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Chat Log List - 2024 01 19 - Mushroom Man - Formatted - Story

BOB So we are at the point where the four of you are on third watch...

BOB ...and GO

MeLange: stretches.

Ratbone Carder: stretches.

MeLange: Nah nah, Ratbone. You gotta stretch like this.

Jericho: So, Vee is pissed and not talking to us. Pretty sure she’s tired. Wanna loot the Goblins?

MeLange: stretches again (most likely in order to re-demonstrate the ‘proper’ way to stretch.)

Ratbone Carder: tries the new MeLange Stretch™.

Temperance: rubs her eyes.

Ratbone Carder: Like this?

MeLange: There ya go!

Ratbone Carder: I think I popped something

MeLange: Doesn’t it feel great?

BOB Blood is where goblins were/died.

Temperance: If there are goblins, then I suppose it wouldn’t do to not explore them.

Jericho: rifles through the goblins’ version of backpack / pockets. (If it's just a loincloth, I’m good. Just taking a look at the weapons.)

Ratbone Carder: Wow. Goblin corpses. Ew. (wrinkles her nose in disgust)

MeLange: Whoa, there were goblins? Guess I slept right through it.

Ratbone Carder: I did too

BOB You find 4 stone daggers, and one

BOB (getting the treasure table)

MeLange: Parry!

MeLange: looks after the mule with concern.

Jericho: Parry! Oh no!

GM [TABLE] Table 84: Treasure Type B, Magical Items [d100 = 96]

Jericho: reaches into pocket, pulls out an apple.

Jericho: Oh, you poor baby!

MeLange: There ya go Parry, Jericho's got a nice apple for ya.

Jericho: gently hands over apple.

GM [TABLE] Table 105: Armor Type = [d20 = 16]


GM: [TABLE] Type 105: Armor Type: Shield Adjustment = [d6 = 4]


MeLange: [SKILL] Animal Lore [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 16]

BOB Jericho is VERY surprised one of the goblins had a +3 buckler on him.

Jericho: Let me take a look at you.

Ratbone Carder: Poor Parry!

Jericho: Holy Shit, is this a nice buckler?

Jericho: I don’t attack things very often. Can I hold this up to defend myself?

BOB Small shield good against one attack per round (in reference to the buckler).

Jericho: Do you think it would work?

MeLange: Sure thing, Jeri.

Jericho: slides it on his arm.

Jericho: Huh.

Temperance: I think it should be alright for defense?

MeLange: I mean, it’s fine by me. Not that I’m the decider or anything.

Jericho: You know…

Jericho: ponders.

MeLange: Feel good? Looks good on ya, gotta say.

Jericho: If someone were to hit me with his one, and I pushed them over, that wouldn't be me "hurting" them right? That would be gravity right?

MeLange: Think it'd be self defense, so you're good either way.

Jericho: Or, If I put a really big spike on the end, and they run at me, and I hold this up and they impale themselves, do you think that would be me attacking them?

Jericho: brightens.

Jericho: OH! If I put a fire ward on it, and they run at me, and activate the ward....

Ratbone Carder: looks over at MeLange worriedly.

MeLange: A fire shield? That does sound intimidating.

Jericho: Anyways, Parry!

Jericho: [SKILL] Veterinary Healing [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 10]

Jericho: Poor darling. What have they done to you?

MeLange: You alright, Ratbone?

Jericho: cleans wounds and tries to bandage Parry up.

Jericho: I'm so sorry!

BOB I will give Ratbone and Temperance an Intuition check (Wisdom).

Ratbone Carder: Oh, yeah I'm fine ...

MeLange: Oh, good. You seemed a bit worried.

MeLange: And thanks, Jericho. I'm sure Parry appreciates the help.

Jericho: pats Parry gently.

Ratbone Carder: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 7) [FAILURE by 10] [d20 = 17]

Temperance: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 16) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 18]

MeLange: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 9) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 14]

BOB Everyone is good.

MeLange: So are all the goblins looted? Think we got time for some human healing?

BOB Yes, you managed to clear the corpses off the island, to drift downstream and you are here on third watch trying to make it through the night.

Jericho: So, MeLange—

Ratbone Carder: MeLange went behind a bush. "(clarifying MeLange’s abrupt disappearance.)"

Temperance: Shall we get a bit closer to the... cabin?

Temperance: glances back at the wooden shack with a questionable look.

Jericho: Nods

Jericho: We’re in a bad way at the moment.

Ratbone Carder: sighs

Jericho: Let’s try and keep quiet and not make ourselves a target.

Ratbone Carder: Yeah, I guess we better.

Jericho: Not like we have any other options.

Jericho: We have a mini moat here at least. Fat lot of good it’s done for us so far.

Jericho: grumbles.

Ratbone Carder: plays air lute to practice fingering.

MeLange: Ok, fine.

Temperance: I believe Melange asked if you had any healing spells left before nature called him.

Jericho: I have nothing left at the moment.

MeLange: Oh, well.

Jericho: I need to meditate for a few hours at least. But as soon as we do, we'll figure this out.

MeLange: We all have to meditate?

Temperance: No, but Jericho requires it for his spells.

MeLange: Boy, magic is so needy sometimes.

Jericho: So, caves.

Temperance: Yes, caves.

Jericho: Are we still good with the reconnaissance mission?

Jericho: We have three coils of rope. We want to at least see if we can Jam the waterfall lever closed.

Ratbone Carder: So, are we planning instead of meditating?

Jericho: I can do both!

Jericho: hesitates.

Ratbone Carder: gives Jericho a dubious look.

MeLange: Well, like, if we’re already pretty hurt, is it really smart to go back in the caves?

BOB Observation or Alertness checks.

Ratbone Carder: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 9]

MeLange: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 10) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 13]

Ratbone Carder: Oh I don't like that. Do you hear that?

Jericho: shakes head.

Jericho: No.

MeLange: Jeri’s tummy? I sure did.

Jericho: What does it sound like?

Jericho: looks in Parry’s direction to see if the mule is startled.

→ Temperance: Knows of a thing called Shriekers but only knows they are mushrooms that shriek.

MeLange: Like a grumble.

Ratbone Carder: Not just the birds. There's a shrill shrieking.

Jericho: ...

BOB Parry is stamping and restless

MeLange: Oh, well that’s not good news.

Jericho: I didn’t really think this could get worse

Ratbone Carder: It’s distant, but you know our luck. It won't stay that way.

Temperance: Right. Was I supposed to do that Obs Check? I wasn't sure with Temperance being walking wounded.

MeLange: goes back to try and calm down Parry

Jericho: Should we huddle down and be quiet in the night? I don’t fancy running through the Jungle.

MeLange: There, there, Parry.

→ Temperance: No check is correct.

Jericho: We’re surrounded by water, and we can be quiet.

Temperance: Alright, awesome, thanks.

Temperance: reflects on what Ratbone mentioned about the shrieking.

MeLange: I could try moving that last log if you want, but then I’m not sure how we get out of here without getting wet.

Ratbone Carder: (whispering) How did the goblins get here?

Jericho: nods.

Jericho: The log bridge.

MeLange: Only way to get here, it looks like.

Ratbone Carder: (whispering) Oh, right.

Jericho: How big is it, MeLange?

Jericho: Can you lift it up, drag it over, and then we dump it back over in the morning?

MeLange: About log size, I’d say.

Jericho: snorts.

Ratbone Carder: (whispering) If whatever is shrieking is also flying ... we’d do better to guard the hut instead of messing with the bridge.

MeLange: I could give it a shot.

Jericho: looks above.

MeLange: If I can’t, maybe we could use some rope and Parry to help pull it over?

Jericho: If it’s flying, better to be under a decrepit roof instead of in the open.

MeLange: Good point. Can we get Parry in here, too?

Ratbone Carder: (whispering) Yes, and not getting caught in the open.

Jericho: nods.

BOB No to Parry being inside.

Ratbone Carder: [SKILL] Animal Handling [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 6) [FAILURE by 10] [d20 = 16]

Jericho: holds apple.

MeLange: What if we put a bunch of leaves on Parry?

Jericho: Come on, Parry. I'll stand right here with you.

The time is 1:00 AM

Jericho: Gently coaxes

Jericho: Yummy Apple!

The time is 4:00 AM

MeLange: Boy, time sure flies when you hide in a cabin.

Jericho: meditating.

The time is 7:00 AM.

BOB And the morning comes. You are all safe.

Jericho: sighs deeply.

BOB Except—

Rothuss Carder: zzzzzzzzzz-snrk-zzzzzzzzz

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 4]

BOB Temperance stretches and comes out of the cabin after a good nights sleep with all of her abilities again.

BOB And then, OH! What happened to the log off the island?

Jericho: Figures.

Jericho: shrugs.

Temperance: frowns at the disappearance of the log.

Jericho: I fucking hate this Jungle.

Jericho: Well, Vee. Let's see your raft yeah? You have it done at all?

MeLange: Boy, it sure is a jungle out there.

Jericho: chuckles.

Rothuss Carder: zzzzzzzzzzzz

Ratbone Carder: shakes brother

Ratbone Carder: Hey, are you getting up or what? It’s morning.

Jericho: Hey, MeLange, you know what I just realized?

MeLange: Hey Jericho, what’s that?

Jericho: We should have pulled the log over.

Jericho: bursts out laughing.

MeLange: That would’ve been good.

Temperance: reflects back to the shrieking sounds Ratbone mentioned and attempts to recall the types of creatures that may have made the sounds.

Temperance: Maybe...

Ratbone Carder: Or not. If the log had been closer to the cabin, then whatever took it would have been closer to the cabin, too.

Jericho: shrugs again.

Jericho: Well, maybe it was a sentient log? I mean, we found sentient mushrooms. Nothing surprises me at this point.

Ratbone Carder: Maybe not, if whatever took it was on foot.

BOB (The log bridge in the) Northwest you pushed off, Melange. The one to the southest you went to bed and when you woke up it was gone about an hour or so north along the path.

MeLange: Well, nothing wakes you better than a morning swim.

Ratbone Carder: Since everybody is busted up, is there any reason to go anywhere today? Maybe we ought to take a day off.

Jericho: Hell, I agree with that Ratbone. I say we use up what little spells we have, and then rest again.

MeLange: But we need to heal. If we just sit here all hurt and stuff we’re prime picking.

Rothuss Carder: zzzzzzz

Ratbone Carder: Maybe those of us capable of moving around a little should try to shore up the windows and doors.

Jericho: And this time, if something comes, we can at least be in better health

Temperance: ponders momentarily.

Jericho: stretches.

Jericho: And with that, let’s start the healing process regardless. Let me go one by one.

BOB After meditating for X amount of time (you will need to show the math), you can get all your spells back for Temperance and Jericho (and Lirt).

MeLange: Thanks, Jericho.

Ratbone Carder: I think we’re prime picking whether we sit around hurt or walk around hurt.

MeLange: Good point.

Rothuss Carder: zzzzzzzzzz

Ratbone Carder: What the hell, bubba?!?!

Ratbone Carder: checks Rothuss to make sure he’s okay.

Rothuss Carder: is still sleeping.

Jericho's health adjusted by +1

Parry the Mule's health adjusted by +1

MeLange's health adjusted by +1

Temperance's health adjusted by +1

Levi Reed's health adjusted by +1

Rothuss Carder: zzTT-SNR! HEY!

Rothuss Carder: bats and thrashes his hands.

Ratbone Carder: ducks and moves back.

BOB Now is the debate for the priests. Do you spend spells on healing people? or wait and use the spells in the caves?

Rothuss Carder: sits up and glares at Ratbone.

Ratbone Carder: It’s time to get up, Sleeping Beauty.

Rothuss Carder: Not cool, sis. Not cool.

MeLange: stretches his toes.

Rothuss Carder: checks how low the sun is in the sky and groans.

Rothuss Carder: Shoulda let Vee take second alone.

Jericho: One moment. Line up in most grevious injusted to less grevious wounded please

Jericho: Okay, guys, I swear to God, if you don’t line up, you ain’t getting healed.

MeLange: Someone’s on a power trip.

Jericho: grunts.

The time is 9:00 AM

Jericho: Okay, I give up!

Jericho: throws his hands up.

Jericho: If you want to be healed, come here, now. I don't care.

MeLange: You giving up already, Jeri? It’s only 7am.

Jericho: [HEAL] Cure Light Wounds [d8 = 5]

Heal [5] -> [to Jericho] [STATUS: Heavy]

Jericho: [HEAL] Cure Light Wounds [d8 = 1]

Heal [1] -> [to MeLange]

MeLange: Hmm… I guess I feel a little better.

Jericho: Yeah, sorry, MeLange. I don’t have the “Magic Touch” today, it seems. I still feel like shit, so...

Jericho's health adjusted by +5

MeLange: No worries, probably need to meditate more.

MeLange's health adjusted by +1

Rothuss Carder: puts the back of his hand against Ratbone’s forehead to check to see if she's still running a fever.

Rothuss Carder: How you feeling, Ratbone?

Ratbone Carder: I’m okay, big brother, how are you?

MeLange: It’s nice to see siblings get along... I wouldn’t know about that.

Ratbone Carder: I slept through whatever the heck happened last night.

Rothuss Carder: Still tired. I pulled two shifts last night.

Ratbone Carder: TWO?!?! Damn, Bubba, sorry I didn’t let you sleep.

Rothuss Carder: drops to the ground, flops onto his back, and waves his hand dismissively. Rothuss Carder: Nah, s’okay. I knew what I was signing up for.

Ratbone Carder: Aaaaaaand he’s out.

Rothuss Carder: Just going to watch the sky for a bit…

MeLange: I heard that siblings are like enemies you can’t kill.

Ratbone Carder: Well yeah, except when someone is against one of us, they are against all of us.

Rothuss Carder: Death to enemies!!!.....

Ratbone Carder: It’s fine for ME to kick him in the ass, but if you try, I’m gonna open up whoopass. It goes 1. me against my sibling 2. me and my sibling against my cousin 3. me and my cousin against everyone else.

MeLange: Sounds like a good policy... or a policy.

[ Orison Activated, I think? ]

Temperance's health adjusted by +5

MeLange's health adjusted by +11

Jericho's health adjusted by +2

Temperance's health adjusted by +2

MeLange's health adjusted by +5

Parry the Mule's health adjusted by +6

Levi Reed's health adjusted by +19

BOB And all used up. Right now Levi is the only one wounded.

BOB And now everyone understands better how Watches and memorizing spells, and Orisons and healing works.

Jericho: looks despairingly at the missing log.

Jericho: How do we get Parry across? She doesn’t swim.

Ratbone Carder: And how do we know Parry can’t swim?

Jericho: We pulled her out of the water last time.

Ratbone Carder: Oh.

MeLange: We could tie some rope around her, get to the other side, and pull her over?

Rothuss Carder: looks around to see if we pulled the smaller log up onto the island, or just dumped it into the river.

Jericho: Anyone able to lasso something on the other end?

Jericho: Or, we can check the house. There might be some long planks left we can use.

Jericho: investigates the house, looking for anything that could be used for a bridge.

Jericho: Help me out, guys. After we get across, we can see about another trunk. Unless you all have a better idea.

Rothuss Carder: goes to look and see if he thinks he stands a chance of leaping to the stone and then to the other bank.

MeLange: explores the north part of the island.

Temperance: looks around the cabin, accompanying Jericho for any possible planks.

BOB No planks to use for anything other than a potential fire.

Jericho: Shoot. Nothing here.

Temperance: nods.

MeLange: Hmm…

Jericho: Who’s a good swimmer? Tie yourself to a rope, and we can set up a line across.

Jericho: Shouldn’t be a challenge for us, but it might be for Parry still.

Ratbone Carder: Me!

Jericho: Nods and fetches rope from his pack.

Ratbone Carder: But did we find anything to attach it to? At least on our side?

Rothuss Carder: Hang on. Let me try this jump first. Give me the rope end.

Jericho: tosses it to Ratbone.

Jericho: We’ll tie off on this end just in case over here. You can find something on that end.

MeLange: We could attach it to Parry.

Jericho: Or, if you see the log, you could try rolling it back.

Jericho: shrugs.

Ratbone Carder: passes it to Rothuss.

Jericho: Remember, tie yourself off well. That way if you find yourself struggling, we can pull you back to us. If you find any danger on your side, jump in the water and we can pull you back to us.

Ratbone Carder: Did we find anything on our side to tie it to?

MeLange: Those trees to the south?

BOB So Rothuss needs a dex check to make it across.

Ratbone Carder: If those are trees to the south, there’s a handy rock in the middle of the stream too.

BOB There is the rock in the stream he is trying to bounce across on.

Rothuss Carder: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 9]

Rothuss Carder: wraps the rope end multiple times around a tree trunk and holds it for everyone.

Jericho: You see a bridge log over there?

BOB I will point out you are on the wrong side of the stream from the cave. That is on the east side, not the west side.

Rothuss Carder: Do you want me to go to the other side?

Jericho: Yes?

Rothuss Carder: Or everybody can cross here?

Jericho: You think it would be easier for the Mule? If so, then definitely.

Temperance: We can either all cross here and walk around together, or Rothuss can walk around and then cross.

Rothuss Carder: I don’t know about the mule. But pull the rope back and toss it to me on the other side. If I carry this end around with me it's just going to get caught on the bushes and hut.

Jericho: Sure.

Jericho: grabs the ropes and reels it back.

Rothuss Carder: whistles quietly to himself as he walks around the river bank

Rothuss Carder: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 6] [d20 = 20]

Rothuss Carder: face-plants into the other bank.

Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Swimming [MOD:STR] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 10]

Jericho: You all right?

Jericho: calls out to Rothuss.

Ratbone Carder: Snotface!!! Are you okay?!?

BOB So Rothuss JUMPS and SPLASHES into the stream then hauls himself out.

Rothuss Carder: Yeah, I’m fine! Slipped on a bit of mud!

Jericho: nods.

Jericho: You twist anything?

Rothuss Carder: Only thing I hurt is my pride.

Ratbone Carder: And your trousers!

Jericho: We didn’t see nothin’.

Rothuss Carder: Fortunately I have a sister, so it’s always so badly wounded one more scratch isn't going to be noticed.

Jericho: ..... Huh, okay...

Jericho: whispers to the group.

Jericho: We need to boost his pride.

Jericho: I’m not good at that sort of thing. Help me out here.

Temperance: shrugs.

Rothuss Carder: You guys want to cross at this rock here, or where the log was?

Jericho: Rothuss, you tell me! I couldn't even climb up a god-damned ladder, to be honest. I was just gonna tie myself around the rope and swim for it. But I'm worried about how we’re going to help the mule.

Rothuss Carder: Whatever works for you. Toss me the other end and I’ll wrap it around a tree.

Jericho: Hey Rothuss, I don’t suppose you see any logs do you? We still have the mule over here and I don't know how we’ll convince her to cross.

Rothuss Carder: Yeah! But they still have roots on ‘em!

Jericho: snorts.

Jericho: Uh yeah. Any that don’t?

Rothuss Carder: I dunno. Let me look, I guess.

Rothuss Carder: wanders around aimlessly not rolling his Observation skill because he doesn’t have one.

Ratbone Carder: I’ll look.

Ratbone Carder: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 11]

Ratbone Carder: Right there. See that glint? Right there.

Rothuss Carder: draws his saber and backs into the clearing to the south

Ratbone Carder: Warmer, warmer… Colder! Okay there you go, warmer.

[TURN] Ratbone Carder

[TURN] Parry the Mule

[TURN] Jericho

[TURN] MeLange

[TURN] Goblin

Goblin: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [d20 = 13]

Attack [13] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Rothuss Carder] [Hit-AC: 7 vs. 8 ] [AC: 7 ] [HIT]

BOB That is a miss in the sunlight.

[TURN] Vee Barlett

[TURN] Temperance

[INIT] 7 : Orison

Goblin (Mangled left ear): [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [d20 = 14]

Attack [14] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Rothuss Carder] [Hit-AC: 6 vs. 8 ] [AC: 6 ] [HIT]

BOB That is a miss in the sunlight, but only barely.

[TURN] Lirtimya

[TURN] Goblin (Baggy blazer)

Ratbone Carder: rage-yells

[TURN] Rothuss Carder - [Cover90]

Rothuss Carder: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 11]

Attack [11] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Sabre) [at Goblin (Baggy blazer)] [Hit-AC: 8 vs. 6 ] [AC: 8 ] [MISS]

[TURN] Levi Reed - [Punching; BSTR: 0]


[TURN] Ratbone Carder

Jericho: [INIT] [d10 = 5]

Rothuss Carder: Have you, emerald toe-warts!

Ratbone Carder: [INIT] [d10 = 4]

[TURN] MeLange

MeLange: hearing Rothuss scream, Melange dives into the water.

MeLange: [SKILL] Swimming [MOD:STR] (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 11]

BOB swims in the current for a moment then gets up on the other side near Rothuss.

BOB make a dex check.

MeLange: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 15]

BOB You did get up and out but not quick enough to hit them.

MeLange: Hey look at me, ugly!

[TURN] Jericho

Rothuss Carder: Don't be so hard on yourself! You're not that ugly, Mel!

Jericho: [DAMAGE] Produce Flame [TYPE: fire (1d4+1=2)] [d4+1 = 2]

[2] -> [to Goblin (Baggy blazer)] [STATUS: Moderate]

BOB What is the range on that spell?

Jericho: Oh gee, I think that Fire is killing that creature. (40 Yards)

Jericho: Gee, nature sure is a bitch sometimes.

[TURN] Goblin

Goblin: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [d20 = 3]

Attack [3] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Rothuss Carder] [Hit-AC: 17 vs. 8 ] [AC: 17 ] [MISS]

[TURN] Vee Barlett

[TURN] Temperance

[TURN] Goblin (Mangled left ear)

Goblin (Mangled left ear): [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [d20 = 20]

Attack [20] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Rothuss Carder] [Hit-AC: 0 vs. 8 ] [AC: 0 ] [CRITICAL HIT]

Goblin (Mangled left ear): [DAMAGE (M)] Attack [TYPE: bludgeoning (1d6=2)] [d6 = 2]

[2] -> [to Rothuss Carder] [STATUS: Light]

Goblin (Mangled left ear): [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [d20 = 3]

Attack [3] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Rothuss Carder] [Hit-AC: 17 vs. 8 ] [AC: 17 ] [MISS]

[TURN] Goblin (Baggy blazer)

Goblin (Baggy blazer): [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [d20 = 16]

Attack [16] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at MeLange] [Hit-AC: 4 vs. 3 ] [AC: 4 ] [MISS]

[TURN] Rothuss Carder - [Cover90]

Rothuss Carder: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(19)] [+4] [d20+4 = 8]

Attack [8] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Sabre) [at Goblin (Baggy blazer)] [Hit-AC: 11 vs. 6 ] [AC: 11 ] [MISS]


[TURN] Parry the Mule

[TURN] Ratbone Carder

Ratbone Carder: [ATTACK (R)] [THACO(20)] [ENC: Severe] [-4] [d20-8 = -6]

Attack [-6] ->[ATTACK (R)] (Knife) [at Goblin (Baggy blazer)] [Hit-AC: 26 vs. 6 ] [AC: 26 ] [MISS]

[TURN] MeLange

MeLange: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(18)] [d20+1 = 3]

Attack [3] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Battle Axe) [at Goblin (Baggy blazer)] [Hit-AC: 15 vs. 6 ] [AC: 15 ] [MISS]

MeLange: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(18)] [d20+1 = 9]

Attack [9] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Battle Axe) [at Goblin (Baggy blazer)] [Hit-AC: 9 vs. 6 ] [AC: 9 ] [MISS]

[TURN] Jericho

Jericho: Mother Nature is running out of Juice, Rothuss!

Jericho: Want me to call on her again?

Jericho: passes the 4 stone daggers to Ratbone.

Jericho: Here, you can use these better than me.

Ratbone Carder: Oh! Well, I can try.

Jericho: I can’t hit shit.

Goblin: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [d20 = 15]

Attack [15] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at MeLange] [Hit-AC: 5 vs. 3 ] [AC: 5 ] [MISS]

Jericho: Good luck!

[TURN] Vee Barlett

[TURN] Temperance

[INIT] 7 : Shortbow

Temperance: [INIT] [MOD:Shortbow] [-4] [d10+3 = 6]

Temperance: [ATTACK (R)] [THACO(20)] [AC: 1 ] [d20 = 19]

BOB You did not roll on a token, but that is a hit. Roll damage on who you attacked.

Temperance: [DAMAGE (R)] Shortbow [TYPE: piercing (1d6=6)] [d6 = 6]

[6] -> [to Goblin (Baggy blazer)] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 1] [STATUS: Dying (0)]

[TURN] Goblin

Goblin: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [d20 = 18]

Attack [18] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at MeLange] [Hit-AC: 2 vs. 3 ] [AC: 2 ] [HIT]

Goblin: [DAMAGE (M)] Attack [TYPE: bludgeoning (1d6=1)] [d6 = 1]

[1] -> [to MeLange] [STATUS: Light]

[TURN] Vee Barlett

[TURN] Goblin (Mangled left ear)

MeLange: Ouchies!

Goblin (Mangled left ear): [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [d20 = 15]

Attack [15] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Rothuss Carder] [Hit-AC: 5 vs. 8 ] [AC: 5 ] [HIT]

[TURN] Goblin (Baggy blazer)

[TURN] Rothuss Carder - [Cover90]

Rothuss Carder: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 10]

Attack [10] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Sabre) [at Goblin (Mangled left ear)] [Hit-AC: 9 vs. 6 ] [AC: 9 ] [MISS]


[TURN] Parry the Mule

[TURN] Ratbone Carder

Ratbone Carder: [ATTACK (R)] [THACO(20)] [ENC: Severe] [d20-4 = 12]

Attack [12] ->[ATTACK (R)] (Knife) [at Goblin (Baggy blazer)] [Hit-AC: 8 vs. 6 ] [AC: 8 ] [MISS]

[TURN] MeLange

MeLange: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(18)] [d20+1 = 4]

Attack [4] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Battle Axe) [at Goblin (Baggy blazer)] [Hit-AC: 14 vs. 6 ] [AC: 14 ] [MISS]

MeLange: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(18)] [d20+1 = 14]

Attack [14] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Battle Axe) [at Goblin (Baggy blazer)] [Hit-AC: 4 vs. 6 ] [AC: 4 ] [HIT]

Jericho: Good Job, MeLange!

MeLange: [DAMAGE (M)] Battle axe [TYPE: slashing (1d8+3=8)] [d8+3 = 8]

[8] -> [to Goblin (Baggy blazer)] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 8]

BOB On Odd numbers you get two attacks

[TURN] Jericho

Jericho: Holding until end of turn.

[TURN] Temperance

[INIT] 6 : Shortbow

Temperance: [ATTACK (R)] [THACO(20)] [d20 = 5]

Attack [5] ->[ATTACK (R)] (Shortbow) [at Goblin] [Hit-AC: 15 vs. 6 ] [AC: 15 ] [MISS]

[TURN] Vee Barlett

BOB Does Vee have any ideas? Actions?

(I believe she rows her canoe to where Rothuss and Melange are? It was talked about in OOC.)

[TURN] Goblin (Mangled left ear)

Goblin (Mangled left ear): [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [d20 = 9]

Attack [9] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Rothuss Carder] [Hit-AC: 11 vs. 8 ] [AC: 11 ] [MISS]

[TURN] Goblin (Baggy blazer)

[TURN] Rothuss Carder - [Cover90]

Rothuss Carder: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 7]

Attack [7] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Sabre) [at Goblin (Mangled left ear)] [Hit-AC: 12 vs. 6 ] [AC: 12 ] [MISS]


[TURN] Parry the Mule

[TURN] Ratbone Carder

(Jericho took his turn because he held his until the end)

Jericho: [DAMAGE (M)] Mace, Footmans [TYPE: bludgeoning (1d6+1=5)] [d6+1 = 5]

[5] -> [to Goblin] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 2] [STATUS: Dying (0)]

Goblin’s health adjusted by +3

Jericho: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [ENC: Moderate] [d20-1 = 12]

Attack [12] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Mace, Footmans) [at Goblin] [Hit-AC: 8 vs. 6 ] [AC: 8 ] [MISS

Ratbone Carder: [SKILL] Swimming [MOD:STR] (vs. Target 6) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 3]

[TURN] MeLange

MeLange: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(18)] [d20+1 = 16]

Attack [16] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Battle Axe) [at Goblin (Mangled left ear)] [Hit-AC: 2 vs. 6 ] [AC: 2 ] [HIT]

MeLange: [DAMAGE (M)] Battle axe [TYPE: slashing (1d8+3=11)] [d8+3 = 11]

[11] -> [to Goblin (Mangled left ear)] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 10] [STATUS: Dying (0)]

MeLange: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(18)] [d20+1 = 9]

Attack [9] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Battle Axe) [at Goblin] [Hit-AC: 9 vs. 6 ] [AC: 9 ] [MISS]

[TURN] Jericho

Jericho: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [ENC: Moderate] [d20-1 = 6]

Attack [6] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Mace, Footmans) [at Goblin] [Hit-AC: 14 vs. 6 ] [AC: 14 ] [MISS]

BOB Ratbone gets an attack

Ratbone Carder: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [ENC: Severe] [d20-5 = 6]

Attack [6] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Club) [at Goblin] [Hit-AC: 14 vs. 6 ] [AC: 14 ] [MISS]

[TURN] Temperance

Temperance: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [d20 = 14]

Attack [14] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Dagger) [at Goblin] [Hit-AC: 6 vs. 6 ] [AC: 6 ] [HIT]

BOB That is a miss with the minus 4.

[TURN] Goblin

BOB runs away into the bushes.

MeLange: Yeah, you better run!

BOB Melange, Ratbone, and Rothuss get an attack on it as it flees.

Rothuss Carder: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 9]

Attack [9] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Sabre) [at Goblin] [Hit-AC: 10 vs. 6 ] [AC: 10 ] [MISS]

MeLange: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(18)] [d20+1 = 11]

Attack [11] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Battle Axe) [at Goblin] [Hit-AC: 7 vs. 6 ] [AC: 7 ] [MISS]

Ratbone Carder: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [ENC: Severe] [AC: 12 ] [d20-5 = 8]

Ratbone Carder: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [ENC: Severe] [d20-5 = -2]

Attack [-2] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Club) [at Goblin] [Hit-AC: 22 vs. 6 ] [AC: 22 ] [MISS]

BOB ...and so it makes it off into the bushes to escape.

Rothuss Carder: Whoo! That was a workout! Dodging 3 knives at once.

Rothuss Carder: Thanks for jumping in.

BOB So this is the Out of Character decision, go to the caves NOW or wait and do that first thing next session.

Ratbone Carder: looking for knife

BOB Yes, you find your knife Ratbone.