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Chat Log List - 2024 06 14 - Bear Went Over the Mountain - Formatted - Story

BOB Everyone is on the small island there

BOB you have the Urchins there you recovered

BOB Rothuss could try to open them

Rothuss Carder: Huh. Let's see what's in these things.

Rothuss Carder: pokes at a black urchin with his dagger, looking for any weak spots.

Rothuss Carder: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 16]

BOB It is dead so it is not actively trying to stab you is what he can tell

Levi Reed: heads over to take a look

Levi Reed: What are you looking for?

Levi Reed: Maybe you crack them like coconuts

Rothuss Carder: Isn't the whole point of these things pearls?

Levi Reed: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 9) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 2]

BOB Levi knows that the spines are the worst thing, even if you burst a poison sack the worst is you spoil the meat

Levi Reed: I'm pretty sure you can just poke em anywhere

Levi Reed: If the poison sac bursts, just don't lick it

BOB Of course trying to get ink out of them for Lirt the poison would ruin that too

Rothuss Carder: Well, let me see what it looks like inside.

Levi Reed: Well

Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Animal Rending [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 16) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 19]

Levi Reed: Unless you want to it or use the ink or something

Levi Reed: Maybe we should let our captain take a crack when she's feeling up to it

BOB SO the first black urchin SPLITS open and sprays ink and poison out over the surrounding area

Rothuss Carder: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 6] [d20 = 20]


Levi Reed: Thanks for the tip

Violette Snipes: If it helps I have never seen anyone do that sucessfully

Rothuss Carder: sputters

Rothuss Carder: It helps a *bit*

Violette Snipes: At least you found two more

Levi Reed: Now he's going to want to do it again to try and show off, thanks

Rothuss Carder: Nope, I've learned my lesson.

Rothuss Carder: I defer to the experts

Levi Reed: Violette, you know how to open these and save the ink?

Levi Reed: I don't really care about the meat, but the ink seems valuable to those weirdos

Violette Snipes: I have heard that it can be done, but I have never seen it done

Levi Reed: gestures at the magic users

Violette Snipes: That is why these are rare prizes I suppose

Levi Reed: Can you use the needles to write with?

Violette Snipes: Do you think there are more in the wreck to harvest?

Violette Snipes: I cannot write I do not know

Violette Snipes: But they seem very stabby so maybe they are good for something?

BOB It is very quiet

Rothuss Carder: I can try again, but hold it underwater while I do.

Rothuss Carder: washes off the first one in water, just to see if any of it can be salvaged

GM: [10d10 = 42]

Lemon (Levi Reed): Good number

BOB Rothuss washes and pulls apart the first urchin and finds a "gem" inside that is worth 42 GP. It is a hard nodule that alchemists use for various things

Rothuss Carder: tosses it up onto the shore

BOB Pearls can get into the hundreds of thousands of GP

BOB Indentify needs a 1,000 gp item to cast and mages cast that a LOT

Rothuss Carder: Alright, next one...

BOB Black or Yellow?

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Black

Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Animal Rending [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 11]

GM: [2d100 = 58]

BOB 120 GP and 460 GP worth of Ink that Rothuss manages to extract

GM: [d100 = 18]

BOB and the rest just under 20% is salvagable for meat

Rothuss Carder: Alright, now for the dangerous one.

Rothuss Carder: works with it underwater to protect himself from sprays

Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Animal Rending [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20 = 4]

GM: [10d10 = 40]

BOB 40GP for the insides of the first one

GM: [d8 = 3]

BOB and then for this one you manage to extract the poison sack perfectly, it is still intact, needs to be housed in something but you have a full paralitic poison now for 3 doses

GM: [10d10 = 50]

BOB AND a 50 GP "gem" inside

GM: [d100 = 82]

BOB AND 80%+ of the meat is still good

GM: [5d12 = 36]

BOB That poison is worth 36,000 on the black market

BOB Yes to selling each dose separately if you can disperse them that way

BOB You first have to figure out how you are going to transport a poison gland like that

BOB Also to consider, visiting the pearl and going back in for more urchins

BOB Urchin #1 is 42 GP worth of 'gems' to an alchimist

BOB 420 GP and 120 GP for the two vials of ink

BOB from the second one

BOB With 18% of meat available

BOB and a 50GP 'gem' inside to an alchimist

BOB and 82% of the meat available

BOB Then the third one is the poison worth 36,000 in three doses of 12,000 each

BOB To be clearer, 18% of the meat from #2 and 82% of meat from #3

BOB but the valuable extras are the gems and such

Rothuss Carder: lays out the pickings from the urchins.

GM: [10d10 = 71]

BOB and the third Urchin is 71 GP for that gem

BOB that is the total haul from these three

Rothuss Carder: Berte, our agreement was split 50/50. Would you like to pick one, then we'll pick one, and go down the list until it's all gone?


Rothuss Carder: I mean, that sounds good to me. Levi, Vee? Thoughts?

Levi Reed: Yeah, that sounds great


Rothuss Carder: Oh, Berte.. I don't suppose you have any glass bottles or vials or jugs or anything we could buy from you?

Rothuss Carder: we didn't come expecting ink and poison.


Rothuss Carder: Do you have something better?


Lemon (Levi Reed): But then the sac breaks too easily, no?

Rothuss Carder: Oh, what about the ink?


Berte Lonerider: DICE FOR FIRST PICK

Rothuss Carder: Sounds good to me. Levi? You want to do the dicing, or shall I?

Levi Reed: Go for it man

Levi Reed: You are the strong warrior, after all

Rothuss Carder: And don't you forget it.

Rothuss Carder: grins

Rothuss Carder: Shall we use your dice, Berte? I'm curious to see what it's like to roll a giant's dice.

Berte Lonerider: [CHECK] Charisma (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 10]

Berte Lonerider: CERTAINLY

BOB She pulls out two LARGE die 6 about 6 inches across

Rothuss Carder: rubs his hands and takes the one offered to him.


Berte Lonerider: YOU GO FIRST

Rothuss Carder: [2d6 = 11]

Berte Lonerider: [+4] [2d6+4 = 10]

Berte Lonerider: DEEP SIGH

Berte Lonerider: YOU ARE A LUCKY MAN

Rothuss Carder: You seem to bring out the best in me.


TMO (Rothuss Carder): 42, 50, 71

Rothuss Carder: [d3 = 2]

Rothuss Carder: picks the second black gem




Rothuss Carder: bows


Rothuss Carder: It was a pleasure and honor to have met you, Berte. I'll certainly remember this day for a very long time.


Vee Barlett: Thanks for yer help!

Rothuss Carder: Likewise!

BOB The two giants take their goods and head back to their camp

Vee Barlett: Sorry, I was mesmerized by the water. What'd we get?

Rothuss Carder: 1 "gem", in quotes. 3 doses of poison, 2 doses of rare-ish ink.

Rothuss Carder: we can put the ink and poison into 2 different waterskins for transport that way. We'll just have to share water for the rest of the trip.

Vee Barlett: Nice. We can sell them for good coin.

Vee Barlett: So we checkin' on the oyster then headin' back?

Violette Snipes: I am glad to be with you

MeLange: I could go for some oysters sure

Vee Barlett: You know where to dive, Violette?

Levi Reed: It would take a lot to convince me to get in that water

Rothuss Carder: Mel, want to convince Levi to get in the water?

MeLange: Hey Levi, come on in, waters fine... probably

Violette Snipes: I know where it is, I have been down there once

Levi Reed: Ehhhh, potion is limited, you guys go ahead

Vee Barlett: Sweet. Ya don't gotta go if ya don't wanna Levi.

Vee Barlett: You can watch over them goods.

MeLange: well in that case we probably should go with our strongest swimmers

Violette Snipes: Levi might be good against those ..... fish

Vee Barlett: Well he do like slicin' and dicin'....

Vee Barlett: And seein' Melange in a wet shirt,

Violette Snipes: You do not need to wear a shirt Vee

Levi Reed: Oh yeah, I can handle some regular sized non-giant fish, for sure

Vee Barlett: laughs

Rothuss Carder: I wouldn't imagine axes are ideal underwater implements

Vee Barlett: If it were just us, but might make them boys uncomfy.

Violette Snipes: They do not know what they are missing

MeLange: a stabbing motion may work better under water

Vee Barlett: Levi'll come once we all jump in. He gets... what's it called? FOMO?

Rothuss Carder: raises an eyebrow at Vee, then goes back to work collecting the ink and poison

Violette Snipes: I know that the spot is just on the other side of the wreck, no one knew it was here until this happened

Rothuss Carder: Do you know what you're going to do once you get down there?

Violette Snipes: Looking

Rothuss Carder: Just look at it? Stab it? Pose for a portrait?

Violette Snipes: We should not touch

Violette Snipes: Want it to grow as big as possible

Rothuss Carder: How big do they get?

Vee Barlett: Conservation is important.

Vee Barlett: How long we gonna hold our breath?

Violette Snipes: As long as we can?

MeLange: enough time to get the oysters?

Violette Snipes: I have been here twice

Violette Snipes: Once I saw it Once I did not get down deep enough to see it

MeLange: what happened the second time?

Vee Barlett: So just a quick dive? Maybe try holdin' my breath first and if that don't work, I'll use the potion.

Violette Snipes: I took a deep breath and swam down but it was dark and I lost my way I guess,

Levi Reed: Can't hurt

Levi Reed: You want me to push you in?

Violette Snipes: lucky I was not attacked

Vee Barlett: Oh right, them fish. Hmm... well I DO wanna breath underwater.... and I should use what I got money spent on.

Vee Barlett: Alright, when we ready to go, tell me and I'll take a swig. Make sure y'all safe.

Violette Snipes: I wish we remembered to bring the glass balls with us

Violette Snipes: I hope the light will be good enough

MeLange: Oh that does sound scary

Vee Barlett: Yeah I dunno how to solve the light problem, but more reason to take the potion so we don't get lost.

The time is 1:33 PM

Levi Reed: How deep is the water here?

MeLange: glass balls sounds useful

MeLange: well not really

MeLange: but if they light up...

Violette Snipes: I think it goes really deep

MeLange: Who's our best swimmer again?

Vee Barlett: You got them muscles for it Melange.

Rothuss Carder: is prepping the water skins to hold ink and poison

Vee Barlett: I got them finesse, but ain't as good against the current.

MeLange: except muscles don't float

Vee Barlett: If I see that ghost monkey down there, I'll tell it you say hi, Lev.

takes a DEEP breathe

Violette Snipes: DIVES in

Vee Barlett: takes a swing of the potion and dives in

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Swimming [MOD:STR] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 19]

Violette Snipes: [CHECK] Constitution (vs. Target 10) [FAILURE by 8] [d20 = 18]

GM: [d4 = 3]

BOB Violette dives in makes it 3 rounds down and back up sputtering

BOB Vee needs a Con check

Vee Barlett: [d10 = 9]

Vee Barlett: [CHECK] Constitution (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 7]

BOB Vee continues down with her potion down down down

BOB and yes to Melange making his check

MeLange: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 16] [d20 = 2]

BOB and a con check too

BOB Vee swims down down down

BOB Violette swims down but then sputters and has to go back to the surface

BOB Melange dives down and goes deeper than Vee but then needs to turn and head back to the surface before he runs out of breath

BOB Vee makes it down 10, then 20, then 30 feet

BOB and She in the very dim light sees the very large oyster shell

BOB with a glint of the pearl as she gently opens the shell

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Oh what a beaut you are! Any chance ya wanna show off what's inside?

Vee Barlett: looks but doesn't touch

Vee Barlett: kindly pats the oyster

BOB roll a d12 for Vee

Vee Barlett: [d12 = 1]

Fish, Giant Gar 1: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [+4] [d20+4 = 21]

Attack [21] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Bite) [at Vee Barlett] [Hit-AC: -1 vs. 6 ] [AC: -1 ] [HIT]

Fish, Giant Gar 1: [DAMAGE (M)] Bite [TYPE: slashing,magic +2 (5d4=11)] [5d4 = 11]

[11] -> [to Vee Barlett] [STATUS: Moderate]

BOB As Vee is peering into the shell suddenly she is BITTEN on the leg by a giant gar

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Ah fuck you!

Fish, Giant Gar 1: [INIT] [MOD:Bite] [d10 = 9]

Vee Barlett: [INIT] [d10 = 9]

MeLange: [INIT] [d10 = 5]

BOB Ok so Vee has the Init

BOB Next round there might be blood on the surface for Mel and others to react to

BOB Vee then the Gar

Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(17)] [d20+2 = 16]

Attack [16] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Fish, Giant Gar 1] [Hit-AC: 1 vs. 3 ] [AC: 1 ] [HIT]

Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(17)] [d20+2 = 21]

Attack [21] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Fish, Giant Gar 1] [Hit-AC: -4 vs. 3 ] [AC: -4 ] [HIT]

Vee Barlett: [DAMAGE (M)] Trident [TYPE: piercing, large (3d4+1=11)] [3d4+1 = 11]

[11] -> [to Fish, Giant Gar 1] [STATUS: Moderate]

Vee Barlett: [DAMAGE (M)] Trident [TYPE: piercing, large (3d4+1=7)] [3d4+1 = 7]

[7] -> [to Fish, Giant Gar 1] [STATUS: Heavy]

GM: [d20 = 8]

BOB And the Gar swims away quickly before it can get stabbed again

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Yeah, that's right! I was only lookin' ya jerk!!

Vee Barlett: stares at the pearl a moment longer before swimming a little closer to the surface to see where the others are.

BOB For those on top

BOB a blob of blood rises to the surface to start to disapate

BOB Then Vee surfaces a moment later

MeLange: Everything ok?

Levi Reed: oh no

Vee Barlett: Damn, that pearl pretty. Y'all comin' or what?

Vee Barlett: Huh? Oh, just a stupid fish. Scared 'em away.

Levi Reed: I hope that's not person blood

Vee Barlett: My leg a bit sore, but I can breath underwater so it's fine!

Vee Barlett: Just gonna tie it off real quick then we goin' down again, yeah?

MeLange: We going down again?

Vee Barlett: I got at least an hour to enjoy the water!

MeLange: lets do it

Levi Reed: Nah, I'm good

Vee Barlett: I think I saw the monkey.

Levi Reed: Liar

Vee Barlett: carefully tying off her leg

Vee Barlett: Ya won't know unless ya come down. Ready, Mel? Violette?

Violette Snipes: I will try again

MeLange: Yea lets go

MeLange: Huzzah!

Vee Barlett: I gotcha! Let's go!

Violette Snipes: [CHECK] Constitution (vs. Target 10) [FAILURE by 6] [d20 = 16]

Vee Barlett: dives back down

MeLange: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 17] [d20 = 1]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Swimming [MOD:STR] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 8]

MeLange: [CHECK] Constitution (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 6] [d20 = 18]

Vee Barlett: [CHECK] Constitution (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 6]

MeLange: [SKILL] Swimming [MOD:STR] (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 8]

BOB So Violett swims down again but about half way down has to come back up for air

BOB Vee makes it easily down to the oyster again

BOB Mel makes it down to the oyster quickly but is running out of air faster

Vee Barlett: Vee points it out for him

BOB and needs another swimming check to make it to the surface which he succeeds

MeLange: acknowledges Vee with a nod and works quickly

BOB Both Vee and Mel see it

Vee Barlett: grins and gives him a thumbs up to show her excitement

BOB And then Mel needs to surface again to breath

MeLange: [SKILL] Swimming [MOD:STR] (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 10]

BOB Vee points out to Mel a very large oyster, with a HUGE pearl about 4 inches across

Vee Barlett: swims with him about halfway, but doesn't surface

MeLange: thinks "wow... Cool oyster"

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Hello! Anyone friendly down here?

Vee Barlett: casually swims back near the surface to check on Violette

Merman : [Translation] What are you doing down here

MeLange: swims back to the surface

Vee Barlett: doesn't surface

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Sightseein'! Who you?

Merman : [Translation] It is rare to find someone who can speak with us

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Sad, ain't it? Not enough want to learn such a pretty language.

BOB Vee can make a save versus Magic

Vee Barlett: [SAVE] vs. Spell [d20 = 18]

<font color="#00CC00">Save [18] [Target 16] -> [for Vee Barlett] [SUCCESS]

Merman : [Translation] You should stay with us

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Man, that tempin' but I gotta get my pals back to safety first. Land dwellers, ya know? They ain't the studiest.

Merman : [Translation] You could spend some time with us first

Vee Barlett : [Translation] You can come up and say hi if ya want.

Merman : [Translation] Maybe the next time you visit

Vee Barlett : [Translation] I'm likin' that idea! What's yer name?

Merman : [Translation] Thurmund

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Nice meetin' ya, Thurmund.

Merman : [Translation] Who are you?

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Vee.

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Maybe next time I can hold my breath longer.

Vee Barlett : [Translation] I'm more a salt water lover, but this lake nice.

Merman : [Translation] The salt wears on your lungs

Merman : [Translation] This is much sweeter

Merman : [Translation] Let me show you how sweet

Vee Barlett: laughs

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Ain't sure my girl would like that.

Vee Barlett : [Translation] But hey, who knows for my next visit, yeah?

Merman : [Translation] Let me compete to show you different

Vee Barlett: laughs again

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Lemme go check on her. You can come say hi. She gonna worry if I stay down here too long.

Merman : [Translation] I will stay away from the surface

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Wait wait I got a question for ya first.

Vee Barlett : [Translation] What's a mermaid's kiss do?

Merman: Swimming away

Merman : [Translation] I will kiss you and make you forget everything else

Merman: laughs as he swims away

Vee Barlett: laughs and returns to the surface

Vee Barlett: Well he seemed nice.

Levi Reed: He?

MeLange: somebody seems quite charmed...

Levi Reed: Is it you?

Vee Barlett: Thurmund! Lake mermaid! But he didn't wanna come say hi. I ain't get a good look at him.

Levi Reed: looks at MeLange

MeLange: Not me

MeLange: Vee

MeLange: and her Merman

Levi Reed: Ohhh, sorry Violette

Vee Barlett: Well yeah, it's a mermaid. Who ain't gonna be charmed by that?

Violette Snipes: pouts

Vee Barlett: grabs Violette and kisses her

MeLange: I don't know

Violette Snipes: Melts a bit

MeLange: I'm sure somebody out there

Vee Barlett: I didn't let him take me. But can't guarantee he won't take me on a date next time I'm here.

MeLange: Whoa

Vee Barlett: Anyway, that pearl a good 4 inches now. It's beautiful!

MeLange: where would you guys go on a date?

Violette Snipes: Yeah

Vee Barlett: Hmm, dunno. Guess I won't know until I meet him again.

Rothuss Carder: Neat

MeLange: oh yea and the pearl, I seen it

Levi Reed: I mean, 4 inches isn't THAT big

MeLange: would you guys go out underwater or on land you think? That's what I'm wondering

Violette Snipes: Raises an eyebrow at Levi

Vee Barlett: For a pearl it is. For whatever yer implying.... no comment.

MeLange chuckles

Vee Barlett: Underwater. Maybe we'd see coral reefs or somethin'? He don't like the surface so guessin' it'd have to be underwater sightseeing.

Vee Barlett: holds in her longing sigh

MeLange: Oh that does sound nice though, coral reefs

Levi Reed: How you going to breathe long enough for a date?

Rothuss Carder: carefully puts the poison into an empty waterskin.

Vee Barlett: I got me ears out for a ring or somethin' to solve that problem. Just ain't got my leads yet for it.

MeLange: I wonder if the mermaids have wine? or like some sort of wine equivalet?

Vee Barlett: Are you and Levi exclusive? 'Cause if ya ain't, maybe we need to find ya mermaid to date, too.

Vee Barlett: You got good questions.

Levi Reed: How would you drink something in the water?

Levi Reed: We are not

MeLange: I'd happily go on a mermaid date

MeLange: And happily tell Levi all about it

Vee Barlett: Thurmund claims fresh water sweeter? So maybe... kind of drink breath? I dunno.

Vee Barlett: Nice! Next mermaid, then. I'll see if he got a brother or sister or somethin' for ya.

MeLange: A life underwater, amazing!

Vee Barlett: nods

Rothuss Carder: Are we placing orders?

Vee Barlett: Livin' the dream. Well half of it. I wanna live underwater and sail.

Levi Reed: Sounds uncomfortable if you ask me

Vee Barlett: You already got yer giant, Rothuss.

Rothuss Carder: grins and continues working.

Vee Barlett: Now if ya a good swimmer, we'll see.

Vee Barlett: I'm gonna swim a bit until this potion wears off. Then we head back?

Vee Barlett: I got an hour if anyone else wanna try to see the pearl. I can point it to ya.

MeLange: enjoy

Vee Barlett: salutes

Rothuss Carder: Once I'm done maybe.

Vee Barlett: dives back in but makes sure people can see her now and then

MeLange: practices dancing

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Swimming [MOD:STR] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 19]

Vee Barlett: [CHECK] Constitution (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 10]

BOB Vee swims around the wreck

BOB poking around in the various parts

BOB She does not find anything worthwhile but does spot holes in the hull where it looks like urchins have gone inside

BOB Her swimming causes two to swim away from her

Vee Barlett: humming to herself

The time is 2:33 PM

BOB and as the afternoon peaks

BOB Vee comes back to the surface happy

Vee Barlett: Still urchins in that wreck, but ain't worth huntin' them. We all ready to go?

Violette Snipes: We should get back before my Mother gets home

Violette Snipes: it will be close

Vee Barlett: Aye aye, Other Cap'n!

Rothuss Carder: finishes putting the ink into the other waterskin.

Vee Barlett: Let's all get goin' then. Jump in the raft and canoe and head back.

Vee Barlett: This was enjoyable.

MeLange: Sounds like it's time then

Rothuss Carder: takes some of the leftover ink and marks 1 X on the inkskin, and 2 Xs on the poison skin.

Levi Reed: jumps in

MeLange: I had fun too

Vee Barlett: Glad ya did!

Vee Barlett: Gotta get more of ya to appreciate water.

Vee Barlett: look at Levi

MeLange: That pearl was pretty big

Levi Reed: I appreciate the water just fine from up here, thank you

Vee Barlett: Right?? If I was greedier, I'd take it, but why ruin nature for gain?

MeLange: yea just stick to ruining people

MeLange: they got it comin

Vee Barlett: Exactly.

BOB and now to head back uphill

Rothuss Carder: Who wants to carry the ink or the poison?

MeLange: what if the real poison... was the ink?!?!!

MeLange: I can carry something, if something needs carryin'

Rothuss Carder: 1 X is ink. 2 is Poison. We need to make sure they're secure each night so no one drinks the wrong one.

Vee Barlett: We'll wanna put them in somethin' else later maybe. Or get some paint...

MeLange: I would be so upset if I was expecting wine and got poison

Vee Barlett: laughs

The time is 5:33 PM

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 10]

Vee Barlett: Alright, y'all be careful here, yeah?

Vee Barlett: NO chasin' after nothin'

Levi Reed: Hey, you're the one who does all the chasing

Vee Barlett: What chasin' I do?

MeLange: are there dangers?

Vee Barlett: Er, recently?

MeLange: more like in vicinity?

Vee Barlett: I mean just the waterfall and therefore drownin'

Vee Barlett: I don't see nothin' worth mentionin'

MeLange: ohh ok

MeLange: 'waterfall n o big deal

MeLange: probably

Vee Barlett: We got down it, now we just gotta get up it. Without fallin' over it.

Vee Barlett: looks at Levi

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Rope Use [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 6]

MeLange: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 13]

Levi Reed: I mean we've done it before

Levi Reed: I believe in us

BOB So Vee, Violette and (Lirt) make it up and over to the other bank

Vee Barlett: watches for the others and keeps an eye on the monkey

Vee Barlett: Y'all comin'??

MeLange: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 14]

Vee Barlett: Levi, you do mountain stuff. Come on, man.

MeLange: I dunno!

Vee Barlett: Yer monkey pal might be watchin' and judgin' you.

Levi Reed: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 16]

Vee Barlett: sighs

MeLange: pretty slippery!

Vee Barlett: Ain't one of ya a rock climber?

Levi Reed: Wait, did you see the monkey?

Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Climb Walls [PERCENT:Climb Walls] (vs. Target 65) [FAILURE by 23] [d100 = 88]

Levi Reed: looks for monkey

Vee Barlett: Maybe but ya won't know unless ya get up here.

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 5]

BOB Levi does see the monkey

Levi Reed: Monkeeeeeeey!

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Swimming [MOD:STR] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 8]

Levi Reed: Starts swimming towards monkey

MeLange: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 17]

MeLange: You know what i'm done!!!

MeLange: Stupid waterfall!

Rothuss Carder: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 7]

Vee Barlett: digs in her pocket for the medallion while she waits and holds it in her hand

Levi Reed: Hello monkey!

Levi Reed: waves at monkey

Vee Barlett: Levi, toss yer rope down for Mel.

Levi Reed: I'm BUSY

Levi Reed: tosses rope somewhat carelessly

Vee Barlett: Monkey judgin' you.

Levi Reed: Heeeeere monkey monkey monkey

Vee Barlett: If ya can't take care of those you love....

MeLange: Stupid monkey too

Levi Reed: You want a... berry? I have some kind of berry!

Levi Reed: holds out berry for monkey

MeLange: Berry doesn't sound terrible

Vee Barlett: yells to Mel, "Levi can't be mad then when ya chase mermaids with me!"

Levi Reed: absentmindedly hands the rest of the berries to Mel

Vee Barlett: holds up the medallion, "Or this why ya followin' us?"

MeLange: happily eats the berries

MeLange: ok...

MeLange: that helped, I feel better

Vee Barlett: Aw man, really? Ya need higher standards, Mel.

MeLange: Hey nothing wrong with berries

MeLange: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 10]

MeLange: whoo! Finally!

Vee Barlett: True, but wrong when they given to you as an afterthought.

MeLange: oh yea...

Vee Barlett: Alright. Come on, y'all. We got a deadline. Let's get movin'

Rothuss Carder: Is this the monkey thing again?

Levi Reed: You guys, what do you think I should do about this monkey?

Vee Barlett: Guess so, but if it keeps Levi movin' that's what matters.

Vee Barlett: Make friends with his friends.

Vee Barlett: And keep movin' before it gets dark.

Levi Reed: What like alive monkeys?

Levi Reed: No way, I'd rather let him go

Vee Barlett: Yeah.

Levi Reed: Goodbye ghost monkey! It was nice knowing you!

Vee Barlett: Why would a ghost monkey wanna be friends with ya if you hate its kind?

Levi Reed: follows Vee

Levi Reed: Good point

Vee Barlett: But....

Vee Barlett: Ugh, ain't sure why I wanna help ya.

Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Swimming [MOD:STR] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 4]

Vee Barlett: But you could leave offerin' for it to share with its friends. Then ya don't have to directly be nice to other monkeys but then it shows ya tryin', yeah?

Levi Reed: But they steal everything!

Levi Reed: Why would I give them stuff if they're just going to come and steal MORE stuff!

Vee Barlett: But if ghost monkey the boss, and you make him happy, then maybe his livin' friend be nicer to ya.

Vee Barlett: Ya gotta come this way anyways.

Vee Barlett: Just gotta start by makin' truce.

Levi Reed: Not happening

Vee Barlett: Don't gotta be forever, but for now.

Levi Reed: Nope

Levi Reed: Absolutely never

Vee Barlett: Levi. Ya wanna be friends with him or not? Ya gotta make the first move. He givin' ya this long to do it so he see somethin' in ya, I guess.

Levi Reed: Not anymore

Levi Reed: Not if it means real monkeys

Vee Barlett: Just set down some extra food and walk away.

Vee Barlett: smacks forehead

Levi Reed: I'll find some other ghosts sometime to befriend

Vee Barlett: So when I try tellin' ya this before to get ya to stop bein' dumb, ya don't listen but NOW that you listen and I try to help you stop caring??

Vee Barlett: Fuck you, man.

Vee Barlett: Just set down a handful of berries and let's go then.

Levi Reed: It's not about you, dont' take it personally

Levi Reed: You KNOW how I feel about monkeys

Vee Barlett: And it took ya THREE DAYS for me to remind ya how you feel about them!

BOB Levi notices that the berries disapear

BOB Grins his other berries in his pouch

Vee Barlett: Swim on over, Melange and let's go.

Vee Barlett: Levi wearin' me out.

MeLange: ok

MeLange: [SKILL] Swimming [MOD:STR] (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 7]

BOB So everyone has made it up the waterfalls

BOB Levi has no more berries

MeLange: Hey Levi can i get some more berries? They were good!

Levi Reed: I gave you all of them man

Levi Reed: Except that one the monkey took

MeLange: oh...ok

MeLange: I thought you'd hold back a little extra

MeLange: foreseeing this exact moment

MeLange sad face

Vee Barlett: Kiss and make up and let's go.

Levi Reed: Sorry, I'm mourning the probable loss of my ghost friend, and dealing with Vee not understanding that people have feelings

Vee Barlett: rolls eyes

Vee Barlett: Then why it on yer shoulder?

MeLange: Oh well I get that, we're good!

MeLange: just hold on to some extra berries next time

MeLange: I'm sorry about your ghost monkey friend too Levi

BOB So you make your way back up through the jungles uphill

Vee Barlett: It's right... ugh!

Vee Barlett: stomps off uphill

MeLange: man, this uphillin is rough, better on the knees though

Levi Reed: I didn't tell it to do that

Levi Reed: shrugs

Levi Reed: Bubbles can do whatever he wants

MeLange: oh... ok Levi

MeLange: you want some water buddy?

Rothuss Carder: hums to himself as they hike.

Vee Barlett: calls over her shoulder, "Make sure it's actually water!"

MeLange: oh, well maybe water isn't a great option right now Levi

Vee Barlett: grabs Violette's hand because she's angry and wants a distraction

Violette Snipes: Squeezes Vee back

Levi Reed: I've had enough water today, but thanks

MeLange: That's fine, I mean they say most people are under hydrated, but that's fine

Levi Reed: I appreciate you looking out for me

The time is 7:43 PM

MeLange: I gotch your back bro

BOB It is time to camp

BOB OR you can push through the jungle to make it back to Vilottes home but will need encounter checks

Vee Barlett: When ya gotta be home, Violette?

Violette Snipes: I really want to

Violette Snipes: She might be home tonight, or in the morning

Vee Barlett: So wanna walk through the jungle tonight?

Vee Barlett: Mel and Levi? Y'all healed and good to fight if we need?

MeLange: Yea I feel it

Levi Reed: Yeah, I feel pretty good

Levi Reed: I love the jungle

Vee Barlett: Then y'all take lead and we'll keep goin'.

Vee Barlett: My leg achy but I can push through it.

Levi Reed: barges ahead

Vee Barlett: Too bad Tempe got the bug.

MeLange: Her Momma sure must be mean

Vee Barlett: Nah, probably just worries lots, yeah?

Vee Barlett: Harder to sneak out and do stuff when ya worry them too much.

Violette Snipes: She wants me to stay home, meet a man and settle down

MeLange: Oh yea?

Vee Barlett: Gross.

Violette Snipes: Yeah

MeLange: sounds nice

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 19]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Direction Sense [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 8]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 19]

MeLange: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 7]

Vee Barlett: Uh, she ain't know we been together, has she? If we see her, I just a friend?

Violette Snipes: I have not told her about you

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 9]

MeLange: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 15] [d20 = 3]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 3]

Rothuss Carder: hums to himself as they hike uphill.

MeLange: Ok we get it with the humming!

Vee Barlett: Well then guess I gotta keep holdin' yer hand now while I can.

Vee Barlett: grins

Rothuss Carder: What's wrong with it? I gotta stay in practice you know.

Rothuss Carder: And it passes the time.

MeLange: practice humming? So you can go pro?

Rothuss Carder: Um.. already gone pro, thankyouverymuch

MeLange: well you're welcome then

Image: River Fork

Levi Reed: Well that was a quick and uneventful trip

Vee Barlett: Uneventful? I got to meet a merman! And maybe got a date with 'em later. AND saw a giant pearl! And breath underwater! That was a great trip!

The time is 7:43 PM

Levi Reed: I meant the trip back

Vee Barlett: Oh.

Levi Reed: After all the wateryness

Levi Reed: Good job team, we did it

Vee Barlett: Eh, no complaints if it was. My leg need rest.

Rothuss Carder: Oh, and just so you know, humming helps regulate your breathing for strenuous uphill walking.

Vee Barlett: Gar teeth a bit sharp.

Levi Reed: Sounds like something a bard would say

Vee Barlett: Sure, sure. Whatever makes ya feel better 'bout bein' annoyin'.

Rothuss Carder: Sounded more like something a bard Did say.

Rothuss Carder: grins

Vee Barlett: rolls eyes

The time is 9:43 PM

BOB So you are here at night

Levi Reed: We staying with you tonight, Violette?

BOB The Ghost Monkey is on top of the caretakers cabin

BOB where you rented the canoes from

BOB and Obversation from anyone?

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 13] [d20 = 2]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 7]

MeLange: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 10) [FAILURE by 8] [d20 = 18]

BOB Levi spots the Ghost Monkey pointing to the river

BOB Vee see the water of the river looks .... not calm

Levi Reed: Vee, your monkey friend is trying to talk to you

Vee Barlett: Back in otter territory. Damn things. Move quick and stay near the land.

MeLange: otter totter

Vee Barlett : [Translation] We ain't here to fight for yer mates. Just calm down and go away.


Rothuss Carder: Letting them know we're here. Bold strategy.

Vee Barlett: He likes them otters. Maybe he can give 'em fish to make them go away.

Giant Otter : [Translation] What are you doing here?

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Yer aquatic! Why you don't speak it??

Rothuss Carder: Maybe they ate him?

Levi Reed: Does that mean we get a free canoe?

Giant Otter : [Translation] You talk funny, why can't you just talk normal like the rest of the woods

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Yeah, I dunno what that means.

Giant Otter : [Translation] At least the monkey knows how to talk right

MeLange: [SKILL] Animal Lore [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 12]

Vee Barlett : [Translation] You keep replyin' even when I can't understand ya so I'll keep talking like I do.

BOB Mel understands that there are two (three) different languaes being spoken. He also can guess from observing Vee in the past that she is trying to talk to fish, and otter are mammals or fish and other things are part of the water and otters are part of the land who use water

MeLange: She talking to the otters that are kinda like related to fish yall!

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Look, if ya understand me, we just walkin' by and we sorry 'bout before, yeah?

Levi Reed: Mel, you're so smart

Ghost Monkey : [Translation] Let them pass

MeLange: Ahh thanks Levi

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Huh?

MeLange: I just like animals is all

BOB So you are going to go across to the village?

Vee Barlett: looks at monkey to for a sign

Vee Barlett: carefully takes a step or two forward to see how otters react

Vee Barlett: Mel, Levi, y'all be ready.

Rothuss Carder: hums the JAWS theme song

MeLange: oh ok

MeLange readies himself

MeLange: brushes his shoulder off

Levi Reed: Ready for what?

Vee Barlett: attempts to go across to the village

MeLange adjusts himself

MeLange smells armpits

Vee Barlett: Think we found a truce. Just be respectful and quick.

MeLange: acceptable

Rothuss Carder: is respectful and quick

MeLange: sometimes being quick is actually disrespectful

Levi Reed: follows

MeLange: also follows

Vee Barlett: Well yeah, but I ain' takin' chance here.

MeLange: we got your back Vee!

Vee Barlett: Thanks, buddy!

Vee Barlett: continues onward

MeLange: continues to follow

Rothuss Carder: I got your elbow, Cap'n.

Vee Barlett: And my rations.

MeLange: Is he playing with your elbow skin?

Levi Reed: ew

Vee Barlett: Ew, I hope not. That sounds weird.

Rothuss Carder: In her dreams.

Rothuss Carder: grins

MeLange: hey he said he had your elbow

Vee Barlett: I'll pop 'em in the face if he does.

Levi Reed: double ew

Violette Snipes: Pushes ahead to check on her home

Vee Barlett: More a nightmare than a dream.

BOB When you get to the houses yes Violette's mother is home

Vee Barlett: mutters, "Good thing we kept goin'"

BOB Violette is explaining how she had to help you get through the jungle

BOB and that is why she did not do the chores around the house the past two days

Levi Reed: Hey, we can pitch in and help if you need us to

Vee Barlett: Ya, sorry 'bout that. Just some tourist. This ain't like the sea. Yer daughter was a great help, m'am.

Rothuss Carder: mutters to Vee, "Should I try to help?"

MeLange: She was a critical member of our team!

MeLange: We would have died without her!

Vee Barlett: quiety to Rothuss, "Ya, but no flirtin'."

MeLange: Maybe not me but Levi for sure

Levi Reed: Oh yeah, I'd definitely be dead

Rothuss Carder: helps the badly injured Lirtimya up the path.

Vesna Lyamin: I am glad she remembered her manners for that

Rothuss Carder: Ma'am, without your daughter's help, we might not have made it.

Vesna Lyamin: Frowns

Levi Reed: But happy to help with the chores, if you need some help! We didn't mean to take her away from her work

Vesna Lyamin: That sounds like she was doing something dangerous

Vee Barlett: Great manners, that one. We fell into some bad jungle juju or somethin' as you can see.

Vee Barlett: Nah, just found us after we found that trouble.

MeLange: She was very appropriate the whole time, especially commendable given the scariness of our siutation

Vee Barlett: Took a bit of work gettin' us to safety.

Vesna Lyamin: Hmmmm

Rothuss Carder: Lirtimya here was stuck by some sort of poisoned thorn, we think.

Levi Reed: She kept saying things like "don't go there, it's dangerous!" and we weren't good listeners, if I'm honest

Rothuss Carder: She's stable, but weak.

Vesna Lyamin: Well I suppose you need a place to stay the night

Vee Barlett: If ya don't mind us imposin'

Vee Barlett: We'll even help with the chores.

Rothuss Carder: [TOWER] [SKILL] Etiquette [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 9]

Rothuss Carder: [TOWER] [SKILL] Fast-Talking [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 6]

Vesna Lyamin: and if she is going to be shirking her duties she should be the one to give up her bed

Rothuss Carder: [TOWER] [CHECK] Charisma (vs. Target 16) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 18]

Vee Barlett: I've shared beds with my sister. I don't mind if she don't.

Vesna Lyamin: But I suppose we should help you rest the night and take care of you as we can

Rothuss Carder: That'd be very nice, ma'am. Is there anything we can do to help out while we're here?

Vee Barlett: I mean, sometimes kick my sister in my sleep, but don't think that'll happen.

Vesna Lyamin: Nods, would serve her right to not have her own bed and have to share

Vee Barlett: nods and hides her grin

Vesna Lyamin: Bring your friend in and put her in Violette's bed

Vee Barlett: now has to hide her frown

Rothuss Carder: I will, ma'am. Violette, guide me please?

Vesna Lyamin: Nods to herself

Vesna Lyamin: Suspicions allayed

Levi Reed: I'm Levi. What should I call you, ma'am?

Vesna Lyamin: Vesna is just fine

Vesna Lyamin: I am not a highborn lady

Levi Reed: It's nice to meet you Vesna

Levi Reed: Thank you for your hospitality

Vesna Lyamin: You settle in

Vesna Lyamin: and we will speak in the morning

Rothuss Carder: quietly to Violette, "Want me to try and cover for you this evening? Keep her talking and distracted so you can get a bit more time in?"

Violette Snipes: whispers I think we need to wait till the morning, I will make a big breakfast and hope that helps

Rothuss Carder: nods.

Vee Barlett: whispers, "It's fine. Violette knows where I'm sleepin' and can find me."

Vee Barlett: winks

MeLange: mmm big breakfast

BOB So everyone settles in for the night

BOB and we pick up in the morning explaining what happened and Temp doing healing etc.

MeLange: Another day another adventure in the bucket

Rothuss Carder: will chitchat (innocently enough) with Violette's mother.

Vee Barlett: dreams about mermaids

BOB You can decide what you have, how you want to trade it for more training at the Orphanage or back at the church or the Temple