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Chat Log List - 2023 11 17 - Rum Runner - Formatted - Story

Vee Barlett: So I ain't see reason we all gotta go in at once. Jericho should go with one of you smooth talkers. Lirt and I can go in before ya as lookout. Not sure 'bout the rest. Ya wanna try to find a disguise?

Jericho: I think it might be better for going in relatively unobserved if possible

Rothuss Carder: I am the King of Nonchalant.

Jericho: It can't hurt

Jericho: I've never been a sneaky sneaky type

Jericho: Pilon probably knows a guy if he himself doesn't

Vee Barlett: You need to buddy up with Rothuss. You ain't a smooth talker, either...

Matthias Crowtooth: I might know my way around an alley or two

Vee Barlett: How about in a Cathedral or two?

Rothuss Carder: I'm just kidding. Wherever I go there's eyes always on me. But that might make you less noticeable.

Matthias Crowtooth: grimaces

Vee Barlett: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 6] [d20 = 20]

Vee Barlett: cannot remember if she knows a guy to help with disguises

Rothuss Carder: I can go in and cause a distraction, and while they're dealing with me, you can walk in all subtle-like.

Vee Barlett: Simple is good.

Jericho: So, I had hoped to go in a relatively obscured outfit. I'm not a smooth talker I admit that. I just figured first I could go to the Cathedral with the stamp. I honest to go think from reading the geas description that intent and wording matters. Both of which can work in my favor. If I just have it in my pocket, I'm fine with walking in and then acknowedlging to myself and my god I did what was asked for. Then, come out

Jericho: That's pretty simple

Jericho: We don't need a full disguise, it's a busy hub during the day

Jericho: Right?

Jericho: Thoughts?

Vee Barlett: And ya got a backup Rum to show them if you need.

Matthias Crowtooth: I have a dagger. We don't need a disguise if we have a few daggers.

Jericho: Er....would it be okay if I actually held the stamp? I can give it back when we are done

Vee Barlett: Rothuss offers to distract, I'm fine with that. Lirt and I can be the other distraction if needed.

Vee Barlett: You hold the rum. Don't go openin' it. I got plans.

Vee Barlett: hands over the rum

Jericho: ............

Jericho: Are these plans I don't want to know about?

Vee Barlett: You'll find out, ya?

Jericho: Gently takes the Rum

Jericho: you know if the stamp is know...inside it?

Vee Barlett: Long as I get it back before we get to the Temple.

Jericho: Halts

Vee Barlett: I got some thoughts on it.

Jericho: Vee...I know you got plans and all, but we are going to give it back to the temple....right?

Vee Barlett: Oh yes, we definitely are. But by my rules.

Matthias Crowtooth: grins impishly

Jericho: Oh

Jericho: Okay

Jericho: Yeah, I'm not really thrilled with this whole shit show, so if by your terms I'm good.

Jericho: I just can't bend THAT far as to not return it at all

Jericho: Smiles

Jericho: I think you are rubbing off on me Vee

Vee Barlett: If ya could Levi would.... er maybe good he's busy pissin' down an alley right now.

Jericho: You troublemaker

Jericho: Okay

Jericho: Sighs

Jericho: Let's get this over with

Matthias Crowtooth: Where do yo want me, captain my captain?

Vee Barlett: Why don't ya switch clothes with one of 'em others, Jericho? Maybe Melange?

Jericho: Let's speak to Pilon and ask for some tips on mostly going unnoticed without having a FULL dads makeover

Vee Barlett: Hmm...

Jericho: Shrugs

Jericho: I'm down with that

Jericho: They haven't seen MeLange

Vee Barlett: Matty, you might be with the priest in case ya need to grab the rum back unnoticed like, ya?

Rothuss Carder: Hey, Jericho... does this Cathedral have statues in it?

MeLange: How can I help?

Matthias Crowtooth: Sure... will do

Vee Barlett: Rothuss, ya want Melange to help with the distraction or part of the return crew?

MeLange: I have been told I can be very distracting

Vee Barlett: Maybe we can get someone to strangle you again. That was pretty distractin'

Rothuss Carder: Mel can come with me if he wants. Always good to have backup in case Plan A fails. Or B. Or even C.

MeLange: You're welcome to strangle me Vee, should the mood arise

Vee Barlett: New girl! You a priestess, ya? Go with Matty and Jericho. Help them look all innocent.

Vee Barlett: laughs at Melange's offer

Temperance: I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try.

Vee Barlett: Thanks. Might make you regret that later, but might take you up on that.

MeLange: chuckles

BOB You have at least two or three different groups

BOB One will have the bottle with the Stamp in it

Rothuss Carder -> MeLange: Plan D is a fist fight, just in case.

MeLange -> Rothuss Carder: All the way to D?

Rothuss Carder -> MeLange: What can I say? I know distractions.

MeLange -> Rothuss Carder: What are plans A to C?

Rothuss Carder -> MeLange: Are you sure you want to ruin the surprise? That's half the fun of it.

MeLange -> Rothuss Carder: Fair point sir!

Rothuss Carder: to Melange: Besides, this is the part of the story where I'm supposed to chuckle and say something like, Trust me!

BOB You have three groups, who is in each one: (Vee, Lirt; Roth, Mel; Jericho, Matty, Levi, Temp)

BOB Jericho has the Bottle of Rum with Stamp

MeLange: To Rothuss: Sounds like the part of the story where I take a bathroom break

Jericho: Remember everyone

Rothuss Carder: Go before we start, man! Go before we start! No time for pissing in church!

MeLange: Rothuss, you're so wise

MeLange: looks for the bathroom

Vee Barlett: Just go in the alley where Levi came from since that's what he was doin'

Jericho: From studying the rules of the geas, I have not broken my word. And I am briging it back to the Catheral. I just need to bring it, say a prayer of acknowledgment, understand that I have done right by the spirit of the agreement as I understood it, and leave.

Jericho: I don't plan on being there for very long

BOB and MeLange finds a very nice open bathroom on the second floor

BOB a large tub that can hold three or four people

Jericho: Take some gold for tithes, they love that

MeLange: thinks 'hmm, nice bathroom'

Jericho: Darn

Jericho: Pilon is usually around isn't he?

MeLange: thinks: wow, looks like a party tub

Vee Barlett: Damn, he off already? That's annoying.

BOB It is morning remember

MeLange: has a relieving bowl movement, washes up, and returns to Rothuss rubbing his belly in a clockwise motion

Rothuss Carder: Why do we need anything more than a hood or big hat?

BOB So my next question was are the other two teams going into the Cathedral before, after, not going in, when Jericho's group goes in (Roth Team then Jericho Team, Vee Team stays outside).

Vee Barlett: Fine. Get that.

Vee Barlett: I'm used to more detailed work, but that's probably fine.

MeLange: hey details are important

MeLange: or so i've been told

Rothuss Carder: Hey, I don't have a hat. Why would I want to hide my face?

MeLange: Yea we want to distract them remember

Rothuss Carder: I have a sack, that's it.

Levi Reed: So wear your sack

MeLange: chuckles

Rothuss Carder: It's not for me, sunshine, it's for Jericho. And the plan is to make him *less* conspicuous, not more.

Tarasynora Ortauré: How much of a racket are you going to make Vee?

Vee Barlett: Not sure anymore.

Rothuss Carder: Let's go, Mel.

MeLange: hey, is this religions pro poor people? If so it maybe we should make Jericho look poor... more poor

Vee Barlett: You got a hat, Tara? Or good makeup skills?

Tarasynora Ortauré: I have a tiara

Vee Barlett: snorts

Vee Barlett: Of course you do.

Rothuss Carder: Plan A: Ventriloquism a statue to ask a worshipper to scratch its nose for it.

-> Rothuss Carder: Nice

Vee Barlett: Know anyone who is good at makeovers since Dad is out?

Vee Barlett: I'm still a bit too mad to think straight this early.

Tarasynora Ortauré: Nah

Rothuss Carder: Rothuss strolls into the cathedral looking for a likely target.

Tarasynora Ortauré: Leave them to their own

MeLange: What helps you calm down when you're mad Vee?

Tarasynora Ortauré: Makes him feel better when he gets back

Vee Barlett: Yeah yeah.

Vee Barlett: Depends on the person, Mel. Now go catch up with Rothuss. We'll be there shortly.

MeLange: woops!

MeLange: hurries after Roth

MeLange: goes back to put a shirt on

Vee Barlett: Y'all go ahead. Lirt and I will lag behind and catch you on the streets if you're smart.

BOB So Mel, Rothuss are heading to the Cathedral

MeLange: then hurries after Roth again

BOB Jericho, Matty, Temperance are following along

BOB It is the 12th

The date is Ko____de, 8th Man (Early Spring), 586 SGR

Young Moon's phase is New Moon

Old Moon's phase is Last Quarter

Vee Barlett: Good seeing ya, Tara. Suppose I should get this taken care of before the day gets long.

Tarasynora Ortauré: Are you coming back this afternoon?

Vee Barlett: Might be. Why?

Tarasynora Ortauré: Just to know when the trouble will start

Vee Barlett: laughs

Vee Barlett: I'll try to give ya warnin'

Vee Barlett: winks

Tarasynora Ortauré: Laughs

BOB Ok, so Jericho, Matty, Levi and Temperance walking to a Cathedral

BOB Melange and Rothuss are already at the Cathedral

BOB Yes the outfit that Jericho is wearing that came from MeLange's clothing is the detail that Michael gets to make up in describing himself

Rothuss Carder: is looking for some pious person devoutly praying or making offerings at a statue, and will position himself just to their side.

MeLange: follows Rothuss's lead

MeLange: tries to look pious

Jericho: Tries to just blend in with other patrons visiting for a moment of prayer

-> Rothuss Carder: Saint Barela - plaque says the Healer of Ships

Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Ventriloquism [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 11) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 15]

BOB So as Jericho's group enters the Cathedral

Rothuss Carder: "Excuse me, person. My nose is really really itchy. Can you reach up here and scratch it for me?

MeLange: me?

BOB Rothuss has timed a distraction of Saint Barela, the healer of ships, to speak

BOB But sadly it seems like it is MeLange speaking instead

MeLange: oh I'm sorry

BOB The penitient praying to the Statue of the Saint looks up at MeLange

Jericho: Visible Confusion

Jericho: But when a moment is clear, hands the bottle to Matty

Matthias Crowtooth: visible constipation

BOB The penitent, looks MeLange over

MeLange: Sorry sir, didn't mean to distract

BOB Matty just needs a Dex check

BOB to hide the bottle quickly during the exchange

Rothuss Carder: moves on to see if there's another similar target he can use. Otherwise, it's on to Plan B.

MeLange: I'm very lost these day, I just hope to be found... for help to be found

Matthias Crowtooth: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 11]

BOB So Matty has the bottle

BOB and MeLange is standing there awkwardly with the person praying

BOB who looks at him and asks "Is somethign wrong with your hands?"

MeLange: resumes a pious praying position

Rothuss Carder: any other targets?

-> Rothuss Carder: Several

Rothuss Carder: On to the next one!

-> Rothuss Carder: Saint Jame Oaks savior of the Island of Pilnth

Matthias Crowtooth: is leaving NOW

MeLange: No sir, i don't think so at least

MeLange: puts his hands in a prayer postion, after seeing how others put theirs on

Rothuss Carder: moves over to the next saint

MeLange: a slight sweat to his temple

BOB Jericho can say his prayer and deposit an offering

BOB Not a Tythe, that is offiical and goes into a ledger

Vee Barlett: chatting lightly with Lirt outside the Cathedral

Rothuss Carder: Mortal! My nose has been itching for the last few decades and I can't take it any more. Get up here and scratch it!

Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Ventriloquism [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 11) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 16]

BOB There are several people looking around now

BOB confused by the voices

BOB Not sure what to do

Jericho: Staring wild eyes at Rothuss Jericho offers an offering

Jericho: And moves to say a silent prayer

BOB Yes Matty is out of the Cathedral with the bottle

BOB and Yes as Jericho offers up his prayer, he feels a calm release wash over him

Vee Barlett: Damn, Matty. You that happy to see us?

Matthias Crowtooth: I was thinking about rum and it just happened

Rothuss Carder: Hey! No fair! If he gets his nose scratched, I need mine too! Leave that saint and get over here and scratch my nose!

Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Ventriloquism [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 11) [FAILURE by 6] [d20 = 17]

BOB The worshipers look around and spot Rothuss

Vee Barlett: Ah, yeah. I get that.

Vee Barlett: And the good rum is where?

Ratbone Carder: lowkey finds her group and falls in with whoever is attracting the least attention

Jericho: "Locrin, I know a geas was placed upon me. I believe I have fulfilled it to the best of my faulty abilities. I have returned it as requested. I seek to now return it to it's proper home. I ask that you aid me in this task. I am not the best at navigating who is your spokeperson and has your best interest at heart for we are faulty beings. I leave now to fulfill this task. I thank thee for the freinds I have been blessed with. I will work with them in your honor."

Jericho: After feeling the calm assurance, leaves as inconspicuously as possile

BOB and Yes as Jericho offers up his prayer, he feels a calm release wash over him

Rothuss Carder: Man! Those saints are crazy, am I right?

MeLange: you are correct sir!

Ratbone Carder: did not find a bra made out of fake coins at the marketplace, per plan, is now trying to assess the situation without asking anything

Rothuss Carder: jumps up at a statue and scratches its nose for it.

BOB So the crux of the problem now

BOB You had a great plan to get in, and excellent distractions

BOB All is great


BOB you did not plan for how to let anyone on the team know that they should leave

Rothuss Carder: You know what? I bet they could all use a good scritch, what do you think? How many years have they just been standing there, and no one's been considerate enough to see to their needs?

Rothuss Carder: Scratch ALL THEIR NOSES!

Rothuss Carder: runs over to the next statue and leaps up to scratch it.

MeLange: scritch?

MeLange: ohhh scratch

BOB Jericho is still inside

BOB Only Matty has left

MeLange: how bout we go the pub you get your nose scritched real good there

BOB You can definately describe this as a distraction

Rothuss Carder: bounds over to a third statue if no one is going to stop him

MeLange: follows Rothuss

Levi Reed: walking around casually, waiting to see if another distraction is needed

The time is 11:00 AM

Ratbone Carder: follows jericho wherever he is going

Jericho: Jericho is just looking or Horror at Ratbone, before quickly but not fleeing the Cathedral. Hysterical giggles as he tries to get the hell out of dodge

BOB The worshipers are talking and pointing

BOB priests are coming out and walking towards Rothuss

BOB Two more come over towards MeLange

Jericho: What do we do Ratbone?

MeLange: notices the priests approaching

Temperance: takes miniscule steps away from the statues

Ratbone Carder: what are you asking me for? i just got here

Jericho: So, can you shout RUN after I get outside the doors?

MeLange: nudges Rothuss with his elbow

Jericho: I really don't want to be detained

Ratbone Carder: NO fake coin bras in the marketplace! philistines!

Ratbone Carder: oh okay i can do that

Jericho: Oh good

Jericho: Wait ten seconds, and then Yell RUN

Ratbone Carder: got it

Jericho: This probaby isn't a good idea, but what the hell

Rothuss Carder: That saint looks like he's about to sneeze!

Jericho: Gets out of Dodge!

Vee Barlett: goes to grab some food from a nearby stall with the other two while they wait

Ratbone Carder: counts to ten

Rothuss Carder: runs over to the statue


Ratbone Carder: and then also runs

Jericho: Outside the door, is now sprinting away from the Cathedral

Levi Reed: does not run

MeLange: is a statue

Levi Reed: looks around at the other churchgoers, and then casually walks out, as if he was just curious about the weridos, not with them

Vee Barlett: calmly eats some lox and ignores anything and anyone coming out of the cathedral

Temperance: puts a palm to massage her headache, but attempts to sprint out the door

Jericho: See's Vee

Jericho: Time to go Vee


Vee Barlett: Don't know ya.

Jericho: Rolls eyes

Vee Barlett: But if I did, I'd see ya at the docks.

Jericho: Sprints to the Docks

Ratbone Carder: ran outside and stopped across the street trying to hide behind something

Vee Barlett: Good lox, eh, Matty and Lirt?

Matthias Crowtooth: stretches

Matthias Crowtooth: Yep, lovin' it

Vee Barlett: Fine day for some seaside snacks.

Lirtimya: It's always a fine day for some easide snacks, only thing better is a middle of the sea snack

Vee Barlett: Mmhmm, I agree with that, Matey. We'll be on the sea again soon enough I think.

Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Tumbling [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 6] [d20 = 20]

BOB Saving throw versus breath weapon to see if you knocked yourself out

Rothuss Carder: [SAVE] vs. Breath [d20 = 16]

Save [16] [Target 16] -> [for Rothuss Carder] [SUCCESS]

BOB and now a Dex check

Rothuss Carder: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 10]

MeLange: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 3]

BOB Ok so Rothuss TUMBLING/FLAILING? into and out of the arms of two priests who are trying to corral him. Rothuss evades them, rolls under a bench and stands back up on the other side

BOB MeLange JUMPS over a bench to clear the priests heading his way

BOB and is heading towards the door

Rothuss Carder: Avaunt and Away!

Rothuss Carder: runs serpentine for the front door.

BOB and so yes everyone gets out of the Cathedral in one piece

Matthias Crowtooth: Would be good to get off of the dry land. Feels unnatural.

Vee Barlett: Right?! Much too steady.

Vee Barlett: Even the gravel ain't wobbly enough.

Rothuss Carder: Hahaha! That was great!

Jericho: Wheezing as he approaches the docks, but trying to regain composure and not look like a guilty person

Vee Barlett: If I knew any of ya, I'd see ya at the docks, yeah?

Vee Barlett: eats the last bit of her lox, happily

Ratbone Carder: runs up to brother and slaps him on the shoulder

MeLange: takes a hint

Matthias Crowtooth: So.... Quartermaster Matthias.... uh.... Giantslayer

Ratbone Carder: WAY TO GO! that was awesome!

Rothuss Carder: gleefully makes his way back to the ship.

Levi Reed: rolls eyes and casually saunters towards the docks

Rothuss Carder: gleefully makes his way back to the ship.

Vee Barlett: This mean ya accept, Sir Giantslayer?

MeLange: follows Rothuss and heads to the docks

Rothuss Carder: Hey, you made it, sis! Glad to see you up and about again!

MeLange: Hey Ratbone

Matthias Crowtooth: If I rejected the offer, you'd be dead in 6 months. I'm sure, at some point, I would feel bad about that.

Ratbone Carder: cheery wave

Rothuss Carder: I am *really* glad we didn't have to go to Plan D, Mel.

Vee Barlett: somehow looks even more smug than Matty imagined she'd look

MeLange: I guess

Vee Barlett: Glad to have ya aboard, Quatermaster.

Temperance: raises an eyebrow at the enthusiasm, but nonetheless settles onto the ship

MeLange: I was so lost, what was with all the nose scratching? That was plan a?

Matthias Crowtooth: Aye aye, Captain Barlett.

Vee Barlett: So, officers, let's go round and check on our crew, yeah? That made a bit of a mess, it sounds like.

Jericho: Look uh

Vee Barlett: starts heading towards the docks

Jericho: Thanks everyone

Jericho: But

Jericho: I mean

Rothuss Carder: Well, it'd have been great if it worked. Can you imagine the chaos if they thought the statues were talking to them?

Matthias Crowtooth: palms his dagger

Jericho: I didn't want you to take on a new rap sheet

Jericho: Coughs

Vee Barlett: Alright crew! Let's sell our goods and head back to sea, yeah?

MeLange: yeah!

Jericho: Well we'll be coming back. But hell's you will need a disguise. Jeeze. I'm highly impressed and honored you guys did that for me

Jericho: I owe you many drinks over my friends

Vee Barlett: Or is it just me sellin' goods? I should go find Dad's favorite buyer to give those feather's to 'em before we head off.

Matthias Crowtooth: What? How can we set off if we haven't even burned down a section of town?

Jericho: Truly feels warm towards the group

Matthias Crowtooth: It's a tradition at this point

Jericho: Red faced with embarassment and relief

Vee Barlett: Nah, we don't burn down this town.

Vee Barlett: It's home, yeah? Sometimes.

Rothuss Carder: The day is still young, Matty.

Matthias Crowtooth: Oh, I'll put away my tinder then.

Rothuss Carder: winks

Rothuss Carder: Just kidding!

MeLange: hey, sometimes you save another, sometimes another saves you

The time is 12:00 PM

Vee Barlett: Anyone need any last minute stops before we see if Flame is ready to head back?

Jericho: Yeah much as I love you guys...I would still have a hard time defacing my god for you. I mean, I'd still do it, but It'd be one of the hardest things I've ever done

Jericho: Well...deface is hard to express. They just scratched their noses

Jericho: But still

Ratbone Carder: blasphemed maybe

Rothuss Carder: Just need my gear from your house.

Vee Barlett: left it there?

Vee Barlett: And you expect it back...?

Rothuss Carder: You want me to bring my sword into a church?

Vee Barlett: sighs

Vee Barlett: That's why we were outside to hold onto that stuff.

Rothuss Carder: I mean, if that's okay, I guess next time I can do that.

Matthias Crowtooth: If I ever defaced a statue of Umberlee, I'd be dead before I made a second cut.

Vee Barlett: Fine, come on. I'll sell these feathers on the way.

Rothuss Carder: Lead on, Captain!

Vee Barlett: Quartermaster, if ya ain't go anything to do, make sure ship is good to sail soon, yeah?

Vee Barlett: whispers, "Er...ask Captain if she's ready to go once we return."

Jericho: Let's get the hell out of here

Ratbone Carder: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 6]

Matthias Crowtooth: Yes, ma'am

Jericho: And Vee? Maybe you should hold onto the Stamp now yeah?

Matthias Crowtooth: smart yet sarcastic salute

Vee Barlett: Ah, good point.

Jericho: Just in case the know....

Vee Barlett: holds hand out to Matty

Jericho: But I never said nothin like that!

Matthias Crowtooth: shakes his pantleg and then hads the rum to Vee

Vee Barlett: shakes head but puts it back in her bag

Jericho: Is that a bottle of rum in your pant leg, or are you just happy to see us?

Jericho: EYES WIDE

Jericho: I did not just say such a thing


Jericho: Shudders

Levi Reed: Hey, you told us you weren't a prude

Vee Barlett: goes to sell eagle feathers and go back to the house to grab Rothuss's gear

BOB She can put them up for consignment, and get the money when they sell, or sell them outright for less

Carissa (Vee Barlett): obviously she's doing consignment and when she gets home she'll leave a note for Rocco and/or also tell whoever is home where they're being sold

Matthias Crowtooth: I was happy and had a bottle of rum in my pants, but then you showed up and they both went away

Jericho: I'm going back to the ship

Levi Reed: This makes sense

Matthias Crowtooth: wanders back to the ship

MeLange: does some push ups

BOB and so set up your ideas for getting back around Harpys Point

Jericho: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 8) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 13]

Jericho: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 7) [FAILURE by 7] [d20 = 14]

MeLange: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 13]

MeLange: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 14]

MeLange: [CHECK] Constitution (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 8] [d20 = 20]

Jericho: We need to get back around Harpy's point. At least one eagle is dead, but there could be more

Jericho: We should be ready with more ranged weaponry?

Jericho: As they work, Jericho spewing out thoughts

BOB and then we have the big challenge..... you are sailing/rowing around the point and .......

MeLange: I'm all about the close up action Jeicho

Carissa (Vee Barlett): so are we at dock or sailing?

BOB sailing

BOB Everyone can organize about the big encounter roll that is about to come up

BOB so far every time you have rounded the point something

Vee Barlett: First Matey, you good to check the winds and sail?

Levi Reed: Readies his shortbow in case of eagles

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Weather Sense [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 14]

BOB Those look like clouds

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Seamanship [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 11) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 1]

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Navigation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 16]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Navigation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 7]

BOB So between everyone you can navigate round the point without coming near the rocks

BOB and then who wants to make that encounter roll

Vee Barlett: at the wheel, humming as they round the rocks

Matthias Crowtooth: [SKILL] Cooking [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 18]

Matthias Crowtooth: tries making a tasty stew and.. does an okay job, but we are now down two days' rations of salt

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 8]

Jericho: [d20 = 20]

BOB and the seas are glass, the wind is at your backs and you sail around the point and into Agowah like victors

BOB You come into the docks

Jericho: Is it over?

Vee Barlett: I already miss the sea.

BOB you can get cleaned up at the Seven Sirens

BOB and you can discuss what you do next

BOB you still have to return the Tax Stamp

Vee Barlett: Let's offload our gold, bring it to the tavern, give the crew their cut, and relax a minute.

Jericho: Blinks in suprise....

MeLange: sounds good to me Vee

Jericho: I didn't think this would go so...well not good...but the last legs...

Vee Barlett: Mel, Matty, you grab the chest, yeah?

Vee Barlett: Actually...

Matthias Crowtooth: I have a taste for rum, for some reason

Vee Barlett: Levi, you grab it with Mel, yeah?

MeLange: can't believe we weren't attacked by an eagle or something

Matthias Crowtooth: ....

MeLange: sure sure

Matthias Crowtooth: Your trust is inspiring

Vee Barlett: Matty, you get a day off for good work.

MeLange: goes to grab the luggage

MeLange: and the chest

Matthias Crowtooth: Oh, your kindness is inspiring

Vee Barlett: grins

Vee Barlett: Gotta put Levi to work, yeah? He ain't done enough.

Jericho: Snorts

MeLange: grabs one end of the chest

Image: Seven Sirens

Jericho: What can I do?

MeLange: come on Levi!

Jericho: Drink orders to be waiting for everyone perhaps?

Levi Reed: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 19]

Vee Barlett: Sure. But don't be tryin' to seduce my sister until I'm there to watch.

Rothuss Carder: So.. hey? Did it work? I assume so since we left and Jericho here hasn't keeled over, but no one's actually *said* so.

Jericho: The geas is gone.

Matthias Crowtooth: moves to leave, then stops, staring at Vee

MeLange: Vee wants to watch her sister get seduces?

Levi Reed: I really can't... that injury from the eagle back there you know

Jericho: In case Ineeded to say that out plainly

Matthias Crowtooth: hurries off

Vee Barlett: Nah, I wanna watch him fail.

Rothuss Carder: claps Jericho on the shoulder.

Rothuss Carder: Great!

Vee Barlett: sighs

Jericho: And I am indebted to you all.....don't abuse it

MeLange: ah i see

Vee Barlett: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 15]

Vee Barlett: Danm, this is heavy...

MeLange: chuckles

Vee Barlett: Er, Matty. Maybe ya ain't off duty yet.

MeLange: carries the chest with Levi

Ratbone Carder: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 6) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 9]

Rothuss Carder: Wait, who's seducing who now? Are we taking bets?

Vee Barlett: I dunno. Jericho had ideas for the tavern, but I told 'em he has to seduce Gloria first. For my entertainment, you see.

Rothuss Carder: Let me help you with that, Ratbone. Don't want to over exert yourself too soon, right?

Jericho: Wait you were being serious?

Jericho: Dumbfounded

Rothuss Carder: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 3]

MeLange: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 13]

Vee Barlett: Oh, there ya, go. You're still off, Matty. Carry on.

Jericho: on seducing, but yes on investing

Jericho: Maybe

Vee Barlett: Well ya gotta convince her somehow.

Vee Barlett: And how do ya do that without seducing?

Jericho: What, will 50 GP do it?

Vee Barlett: If yer gonna pay 50 GP to put an eagle head on the wall, yer business sense is horrid.

<font color="#000000">Levi Reed added 55 GP on from silver sales

<font color="#000000">Vee Barlett spent 55 GP on from EAGLE

Vee Barlett: Well, you can talk to her about yer ideas and go from there.

Vee Barlett: But if ya gotta seduce her, don't say I didn't warn ya.

Jericho: The idea is to expand, offer more types of food/alchohol, add gaming tables. That's what I wanted your advice about! (on the website would probably be easier)

<font color="#000000">Rothuss Carder added 55 GP on

<font color="#000000">MeLange added 55 GP on

<font color="#000000">Jericho added 55 GP on

Vee Barlett: Mhmm, but see, she's the one workin' here, yeah? So ya gotta get her in on it, too.

Rothuss Carder: This is a new side to you, Jericho. I'm proud of you, man.

Ratbone Carder: smirks

Vee Barlett: Thanks again for the passage, Cap'n Flame! You sendin' the Temple your tab, right?

Captain Ciannait Flame: While on Temple business yes

Vee Barlett: Good. Let me know if ya need help with that, but they better treat ya fairly.

Captain Ciannait Flame: I will send to the Temple for any requests they have

Captain Ciannait Flame: and Let you know if you need to answer for anything

Vee Barlett: grins

Vee Barlett: Aye aye, Cap'n.

Vee Barlett: salutes her

Vee Barlett: goes into the tavern

Captain Ciannait Flame: The crew comes into the tavern too to relax off ship

Vee Barlett: Gloria!

Gloria: Is that a good shout? or a Oh my gods I am in trouble shout?

Jericho: Why not both?

Vee Barlett: Good shout.

Ratbone Carder: tuning up the lute

Vee Barlett: How ya been?

Gloria: The evenings have been steady

Vee Barlett: Any trouble?

The time is 9:00 PM

Gloria: Nothing out of the ordinary

Ratbone Carder: bard mode! damn her and the horse she rode!

Ratbone Carder: bard mode! blue as in covered in woad!

Vee Barlett: Pa says hi. If you care, that is. No worries if not. Just passin' on word.

Levi Reed: Isn't "good shout" some kind of slang the kids use now?

Vee Barlett: whispers, "What is a woad?"

Ratbone Carder: bard mode! damn her and the feelings, the damn mother lode! bard mode!

BOB First is planing the return of the Stamp

Ratbone Carder: strummy strum strum

Ratbone Carder: bard mode! nothing like friendship between frog and toad! bard mode!

The date is See____de, 9th Man (Early Spring), 586 SGR

Young Moon's phase is First Quarter

Old Moon's phase is Morning Crescent

The time is 6:00 AM

BOB I would go with the morning of the 9th for the right time to go to the Temple

Ratbone Carder: walkin alone down abandoned old road. BARD! MODE!

Rothuss Carder: BARD MODE!

Rothuss Carder: blows his horn.

Jericho: BARD MODE!

Matthias Crowtooth: squints

BOB and so you now need to come up with some thoughts

BOB Who do you return the Stamp to? Who returns it?

BOB What do you say?

Rothuss Carder: Do we even know why this stamp is such a big deal anyways?

Matthias Crowtooth: sips some rum at some far-off tavern, smiling slightly to himself

Vee Barlett: No one else at the Temple should know it's returned is the main point.

Jericho: you want me to schedule an appointment?

Jericho: Only after you have your time of course

Rothuss Carder: If you need another distraction, just let me know. I'll need to come up with something different.

MeLange: yea you can scratch your ass this time

Ratbone Carder: ha!

Vee Barlett: Nah. I only need them to think we failed.

Ratbone Carder: noodley noodley noodley background type music on the lute

MeLange: we should up all dirty and beaten up, that looks like failure

Levi Reed: You gonna keep it, Vee?

Rothuss Carder: Well, I can try to repurpose Plans B, C, or D, as needed.

Vee Barlett: I'm happy to give y'all a black-eye, but that ain't necessary.

Vee Barlett: No. Death sentence to keep it. But I ain't a fan of tricks I think they're playin' and I'm gonna make sure they know.

Jericho: So, Vee. No one really knew about this right?

Vee Barlett: I ain't told anyone.

Vee Barlett: looks at him sternly

MeLange: I ain't told no one, doesn't nobody every overheard a thing, some of us like to talk in this mash up

Jericho: How would we let them know we failed, but then give it to them anyways?

Jericho: Kinda....

Jericho: Well, I don't follow the logic really well on this one

MeLange: doesn't mean

Levi Reed: Um... I don't remember if I told anyone

Rothuss Carder: Haven't told a soul

MeLange: if it's a secret mission then 'they' shouldn't know anything about it at all, we talk to the man due to an existential crisis or something, but actually giving him the thing I think

Vee Barlett: And y'all talked about it enough in the open.

Ratbone Carder: (singing) nobody knows, it's between you and me and the lily white rose

Vee Barlett: So only one I know for sure is clean is me since y'all... VERY new to this.

MeLange: nice song Ratbone

Jericho: Look, we trust you. Hell, even I trust you, which...yeah let's breeze on past that. Do you want me to take it to them? Do you want me to outright pretend we failed? I will do whatever we should do. The geas is removed, and I'm a little more flexible here. I think it should be returned, but if you think we should wait and return it to the church in another fashion, I am fine with that as well.

Vee Barlett: Nah, you ain't brinin' it to them. I am. And y'all just go along with pretendin' we failed. That's all I'm askin'.

Ratbone Carder: (singing) nobody knows, secret as where that old ghost pipe grows

MeLange: sounds good to me

Jericho: No one knows much about it anyways

Jericho: So sounds easy to me

MeLange: I know when I fail I like to drink... should we start drinkin?

Vee Barlett: If they want words with y'all after, that's fine. But before that? We keep it simple.

MeLange: oh woe is me!

Rothuss Carder: *toasts to Ratbone* I missed you, little sis.

Levi Reed: Going in slightly drunk might make us more believably incompetent

Jericho: shrugs

Ratbone Carder: (singing) no. body. know O O owes! the feelins between you and me that arose.

Jericho: Well, makes sense to me

MeLange: ohh so sweet, siblings

Jericho: So....rum time?

Vee Barlett: You just lookin' for an excuse to drink, Levi.

MeLange: I never got along with my siblings, buncha jerks

Ratbone Carder: (singing) i promise, star of my heart, nobody knows

Levi Reed: Since when do I need an excuse?

MeLange: moves to Ratbone's song

MeLange: no excuse for you Levi

MeLange: continues to dance

Ratbone Carder: (singing) star of my heart, always apart. ever and faithful, never to start

Temperance: I'll just enjoy Ratbone's song in the meantime.

Vee Barlett: I just got a strong feelin' I need to shank you for some reason...

Ratbone Carder: (singing) not meant to love, star of my heart, nobody knows, i promise, nobody knows

BOB So up at the Temple of Orange Sunsets on the morning of the 9th

BOB There are 19 days before the New Year (for those who are calendar challenged)

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Sits behind her desk sipping her morning tea

Vee Barlett: knocks on the door

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Come in

Vee Barlett: walks in, sits down, and sighs.

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Welcome back

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Warm smile

Vee Barlett: We failed.

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Did you really?

Vee Barlett: rummages in her bag and pulls out the rum.

Vee Barlett: And I ain't going to say otherwise.

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: holds out her hand for the bottle

Vee Barlett: See? Better they think I did so no one else gets it, yeah? But I ain't a big fan of this game, either, yeah? So this means you're holdin' on to somethin' stolen if ya take it.

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Keeps her hand out

Vee Barlett: hands over the rum

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Hefts it in her hand

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Hears the rattle

Vee Barlett: And if that ain't it, then we really did fail.

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: TWISTS the top off

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: pours a splash into her cup

Vee Barlett: leans back in the chair and watches

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Pours another glass for Vee

Vee Barlett: eyes if for a moment before gratefully accepting it

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Sips and sighs

Vee Barlett: sips and mutters, "Damn, this is good rum."

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Grandfather knew what he was doing

Vee Barlett: And what was he doin?

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Making rum worthy of the gods

Vee Barlett: Mm, I'll agree to that.

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: and falling for schemes that he should not have

Vee Barlett: raises brow, listening and sipping her rum

Tilts the bottle over just a bit to slip the Stamp closer to the top

Then stands it back upright and reseals the bottle

Vee Barlett: keeps watching and sipping

Vee Barlett: Really was a stamp in old rum then?

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: I will have another job for you soon enough

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Considers Vee

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Yes that is one of the missing Tax Stamps

Vee Barlett: There are more?

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Casts a quick spell and the bottle glows from the magic of the Tax Stamp

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: No way to forge that

Vee Barlett: See, but there still somethin' I ain't understand. Well, lots of it.

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: The world is full of mysteries

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Ask your questions

Vee Barlett: Why'd you send us?

Vee Barlett: You really goin' off the word of your young priests to tell me all this?

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: I needed someone quick, un..... remarkable

Vee Barlett: frowns

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: You come from a very.... experienced .... family

Vee Barlett: Ah damn. Whatcha know?

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: If anyone close at hand could come up with ideas it would be your group

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: You solved the Chupacabra in one night

Vee Barlett: And we got party invites for a job we never finished.

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Did you?

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: You did finish the job, he was returned home safe and sound

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: You did not cause any great disturbances

Vee Barlett: Only half the puzzle, yeah? Whoever took him is still out there.

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Ahhh that is true

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: I do think that I mentioned there would be additional jobs for you

Vee Barlett: Alright but one more question?

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: I am certain you have at least five

Vee Barlett: Yeah, but this one be buggin' me somethin' fierce.

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: I do have time for one more

Vee Barlett: looks at her closely

Vee Barlett: Was that really why you sent me or didja also think I could seduce DeOrange and hedged your bets on that?

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: I think that I have found a scoundrel who the Temple can depend on to do the right thing

Vee Barlett: laughs

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Who will do things her way to achieve those ends

Vee Barlett: Cheap answer, but I suppose I'll take it.

Vee Barlett: Sorry I only got the one rum, then. Suppose I'll apologize for that failure.

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: You did get the right one

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: I wonder why that is

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: You should tell me that story another time

Vee Barlett: Only if ya got a confessional booth.

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: today I have spell instructions for the Third Circle

Vee Barlett: nods and sips her rum, listening again

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: I will send an accounting for you to the Seven Sires

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: We will talk again soon

Vee Barlett: finishes her rum and stand up

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: May the sunsets bless you my scoundrel

Vee Barlett: eyes her uncertainly but nods and leaves

BOB and the end of Rum Runners