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Chat Log List - 2023 12 01 - Student Loans - Formatted - Story

Pescal Olmeter, Master of the sixth circle....: Tell me again Hilde why I need to spend time with someone who has been spending time in the temple experimenting rather than performing their duties?

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Jericho has learned some new things and we gave him a chance to see what he would do with his new skills

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: He has not used them as I would have wished

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: But we do have a plan for him

Vee Barlett: yawns

Jericho: Looks at Vee, hides a smirk

Jericho: his innocence of the church long since dead

Matthias Crowtooth: practices flipping his dagger and catching it

Pescal Olmeter, Master of the sixth circle....: Do I need to speak? or can I just look stern at this group of .... what do you want to call them? adventurers? troubleshooters?

Matthias Crowtooth: winces when people start staring at him. Puts the dagger away

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Trouble is a good word for them

Jericho: Clumsy acolites?

Jericho: murmers

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: Thank you for being here Master Olmeter, we can take it from here

Pescal Olmeter, Master of the sixth circle....: Just remember we need those compounds by the end of the month

Leaves out the side door

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: SO

Looking at the group

Vee Barlett: looking back

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: You have been back for more than three months

Rothuss Carder: is looking around the office at the decorations.

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: Jericho it has been three months since you trained with Mistress Bronde for spells, do you have any questions about your new skills?

Jericho: Many. What are some common recommendations you yourself might offer? It's better to get a wide variety of advices before I use somewhat new abilities.

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: That would have been a very good response two months ago,

Jericho: Chuckles. "Yes, I am a rather slow on the uptake. My apologies"

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: However Master Olmeter is rather insistent that we get the rest of the materials ready for the brewing

Jericho: Nods

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: So we are sending you out on a mission

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: The shipment has not arrived and we need you to go find out why

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: and bring it here on time

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: It should be a simple thing

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Looks at Vee and Matty

Jericho: Snorts

Jericho: but tries to hide it

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: You can just assist Jericho on the road there and back

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: If there was a road

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Through the jungle then

Matthias Crowtooth: If there's not either, should we just leave him behind?

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: That would not be advisable

Vee Barlett: This his payment for his trainin'?

Jericho: Crestfallen

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: I would like you to bring back a body part so we can assertain that he really is dead

Jericho: I didn't mean to rope my friends into this

Jericho: eyes Vee and Matty worridly

Matthias Crowtooth: Do you care which body part?

Jericho: What...if he's not dead?

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Jericho needs to go to the Church of the Mists and they will tell him where the supplies are he is supposed to bring back

Vee Barlett: And what's in it for me?

Jericho: Winks at Vee,

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Vee, you and Matthias are going to escort him there and back

Vee Barlett: Mmhmm, but why?

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: You get to see that your friend stays alive

Jericho: Frowns

Vee Barlett: Would you send him if he didn't have friends?

Jericho: While I am indeed happy they would be doing that.... I feel they are being shortchanged on this? It's like we are pressganging them into service?

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: and if Matthias finds anything along the way, the two of you are free to work with the Church of the Mists to discuss ownership

Jericho: Somewhat reluctantly discssing this fact

Vee Barlett: glances at Matty

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: I would definately send him alone into the wilderness after his lounging about the Temple the last 3 months

Vee Barlett: laughs

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: Feel free to watch him go

Jericho: Raises eyebrows

Jericho: Vee, I am not going to ask for you to do this

Jericho: Rather stubbornly

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: I trust Vee to assist Jericho in achieving his goals

Vee Barlett: Nah, it's fine for you. You can owe me a drink. But I never signed up to be an errand girl for the temple.

Matthias Crowtooth: You... don't trust me?

Jericho: Nods

Matthias Crowtooth: shrugs

Matthias Crowtooth: That's fair

Jericho: ......just staring at Hilde and Michel

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: I do not trust you Matthias, you have not managed to accomplish any of the tasks your captain assigned to you. If you do manage to bring Jericho back alive it will be the first thing you have done correctly since you have been employed by the Temple

Matthias Crowtooth: Fair enough, Sunshine

Vee Barlett: whistles lightly under her breath

Jericho: Ah, well. I mean by that logic I can see what you are having Vee escort me. Considering the last outting.

Matthias Crowtooth: wanders off

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: I am confident in the training that you have all recieved

Jericho: Vee, I'll be happy to pay your for your services. I definitely don't remember you signing up for that role, no.

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: You are heading into the mountains, you will need a variety of skills

Jericho: Nods in appreciation at Michel's words

Vee Barlett: So I gotta make sure Jericho don't die, and Matty gets his act together. Y'all running up a tab here, but fine. I can collect later.

Vee Barlett: And I will.

Matthias Crowtooth: sharpens his stone dagger on the way out and thinks of people who need stabbing

Vee Barlett: Wait the mountains? Damn, gonna have to charge y'all double. Ain't no seas up there.

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: Jericho you do remember your training and where the Church of the Mists is?

Jericho: As I recieved it yes. I'll still review a map of the local area however. Jungle travel is ....well hard for me compared to my companions.

Temperance: I also may have some insight on that

Vee Barlett: You do, new girl?

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: Good Temperance

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: I hope you are prepared when you get there

Temperance: As prepared as we can be, I'm sure.

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: I expect you to leave in the morning

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: and be back by the end of the month

Jericho: And well....I know it is presumptious to ask, but if Vee and co keep helping us, again, I don't want to cause any friction, but maybe if we succeed you could put in a good word? We can keep getting more skills for future aid for the temple. Just a networking letter or something?

Vee Barlett: Really running up this tab quick...

Jericho: Instead of tabs of course

Vee Barlett: Screw you, buddy. I work for gold.

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: You have already been given the gift of knowledge and your new powers, what more do you presume to ask?

Jericho: Shakes head.

Jericho: I believe you mistake me

Jericho: What I mean

Jericho: Is that if we continue to seek aid from those who are not employed by the chruch, maybe we could find ways to increase our skills for its beneift.

BOB Also this is where anyone with a skill you think applies could roll (vee, jericho, matty, temperance)

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 7] [d20 = 19]

Vee Barlett: [CHECK] Charisma (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 10]

Vee Barlett: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 6]

Jericho: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 19) [SUCCESS by 13] [d20 = 6]

Temperance: [SKILL] Botany [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 14]

Jericho: I simply am asking that while I am always willing to do tasks for the chruch, my friends being roped in on my account for future endeavors, why instead of straight gold, they could obtain more knowledge that might aid them in future endeavors. After all, we are young, and you surely know more people

BOB To be clear this is the favor Jericho owes, the church just trusts Vee, Matty and Temperance to also know about what Jericho is being tasked with. They do not have to do anything

BOB and that is a quirk for the group to figure out, if they called out Matty like that in the meeting, why do they trust him? Why send him on this mission?

BOB The rest of the group is just hanging out with their friends,


BOB so meeting is over

BOB the group has a day to organize your self

Carissa (Vee Barlett): wait! but Vee was surprisingly Charismastic at the meeting!

Carissa (Vee Barlett): ugh so she glares at them as she leaves and scratched her nose with her middle finger in the subtle but not subtle motion that they laughed at instead of being mad at?

BOB In the morning you are going to go up river

BOB into the jungle

Vee Barlett: I hate the jungle.

MeLange: Hey so what you guys talking about in there in your fancy meeting room?

MeLange: I bet they had brandy too

Rothuss Carder: Probably boring stuff.

MeLange: ugh, i hate boring stuff

Levi Reed: Yeah, I'm so glad I wasn't there

Levi Reed: I'm sure it was terrible

Levi Reed: These stuffy church people, you know?

MeLange: Hey

Vee Barlett: Land stuff. Really boring.

MeLange: sniffs his palm

MeLange: these grapes a little sour?

Temperance: I do agree it wasn't anything too interesting.

Vee Barlett: Who wants to go into a Jungle? Just shank me already.

MeLange: any news the rest of us need to know about?

MeLange: the jungle?

Vee Barlett: IF you don't want Jericho to die, AGAIN, you can go into the Jungle with him.

MeLange: sounds unpleasant

Temperance: Why is Jericho always threatened with death?

Vee Barlett: He's a walkin' bad omen.

MeLange: Yea what's the matter Jericho?

MeLange: oh be nice Vee

MeLange: he can't help it

Vee Barlett: Matty got roped in 'cause they ain't happy with his work. Temperance got roped in 'cause... church. And I don't know why they asked me. Because I hate doin' work for free.

MeLange: maybe we could find some gold along the way?

Vee Barlett: So y'all gotta go, too, or I'm gonna shank someone. And soon.

Levi Reed: What's wrong with Matty's work?

Vee Barlett: shrugs

Levi Reed: I mean... I guess he does have a weak stomach but...

Vee Barlett: Hilde don't like him for some reason.

Levi Reed: A man can't help that

Rothuss Carder: You got roped in because you're the Boss. Right Cap'n?

Temperance: They were impressed by your charisma, perhaps

Levi Reed: I'm definitely in. Maybe we'll find the chupacabra that got away

Vee Barlett: 'Suppose so, but who works for free? OR on death threats to people they know?

MeLange: If Levi's in then i'm in

Vee Barlett: Wait... scratch the last one. That works sometimes. Not that I know.

MeLange: not killing the Chupa without me

Levi Reed: offers MeLange a high five

MeLange recieves

Vee Barlett: Made sure they saw what I thought of 'em as I left at least...

Vee Barlett: At least there is a river.

Temperance: A small consolation for the seafaring folk

Vee Barlett: Somewhere after the gross jungle.

Levi Reed: Do we have to go on the river?

Vee Barlett: glares at him

Vee Barlett: That a real question?

Temperance: From what I recall, we must go up the river

Levi Reed: Yep!

Vee Barlett: Yes.

Levi Reed: Oh god. I'd rather walk. Up the river means more rowing

MeLange: up the river

Vee Barlett: You ain't gettin' a choice.

MeLange: or Vee will Shank you

Vee Barlett: Well we gotta see if we can get my canoe through the jungle...

Levi Reed: Look, she's bound to shank me one of these days. Why not let today be that day?

Vee Barlett: Or else we swim up it, maybe. Or I can maybe toss somethin' together...

Temperance: Would it be too much a hassle to create one from the plant life?

Vee Barlett: I got a special shankin' for you. I'm waiting for the day, don't worry.

MeLange: I've been told I'm a good rower, if that helps

Vee Barlett: You are, Melange. Put the rest of 'em to shame.

MeLange: remember Vee, the day you shank Levi you better shank two people

Vee Barlett: Two? I'll just shank him twice.

MeLange smiles

MeLange: no i mean I got his back haha

Vee Barlett: And I got a long knife.

MeLange: very impressive

Levi Reed: I know I annoy you as much as two people, Vee, but I'm still just one

Vee Barlett: Nah, see? Ain't just a shankin' but a murder if you keepin' your ways. Same warnin' I always give ya.

Levi Reed: What do you think, Temperance? You up for the jungle? You could be a big help in there, will all that plant knowledge you have

Temperance: Perhaps we shouldn't speak about shanking one of our own before we survive through a jungle up a river.

MeLange: Fair fair, and to also be fair, I certainly wouldn't enjoy it if it ever came to that

Temperance: I don't believe I have any choice in the matter.

Levi Reed: I mean, you could quit the church and run away

Levi Reed: Always an option

Levi Reed: Rothuss, Lirt? You in?

Vee Barlett: Run away from a church like Levi runs from monkeys...

MeLange: So if we're going to take a canoe would we also need a mule?

Rothuss Carder: Of course!

Temperance: As of current, the Church is all I have

Vee Barlett: Or someone really strong to help carry it...

MeLange: why of course? it's not so obvious to everybody

Levi Reed: Look, monkeys will steal everything and laugh in your face. Hate those little suckers.

MeLange: oh ok, then I'm team mule

Temperance: So will human thieves, from what I've seen.

Vee Barlett: And them charmers, too.

Levi Reed: Gods, Vee. I'll do it if you insist, but getting a canoe through the jungle isn't going to be fun. Even with a mule

Vee Barlett: Just sayin' a canoe is nice for a river. Unless ya wanna swim.

Levi Reed: Yeah but when it's humans at least the other humans are like, "what an asshole." instead of being like, "oh look at the cute little fluffy monkeeeeey"

MeLange: couldn't we just leave the canoe once we get where we're going?

Levi Reed: Only if you want Vee to shank you

Temperance: There might be materials available within the jungle to build one, as well.

MeLange: doesn't have to be a fancy canoe

Vee Barlett: Leave MY canoe??

MeLange: well lets take a different canoe

Levi Reed: She's not giving that canoe up. Even when she gets a ship, I bet that canoe becomes like... a pet

Vee Barlett: And whose gonna buy a new canoe? Ain't cheap.

MeLange: ugh true

MeLange: is one canoe big enough for us all?

MeLange: and a mule?

Levi Reed: I mean, Vee's canoe was big enough for us all on the first trip

Vee Barlett: We took it all up to the Temple earlier. And still ain't sure we can afford a non-human mule.

Levi Reed: But you bring up a good point about the mule

MeLange: fair point

Levi Reed: Ok, well, let's check on the mule price and go from there, yeah?

Vee Barlett: Who's gonna handle it?

MeLange: carry the canoe?

Vee Barlett: all good!

MeLange: or the mule?

Vee Barlett: The mule.

Levi Reed: No one is carrying the mule

MeLange: the mule's mule

Vee Barlett: Hey Temp. How far is this Temple?

BOB If you take the canoe you will be splitting the party at some points, because obviously you are not taking a mule in the canoe, but you cannot carry the canoe easily through the jungles either. Taking a mule means you can take all your supplies on its back instead of you carrying them, so you can move at 12 (24 miles per day across easy terrain {Narrator: it was not easy terrain} if you are unencumbered

BOB 8 Gold to buy a mule

BOB There is the map of the island and you can see the arrow pointing to the mountain area you are heading to. It is "only" 12 miles upstream into the mountains

BOB So in theory this will be a two day trip up there

BOB Up in the mountains to where the river flows from

BOB So yes to canoe partway up, but then you will hit a spot where it will be much harder in the canoe and you will have to portage it

BOB and if someone has shipwright or boatbuilding they can build a canoe yes

BOB The current plan (and I do think it is a good one) is to buy 1 mule, load it up with what ever gear you want to take, spell books, food water etc and head up to the Church of the Mists

BOB That is where you will get your mission on where to find the ingredients to bring back

BOB Also to be clear Temperance only knows of the existence of this Church not exactly where it is

BOB and next session we wil leave from Achild off up into the mountains

BOB Yes you have a mule

BOB you are trained

<font color="#000000">Levi Reed spent 8 GP on a potentially misguided mule

BOB you have been in town or training for 11 weeks you all are going stir crazy and need to get out

BOB Adventure awaits