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Chat Log List - 2024 05 24 - Bear Went Over the Mountain - Formatted - Story

Chat log with automatic formatting applied

'wyjyoon' connected

BOB Hello Wendy

BOB Ask away with any questions you have Wendy

wyjyoon: Just thinking about the logistics of the whole underwater thing for right now! And looking over spells. I might pop some questions after I've wrapped my brain around what to do exactly!

BOB I am here

'TMO' connected

BOB Hey there TMO

TMO: heylo

BOB TMO when you go to the Party Sheet can you see the Downtime Tracker tab?

'JtomTMO' connected

TMO: there is a tab I can click on, it is empty

BOB Thank you

Rothuss Carder: added one, can't alter time, unless I missed the switch

BOB I can see it

Rothuss Carder: and I can only add for my own character

Rothuss Carder: once created, don't seem to be able to edit it, only delete

Rothuss Carder: what is the MNM stuff?

BOB Mad Nomad is the developer of the extensions

BOB Of several of the ones we use

BOB I do know that the Inventory tab has some issues but not sure which extensions cause which errors

Rothuss Carder: anything we players need to investigate/play with/explore/use?

Rothuss Carder: or just close?

BOB If you do explore just let me know errors or things we want to change

BOB and hey there JTom sorry did not see you pop in

Rothuss Carder: I trained him in stealth as a child

BOB grins

Rothuss Carder: Hello Wendy and Shislif

BOB Sharif is not in

BOB that is an illusion

wyjyoon (Temperance): Hello hello!

wyjyoon (Temperance): Lol

Rothuss Carder: I roll to disbelieve!

Rothuss Carder: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 9) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 13]

wyjyoon (Temperance): Is he like the ghost monkey too lol

wyjyoon (Temperance): A figment of someone's imagination

BOB Not sure who took that Token, but I do not show him logged in at all

Rothuss Carder: there's no color tracker at the top left, maybe just a function of a narrow image icon?

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Hello!

wyjyoon (Temperance): Hey JTom!


Rothuss Carder: so, shall we try to drown the ladies again?

wyjyoon (Temperance): Lol

wyjyoon (Temperance): Just keep swimming they said, it'll be fun they said

wyjyoon (Temperance): : P

Rothuss Carder: I guess we should add what they're working on to the Downtime sheet as well, while we're here and on the topic

wyjyoon (Temperance): Sounds good!

wyjyoon (Temperance): Lirt wanted some training before, I think?

wyjyoon (Temperance): Is the research thing still a thing?

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Yes

BOB Yeap

wyjyoon (Temperance): Cool : )

BOB and yes to TMO

s and NWPs

BOB wanted to test that idea AND figure out what people think it important to know

BOB and trck

BOB track

'Lemon' connected

Rothuss Carder: so the Climb Walls learning for Rothuss is actually done.

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): There's the list of NWPs and spells all the waqy to 5th level

Rothuss Carder: won't let me delete the task

BOB Hello Lemon

wyjyoon (Temperance): Hey Lemon!

BOB and deleted TMO

BOB Should we use the refresh to bring TMO back?

Lemon (Levi Reed): Hello friends

Lemon (Levi Reed): I am an exhausted shell of a person so I make no promises as to how long I will last this evening

Rothuss Carder: bring me back where?

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Lemon!

BOB Was a joke TMO, that I deleted the tracker but said I deleted you

TMO (Rothuss Carder): oh, I get it. You deleted me. Got it. I Slow

TMO (Rothuss Carder): I Not Bright

BOB 'Every little light helps

TMO (Rothuss Carder): "The door is open, but the little light isn't on"

wyjyoon (Temperance): I wasn't thinking about this originally, but maybe I need a religion NWP

BOB Jtom and Wendy are getting help with what they can do and how they can do it as they want

BOB and Lemon is hanging out and speculating on ghost fish to go along with ghost monkeys and ghost lizards

Lemon (Levi Reed): Is she?

wyjyoon (Temperance): LOL chase your ghostie friends

wyjyoon (Temperance): But also

wyjyoon (Temperance): On the topic of doing things and getting help, is the dive bell thing something probable?

wyjyoon (Temperance): Because brain can't imagine it too well rn

BOB If you can create it then yes

BOB but the idea is how would you create and why

TMO (Rothuss Carder): or we all attack Lirt until she levels up and learns the Breath Water spell

Lemon (Levi Reed): Didn't Violette say she could hold her breath underwater for like,e ver? Why don't we just make her go do stuff

wyjyoon (Temperance): I was thinking two people could go with Violette to go do the stuff

wyjyoon (Temperance): Since the potion is just for two

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Yes, the ideal D&D session. "NPC! Go explore the dungeon for me! Report back on what you find!"


JtomTMO (Lirtimya): lol

Lemon (Levi Reed): Lol, but with BOB, they are rarely dungeons. They're some kind of complicated political puzzle

Lemon (Levi Reed): They're going to have to negotiate with a giant sentient clam or something, and Levi isn't great at that

BOB We will do more dungeons now you are in the islands and not in swamps where they sink

BOB Just letting you all gain some skills and levels before you go deeper into caves and dungeon

wyjyoon (Temperance): The cave was underground, does that count?

TMO (Rothuss Carder): that will make Jericho's day

wyjyoon (Temperance): Lol

wyjyoon (Temperance): We better get it done before October then : )

Lemon (Levi Reed): well we better do the caves fast before he comes back

BOB grins the first one was a sample and people did ok, then the longer one was not quite so fun for everyone

Levi Reed: everyone is weenies

Lemon (Levi Reed): ooc

Lemon (Levi Reed): but it works

wyjyoon (Temperance): Lol

wyjyoon (Temperance): It was alright

BOB TMO tested the Down Time Tracker for us already

BOB Is there anything else that people want to test? character sheet wise? spell effect wise, etc?

wyjyoon (Temperance): Oh right I was looking at spells

wyjyoon (Temperance): Got distracted

BOB we can take advantage of the idea that is it morning so everyone is fully healed, full spells, we can experiment and then reset easily


wyjyoon (Temperance): That's me in a nutshell

BOB JTom how much school is left for you?

Rothuss Carder: starts stripping off his clothing and tossing them in a pile on top of a rock.

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): idk, plenty

BOB grins, we have three weeks left here max, most are two more weeks

TMO (Rothuss Carder): the boy refuses to do a bunch of his homework, so he's not done until it is. ;)

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): It's like the song that never ends, the pile gets bigger and bigger even when I do work

BOB Ahhh well zero XP until the homework is gone?

BOB I will admit I skipped the final exam for my senior year of physics, because I already had a 110% in the class

Lemon (Levi Reed): Welcome to the rest of your life, my dude

BOB Had not gotten a question wrong all year, plus all the bonus questions

Lemon (Levi Reed): The piles of things that need to be done continue to get bigger no matter how much you do

Lirtimya: Guess I won't be getting xp for the next year or so, seeing as I get to do math all through summer anyways

Lirtimya: Sorry OOC

BOB grins

TMO (Rothuss Carder): he does well, but not *that* well

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): OOC x2

BOB Math is never ending

TMO (Rothuss Carder): all these people who refuse to realize how useful math is. "But I'll never use it!" Bah humbug

BOB But you are getting credit hours knocked off?

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Lol no

Lemon (Levi Reed): Beyond basic addition and subtraction, I do not use math in my daily life

BOB THAT is his issue, he does not do math so he has no idea that he already has enough credit hours, so he has to keep doing them

TMO (Rothuss Carder): but you *could* use it, you just don't know it. :D

wyjyoon (Temperance): Um so this might be a silly question, but is there a difference between sanctify and bless, because my brain isn't grasping it yet

BOB What are the chances that Lemon will get sick if X number of children come to class?

Lemon (Levi Reed): 100

Lemon (Levi Reed): I catch it all

wyjyoon (Temperance): She's already sick

BOB Checking both for you before answering Wendy

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Say it with me, "Viruses are not Pokemon..."

: Sanctuary

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Sanctify

TMO (Rothuss Carder): not Sanctuary

: Bless


TMO (Rothuss Carder): ir/uar

TMO (Rothuss Carder): if/uar

Lemon (Levi Reed): I don't TRY to catch it all, but my immune system is garbage

BOB Sanctify is an Area of Effect for a specific place, like an altar, where Bless is targeted at a group of people or objects

wyjyoon (Temperance): Oh okay, hang on, reading sanctify again

BOB Also Sanctify is a cooperative spell so if multiple priests of the same religion cast it together it is more powerful

BOB Bless is a single priest spell

wyjyoon (Temperance): So if sanctify is cast on a specific area and your party is within said area, they receive the effect too, right? Or am I still confused


BOB and if Jericho and Temperance both cast it is more powerful

wyjyoon (Temperance): I guess we'll see how it works in October : )

BOB Thus, one 8th-level and three 6th-level priests would give the spell a duration of 14 rounds (8+2+2+2).

Lemon (Levi Reed): simple addition.


Lemon (Levi Reed): Yeah but it's the good kind

BOB lol

BOB quote

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Why was 6 afraid of 7?

Lemon (Levi Reed): we all know this one

BOB Do you?

TMO (Rothuss Carder): but do you know part 2?

BOB that is more complicated math

Lemon (Levi Reed): because 7 ate 8

Lemon (Levi Reed): I've heard part 2, but I don't remember it offhand

Lemon (Levi Reed): lol 7 ate 9

Lemon (Levi Reed): sorry brain

TMO (Rothuss Carder): because 7 ate 9. But do you know *why* 7 ate 9?

Lemon (Levi Reed): not at the moment, I don't

wyjyoon (Temperance): The lore behind the numbers

TMO (Rothuss Carder): because you should eat 3 squared meals a day

Lemon (Levi Reed): that's the bad math


BOB quote

wyjyoon (Temperance): OH I got it lol

Lemon (Levi Reed): That's why I don't know that one

TMO (Rothuss Carder): I ran into that one yesterday. hadn't heard it before that I can remember

BOB Also slightly dragging back to topic for Wendy, the Bless spell can be used on individuals to give them a plus 5% which is the +1 to any roll

TMO (Rothuss Carder): wait? topic? there's a topic? WHERE?

BOB The target can be 60 yards away

wyjyoon (Temperance): Was about to ask about the effects : )

Lemon (Levi Reed): Topics are for weenies who stay on the rails

BOB so if you want to cast on Rothuss to help his singing it gives him a plus 5%

Lemon (Levi Reed): brb

User has gone AFK. (Lemon)

wyjyoon (Temperance): But he can't sing underwater

wyjyoon (Temperance): Can he?

BOB But on Levi for his charming ghost monkeys it is a plus 1 to charisma

TMO (Rothuss Carder): he doesn't really sing out of water either

BOB and grabbing that page for you

BOB breathing underwater and water breathing are two different things

wyjyoon (Temperance): One of these days I'm going to find "DND Spells for Beginners" or something

BOB You are way past that point

BOB you are into edge case stuff already

wyjyoon (Temperance): Am I?

wyjyoon (Temperance): But okay, back to bless and sanctify, I'm interpreting that the effects of those spells are pretty similar on the people?

BOB yes and no

BOB Bless gives Levi a plus 5% to his saves

BOB Sanctify gives Levi a plus 10% (+2) to his saves IF he is in the sactified area, if he leaves it then Zero

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Bless is on the people and is slightly less effective. Sanctify is on an area, and only works in that area. Gets extra bonus if people there are of same religion

TMO (Rothuss Carder): so if the fight leaves the chamber you're in, Bless would still work, Sanctify would not

wyjyoon (Temperance): Oh okay, that actually makes sense, since sanctify is an area effect spell

BOB Most churches have their altar area with a permanent Sactify cast on it. but that indicates a well off church or temple

BOB Becasue it can cost thousands of gold to make that happen

BOB and it needs X levels of priests to stay nearby to keep it up

BOB SOOOOOO you need to send low level priests off on adventures.....


wyjyoon (Temperance): Lol

BOB I am very happy you are growing in level and curiosity to discover these things

wyjyoon (Temperance): I mean, as someone who had zero xp before I started, I'm glad I'm making some progress

BOB You are by leaps and bounds

BOB Like a monkey

BOB man that did not draw Lemon out

wyjyoon (Temperance): No it did not

wyjyoon (Temperance): Oh wait, I had another question

wyjyoon (Temperance): Could you link me the page to the Withdraw spell?

BOB Jtom is there a spell you want to research or hope to find in some forgotten corner of a library?

wyjyoon (Temperance): I read it through the wiki and it just confused me because I think it has to do with time and stuff

BOB Planning for future adventures

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): For 2nd level spells, Summon Swarm

: Withdraw Spell

wyjyoon (Temperance): Thanks Bob : )

BOB That is good JTom

BOB what about future wishes?

BOB What 3rd or 4th level spells woudl she have her eyes on

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): 3rd level water breathingand melf's minute meteors

BOB So adventure to the temple of the stars check

wyjyoon (Temperance): Shoot for the stars

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): 4th level Evard's Black Tentacles or Conjure Elemental

BOB What is the question on Withdraw?

BOB Both of those are fun spells Jtom

BOB Will keep that in mind as potential things to find, get as a reward etc

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): And 5th level, the last one I have in my little book thing marked down, Airy Water or Major Creation

BOB Find a scroll of Conjure Water Elemental, use it now? or hold it and learn it in 2 more levels.....

TMO (Rothuss Carder): hold it! :P

Lirtimya: Definatly hold

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): OOC

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Alt didn't do it's job for some reason

BOB Can release the character and just type too

BOB How are the maps doing for people? the overall Borinquen map is ok? do you want more pins/icons to show where things are?

BOB and bombarding everyone with questions to distract Carissa from the idea that Lemon stole two drinks of her potion

wyjyoon (Temperance): It musta been a good drink

BOB So what is the thought on Withdraw?

wyjyoon (Temperance): I think pins would be nice just as someone who has a hard time reading maps on a daily basis!

wyjyoon (Temperance): Oh yeah Withdraw

BOB I can add more, each pin in the map will open up a Story that is a link to that page on the site

wyjyoon (Temperance): So the spell is for the Priest to basically sit and think, right? It says that it alters the flow of time with regard to himself, which means time doesn't pass for the priest but it does for the rest of the party?

BOB Now that you are in the Bowl you have been in each of the four primary adventure locations (with two more in the future)

BOB Correct on Withdraw, so Temp could cast Withdraw, the heal herself, stop and think about what the hell is going on and get another spell ready, move her dagger in front of Vee who just threw her last one and then the spell is over and Temp casts again

BOB All that presumes Zero movement

wyjyoon (Temperance): I like the "think about what the hell is going on" part

User has gone AFK. (TMO)

wyjyoon (Temperance): But it's good that I interpreted the spell properly, magic is ... hard to wrap my brain around

BOB Good

BOB If you can start casting spells.... Lemon we need to talk

wyjyoon (Temperance): It's not necessarily the casting that's the tricky part, it's more so learning when to apply the spells the most effectively : )

wyjyoon (Temperance): Which comes with experience, I'm sure

BOB Knowing your spells is the key thing

BOB Knowing you have X number of combat attack, X number of affect the other guys X number of help our side

BOB And then going hmmm Vee and Melange can attack and kill these monsters, so I can help by making them fall over

BOB OR just knowing to not do anything and wait until later

Lemon (Levi Reed): what

BOB Lirt has done that several times

BOB What lemon?

Lemon (Levi Reed): Idk, I saw "lemon we need to talk"

JtomTMO: How to play low level magic user: know where the do nothing button is

Lemon (Levi Reed): so now I'm scrolling up to see what that was all about

BOB If Wendy can start casting spells we need to talk Lemon.... we can make some serious cash on her


BOB Quote

Lemon (Levi Reed): wha

wyjyoon (Temperance): I didn't get that at all

BOB Untangled noodles

wyjyoon (Temperance): Tangled noodles

BOB TO be clear queen of the summaries, that last Quote for for JTom's excellent low level magic quote

Lemon (Levi Reed): Yes, that was fantastic and hilarious. It's just everything else that I don't understand

BOB I am very happy to have the two of you here (JTom and Wendy) you both make the game fun

JtomTMO: Hear that TMO, I'm taking oiver the funny role as well

BOB The old folks like Lemon and TMO are good too ;)


TMO (Rothuss Carder): What was that, sonny? Speak up!

wyjyoon (Temperance): Lol

JtomTMO: lol

Lemon (Levi Reed): Oh, that reminds me, I found my new favorite meme response in a stupid mobile game that I play. Posting it in the discord.

TMO: great, he's over here behind me telling me I'm obsolete.

BOB lol

TMO: just what every father wants to hear

wyjyoon (Temperance): Lol

BOB Now he can pay the mortgage

JtomTMO: I said he was becoming obsolete in the funny department

wyjyoon (Temperance): LOL Lemon that's how I feel about spells

wyjyoon (Temperance): Also what is a numerological formula

BOB In relation to which?

wyjyoon (Temperance): In relation to a personal reading spell

wyjyoon (Temperance): It says the requirement is "a book of numerological formulae"

: Personal Reading

BOB The material component is a small book of numerological formulae and notes (different from the book used in telethaumaturgy). The book is not consumed in the casting.

BOB No this is not sinister at all.... The subject need not be present during the casting. The priest can cast the spell without ever having met the subject.

BOB So you need a small book of numbers, similar to a chart of moon phases with the seasons etc

wyjyoon (Temperance): So basically the calendar?

Lemon (Levi Reed): stupid priest math

BOB Computations of the perfect triangle in relation to the full moon in the second house of the Greater Mongoose

wyjyoon (Temperance): Listen I didn't know what I was signing up for when I jumped into this

Lemon (Levi Reed): girl, same

BOB As Carissa said, "OH then I realized I could just make it up and it all became so easy"

wyjyoon (Temperance): So a triangle with moon phases and what house?

BOB Just making things up

TMO: house of the rising sun

wyjyoon (Temperance): Lol

Lemon (Levi Reed): That's not in the Greater Mongoose, that's in New Orleans

BOB I was born in a crossfire hurricane

Lemon (Levi Reed): random throwback but ok

BOB Took that ride on Peloton today

BOB but it makes as much sense as the House of Greater Mongoose

Lemon (Levi Reed): True

BOB Are we here?

wyjyoon (Temperance): Yes, but looking through spells

BOB No worries two devices said no internet and I am like Yes there is

wyjyoon (Temperance): For a moment I thought you were gonna be like "that was an existential question"

BOB grins

wyjyoon (Temperance): So for the Chant spell, all Temp has to do is stay in one place and "chant mystic syllables"?

wyjyoon (Temperance): For the spell to continue?

BOB Yeap

wyjyoon (Temperance): Lotsa spells that say "Okay, priest, it's a game of freeze tag"

wyjyoon (Temperance): Freeze if you want your spell to continue

BOB grins

TMO: if it's not on your list already, any time Rothuss gets an inspiration for a new random spell. No rush, whenever you think is appropriate, but he's eligible for several, I think.

wyjyoon (Temperance): I'm done asking questions, so go for it TMO : )

BOB Yes I had one at the lizard witch doctor but we did not get that far there

TMO: oh well. I like the 'spell chosen randomly' thing for him.

TMO: whenever though. that's part of the randomness

BOB Yeap she had a scroll but needed more interactions etc

wyjyoon (Temperance): Darn

BOB Any random magic type person might have something that Roth can take advantage of

BOB Posted the video in Discord about the confluence of spells and thought

BOB at least that is what sprang to mind for me

BOB again maybe too many convoluted noodles

TMO: learning from scrolls and books is boring. :) I like the creative inspiration for a completely random spell from the lists better. So I don't know what I'm getting until I've got it. :angel:

BOB Yeap full understand

wyjyoon (Temperance): I actually have another question about a completely different thing

TMO: for me, the downside to learning from scrolls and books is that all the mages in the party wind up with the exact same spell lists.

BOB exactly the Preacher Lisa has railed against that in her sermons for ages

TMO: well, she ain't wrong

wyjyoon: I guess that makes sense

wyjyoon: I dunno how mages work, but don't they also have schools to give them the variety?

wyjyoon: For spells I mean

wyjyoon: Not the question I wanted to ask but

BOB ask many

TMO: yes and no. it doesn't change the spells you can learn, but it makes some more powerful, but makes it impossible to learn others.

TMO: and few folks are willing to take the disadvantages to get the advantages. it's not a great trade mathematically. can be good storywise though

wyjyoon: Oh okay! So it sets a limit on which spell types you can enhance depending on the school

TMO: the most common is Illusionist. you're better at illusion and mind-affecting spells, but can't cast most combat magic.

TMO: Lirt is a form of specialist. Sea Magic

BOB Specialization comes with a cost

wyjyoon: It's like both of you are reading my tangled noodles

wyjyoon: You both just keep answering questions that I'm about to ask : )

JtomTMO: I'm speeeeecial

TMO: is this your card? 3 Clubs

BOB 7 of hearts

wyjyoon: Actually 5 of diamonds

wyjyoon: : P

TMO: drat


BOB Lightning bolt hits the island and does....

wyjyoon: Warns us not to go into the water for fear of electrocution?

wyjyoon: OH the other question

wyjyoon: If Temperance had the help / proper materials, could she gear the quarterstaff to where she could do more than just... control weird pod people?

BOB Yes maybe

wyjyoon: I'll take the maybe

BOB Depends on what the staff is capable of, and what you want to make it do

BOB magic items can be powerful tools to create new things

wyjyoon: I figured knowing what it does would be the first step, yes

wyjyoon: I'll take the maybe for future reference : )

BOB SO I have a new adventure/story arc for when you are done with the ship now that we have talked

BOB Ghost otters?

wyjyoon: Listen Temperance can't do seances... yet

BOB See there is a goal

wyjyoon: I'm down with whatever, but until Temp can communicate with ghosts there's nothing much she can do : P

wyjyoon: Levi'll just have to spy them with his little eyes

BOB In the Bowl things can happen

BOB TMO can you think of anything we need to test/fix on character sheets?

TMO: nothing springing immediately to mind, let me look

TMO: but my mind is not in top shape today

BOB and out of left field based on my listening list... how is TLC still touring if one of them is dead?

BOB Temperance did you take up Necromancy?

wyjyoon: I... have necromantic spells?

wyjyoon: But unless I can raise the dead I dunno either

BOB I do not know if you have Necromancy

wyjyoon: I don't think I do

Lemon (Levi Reed): I'm sorry, but bands replace members and keep touring all the time

Lemon (Levi Reed): Queen is still going

wyjyoon: But hear heartbeat is a necromantic spell

BOB Song is playing and the advertisement is for their tour.... but one of them is dead?

BOB I saw Queen with a new lead singer and a Queen tribute band both were good but not Freddy

Rothuss Carder: never stopped bands before

BOB Does Lemon have any questions or ideas?

Lemon (Levi Reed): Yeah, why do kids not have volume control on their voices?

wyjyoon (Temperance): Been trying to find an answer to that too

BOB Lirt and Temp can help with that Silence spells work wonders

wyjyoon (Temperance): If I could use that in real life I would appreciate it

Rothuss Carder: let's ask JTom... :)

JtomTMO: I can be qieut, the problem is you can just still hear me

BOB grins

Lemon (Levi Reed): Nah, that guy is a teenager, that's a whooooole different can of worms

wyjyoon (Temperance): I dunno, some of the kids are starting to act like preteens

Lemon (Levi Reed): Those are your students, not mine

wyjyoon (Temperance): But maybe that's just natural for 4 to 7 year olds

Lemon (Levi Reed): Mine act more like wild banshees

Rothuss Carder: when they have more energy than mass

wyjyoon (Temperance): Always fun when they try to destroy your eardrums : )

BOB See Lemon this is why you need math

BOB Quote

Lemon (Levi Reed): I do not. I just need to ask a mathmetologist

Lemon (Levi Reed): I am having an actual problem though.

BOB Tell me

Lemon (Levi Reed): I have a springity thingity that holds the string when I'm making jewelry so the beads don't all fall off if I drop it, and I can't find it ANYWHERE

BOB You could replace it with a bent paperclip

BOB I did that before

Lemon (Levi Reed): I have a better chance of finding the springity thingity

BOB in years past beading was a thing in this house

Lemon (Levi Reed): Who uses paperclips

BOB School people

Lemon (Levi Reed): Not at home I don't

Lemon (Levi Reed): And you can't make me

TMO: twist tie from the bread?

wyjyoon (Temperance): A broken earring?

Lemon (Levi Reed): Like... I know it's on my desk...

TMO: it's not as strong as a paperclip, but there's a metal thingy in there

Lemon (Levi Reed): But I have to clean the desk

TMO: you have a floor, right? start dumping

Levi Reed: Alas, the floor is already covered in my husband's dumped junk

Lemon (Levi Reed): ooc

Lemon (Levi Reed): When I bought it, they were like, "we have a three pack" and I was thinking, wtf would I ever need more than one for?

Lemon (Levi Reed): now I know

Lemon (Levi Reed): But no, in terms of game stuff, I"m fine right now

wyjyoon (Temperance): I've asked all mine, I may return with more later

BOB No one else was in the room where it happens

Lemon (Levi Reed): I did miraculously find a paperclip, but my string is too slippery for this method

wyjyoon (Temperance): Hamilton!

wyjyoon (Temperance): Sorry I'm listening to a playlist

BOB Same here

BOB Mine is obviously very eceletcic

BOB Ecelectic

BOB oh well

TMO: that word

wyjyoon (Temperance): What is English

BOB Three languages that go into alleys and steal things from other languages pockets

wyjyoon (Temperance): Wow English is a rogue?

TMO: it is

wyjyoon (Temperance): No wonder it's always like "we have rules but we throw them out the window for all these other words"

BOB I woudl be dangerous if I ran a bard where the songs I sing cast the spells that happen

TMO: yeah, we keep stealing words from other rules sets

TMO: I'm not musically inclined enough to be a real bard

Lemon (Levi Reed): Lol, that's almost exactly what I tell the kids when they ask me why things don't follow the rules. I'm like, "Because English stole words from like three languages and smushed them all together."

BOB Speaking of which there is a very old series SpellSinger? by Foster? off to look that up but very fun stuff where spells are the songs you sing. He is from Earth transported there, sings the Beach Boys etc

Lemon (Levi Reed): English is celebrity couple names, but with entire languages

TMO: that is correct Bob. I have all the books


<a href="">(LINK)</a>

BOB and more to point does anyone have ideas for how to go down into a boat wreck underwater to explore? you have two does of a water breathing potion and.......

TMO: and carefull swimming

TMO: and axes to start dismantling the boat and dragging pieces of up onto dry land

TMO: therefore getting to explore it safely

wyjyoon (Temperance): But boat is already dismantled

TMO: hay, Priests! Anybody got Raise/Lower Water?

TMO: not dismantled enough for dragging

wyjyoon (Temperance): Don't have that spell I'm afraid : )

TMO: Lower Water is 4th level, sadly

Lemon (Levi Reed): What about warp wood? Was that a mage spell?

TMO: water breathing is 3rd level priest spell

BOB Spell: smash locks. removes locks holding back lake waters and lowers the waters of the lake removing all chances of fishing for locals

Lemon (Levi Reed): Bixi had too many, I can't remember anything

wyjyoon (Temperance): I don't think you need a resist cold spell for sustaining body temperature in normal water

TMO: JTom and I were just discussing that. Wizards have too few spells to choose from, while Priests have too many. Both are very difficult, for opposite reasons

Lemon (Levi Reed): Bixi was both and it was a gods-forsaken nightmare

wyjyoon (Temperance): Be a magic-user they said, it'll be fun, they said : P

Lemon (Levi Reed): Who said that?

Lemon (Levi Reed): I'll shank them

TMO: lol

BOB One reason is that I moved to Specialty Priests decades ago rather than generic Clerics so the spell choices expanded a LOT

wyjyoon (Temperance): What's a specialty priest?

TMO: maybe look into spell lists by god? Lots of overlap undoubtedly, but reduces the choices for the priests down from EVERYTHING

BOB Wendy, no to resist cold needed ..... HERE

BOB This is reduced to that TMO

BOB grins

BOB gives Priests LOTS of power and LOTS of choices and LOTS of problems dealing with what their god wants

BOB Which is why also priests cast on the fly

TMO: do the priests only get specific spheres here? never played a priest, so not sure

BOB Yes to TMO

BOB Some gods give more than others

TMO: hadn't realized. what spheres is Temperance restricted to?

wyjyoon (Temperance): I currently don't have a fireball spell available to me

BOB Greater gods for example

TMO: fireball is a wizard spell, anyways. no priests have it

BOB LOL Wendy that is a mage only spell

Lemon (Levi Reed): You should try being a priest TMO. It's fun, TMO.

wyjyoon (Temperance): Ah

TMO: jinx

wyjyoon (Temperance): LOL Lemon

TMO: you should be terrified of me playing a priest, Lemon

wyjyoon (Temperance): Didn't Jericho have some fire spell?

wyjyoon (Temperance): I forgot the name

BOB There is a column of fire spell, forget what it is called

TMO: flame strike

BOB That is a one time thing

BOB there is a higher level one that is like BURN HERERTIC


wyjyoon (Temperance): Burn a whom now?

Lemon (Levi Reed): That sounds very Michael

BOB grisn

BOB you know how priests are

TMO: burn

TMO: sorry

BOB No one mourns the wicked

wyjyoon (Temperance): To answer TMO's question about Temp's spheres:

wyjyoon (Temperance): Major: All, Combat, Divination, Guardian, Law, Thought, Wards Minor: Healing, Numbers, Protection, Summoning

BOB also a side question does the group want to go back over the mountain (past the orphanage) back home? or down river to the City and then back home?

Lemon (Levi Reed): Vee will vote river for sure

wyjyoon (Temperance): I was thinking the same thing for Vee too

Lemon (Levi Reed): Levi will vote mountain

wyjyoon (Temperance): Lol

BOB But she is not here

TMO: what city is it?

BOB Osterhold the largest city in the NE

BOB Now you know more of why

BOB large harbor and now you know about the river traffice from the mountains

Lemon (Levi Reed): Vee may not be here in body, but she is absolutely here in spirit, and both her spirit and her body will shank people who vote against her.


BOB Quote

wyjyoon (Temperance): Roth over there like "try to care less?"

wyjyoon (Temperance): In reference to last session

Lemon: That DOES seem to be his MO

TMO: yep

BOB Slow down you crazy child, you're so ambitious for a juvinile

wyjyoon (Temperance): I mean, city is a place we can trade and stuff, but I personally prefer mountain

BOB would be so much better if I could spell

BOB You know that when the truth is told you can get what you want or you can just get old

TMO: I am afraid that with all the travel and my missed sessions, is this island our home island? I'm thinking yes, because it's the biggest in the chain (according to site)


TMO: and I *think* we walked close by to Roth's home village earlier?

BOB Biggest in this part of the Island Kingdoms

BOB and yes on the way uphill to get to the orphange

BOB then over and into The Bowl

TMO: do you have a map of the island with pins on the site?

BOB No just here in FG

TMO: to show the towns?

Image: Borinquen

TMO: I have that open, no pins visible to me

BOB That was my question earlier about do people want more pins and yes Wendy said it would be helpful

TMO: opens POI menu, let's see if that adds anything

BOB Roughly that circle if it helps, the NE portion you have not made it to yet

BOB a 20 mile diameter circle is what you have explored so far

BOB plus one more island portion

BOB But you have seen The Bowl, the Mountains, the City, and the Sea

BOB 4 of the 6

BOB for things other than your normal seaside life

TMO: And Achild is where we started, right?

BOB Near and yes

BOB The island there along the coast in the NW part of that circle

BOB more west

TMO: are you able to pin any of the locations we've been to? Orphanage, etc?

BOB That road cuts across the mountain spur from Osterhold to the Temple of the Orange Sunsets

BOB and I can, I have not before but Wendy and now you have asked so I will add those pins

BOB Do you see the pin for Osterhold?

TMO: this looks like a former volcanic crater, that built up a large lake that eventually started flowing out the northern edge of the crater and eroded it down seriously in that direction

TMO: I do not see any pins

The City of Osterhold on the northwest shore of Borinquen.

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

TMO: I have the option to hide the pin in the POI menu, but it doesn't seem to do anything

BOB Did that change it?

TMO: I expect it's the buildings there?


BOB but that Pin should take you to the site page

TMO: so Achild is the island at the end of that bay?

BOB No over to the west

BOB island at the end of the river

BOB is where Lirt is from

BOB Yeap

wyjyoon: A smol right triangle

BOB That highlight pointer thing works I am glad

BOB Did everyone else see that?

TMO: I'm going to guess that Rothuss' home village is about here?

Lemon: Maps are too close to Math, not my thing

BOB father downhill, closer to the end of that road

BOB Lemon all you need to do is have the Borienquen map up and you can see what TMO is doing

BOB and wrong end of the road TMO

Lemon: OR I could remain blissfully ignorant and go get some coffee

BOB Yes those are the hills on both sides of the river, you are south side but families on both side

TMO: as a person who also loves maps, I'm doubly hurt, Lemon

BOB warm smile

BOB This is why I have most things open to the players, so you can use them and make what you want to see happen

TMO: what's this town?

BOB That is the Temple of the Orange Sunsets

wyjyoon: Oh the rectangles and stuff next to it weren't stones

wyjyoon: They're houses

TMO: arg, names. is that the one that sent us to the orphanage?

wyjyoon: No, that's the one that told Jericho to go to the Temple of Mists

TMO: ok

BOB Yes that is your traditional start, but the specific one is farther up hill

BOB the place I pinged is where you are now

wyjyoon: Can you ping that again? It split into two different pings for me when I zoomed in

TMO: ok, so we can raft down to Osterhold, then road back over

BOB Sure Church of the Mists first

BOB Next where you are on the lake in The Bowl

wyjyoon: *Church of Mists, not Temple

wyjyoon: I have to remember distinctions

BOB Church of the Orange Sunsets next

BOB Differences are based on how important, and how many priests there are

wyjyoon: Carissa described it to me a while ago but I'm not used to it yet : )

BOB Good

BOB No one should know everything at this point

TMO: glad I'm living down to expectations

BOB grins

BOB So my task is A - have the underwater wreck fully detailed for you with effects, and B - create map pins for stories connected to towns and areas of interest and add them to the website

TMO: and then we will never see the wreck again

BOB Through the jungle of doubt, it can only be seen by the eyes of the blind

TMO: I have glasses specifically for that reason

BOB It is the curse of the DM

TMO: when I was doing maps for TableTop Simulator for my campaign, I warned my players there was likely to be a lot of reuse. :)

BOB smile

TMO: planning on swapping to Owlbear Rodeo if I ever pick it back up again.

TMO: I need to do that, but all my books are in storage, and I just don't have much amibitious energy this year.

BOB FG reduced prices to $50 for the Ultimate license

wyjyoon: brb getting a drink

BOB We are here ?

Lemon: I mean, as far as I know

Lemon: Let's not get philosophical please

BOB Don't you forget about me

wyjyoon: Listen sometimes I wake up and forget how to speak one language at a time

wyjyoon: Tall order

BOB grins

BOB I am restarting on Carissa's insistants

<a name="2024-05-24" /><b>Session started at 2024-05-24 / 22:47</b>

'Ratbone Carder' is at 'Severe' encumbrance. Movebase now 1.

'Vee Barlett' is at 'Light' encumbrance. Movebase now 9.

No extension updates detected

Fantasy Grounds - v4.5.7 ULTIMATE (2024-05-02)

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition (c) Wizards of the Coast

2E v2024.05.17 For Fantasy Grounds --by Celestian 2017-2024

Core RPG ruleset (2024-05-07) for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2024 Smiteworks USA, LLC

(LINK) \rWeather Generator v1.4\rCreated by mattekure

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="#000000">Bayne Emporium Version 6.1

<font color="#000000">Extension (Bayne's Fantasy Eats) loaded.

CoreRPG Wound Overlay v1.0.13\r by OgreManDude 2021\r Type /clearWoundOverlays to clear wound overlays for all clients\r (or just use the button in the image toolbar)

<font color="#000000">Dice Games for those sessions at the Tavern\rPlayers can challenge each other or other patrons of the Tavern to Goblin Kings Dice, Trader Joes, Drunken Unicorn, Pig Dice and Last Man Standing\rv0.98

<font color="#000000">Dice Jail (Version: Magnanimous Ambition [1/24/2022]) Loaded Successfully!

Encounter Descriptions v1.2, March 2024 by Trenloe. Copyright 2024 SmiteWorks.

[Prioritized Source: File; Other Sources: Vault]

(LINK)\rClock Adjuster v4.5:\rProvides an interface for easy time tracking and management.\nThis extension is a combined effort of PR6I6E6ST (Troy Monteith), bmos, PokeyCA, MeAndUnique, Corun-Kail, and JustinFreitas.

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

(LINK)\rCoins Weight v2.4:\rCalculates coin weight by leveraging the existing inventory weight process.

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

(LINK)\rExtraplanar Containers v1.19-hotfix.1:\rThis extension provides support for extraplanar containers by ignoring the weight of carried (but not equipped) items in supported contaners.

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

(LINK)\nMoon Tracker v2.6\r--created by DMFirmy and updated by Andraax and bmos.

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

(LINK)\rParty Item Weight v1.10\nBy bmos

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Aurek-Besh Fonts

<font color="#000000">Extension (Fonts - Extended Languages) loaded.

Sign Language Fonts

Halt! Player Safety / X Card \r\nThis fan made extension created by DIE Hard Gaming. (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="#000000">Extension (Martial Arts) loaded.

<font color="#000000">Extension (Name Maker) loaded.

Optical Referendum v1.1.2

Points of Interest v1.1.0 by Saagael.

<font color="#000000">Extension (Save Roll Fonts) loaded.

Toll the Dead v1.1.0

Universal Module extension. This will allow you to open (with varying degrees of success) modules from other rulesets. \r\nExtension Created by DIE Hard Gaming. More great resources at (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="#000000">URL Links Extension Created by GM Frostbyte. Thank you for your support.\rBuilt using RulesetWizard & templateTemplate v1.1 \r*************************************** \rWarning! \r**************************************\rThis campain has URL Links Extension turned on. If you are not confortable with the GM sending you links to external sources, please ask the GM to turn off this extension. \rOtherwise, if you get Rick Rolled, please do not blame us.

(LINK) \rWeather Generator v1.4\rCreated by mattekure

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="#000000">Extension (XCore Fantasy Fonts) loaded.

<font color="#000000">Extension (XCore Modern Fonts) loaded.

<font color="#000000">Extension (XCore Sci Fi Fonts) loaded.

Common Core v0.1a\r\n

MNM Core v49

Turbo v1.5\rby Ryan Hagelstrom 2023

MNM Bigger Drop Downs v6

Requested Rolls v2.15.2 by mccartysr, 2024\rFor slash commands type /RR

MNM Buy and Sell Items v9

MNM Coin Manager 2 v16

Power Up v1.8 by Ryan Hagelstrom\rContribution: bmos 2022-2023\rtype: /powerup /powerupman

MNM Downtime Tracker v6

MNM Module UI v23

MNM Restart Turn v7

RefManual Resize by JHarp

Allows smaller resize of RefManuals

MNM Coin Manager Upgrade v2

SmiteWorks Winter Theme for Fantasy Grounds\rCopyright 2024 Smiteworks USA, LLC.

(LINK) \nTooltips - v1.5 by Zarestia

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Player Agency Version 1.26 20231222\r\nThis fan made extension created by DIE Hard Gaming. (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

World Builder Basic User Manual. (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Investigator Basic User Manual. (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Dear Diary Basic User Manual. (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

AD&D Inventory Search and Filter v2.1 - Spencer Gresoro

<font color="#000000">Extension (Bayne's Bag of Holding) loaded.

Source Sans Pro Font Extension v1.0

Has Initiative Indicator v1.7 - CoreRPG+ version.\rBy Celestian, 2018-2021

Unshare Image v7.1

RealTimer v4.5 \rThis extention combines ClockAdjuster with Timer in Fantasy Grounds Unity \rCopyright ©2024 by Arnagus \rThis extension progresses the clock in Fantasy Grounds in real time.

<font color="#000000">Calendar Plus v1.9 for FGII v4.1.12. Copyright 2023 Smiteworks. By darrenan.

<font color="#000000">NPC flavors v1.12 (Out-of-control footwork)\n- by Tideturner

Feature: Party Weight\rCriado por BRUNO SALVADIO

Loaded Stage Whisper v1.0.0

MNM Player Journal 2 v25

<font color="#000000">Extension (Stronghold) loaded.

<font color="#000000">Extension (Feature: Joy of Painting) loaded.

Spell Tokens v7.23\r\n

(LINK) \n2E/3.5E/PFRPG/5E/SFRPG Spell Action Info - v5.2 \rby Zarestia, contributions by MeAndUnique, Rhagelstrom

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="#000000">Dice Jail - Smelter Upgrade Loaded Successfully!

Theme Add-On: \rSir Motte's GM Icon Replacer\rVersion: 1.0\rAnstett Edition

'wyjyoon' connected

'TMO' connected

'Lemon' connected

'Carissa' connected

'JtomTMO' connected

Lemon: Ok but she still has to do something to get the attendance points

BOB grins

Carissa: I Live

BOB Excellent

wyjyoon: Yay

Vee Barlett: Martial Arts: Uppercut [d20 = 2]

Vee Barlett: [DAMAGE (M)] Punch Result:2 [TYPE: bludgeoning (1d0=2)] [d0 = 2]

Vee Barlett: KNOCK OUT ROLL [TARGET:15] Knockout roll fail! [d100 = 16]

Carissa (Vee Barlett): there no clue what's going on but punching Levi so i did sometihng


wyjyoon: I knew it lol

Lemon: lol

BOB Carrissa will read the chat later so will see the earlier things

BOB what did you want to change about maps? character sheets? etc Carissa?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): yeah I need to catch up on those but I have monday off at least

BOB We did a bit with the Mad NoMad extensions

Lemon: Don't tell her, maybe she won't

BOB She is a witch she just KNOWS

Lemon: There's no story chat to do since nothing IC happened except for her punching Levi, nothing for her to bother with

Carissa (Vee Barlett): looks fine for me

BOB Wendy and TMO think I am doing maps all wrong and I need to fix them

Carissa (Vee Barlett): everyone is still on land which is... suspicious...

BOB So I will do that shortly

Lemon: I'm telling you, literally nothing happened

Lemon: It's been chit chat and spell talk

BOB They could not decide who would drink Vee's part of the potion

Carissa (Vee Barlett): so who drank the first portion?

wyjyoon (Temperance): Oh I just thought that was what we were doing for the session

wyjyoon (Temperance): Asking questions and stuff

Carissa (Vee Barlett): LOL so I don't have to do anything then except chitchat for this to count!

wyjyoon (Temperance): Nobody drank the potion yet!

BOB warm smile yes

wyjyoon (Temperance): Unless you want Vee to

Carissa (Vee Barlett): there are two sips and she is absolutely drinking one of them

Carissa (Vee Barlett): maybe two if she's not feeling nice! I don't know

wyjyoon (Temperance): How does the spider silk bubble thing work?

TMO: we can beat up Temperance until she levels up to get 4th level spells and can cast Lower Water

Carissa (Vee Barlett): oh I like that


Carissa (Vee Barlett): we find a giant spider and make a bubble out of its silk

wyjyoon (Temperance): Wow

BOB wait till you read the chat

Carissa (Vee Barlett): or we go raid the conviently located giant camp that might have the solution

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol

Lemon: Yeah, Levi wanted to make Violette the mermaid or whatever she is go take a look first, but TMO didn't like that idea

wyjyoon (Temperance): I mean, if we want to raid a giant camp that's fine

TMO: please. Bob's already shown what he does to NPCs sent to scout. They never come back

wyjyoon (Temperance): They don't??

TMO: it's like an Escort Quest - you have to keep the NPCs far from any actual action

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol

Lemon: Guess who just spilled all the beads

wyjyoon (Temperance): Bob and the lost piles of NPCs

Carissa (Vee Barlett): what NPCs have we done that with lately? besides the ones I used and killed?

TMO: yeah, last campaign I tried sending a follower just to gather information. Never returned.

BOB What have the NPCs ever done for us! other than the education system, the aqueducts,

Carissa (Vee Barlett): who was that?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): I can't remember, but I am tired

BOB Life of Brian

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Well Vee wouldn't want Violette to go alone anyways

Carissa (Vee Barlett): unfortunatly this is an NPC we care about or at least my character does

TMO: Ilero sent one of his scouts back home to check on his family

Carissa (Vee Barlett): oooooh yeah

wyjyoon (Temperance): I mean, since Vee has the potion Violette wouldn't have gone alone

BOB More tories to spin

Carissa (Vee Barlett): also remind me to reply to you one day because I forgot

wyjyoon (Temperance): So... giants?

wyjyoon (Temperance): Not tonight but

Carissa (Vee Barlett): well either Vee goes after drinking potion and whoever wants to hold their breath

Carissa (Vee Barlett): or we find another solution for the rest of you which could be with the giants but unsure

TMO: Roth is totally okay with swimming au naturel around the wreck

Carissa (Vee Barlett): IF Sharif came back I'd lean more giants but dunnno with our squishier squad

wyjyoon (Temperance): I mean I don't think Temp would mind swimming but I dunno how long she can hold her breath

BOB So it looks like everyone will be here next week and we can go dive down inside of the wreck and explore underwater, we know two people can take a swig of the potion and breathe but what about the others?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): need someone to save their butts

TMO: That's Roth's entire role in life!

Carissa (Vee Barlett): anyone bring a tarp or portable dive bell?

Vee Barlett: ...hasn

Carissa (Vee Barlett): *hasn't vee been saving his butt...?

TMO: yes, because we specifically planned for this exact scenario when we left Achild all those years ago

TMO: nah

Lemon: Giants sleep during the day, yes? We could try to sneak over and check it out maybe

BOB smiles

Carissa (Vee Barlett): oh true

wyjyoon: What time was it when they shot the arrow?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): does roth sneak? I know levi maybe can

wyjyoon: Was it close to evening?

BOB It is morning

Carissa (Vee Barlett): morning now yes but they shot the arrow at us around 5 PM

BOB yes

wyjyoon: Oh okay, so it was close to evening

BOB does that mean they are nocturnal?

TMO: Bards do not have sneak

Carissa (Vee Barlett): yes and we heard them partying all night

Carissa (Vee Barlett): well rothuss has the escape spell

Carissa (Vee Barlett): maybe him and levi can sneak? roth diversion levi sneak

BOB Teenagers are just jealous of others who go to parties they are not invited to

Rothuss Carder: We are about making Entrances, not avoiding the spotlight

wyjyoon: I think I have a spell that might help with sneaking, but I'll have to double check

Rothuss Carder: Roth can definitely divert

BOB He can play the honky tonk like anything, saving it up for Friday night

TMO: sorry for the IC, had to open character to double check the no stealth skills

Carissa (Vee Barlett): yes it'll definitely be hard to format chat now thanks to that, TMO. Thanks sooooo much

Carissa (Vee Barlett): ;)

BOB amazing how many songs on the play list fit tonight

Carissa (Vee Barlett): maybe one day someone will do the playlist again

Carissa (Vee Barlett): but does it count if it's not IC?

wyjyoon: Okay, not a spell for sneaking, but I have a spell to know whether a person is in danger

wyjyoon: Requires a rose petal

BOB Goodnight now its time to go home, but he makes it last with one more ding

Carissa (Vee Barlett): that's useful for when we go underwater

Lemon: lol to the formatting

TMO: This person is a PC. If they're not *in* danger, they are *causing* danger.

Lemon: sorry, I was ordering more beadstoppers

Carissa (Vee Barlett): or something... we'll figure it out


wyjyoon: LOL TMO

Lemon: Remember that time when that yougurt guy woke up the entire dang giant fortress?

TMO: yep


wyjyoon: yogurt guy?

Lemon: man, i hated that guy

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol


BOB Laughing

Carissa (Vee Barlett): never going to forgive him are you

Lemon: nope

TMO: npc, we're sneaking around the dungeons of the giant fortress, and he goes barging right into the bugbear guard sleeping chambers.

Lemon: He wasn't QUITE as bad as that asshole wizard time traveler, but he got close

wyjyoon: Wow

wyjyoon: Makes you lactose intolerant

wyjyoon: just thinking about it

BOB Nice

wyjyoon: Did he sell yogurt?

wyjyoon: Why is he the yogurt guy

BOB Letting Lemon or Carissa to race and find the right name

TMO: name similarity. note that Bob didn't list me as one of the racers. ;)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): I don't think Lemon cares enough to look lol

Lemon: I don't care enough to find the name

Lemon: lol

Lemon: jinx

Carissa (Vee Barlett): see????

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Youtigram.... hmm something like that

Carissa (Vee Barlett): I can't spell it but I remember it

TMO: he wound up wooing one of the PCs.

BOB so close

Carissa (Vee Barlett): he had the hots for my priestess

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Youtargim

wyjyoon: Ah

Carissa (Vee Barlett): long day, give me leeway

Lemon: Yeah why does Carissa always end up with the NPCs?

BOB The lights are on but you're not home, your mind is not your own

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Lisa got that honor before

TMO: I thought it was your priestess, Carissa, but didn't want to say it and be proven embarrassingly wrong (again)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): you just haven't flirted with enough

BOB Levi has managed to snage the PCs

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Levi snags the PCs and can't even befriend an NPC, sad for him

BOB Gonna have to face it you're addicted to love

Carissa (Vee Barlett): how much has Bob had to drink tonight guys?


TMO: my PC Ilero got matched with an NPC as well, Wendy. I wound up converting her to a PC

BOB Just listening to the soundrack because the house is quiet, she went to bed early

Carissa (Vee Barlett): it just happens over time

Carissa (Vee Barlett): usually if you're here a lot, but then we see Michael with his plant dude and he ain't here

Carissa (Vee Barlett): but guess it's different unless plant dude has a crush on Jericho

wyjyoon: Eh, I'm fine not being matched

BOB See Addicted to Love... plant love

Carissa (Vee Barlett): *insert raised eyebrow emoji*

BOB YOu like to think you are immune to the stuff, it's closer to the truth that you can't get enough

Carissa (Vee Barlett): No I'm just now questioning if it was worth you resetting for me to log in to read lyrics....


Carissa (Vee Barlett): questionable decision making here by both of us

Lemon: Yeah, I don't know, for some reason it's easier to flirt with the nice, easy going MeLange than it is to flirt with any of the ABSOLUTE CRAZIES that BOB invents

BOB The key thing is will you be in next week?

Lemon: No idea why that is

TMO: lol

Carissa (Vee Barlett): yes the horses arrive on Wednesday AT MIDNIGHT I'M GOING TO BE SO TIREDDDDDDD

Carissa (Vee Barlett): the release before game so yes to being here friday

BOB Violette has been nice and easy

BOB maybe that is why Vee likes her?

TMO: iirc, Ilero didn't even flirt with the NPC first.

Carissa (Vee Barlett): She is MUCH better than Ruffus :P

wyjyoon: The Orange Guy

Carissa (Vee Barlett): yup

BOB Ruffus is supposed to be over the top

TMO: mission accomplished

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol

BOB Bows Thank you

wyjyoon: Dishonor to oranges

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Dishonor to you, dishonor to your cow


BOB see

Carissa (Vee Barlett): that's a quote not lyrics!

Lemon: They're ALL over the top

Carissa (Vee Barlett): I have not decended to madness yet

Carissa (Vee Barlett): I was about to say Howard was not but he wasn't an NPC, lol

wyjyoon: We're all mad here

BOB I'll make a man out of you

BOB Howard was an NPC until he became a henchman

TMO: heh. in my campaign I had the party save a wizard who had transformed into a giant rat, and he was stalking back and forth in their bedroom, talking frantically and wildly about the spell and what went wrong, and one of the players asked me, "Is... is he wearing any clothes?" "Nope! And he does not care one bit!"

TMO: fun NPC

Carissa (Vee Barlett): right right but I'm just saying, Howard and Rae would have been super cute together

BOB Up to Lisa at that point, grins

Vee Barlett: It's fine, their story lives in another part of my brain to never see the light of day

wyjyoon: Was she the one with the knife collection?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Wizard or Rothuss, TMO? :P

TMO: Lisa's wizard, Branwyn

TMO: eh, that particular quirk applies to both

Carissa (Vee Barlett): She stabbed things when she ran out of spells. ANd sometimes when she still had spells

TMO: but the rationale behind it is different

Lemon: Bran saved our asses all the time. I miss Bran

TMO: I was never really in the ass-saving department. Maybe Brer Necholas was.

BOB chuckles

BOB He did very well

BOB and now Vee is taking on the mantle of bad ass and Levi is the second in command

Lemon: Also Lisa knew everything about everything. Like a truly unreasonable amount of knowledge stored inside one human being

Carissa: Bad Ass and Dumb Ass together for an Ass

TMO: *dons his jester cap*

Lemon: lol

Lemon: Yeah, I'm not sure how Levi got put in any kind of important role

Lemon: Dude's an absolute moron

Carissa: lol

BOB With machettes

TMO: no spine where Vee is concerned. :D

Lemon: He just makes up stuff nonstop and everyone else is like "yeah, that seems right"

Carissa: thi is why real decision making goes to Lirt


BOB true but LOL

BOB a well oiled machine

Lemon: literally the only two reasonable people are Lirt and Vee

BOB Is there anything else that anyone needs from me before the start of next session?

TMO: magic items

Lemon: sleep

TMO: loads of them

Carissa: a bottle of wine for next time

BOB Hey Temp is going just fine

BOB Stop on by, the wine cellar is yours

Carissa: too far please mail it thankssss

Carissa: OR

Carissa: send Nyrma up here and we can mix cocktails together

wyjyoon: Give her a few and she might lose that

BOB grins

BOB School is over in two weeks

Lemon: seven more days of class, not that i'm counting

TMO: JTom is homeschooled, so school is over for him when he finishes all that homework

TMO: that he refuses to do

Carissa: only many many more years of work

Lemon: he'll be in school until he's 30


BOB OK so we are wrapping up

BOB Its a wonderful world

Carissa: time for a shower and sleep

BOB Go sleep and dream

BOB have a great weekend everyone

Carissa: that's the plan

Carissa: night all!

TMO: gnite

wyjyoon: Gnight!

'TMO' disconnected

'Carissa' disconnected

'wyjyoon' disconnected

BOB Thank you for being here

Lemon: Goodnigth!

'Lemon' disconnected