Chat Log List - 2023 12 01 - Student Loans - Formatted - Story
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'JtomTMO' connected
BOB Hello there Sir!
BOB How do you want your name to appear on the site?
'wyjyoon' connected
BOB Hey there Wendy
wyjyoon: Hello!
wyjyoon: This is a new screen.
BOB Every Era or Story Arc I change things
BOB to fit the theme
'Michael' connected
wyjyoon: That's pretty cool. Is it something you have to personally create? I dunno how this program works in terms of the maps and images and stuff.
BOB Yes I do that
BOB and Hello Michael
'Dru5232321' connected
wyjyoon: Oh that's awesome!
'Carissa' connected
wyjyoon: Hi Michael!
BOB and here is Carissa
Michael: love the new interface. heads up bob? i am using phone text to type. please be patient next couple games pls? hoping to have bettr setup nxt week
BOB No worries Michael
Dru5232321: Hello!
Michael: hi!
BOB Hey there Ryan!
wyjyoon: Hello!
BOB Excellent to have everyone
Carissa: Hi all! On laptop again as I need the couch.
Michael: was this to make coinage easier to see? or just a potential side benefit?
BOB odd side benefit
Michael: u and me both carissa :)
Carissa: dang backs
BOB So Carissa, Tell me how you feel
Michael: wut she said
Carissa: You got an hour? It all starts when I was five...
Michael: Stay awhile and listen
BOB Did you eat a lot of grass when you were a kid?
Carissa: I wanted to know what it tasted like so.....
Michael: well you see, an adult told me I could be whatever I wanted to be...that was in fact....a lie
'Shislif' connected
BOB Hello Sharif
Carissa: Hi Sharif!
Jericho: yp def easier to see money stuff. wow
Dru5232321: Hi all!
wyjyoon: Hello, hello!
Sharif: cool update :)
'Lemon' connected
Sharif: hey everybody :)
BOB and here is LEmon
Sharif: time for Lemonade!
Lemon: It's blinding!
wyjyoon: Hi Lemon!
Lemon (Levi Reed): Hello everyone!
Lemon (Levi Reed): Is Carissa here yet?
Carissa: yup
Lemon (Levi Reed): darn
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Hello!
Carissa: hello anyone I missed
Carissa: I am slightly preoccpied but here
Sharif: howdy howdy
Dru5232321: Hi people who are feeling neglected and ignored!
Carissa: me!
Carissa: hence my returned neglect and ignoring
Dru5232321: I notice you! I just don't say anything as a calculated cost/benefit analysis of my time!
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
BOB Training Plans link
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): TMO is on his way
Dru5232321: (More seriously, I think I said hi to you, but I will give a special and unique 'hello' to you as well, Carissa!)
Sharif: do I need to add it to the training page or do we just do it here?
BOB We are doing it here
Carissa: (thanks ryan!)
Dru5232321: Oh my?!?! In front of everyone? Here....?
BOB grisn
Sharif: cool
Lemon (Levi Reed): I'm sure I will get used to it, but god, it's so bright
Michael (Jericho): easier to see your money tho
Sharif: it is quite bright
Sharif: but nice :)
Lemon (Levi Reed): yes, it will definitely help with the moneys
BOB grins
'TMO' connected
BOB only missing Spring now
Lemon (Levi Reed): Spring is not coming
BOB sad
BOB but expected
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): What did you do to Spring, Lemon?
Carissa: Hi TMO!
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): WHAT. DID. YOU. DO?
Lemon (Levi Reed): They only got 3 hours of sleep last night so they are getting a nap in before work
BOB Just saw that
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Ah, gotcha
Jericho: lol. but understandable
Lemon (Levi Reed): It wasn't me! At least, I don't THINK I was Spring's roommate
BOB grins
Levi Reed: I've been wrong before
Lemon (Levi Reed): ooc but works for both lol
TMO: AHH! New background and theme!
wyjyoon (Temperance): Oh no, not Springity Thingity
BOB So just to make sure that everyone understands the gravity of the new Story Arc - the name is.........
BOB Student Loans
Lemon (Levi Reed): Interesting
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Oh great, well, we won't be out of this arc for another couple decades
Lemon (Levi Reed): But Temperance is teaching me Botany for free so
Lemon (Levi Reed): lol mini
BOB That is the quote of the night
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Pass. I didn't spend 4 years of nursing school doing... stuff in order to deal with student loans anyway
Lemon (Levi Reed): Right? If I wanted student loans I wouldn't have dropped out of college
BOB so we are going to make sure that we have everyone's options ready for training
Michael (Jericho): it's okay. u can totally graduate debt free if you do what I did! Sacrifice a literal decade working two full time jobs, only to have lung and back problems from a dirty industry. u got this bro
BOB then we will walk through who will owe what to whom to do the training
Lemon (Levi Reed): Yeah, I'm good
Michael (Jericho): lol
BOB We do have lots of interweaving threads to work through
BOB which I hope to accomplish tonight
TMO: I've only got magic and thief skills to learn. No NWP/WP yet
Lemon (Levi Reed): Gotta load up spotify so my next year's "wrapped" doesn't include an artist I've never heard of in my top 5
TMO: *only* ...
BOB Some of it will be "easy" and some will be harder to decide
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Let's see, two spells and a NWP for me
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Idk how much debt that'll put me in
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I'll have a #9, extra onions
Shislif: back!
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Oh good choice, can I change my order? I'd like to add onions too
Carissa: can i upgrade to a large fry?
wyjyoon (Temperance): What discussion did I come back to
BOB I can lay out two specific things - Lirt is training in 2nd level spells and that will take 6 weeks and cost 800 GP (or in trade type of things)
BOB and also for Jericho - It will take 2 weeks to learn 2nd level spells, but there is zero cost, but there will be a favor required
Michael (Jericho): understood
Michael (Jericho): I had idea on NWP if you are ok. I can't imagine it costing it too much
BOB 100%
BOB just layout out potential things
Michael (Jericho): gotcha. but thank you on spells
Lirtimya: How much do NWPs cost?
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I also had an idea on an NWP. I have dancing as a skill, but would like to train in breakdancing, with an ultimate goal of gaining breakdance fighting
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): OOC
Michael (Jericho): depends
Michael (Jericho): can be money or favors
Michael (Jericho): or free if another character has the nwp
Michael (Jericho): PC
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): The only NWP I have down here on my list to get is information gathering
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): I have no idea if anyone has that
BOB Cost is totally dependent on the types
Shislif: any input on either endurance, animal handling, or alertness for Mel? What would work best for the team?
Michael (Jericho): what aspirations do u have for mel?
Michael (Jericho): Alertness is a goldmine at times
Shislif: Well Mel is still figuring himself out, so aspirations are tough
Michael (Jericho): Nothing wrong with animal handling of course
Lemon (Levi Reed): It doesn't matter, but Levi does have alertness. It always helps to have more than one, though.
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): endurance will help in your personal relations
Michael (Jericho): I can say I've used Alertness hundreds of times, but not often the other two.
Michael (Jericho): LOL
BOB Also if someone has a skill and wants to teach it to someone in the group you can go by the wisdom of the person teaching
Michael (Jericho): I have a very high wisdom, and can teach the following to help if u need: brewing, diagnostics, gaming, healing, herbalism, reading/writing, swimming, vet healing
Michael (Jericho): I am going for Admin as my next nwp
Michael (Jericho): so can teach that after I learn if you wait
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Is Information Gathering any good as a NWP?
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): If I had an NWP to learn, it would priobably be Navigation since we are ship-based
Michael (Jericho): You do what you WANT to do. IG is a good skill in my opinion, just not one I used very often as a fighter
Michael (Jericho): The goal is fun. th's about it man :)
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): I can teach navigation to whoever is interested, I've got a 14 wisdom
TMO: Rothuss your Etiquette teacher is standing by!
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): I think I'll go with Information Gathering as my NWP then
Michael (Jericho): also for thos not in the know, i am typing on a text typer for now. should have better rig nxt week
Jericho: I have fat thumbs
Michael (Jericho): I have fat thumbs
Michael (Jericho): so bad grammar
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Okay, I've got three spells here to choose from, I can't decide between them for my second spell, Summon Swarm, Fireproof, or Levitate?
BOB You do get one new spell automatically JTom so you can pick that one then you can spend time to learn a second 2nd level spell or a 1st level spell if you like
TMO (Rothuss Carder): about as perfect a definition of 'Offensive', 'Defensive', 'Utility'
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Well I'll auto learn Melf's Acid Arrow, so we probably don't need Summon Swarm now then, so, fireproof maybe for the second, since we have strong people levitate isn't needed
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): How does tha tsound?
TMO (Rothuss Carder): sound good!
Carissa: levitate can be fun tho....
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): But we're also spending most of our time ona wooden ship
Carissa: only so far, and it might help someone drowning... maybe....but it can be alater spell, too
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): If you burned down our ship and marooned us to spend the next ten years on an island, that would be hilarious
Michael (Jericho): id laugh
wyjyoon (Temperance): Marooned with student loans
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): We find a volley ball while we're out there
BOB laughs
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): I guess, what would be the raplacemnt in this time?
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): WIIIILSON!!!!
TMO (Rothuss Carder): *pulls out a copy of Lord of the Flies as a refresher*
BOB chuckles
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): What was that, Piggy TMO?
wyjyoon (Temperance): Oh lord, that book was a doozy
BOB Lemon, for the skills you want to learn is there anyone to teach you?
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I've modeled my life off of that book
Lemon (Levi Reed): yep, Temperance
Michael (Jericho): hating kids? cus I already hated tehm when i read it lol
BOB Which skill?
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): No, hating the British
Michael (Jericho): What's the difference?
Lemon (Levi Reed): botany
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): That is indeed the difference between kids and the British, Lemon
Michael (Jericho): heh
BOB So right now we are 6 weeks out for Lirt to learn 2nd level spells, in that same time frame Levi would learn Botany and Jerico would learn 2nd level spells
BOB We have Matty, Melange, Vee, to still get some ideas about
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): My understanding is that I get thief skills for my level ups
BOB 2 levels of thief skills for Matty
Lirtimya: I'm assuming I would also get my NWP at the end of the six weeks?
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I was thinking Move Silently and Hiden in Shadows
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): OOC
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Hiden in Shadows, rather
BOB if he trains himself then it would be his wisdom
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): I pressed Alt
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Dangit. HIDE in Shadows
BOB and NOT to JTom 6 weeks just to learn 2nd level spells
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Okay
Rothuss Carder: we're only capable of learning one thing at a time. ;)
BOB This is why we are walking through this step by step
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Can I train Move Silently by walking to Vee's bed in the middle of the night and screaming in her ear?
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): You mean I can't just take the college rout and not sleep to learn everything at once TMO?
BOB so we can bring everyone into sync
Carissa: lol ryan
Lemon (Levi Reed): I have move silently and hide in shadows so maybe I can train that?
Carissa: that's how you get stabbed
BOB So 9 weeks to train per level for Matty
TMO (Rothuss Carder): dude - you're having enough trouble just learning high school stuff. :P
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): So, no go? Since we only have 6 weeks?
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): I don't know what you mean about that, I am doing very well
BOB We do not know how long we are clicking off yet
Carissa: Vee has two skills to learn so I'm sure we'll be training more than 6 weeks
BOB It will partially depend on payment also
BOB for example the Temple of Orange Sunsets will train Jericho for "free" to get 2nd level spells, but then send him out on a quest as part of the payment
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Matty will pay Vee in seashells from down by the seashore
BOB For Lirt his trainer is willing to train first but then will want a repayment of something
BOB for Vee? maybe a training but maybe go find a thing bring it back then I will train you
BOB so we are laying out the many paths then the group decides
BOB Other then the group training each other or Lirt and Jericho it is all up in the air
Rothuss Carder: For Roth, I think I'll have him teach himself his own thief skills. 10 each is fine by me. Magic will probably have to be at a college, unless a PC wizard can teach him
Michael (Jericho): Just a reminder in case, Jericho is taking on a lot of "support utilties" as that is his job since the get go. If you want to take that NWP that will help you in your more magic, or combat orientated role, that was part of the point of creating jericho
BOB For Rothuss yes Lirt can train him in magic
BOB 5 weeks for that training
BOB After his is trained
TMO (Rothuss Carder): oh, sweet. that makes life SO much easier
Michael (Jericho): and cheaper:)
BOB So 6 weeks for Lirt to train, then Roth learns from Lirt over the next 5 weeks
TMO (Rothuss Carder): do we have to be stationary during all that?
Carissa: wait wait
Carissa: Vee asked Lirt to trian her first :(
TMO (Rothuss Carder): I'm not jumping the line
Carissa: lol
Carissa: unless the Temple will for a quest or whateer
Michael (Jericho): jus extra time. no big
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): It is okay, TMO. I saved a space for you at the front
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Ignore the screaming mafia princess right behind us
BOB grins
Lemon (Levi Reed): We have earned some relaxation!
Carissa: lol
TMO (Rothuss Carder): is it safe to ignore screaming mafia princesses?
wyjyoon (Temperance): She might try to shank you
Carissa: she will
Carissa: better bled clean or she'll be mad
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): We'll hear her coming. It is fine.
wyjyoon (Temperance): How does one "bleed clean"?
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): You bleed them out and then sanitize the stab wounds
Carissa: ok so since I don't know where we are in planning because gross, Vee is still wainting Weather Sense and Shipwright. From Lirt, Jia, or bribe Levi's family are my ideas
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): With Vee, it might take a while because she be stab-happy
wyjyoon (Temperance): Ah, understandable
wyjyoon (Temperance): Shanking sounds like her specialty
User has gone AFK. (JtomTMO)
Michael (Jericho): Is there a NWP for "Shanking?"
Rothuss Carder: it involves using a weapon
Carissa: there??
TMO (Rothuss Carder): it involves using a weapon
Michael (Jericho): Is there a weapon speciality called "Shanking?"
Michael (Jericho): semantics
BOB Where we are right now: Jericho takes 2 weeks to learn 2nd level spells from the Temple, Levi takes 3 weeks to learn Botany from Temperance, and Lirt takes 6 weeks to learn 2nd level spells from his mentor
Michael (Jericho): Don't you come back and say small blades bob
Lemon (Levi Reed): Is shanking a specific weapon?
Lemon (Levi Reed): Because shiv could definitely be "weaponsmithing, crude"
Lemon (Levi Reed): Not sure about shank though
Carissa: lol
BOB Broard Group Blades will give you dozens of options in shanking
Michael (Jericho): lol
Michael (Jericho): I knew bob would take shanking and give it a proper term
Michael (Jericho): hehe
wyjyoon (Temperance): Mafia Princess has choices
Michael (Jericho): NWP Assassination with Crude Weapons
BOB So to sum up Jerico will be done in two weeks and could learn new things or train others over the four weeks to catch up to Lirt
Michael (Jericho): Right. He is intending on Admin if anyone wants that
BOB Levi the same but three weeks
BOB Michael do you mean Teaching Admin? or Learning Admin?
Carissa: (must rethink if I want broad group blade.s....)
Michael (Jericho): I have to learn it first. Then teach it. IF theu are willing to wait
BOB So you need to find someone to teach you Admin
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Oooh, once I get NWPs, I would probably want to learn that as Vee's Quartermaster
Carissa: one of the priestly types probs
BOB and that is a no currently, because you already owe one favor to the Temple for the training in 2nd level spells
Carissa: she can give you a firsthand demo!
Michael (Jericho): Ah, I see
Michael (Jericho): makes sense
TMO (Rothuss Carder): test
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): ....of administration? Or are we still talking about shanking?
Michael (Jericho): then yeah, gotta find that. maybe someone in town but if not, gotta wait awhile
BOB also again why this is called Student Loans
BOB and yes there will be interest
TMO (Rothuss Carder): ok, it's just my browser, not my whole internet, that froze
Michael (Jericho): How much would admin cost bob?
Michael (Jericho): Just rough guess
BOB average is 700 GP to train in you 7 weeks
BOB How much is in the group gold?
Lemon (Levi Reed): Too bad Jericho kept giving his money to Vee :P
Michael (Jericho): Not enough lol. AndI don' t regret it at all :)
Michael (Jericho): I have 63 for a critical skill if someone needs it. Admin is not a critical skill. I would appreciate help later though to help you with your skill now
BOB grins and also why to have a party pack treasury for future trainings
TMO (Rothuss Carder): Bob - by stacking up the queue on Lirt, are we committing to the whole group sitting still in one place for 6 months? Or can the group be moving about and doing things at the same time?
BOB Looking over the list so far, none of your thieves/bards will learn self taugh skills earlier than 9 weeks
BOB Good Point TMO, you can train while adventuring
BOB It take 8 hours a day to train,
BOB so yes to training and adventuring if the trainer is part of the group
Michael (Jericho): So. sounds like spells, then some money making before training?
Matthias Crowtooth: I'm reminded of the scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail where Bedivere is "teaching" Arthur while on the road
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): ooc
Michael (Jericho): while training
BOB What skills does Jericho have to teach others that people are intersted in learning?
BOB He has the best wisdom and can train the fastest
Michael (Jericho): I posted above. no one spoke up
Carissa: she can give you a firsthand democ)
BOB Yes to Michael, just reinforcing
Michael (Jericho): no worries. just don't want to type more then necessry tonite
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I would like to learn admin from him
BOB Also nothing HAS to be finished tonight or this story arc
Carissa: ok sorry
BOB the point is to have everyone understand how the training process works the complications of it and then continue adventuring
Lemon (Levi Reed): tmo is treasurer, I would like to point out
Carissa: so Vee can learn weather sense as we go, that's less important since Lirt has it. So she should train Roth during the click off time part
Sharif: nice pointing Lemon!
Carissa: But she'll need to find Shipwright trainer while home
Lemon (Levi Reed): lol, thanks
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Ooooh, Matty would love to sit in on those weather sense lessons
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Wait, Matty has no NWP slots. Nevermind
BOB So over 5 weeks Lirt can teach both Vee and Matty Weather Sense... if Matty was able to learn
Carissa: lol well he might have two trainers to take it from later when he does
BOB Remember for those who need Thief skill training there are Investigators who can train you from the Church
Carissa: ok full attention now minus cat
BOB also if Lirt is training Vee then she cannot train Rothuss in 2nd level spells
wyjyoon (Temperance): If anyone's still interested in learning from Jericho, I think he said: brewing, diagnostics, gaming, healing, herbalism, reading/writing, swimming, vet healing
Carissa: but you said she can train as they adventure
BOB Only one person at a time
Carissa: or next downtime so better for Roth to get magic first
Carissa: or Vee finds a different trainer and see what it'll cost
BOB Also for the accounting purposes as of now you have Lirt oweing a favor to her mentor for training in 2nd level spells and Jericho owing a favor to the Temple for training in 2nd level spells
BOB For the first six weeks of clicking off training time
Michael (Jericho): As i see it now yes
Carissa: and everyone else is saying their plans so what do they need for it to stick?
BOB We need what they want training in and who it is by
BOB I have Levi on the board now
Michael (Jericho): During those six weeks, rogues can teach themselves
BOB that will be free and trained by Temperance
Carissa: Levi learns from his mentor unless deemed otherwise
Carissa: oh there
Carissa: done
BOB Yes to Michael, problem is how long depends on their own wisdom
Rothuss Carder: I'm not in a rush Vee
Michael (Jericho): Right. Sorry, just trying to do a mental gantt chart to see how to minimize time
Carissa: (we'll get to Vee in a minute it seems as we plot the others out)
BOB I have a sheet I am filling out Michael
Michael (Jericho): no doubt :D
BOB Vee and Melange are the blanks currently
Shislif: hi there :)
Carissa: go sharif
Carissa: vee should only be partial blank so you go before I get annoyed at repetition :P
Shislif: sorry i'm off the discord
BOB We are not rushing anyone through this, we are taking our time tonight
Shislif: So I'm down to Endurance and Alertness I think
BOB We have LOTS of repetition tonight, sorry Carissa
BOB Michael can you teach either of those?
BOB Meaning Jerisho
BOB Jericho
Carissa: yuuuuup so I'll wait until others are settled to minimize it on my end
Sharif: I thought The Keiser would teach Mel?
Carissa: Levi can teach Alertness at least and as Ranger has high wisdom IF he isn't busy himself
BOB That is possible Sharif, if you have the money to pay, 700 gold
Shislif: oh my
Shislif: I do not
BOB 5 weeks for Levi to teach something
Shislif: acting all nice like she wants to help
Carissa: sorry should have know he wasn't THAT wise...
Shislif: Levi willing to teach Mel?
BOB That would put us at 7 weeks total if Levi can teach Melange Alertness
Carissa: including Levi learning botany?
BOB Levi learns Botany in 3 weeks, then teaches Melange Alterness over the next 5 weeks for a total of 8 weeks because TMO is in charge of math not BOB
BOB :)
Shislif (MeLange): so any learning outside the team is 700gp?
Carissa: because math is gross
Carissa: after 7 PM
MeLange: rude really
Shislif (MeLange): ooc
BOB Average is 700 GP for 7 weeks of training, if you go longer training is cheaper, shorter training is more expensive
Lemon (Levi Reed): I'm happy to teach whatever
Michael (Jericho): i dropped my tablet. had to ask for help. sorry. catching back up
Shislif (MeLange): dang, the economy today
Lemon (Levi Reed): For everyone's interest, I have alertness, ambidexterity, artistic ability, direction sense, distance sense, ranger tracking, hide in shadows, move silently, spelunking, swimming, trail marking, two weapon style, and weaponsmithing (crude)
Shislif (MeLange): dang so many skills!
BOB If we go to 9 weeks total of skipping time that gives Lirt 2nd level spells, Levi Botany, Jericho 2nd level spells, Melange Alterness and Rothuss 1 level of thief skills
Shislif (MeLange): nice
wyjyoon (Temperance): I love how spelunking is actually the name for the skill
BOB Sorry Matty not Roghuss
BOB Rothuss would be one more week of training himself
BOB Or which ever skills Rothus wants to learn from Lirt instead
BOB or Vee etc
TMO (Rothuss Carder): Rothuss has no profs to learn until next level
BOB So Rothuss could choose 2nd level thief skills or learn spells from Lirt, Thief skills take 10 weeks total on his own or pay/favor to the Temple for an investigator, OR learn spells from Lirt at 5 weeks
BOB I think that is the key stumbling block for Rothuss and Vee
BOB After 6 weeks does Lirt train Rogthus or Vee?
TMO (Rothuss Carder): I'd say Vee
BOB and that 5 weeks pushes the clicking off time to 11 weeks
BOB which means Rothus can teach himself 1 level of thief skills
Michael (Jericho): I think we can also, and this is just a thought, bob could we simply double training time and stick close by? maybe do one or two "smaller" things that allow people to train at a cheaper rate while being very close? it's just a thought, not saying we should.
Carissa: she wants to learn shipwright more than weather sense for whatever that might change plans
BOB Does anyone have shipwright to teach her?
Michael (Jericho): I do not
Shislif (MeLange): sry nayeth
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Lirt doesn't have shipwright so that would change Lirt being able to teach Vee
BOB for Michael, once we have a good idea for people the next story arc will be part of paying back a favor to the Temple
Michael (Jericho): OK. just seeing if it would help with timetables
Carissa: did not think anyone did so wanted to explore options when we get that chance
BOB which also means that Vee can contract with someone to learn that skill go do the favor for them and come back to learn it from them
Carissa: sure
Carissa: she probably knows a guy
BOB I have an adventure for you too
BOB grins
BOB BOB has a plan TM
Shislif (MeLange): Including Mel?
Carissa: gotta put the TM in or else your plans get ruined by other plans
Carissa: that was what happened last week - you forgot the TM
BOB Yes for Mel
Shislif (MeLange): yay!
BOB So right now we are using Lirt and Rothuss as our brackets
BOB Everyone starts at the same time, Lirt after 6 weeks knows 2nd level spells and after 5 more weeks (11 weeks total) has taught Rothuss how to cast 1st level spells
BOB At the end of that 11 weeks the group goes out to adventure to pay back the favor that Lirt has from her training
Michael (Jericho): At the end bob, I would like to be doing something during this training period if okay with you. Just posting here for the end of the night if you have a few minutes
BOB During that 11 weeks, Jericho incurs a favor from the Temple to train him in 2nd level spells, then he has 9 weeks free to train other people in a skill he has if they want
Shislif (MeLange): are we just doing training tonight then?
Shislif (MeLange): sry I'm sure that was already said
BOB During that 11 weeks, Levi learns Botany from Temperance, and then has 8 weeks to train someone else in a skill he knows if they want
'Michael' disconnected
Shislif (MeLange): Alertness!
BOB If we get through everything there will be the start of the next story arc Sharif, just have to make sure we know what everyone wants, and who can do what for what cost
Shislif (MeLange): sounds good
BOB It is a lot I know but in the past the group had a huge war chest of cash to just PAY and CLICK OFF TIME to avoid all this
BOB and now I want to walk everyone through the process so everyone appreciates the complexity
BOB Levi has Alertness to train Melange in?
TMO (Rothuss Carder): just to check, Rothuss will do 2nd lvl thief skills while waiting for Lirt to train him?
BOB Maybe to TMO
BOB That would require owing a favor to the Temple at a minimum
BOB Downpayment and a favor
TMO (Rothuss Carder): I thought Rothuss could train himself?
BOB He can but it takes 10 weeks, then he cannot learn spells from Lirt
BOB Because the trainings cannot overlap
TMO (Rothuss Carder): Ah, I see my mistake. I thought it was 11 weeks *before* Rothuss got trained. it's 6
BOB yes
Shislif (MeLange): complex!
BOB If Levi is teaching Melange Alertness
Lemon (Levi Reed): yes to Levi teaching alertness
Shislif (MeLange): yay!
BOB that takes place from weeks 4 through 9 so on week ten Melange woudl know alterness
Shislif (MeLange): ah man he's gonna be so alert
Carissa: lol
Shislif (MeLange): btws, just ignore the stuff Mel may or may not have said about Levi during the gossip stage...
Lemon (Levi Reed): lol
Carissa: fart sniffer
TMO (Rothuss Carder): can Rothuss do partial thief training? In that 6 weeks he can learn 1 of his skills +10% if so.
BOB No to TMO, the answer is yes but every time you delay a training by a day you add a day, then after a week you add two days for every day missed, etc. so it is not worth it
Lemon (Levi Reed): math
TMO (Rothuss Carder): ok
BOB The way the training is all set up is for NPCs to learn Blacksmithing as an apprentice and grow over time to be the blacksmith for the town which takes almost zero money but 24 months of time at least so you are trying to beat the system by paying for training from experts instead
Lemon (Levi Reed): Speaking of which... yesterday I spent half an hour helping one of Wendy's kids learn to count coins... and I don't think she learned a single thing from me.
Lemon (Levi Reed): by her kids, I mean her students
BOB and not learnign anything from you does not mean you are a bad teacher ;)
Lemon (Levi Reed): I didn't say I was, ouch
wyjyoon (Temperance): Listen, math never maths for her
Shislif (MeLange): lol
Levi Reed: Just like me. I wish I liked that kid.
Lemon (Levi Reed): ooc
BOB warm smiles HUGS Lemon
wyjyoon (Temperance): I think as we've discussed in reference to Lord of the Flies, kids can be quite terrifying
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): There are no bad teachers, only bad students
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I think that's the saying :thinking:
Lemon (Levi Reed): She just tries to use her cuteness manipulatively, and I hate that stuff. Like I care about all the kids, but I don't like them all.
Shislif (MeLange): tru tru
wyjyoon (Temperance): I'm working on getting her out of that habit
BOB How much money does the group have to pay for Vee to learn something?
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Can we have Vee ask her dads for a loan?
MeLange: 110gp and 8 SP
Shislif (MeLange): ooc
Carissa: she'd feel bad spending ALL of it
Lemon (Levi Reed): She has gotten better, for sure. But it's too late lol. My dislike is baked in now.
BOB and does anyone want to learn from Jericho which ever skills he has?
Carissa: but also yeah, can she owe them a favor instead? shopping list??
'Michael' connected
Shislif (MeLange): can Jericho teach Mel healing?
BOB Yes to Carissa on paying with a favor but not afterwards, they want it upfront
Lemon (Levi Reed): What about Levi's family knowing shipwright stuff? Family discount?
BOB That would be a potential yes to Lemon
Vee Barlett: lemme see...
Shislif (MeLange): ohhh potential yes nice
TMO (Rothuss Carder): anyone want to know goats? Rothuss' family can help with that. ;)
<font color="#000000">Vee Barlett spent 58 GP on back to party pack so I don't have to math
BOB and Yes for Sharif after he learns Alterness from Levi
Carissa (Vee Barlett): She has at least 100 GP on her own. Party Pack has 565 GP or something
Shislif (MeLange): oh dang hell yea!
Carissa (Vee Barlett): freakin' goats
Shislif (MeLange): learnig some healing, eventually Mel is gonna get hurt!
Carissa (Vee Barlett): not my favorite eithe, TMO
Michael (Jericho): Jericho also offered up some gold if someone needed it. He has 58 GP
Shislif (MeLange): Mel's got 110, not to brag
BOB BUT first Sharif, you have 1 NWP and 1 WP proficiency slots open right now you can train in. If you want to take two non-weapon skills you can or you can get better at a weapon skill later on
Lemon (Levi Reed): I mean Levi also has some gold, but he's a scrooge with it
Lemon (Levi Reed): He'll buy you things, but he's not giving you money
Shislif (MeLange): oh yea Ill go with better at weapon skill later on then, didn't know I also had a weapon one
Shislif (MeLange): I thought it was either or
BOB On the current tally board you owe a favor for Jericho's training and Lirt's training
Shislif (MeLange): Mel would pay to help Vee
BOB Vee has not gotten any training yet at all
Carissa (Vee Barlett): (you asked how much money she has to pay upfront)
Lemon (Levi Reed): Family discount!
Carissa (Vee Barlett): (that's what his response was for)
Carissa (Vee Barlett): either Levi's family or her family! someone's gotta know shipwright!
Lemon (Levi Reed): Either the parents, or Lila. Not sure how Lila feels about Vee though. She definitely hates Levi. She might be ok with Vee since Vee also sometimes hates Levi.
BOB For Vee to learn Shipwright from someone over the 11 weeks for a cost of 500 gold
BOB Levi's family will do the training for 500
Carissa (Vee Barlett): that's without discount right? I mean we do technically have that money
BOB instead of 700
Lemon (Levi Reed): Damn, my family's going to be rich
Carissa (Vee Barlett): ok but does this almost mean RP with Levi's family because I wanna meet themmmmm
Shislif (MeLange): oh hey may need to step away for like 20 mins or so to marinate some chicken wings then I'll be back, this a good time or need me for stuff?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): and, again, watch Lila destroy Levi
BOB Normally would take Vee in as an apprentice and train her over a year or three
Lemon (Levi Reed): And watch Talin propose to Vee
Vee Barlett: that
BOB but pay them 500 and they will train her over the 11 weeks
Lemon (Levi Reed): I think it's a good time, Sharif
Carissa (Vee Barlett): *that'll be hilarious whenever it happens
Shislif (MeLange): cool thx be back in a few :)
BOB Yes go Sharif
Carissa (Vee Barlett): if you all are okay with her taking out 400 GP from party pack?
User has gone AFK. (Shislif)
Carissa (Vee Barlett): seems she's the only one who has to pay for training so far
Lemon (Levi Reed): I'm fine with it. I got my own gold
BOB Hearing no objections ..... Vee takes the gold from the party pack
Carissa (Vee Barlett): she will be down gold.... maybe she'll ask her dads for another allownace OR tell freakin Hilde she owes her money still for getting that rum
Carissa (Vee Barlett): seriously where's our reward for that??
Michael (Jericho): I didn't die, that's enough reward for me
Michael (Jericho): and that's what the PP gold is for :)
Carissa (Vee Barlett): not for vee
BOB No Vee does not get a chance to get to Osterhold because of training, and No Hilde has plans for Vee rather than giving her gold
Carissa (Vee Barlett): I call BS!
BOB grins
Lemon (Levi Reed): OH MY GOD. I've been searching for a song I heard once TWENTY YEARS AGO... Like for 20 years I've occasionally been searching for it, based on like, half a lyric I remembered. Never had any luck. And today it just SHOWED UP ON MY SPOTIFY WEEKLY LIST
BOB Yell it
Carissa (Vee Barlett): Also she can always ask for an allowance at anytime, like via letter or next time they go there
BOB and what song?
BOB Tell us the lyric if we can guess it
BOB and Typing up the walk through list of training now
Lemon (Levi Reed): Lol, ok, the lyric I remebered was "let's make out on the balcony"
<font color="#000000">Vee Barlett added 100 GP on on training (plus 400 from party pack)
<font color="#000000">Vee Barlett spent 100 GP on oops
<font color="#000000">Vee Barlett spent 100 GP on training plus another 400 GP from party pack
Carissa (Vee Barlett): you wrote words
Lemon (Levi Reed): It was not entirely accurate
Levi Reed: (LINK)
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
BOB Week 1 everyone starts, end of week 2 Jericho finishes 2nd level spells..... end of week 3 Levi finishes learning Botany from Temperance..... end of week 6 Lirt finishes 2nd level spells...... end of week 9 Matty learning one level of thief skills.... end of week 10 Melange learns Altertness from Levi, end of week 11 Rothuss learns 1st level spells from Lirt and Vee learns Shipwright skill ... total cost at the end is 500 Gold and owing 1 favor for Lirt and 1 favor for Jericho
Carissa (Vee Barlett): never heard this song before
Lemon (Levi Reed): Yeah, I only heard it once. Twenty years ago.
Carissa (Vee Barlett): you old
Lemon (Levi Reed): So are you
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lies
Carissa (Vee Barlett): slander!!
BOB That keeps everyone busy the entire 11 weeks except for Jericho being free from week 3 to 11
Lemon (Levi Reed): You are old enough to have heard a song 20 years ago that you remember :P
Carissa (Vee Barlett): gamble and win us some money!
TMO (Rothuss Carder): Lemon - I had something similar, the transition in the song from serene to strong stuck with me, but none of the lyrics or tune. And then it got linked on Imgur and I was like "THAT'S THE SONG!"
Michael (Jericho): Jericho begins brewing! A special batch to celebrate the success
Lemon (Levi Reed): Niiiice, TMO
Lemon (Levi Reed): This feeling is amazing.
Carissa (Vee Barlett): P.S. We should also sell that 5 year old rum that Jericho was holding on to as well...
BOB Also for Spring she has Ratbone training in a level of thief skills which will end at the end of week 12
Michael (Jericho): yeah probably lol
Rothuss Carder: (LINK)
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
BOB emptying and refilling then will come back to help everyone digest that list and we can start on the rest of the story arc
Lemon (Levi Reed): dang, vh1 classic
Lemon (Levi Reed): I love that it's like "their most popular and memorable hit!" which is the nicest way to say "one-hit wonder" I've heard.
TMO (Rothuss Carder): apparently the second sister wandered off while the first half of the video was being shot, and showed back up for the second half stone cold drunk. And they had to film it anyways.
BOB and back
BOB Does anyone have any questions?
Lemon (Levi Reed): I was wondering... this video is bonkers
wyjyoon (Temperance): I guess that explains the music video
Lemon (Levi Reed): No questions, your honor
wyjyoon (Temperance): Trust the process, or so I've been told
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Did I only learn the spells or also the NWP?
BOB I will have Carissa start up the roleplaying thread on the site for Lemon (and who ever wants to play one of Levi's siblings) to interact with Vee during training
Lemon (Levi Reed): It reminds me of why I like Surface Pressure so much. But like, instead of serene to strong, it's like low and rough to soft and higher
BOB Only Spells JTmo
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Okay
Carissa (Vee Barlett): ehh when I feel like it
BOB Everyone will likely have empty slots for future training
Jericho: Hey guys, i'm super sorry, but my medicine is making me a bit drowsy. Bob is there anything I can do to help or can you please assign me a job on the website?
Levi Reed: And I found Vee's Theme Song (LINK)
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
BOB So Michael what has Jericho been doing these nine weeks?
Michael (Jericho): ah thank you
Vee Barlett: (LINK)
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
BOB And then you are about to be assigned your favor if you can hang out for 15 more minutes
Image: Temple of the Orange Sunsets - Investigators Chapel
Michael (Jericho): I wanted to roll two checks. one for brewing and another for adding flavored herbs to the brew. That, and add a few handfulls of berries from an idea he got with the gang. If they succeed, I would like to give each of the group a small (micro) brewing barrel with the brewing. And yes that is fine for 15 more minutes. This stuff is just no joke.
Jericho: [SKILL] Brewing [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 15]
Michael (Jericho): Batch is wasted. Next time :)
BOB In the interest of moving quicker not moving tokens to the map of the Temple
BOB just doing things here
Lemon (Levi Reed): I mean you only failed by 1. It's still good enough that we would all pretend to like it.
Michael (Jericho): nah, the rules actually do say that
BOB but Jericho, Vee, Matty are there
Lemon (Levi Reed): That's unfortunate
Carissa (Vee Barlett): yoooo
BOB The rest are in the waiting room not invited into the meeting
BOB DOH sorry Temperance is there too
Lemon (Levi Reed): No Temperance?
Lemon (Levi Reed): lol
Carissa (Vee Barlett): ooh matty is with the fancy people
Lemon (Levi Reed): psychic
wyjyoon (Temperance): Hello
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): draws his stone dagger
Carissa (Vee Barlett): she can be chatting with lirt in the waiting room about the latest book club book
Pescal Olmeter, Master of the sixth circle....: Tell me again Hilde why I need to spend time with someone who has been spending time in the temple experimenting rather than performing their duties?
Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Jericho has learned some new things and we gave him a chance to see what he would do with his new skills
Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: He has not used them as I would have wished
Carissa (Vee Barlett): yawns
Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: But we do have a plan for him
Vee Barlett: yawns
Jericho: Looks at Vee, hides a smirk
Jericho: his innocence of the church long since dead
Matthias Crowtooth: practices flipping his dagger and catching it
Pescal Olmeter, Master of the sixth circle....: Do I need to speak? or can I just look stern at this group of .... what do you want to call them? adventurers? troubleshooters?
TMO (Rothuss Carder): (this is why they kept monks sheltered, to avoid disillusionment)
Matthias Crowtooth: winces when people start staring at him. Puts the dagger away
Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Touble is a good word for them
Michael (Jericho): Fall guys?
Jericho: Clumsy acolites?
Jericho: murmers
Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: Thank you for being here Master Olmeter, we can take it from here
Pescal Olmeter, Master of the sixth circle....: Just remember we need those compounds by the end of the month
Leaves out the side door
Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: SO
Michael (Jericho): and I need a million gold pieces. join the club dude
Looking at the group
Vee Barlett: looking back
Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: You have been back for more than three months
Rothuss Carder: is looking around the office at the decorations.
Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: Jericho it has been three months since you trained with Mistress Bronde for spells, do you have any questions about your new skills?
Jericho: Many. What are some common recommendations you yourself might offer? It's better to get a wide variety of advices before I use somewhat new abilities.
Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: That would have been a very good response two months ago,
Jericho: Chuckles. "Yes, I am a rather slow on the uptake. My apologies"
Shislif (MeLange): back!
Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: However Master Olmeter is rather insistent that we get the rest of the materials ready for the brewing
Jericho: Nods
Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: So we are sending you out on a mission
Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: The shipment has not arrived and we need you to go find out why
Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: and bring it here on time
Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: It should be a simple thing
Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Looks at Vee and Matty
Jericho: Snorts
Jericho: but tries to hide it
Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: You can just assist Jericho on the road there and back
Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: If there was a road
Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Through the jungle then
Matthias Crowtooth: If there's not either, should we just leave him behind?
Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: That would not be advisable
Vee Barlett: This his payment for his trainin'?
Jericho: Crestfallen
Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: I would like you to bring back a body part so we can assertain that he really is dead
Jericho: I didn't mean to rope my friends into this
Jericho: eyes Vee and Matty worridly
Matthias Crowtooth: Do you care which body part?
Jericho: What...if he's not dead?
Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Jericho needs to go to the Church of the Mists and they will tell him where the supplies are he is supposed to bring back
Vee Barlett: And what's in it for me?
Jericho: Winks at Vee,
Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Vee, you and Matthias are goign to escort him there and back
Vee Barlett: Mmhmm, but why?
Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: You get to see that your friend stays alive
Jericho: Frowns
Vee Barlett: Would you send him if he didn't have friends/
Vee Barlett: *?
Jericho: While I am indeed happy they would be doing that.... I feel they are being shortchanged on this? It's like we are pressganging them into service?
Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: and if Matthias finds anything along the way, the two of you are free to work with the Church of the Mists to discuss ownership
Jericho: Somewhat reluctantly discssing this fact
Vee Barlett: glances at Matty
Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: I would definately send him alone into the wilderness after his lounging about the Temple the last 3 months
Vee Barlett: laughs
Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: Feel free to watch him go
Jericho: Raises eyebrows
Lemon (Levi Reed): The jungle is perfect for Levi. He uses machetes and hates monkeys for a reason.
Jericho: Vee, I am not going to ask for you to do this
Jericho: Rather stubbornly
Rothuss Carder: I can feel the love in the air.
Carissa (Vee Barlett): because they dulled his machetes?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): (Rothuss is not here)
TMO (Rothuss Carder): I can feel the love in the air.
Lemon (Levi Reed): Probably they stole his food
Lemon (Levi Reed): The two things are not related other than both being jungle things.
Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: I trust Vee to assist Jericho in achieving his goals
Vee Barlett: Nah, it's fine for you. You can owe me a drink. But I never signed up to be an errand girl for the temple.
Matthias Crowtooth: You... don't trust me?
Jericho: Nods
Matthias Crowtooth: shrugs
Lemon (Levi Reed): Lol, we trust Matty to assist Vee
Matthias Crowtooth: That's fair
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol yep
Jericho: ......just staring at Hilde and Michel
Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: I do not trust you Mattias, you have not managed to accomplish any of the tasks your captain assigned to you. If you do manage to bring Jericho back alive it will be the first thing you have done correctly since you have been employed by the Temple
Carissa (Vee Barlett): ouch
wyjyoon (Temperance): Oof
Lemon (Levi Reed): wowwwww
Matthias Crowtooth: Fair enough, Sunshine
Vee Barlett: whistles lightly under her breath
Jericho: Ah, well. I mean by that logic I can see what you are having Vee escort me. Considering the last outting.
Matthias Crowtooth: wanders off
Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: I am comfident in the training that you have all recieved
Jericho: Vee, I'll be happy to pay your for your services. I definitely don't remember you signing up for that role, no.
Shislif (MeLange): caught up :)
Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: You are heading into the mountains, you will need a variety of skills
Jericho: Nods in appreciation at michel's words
Vee Barlett: So I gotta make sure Jerich don't die, and Matty gets his act together. Y'all running up a tab here, but fine. I can collect later.
Vee Barlett: And I will.
Matthias Crowtooth: sharpens his stone dagger on the way out and thinks of people who need stabbing
Lemon (Levi Reed): afk getting coffee
User has gone AFK. (Lemon)
Vee Barlett: Wait the mountains? Damn, gonna have to charge y'all double. Ain't no seas up there.
Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: Jericho you do remember your training and where the Church of the Mists is?
TMO (Rothuss Carder): (she hasn't seen Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated, has she?)
-> Temperance: This is where Temperance can speak up and say yes she knows
Temperance: Alright
Jericho: As I recieved it yes. I'll still review a map of the local area however. Jungle travel is ....well hard for me compared to my companions.
Temperance: I also may have some insight on that
Vee Barlett: You do, new girl?
Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: Good Temperance
Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: I hope you are prepared when you get there
Temperance: As prepared as we can be, I'm sure.
Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: I expect you to leave in the morning
Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: and be back by the end of the month
Jericho: And well....I know it is presumptious to ask, but if Vee and co keep helping us, again, i don't want to cause any friction, but maybe if we succeed you could put ina good word? We can keep getting more skills for future aid for the temple. Just a networking letter or something?
Vee Barlett: Really running up this tab quick...
Jericho: Instead of tabs of course
Vee Barlett: Screw you, buddy. I work for gold.
Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: You have already been given the gift of knowledge and your new powers, what more do you presume to ask?
Jericho: Shakes head.
Jericho: I believe you mistake me
Jericho: What I mean
Jericho: Is that if we continue to seek aid from those who are not employed by the chruch, maybe we could find ways to increase our skills for it's beneift.
BOB Also this is where anyone with a skill you think applies could roll (vee, jericho, matty, temperance)
Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 7] [d20 = 19]
Vee Barlett: [CHECK] Charisma (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 10]
Vee Barlett: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 6]
Jericho: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 19) [SUCCESS by 13] [d20 = 6]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): (ooh and we can add our new skills now right?)
BOB yes
wyjyoon (Temperance): So in terms of rolling for a specific skill...
BOB Admin, Diplomancy etc
Jericho: I simply am asking that while I am always willing to do tasks for the chruch, my friends being roped in on my account for future endeavors, why instead of straight gold, they could obtain more knowledge that might aid them in future endeavors. After all, we are young, and you surely know more people
User is back. (Lemon)
Michael (Jericho): (I was unable to pay for Admin at this time)
Shislif (MeLange): do we add any values?
wyjyoon (Temperance): Sorry, haven't figured out the dice mechanics yet
BOB No to Sharif, you are not in the meeting
Shislif (MeLange): oh mb
BOB and someone can help you Wendy
Shislif (MeLange): still added alertness though
Carissa (Vee Barlett): (shipwright isn't in the skill list not that it matters at this meeting but one day it will!)
Shislif (MeLange): I can try to help but I only know the basics
BOB Yes to Sharif
Michael (Jericho): (I dont' see any new spells)
BOB I can update for you Carissa after this meeting
Carissa (Vee Barlett): (you have to add them)
BOB I will add the spells Michael
wyjyoon (Temperance): I think I need to use d20?
Michael (Jericho): TY. If they won't helpw ith this meeting, there is no rush
BOB After this meeting I will deal with character sheets
Lemon (Levi Reed): So on your tab with your skills, you just grab the little dice with the number next to it
Lemon (Levi Reed): Then you drop it in the chat box
BOB Thank you Lemon
wyjyoon (Temperance): Ah, gotcha
Michael (Jericho): I mean, if this is repayment for favor, I guess, but just snagging people off the street and preying on their frienship is fucking disguesting
Shislif (MeLange): oh well that wasn't what i was thinking so glad I didn't help lol
wyjyoon (Temperance): Dunno if this would be an applicable skill
Carissa (Vee Barlett): technically only did that to Vee since Matty works for the Temple and Temperance is a priestess
Temperance: [SKILL] Botany [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 14]
Michael (Jericho): Still
Lemon (Levi Reed): Neither is botany, that I can tell?
Michael (Jericho): bothers the shit outta me
BOB To be clear this is the favor Jericho owes, the church just trusts Vee, Matty and Temperance to also know about what Jericho is being tasked with. They do not have to do anything
Carissa (Vee Barlett): good thing there aren't plants here!
Michael (Jericho): Thank you for clarifying
BOB and also Carissa makes a good point
Michael (Jericho): I'll still pay Vee though, because what the shit
Carissa (Vee Barlett): and yes, Vee is aware but she is still calling it out
Lemon (Levi Reed): Hey, we don't know, maybe she slipped something into the air or something
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Don't feel that the church trusts Matty even that far
Lemon (Levi Reed): powdered root of "making people agree to stuff they dont' want to do"
wyjyoon (Temperance): Honestly considering the links Carissa sent me about plants I wouldn't be surprised
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol
Michael (Jericho): Why did Matty get lectured but Jericho didn't. Seriously, we only succeeeded because of Vee
BOB and that is a quirk for the group to figure out, if they called out Matty like that in the meeting, why do they trust him? Why send him on this mission?
Michael (Jericho): We all fudged up
BOB The rest of the group is just hanging out with their friends,
Carissa (Vee Barlett): well there is the link to the poison in puffer fish and the voodoo zombies of Haiti who did do things for others from long ago...
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I fudged up by having my upstairs flooded and then trying to fix it on a game night, I guess
BOB LOL with Ryan
Carissa (Vee Barlett): I think Hilde just doesn't like you. She found out you put the rum in your pants
wyjyoon (Temperance): I think there's also fungi or spore that manipulates the host's brain function
'Michael' disconnected
BOB so meeting is over
Carissa (Vee Barlett): cortceptoli? I forget how it's spelled, but not for people
BOB the group has a day to organize your self
Carissa (Vee Barlett): only toxoplasmosis for people brain alerting that we know of... and prions
BOB I will look at character sheets
BOB make sure the new skills are there, spells, etc.
Carissa (Vee Barlett): wait! but Vee was surprisingly Charismastic at the meeting!
BOB Yes she was
Carissa (Vee Barlett): ugh so she glares at them as she leaves and scratched her nose with her middle finger in the subtle but not subtle motion that they laughed at instead of being mad at?
BOB smiles
Lemon (Levi Reed): But again, science = not here
BOB In the morning you are going to go up river
BOB into the jungle
Vee Barlett: I hate the jungle.
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
Carissa (Vee Barlett): I hope it's guns and roses...
Carissa (Vee Barlett): good approved
wyjyoon (Temperance): Nice!
BOB Temperance shoudl be good to go will check her sheet last
BOB TMO you updated Rothuss' thief skills by one level?
wyjyoon (Temperance): No worries, I'll be listening to songs and stuff
BOB Ryan you updated Matty by one level?
BOB Working on Levi and Vee now
Matthias Crowtooth: Uhh...
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): He does show level 3, but I don't think I touched him....?
BOB you would add the 15 points total to which ever skills you want to go from level 1 to level 2 thief
BOB max of ten points to any skill
BOB Also for Vee and Levi there is a requirement to pick a species enemy
Carissa (Vee Barlett): Levi picked monkeys years ago
Carissa (Vee Barlett): Vee....I forgot. What's a good aquatic enemy?
Lemon (Levi Reed): yep
Lemon (Levi Reed): Not apes, those are different.
Lemon (Levi Reed): But monkeys
MeLange: lol but monkeys
Shislif (MeLange): ooc
Levi Reed: [SKILL] Botany [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 18]
BOB Levi complete for current training
Lemon (Levi Reed): yayyy
Shislif (MeLange): go levi!
TMO (Rothuss Carder): bravo!
wyjyoon (Temperance): I honestly don't know how much Vee fears aquatic creatures, considering she's pretty comfortable with the sea
Carissa (Vee Barlett): not something she fears, but something she wants dead
wyjyoon (Temperance): Ah
Carissa (Vee Barlett): sea scrags or something
Carissa (Vee Barlett): what's a common annoying creature on sea D&D lore people??
Lemon (Levi Reed): Wait, I don't want monkeys dead, I just want them nowhere near me. Does it have to be something you want dead?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): you get bonus fighitng them so... up to you
Shislif (MeLange): butt monkey killer!
BOB Updated Levi for species enemy, he now has 1 WP slot open for training the next time he gets a chance to train for something
Carissa (Vee Barlett): and technically in battle, you'd go after the monkey first if you go by the guide
BOB Yes to Levi having a rage against them
Lemon (Levi Reed): Wait, is it too late to change my mind then? I don't want to be a monkey murderer
BOB You can change
Lemon (Levi Reed): I misunderstood what "hate" means
Lemon (Levi Reed): Let me go snakes
BOB You have another 2 hours
Shislif (MeLange): so you kill a few monkeys...
Lemon (Levi Reed): I'm fine with attacking snakes first
BOB no to snaks
BOB snakes
Lemon (Levi Reed): what
Carissa (Vee Barlett): no snacks either
BOB It has to be an intelligence creature
Lemon (Levi Reed): oooohhhh
Carissa (Vee Barlett): goblins?
BOB yes to Carissa cannot pick snacks iether
Lemon (Levi Reed): Hmm. I was going to say goblins but that seems so boooring
Shislif (MeLange): may I suggest choking the monkey?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): yeah don't look at me, no one is telling me aquatic lore creatures either so...
Shislif (MeLange): :)
Lemon (Levi Reed): I thought those were chickens
Shislif (MeLange): close enough
BOB Working on that for you Carissa
Carissa (Vee Barlett): thank you
Shislif (MeLange): you're right though
BOB finishing Levi first
Lemon (Levi Reed): dopplegangers?
Shislif (MeLange): messed up my metaphors, for shame
Carissa (Vee Barlett): although I feel like chickens should be acceptable enemies, too
Shislif (MeLange): few beers in :)
BOB The problem with Dopplegangers is if you think someone is then you will attack them
Lemon (Levi Reed): I'm not well versed enough in d&d monsters
Lemon (Levi Reed): oh
Lemon (Levi Reed): Hmm
BOB If you can live with that
Carissa (Vee Barlett): Levi is not wise so that might happen... many times....
Shislif (MeLange): Mel's got your back
BOB two options from Levi's adventures is Goblins or Chupacabra
Lemon (Levi Reed): what were those thigns we fought in the giant fortress that weren't giants?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): ogres? bugbears?
BOB Things from the island,
Lemon (Levi Reed): bugbears! would Levi know about bugbears?
BOB No clue those exist yet
Lemon (Levi Reed): dang. Ok, I guess I'll go with stupid goblins
Lemon (Levi Reed): I do kind of hate goblins
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol
'Dru5232321' disconnected
BOB So both the sheet for Levi and the site page is updated now
wyjyoon (Temperance): I think the last time I read up on d&d creatures I took 2 hours reading about werewolves and wolfweres
Lemon (Levi Reed): aboleth for Vee?
Lemon (Levi Reed): Or is that just a one-time monster?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): isn't that something we DON'T want to run into?
Lemon (Levi Reed): I don't know, I'm just googling over here
wyjyoon (Temperance): It looks terrifying
BOB Scrag would be appropriate for Vee
'Dru5232321' connected
Lemon (Levi Reed): harpies, of course
Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Shipwright [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 10) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 13]
BOB Yes to Harpies also
BOB or Sharks
Lemon (Levi Reed): merrow?
Lemon (Levi Reed): Do we have those?
BOB a good one also
wyjyoon (Temperance): Orcas?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): sharks are just misunderstood!
BOB no orcas in these waters
wyjyoon (Temperance): Oh
Carissa (Vee Barlett): scrags probably is best, I bet they're still a nuisances here
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): backie back
wyjyoon (Temperance): Welcome back!
BOB set for you now Carissa
Shislif (MeLange): welcome back :)
Carissa (Vee Barlett): thanks
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): thank ye
BOB Working on Jericho now
BOB If you need help Ryan let me know, but you can add 15 total 10 max to any one skill
BOB and that trains you to level 2 thief skills
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Oh, yeah, I did that
BOB great
BOB So dealing with the complications of Jericho, then moving to Lirt and Rothuss
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Actually, I just hopped on, but it sounds like I need to help with the kids. Sorry :(
TMO (Rothuss Carder): my turn?
BOB But TMO likely has Rothuss Magic skills under control, he gets 1 first level spell
Carissa (Vee Barlett): night ryan!
TMO (Rothuss Carder): is the spell at random? or does it need to be Read Magic?
'Dru5232321' disconnected
Shislif (MeLange): we doin any Mel work? I may log off if we're not up to much else, not to be a buzz kill or anything
Shislif (MeLange): night ryan
TMO (Rothuss Carder): don't know if bards have to use Read Magic
BOB Sorry Sharif, will jump over to you now
MeLange: oh no that's fine just wasn't sure if there was anything
Shislif (MeLange): ooc
TMO (Rothuss Carder): np, go for it
MeLange: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 10) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 15]
Shislif (MeLange): oh sry was i supposed to roll?
BOB Melange is updated
BOB No I was testing
Shislif (MeLange): oh ok
Shislif (MeLange): sweet thx
BOB So Lirt, Rothuss and Jericho I am still updating while you all decide what you need to go into the jungles
BOB remember spell books take weight, etc.
BOB all the encumbrance issues of walking
BOB unless you are buying/hiring a mule
BOB etc etc etc
BOB Want to leave bright and early in the morning when we start next session
TMO (Rothuss Carder): I find it weird that bards use spell books... ;) they always seemed more like sorcerers in style to me. but if I must book, then I must book
TMO (Rothuss Carder): did you see my question above about what spell Rothuss gets?
TMO (Rothuss Carder): oh, wait. Rothuss isn't going into the jungle, right?
BOB back and no I did not but it is anything that is in Lirt's spell books OR a random roll of any first level spell if you do not want one of those
BOB and yes Roghtuss is heading into the jungle with everyone
Lemon (Levi Reed): I mean if there's no road, do we want a mule? Sounds like a pain in the ass, no pun intended, but maybe
Shislif (MeLange): mule could be nice
BOB BUT Rothuss knows that the paths lead up through the hills first then into the jungles and Temperance knows that the Church of the Mists is along the river somewhere up there into the mountains
BOB and all puns intended Lemon
BOB Now back to Jericho
wyjyoon (Temperance): I guess it depends on how much care a mule requires when traversing through jungles, and if that's worth the cost of its functionality?
Shislif (MeLange): oh machetes! to chop down the jungle as we traverse it
Shislif (MeLange): does depend on those factors tru
Shislif (MeLange): how harsh a jungle we talking about?
Shislif (MeLange): mules get around, probably be fine
Vee Barlett: if we want to use the canoe for the river, we'd probably want something to help carry it and/or we'd have to switch off
Carissa (Vee Barlett): we may not have the money for it
Shislif (MeLange): good point
Lemon (Levi Reed): I mean, I have two machetes, how many machetes do we need?
Shislif (MeLange): at least two
Shislif (MeLange): 4?
Shislif (MeLange): so two can chop and two machete back ups just in case of any accidents
Shislif (MeLange): not a competency but a...
Shislif (MeLange): like a back up but ...
Shislif (MeLange): I'm watching Andor n they talk about it
TMO (Rothuss Carder): does Rothuss need to know Read Magic? He gets them at random, so maybe not?
TMO (Rothuss Carder): and if he doesn't need Read Magic, I'll be happy to have one at random. that fits Rothuss' style. ;)
Lemon (Levi Reed): His spellbook is all stick figure drawings
TMO (Rothuss Carder): lol
wyjyoon (Temperance): Lol
TMO (Rothuss Carder): test
Lemon (Levi Reed): sooo...
TMO (Rothuss Carder): *cricket chirp*
Levi Reed: *puts hands in pockets and shuffles feet*
Lemon (Levi Reed): ooc
Carissa (Vee Barlett): bob wants planning and I hate it so all you
wyjyoon (Temperance): This might be a silly question
Carissa (Vee Barlett): go for it
wyjyoon (Temperance): But do we have anything planned for sustenance? Like access to water or food
Carissa (Vee Barlett): we usually put some money down before a trip to cover it without going into details
TMO (Rothuss Carder): so who is going? everyone, or just some?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): like an adventure pack or something, or someone has skills to contribute to it, or we aren't gone long enough to worry
Carissa (Vee Barlett): Everyone TMO. Bob said that twice.
BOB Ok so Jericho is fully updated now on FG
Lemon (Levi Reed): And we can probably find a good amount of food in the jungle
TMO (Rothuss Carder): Sorry Carissa
Carissa (Vee Barlett): it is a night with a lot of repetition so I'm a little short, sorry
wyjyoon (Temperance): I figured as much too. Thanks for clarifying that!
TMO (Rothuss Carder): After being told Rothuss wasn't there, I had put the whole jungle trip to the side
Carissa (Vee Barlett): he just wasn't in the meeting, he was in the waiting room with everyone else
BOB working on Rothuss now
Carissa (Vee Barlett): so presumable as part of the planning we told you all what was happening and/or we can do that now in RP
Carissa (Vee Barlett): and I suppose you can opt out as always
Carissa (Vee Barlett): *as always is an option not that you do
TMO (Rothuss Carder): I was wondering if I needed to get offended. ;)
Vee Barlett: lol
BOB yes to TMO and Carissa, this is the everyone gets together learn what the mission is and how you will tackle it
BOB I have Lirt and Rothuss to finish updating
Lemon (Levi Reed): Yeah, I will need to re-read the chat before I have opinions on planning, but I'm here for any RP we need to do
BOB Everyone else is up to date to go off on the next story arc adventure
wyjyoon (Temperance): So we've discussed machetes / weaponry and sustenance. Did we decide no on the mule? I wasn't sure
Shislif (MeLange): lol
TMO (Rothuss Carder): a mule isn't a bad idea if we can afford one
Lemon (Levi Reed): We haven't decided yet, I don't think
Shislif (MeLange): well we haven't RPd what the mission is right?
BOB For TMO did you decide if you are taking one of Lirt's spells? or are you doign the random pick a spell roll?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): anyone can start
wyjyoon (Temperance): Ok cool
TMO (Rothuss Carder): best case scenario, it does all the heavy lifting. worst case, it's a distraction snack for the monster
Lemon (Levi Reed): I'm happy to weigh in on planning, but not yet. My brain isn't in that space. I need to re-read the chat and figure out my opinions
TMO (Rothuss Carder): if Rothuss doesn't *need* Read Magic, then he'll take a random roll
Carissa (Vee Barlett): mule no decision yet because we don't know cost nor do we know if canoe can be transported and what that involves
BOB roll a d100 please
Rothuss Carder: [d100 = 23]
MeLange: Hey so what you guys talking about in there in your fancy meeting room?
MeLange: I ben they had brandy too
MeLange: bet
Rothuss Carder: Probably boring stuff.
MeLange: ugh, i hate boring stuff
Levi Reed: Yeah, I'm so glad I wasn't there
Levi Reed: I'm sure it was terrible
Levi Reed: These stuffy church people, you know?
MeLange: Hey
Vee Barlett: Land stuff. Really boring.
MeLange: sniffs his palm
MeLange: these grapes a little sour?
Temperance: I do agree it wasn't anything too interesting.
Vee Barlett: Who wants to go into a Jungle? Just shank me already.
MeLange: any news the rest of us need to know about?
MeLange: the jungle?
Vee Barlett: IF you don't want Jericho to die, AGAIN, you can go into the Jungle with him.
MeLange: sounds unpleasant
BOB Fun spell TMO - Expeditious Retreat
TMO (Rothuss Carder): woo!
Temperance: Why is Jericho always threatened with death?
TMO (Rothuss Carder): Brave Sir Robin ran away!
Vee Barlett: He's a walkin' bad omen.
MeLange: Yea what's the matter Jericho?
MeLange: oh be nice Vee
MeLange: he can't help it
Vee Barlett: Matty got roped in 'cause they ain't happy with his work. Temperance got roped in 'cause... church. And I don't know why they asked me. Because I hate doin' work for free.
MeLange: maybe we could find some gold along the way?
Vee Barlett: So y'all gotta go, too, or I'm gonna shank someone. And soon.
Levi Reed: What's wrong with Matty's work?
Vee Barlett: shrugs
Levi Reed: I mean... I guess he does have a weak stomach but...
Vee Barlett: Hilde don't like him for some reason.
Levi Reed: A man can't help that
Rothuss Carder: You got roped in because you're the Boss. Right Cap'n?
Temperance: They were impressed by your charisma, perhaps
Levi Reed: I'm definitely in. Maybe we'll find the chupacabra that got away
Vee Barlett: 'Suppose so, but who works for free? OR on death threats to people they know?
MeLange: If Levi'
Vee Barlett: Wait... scratch the last one. That works sometimes. Not that I know.
MeLange: s in then i'm in
MeLange: not killing the Chupa without me
Levi Reed: offers MeLange a high five
Vee Barlett: Made sure they saw what I thought of 'em as I left at least...
MeLange recieves
Vee Barlett: At least there is a river.
Temperance: A small consolation for the seafaring folk
Vee Barlett: Somewhere after the gross jungle.
Levi Reed: Do we have to go on the river?
Vee Barlett: glares at him
Vee Barlett: That a real question?
Temperance: From what I recall, we must go up the river
Levi Reed: Yep!
Vee Barlett: Yes.
Levi Reed: Oh god. I'd rather walk. Up the river means more rowing
MeLange: up the river
Vee Barlett: You ain't gettin' a choice.
MeLange: or Vee will Shank you
Vee Barlett: Well we gotta see if we can get my canoe through the jungle...
Levi Reed: Look, she's bound to shank me one of these days. Why not let today be that day?
Vee Barlett: Or else we swim up it, maybe. Or I can maybe toss somethin' together...
Temperance: Would it be too much a hassle to create one from the plant life?
Vee Barlett: I got a special shankin' for you. I'm waiting for the day, don't worry.
MeLange: I've been told I'm a good rower, if that helps
Vee Barlett: You are, Melange. Put the rest of 'em to shame.
BOB Ok so it is mostly done for Rothuss, I need to add the full spell description but the stats are correct
MeLange: remember Vee, the day you shank Levi you better shank two people
Vee Barlett: Two? I'll just shank him twice.
TMO (Rothuss Carder): huzzah!
BOB One of us will update that later
MeLange smiles
MeLange: no i mean I got his back haha
Vee Barlett: And I got a long knife.
MeLange: very impressive
Levi Reed: I know I annoy you as much as two people, Vee, but I'm still just one
BOB Jtom Lirt was taking Acid Arrow as her automatically learned spell?
Vee Barlett: Nah, see? Ain't just a shankin' but a murder if you keepin' your ways. Same warnin' I always give ya.
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Yes
Levi Reed: What do you think, Temperance? You up for the jungle? You could be a big help in there, will all that plant knowledge you have
Temperance: Perhaps we shouldn't speak about shanking one of our own before we survive through a jungle up a river.
MeLange: Fair fair, and to also be fair, I certainly wouldn't enjoy it if it ever came to that
Temperance: I don't believe I have any choice in the matter.
Levi Reed: I mean, you could quit the church and run away
Levi Reed: Always an option
Levi Reed: Rothuss, Lirt? You in?
Vee Barlett: Run away from a church like Levi runs from monkeys...
MeLange: So if we're going to take a canoe would we also need a mule?
Rothuss Carder: Of course!
Temperance: As of current, the Church is all I have
Vee Barlett: Or someone really strong to help carry it...
MeLange: why of course? it's not so obvious to everybody
Levi Reed: Look, monkeys will steal everything and laugh in your face. Hate those little suckers.
MeLange: oh ok, then I'm team mule
BOB Added to Lirt's sheet and updated spell levels
Temperance: So will human thieves, from what I've seen.
Levi Reed: Gods, Vee. I'll do it if you insist, but getting a canoe through the jungle isn't going to be fun. Even with a mule
Vee Barlett: And them charmers, too.
Vee Barlett: Just sayin' a canoe is nice for a river. Unless ya wanna swim.
Lirtimya memorized Melf's Acid Arrow
Levi Reed: Yeah but when it's humans at least the other humans are like, "what an asshole." instead of being like, "oh look at the cute little fluffy monkeeeeey"
MeLange: couldn't we just leave the canoe once we get where we're going?
Levi Reed: Only if you want Vee to shank you
BOB scrolling back up to read
Temperance: There might be materials available within the jungle to build one, as well.
MeLange: doesn't have to be a fancy canoe
Vee Barlett: Leave MY canoe??
MeLange: well lets take a different canoe
Levi Reed: She's not giving that canoe up. Even when she gets a ship, I bet that canoe becomes like... a pet
Vee Barlett: And whose gonna buy a new canoe? Ain't cheap.
MeLange: ugh true
MeLange: is one canoe big enough for us all?
MeLange: and a mule?
Levi Reed: I mean, Vee's canoe was big enough for us all on the first trip
Vee Barlett: We took it all up to the Temple earlier. And still ain't sure we can afford a non-human mule.
Levi Reed: But you bring up a good point about the mule
MeLange: fair point
Vee Barlett: We took it all up to the Temple earlier. And still ain't sure we can afford a non-human mule.
Carissa (Vee Barlett): (I have no clue how transporting a canoe would work nor if we can just build something instead once we get up there, FYI)
Levi Reed: Ok, well, let's check on the mule price and go from there, yeah?
Vee Barlett: Who's gonna handle it?
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Lol didn;t mean to do that, sorry
MeLange: carry the canoe?
Vee Barlett: all good!
Carissa (Vee Barlett): (ooc)
MeLange: or the mule?
Vee Barlett: The mule.
Levi Reed: No one is carrying the mule
TMO (Rothuss Carder): (sorry, also on a phone call, don't mean to be split attention)
MeLange: the mule's mule
Vee Barlett: Hey Temp. How far is this Temple?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): (was hoping Bob told you)
wyjyoon (Temperance): Um
wyjyoon (Temperance): All I know is we gotta go upstream
Carissa (Vee Barlett): he might still be reading, lol
Lemon (Levi Reed): I'm also hoping BOB will let us check the price of a mule
wyjyoon (Temperance): I don't know how many days or how time-consuming the travel is
Carissa (Vee Barlett): and/or tell us what to expect in trying to transport a canoe
wyjyoon (Temperance): In hindsight, I should've followed my instincts and asked more questions
Carissa (Vee Barlett): it did feel a bit rushed
wyjyoon (Temperance): All he said was "tell them you know about this" and I went "ok sure"
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol it's okay
TMO (Rothuss Carder): rp-wise, Rothuss has some practical experience mountain wise, but no actual NWP about it. But not jungle
BOB Ok done and caught up
wyjyoon (Temperance): I think the temple is also up a mountain of some sort, right?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): up a mountain that rothuss knows has some paths and on a river
Carissa (Vee Barlett): you and/or jericho know the river part
wyjyoon (Temperance): Yes, I got the river part, apparently
User has gone AFK. (Shislif)
BOB If you take the canoe you will be splitting the party at some points, because obviously you are not taking a mule in the canoe, but you cannot carry the canoe easily through the jungles either. Taking a mule means you can take all your supplies on its back instead of you carrying them, so you can move at 12 (24 miles per day across easy terrain {Narrator: it was not easy terrain} if you are unencumbered
BOB 8 Gold to buy a mule
TMO (Rothuss Carder): how much to buy Sister Sarah?
Lemon (Levi Reed): Oh, I'll spring for the mule
Carissa (Vee Barlett): do we need the canoe and will the mule even be able to cross uneasy terrain?
wyjyoon (Temperance): Who's Sister Sarah?
TMO (Rothuss Carder): mules are very good at rough terrain.
Image: Borinquen
TMO (Rothuss Carder): old movie reference
wyjyoon (Temperance): Ah
TMO (Rothuss Carder): the name just stuck in my head - I barely remember any of the actual content
Rothuss Carder: (LINK)
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
wyjyoon (Temperance): Are we allowed to know how large or deep the river is? Or do we find that out later?
BOB There is the map of the island and you can see the arrow pointing to the mountain area you are heading to. It is "only" 12 miles upstream into the mountains
Carissa (Vee Barlett): wait is it river OR mountain path?
BOB So in theroy this will be a two day trip up there
BOB Both to carissa
BOB Up in the mountains to where the river flows from
Carissa (Vee Barlett): it is a river, why can't we just go straight river
Lemon (Levi Reed): Potentially waterfalls?
BOB River uphill
Carissa (Vee Barlett): so do we need the canoe
Carissa (Vee Barlett): and/or can we build things
BOB So yes to canoe partway up, but then you will hit a spot where it will be much harder in the canoe and you will have to portage it
TMO (Rothuss Carder): I don't think we want to paddle upstream
BOB and if someone has shipwright or boatbuilding they can build a canoe yes
BOB :)
Carissa (Vee Barlett): good
Shislif (MeLange): ok caught up
Shislif (MeLange): so what if we travel light and fast?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): so if we don't want to carry her current canoe, we can build one up there
Shislif (MeLange): on foot?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): if we get a mule, someone will at some point need to stay behind with the mule and split the party
Shislif (MeLange): or like just the canoe as far as we can go then light and fast on foot?
BOB The current plan (and I do think it is a good one) is to buy 1 mule, load it up with what ever gear you want to take, spell books, food water etc and head up to the Church of the Mists
Shislif (MeLange): yea that would mean no mule, not saying it's the way to go just another option
BOB That is where you will get your mission on where to find the ingredients to bring back
Shislif (MeLange): good enough by me :)
Carissa (Vee Barlett): meaning we might need the mule for longer and/or to carry back whatever it is
Shislif (MeLange): hmm good meaning making
Lemon (Levi Reed): We could leave the mule with the church if it's too cumbersome after that, maybe
Carissa (Vee Barlett): so is it paths then we have to jump on river?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): no church is on the river
BOB Also to be clear Temperance only knows of the existence of this Church not exactly where it is
MeLange: sounds like a nice spot for a church
Shislif (MeLange): ooc
Lemon (Levi Reed): Ok but it's not LITERALLY on the river, right? It's on the banks
TMO (Rothuss Carder): Ghost Church in the Mist...
Carissa (Vee Barlett): church of mists....
Shislif (MeLange): lol
Carissa (Vee Barlett): and I don't know, my mood isn't great after all this planning tonight to think this through well
BOB We are good Carissa
BOB everyone is caught up and we have time to make sure people are ready for next week
Shislif (MeLange): we prolly don't need to overthink it
BOB go rest and relax
Carissa (Vee Barlett): agree sharif
Carissa (Vee Barlett): I'm just getting confused which isn't helping
TMO (Rothuss Carder): Rothuss never does! :)
Shislif (MeLange): which is my preferred manner of thinking :)
BOB and next session we wil leave from Achild off up into the mountains
Carissa (Vee Barlett): land water water land mule canoe build one, I don't know
Carissa (Vee Barlett): yes but someone has to
Lemon (Levi Reed): We've definitely reached the point of the evening where I get confused, and then read the chat back later and everything makes sense and I'm like, why did I think this conversation was confusing?
Shislif (MeLange): we'll get a mule n figure the rest out
Shislif (MeLange): for 8 gp
BOB Yes you have a mule
BOB you are trained
<font color="#000000">Levi Reed spent 8 GP on a potentially misguided mule
BOB you have been in town or training for 11 weeks you all are going stir crazy and need to get out
Shislif (MeLange): just need a restful sleep n we travel in the morning!
Carissa (Vee Barlett): did jericho get animal speaking as a level 2 spell? I think it's a level 2 spell
BOB Adventure awaits
BOB Speak with Animals and checking
Carissa (Vee Barlett): just wondering if someone has it now
TMO (Rothuss Carder): and I apologize again for my distractedness. conversations with a Slovak can do that. ;)
BOB and Yes he does
Shislif (MeLange): we all been there TMO!
Carissa (Vee Barlett): ok
Carissa (Vee Barlett): then that's it for me, I am grumpy
Carissa: night all
Lemon (Levi Reed): Fantastic, he can get me a parrot pet maybe
Shislif (MeLange): no animal speaking for Mel
Shislif (MeLange): night!
'Carissa' disconnected
wyjyoon (Temperance): Good night Carissa! Rest well
BOB have a great night everyone
BOB if you have not go finish the story prompts
Shislif (MeLange): night night have a great week everyone :)
BOB In the morning I will total up the new XP for those
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Goodnight
Lemon (Levi Reed): Hooray!
Sharif: do we only get xp if we do them all?
BOB You get XP for the ones you dod
Sharif: nice
wyjyoon (Temperance): I'll have to double check and see which ones I missed
BOB So if you do 2 of them 30 XP if you do all of them 465 XP
Sharif: ohhh interesting
BOB I gave out XP for the first half last session
BOB But I will retotal things tomorrow
[100 XP] -> Vee Barlett
[100 XP] -> Lirtimya
[100 XP] -> Temperance
[100 XP] -> MeLange
[100 XP] -> Levi Reed
[100 XP] -> Jericho
Sharif: oohhh yay
[100 XP] -> Matthias Crowtooth
Lemon (Levi Reed): That's a good chunk of xp
wyjyoon (Temperance): Oh cool
[100 XP] -> Rothuss Carder
wyjyoon (Temperance): I didn't know the writing prompts were for xp
wyjyoon (Temperance): I just thought they were fun
BOB Glad Wendy
BOB Have a great night everyone
BOB will close this and reset everything
Levi Reed: Goodnight friends!
Sharif: night :)
wyjyoon (Temperance): Goodnight!
'Shislif' disconnected
BOB Tomorow the site will be fully updated
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Goodnight :)
TMO (Rothuss Carder): good night
'Lemon' disconnected
'JtomTMO' disconnected
'TMO' disconnected
'wyjyoon' disconnected
Database cleaned up: 4 entries were removed