the ship was sleeping on the sand.

MeLange: that was a nasty dive you took there

BOB I will give Lirtma a wisdom check

BOB I will give Vee a check

Lirtimya: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 6] [d20 = 20]

Vee Barlett: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 16]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Seamanship [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 16) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 17]

BOB Lirtma say that ship is a wreck and is not even salvagable

BOB Vee does not see any reason to disagree

Rothuss Carder: Yeah, man, I'm good. It went left, I didn't, is all.

MeLange: sleeping on the sand huh?

Lirtimya: That's a wreck, I don't think anything could be salvaged from it

Vee Barlett: Damn. I really wanted it.

Rothuss Carder: gestures at it. "It's all yours. One piece at a time."

BOB BUT I will give Vee one more Wisdom check

BOB and then I will give Rothuss a wisdom check too

Rothuss Carder: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 9) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 13]

Jericho: Even if the ship is unsalvagable Vee, there might be supplies on board that we can salvage

Vee Barlett: We can still sell the parts.

BOB anyone can drop over and wade up to the beach

Jericho: Jericho drops over and wades up to the Beach

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 12]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 15]

Vee Barlett: Maybe, but only after we find the crew.

Rothuss Carder: What do you want me to do, Cap'n, Sir?

Vee Barlett: Levi, ya see any footprints? This land is too... ugh. Flat.

BOB Any other rangers or people who might find tracks?

Jericho: Worries

Vee Barlett: Just. How do you walk on this?

Jericho: Do you think they are hurt? It was a pretty bad storm

Vee Barlett: Don't know, don't care until we find them.

Jericho: And if the ship is this damaged, I wonder what condition the crew are in

Jericho: Simply tries to look despite not being a tracker

Jericho: Looks to see if any lifeboats were launched

BOB Lirt can make her Obsversation roll

MeLange: puts his hand to his brow, pretending to look for something

BOB Vee remembers that the small launch she saw earlier

BOB The small boat you saw earlier as you were heading to the beach? that must have been the launch/life boat for this ship

Vee Barlett: They did launch a lifeboat.

Jericho: So this is just a guess, but the tide probably brought the boat the rest of the way in if a lifeboat actually launched, unless they are using it as transportation to get to port

Rothuss Carder: watches the dolphins jumping at the tuna.

Jericho: Might be faster then walking

Jericho: But I know nothing of ships really

Jericho: Just a guess

Jericho: Shrugs

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 7]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 16]

-> Levi Reed: Levi sees two sets of tracks leading away from the ship on the sand up towards the tree line.

-> Levi Reed: Also (because of the roll) he sees that one of the set of prints is dripping blood, wounded and limping

Jericho: The ship looks in bad shape, but they might have left supplies on board Vee. Do you want to take a look?

Jericho: I'm not good for much, but I can look around if you want

Vee Barlett: See what Levi sees first. He knows land.

Jericho: Sure

Vee Barlett: Actually, Rothuss? You and Melange want to look in that ship real quick?

Vee Barlett: While Levi orients himself?

Rothuss Carder: Sure thing, Cap'n! Right away, Sir!

Jericho: .............

MeLange: thought you just said there was nothing in there

Jericho: Sits in the sand

Vee Barlett: You can go, too. Priest.

Levi Reed: Well, there's two sets of tracks heading into the trees there, and this looks like it might be a little bit of blood on one of them...

Levi Reed: Coulda been limping, the way these are uneven

Levi Reed: Or maybe a peg leg???

Jericho: Ah, I'm not worthy of a name anymore?

Jericho: Shakes head.

Rothuss Carder: strides exaggeratedly through the surf to the wreck.

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Direction Sense [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 12]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Distance Sense [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 13] [d20 = 1]

MeLange: I think Rothuss has it

Jericho: Let's go see what's aboard

Vee Barlett: Good. Might be too hurt to get far.

Vee Barlett: Be quick, boys. We got tracks to follow.

MeLange: ships not going anywhere, we should be chasing down the peg leg

Vee Barlett: Just makin' sure no one is in that wreck.

Friedrich Lutgen: WHO THE HELL ARE YOU

MeLange: ugh

Rothuss Carder: leaps up and grabs a rail of the wreck and pulls himself up onto it.

Vee Barlett: looks around for the voice

Jericho: Well, I'm a healer if you are hurt

Jericho: I guess

GM: THROWS a bottle at Rothuss

Jericho: That's why i'm here

Jericho: Whoa! Whoa! no need to throw things

Jericho: We're just trying to help!

Friedrich Lutgen: FUCK YOU

MeLange: whoa offensive

Friedrich Lutgen: GET AWAY FROM ME

Jericho: Look, I just need to know if you are okay. Your vessel looks in bad shape!

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Weaponsmithing, Crude [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 11) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 11]

Jericho: Moves into Patient Healer Mode

Rothuss Carder: attempts to swing himself up onto the deck.

Jericho: I'll fuck off just as soon as I make sure you are okay?

Jericho: I promise


Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Tumbling [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 11]

Vee Barlett: waits on the sand, tapping her foot impatiently

Vee Barlett: IF HE'S A HOBO. LEAVE 'EM!

MeLange: Trust me, it'll just be faster if you let Jericho check, he's addicted to helping people

Jericho: VEE! If you want to chase after Peg Leg, go for it, but I'm not leaving a potentially injured man to this ship!


Jericho: Sighs. Hoping that he's not attacked

Jericho: I'm coming in, I don't want trouble, I just want to help

Rothuss Carder: Hey, man. No need for violence. We ain't here to hurt you.

Jericho: Please


Rothuss Carder: holds his hands out placatingly

Jericho: Goes in cautionsly

Jericho: Looking for the man


Jericho: Praying

Vee Barlett: Just find out if he sailed in on it or claimed it after! Them tracks are gettin' old, guys!

MeLange: Hey Vee, what if being a hobo is like a clever cover?

Jericho: You can have your ship! I just want to make sure YOU are okay. Ships are replaceable, people are not

Rothuss Carder: Well, now, my Cap'n told me to check the wreck out. So I gotta obey orders, like a good little underling does. But no need to fight over it, right?


Jericho: I will do that

Vee Barlett: laughs

Jericho: Just as soon as I check to make sure you are okay

Jericho: I'll leave as soon as I do

Rothuss Carder: So why don't you let the priest check you out, eh?


Vee Barlett: Hmm, cleaner word choice than I'd use, but that's good...

Rothuss Carder: Quicker you do, quicker we're gone.

Levi Reed: If this is your ship, you can keep it, man

MeLange: I feel like if we already saw some tracks we should be chasin em right now

Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Fast-Talking [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 10]


Levi Reed: Honestly, the priest could probably use it

Vee Barlett: I agree, MeLange. Just got to get them to leave the Hobo alone if that's what he wants.

Jericho: How about this. I'll let you punch me, if I can check to make sure you are okay. Then I'm gone. On my honor


MeLange: Yea good point Vee, the only other option is to rough em up, I don't think any of us want that... well most of us

Vee Barlett: grins and winks at MeLange

Rothuss Carder: sighs dejectedly. "I can't let you do that, man. I don't wanna hurt you, but I will defend my friend here if you try anything."

Vee Barlett: HEY! IF he ain't who we looking for, leave 'em be! You can't save them all!

Jericho: I can try!

Jericho: What do you care!?

Jericho: Sighs

Friedrich Lutgen: STAY AWAY FROM MY SHIP

Levi Reed: Look, man, we're not here to take your stuff. Jericho, leave the guy alone. If you change your mind, our priest will be happy to help

Vee Barlett: I care 'cause I'm gonna leave you to follow them tracks. If ya don't wanna be left behind, ya better decide quick.

Jericho: Alright.

Rothuss Carder: stomps his foot on the deck. "You mean this ship? This one right here?"

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: Someone definitely needs to stay here and watch OUR ship

Vee Barlett -> Levi Reed: That's what the crew is for. Ain't no way Captain Flame will let them take her ship. Trust me, if I could... well, anyways. It'll be fine.

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: Ah, fair


Friedrich Lutgen: (MISSES)

Jericho: Look sir, I need to leave. My friends are impatient. But if you are hurt, I can at least help you before I go. The choice truly is yours. I'm just trying to help. If you still want no help, I'll leave you be. I'm sorry for getting on your ship

Rothuss Carder: tries to catch it if possible

Jericho: I just want to help

Jericho: Dejectedyl

Levi Reed: Oh hey, I noticed you have a lot of empty bottles. You need a refill? We got some rum on board we could spare

Vee Barlett: We can check 'em after if ya want, but if he don't want it now, ya ain't doing it now.

Friedrich Lutgen: FUCK YOU... well do you really have any extra?

Levi Reed: Yep

MeLange: Vee is the captain yall

Rothuss Carder: Only for friends, though!

Vee Barlett: Make sure none them bottles are ours, Levi.

Vee Barlett: whipsers

Levi Reed: Give me a couple a bottles and I'll go fill them up for you

Jericho: He can be a friend if it will make him okay

Friedrich Lutgen: Take those

Vee Barlett: I'm gonna remember this as the day you had another thought.

Vee Barlett: A good one.

Levi Reed: picks up the bottles

MeLange: go Levi!

Levi Reed: Anyone going to help me carry?

Jericho: I'll help you Levi

MeLange: sure

MeLange: picks up Levi

MeLange: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 17]

Levi Reed: Thanks guys... grab whatever empties you see

Jericho: [SKILL] Brewing [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 4]

Jericho: [SKILL] Reading/Writing [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 11]

Jericho: Examines the bottles

Jericho: looking for the familiar markings

Jericho: Looking for specific names, tax stamps, etc

BOB Jericho can see that the markings on the bottles he threw are from an Osterhold distillery

Rothuss Carder: So... been here long? It's got a nice view of ... the beach.

Jericho: Good taste in liquor

Jericho: Sniffs

Jericho: This was brewed with some care

Jericho: Although, it could probably strip paint

Levi Reed: fills the bottles at the open barrel

Friedrich Lutgen: Sneering at Rothuss, we just crashed this morning you fucker, you know that

Levi Reed: gives the full bottles to the hobo

Jericho: It was a pretty bad storm

Jericho: May I ask why you dislike us so much?

Friedrich Lutgen: Grudgingly takes the bottles from Levi

Rothuss Carder: nods, "Looks cozy though. What happened? You guys hit a rock, or just tip over in the storm?"

Friedrich Lutgen: Damn captain ran off with the passenger

Levi Reed: Like ran off and left you here or like, ran off to uh... have some alone time together

Jericho: He abandoned you?

Jericho: Voice Hardens

Rothuss Carder: clucks his tongue disparagingly. "Just ran off and left you all in a storm? That don't sound like good captaining to me."

Friedrich Lutgen: I can guard the ship

Rothuss Carder: All by yourself? Did the rest of the crew desert you too?

Friedrich Lutgen: Made it here to Mizzen in one piece

Friedrich Lutgen: mostly

Jericho: Sighs

Levi Reed: If your captain is that bad, we'd be happy to have you aboard if you want to join us after we're done here.

Vee Barlett: raises brow at Levi

Jericho: Then would you let me help please? I don't want to bother you, I just want to help. Then I'll get off ASAP

Friedrich Lutgen: FUCK YOU

Jericho: Sighs

Jericho: He really doesn't like people helping him does he?

MeLange: Not to be that guy, but I think time IS a factor


Jericho: Not really. But okay

Rothuss Carder: I'm sure he's *far* too highborn for a lowly crew of scum like us.

Friedrich Lutgen: I AM NOT A WHORE

Vee Barlett: tries hard to not burst out laughing

Jericho: Just looks him over

MeLange: Jericho said he'd get the hobo off?

Levi Reed: Nah, you do what you want, it was just an offer

Jericho: [SKILL] Diagnostics [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 13] [d20 = 5]

BOB Nothing seems wrong with him physcially, he is just guarding his ship from would be scavengers

Rothuss Carder: I mean, I've heard a lot about sailors that might say otherwise, but I'm sure none of that applies to you.

Jericho: Just some bruises then

Jericho: Nods

Jericho: [SKILL] Herbalism [2] [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 15]


Jericho: Sighs

MeLange: Sorry you couldn't get the hobo off Jericho

Rothuss Carder: gestures toward Vee, "That is an excellent question, actually. Where *did* your sterling example of bravery captain run off to?"

Friedrich Lutgen: The captain ran off with that fucking son of a bitch noble ass

Vee Barlett: AND WHY?

Jericho: I'm afraid my herbs won't do much good as I have the wrong kind, but if you drink some of that the bruises will fade. I'll write down some instructions to help with the nasty welts from the storm (continues to let them interrogate while he lobs insults at Jericho)

Friedrich Lutgen: He paid the captain like a fucking whore and he is bending over and taking it

Levi Reed: Sounds fun

Jericho: Writes down some instructions to help the man. Leaves the paper gently on a nearby deck crate.


Friedrich Lutgen: Nothing from the ship


Friedrich Lutgen: That fucking noble prick had a bag on him

Jericho: When you get a chance, take some histine root with a swig of rum. The bruises will fade and aches will abate

Vee Barlett: nods

Rothuss Carder: leans back against an intact rail and casually watches the boat hobo for signs of violence.

Friedrich Lutgen: I have fucking rum you fucking priest

Jericho: Continues muttering instructions while they debate the finer points of fucking the priest

Vee Barlett: Alright crew! Wrap it up! We got tracks to follow!

Jericho: Histine root will give you a boost and your muscles will feel better

MeLange: finally

Jericho: Good luck Sir. I'm sorry I couldn't help more. One day, maybe think better of those who don't have an alterior motive and just want to help

Jericho: With a small wave, just leaves quietly

Rothuss Carder: pushes himself upright, bows to the boat hobo. "Until we meet again, M'lord Boat Guard. Toodeloo!" And vaults over the railing.

Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Tumbling [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 12]

Vee Barlett: Hey Ludwig! You all mind keepin' an eye on this mess? We gotta run to town real quick.



Vee Barlett: starts heading off to follow the tracks Levi pointed out

Jericho: Mutters to the air above. "To whomever watches me along with my god apparently, please take note of my patience and send more my way. That was hard"

Jericho: Amen

Levi Reed: follows Vee

Jericho: Follows Vee

Rothuss Carder: skips through the surf to catch up with Vee.

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 15]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Direction Sense [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 14]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 15]

Vee Barlett: mutters, "Sand, sand, sand. How can ya tell?"

BOB so both Rangers are lost on which way the tracks actually go

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 1]

BOB THERE you go

BOB Vee cannot find any good tracks out of the mess on the beach BUT she does spot a place about 20 yards up into the shoreline where there is a small shack

BOB There is no port or normal place to dock here so why is there a shack for people ?

Vee Barlett: Maybe someone in there saw somethin'?

Vee Barlett: Hard to make out tracks on the land unless any of y'all are secretly good at it.

Levi Reed: Or maybe that's where they're shacking up

Vee Barlett: Let's go find out.

MeLange: ok

Vee Barlett: Who wants to knock this time?

Jericho: I can knock

Levi Reed: knocks on door

Jericho: I guess

Jericho: Smiles at Levi

BOB Levi can hear the CLICK of a crossbow being set

BOB No need for a check

Levi Reed: Much offense Jericho, but people don't seem to take well to you

Jericho: ....

Jericho: I'm trying here

Herwarth Buback: Who are you

Herwarth Buback: Just move along

Rothuss Carder: Man, is *everyone* on this island a violent recluse?

Levi Reed: Levi. We noticed a shipwreck on the beach here and were just checking to see if anyone needed help before we head into town

Herwarth Buback: No one needs help

Herwarth Buback: you can just keep on moving

Levi Reed: We got this priest here who can't stop himself from helping, it's really annoying

Vee Barlett: Ya didn't even ask if we needed help.

MeLange: ask im about the peg leg

Jericho: Looks he's probably a smuggler who doesn't give a shit about us

Levi Reed: Anyway, I saw some tracks with blood, thought this might be an opportunity for the priest to finally do something useful for a change, you know anything about the blood out there?

Herwarth Buback: No one in here is hurt

Vee Barlett: elbows Jericho

Levi Reed: One more question, then I'll leave you be... were you on the ship that wrecked?

Rothuss Carder: "Yet" I'd stop aiming that crossbow at a group this size if I were you. Nobody's starting anything unless you do, man.

Noes Lamadras: Look they are not here to find us, they are obviously clueless people, just let them go along, no need to shoot them

Herwarth Buback: I say that if she keeps that up she gets shot,

Herwarth Buback: He might be ok, but look at her

Vee Barlett: Clueless is a good description for...

Jericho: So....

Jericho: someone is hurt?

Jericho: Confused

Vee Barlett: Her who?

Jericho: Look I don't want to get shot, so if you want me to move on I will, but I mean...we are already here

Rothuss Carder: Nah, we're not after small time sailors. We're after upper crust thieves and bribers.

Noes Lamadras: No no one here needs help just go along on your way

Jericho: Okay

Levi Reed: See what I mean? He can't help himself

Herwarth Buback: Yeap about that,

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 8]

Vee Barlett: [CHECK] Charisma (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 10]

Rothuss Carder: You know, the kind of people who abandon an entire ship at the sight of a storm and run off.

Herwarth Buback: I would not know anything about anyone limping towards town

Rothuss Carder: Leaving those small time sailors behind to drown.

Vee Barlett: Ah, so ya do, do ya?

Jericho: So....a man limping toward town needs help. Gotcha

Jericho: We can head in that you know where town is?

Rothuss Carder: Nah, Cap'n, you heard him. He don't know nothing about it. Uh... which way is town again?

Herwarth Buback: If they were heading into town how would I know where they might go

Vee Barlett: Ain't wantin' to bother you, but ya see, I got my reasons ot find them. Help us out, ya?

Jericho: No I mean, we don't know where town is. Can you tell us which direction to walk?

Jericho: This is our first time here

Jericho: The storm confused us

Noes Lamadras: Think they might have a shipment ?

Jericho: ......

Rothuss Carder: sighs and pulls out his shell horn and makes sure there's no water in it.

Vee Barlett: Depends what your lookin' for.

Herwarth Buback: I think if you just move off to the south you might be ok

Jericho: Town is South? Thank you

Jericho: Moves back to preserve privacy and hopefully calm down crossbow man

Levi Reed: Ah, good point Vee. We probably don't have to offload everything in town

Levi Reed: You looking for anything in particular? It's possible we might have something to spare, for a fair price

Herwarth Buback: Huh, Thought you did not

Noes Lamadras: What are you offering?

Levi Reed: Well, you know, you can't be too careful

Vee Barlett: To sell? A few things. For information? A bit of silver.

Levi Reed: Tell the fine man what we have, Captain. (to Vee)

Noes Lamadras: What are you looking for?

Vee Barlett: Some good, friendly rum. Not that new stuff, but aged a few decades. Heard I could find some out this way.

Herwarth Buback: What are you selling

Vee Barlett: To sell? Hmm, some fine silverware.

Vee Barlett: Last buyer backed out.

Noes Lamadras: Silver can fetch a nice return if it is clean

Vee Barlett: Pristine.

Noes Lamadras: Markings?

Jericho: We can show a sample

Vee Barlett: Reason last buyer backed out. Ain't got time to fix it yet.

Herwarth Buback: See told you they got nothing

Herwarth Buback: Just keep moving

Vee Barlett: Got the paperwork if ya want to try that route.

Herwarth Buback: For what? can't sell it for what it is worth

Herwarth Buback: Try some other rube

Vee Barlett: Can't blame me for tryin'

Jericho: The taxes and duties have already been paid. It's pristine silver. You could sell it for less and still make out like a literal bandit

Vee Barlett: Last offer is a bit of rum for some information.

Jericho: With the paperwork, it's your own material no matter whom you sell it too

Jericho: Confused at this exchange

Noes Lamadras: Silverware is worth more than raw silver if the artisan is worth while

Herwarth Buback: Like I told you rubes

Herwarth Buback: They do not know what hey have

Herwarth Buback: they will get snatched soon, just stay away

Levi Reed: Everybody's gotta start somewhere

Jericho: Sigh

Jericho: Well thank you for letting us know the value. We'll keep that in mind when we sell it

Herwarth Buback: Go start somewhere else

Jericho: We'll move along South now

Vee Barlett: Nah, just my first start here. Can't help what I picked up on the way.

Rothuss Carder: whistles idly and starts heading out.

Noes Lamadras: Ask for Joel at the market, he might buy from you

Noes Lamadras: Tell him that Noes sent you

Vee Barlett: 'Preciate it.

Vee Barlett: winks

Vee Barlett: Y'all have a uneventful rest of your day.

Vee Barlett: I'll keep ya mind for future endevours if ya want.

Jericho: Farewell. And thank you for the directions

BOB As you follow along south you do see a path into the trees

BOB this apparently was a smuggling drop point

BOB the path is rough but smooths out as you get farther inland

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 16]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 18]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Direction Sense [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 8]

Vee Barlett: Seriously? What is this nonesense? How can you see ANYTHING when it's so smooth and...and dry??

Rothuss Carder: Eyes, Cap'n. It's called "looking".

Levi Reed: You have a point this time at least

Levi Reed: Do you see any more blood?

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 10]

Vee Barlett: squints

Vee Barlett: But how can you see anything when it ain't moving?

Jericho: Maybe someone could climb a palm tree and look for signs of habitation?

Rothuss Carder: looks for a good tree to climb.

Vee Barlett: Only if ya wanna look a fool.

Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Climb Walls [PERCENT:Climb Walls] (vs. Target 50) [SUCCESS by 11] [d100 = 39]

Vee Barlett: rolls eyes

Levi Reed: That's Rothuss for ya

Vee Barlett: So I noticed.

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Land Scent [PERCENT:Land Scent] (vs. Target 20) [FAILURE by 3] [d100 = 23]

BOB you could have had other options based on rolls but here you have just what you know. There is a path through the trees, off the northern beaches of Mizzen, and you are heading south along the path to some town in hopes of catching up with your quarry

Rothuss Carder: drops down from his tree.

Rothuss Carder: Path goes that way, Cap'n!

Rothuss Carder: points

Vee Barlett: Let's go.

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 13] [d20 = 2]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 13] [d20 = 1]

BOB anyone want to make a Sage Knowledge Island Kindgoms check?

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Sage Knowledge, Island Kingdoms [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 10) [FAILURE by 8] [d20 = 18]

Carissa (Vee Barlett): apparently not

Vee Barlett: tries to think about what she knows of Mizzen and gives up due to the headache land is causing her.

Rothuss Carder: spins around and starts walking backward while looking down the path behind the group.

Vee Barlett: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 6]

-> Vee Barlett: Vee knows one thing, The Eastern side of Mizzen (where you are) is the populated side, three towns, the West side is where pirates tend to be near Sirens Call

Jericho: Quietly walking, thinking about ....herbs I guess

Vee Barlett: Spot anything, Levi?

-> Levi Reed: Levi does find two sets of tracks. One you are interested in, two people one with maybe a peg leg, the other bleeding, BUT you also find three people following after those two, maybe stalking them?

Levi Reed: Yeeaaah... looks like we're on the right track for our guys, but might have been some more people following them

Levi Reed: Probably three people, from the looks of it

Vee Barlett: Good. Who doesn't like a party?

MeLange: well that's good news

Vee Barlett: muttering irritably

Levi Reed: One of the first sets definitely looks like potentially a peg leg though

MeLange: Oh I like to party

Vee Barlett: Remind me not to help the church again after all this.

MeLange: ok

Lirtimya: I'll make sure to do that

Kyale Wheatbrow: (whistles)

Vee Barlett: I'm trustin' you on this, Levi. But we need to find them before they head out west.

Kyale Wheatbrow: (whistles Whistles)

Levi Reed: I'm extremely confident in this

Vee Barlett: When ain't ya?

Rothuss Carder: shrugs and looks innocent.

Vee Barlett: looks around for the whistling

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 7]

-> Vee Barlett: Can tell that the whistling is coming from behing you

Vee Barlett: turns around

Kyale Wheatbrow: (whistles)

Vee Barlett: whistles back

Kyale Wheatbrow: *Whistles* louder

MeLange fails at whistling then gives up

Jericho: Why are we whistling

Jericho: Can we just

Jericho: I'm having an off day full of weirdness

Rothuss Carder: We're birds now.

MeLange: trying whistling Jericho, it'll pick ya right up

Levi Reed -> Jericho: Hey, don't question the pirate mafia princess

Vee Barlett: tries to follow the sound of the whistling

Levi Reed: tries to whistle

Vee Barlett: whistles again

Rothuss Carder: pulls out his horn and holds it ready.

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Artistic Ability [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 16]

Kyale Wheatbrow: **WISTLING)

Vee Barlett: WHAT?

BOB It seems like almost but not quite birds in the trees

Vee Barlett: grumbles and WHISTLES LOUDER

Jericho: I can't whistle MeLange

Jericho: much to my shame

MeLange: hey me neither

Kyale Wheatbrow: WHO DEE WHO

MeLange: we're still men

Vee Barlett: YOU DEE YOU! Now whatcha want??

Kyale Wheatbrow: WHO DO YOU

Jericho: Apparently an angry sailor does me

Jericho: mutters

Vee Barlett: Someone tryin' to get on with my business until there was them whistles! WHO DO YOU??

BOB and silence after that

MeLange: I'm very confused

Vee Barlett: sighs

Vee Barlett: VEE! WHO YOU?

Rothuss Carder: tries to find the whistler.

BOB No response

Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Detect Noise [PERCENT:Detect Noise] (vs. Target 20) [FAILURE by 79] [d100 = 99]

Levi Reed: I think you scared it away

Vee Barlett: I hate land.

Lirtimya: whispers to the closest person to her other than Vee "I'm glad we didn't get her up for that second shift"

Rothuss Carder: pats Lirtimya on the shoulder. "I know what you mean."

Vee Barlett: Shouldn't have lost my temper.

Jericho: Shit, I'm starting to hate land too

Levi Reed: That's always your excuse

Vee Barlett: Well land is stupid.

MeLange: oh land's ok, it's just like the sea with a bunch of dirt

Levi Reed: Yeah, and you can't drown

Vee Barlett: And rules I ain't followin' like I know I should.

Rothuss Carder: Your observation skills are staggering, man.

Vee Barlett: Well a loss is a loss. Let's keep goin'

Levi Reed: And it doesn't always smell like fish

MeLange: not as salty

Levi Reed: keeps going

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 4]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 5]

BOB So you all do make it down the path towards what turns out to be a fairly large town

BOB you know your two people got to this point

BOB You arrive in town and you have three primary buildings you might want to investigate

BOB the shrine, the jail, or the merchant house

Rothuss Carder: I'm betting the merchant house.

Lirtimya: I say we visit the merchant first too, get the silver off of us

Vee Barlett: Only if we find the right buyer, Lirt. Can't tell just anyone we got it.

Jericho: Again, we could just do a sample Vee

Jericho: Keep most of it under wraps until we find what's it worth

Jericho: Then bring out the rest

MeLange: seems reasonable

Vee Barlett: Y'all new to this ain't ya?

Vee Barlett: If ya wanna check jail first or lose what we have, sure, do that.

Vee Barlett: But I won't be with ya when ya do.

Rothuss Carder: inspects the town, looking for anything interesting or familiar.

Vee Barlett: Look. How 'bout Jericho and someone else go check the shrine? And some of us check the merchant house?

MeLange: I don't think anybody wants to go to the jail first Vee

BOB Muscian check for Rothuss

Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Musical Instrument [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 10]

-> Rothuss Carder: The signs point to a larger town farther south where there is a musical center. Things here in this town seem to indicate people who come here to perform away from a central place where there is more musicians, you have seen minor traces like this but never a full blown center of music like this leads you to

Rothuss Carder: I assume Rothuss doesn't know the name of the center?

-> Rothuss Carder: Correct just that the gut feeling is this is like you want to practice here is a place before you go perform in the big hall

Rothuss Carder: an unusual number of struggling performers

-> Rothuss Carder: That sort of thing yes, but like they have a place to go

Vee Barlett: Then forget about the silver right now.

MeLange: what silver?

MeLange smiles

Vee Barlett: nods

MeLange: I can check out the jail, I don't have any warrants or anything I don't think

MeLange: if someone wants to come with me mayhaps?

Jericho: I can check out the Jail

MeLange: ugh really?

Jericho: See if anyone wants a checkup

Vee Barlett: Nah, priest should check the shrine?

Jericho: Okay, I'll go check the Shrine

MeLange: that makes sense, stop trying to block my saves Jericho sheesh

Lirtimya: That makes the most sense

MeLange: stay in your lane father

Rothuss Carder: C'mon, MeLange. I'll go with ya.

MeLange: or whatever

Jericho: visibly confused. You know, one of these days, you people will need to meet me half way and grow the fuck up.

Jericho: Walks away

Vee Barlett: No one take too long. Doubt they dangerous, but ya never know. We meet back here.

Rothuss Carder: salutes.

Vee Barlett: 1 bell at most.

Rothuss Carder: Aye aye, Cap'n!

Vee Barlett: thinks

Vee Barlett: Half bell at most.

Levi Reed: I don't particularly want to head to the jail but... what do you think, Captain?

Vee Barlett: If we splittin' this much, someone should go with Jericho to the Shrine and someone to the Merchant House with me. Your choice.

Vee Barlett: Melange and Rothuss can figure out jail themselves.

MeLange: I mean we're just checking it out

Levi Reed: I thought Rothuss was going with Jericho

Vee Barlett: Be quick.

MeLange: I thought Roth was coming with me?

Rothuss Carder: Of course! My conscience is clear, MeLange. How about yours?

MeLange: Sure it's fine

MeLange: thanks for asking?

Vee Barlett: How 'bout you go keep Jericho company? He might need some stress relief.

Vee Barlett: First Mate Lirt, you're comin' with me.

MeLange: I look forward to getting to know you better in jail Rothuss

Lirtimya: Sounds good with me

Rothuss Carder: Absolutely! Hope you don't snore.

Levi Reed: Fine, fine, I'll go with the stuffy guy

Levi Reed: I swear everything about this mission is designed to kill the fun

BOB So Melange and Rothuss at the Jail?

BOB So Melange and Rothuss at the Jail?

MeLange: it's a nice snore, a manly snore

Vee Barlett: mutters, "We got a barrel of rum for later. Might let y'all have at it."

BOB As you approach the door to the jail you see a strong wooden reinforced door in front of you

MeLange: should we trying knocking?

Rothuss Carder: reaches to try the handle, but will wait for MeL's result first

MeLange: knocks on the door three times... firmly

BOB There is a sign, can either of you read?

Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Reading/Writing [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 14]

BOB You see a sign saying " Ulrick Stockade"

MeLange: What does that mean?

MeLange: Like a stockade of prisoners?

Rothuss Carder: This is the place, alright. Not Mizzen though. Place called Ulrick.

Rothuss Carder: pulls at the door handle.

Tanaka Skysnow: Who wants to enter?

Rothuss Carder: Visitors looking to ask a couple of questions.

MeLange: Hello there

Tanaka Skysnow: Who are you visiting? Do you have their bail?

Tanaka Skysnow: She walks out front

Rothuss Carder: Depends on who is in there. D'you have a moment for us?

Tanaka Skysnow: Looking you two up and down

MeLange: Who walks out front?

Tanaka Skysnow: What sort of moment do you want?

MeLange: We're looking for a man with a peg leg, that' the short of it

BOB a woman walks out front of the jail door, looking at the two of you,

Tanaka Skysnow: A Peg Leg you say? and what would he be arrested for?

Rothuss Carder: We're here from Achild. Looking for a "gent", probably not really, who scammed our client. Was wondering if you'd seen anyone new in town.

MeLange: To Rothuss: Hey I think that's the "She" he was talking about

MeLange: For that

Rothuss Carder: gives MeLange and exaggerated look, like he gave away too much information.

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Got it, a-child it is

MeLange: give Rothuss a thumbs up

MeLange: So if you've seen a man like that, with a peg leg, you'd be helping us out a great deal

MeLange: if you think about we're kinda on the same side, we're chasing a criminal, you lock em up

Tanaka Skysnow: Can you tell me what he would be arrested for?

MeLange: Fraud I believe is the thing

Rothuss Carder: Not a clue, Ma'am. We're here in a more ... *cough* .. unofficial capacity, if you get my drift.

Tanaka Skysnow: I am not certain that fraud is something we arrest people for

Tanaka Skysnow: That is more of an adminstrative thing

Rothuss Carder: No ma'am, absolutely not. That's why we're here.

MeLange: true, not arrested, but you get a visit from the likes of us

Tanaka Skysnow: So you are not here to bail someone out?

MeLange: Well if he's in there, then we may bail him out actually

Rothuss Carder: That depends on if our "gentleman" is here or not. If not, there is a small fee for information leading towards our target.

Tanaka Skysnow: Well I can say that if you are looking for a HIM then HE is not here

MeLange: oh good point I forgot about that

MeLange: is this like a ladies prison?

Tanaka Skysnow: Not only ladies

Tanaka Skysnow: But I do not happen to have any men here right now

Rothuss Carder: Is it someone you particularly want to get rid of?

MeLange: huh interesting

Tanaka Skysnow: OH certain, Beth is a bitch

MeLange: how can we help?

Rothuss Carder: Would it be considered helpful to you if we did post bail? I'm all for helping out law enforcement.

Rothuss Carder: Although I should ask what this miscreant is in for.

Tanaka Skysnow: Tell you what, you give me 2 silver and I let Beth go

Tanaka Skysnow: Just to get rid of her

Tanaka Skysnow: and I will owe you one

Rothuss Carder: I'm not letting a killer loose, am I?

MeLange: hmm what do you think Roth?

MeLange: Yea what's she in for? how's her temperament?

Tanaka Skysnow: We do not keep murderers here

Tanaka Skysnow: Just the stupid obnoxious ones

Rothuss Carder: Excellent. My comrade here will take care of the fee.

Tanaka Skysnow: Or a bitch like Beth

MeLange: that was 1 silver you said?

Tanaka Skysnow: 2

MeLange: oh ok 2 that works

Rothuss Carder: mutters to MeLange, "Don't let her bolt."

MeLange: Hey I'm not her enslaver

MeLange: we're paying to set her free

Rothuss Carder: No, Beth. Don't let *her* run off.

MeLange: oh ok

<font color="#000000">MeLange spent 2 SP on Beth's Bail

MeLange: there ya go

Tanaka Skysnow: Fair enough

MeLange: and remember Tanaka

Tanaka Skysnow: You two take care of her at least for a couple of hours please

MeLange: now you owe us one

Tanaka Skysnow: Sure

Tanaka Skysnow: Yeah

Beth the pickpocket: Hey there!

MeLange: cool

Beth the pickpocket: You are a cuty

Beth the pickpocket: Thank you

Rothuss Carder: Yes ma'am. I don't suppose you can give us any pointers?

Beth the pickpocket: squeels

Beth the pickpocket: You are so CUTE

Beth the pickpocket: OH MY GOD, you are here for me

MeLange: Hi there Beth

Beth the pickpocket: That is so nice of you

Beth the pickpocket: I am so happy

Beth the pickpocket: where do you want to do?

Beth the pickpocket: I mean go

Beth the pickpocket: Not do

MeLange: well I'm sure it feels great to be free again

Beth the pickpocket: I would never DO on a first date

Beth the pickpocket: unless you have silver

Beth the pickpocket: but you know I mean we should go some where nice

Rothuss Carder: nods farewell to Tanaka.

Beth the pickpocket: Like who are you?

MeLange: Sounds like a blast but I just spent my last 2 silver peices

Beth the pickpocket: OH

Beth the pickpocket: sad

Beth the pickpocket: that is too bad

Beth the pickpocket: but at least you had this?

MeLange: it is sad sad, can't speak for Rothuss of course

Rothuss Carder: How long have you been inside, Beth?

Beth the pickpocket: Pulls up the rest of the coins from Melange's pocket

MeLange mouth drops

Rothuss Carder: Well, now we know why she was locked up.

Beth the pickpocket: Oh I have not been in for too long, I think she kept me a day or two?

MeLange: Come on lady give us a break I just bailed you out

MeLange: I'm not saying don't do it, just not me

Beth the pickpocket: I gave it back, pouts

MeLange: thank you

Beth the pickpocket: You don't like me?

MeLange: I knew you wouldn't be so bad

Rothuss Carder: He did. You owe us better than that. But you *can* help us out, if you like.

Beth the pickpocket: sad

MeLange: you must be hungry

MeLange: what food do you miss the most?

Beth the pickpocket: But he has such nice strong mucsles

Beth the pickpocket: Look at him

Beth the pickpocket: Squeezes

MeLange: thanks for noticing

Rothuss Carder: smirks.

Beth the pickpocket: He is just so delicious

MeLange: I meant food, not me

Beth the pickpocket: You must get all the girls

Beth the pickpocket: Oh I can eat you up

MeLange: Thank you beth but I'm not sure I could afford it

Rothuss Carder: I think this is your show, man.

Beth the pickpocket: (drops Melange's sword on the ground)

MeLange: Ack

Rothuss Carder: grins and starts walking toward the merchant house, hand on his money pouch.

Rothuss Carder: grins and starts walking toward the merchant house, hand on his money pouch.

MeLange: gimme dat

Beth the pickpocket: We could have such a good time

Beth the pickpocket: I like a man with a good hard sword

MeLange: what kind of good time?

MeLange: it's actually an axe

Beth the pickpocket: OH is that what you call him?

MeLange: ummm, it but yea

MeLange: it's an axe

BOB over to the church?

BOB SO Ava and Levi and Jericho at the Shring?

BOB You go down the street, to a shrine, open air, a rear wall, with a roof and open walls on the other three sides,

BOB A place where people can come to worship easily

BOB Not like one you have seen on Borenquin

BOB EVERY where is Keldorian

Vesta Ronchessac: Warm smiles

Jericho: Jericho holds his necklace for a moment before entering

Vesta Ronchessac: Welcome

Jericho: Smiles back

Jericho: Thank you

Jericho: Bows

Vesta Ronchessac: How are you feeling today?

The time is 10:00 AM

Jericho: I am well. Do you have any that need assistance?

Jericho: Don't tell Vee,

Jericho: Murmers Jericho to the rest of the group

Vesta Ronchessac: Everyone always needs help to manage this world

Jericho: Smile brightens even more

Vesta Ronchessac: Come children

Vesta Ronchessac: Come sit and rest

Levi Reed: Thanks

Jericho: Follows and sits at the pew, quiet contemplation, and observing his surroundings.

Levi Reed: How's your day going?

Jericho: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 19) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 20]

Vesta Ronchessac: Our day is blessed thank you

Ava Bosley: Thank you for welcoming us

Vesta Ronchessac: How are you strangers doing?

Jericho: Troubled thoughts intrude on Jericho, he winces slightly

Vesta Ronchessac: I can see you two are of the second circle

Ava Bosley: Yes, we are

Jericho: Not as well as I had hoped when we first set out on our Journey that's for sure

Jericho: Chuckles

Vesta Ronchessac: Do tell, what sort of travails have you encountered?

Jericho: Sighs

Jericho: We were charged with helping the faith return a stolen object, but at every turn we run into challenges

Jericho: Dejectedly

Vesta Ronchessac: Challenges are laid before us to give us a chance to overcome

Jericho: Nods

Jericho: So I keep being told

Jericho: Smiles

Jericho: That and growing my patience with people

Jericho: I would heal anyone I could, but my temprement could use some adjustement

Vesta Ronchessac: You can never have too much patience

Ava Bosley: Yes, but no obstacle that are too much to overcome - as She wills it

Vesta Ronchessac: Warm smile with Ava, you do understand sister

Jericho: She's wiser then I am, that's for certain

Jericho: winks at Ava

Vesta Ronchessac: and you my brother? (Looking at Levi) why do you travel this holy path?

Vesta Ronchessac: My wise sister, who are you?

Vesta Ronchessac: (at Ava)

Levi Reed: Um... acidentally, to be honest

Vesta Ronchessac: Smiles at Levi, we all have had accidents in our life that lead to virtue

Ava Bosley: My name is Ava Bosley, Priestess of the Second Circle, the heights of the raven.

Vesta Ronchessac: Not everyone is born to serve but some serve by action

Vesta Ronchessac: Welcome Ava Bosley of the second circle, hights of the raven

Vesta Ronchessac: and if you wish to accept, one who comes with the whisper of sand

Ava Bosley: nudges Jericho

Ava Bosley: whispers

Ava Bosley: we should both give a proper introduction

Jericho: Leans over. "I think she likes you more"

Jericho: Chuckles

Jericho: I find it's better for me to talk less

Jericho: I insult fewer people

Jericho: Grins

Levi Reed: It doesn't seem like they play favorites here, man

Vesta Ronchessac: That is a pity young priest, if you do not speak then no one will know your voice

Jericho: Oh I think Vee would beg to differ

Jericho: Sighs

Jericho: I am Jericho, Priest of the Second Circle, Depth of the Otter

BOB and is Ava accepting that new title?

BOB a new one to add on

Ava Bosley: I do accept with honor - and thank you. I do try to think before I speak

Vesta Ronchessac: The otter is a strong swimmer

Jericho: It's a great honor to visit your shrine. I've never been so far from home

Ava Bosley: she blushes

Jericho: I always thought they build strong dams

Jericho: chuckles in amusement

Jericho: chuckles in amusement

Vesta Ronchessac: Here on Mizzen many come for trade, for music, for bravado, but here we try to stay humble and remember that we are all part of the rythm of the tides

Ava Bosley: That sounds beautiful

Ava Bosley: Do you have many festivals with the community?

Vesta Ronchessac: Have you visited the Bard College in Plithoth?

Jericho: Shakes Head

Vesta Ronchessac: We celebrate so many festivals it can be hard for many to keep track

Levi Reed: So what exactly do you all do here?

Levi Reed: Do you just like, pray all day?

Ava Bosley: *sigh*

BOB Plithoth is the main city on Mizzen where the Baron Lives

Vesta Ronchessac: What brings you to Mizzen Ava of the Second Circle, hight of the raven, whisper of the sand?

Vesta Ronchessac: Smiles at Levi, we do much more than just pray

Vesta Ronchessac: Prayer can only take you so far

Levi Reed: Heal people?

Vesta Ronchessac: We heal as needed, but there is more than just healing of the body

Vesta Ronchessac: the Soul needs to refresh, to enjoy

Levi Reed: Ahh, so you drink!

Vesta Ronchessac: Certainly

Levi Reed: Maybe I should join up, Jericho!

Jericho: want to?

Jericho: That would be really nice

Jericho: Smiles warmly

Ava Bosley: *ahem* please, if you will pardon me. I never asked who you are.

Vesta Ronchessac: I am Vesta Ronchessac, of the fourth circle, keeper of the moon, deliverer of the pearl and friend to the merfolk

Levi Reed: Nah, I was just teasing you. But it seems like a nice place here

Ava Bosley: reaches in pocket to get conversion book, and disappointedly puts it away

Levi Reed: I'll be honest, the one back home seems much more stuffy than this place

Jericho: It's a pleasure to meet you

Jericho: officially anyways

Jericho: Smiles

Vesta Ronchessac: I am pleased you enjoy being on Mizzen

Vesta Ronchessac: The formality of Borenquin can stifle creativity

Jericho: Well not as pleased as getting the stolen object back to Osterhold. I'm under a month long geas

Jericho: Sure does put things in perspective

Jericho: Sighs

Ava Bosley: How do you all coordinate your work here if you leave away the formaility?

Vesta Ronchessac: We share the tasks,

Levi Reed: Truer words were never spoken

Vesta Ronchessac: Those that choose to heal do so, those that need to feel the earth in the fingers till the soil

Vesta Ronchessac: We can always find someone who wants to assist in achieving the goals we have

Ava Bosley: Is there a schedule? A list?

Vesta Ronchessac: Do you want to assist?

Vesta Ronchessac: I would be glad to have you young Ava Bosley

Jericho: Assist you? Sure

Vesta Ronchessac: Are you in search of learning?

Ava Bosley: If you all wish for assistance, it would be my pleasure - at least for a bit. Or after our task is done.

Vesta Ronchessac: What task are you here for?

Ava Bosley: Someone has stolen rum and one of the barrels had the Church's seal

Vesta Ronchessac: That is very frustrating I can see

Ava Bosley: OH, pardon me, it was a bottle. I am still grounding myself.

Ava Bosley: Pardon me further

Vesta Ronchessac: I am curious why you are so invested in finding two bottles, a simple theft does not seem to be something to drag you here to Mizzen?

Ava Bosley: it was TWO bottles and a tax stamp

Ava Bosley: sways

Vesta Ronchessac: I am proud to see you take such an interest in redeeming your Temple

Jericho: Keeps quiet

Vesta Ronchessac: All bottles are stamped that is true

Ava Bosley: Yes, and our superiors seem to believe taking the stamp means they plan to duplicate it some how

Vesta Ronchessac: That is a most curious thing

Jericho: The temple didn't tell me. They only told Ava and Vee. But this is an incredibly old bottle with a tax stamp inside. No-one can seem to tell us how it got there, but a man with a Peg Leg stole it.

Jericho: Shrugs

Jericho: That's all I know

Jericho: And essentially I die in a month if I don't get it back

Jericho: Shrugs again

Vesta Ronchessac: Why would you die in a month?

Jericho: When I asked for a viewing at the Temple in Osterhold, the condition was they place a month-long geas on me to return the stamp to the temple. It's the price I had to pay to get it back, so we are doing our best

Vesta Ronchessac: Young Ava you know that if you had that tax stamp you could create all the wealth you wanted

Jericho: Frowns

Jericho: Ava would never do such a thing

Levi Reed: I'm sorry they what?

Jericho: Complete Convision

Levi Reed: Is that standard church practice?

Ava Bosley: shocked to hear this

Jericho: What do you want me to say Levi. You all make fun of me regardless, the last thing I want to hear is Vee constantly adding to the insults

Jericho: keeping his voice low out of respect, but clearly furious

Vesta Ronchessac: It seems to me that you Jericho of the Otter are opposed to Ava of the whisper of the sand in retrieving this Stamp

Jericho: Why?

Ava Bosley: Then the community would suffer without the extra finances, wouldn't they

Vesta Ronchessac: Anyone could use such a stamp to create their own wealth

Ava Bosley: looks like she's going to cry

Jericho: I mean, they could, but it's not our place to take the stamp. It belongs to the church

Levi Reed: I think we all just want to return this and be done with this job, honestly

Levi Reed: It's been a lot more trouble than we had counted on

Jericho: Yeah, I'd like to live too Levi

Vesta Ronchessac: Yes they would be stealing the authority of the Church away

Jericho: ......

Levi Reed: I didn't mind going to find the lost farmer and save him from the Chupacabra, but this kind of stuff is way above my level

Jericho: So...I'm not seeing any opposition

Levi Reed: Anyway, we mainly came here to ask for assistance, I think?

Levi Reed: Is there anything you could do to help us help the church?

Levi Reed: And also to help us keep Jericho alive

Levi Reed: I give the kid a hard time, but I don't want to see him die

Vesta Ronchessac: My advice is to be true to who you are

Ava Bosley: Ava looks confused

Levi Reed: But if anyone tells Vee I said that, you WILL feel my wrath

Vesta Ronchessac: If he really is under a Geas then he must follow through with his quest to bring back this object to Osterhold

Vesta Ronchessac: they are a stubborn old stodgy place but a quest is a quest

Levi Reed: I mean, yeah, we want to do that

Levi Reed: Do you have any idea how we can accomplish it?

Jericho: one said where it should go after that. The geas just said to bring it to the temple. After that, I'm sure it could go where it was needed

Levi Reed: Any priestly ways of finding church objects or something?

Jericho: I had hoped to bring it back to the temple

Vesta Ronchessac: Young Ava here seems likely to not fall into that trap of the old church but this Jericho I am not certain of

Vesta Ronchessac: he is already so entangled

Jericho: Frowns

Vesta Ronchessac: Certainly many ways of tracking objects

Jericho: I just help people. I cannot be held responsible for those who would turn their back on the faith

Ava Bosley: What do you mean? Trap of the old Church?

Jericho: They will receive their penance in due time

Jericho: Think about it Ava. So much of this doesn't make sense at all

Vesta Ronchessac: For certain you have seen that the old guard of the church wants to keep people in place to keep a status quo and protect their interests

Ava Bosley: B-but... why would they do anything to trap us...I just don't-

Vesta Ronchessac: You are here and a fresh new chance

Levi Reed: Are... their interests different than the rest of the church's interests?

Vesta Ronchessac: Oh I am certain they do not see it as a trap any more than you do

Vesta Ronchessac: Those in power protect their power

Vesta Ronchessac: I am pleased to see such young people out in the world exploring and finding their own way to do things

BOB and causing both Jericho and Ava to have THOUGHTS

Levi Reed: You guys got a tithing box here or something?

Vesta Ronchessac: If you seek the nobles you spoke of my guess would be to visit the Bards College, there are many there with connections that can assist you

Vesta Ronchessac: We always take donations, thank you young Levi

Levi Reed: Gotta appreciate a church that's not so stuffy

Ava Bosley: Do you also have papers with information regarding this temple?

Vesta Ronchessac: Papers are too formal

Jericho: Snorts, but tries to turn it into a cough

Jericho: hiding a smile behind his hand

Ava Bosley: looks incredibly confused

Ava Bosley: Oh, okay...

Jericho: Well, it seems we are off to Bard's College unless the others have found any other information

<font color="#000000">Levi Reed spent 50 CP on The Church That Was Way Cooler Than The Other Church

BOB so moving over to the Merchants

BOB Vee, Lirth

BOB after a few the rest can join in from their previous visits

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 16]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 13]

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 13]

BOB SO heading into the market

BOB there is a square, with several places around

Vee Barlett: looks around then rubs sand out of her eyes

Vee Barlett: mutters curses about the land again

Vee Barlett: See where we should start, Lirt? This sand got over everything. Already.

Vee Barlett: Peg legs, men bleeding, someone with a bag on him, that sort?

BOB Lirt spots several spots where there are fancier servers, or higher end goods

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Seamanship [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 6]

Lirtimya: I see several places I'm interested in, higher end, they may be there

BOB There are many places here where wares for ships are for sale

Vee Barlett: Proper man of the sea wouldn't be walkin' right. Not so interested in goods, yet, but hmm....

Vee Barlett: heads over to one of those places

Vee Barlett: Ho there!

Folduin Winterwound: Hello there young lady

Folduin Winterwound: What are you looking for?

Lirtimya: Following Vee

Folduin Winterwound: You have a boat on your own I can see

Touches his nose

Vee Barlett: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 14]

BOB It seems he is indicating that he understands Vee is a sailor and looking for such things for her ship/boat

BOB He does not seem to have any deeper meaning

Vee Barlett: I'm actually lookin' to gather a crew for it, ya know? Heard a famous fella was down this way, was wonderin' if I could find him. A Captain Hail?

Vee Barlett: Any leads, merchant?

Folduin Winterwound: Captain Hail? I have not heard of

Folduin Winterwound: Not many around these parts that are looking for a full crew

Vee Barlett: Nah? Stories say he sailed through a fierce storm with nuthin' but a small ship. Barely call it a ship, if ya ask me.

Vee Barlett: Don't need a full crew, just some sailor talk.

Folduin Winterwound: Ahh, well I am always willing to hear a good tale, but not knowing any who want to ship out so soon

Folduin Winterwound: Perhaps in a day or four I might hear

Folduin Winterwound: what ship are you sailing?

Vee Barlett: Currently crewin' on the Flame. Still gettin' my ship repaired.

Folduin Winterwound: Have not heard of the Flame

Vee Barlett: How long you been a merchant? This is a busy port to not know those ship. What about the Flying Fish?

Lirtimya: Maybe he doesn't get on any ships himself

Vee Barlett: nods with Lirt

Folduin Winterwound: Well the real port is down south, here we just have some merchants who deal mostly with produce

Vee Barlett: On what terms?

Folduin Winterwound: The farms here in the north produce some good crops that we ship out across the Islands

Vee Barlett: Anyone who buys anything up here?

Lirtimya: Seems interested about the port, she should find where so she can mark it down, later of course

Folduin Winterwound: I stick to my own bailywick, doing leather goods

Vee Barlett: Well if ya don't know a Hail, do ya know a Joel?

Folduin Winterwound: A few who can load in without a hoist do buinsess here beyond that

Folduin Winterwound: Joel sounds familiar

Folduin Winterwound: On the Fower?

Vee Barlett: I believe so.

Folduin Winterwound: I have not seen the Fower in the last few weeks, I think they headed to Seagate with a load of palm oil

Folduin Winterwound: I did sell them some leather for their oars

Vee Barlett: Ah damn. Timin' ain't good today, is it?

Folduin Winterwound: Their first mate Helgoth

Vee Barlett: Well can ya at least tell a girl where to get a good bottle of rum? The higher age, the better.

Lirtimya: Sighs

Folduin Winterwound: Don't waste your time here

Vee Barlett: So I'm findin' out

Folduin Winterwound: If you want good stuff you will pay too much

Folduin Winterwound: If you want the really good stuff you will pay even more in town

Folduin Winterwound: IF you have that kind of coin

Folduin Winterwound: I can find a few other things to help you spend it on

Folduin Winterwound: winks

Vee Barlett: And if I do? Who would I ask?

Vee Barlett: With my luck, not sure anything will help more than rum.

Lirtimya: I think it wouldn't be smart to spend all of our funds on some rum, we have rum already

Vee Barlett: But it ain't our rum, Lirt. So might as well get my own bottle, yeah?

Lirtimya: I guess, but still, don't need anything fancy, we still need your help after this, can't tap out quite yet Vee

Vee Barlett: laughs

Vee Barlett: Promise I'll try not to drink it all right away.

Folduin Winterwound: If you go to Plithoth you might have more luck if you want really high end stuff

Vee Barlett: Well, suppose that helps. Thanks for your help, sir.

Folduin Winterwound: Just be careful young lady

Vee Barlett: Hmm?

Folduin Winterwound: They will try to steal your heart

Folduin Winterwound: and Steal you away from the sea

Vee Barlett: barks a laugh

Lirtimya: tries to stifle a laugh, but fails

Vee Barlett: Sea already got my heart. I'd like to see them try.

Lirtimya: The day someone steals vee from the sea is the day I know I'm asleep, not awake

Vee Barlett: Love ya, too, Lirt!

BOB and with that laugher everyone will be there at the merchant's square

Rothuss Carder: carefully stays out of reach of Beth, leaving MeLange to her tender care.

BOB brb as you all gather to share what you know

Vee Barlett: I can't find any tracks. Or blood. Only lead I got is maybe Plithoth.

Levi Reed: Hey guess what! We got nothing useful but I DID learn that this church isn't as boring as the one back home

Rothuss Carder: Is that the city to the south?

Lirtimya: chuckles and looks at the rest "Anything?"

Vee Barlett: shrugs

Ava Bosley: ... Our Church is not boring ...

Ava Bosley: to self

Vee Barlett: It's where ya buy good rum.

Rothuss Carder: We brought a local who might know a few things about the local underlife.

Vee Barlett: And where the port is. Good place to catch a ride if ya need it. Although I'd've thought that'd be west...

Rothuss Carder: points at Beth where she's leaning against MeLange.

Lirtimya: Chuckles at MeLange's current circumstanc

Vee Barlett: Not someone who tried to strangle him again, right?

Vee Barlett: Hey! You girl! Who are ya?

Lirtimya: I can't wait to get back on the sea already, the sand can get annoying

Lirtimya: mutters to herself

Vee Barlett: I agree, Lirt.

Beth the pickpocket: You talking to me?

Vee Barlett: Ya.

Beth the pickpocket: So?

Vee Barlett: Just askin' who you are.

Beth the pickpocket: Name's Beth

Beth the pickpocket: Squeezes Melange's arm again

Vee Barlett: Huh, I know of a Beth. Well, name's Vee. Nice to meet ya. I think.

Beth the pickpocket: You with them?

MeLange: Hey Vee, meet Beth

Beth the pickpocket: Oh

Beth the pickpocket: Ok

Vee Barlett: That's my friend's arm you are squeezing, yeah.

Vee Barlett: But feel free to keep squeezin' it. Ain't more than a friend to me. No offense, MeLange.

Beth the pickpocket: He is strong

MeLange: we bailed her out of her prison, she's a great pickpocket and could be a wonderful asset to this team, plus she's cute as a button

Beth the pickpocket: Feels good around me

Lirtimya: Maybe not strangle him Vee, but definitely strangle his arm

Vee Barlett: nods

Vee Barlett: Good things arms don't need to breath.

Beth the pickpocket: Oh you like me, giggles, Thank you

MeLange: well a little offense taken

Vee Barlett: laughs

MeLange: but I'll get over it

MeLange: smiles

Vee Barlett: Sorry, my pal. Just mean we ain't romantic or nuthin' so enjoy that arm candy.

Levi Reed: What Beth do you know, Vee?

Vee Barlett: Pilon's current girl.

MeLange: she won't stop

Beth the pickpocket: OH I am NOT worried about you

MeLange: Don't worry Beth, Vee is a career woman

Lirtimya: looks at Vee to see her reaction to that comment

Vee Barlett: Only need to worry about me if you're on a ship with me.

Beth the pickpocket: Ships are messy, dirty, smelly,

Vee Barlett: Then you're right. You ain't gotta worry about me.

MeLange: see what I mean, the jobs number one, but she's an amazing partner and friend to have around

Beth the pickpocket: Melange here is strong and oh soooo tight

Lirtimya: Less dirty than this sand

Rothuss Carder: leans back against a wall, grinning and enjoying the show.

MeLange: Thank you Beth, you're gonna make me blush

Beth the pickpocket: Oh I think he is dirty, you just don't see it

Vee Barlett: You're just makin' me home-seasick now, Lirt, and it's only been a few bells since we stepped off ship.

Lirtimya: Hey, at least you got to ride a dolphin before coming here

Vee Barlett: Enjoy her while ya can, then, MeLange. She doesn't seem like crew material to me.

MeLange: Well whether that's the case or not, she's still a person Vee

Beth the pickpocket: Yeah

Vee Barlett: I'll find ya a dolphin to swim with either before we go or when we sail back. Promise.

Vee Barlett: (to Lirt)

Lirtimya: Thanks, it looks like fun

Jericho: You know, you are really proving to be a right piece of work Vee. I was starting to think better of you

Jericho: You treat your crew like shit long enough, and no one will be there for you when you need it

MeLange: plus fast hands could always come in useful

Vee Barlett: Only said she wasn't crew material? She don't like ships. Pretty simple.

Jericho: She's a person

MeLange: You don't like ships Beth?

Beth the pickpocket: I am so glad you like my hands, I can do a lot with them (to Melange)

MeLange blushes

Vee Barlett: And crew don't see others as competition for affection. Gets messy when you get that kind of involvement.

Jericho: Beth, i'm guessing since you came from the jail you aren't exactly on the up and up. But, would you be interested in joining us. We're already a bit of a band of misfits, and we could use all the help we can get

Jericho: I'm pretty good at keeping ships pretty sparkly at this point

MeLange: You heard her Beth, if you wanna join this crew, that means no hanky panky

Vee Barlett: Nope.

Lirtimya: On second thought, Vee get me one of those bottles of rum later, beth's gonna be so tiring

Lirtimya: mutters to Vee

Vee Barlett: nudges Lirt, "See what I mean? She's gonna drive us up a wall."

Beth the pickpocket: So where do you want to go Melange?

MeLange: I go where the crew goes Beth

Jericho: Beth do you know where the Bard's college is by any chance? We're tracking a stolen item and we heard someone might know something there

Vee Barlett: Look, whatever this one does isn't important right now. What's important is findin' that damn Captain and Noble before we lose them.

MeLange: unless you have any idea about catching this man with the peg leg?

Beth the pickpocket: Of course, (rolls her eyes) Everyone knows where the college is

Jericho: I'm afraid I don't Beth. Could you please help us find the way?

Beth the pickpocket: What sort of thing are you thinking was stolen?

Beth the pickpocket: I would be glad to show you,

Vee Barlett: Who said something was stolen?

Vee Barlett: Ah, Jericho. Of course.

Lirtimya: Oh, Vee have you told them about Joel yet?

Vee Barlett: Nah, that's for later, Lirt. Maybe... in different company.

Lirtimya: nods

Lirtimya: Not my business, I'll leave that for you

Beth the pickpocket: happy to help Melange, make him feel good

MeLange: Thank you Beth, you're great

Jericho: Sigh

Jericho: Can we trust you Beth. Frankly, i'm starting to stop caring who I can and who I can't

Beth the pickpocket: You can trust me,

Beth the pickpocket: Melange trusts me

Jericho: we're looking for a old rum bottle with a trinket inside that was stolen from the church.

MeLange: she's given us no reason not to trust her

Vee Barlett: MeLange also trusted that random girl to not try to kill him....

Jericho: We think a Peg-legged individual stole it

MeLange: Hey Vee, I trust people you know

MeLange: Plus, at that party I was pretending to be somebody else

Beth the pickpocket: I promise I never tried to kill Melange

Vee Barlett: Of course ya didn't. Ya only known him, what, one bell at most?

Beth the pickpocket: Peg Legged? like a pirate?

Jericho: Close enough I suppose

MeLange: yea just like that

Rothuss Carder: strolls over and puts an arm around Jericho's shoulders. "My man, I feel there's not a one of us you can't trust. May not always see eye to eye, but trust, I think you're good."

Beth the pickpocket: Ooooo what party are you going to?

Jericho: Could be a poor party or a great one, but we need to retrieve the stolen object if at all possible

Jericho: Could be just the thing for a rougish individual as yourself?

Jericho: We'd love to have you join us

MeLange: good point Jericho

Beth the pickpocket: Stealing things is.... well.... not really a good thing to do, just something that happens when a girl needs to eat you understand?

Jericho: Nods

Jericho: I won't hold that against you. It's not my place.

Levi Reed: We can pay you

Jericho: Nods

Jericho: We'd be happy to

Beth the pickpocket: But if I want you to hold it against me Melange?

MeLange: we all gotta do things to survive sometimes

MeLange: and sometimes we do things because we're good at them too

Beth the pickpocket: I hope you are good at it

MeLange: one step at a time Beth

Jericho: Regardless, if you ever want to join up, you'd probably have fun. This whole adventure has gone peaks up. Ship smell or no

Vee Barlett: mutters to Lirt, "We're goin' have to flip a coin to see who gets to get black out drunk at this rate."

Levi Reed: You got a three sided coin? Because I want in

MeLange: So Beth, we a team?

Beth the pickpocket: At the hip

Vee Barlett: Only while we're here.

Lirtimya: nods and mutters back "I'll let you, someone's gotta watch them, and you need a break more than I"

MeLange: Beth meet Levi, he's dull and not much to look at

Vee Barlett: She ain't even tell us where to go, only who she wants to go with.

Vee Barlett: I owe you. Big time, Lirt.

MeLange: she says she knows where the college is

Levi Reed: Yeah, I forgot about the college they told us about

Vee Barlett: Yet gave no town name.

Levi Reed: I was just so happy about the cool church

Vee Barlett: Plithoth, but it's fine. Let's go with the one y'all are... weirdly attached to.

Lirtimya: It's no problem Vee, you've done plenty for us already

Vee Barlett: grins

Vee Barlett: Don't tell Matty, but you got the promotion.

Lirtimya: chuckles

BOB next week hitting the town (Plithoth) and visiting the Bard College as has been foretold by the wise merchants