Chat Log List - 2025-01-10 - Evil Tide - Formatted - Story
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'wyjyoon' connected
'wyjyoon' disconnected
'wyjyoon' connected
'wyjyoon' disconnected
'wyjyoon' connected
BOB Are you sure you want to stay this time?
wyjyoon: um
BOB chuckles
BOB How is the weather for you?
wyjyoon: it is cold
wyjyoon: and windy
BOB Not windy here, but cold
BOB for us
wyjyoon: but no ice, so we're alright
wyjyoon: ah, glad to hear
BOB in the upper 40's the last couple of nights,
BOB right now it is 67
wyjyoon: oh wow
wyjyoon: that's quite a jump
BOB which is more like our normal winters
wyjyoon: i think the wind makes the cold a lot worse. i'm glad it got warmer! i think it's supposed to be a bit more bearable tomorrow for us
wyjyoon: but still in the 40s rn
wyjyoon: anyways, will be back
wyjyoon: i must go pick up the food
'wyjyoon' disconnected
'Lisa' connected
'Carissa' connected
BOB y there
BOB and now Carissa too
BOB Wendy was in and left for food
Lisa: Hello :)
BOB Was checking the status of fires
BOB there seems to be that one to your west/
Lisa: That is mostly contained now
BOB glad
Carissa: hello! glad you haven't burned down
BOB laughs
Lisa: One started about 12 miles NE of me this morning but they attacked that quickly and put it out and was only about 30 acres I think
Lisa: Hi Carissa
Carissa: but if it does take care of all the bird flu over there I won't complain...
Lisa: Am just tired. I heard about that last one and I was just - no more please
Carissa: I love those firefighters. I've deployed with them in a different setting before. Damn hardworkers and very proud of their job. Great guys.
Lisa: Yes appreciate them immensely
Carissa: except one dude but that's a different story, lol
Lisa: they have the weekend to put everything out before the winds pick up again on Monday
BOB I am amused that some news outlets go out of their way to only say "fire fighters from outside the area" while others are "Mexico sent X number"
Carissa: ugh will it be as windy or at least maybe less?
Lisa: not 80 mph but supposedly 40-50 mph which is not good for fires
BOB The coverage maps are crazy
BOB and the drone thing today is going to really piss people off
Lisa: pissed me off
Carissa: out of the loop on that.... I'll Google
Lisa: freak with a drone when emergency people are in the air
Carissa: fucking idiot
Lisa: drone took down a fire plane
Carissa: it took down a plane too?????
'TMO' connected
BOB Canadian fire plane
Carissa: toss him in jail and throw away the key, wtf????
BOB The plane landed safely
BOB but cannot fly
BOB Hey there TMO
Lisa: broke a wing so it'sout of commission until they fix it
Carissa: okay actually first get that jackass and toss him into the fires THEN toss whatever remains in jail and toss the key
BOB I imagine there is a line of people waiting to do that
Lisa: lol
Lisa: yes
Carissa: I'll help
Carissa: I won't cut the line, though. Just will help kick the remains
Lisa: lol
TMO: hey howdy
Lisa: Hi TMO :)
Carissa: older smaller tmo! hi!
TMO: so that's the tack we're going to take this evening, eh?
Carissa: si, sir
BOB Will JTom be joining us?
TMO: yes, he's getting set up
BOB Oh also if anyone wants there are new Discord Fantasy avatar and profile bits. If you do not have Nitro I can pick it up for you if you want, I think you can see it to look at them without Nitro
BOB They almost doubled the stuff in that category
BOB I have enough
BOB But others might want, shrugs
Carissa: off to look....
Carissa: uh the fairies, but seriously $10 for that? it's pretty but that's like... 2 coffees! or 1.25 in this economy!
Carissa: ooh that one is pretty too... okay I need to stop looking at the pretty shiny things
BOB The Bundle is $9 for me, both the avatar and the profile
BOB I can get it and gift it
Carissa: Well I did round up yes, but that still is ridiculous to me :P
BOB Yes it is
BOB but might be worth it
BOB It is why I have the planets circling my avatar
Carissa: it reminds me of the fairies from zelda which is my avatar so it's fitting BUT I'm not asking you to spend $10
Carissa: but if I do want it, I'll let you know and mail you a $10 or coffee... but the latter will be difficult to pull off
BOB I am willing to buy them then you slip it back to me
Lisa: no coffee for Bob
Carissa: I don't think he drinks $10 wine though....
BOB I got Nyrma a class on how to perfect espresso
Lisa: lol
BOB Actually... if you buy wine early enough that $10 bottle sits for a decade and becomes $60
Carissa: a ticket to italy?
BOB LOL a local coffee roaster
'JtomTMO' connected
BOB Hello there JTom
Carissa: a winery near me is going to host a monthly bookclub where you can try their wines and charcuteries adn talk and exchange books
BOB my best wine purchase was a $30 bottle that sat for over a decade. When I looked at the price when we opened it it was over $400
Carissa: hmm... maybe I'll send you a local wine that will become... $25 in like five years :P
BOB That is an excellent idea!
BOB too bad it is still too cold in March up there
Carissa: lmao
Carissa: i told you I'm literally 5 minutes from a winery? and then there are lots others because NY but my mom foudn it funny since I don't really drink much.... well, funny aka not funny because she's jealous :P
BOB grins
BOB and how far from a bookstore?
Carissa: 15 minutes but only 2 minutes from the library
BOB Even better
Carissa: i like free books more
'wyjyoon' connected
Carissa: and 5 minutes from chocolate
Carissa: it's a good place to live lol
[10 XP] -> Vee Barlett
BOB and Wendy is back
BOB so now we can recap and move along
Lisa: Hi JTom :)
BOB Sharif is about an hour or so out I am guessing
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Hello!
Carissa: i didn't see matey sneak in! hello!
BOB He said 530ish
Carissa: sorry *taller and younger tmo!
BOB But not better looking
BOB Hmmm maybe one is a Math TMO and one is a NON Math TMO
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Can't win it all I guess
wyjyoon: what did i walk into lol
Lisa: Hi Wendy :)
wyjyoon: hello friends :)
Carissa: tossing people into fire, wines, and books.
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Hello Wendy
Carissa: hi wendy!
BOB So keeping OOC for a moment
Carissa: oh and differentiating the tmos but that's for another day
BOB but I want Lirt to roll what ever magic checks she can think of including an Int check as well
Lirtimya: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 9]
BOB Excellent, so Lirt has been quiet during your trip through the flooded caverns and has come up with ideas
wyjyoon: yay our designated braincell
BOB 1 - the Water Breathing Potions do allow spell casting, etc (you knew this)
Carissa: woo! braincell has returned!
BOB 2 - the Water Breathing Potions do NOT affect other underwater things
Lirtimya: [SKILL] Spellcraft [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 11]
Lisa: nice
wyjyoon: so... silly question. what does not affecting other underwater things mean?
BOB The difference is how the different types of magical breathing affect different things. Conversion, Transformation, or Adaptation
BOB Water Breathing spell/potion falls into the last category
BOB to answer Wendy's question..... you can breath, talk, cast
BOB you do NOT get any conversion to being an underwater creature so no swimming, ability to ignore high pressure etc
wyjyoon: ohh ok
wyjyoon: i get it now
wyjyoon: so sadly vee will not turn into a mermaid, got it :)
Carissa: :(
BOB With Lirt's checks you now know that A - the Sea Devils can go DEEEEEEP (2,000 feet down)
BOB Humans typically can handle 400 feet
TMO: Rothuss can try stapling a fish tail on her after taking her legs off
wyjyoon: lol tmo
Carissa: he wouldn't get past the first cut before she shanked him
BOB the key point here for Lirt's inspiration...... Gnomes/Halflings can handle 200 feet
wyjyoon: ooooo
TMO: nonono - she'd *volunteer*! It's her best chance to become a mermaid!
Carissa: *stab*
wyjyoon: lol
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Got it, need to mention that
Carissa: more reasons for glimbs to hate water?
Lisa: so jumping into an abyss will kill us?
wyjyoon: we also have to worry about temperature if we go into deeper waters right
Carissa: well if so then lychelle must be dead
BOB For Carissa's info translating into D&D Sperm Whales are 3000 feet
BOB Bingo to Wendy
BOB and no to Carissa
BOB that is one point about this
BOB The writer of the book, and the writer of the module obviously did not talk to each other or read
BOB any previous mention of 500 feet down into the chasm is changed to 100 feet down into the chasm
wyjyoon: google says approximately 37 degrees F
BOB AND the pouch of elixer (have a drink of green elixer, and follow me doooowwwwwnnn) is a Conversion not a Transformation
BOB So Olmes has a pouch to drink from that WILL protect you from pressure, etc.
BOB That he stole from the Sea Devils
BOB So that solves the 'Chelle problem allso
Lisa: but will he share?
Carissa: is there enough for everyone? and how long?
BOB At this point we do not know but suspect he is very paranoid
BOB and where did he get it and where could more be stashed
Lisa: yeah if we kill 27 shark boys we should find a pouch somewhere, right?
Carissa: so in conclusion... darn us for skipping all those encounters, I will make you do encounters!
TMO: I was confused for a bit, thinking Olmes was the dude on the raft going to pick us up next noon....
Lisa: LOL
BOB I can neither confirm nor deny
TMO: *forehead slap*
BOB and no to Carissa
Lisa: same name
BOB this is actually me reading ahead
Carissa: uh huh surrrreeee ;)
BOB and going wait a minute....
BOB and then checking and changing the module
Carissa: so don't read ahead and just ignore all those details, duh
wyjyoon: wasn't olmes the guy who led us to uther, the grumpy pearl diver guy with the raft
Carissa: yes to wendy
wyjyoon: ok
BOB Or everyone would go down in the crevasse, make a Con check, fail and die,
TMO: well, we're tired of the sea already anyways...
Lisa: yup
Carissa: well hopefully when our canary glimbs dies first we stop and go back up
BOB The Con check portion is in the module but they still put 500 feet down....
BOB so the next portion is a combo of hating caves and hating the potential to drown AND hating the idea of being crushed by pressure
wyjyoon: lots of hate
Lisa: yes
TMO: *checks watch* JustrememberedvitaleventgottagoBYE!
BOB But you go have lots of things to stab
Carissa: we can just.... not
wyjyoon: run while you still can tmo! :D
Carissa: bye lychelle sorry?
BOB Seriously you have that option.
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): I've been playing a lot of subnautica, it's fine I will find the futuristic space junk
BOB You now know a lot more and can go back out regroup and come back
Lisa: so we have to talk to Olmes about his pouch while we wait for the shark people to come when they were warned
BOB and you have no idea JTom......
BOB Options yes Lisa
Lisa: Chuvor was what he called it
wyjyoon: si
Carissa: i do like stabbing things and we'll have mel to help
BOB Just want to make sure everyone understands, you can go back out past the waterfall, regroup up on the island and then come back down to do more exploring/saving find the Stone
wyjyoon: i should include that in the summary
Carissa: we can also look at more of the cave too if we need
Carissa: stupid caves
Lisa: if we leave will we ever come back?
Carissa: I'm going to include one of those confetti filled never shuts up joke cards when I send bob wine for this
BOB Not saying go away for days and come back but.......
'Spring' connected
Carissa: we'd only come back if that green wall ends up being worthwhile to come back to
Carissa: vee isn't honorable but she likes loot :)
BOB and as always yes you can go away and never come back leaving the poor Potentate to her fate
wyjyoon: i just imagined one of those howlers from harry potter just screaming at bob with maximum enthusiasm
BOB quote for Wendy ryhmes
Carissa: that PLUS glitter
Lisa: what can we get on the island to help up survive the abyss? unless there is something I don't see a need to retreat completely and start over
Carissa: no don't think we're at full retreat point yet, agree
Carissa: maybe explore cave more first before we decide if we want to full retreat
Carissa: and/or kill things
BOB Not saying you are, just making sure you know you always have options
wyjyoon: i think that's ok too
wyjyoon: i don't feel good about this cave, but i will try to be a bit more enthusiastic
BOB You can just try to kill things to get out the frustrations
Carissa: we're almost out of this round of potions and we have a better idea of how much is underwater
wyjyoon: not that i have ever felt good about caves but
Lisa: we need more Chuvor
BOB How are you Spring?
wyjyoon: si more chuvor
Carissa: yes and maybe more potion depending
wyjyoon: hello spring :)
Spring (Ratbone Carder): so tired. school started. hi y'all!
Lisa: Hi Spring! :)
Carissa: olmes liked tempe so maybe he'll tell more... or we invade the guard house
Carissa: hi spring!
TMO (Rothuss Carder): Heya sis!
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Hello!
Spring (Ratbone Carder): Hey bubba!
Lisa: did we figure out how long Rothuss is out?
Rothuss Carder: ghiblee..
Lisa: lol
Carissa: vee: not long enough
wyjyoon: tempe was supposed to heal him, so maybe we'll start with that?
Carissa: think you did
wyjyoon: i did?
BOB I am going to say that {being generous so you continue the adventure ;) } that Lirt's checks and talking to Olmes gives you this:
wyjyoon: no, i think bob said wait until this week
Carissa: oh nice 12 hours per dose?
wyjyoon: ok updated chuvor to the summary for last week
wyjyoon: dunno why i completely forgot about that
Carissa: oh oh!! vee volunteers to force it down rothuss's throat!!
wyjyoon: um
wyjyoon: is that actually possible
wyjyoon: if so, maybe?
Carissa: forcing down potion or what?
BOB and checking that now for you Lisa, now that the breathing stuff is finished
Carissa: it does say con check or force down
BOB Now will see how assaulting a sleeping person works
Carissa: -3 checks will hurt
Lisa: I'm not reading that it will help deep sea dives or am I missing something
Carissa: yes reading more as just a VERY long water breathing potion
Carissa: curious what happens to those human experiments
BOB I ma ruling that it is not a Transformative like the water breathing potions but an Adaptive so it does encompass pressure, movement, etc
Lisa: ok thanks
Carissa: so we'll still need both?
BOB Either or
wyjyoon: it would be ideal to have both i guess
BOB Chuvor gives breathing AND pressure
Carissa: so water breathing when not deep down, but chuvor when deep down
Lisa: need chuvor for the abyss
BOB Water breathing give breating
wyjyoon: less chance of getting formed into a diamond with chuvor
Lisa: and will be at neg 3s for everything
Carissa: right just trying to figure out if we'll still be drinking water potion and have to also track that
Lisa: if you fail the CON check the potion doesn't work?
BOB You can use only the Chuvor
Lisa: so we leave the failed people behind or they die?
Lisa: I'm not liking this too much
Carissa: no it says we can force it down their throat
BOB the Water Breathing potion works for X ammount of time, but if you go too deep you make checks and if failed take severe damage
Lisa: so are we ready?
BOB So 1d3 rounds of paralyzation/uncounciousness from the trident poison
BOB So Roth is awake
Carissa: darn
Lisa: yay!
wyjyoon: nice :)
Carissa: and yeah, if there's enough potion we drink it and go
wyjyoon: does anyone require healing before we go? or are we good?
<font color="#417700">Ratbone Carder: hugs her brother
Lisa: rothuss was moderately wounded when he got hit
TMO (Rothuss Carder): Wait, I am??
Lisa: he's 10 down?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): Rothuss at -10, Vee -5, and Tempe at -2
Carissa (Vee Barlett): when did Tempe get hurt?
BOB Each leather pouch of Chuvor has 2 doses
wyjyoon: took a -2 for con check
wyjyoon: or some check
wyjyoon: last session
TMO (Rothuss Carder): wow, Ratbone was down for hours it felt like.
wyjyoon: hang on trying to see what healing would work best
<font color="#417700">Ratbone Carder: felt like it for me too
Carissa (Vee Barlett): ooh hit a rock or something
wyjyoon (Temperance): does it still have to be touch-based healing or are we ok doing an orison rn?
Lisa: so if one pouch is 2 doses we need to find a seriou sstash to hook all of us up
Carissa (Vee Barlett): or have bob say, surprise! olme has a LOT of chuvor!
wyjyoon (Temperance): i think if i do 2 slots i can heal both rothuss and vee
BOB and also for the Depth question Lisa asked. Max depth, you are fine, going beyond that save v Para if failed 4d10 points of crushing damage PER ROUND
Carissa (Vee Barlett): so most likely death
Lisa: so almost like falling into lava
BOB If the check is sucessful you can operate at that depth for 24 hours
Lisa: you will doe
Lisa: die
wyjyoon (Temperance): death by being pancaked under pressure
wyjyoon (Temperance): oof
BOB certain submersibles
Temperance: Temperance cast a spell NOT memorized.
Temperance: [CAST] Orison
Temperance: [SAVE VS] Orison
BOB Wait
BOB are you sure
wyjyoon (Temperance): uh
wyjyoon (Temperance): that's why i asked
BOB Each one of those is 10 rounds
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): We don't need to worry about nitrogen right?
wyjyoon (Temperance): i am not sure
BOB No to JTom we hand wave that off
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Yay
wyjyoon (Temperance): so touch based then?
BOB All healing is touch based
wyjyoon (Temperance): no i mean
Lisa: what could possibly happen in the next 10 rounds? :P
BOB Orison is 1 HP per round but Cure Light, etc. is done in one round
wyjyoon (Temperance): more speciffically, orison vs cure light
wyjyoon (Temperance): yes that
BOB Just want to be sure all are on the same page
wyjyoon (Temperance): i'll just do cure light then
Carissa (Vee Barlett): it's finnee there was a rock slide so those guards won't find us
BOB There was a quick 2 to 3 round checking on everyone, Lirt sharing infom etc
Lisa: we're talking to Olmes about where he got the pouch right?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): (vee is fine, so you can just focus on rothuss if you need)
BOB and Now you are up to that
Lisa: knowing us and convos that will waste 10 rds
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lmao
wyjyoon (Temperance): lol that 20 questions thing was painful
wyjyoon (Temperance): i'm so sorry about that
Lisa: no worries
wyjyoon (Temperance): and i'm going to need to do 2 slots anyway, if i'm going to heal rothuss in full
Lisa: he likes Tempe and Ratbone I'm sure the two of them can get info
wyjyoon (Temperance): 2 slots of orison i mean. so if i use that, vee might as well take some healing
Carissa (Vee Barlett): you don't necessarily need to worry abut full yet
wyjyoon (Temperance): oh ok
BOB each orison is 10 rounds so 10 minutes off your water breathing
BOB Just making sure everyone is aware
Carissa (Vee Barlett): ok ok back up
Lisa: we're on a ledge right now
wyjyoon (Temperance): backing up
Lisa: only Vee is underwater
Carissa (Vee Barlett): 1) Do we need to find more Chuvor?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): mermaidddd
wyjyoon: more chuvor would be nice right?
wyjyoon: if we're going down under
Carissa (Vee Barlett): it's a bob question: do we only have 2 doses right now?
BOB You have 16 more rounds of breathing according to Roth's effects
Lisa: if the target is the abyss and we need potions to get there we should just do that
Carissa (Vee Barlett): yes so if we need to get more chuvor then maybe we wait to heal until that runs out and we're about to go into the abyss
BOB Olmes has one pouch he is clutching, you can guess it has one more dose in it
Carissa (Vee Barlett): OR you do cure minor for the moment
Lisa: that will cause us to explore more and possibly doe in other ways before we can get back to the abyss
Lisa: do we have to plan more?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): ok yes that's what I was trying to figure out
Carissa (Vee Barlett): no just want to make sure we have to explore more and that I'm understanding right
Lisa: I keep typing doe instead of die
Carissa (Vee Barlett): a deer a female deer
wyjyoon: ok so cure light and then explore more for chuvor?
wyjyoon: or no cure and explore?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): yes and/or wait to heal
Carissa (Vee Barlett): up to rothuss
Carissa (Vee Barlett): he still has 22 hp left
wyjyoon: ok leaving it up to him
Lisa: I would ask Olmes where he got his before we just wandered around
Carissa (Vee Barlett): so you can decide which gamble: heal randomly now? or wait and heal both with orison before the abyss?
wyjyoon: yes we should try and talk to olmes
Vee Barlett: and yes, ratbone and tempe, please talk to olmes
Carissa (Vee Barlett): oops
Carissa (Vee Barlett): ...*ooc
Lisa: would you like only 22 hps in shark infested waters?
TMO (Rothuss Carder): probably best to do a single cure. one bad hit and no time to cast during combat.
Lisa: yes please
Carissa (Vee Barlett): given they only hurt me for 5 hp, it wasn't my worry lol
wyjyoon: ok, cure light and then explore
Carissa (Vee Barlett): PUT THE BRACERS ON
Carissa (Vee Barlett): if you're going to pretend to be frontliner then atleast protect yerself mate
wyjyoon (Temperance): how did i lose the map
Image: Caves behind waterfall
Lisa: I am having planning fatigue - wake me when we're ready
Carissa (Vee Barlett): tempe heal, then tempe and ratbone talk to olmes
Carissa (Vee Barlett): or zora can try talking to olmes now
Temperance: Temperance cast a spell NOT memorized.
Temperance: [CAST] Cure Light Wounds
Carissa (Vee Barlett): someone nice
TMO (Rothuss Carder): golly... if only there were someone around to remind him that he still has them in his bag.....
Temperance: [HEAL] Cure Light Wounds [d8 = 4]
Heal [4] -> [to Rothuss Carder] [STATUS: Light]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): vee isn't his mother ot take care of him
wyjyoon (Temperance): tempe can mention it dw
wyjyoon (Temperance): she remembers the bracers and vee falling over on deck
Rothuss Carder: Ahh, thank ye, Temperance. That bugger stung like fire.
Spring (Ratbone Carder): smiles thanks to Tempe
Temperance: Least I can do while you all are doing the fighting. I'm glad you are alright.
<font color="#417700">Temperance: smiles and salutes.
<font color="#417700">Rothuss Carder: salutes back.
Rothuss Carder: At your service, madame! Uh.. priestess..? Your worship? Ehhh... you know what I mean.
<font color="#417700">Temperance: laughs lightly.
Temperance: Temperance is fine, really. Titles are so stuffy.
Rothuss Carder: Oh good. I was never going to remember any of those others.
Temperance: Do you think the things you took off of Museio would help? She was a Sea Elf from what I heard, and... well... we are in the ocean...
Temperance: Um, what did Vee call them again? Bracelets?
<font color="#417700">Temperance: motions with her hands.
<font color="#417700">Rothuss Carder: blinks a few times at her, then starts patting himself down until he finds them in his belt pouch.
Rothuss Carder: Huh. Totally forgot I had them.
Temperance: Well, Vee trying them out was.... interesting. But it might be good to try and see if it will help now that we're mostly going to be in water.
Temperance: Maybe Lirtimya can give more insight on it?
<font color="#417700">Rothuss Carder: shrugs.
Rothuss Carder: Maybe. Hey, Lirt! You got a second to do that magic knowledge thing you got on these?
Rothuss Carder: Give us the lowdown.
<font color="#417700">Rothuss Carder: shows her the bracers from the sea elf.
TMO (Rothuss Carder): I saw those Bob!
<font color="#417700">Temperance: turns to Olmes while they check out those bracers.
Sahuagin: Advanced Effect ['SAVE:-2,light'] -> [to Sahuagin]
Sahuagin: Advanced Effect ['DDR: -1 fire'] -> [to Sahuagin]
Sahuagin 2: Advanced Effect ['SAVE:-2,light'] -> [to Sahuagin 2]
Sahuagin 2: Advanced Effect ['DDR: -1 fire'] -> [to Sahuagin 2]
Sahuagin 3: Advanced Effect ['SAVE:-2,light'] -> [to Sahuagin 3]
Sahuagin 3: Advanced Effect ['DDR: -1 fire'] -> [to Sahuagin 3]
Sahuagin 4: Advanced Effect ['SAVE:-2,light'] -> [to Sahuagin 4]
Sahuagin 4: Advanced Effect ['DDR: -1 fire'] -> [to Sahuagin 4]
Sahuagin 5: Advanced Effect ['SAVE:-2,light'] -> [to Sahuagin 5]
Sahuagin 5: Advanced Effect ['DDR: -1 fire'] -> [to Sahuagin 5]
Sahuagin 6: Advanced Effect ['SAVE:-2,light'] -> [to Sahuagin 6]
Sahuagin 6: Advanced Effect ['DDR: -1 fire'] -> [to Sahuagin 6]
Sahuagin 7: Advanced Effect ['SAVE:-2,light'] -> [to Sahuagin 7]
Sahuagin 7: Advanced Effect ['DDR: -1 fire'] -> [to Sahuagin 7]
Sahuagin 8: Advanced Effect ['SAVE:-2,light'] -> [to Sahuagin 8]
Sahuagin 8: Advanced Effect ['DDR: -1 fire'] -> [to Sahuagin 8]
Sahuagin 9: Advanced Effect ['SAVE:-2,light'] -> [to Sahuagin 9]
Sahuagin 9: Advanced Effect ['DDR: -1 fire'] -> [to Sahuagin 9]
Sahuagin 10: Advanced Effect ['SAVE:-2,light'] -> [to Sahuagin 10]
Sahuagin 10: Advanced Effect ['DDR: -1 fire'] -> [to Sahuagin 10]
Sahuagin 11: Advanced Effect ['SAVE:-2,light'] -> [to Sahuagin 11]
Sahuagin 11: Advanced Effect ['DDR: -1 fire'] -> [to Sahuagin 11]
Sahuagin 12: Advanced Effect ['SAVE:-2,light'] -> [to Sahuagin 12]
Sahuagin 12: Advanced Effect ['DDR: -1 fire'] -> [to Sahuagin 12]
Sahuagin 13: Advanced Effect ['SAVE:-2,light'] -> [to Sahuagin 13]
Sahuagin 13: Advanced Effect ['DDR: -1 fire'] -> [to Sahuagin 13]
Sahuagin 14: Advanced Effect ['SAVE:-2,light'] -> [to Sahuagin 14]
Sahuagin 14: Advanced Effect ['DDR: -1 fire'] -> [to Sahuagin 14]
Sahuagin 15: Advanced Effect ['SAVE:-2,light'] -> [to Sahuagin 15]
Sahuagin 15: Advanced Effect ['DDR: -1 fire'] -> [to Sahuagin 15]
Sahuagin 16: Advanced Effect ['SAVE:-2,light'] -> [to Sahuagin 16]
Sahuagin 16: Advanced Effect ['DDR: -1 fire'] -> [to Sahuagin 16]
Sahuagin 17: Advanced Effect ['SAVE:-2,light'] -> [to Sahuagin 17]
Sahuagin 17: Advanced Effect ['DDR: -1 fire'] -> [to Sahuagin 17]
Sahuagin 18: Advanced Effect ['SAVE:-2,light'] -> [to Sahuagin 18]
Sahuagin 18: Advanced Effect ['DDR: -1 fire'] -> [to Sahuagin 18]
Sahuagin 19: Advanced Effect ['SAVE:-2,light'] -> [to Sahuagin 19]
Sahuagin 19: Advanced Effect ['DDR: -1 fire'] -> [to Sahuagin 19]
Sahuagin 20: Advanced Effect ['SAVE:-2,light'] -> [to Sahuagin 20]
Sahuagin 20: Advanced Effect ['DDR: -1 fire'] -> [to Sahuagin 20]
Temperance: How are you holding up, sir?
wyjyoon (Temperance): dunno if that sent hang on
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Is there any magic writings opn the bracers?
'wyjyoon' disconnected
Olmes: I am ok, I am trying to breathe
'wyjyoon' connected
Olmes: I am ok, I am trying to breathe
Spring (Ratbone Carder): is that a mantra then?
Spring (Ratbone Carder): to be fair he was freaking out earlier
Olmes: I am ok, I am trying to breathe
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Bob is there any writing on the braces?
'JtomTMO' disconnected
TMO (Rothuss Carder): JTom having a few connection issues - he'll brb
'JtomTMO' connected
wyjyoon (Temperance): connection issues here too, sorry about that
wyjyoon (Temperance): messages getting swallowed into the abyss
BOB FOr the Bracers, Lirt can easily see they are magical, they have some protection (AC) and some sort of Conversion magic for breathing
TMO (Rothuss Carder): I'm seeing them on my end, but JTom wasn't seeing his
BOB Lirt can make an Int check also
BOB and so can Vee
TMO (Rothuss Carder): odds are in Lirt's favor. :P
Vee Barlett: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 4]
wyjyoon (Temperance): nice!
Carissa (Vee Barlett): but she tried breathing with them before....
Spring (Ratbone Carder): great big shark doo doo doo-to-doo
BOB Vee can guess that like she would need to breath water and need pressure help.... these on a sea elf might mean needing to breath air and lower pressure help
wyjyoon (Temperance): looks like something from jaws
Carissa (Vee Barlett): ahh okay that's what we were thinking before
BOB and yes Vee is not surprised
Carissa (Vee Barlett): yay things to stab!
Rothuss Carder: Alright, might as well. You know what they say: No guts, no garters.
[TURN] Sahuagin 14 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
[TURN] Rothuss Carder - [[TRGT: Rothuss Carder]; LIGHT: 60/0 continual light; [D: 963] | Water-breath; [D: 14] | Unconcious]
<font color="#417700">Rothuss Carder: puts on the bracers.
<font color="#417700">Temperance: furrows her brows.
Carissa (Vee Barlett): she was expecting things so does that count as parry?
Vee Barlett: We got company, y'all.
BOB She can parry,
BOB Pings Lisa
Vee Barlett : [Translation] Getcha gone now.
<font color="#000000">Getcha gone now.
[understood by: Vee Barlett]
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): is that a foot hanging out of the shark's mouth?
BOB grins
Lirtimya: [INIT] [d10 = 4]
wyjyoon (Temperance): i thought it was an arm
Carissa (Vee Barlett): I zoomed in... I tihnk it's a tail? I thought something was riding it OR it was possessed and it was a ghost ocming out of its mouth...
BOB So this round is shark versus Vee
BOB as the shark is up front and delaying the Sea Devils from advancing
Carissa (Vee Barlett): yay stabbing time!!
BOB and the rest of the group is up on land
Carissa (Vee Barlett): so I can go up and stab it?
BOB It goes first
Spring (Ratbone Carder): oh it's definitely an arm
Spring (Ratbone Carder): I zoomed it all the way in
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): tell it to eat the people behind him
Shark 3: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(13)] [d20 = 4]
Attack [4] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Attack #1) [at Vee Barlett] [DEF EFFECTS +1] [Hit-AC: 9 vs. 5 ] [AC: 9 ] [MISS]
BOB Now Vee
BOB then we go to normal Init
wyjyoon (Temperance): it's a shark eat shark world
[TURN] Vee Barlett - 0 continual light | Ring of Protection +1; ROD: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; WAND: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; POISON: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; DEATH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; STAFF: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; BREATH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; PETRIFICATION: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; AC: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; POLYMORPH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; SPELL: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; PARALYZATION: 1 | Waterbreathing; [D: 16?
Glimber Silvernose: [INIT] [d10+3 = 11]
Inv Zora Polasis: [INIT] [d10 = 3]
Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20+2 = 10]
Attack [10] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Shark 3] [Hit-AC: 6 vs. 6 ] [AC: 6 ] [HIT]
Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20+2 = 19]
Attack [19] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Shark 3] [Hit-AC: -3 vs. 6 ] [AC: -3 ] [HIT]
Ratbone Carder: [INIT] [d10 = 5]
Vee Barlett: [DAMAGE (M)] Trident [TYPE: piercing (1d6+2=6)] [d6+2 = 6]
[6] -> [to Shark 3] [STATUS: Light]
BOB Fixed Glimber
Vee Barlett: [DAMAGE (M)] Trident [TYPE: piercing (1d6+2=6)] [d6+2 = 6]
[6] -> [to Shark 3] [STATUS: Moderate]
Vee Barlett : [Translation] Ya want more?
<font color="#000000">Ya want more?
[understood by: Vee Barlett]
Temperance: [INIT] [d10 = 1]
Vee Barlett : [Translation] Maybe them sea devils behind ya taste better, ya?
<font color="#000000">Maybe them sea devils behind ya taste better, ya?
[understood by: Vee Barlett]
[ROUND 18]
Vee Barlett: [INIT] [d10 = 3]
wyjyoon (Temperance): wow being first to go as a healer is...
[TURN] Temperance - [LIGHT: 60/0 continual light | Water-breath; [D: 16]]
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): invigorating?
Vee Barlett : [Translation] Ain't no reason to fight, ya? We'd let ya go on yer way. Just gotta get rid of them behind ya.
<font color="#000000">Ain't no reason to fight, ya? We'd let ya go on yer way. Just gotta get rid of them behind ya.
[understood by: Vee Barlett]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol
Shark 3 : [Translation] Food
<font color="#000000">Food
[understood by: Vee Barlett]
wyjyoon (Temperance): uhh ok, hold for now? i don't have any long range weapons unless i'm throwing daggers
Vee Barlett : [Translation] Yar. Behind ya is good.
<font color="#000000">Yar. Behind ya is good.
[understood by: Vee Barlett]
Vee Barlett : [Translation] Them tastier than us. We stringy and gross.
<font color="#000000">Them tastier than us. We stringy and gross.
[understood by: Vee Barlett]
BOB Ok so holding click next
[TURN] Glimber Silvernose - [(IFT:TYPE(bugbear, giant, gnoll, ogre, troll); AC: 4) | LIGHT: 60/0 continual light | (IFT: TYPE(kobold,goblin); ATK: 1) | [TRGT: Glimber Silvernose]; VISION: 60 infravision | Water-breath; [D: 17]]
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): can anyone else get in there?
Vee Barlett : [Translation] They be marinated in sea water and fish behind ya. We taste like dry air. Gross.
<font color="#000000">They be marinated in sea water and fish behind ya. We taste like dry air. Gross.
[understood by: Vee Barlett]
BOB Not yet
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): holding to see if room opens up
[TURN] Vee Barlett - 0 continual light | Ring of Protection +1; ROD: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; WAND: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; POISON: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; DEATH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; STAFF: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; BREATH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; PETRIFICATION: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; AC: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; POLYMORPH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; SPELL: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; PARALYZATION: 1 | Waterbreathing; [D: 15?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): hold on rearranging my screen
Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20+2 = 11]
Attack [11] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Shark 3] [Hit-AC: 5 vs. 6 ] [AC: 5 ] [HIT]
Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20+2 = 7]
Attack [7] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Shark 3] [Hit-AC: 9 vs. 6 ] [AC: 9 ] [MISS]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): stupid computer blink
Vee Barlett: [DAMAGE (M)] Trident [TYPE: piercing (1d6+2=6)] [d6+2 = 6]
[6] -> [to Shark 3] [STATUS: Heavy]
Vee Barlett : [Translation] You eat them I won't keep hittin' ya....
<font color="#000000">You eat them I won't keep hittin' ya....
[understood by: Vee Barlett]
[TURN] Inv Zora Polasis - [Water-breath; [D: 13]]
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): same thing - holding for room
[TURN] Lirtimya - [Water Breathing; [D: 14]]
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): eah I'll hold as well
[TURN] Sahuagin 14 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
[TURN] Rothuss Carder - [[TRGT: Rothuss Carder]; LIGHT: 60/0 continual light; [D: 963] | Water-breath; [D: 13] | Unconcious]
TMO (Rothuss Carder): Bob, did you notice that Rothuss put on the bracers?
BOB deleted the Uncouncious effect
BOB and yes to the bracers being worn
Rothuss Carder: If I turn into a sea elf, I'm gonna blame Vee.
TMO (Rothuss Carder): doesn't look like he can get involved in the shark fight, right?
Temperance: I'm sure she will be slightly jealous if you do.
BOB correct
BOB not this moment
Rothuss Carder: Even better then!
<font color="#417700">Temperance: laughs lightly.
Carissa (Vee Barlett): she'll just kill you, it's fineeee
<font color="#417700">Rothuss Carder: moves overto behind Vee as backup.
Carissa (Vee Barlett): oh good she can move back and let melange spiderman in when he arrives
TMO (Rothuss Carder): will hold an attack ready if the shark comes within range
[TURN] Ratbone Carder - [Water-breath; [D: 14]]
BOB nice bleeding Roth right behind Vee
Spring (Ratbone Carder): holding also
[TURN] Shark 3
Vee Barlett : [Translation] And trust me, THAT idiot behind me taste like shit.
<font color="#000000">And trust me, THAT idiot behind me taste like shit.
[understood by: Vee Barlett]
Shark 3: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(13)] [d20 = 14]
Attack [14] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Attack #1) [at Vee Barlett] [DEF EFFECTS +1] [Hit-AC: -1 vs. 5 ] [AC: -1 ] [HIT]
wyjyoon (Temperance): shark is also bleeding so hopefully it'll cover it
Shark 3: [DAMAGE (M)] attack #1 [TYPE: slashing,magic +1 (=0)]
[0] -> [to Vee Barlett]
BOB Sigh just a sec
Carissa (Vee Barlett): yay shark immunity! let's keep rolling with it!
Carissa (Vee Barlett): Ring of Protection PLUS Shark Immunity!
Carissa (Vee Barlett): A ring of protection? But wait, there's more!
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): you didn't move so anyone else could help
Shark 3: [DAMAGE (M)] attack #1 [TYPE: slashing,magic +1 (1d8=1)] [d8 = 1]
[1] -> [to Vee Barlett]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): yes she'll move once the shark people get closer but the shark is nearly dead
[TURN] Sahuagin 8 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
[TURN] Sahuagin 20 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
[TURN] Sahuagin 12 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
wyjyoon (Temperance): there's a lot more shark people now
[ROUND 19]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): actually... she has reach with her trident... she can probably move and still hit the shark next round
[TURN] Temperance - [LIGHT: 60/0 continual light | Water-breath; [D: 15]]
wyjyoon (Temperance): hm... hold or move?
wyjyoon (Temperance): sorry thinking
wyjyoon (Temperance): i don't want to crowd if it won't help
Spring (Ratbone Carder): should have told Olmes to back up
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): if you move you cannot cast and can't do anything after you move
wyjyoon (Temperance): yes, just wanted easier access for healing in other rounds if need be
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): distance isn't an issue - if it opens and you want to move you can get there
wyjyoon (Temperance): true
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): if you have a spell and line of sight you could probably cast
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): don't know what combat spells you have
wyjyoon (Temperance): what can she see rn bob?
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): who has staff of paralysis?
wyjyoon (Temperance): i don't have a lot of combat spells
wyjyoon (Temperance): but checking
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): though that needs a to hit I believe
wyjyoon (Temperance): i think lirt has that staff
Carissa (Vee Barlett): wasn't there an evil barrier or something?
BOB Right now Temp Rat, Mel and Olm can easily see Vee fighting a Shark, and Roth behind her, harder to make out details is the Sea Devils behind the shark
wyjyoon (Temperance): yes
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): My inventory doesn't show I have the staff
wyjyoon (Temperance): protection from evil, but you can't attack or the barrier will break
BOB Only the shark is visible to attack
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): don't mean to distract - just in my head as it's magic and it hurts people :)
Carissa (Vee Barlett): light blinds things too as a general magic thought
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): yes
Carissa (Vee Barlett): protection from evil may be worth keeping in mind for later
wyjyoon (Temperance): i do have continual light thing
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): continual light as a weapon
wyjyoon (Temperance): but i dunno if it will work from that distance
wyjyoon (Temperance): bob?
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): they get a save I believe if you use it as a weapon
BOB I will give Temp and Zora an Int check, if they both make it
Temperance: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 4]
Inv Zora Polasis: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 14]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): woo!
Spring (Ratbone Carder): woo hoo!
wyjyoon (Temperance): high fives lisa
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): barely! lol
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Woo!
-> Inv Zora Polasis: There is a cravass there that evil things go up and down in.....
-> Temperance: There is a cravass there that evil things go up and down in.....
wyjyoon (Temperance): so if evil things go up and down the crevice
wyjyoon (Temperance): i cast on myself and block?
BOB and someone with Protection from Evil is standing in the way....
BOB see
wyjyoon (Temperance): yay ok
BOB Wendy has the brain cell now
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): very good!
wyjyoon (Temperance): so i move and then cast next round?
wyjyoon (Temperance): or can i cast here and it will block?
BOB Or cast then move, or cast on someone else and they move after
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): doesn't it go with you?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): are you going to be a mobile repellent?
wyjyoon (Temperance): correction, wendy has half a brain cell
BOB It is centered on the person it is cast on
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): can cast this round and move the next wherever you want to be
wyjyoon (Temperance): ok
wyjyoon (Temperance): checking for rounds
wyjyoon (Temperance): cast then move
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): no
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): well move next round
wyjyoon (Temperance): yes
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): sorry
wyjyoon (Temperance): cast then move next round :)
wyjyoon (Temperance): sorry will be more specific
Temperance: Temperance cast a spell NOT memorized.
Temperance: [CAST] Protection From Evil
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): no worries - just wanted to be sure
wyjyoon (Temperance): cast on self, thanks bob
BOB Click next
[TURN] Glimber Silvernose - [(IFT:TYPE(bugbear, giant, gnoll, ogre, troll); AC: 4) | LIGHT: 60/0 continual light | (IFT: TYPE(kobold,goblin); ATK: 1) | [TRGT: Glimber Silvernose]; VISION: 60 infravision | Water-breath; [D: 16]]
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): holding for an opening to move
[TURN] Vee Barlett - 0 continual light | Ring of Protection +1; ROD: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; WAND: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; POISON: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; DEATH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; STAFF: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; BREATH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; PETRIFICATION: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; AC: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; POLYMORPH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; SPELL: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; PARALYZATION: 1 | Waterbreathing; [D: 14?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): as the braincell-less one... and I killing the shark or moving?
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): if you kill without moving you can't move after
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): so potentially saughin can then hit you
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): or try
Carissa (Vee Barlett): guess I'm not following the logic of the mobile evil protect
BOB Lisa is hogging all the brain cells tonight
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): I am not!
BOB grins
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol
wyjyoon (Temperance): she and jtom always hog all the braincells :)
BOB Vee moves backward, luring the shark and Sea Devils forward
Carissa (Vee Barlett): ok well
BOB then attacks shark
Carissa (Vee Barlett): yes was about to type that
BOB then if they all die great if not
<font color="#417700">Vee Barlett: moves back then attacks the shark
Carissa (Vee Barlett): there now it is official
wyjyoon (Temperance): in record for everyone to witness :)
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): right next to tempe and her evil protect :)
Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20+2 = 3]
Attack [3] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Shark 3] [Hit-AC: 13 vs. 6 ] [AC: 13 ] [MISS-AUTOMATIC]
wyjyoon (Temperance): si muy bien
Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20+2 = 15]
Attack [15] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Shark 3] [Hit-AC: 1 vs. 6 ] [AC: 1 ] [HIT]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): trips over Rothuss
Vee Barlett: [DAMAGE (M)] Trident [TYPE: piercing (1d6+2=6)] [d6+2 = 6]
[6] -> [to Shark 3] [STATUS: Critical]
[TURN] Inv Zora Polasis - [Water-breath; [D: 12]]
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): can we use the shark as a shield then? :)
Carissa (Vee Barlett): well now maybe someone on the ledge can stab it
Carissa (Vee Barlett): ratbone and olme might want to move
Spring (Ratbone Carder): yeah i missed my chance to tell him to get the heck back
TMO (Rothuss Carder): (Rothuss was also holding an attack)
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): holding - still looks blocked
[TURN] Lirtimya - [Water Breathing; [D: 13]]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): I was really hopinh sharif would log in before shark so he could jimp on it...
BOB I am sorry TMO we skipped that
Spring (Ratbone Carder): I was holding my action but now we are on a new round
TMO (Rothuss Carder): np
BOB I will say Roth gets that attack now
BOB and then later can do his normal attack
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Can I throw a dagger at 3? Or will I lose my last dagger?
BOB as there will be plenty of things to hit
Rothuss Carder: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(18)] [d20 = 9]
Attack [9] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Sabre) [at Shark 3] [Hit-AC: 9 vs. 6 ] [AC: 9 ] [MISS]
TMO (Rothuss Carder): as effective as ever!
TMO (Rothuss Carder): carry on!
BOB grins
BOB Lirt is up
BOB cannot see much
Carissa (Vee Barlett): where did your other daggers go? you could pick them up after, thught you did
wyjyoon (Temperance): was ratbone also holding
wyjyoon (Temperance): does she need to go too or
Spring (Ratbone Carder): yes
wyjyoon (Temperance): ok
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): I thought one went pver ship? But it is showing as in my inventory
Ratbone Carder: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(18)] [d20-1 = 14]
Attack [14] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Knife) [at Shark 3] [Hit-AC: 4 vs. 6 ] [AC: 4 ] [HIT]
Ratbone Carder: [DAMAGE (R)] Knife [TYPE: slashing, piercing (1d3=2)] [d3 = 2]
[2] -> [to Shark 3]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): kill ittttt
Spring (Ratbone Carder): I did not expect that to work
wyjyoon (Temperance): go ratbone go!! :D
[TURN] Sahuagin 14 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Can I throw a dagger at it and not lose the dagger?
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): shouldn't it want to run away by now?
Sahuagin 14: [CAST] Net [at Vee Barlett]
Sahuagin 14: [ATTACK (R)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 4]
Attack [4] ->[ATTACK (R)] (Net) [at Vee Barlett] [DEF EFFECTS +1] [Hit-AC: 15 vs. 5 ] [AC: 15 ] [MISS]
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): only if you dig it out of them later
TMO (Rothuss Carder): Kinda skipped Lirt's turn?
Spring (Ratbone Carder): JTom when I had a dagger, i figured throwin it was always a big risk of loss. No way to keep it safe.
BOB if you throw a Dagger or knife it is gone until you pick it up
BOB and sorry Jtom
BOB you can go
BOB I saw Rat go and was like next
Spring (Ratbone Carder): when my proper turn comes, i'm gonna hold until Olmes backs u so I can back up
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): If I miss the dagger and it goes in the water, is it gone or is the bed shallow enough we'll be able to retrieve it?
BOB You cannot hit with a dagger this round on the shark or Sea Devil yet,
BOB Lirt is too far back has to move up
BOB and you can retrieve it later if you watn
BOB after the blood clears
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Holding then
[TURN] Rothuss Carder - 0 continual light; [D: 962] | Water-breath; [D: 12?
TMO (Rothuss Carder): multi-stabbing the sahuagin, we hope...
Rothuss Carder: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(18)] [d20 = 8]
Attack [8] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Sabre) [at Sahuagin 14] [Hit-AC: 10 vs. 5 ] [AC: 10 ] [MISS]
Rothuss Carder: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(18)] [d20-2 = 15]
Attack [15] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Main-gauche (2nd Atk)) [at Sahuagin 14] [Hit-AC: 3 vs. 5 ] [AC: 3 ] [HIT]
Rothuss Carder: [DAMAGE (M)] Main-gauche (2nd atk) [TYPE: slashing (1d4=1)] [d4 = 1]
[1] -> [to Sahuagin 14] [STATUS: Light]
[TURN] Ratbone Carder - [Water-breath; [D: 13]]
Spring (Ratbone Carder): when my proper turn comes, i'm gonna hold until Olmes backs u so I can back up
wyjyoon (Temperance): that main gauche is serving him well
[TURN] Shark 3
wyjyoon (Temperance): i can also ask olmes if he wants to stand behind tempe
GM: [d20 = 4]
wyjyoon (Temperance): since she has the shield thingy
wyjyoon (Temperance): if that'll help
BOB The Shark tries to turn adn flee
Spring (Ratbone Carder): that'll help a lot
wyjyoon (Temperance): ok will do :)
Vee Barlett : [Translation] That's right ya leave.
<font color="#000000">That's right ya leave.
[understood by: Vee Barlett]
Shark 3: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(13)] [d20 = 2]
Attack [2] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Shark 3] [Hit-AC: 11 vs. 6 ] [AC: 11 ] [MISS]
wyjyoon (Temperance): on her turn
Inv Zora Polasis: is tempe moving up though? I got your and ratbone
Sahuagin 8: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 3]
Attack [3] ->[ATTACK (M)] (UNKNOWN) [at Shark 3] [Hit-AC: 16 vs. 6 ] [AC: 16 ] [MISS]
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): mixed up
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): ooc
BOB Still a miss
[TURN] Sahuagin 8 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
Vee Barlett : [Translation] If ya don't attack me, I can see if'n I can help ya...
<font color="#000000">If ya don't attack me, I can see if'n I can help ya...
[understood by: Vee Barlett]
Spring (Ratbone Carder): oh i need him to move on his turn, which is Real Soon Now
[TURN] Sahuagin 20 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
wyjyoon (Temperance): oh ok
Sahuagin 20: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 2]
Attack [2] ->[ATTACK (M)] (UNKNOWN) [at Shark 3] [Hit-AC: 17 vs. 6 ] [AC: 17 ] [MISS]
[TURN] Sahuagin 12 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
Sahuagin 12: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 2]
Attack [2] ->[ATTACK (M)] (UNKNOWN) [at Shark 3] [Hit-AC: 17 vs. 6 ] [AC: 17 ] [MISS]
Temperance: Olmes, would you like to stand behind me? I have a spell that may be able to help protect you.
BOB WOW that Shark is very lucky
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): lol
Spring (Ratbone Carder): lucky shark doo doo doo-to-doo
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): he's blocking the passage so that's good for us too
Carissa (Vee Barlett): good shark! finalyl listened! he better remember that vee spared his life!
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): lol Spring
Carissa (Vee Barlett): ...if he fully escapes
BOB Remember Temp you are about to go into the waterr to bock
wyjyoon (Temperance): would it be bad if he follows?
[TURN] Sahuagin 7 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
The time is 11:20 AM
[ROUND 20]
Spring (Ratbone Carder): wait
BOB yes
BOB yes
BOB my keyboard seems to be dying?
Ratbone Carder: Olmes, let;s back up
Carissa (Vee Barlett): yes
Ratbone Carder: this is wildly unsafe
Ratbone Carder: starts moving toward Olmes trying to get him to move back
Spring (Ratbone Carder): can we now back the heck up together?
wyjyoon (Temperance): reverse park whee
Ratbone Carder: huge thanks!
Spring (Ratbone Carder): huge thanks!
TMO (Rothuss Carder): might be similar to what JTom was experiencing earlier?
[TURN] Temperance - [LIGHT: 60/0 continual light | Water-breath; [D: 14]]
BOB Might be
<font color="#417700">Temperance: jumps into the water in front of the abyss / crevice to block any evil creature that might appear.
[TURN] Glimber Silvernose - [(IFT:TYPE(bugbear, giant, gnoll, ogre, troll); AC: 4) | LIGHT: 60/0 continual light | (IFT: TYPE(kobold,goblin); ATK: 1) | [TRGT: Glimber Silvernose]; VISION: 60 infravision | Water-breath; [D: 15]]
wyjyoon (Temperance): oh shoot i should've rolled obs
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): roll now
Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 7] [d20 = 20]
wyjyoon (Temperance): wouldn't have mattered anyyywaayyy
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): if glimber gets in the water people on ledge could still help attack?
BOB Right now only Mel (not here) is in a posistion to attack the Sea Devils, Zora and Glimber could attack if something comes up from the cravasse
Spring (Ratbone Carder): in theory. in pratice i'm now too far back. i'll adjust a little next time
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): I meant glimber jumping in the water by Vee
BOB Yes he can do that
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): tempe i sprotecting the crevass so nothing bad's coming out, right?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): vee can reach past people too so there is room there as well
BOB Temp is blocking yes
wyjyoon (Temperance): as long as nothing climbs over the ledge onto land, yep, i got it covered
Glimber Silvernose: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(0)] [d20 = 9]
Attack [9] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Pick, Footman's) [at Sahuagin 8] [Hit-AC: -9 vs. 5 ] [AC: -9 ] [HIT]
Glimber Silvernose: [DAMAGE (M)] Pick, Footman's [TYPE: piercing (1d6+1=5)] [d6+1 = 5]
[5] -> [to Sahuagin 8] [STATUS: Moderate]
[TURN] Vee Barlett - 0 continual light | Ring of Protection +1; ROD: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; WAND: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; POISON: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; DEATH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; STAFF: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; BREATH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; PETRIFICATION: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; AC: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; POLYMORPH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; SPELL: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; PARALYZATION: 1 | Waterbreathing; [D: 13?
wyjyoon (Temperance): nice !
Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20+2 = 20]
Attack [20] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Sahuagin 14] [Hit-AC: -4 vs. 5 ] [AC: -4 ] [HIT]
Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20+2 = 10]
Attack [10] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Sahuagin 14] [Hit-AC: 6 vs. 5 ] [AC: 6 ] [MISS]
Vee Barlett: [DAMAGE (M)] Trident [TYPE: piercing (1d6+2=8)] [d6+2 = 8]
[8] -> [to Sahuagin 14] [STATUS: Critical]
[TURN] Inv Zora Polasis - [Water-breath; [D: 11]]
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): bob is making me paranoid - zora will hold to see how it goes
[TURN] Lirtimya - [Water Breathing; [D: 12]]
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): I'll move to more infront of Olmes
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): if no one moves to the ledge to hit Zora can move up
Carissa (Vee Barlett): bob? make us paranoid? neverrrr
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): think the rapier will reach from the ledge
[TURN] Sahuagin 14 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
Sahuagin 14: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 17]
Attack [17] ->[ATTACK (M)] (UNKNOWN) [at Vee Barlett] [DEF EFFECTS +1] [Hit-AC: 2 vs. 5 ] [AC: 2 ] [HIT]
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): can she stab a saughin from the ledge?
Sahuagin 14: [DAMAGE (M)] Trident [TYPE: piercing (1d6+1=4)] [d6+1 = 4]
[4] -> [to Vee Barlett] [STATUS: Moderate]
wyjyoon (Temperance): he makes sure we have proper survival / overthinking skills up to par :)
[TURN] Rothuss Carder - 0 continual light; [D: 961] | Water-breath; [D: 11?
'Shislif' connected
TMO (Rothuss Carder): trying again
Rothuss Carder: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(18)] [d20 = 15]
Attack [15] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Sabre) [at Sahuagin 14] [Hit-AC: 3 vs. 5 ] [AC: 3 ] [HIT]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): my anxiety does that enough already, I don't need his help
Rothuss Carder: [DAMAGE (M)] Sabre [TYPE: slashing (1d6+1=7)] [d6+1 = 7]
[7] -> [to Sahuagin 14] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 4] [STATUS: Dying (0)]
BOB warm chuckle
wyjyoon (Temperance): honestly same
Rothuss Carder: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(18)] [d20-2 = 12]
Attack [12] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Main-gauche (2nd Atk)) [at Sahuagin 14] [Hit-AC: 6 vs. 5 ] [AC: 6 ] [MISS]
[TURN] Ratbone Carder - [Water-breath; [D: 12]]
wyjyoon (Temperance): rest in pieces sahuagin
[TURN] Shark 3
Sahuagin 12: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 20]
Attack [20] ->[ATTACK (M)] (UNKNOWN) [at Shark 3] [Hit-AC: -1 vs. 6 ] [AC: -1 ] [CRITICAL HIT]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): nooooo sharkie!!
Sahuagin 12: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 8]
Attack [8] ->[ATTACK (M)] (UNKNOWN) [at Shark 3] [Hit-AC: 11 vs. 6 ] [AC: 11 ] [MISS]
Sahuagin 12: [DAMAGE (M)] Trident [TYPE: piercing (1d6+1=4)] [d6+1 = 4]
[4] -> [to Shark 3] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS] [STATUS: Dying (0)]
[TURN] Sahuagin 8 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
wyjyoon (Temperance): whoa it killed the shark?
Vee Barlett : [Translation] I'll avenge you!!
<font color="#000000">I'll avenge you!!
[understood by: Vee Barlett]
Shislif (MeLange): hi everybody!
Sahuagin 8: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 19]
Attack [19] ->[ATTACK (M)] (UNKNOWN) [at Glimber Silvernose] [Hit-AC: 0 vs. 8 ] [AC: 0 ] [HIT]
wyjyoon (Temperance): hey sharif :)
Sahuagin 8: [DAMAGE (M)] Trident [TYPE: piercing (1d6+1=6)] [d6+1 = 6]
[6] -> [to Glimber Silvernose] [STATUS: Moderate]
Spring (Ratbone Carder): hi Sharif!
Carissa (Vee Barlett): hi sharif! just in time to kill tihngs!
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): Hi Sharif! :)
Shislif (MeLange): yay!
[TURN] Sahuagin 20 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Hello!
Sahuagin 20: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 12]
Attack [12] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Rothuss Carder] [Hit-AC: 7 vs. 8 ] [AC: 7 ] [HIT]
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): hey he swam over his friend but we can't?
Sahuagin 20: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 16]
Attack [16] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Rothuss Carder] [Hit-AC: 3 vs. 8 ] [AC: 3 ] [HIT]
Sahuagin 20: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 20]
Attack [20] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Rothuss Carder] [Hit-AC: -1 vs. 8 ] [AC: -1 ] [CRITICAL HIT]
Sahuagin 20: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 8]
Attack [8] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Rothuss Carder] [Hit-AC: 11 vs. 8 ] [AC: 11 ] [MISS]
Shislif (MeLange): maybe they're more than friends :)
Spring (Ratbone Carder): what do i have to do for my move to take effect?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): so about those bracers....
Sahuagin 20: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 12]
Attack [12] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Rothuss Carder] [Hit-AC: 7 vs. 8 ] [AC: 7 ] [HIT]
TMO (Rothuss Carder): NO 20s AGAINST THE ROTHUSS!
Sahuagin 20: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 17]
Attack [17] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Rothuss Carder] [Hit-AC: 2 vs. 8 ] [AC: 2 ] [HIT]
Sahuagin 20: [DAMAGE (M)] Bite [TYPE: slashing (1d4=2)] [d4 = 2]
[2] -> [to Rothuss Carder] [STATUS: Moderate]
Sahuagin 20: [DAMAGE (M)] Claw #2 [TYPE: slashing (1d2=2)] [d2 = 2]
[2] -> [to Rothuss Carder]
Ratbone Carder: i moved on my go and it's just kind of looking provisional and stuff
Sahuagin 20: [DAMAGE (M)] Foot Claw #1 [TYPE: slashing (1d4=4)] [d4 = 4]
[4] -> [to Rothuss Carder]
Sahuagin 20: [DAMAGE (M)] Foot Claw #1 [TYPE: slashing (1d4=1)] [d4 = 1]
[1] -> [to Rothuss Carder]
Sahuagin 20: [DAMAGE (M)] Foot Claw #2 [TYPE: slashing (1d4=4)] [d4 = 4]
[4] -> [to Rothuss Carder] [STATUS: Heavy]
Spring (Ratbone Carder): good grief
wyjyoon (Temperance): oh my gosh
TMO (Rothuss Carder): see why I wanted the heal before exploring? ;)
wyjyoon (Temperance): so much dice rolling
Carissa (Vee Barlett): ...yep great timing sharif!
wyjyoon (Temperance): i'm glad i did :)
Shislif (MeLange): lol seems like a lot of action
TMO (Rothuss Carder): I am too
BOB So it dove around the dead one and then it just furiously claw claw bite claw claw at Rothuss
Carissa (Vee Barlett): well I figured you not healing meant you'd avoid combat... and therefore have MORE hp so... reverse psychology fail :P
Carissa (Vee Barlett): talk about being emotional
BOB Now Mel can roll Init
Shislif (MeLange): probably it's lover
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): can anyone get in there?
[TURN] Sahuagin 12 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
Shislif (MeLange): its
MeLange: [INIT] [d10 = 3]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): spot between vee and glimber
[ROUND 21]
Shislif (MeLange): FG choppy for others as well or just me?
BOB Choppy for everyone
BOB I think it is my internet
Shislif (MeLange): ok guess i won't restart then
Shislif (MeLange): probably the fires of the ice storms lol
Carissa (Vee Barlett): no please kill things instead
BOB chuckles
Shislif (MeLange): or
BOB So Spring? did you get what you wanted for Ratbone to do?
Spring (Ratbone Carder): yes. I needed to be between O and danger
BOB ok
BOB so starting the next round
[TURN] Temperance - [LIGHT: 60/0 continual light | Water-breath; [D: 13]]
Shislif (MeLange): in BG3 there's a cleave move where my guy can hit multiple baddies with a swing of the axe, that an option here?
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): can zora get in there or is it blocked?
BOB no to Sharif
Shislif (MeLange): dang
Carissa (Vee Barlett): sundoop had that move but it was some special move
BOB blocked from Zora getting in next to Glimber
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): and it was a pole axe
Carissa (Vee Barlett): the righteous dweeb
Spring (Ratbone Carder): oh im sorry
BOB I think only Lisa and maybe TMO understand who you are talking about Carissa
Carissa (Vee Barlett): that's fine, as long as you in particular know I still think he's a righteous dweeb
BOB So Temp is holding and protecting?
wyjyoon (Temperance): si sorry delay in sending
[TURN] Glimber Silvernose - [(IFT:TYPE(bugbear, giant, gnoll, ogre, troll); AC: 4) | LIGHT: 60/0 continual light | (IFT: TYPE(kobold,goblin); ATK: 1) | [TRGT: Glimber Silvernose]; VISION: 60 infravision | Water-breath; [D: 14]]
Glimber Silvernose: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(0)] [d20 = 17]
Attack [17] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Pick, Footman's) [at Sahuagin 8] [Hit-AC: -17 vs. 5 ] [AC: -17 ] [HIT]
Glimber Silvernose: [DAMAGE (M)] Pick, Footman's [TYPE: piercing (1d6+1=2)] [d6+1 = 2]
[2] -> [to Sahuagin 8]
[TURN] Vee Barlett - 0 continual light | Ring of Protection +1; ROD: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; WAND: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; POISON: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; DEATH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; STAFF: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; BREATH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; PETRIFICATION: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; AC: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; POLYMORPH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; SPELL: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; PARALYZATION: 1 | Waterbreathing; [D: 12?
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): bad dmg
wyjyoon (Temperance): some dmg better than no dmg :)
Carissa (Vee Barlett): which ones can vee reach? and which ones can mel reach? trying to figure out which to prioritizw hitting
wyjyoon (Temperance): pc lagging less yay
BOB Mel will jump in the water between Glimber and Vee
TMO (Rothuss Carder): yay!
BOB and attack
Carissa (Vee Barlett): ok so he'll be able to help glimber and 8
Carissa (Vee Barlett): so will focus on 20
Shislif (MeLange): sounds good to me
Carissa (Vee Barlett): wait 14 isn't dead??
Carissa (Vee Barlett): so 14 and if one hit kills then 20 :P
Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20+2 = 3]
Attack [3] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Sahuagin 14] [Hit-AC: 13 vs. 5 ] [AC: 13 ] [MISS-AUTOMATIC]
BOB 14 is dead
Shislif (MeLange): so 14 first?
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): 14 is dead
Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20+2 = 5]
Attack [5] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Sahuagin 20] [Hit-AC: 11 vs. 5 ] [AC: 11 ] [MISS]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): .....didn't matter darn dice
Shislif (MeLange): so 20 then?
Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20+2 = 11]
Attack [11] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Sahuagin 20] [Hit-AC: 5 vs. 5 ] [AC: 5 ] [HIT]
Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20+2 = 14]
Attack [14] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Sahuagin 20] [Hit-AC: 2 vs. 5 ] [AC: 2 ] [HIT]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): oop that was supposed to be damage
Vee Barlett: [DAMAGE (M)] Trident [TYPE: piercing (1d6+2=5)] [d6+2 = 5]
[5] -> [to Sahuagin 20] [STATUS: Moderate]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): I was really excited about 12 damage there...
[TURN] MeLange - [Water-breath; [D: 11]]
BOB Mel jumps in there
Shislif (MeLange): so attack 20 first?
BOB Glimber on one side, Vee on the other
Shislif (MeLange): probably should do 14 first
Shislif (MeLange): finish it off
BOB 14 is dead
Shislif (MeLange): fine then
Shislif (MeLange): 20 it is
MeLange: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20-1 = 5]
Attack [5] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Axe, Battle) [at Sahuagin 20] [Hit-AC: 11 vs. 5 ] [AC: 11 ] [MISS]
Shislif (MeLange): ouch
Carissa (Vee Barlett): no the other 20
BOB So next
Shislif (MeLange): lol
[TURN] Inv Zora Polasis - [Water-breath; [D: 10]]
Shislif (MeLange): not a great start!
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): can she reach from the ledge where MeL was?
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): move her as far as she needs to be pls
BOB there you go
Inv Zora Polasis: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(18)] [d20 = 2]
Attack [2] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Rapier) [at Sahuagin 8] [Hit-AC: 16 vs. 5 ] [AC: 16 ] [MISS]
[TURN] Lirtimya - [Water Breathing; [D: 11]]
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): I don't think there's too much I can do , can I just try to cantrip some distractions?
User has gone AFK. (Lisa)
TMO (Rothuss Carder): potion of healing or attack?
BOB You can try
Carissa (Vee Barlett): cantrip light in its eyes!
TMO (Rothuss Carder): ah, heard JTom's turn alert and thought it was my turn... whoopsie
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Yeah I'll cantrip to distract on 12
Carissa (Vee Barlett): no the other tmo
Lirtimya: [SKILL] Cantrip [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 15]
[TURN] Sahuagin 14 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
[TURN] Rothuss Carder - 0 continual light; [D: 960] | Water-breath; [D: 10?
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Unfortunate
Carissa (Vee Barlett): ouch
wyjyoon (Temperance): just by 1 oof
TMO (Rothuss Carder): how much does a potion of healing heal?
TMO (Rothuss Carder): nvmdd - 2d4+2
Carissa (Vee Barlett): you can parry
TMO (Rothuss Carder): they will probably do more damage in one round than that anyways
TMO (Rothuss Carder): good point, thank you!
wyjyoon (Temperance): i think if it gets bad i might be able to cast a cure mod or light while this spell is up, since it is not an offensive spell
wyjyoon (Temperance): but not sure
Carissa (Vee Barlett): touch spell so he'd have to get close
wyjyoon (Temperance): i don't think i've ever cast healing during combat
BOB you can attack, then hold one attack to try to parry one of theirs
wyjyoon (Temperance): yeah
BOB Or swim over to the medic
Rothuss Carder: they'd get an Attack of Opportunity... unless... Bob - would Tumbling to Tempe work?
TMO (Rothuss Carder): they'd get an Attack of Opportunity... unless... Bob - would Tumbling to Tempe work?
BOB It would reduce your AC as you move away
TMO (Rothuss Carder): okay, will do that. need to make a skill check
Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Tumbling [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 7]
Effect ['Tumbling;AC: 4'] -> [to Rothuss Carder]
wyjyoon (Temperance): tumble over mister
TMO (Rothuss Carder): won't let me drag over?
wyjyoon (Temperance): why do i imagine tumbling to be just joyful cartwheeling across dry land
TMO (Rothuss Carder): because it can be. :D
Temperance: Whoa, hello!
Rothuss Carder: Need an assist if you got anything still in reserve! No poison this time at least!
[TURN] Ratbone Carder - [Water-breath; [D: 11]]
[TURN] Shark 3
[TURN] Sahuagin 8 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
TMO (Rothuss Carder): AoO Bob?
Temperance: Good to know no poison is involved! I will see what I can do.
wyjyoon (Temperance): (whenever her turn comes)
BOB Not from #20
TMO (Rothuss Carder): Yay!
wyjyoon (Temperance): nice!
Sahuagin 8: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 15]
Attack [15] ->[ATTACK (M)] (UNKNOWN) [at Glimber Silvernose] [Hit-AC: 4 vs. 8 ] [AC: 4 ] [HIT]
MeLange: brb refill
Sahuagin 8: [DAMAGE (M)] Trident [TYPE: piercing (1d6+1=7)] [d6+1 = 7]
[7] -> [to Glimber Silvernose] [STATUS: Heavy]
Shislif (MeLange): ooc
User has gone AFK. (Shislif)
[TURN] Sahuagin 20 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
Sahuagin 20: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 7]
Attack [7] ->[ATTACK (M)] (UNKNOWN) [at Vee Barlett] [DEF EFFECTS +1] [Hit-AC: 12 vs. 5 ] [AC: 12 ] [MISS]
[TURN] Sahuagin 12 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
[ROUND 22]
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): ouch
Carissa (Vee Barlett): save a heal for glimber....
wyjyoon (Temperance): oof, glimber may need to be next
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): they better be carrying some chuvor
[TURN] Temperance - [LIGHT: 60/0 continual light | Water-breath; [D: 12]]
wyjyoon (Temperance): no worries, i have enough slots left
wyjyoon (Temperance): hopefully
Temperance: Temperance cast a spell NOT memorized.
Temperance: [CAST] Cure Moderate Wounds [at Rothuss Carder]
Rothuss Carder: [SAVE] vs. Spell [d20 = 14]
Save [14] [Target 13] -> [for Rothuss Carder] [vs Temperance] [TARGET-SAVED]
Temperance: [HEAL] Cure Moderate Wounds [d10 = 3]
Heal [3] -> [to Rothuss Carder]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): hope you'll have some once we jump into the abyass as well or at least we have healing potions, somewhere
wyjyoon (Temperance): oof sorry rothuss
[TURN] Glimber Silvernose - [(IFT:TYPE(bugbear, giant, gnoll, ogre, troll); AC: 4) | LIGHT: 60/0 continual light | (IFT: TYPE(kobold,goblin); ATK: 1) | [TRGT: Glimber Silvernose]; VISION: 60 infravision | Water-breath; [D: 13]]
Glimber Silvernose: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(0)] [d20 = 20]
Attack [20] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Pick, Footman's) [at Sahuagin 8] [Hit-AC: -20 vs. 5 ] [AC: -20 ] [CRITICAL HIT]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): wonder if these guys have healing potions somewhere... or is it all chuvor?
TMO (Rothuss Carder): oof...
Carissa (Vee Barlett): woo!!
Glimber Silvernose: [DAMAGE (M)] Pick, Footman's [TYPE: piercing (1d6+1=7)] [d6+1 = 7]
[7] -> [to Sahuagin 8] [STATUS: Critical]
[TURN] Vee Barlett - 0 continual light | Ring of Protection +1; ROD: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; WAND: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; POISON: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; DEATH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; STAFF: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; BREATH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; PETRIFICATION: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; AC: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; POLYMORPH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; SPELL: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; PARALYZATION: 1 | Waterbreathing; [D: 11?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): kill him killl him!!
Rothuss Carder: Thanks
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): that's better
Carissa (Vee Barlett): critical go again
wyjyoon (Temperance): and then come get some healing
Carissa (Vee Barlett): unless it's dead
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): oh I missed that :)
Carissa (Vee Barlett): and even if dead.... kill it more!!
Glimber Silvernose: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(0)] [d20 = 19]
Attack [19] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Pick, Footman's) [at Sahuagin 8] [Hit-AC: -19 vs. 5 ] [AC: -19 ] [HIT]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): like that! woo!!!
Glimber Silvernose: [DAMAGE (M)] Pick, Footman's [TYPE: piercing (1d6+1=3)] [d6+1 = 3]
[3] -> [to Sahuagin 8]
Temperance: That didn't work as well as I would've liked. Apologies.
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): sigh
Carissa (Vee Barlett): it's probably dead I hope
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): nope
BOB not yet
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): it would say it
Carissa (Vee Barlett): boo
BOB Vee is up
Carissa (Vee Barlett): oh sorry
Carissa (Vee Barlett): thought it was mel
Carissa (Vee Barlett): ...can her trident reach 8?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): boo
Carissa (Vee Barlett): mel can... I hope... and hit it
BOB #20 is there for Vee
Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20+2 = 15]
Attack [15] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Sahuagin 20] [Hit-AC: 1 vs. 5 ] [AC: 1 ] [HIT]
Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20+2 = 17]
Attack [17] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Sahuagin 20] [Hit-AC: -1 vs. 5 ] [AC: -1 ] [HIT]
Vee Barlett: [DAMAGE (M)] Trident [TYPE: piercing (1d6+2=8)] [d6+2 = 8]
[8] -> [to Sahuagin 20] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 1] [STATUS: Dying (0)]
Vee Barlett: [DAMAGE (M)] Trident [TYPE: piercing (1d6+2=8)] [d6+2 = 8]
[8] -> [to Sahuagin 20] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 8]
BOB was
Shislif (MeLange): nice
<font color="#417700">Vee Barlett: extra stabby
[TURN] MeLange - [Water-breath; [D: 10]]
Vee Barlett: Go help Glimbs, Mel
Spring (Ratbone Carder): woo hoo!
Shislif (MeLange): where is he?
wyjyoon (Temperance): vee's channeling her rage into her trident
MeLange: where is he?!?!
Vee Barlett: Right under ya.
Spring (Ratbone Carder): i think you stepped on him
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): you're standing on him
MeLange: oh right!
Vee Barlett: Yer just too tall and beefy to notice. Kil that one in front of ya!
MeLange: sorry Glimbs!
MeLange: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20-1 = 0]
Attack [0] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Axe, Battle) [at Sahuagin 8] [Hit-AC: 16 vs. 5 ] [AC: 16 ] [MISS-AUTOMATIC]
Shislif (MeLange): lol
wyjyoon (Temperance): oof
BOB 2 attacks this round
Shislif (MeLange): next?
Shislif (MeLange): nice
Carissa (Vee Barlett): oh good was going to ask
MeLange: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20-1 = 12]
Attack [12] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Axe, Battle) [at Sahuagin 8] [Hit-AC: 4 vs. 5 ] [AC: 4 ] [HIT]
MeLange: [DAMAGE (M)] Axe, battle [TYPE: slashing (1d8+3=11)] [d8+3 = 11]
[11] -> [to Sahuagin 8] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 10] [STATUS: Dying (0)]
Shislif (MeLange): nice
wyjyoon (Temperance): nice :)
Vee Barlett: Yar, good slicin' there!
Shislif (MeLange): at least made up for it
MeLange: ta daaa!
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): lol
[TURN] Inv Zora Polasis - [Water-breath; [D: 9]]
wyjyoon (Temperance): mel cracks me up every time lol
Vee Barlett: Now don't let the one behind find Glimbs. BLock 'em with those hard abs of yers!
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): can't reach - holding
[TURN] Lirtimya - [Water Breathing; [D: 10]]
MeLange: That's what they're there for!
<font color="#417700">Vee Barlett: laughs
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): I will try again for cantrip, may as well
Lirtimya: [SKILL] Cantrip [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 12]
wyjyoon (Temperance): nice!
BOB #12 is the only one visible
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Cantriped 12 successfully this time, hopfully that distracts it or something
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): 12 is the one a targeted last time, I was just keeping my target
BOB ok
[TURN] Sahuagin 14 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
Effect ['Tumbling;AC: 4'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Rothuss Carder]
[TURN] Rothuss Carder - 0 continual light; [D: 959] | Water-breath; [D: 9?
Rothuss Carder: Wow, they went down quicker than I expected. Guess I'll go help clean up.
Temperance: Alright, be careful!
MeLange: Been there before...
<font color="#417700">Ratbone Carder: gived Rothuss an exasperated look
TMO (Rothuss Carder): is 14 alive, or just 12?
<font color="#417700">Temperance: takes a glance behind her before focusing on her barrier.
BOB only 12
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): why does everyone think 14 is alive?
TMO (Rothuss Carder): because we can't see him
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): are you dragging the bodies away?
wyjyoon (Temperance): "14 is dead" will be a quote
BOB laughs
Rothuss Carder: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(18)] [d20 = 7]
Attack [7] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Sabre) [at Sahuagin 12] [Hit-AC: 11 vs. 5 ] [AC: 11 ] [MISS]
Rothuss Carder: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(18)] [d20-2 = 2]
Attack [2] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Main-gauche (2nd Atk)) [at Sahuagin 12] [Hit-AC: 16 vs. 5 ] [AC: 16 ] [MISS]
[TURN] Ratbone Carder - [Water-breath; [D: 10]]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): yeah the CT isn't correct on my end... but details
wyjyoon (Temperance): update on slots: 5 first level, 4 second levels left
[TURN] Shark 3
[TURN] Sahuagin 8 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
[TURN] Sahuagin 20 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
[TURN] Sahuagin 12 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): you loaded
GM: [d20 = 10]
wyjyoon (Temperance): since i can't mark the little slots when i use them gonna double check summary to see if i used any
Sahuagin 12: [CAST] Net [at Rothuss Carder]
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): no no no no
Sahuagin 12: [ATTACK (R)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 18]
Attack [18] ->[ATTACK (R)] (Net) [at Rothuss Carder] [Hit-AC: 1 vs. 8 ] [AC: 1 ] [HIT]
wyjyoon (Temperance): but i doubt
wyjyoon (Temperance): heck
Effect ['Netted;Restrained'] -> [to Rothuss Carder] [by Sahuagin 12]
Spring (Ratbone Carder): ffs
[TURN] Sahuagin 7 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
[ROUND 23]
[TURN] Temperance - [LIGHT: 60/0 continual light | Water-breath; [D: 11]]
<font color="#417700">Ratbone Carder: facepalms
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): better than paralyzed?
wyjyoon (Temperance): uhh ok is there any way to move in front of rothuss / prevent him from getting pulled away?
wyjyoon (Temperance): or am i just staying here
TMO (Rothuss Carder): it is better...
Carissa (Vee Barlett): we just stab the dude to death before he takes rothuss away
wyjyoon (Temperance): i think barricade is still up
wyjyoon (Temperance): ok
BOB Temperance is all that is standign between the group and the Abyss
Carissa (Vee Barlett): no pressure!
Carissa (Vee Barlett): ha
wyjyoon (Temperance): then hold and let group take care of it :)
wyjyoon (Temperance): lol carissa
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): and the evil that lies beneath
[TURN] Glimber Silvernose - [(IFT:TYPE(bugbear, giant, gnoll, ogre, troll); AC: 4) | LIGHT: 60/0 continual light | (IFT: TYPE(kobold,goblin); ATK: 1) | [TRGT: Glimber Silvernose]; VISION: 60 infravision | Water-breath; [D: 12]]
Shislif (MeLange): i like the stabbing idea
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): can glimber get around Mel and the dead?
<font color="#417700">Temperance: continues to focus on the barrier, determined not to let evil things come upstairs.
BOB yes
wyjyoon (Temperance): (hypothetical upstairs)
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): thx
Glimber Silvernose: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(0)] [d20 = 6]
Attack [6] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Pick, Footman's) [at Sahuagin 12] [Hit-AC: -6 vs. 5 ] [AC: -6 ] [HIT]
Glimber Silvernose: [DAMAGE (M)] Pick, Footman's [TYPE: piercing (1d6+1=5)] [d6+1 = 5]
[5] -> [to Sahuagin 12] [STATUS: Heavy]
[TURN] Vee Barlett - 0 continual light | Ring of Protection +1; ROD: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; WAND: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; POISON: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; DEATH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; STAFF: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; BREATH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; PETRIFICATION: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; AC: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; POLYMORPH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; SPELL: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; PARALYZATION: 1 | Waterbreathing; [D: 10?
Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20+2 = 12]
Attack [12] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Sahuagin 12] [Hit-AC: 4 vs. 5 ] [AC: 4 ] [HIT]
Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20+2 = 4]
Attack [4] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Sahuagin 12] [Hit-AC: 12 vs. 5 ] [AC: 12 ] [MISS]
Vee Barlett: [DAMAGE (M)] Trident [TYPE: piercing (1d6+2=8)] [d6+2 = 8]
[8] -> [to Sahuagin 12] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 6] [STATUS: Dying (0)]
[TURN] MeLange - [Water-breath; [D: 9]]
Shislif (MeLange): cool
wyjyoon (Temperance): nice
Vee Barlett: Yer welcome.
MeLange: ah man
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): loot the bodies for chuvor
Temperance: Everyone alright over there?
MeLange: was looking forward to the last one
<font color="#417700">Temperance: calls over.
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): we wants chuvor
BOB 10% chance cumlative per Sea Devil that you find a pouch of Chuvor
<font color="#417700">Rothuss Carder: struggles in the net.
<font color="#417700">MeLange: searches the bodies for stuff
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): cumulative?
BOB you can roll 1 time at 40 or less, or roll 4 tiems at 10 or less
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): 1 time at 40 sounds better
Carissa (Vee Barlett): is anyone feeling lucky?
wyjyoon (Temperance): y'all do y'all thing :)
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lisa did get a critical....
wyjyoon (Temperance): luck usually ain't on my side
Shislif (MeLange): i been pretty unlucky
Glimber Silvernose: [d100 = 41]
Shislif (MeLange): nice
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): seriously????
Carissa (Vee Barlett): ........................
Shislif (MeLange): nice?
Spring (Ratbone Carder): sigh
Carissa (Vee Barlett): seriously??
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): 40 or less
wyjyoon (Temperance): oof
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): sorry
Shislif (MeLange): oh not nice
Carissa (Vee Barlett): ok ok but... we get some kind of bonus somewhere right?? ughh
Shislif (MeLange): close one lol
BOB So the next one you kill it is 50 or less
Carissa (Vee Barlett): so we just need to keep killing them
Carissa (Vee Barlett): fun
wyjyoon (Temperance): kill for chuvor
Carissa (Vee Barlett): let's do it while we have mel
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): we have 2 heavily wounded
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): so yes while we have more peoples
Shislif (MeLange): should be here rest of session
wyjyoon (Temperance): bob quick question
Carissa (Vee Barlett): two wounded stay behind the two less wounded lol
wyjyoon (Temperance): you said 10 rnds off of water breathing for orison right
wyjyoon (Temperance): does that mean only the caster
wyjyoon (Temperance): or everyone who got cast too
wyjyoon (Temperance): just curious
MeLange: Whoa Roth! You hurt man?
BOB It takes 10 rounds to cast Orison so time advances ten rounds, clicks off that
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): no it takes 10 rds to take full effect - the water breathing timer is just also happening
wyjyoon (Temperance): oh gotcha
wyjyoon (Temperance): so it doesn't happen quickly
wyjyoon (Temperance): well flip
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): why do we all have different timers? zora has 8 rds and glimber 12
wyjyoon (Temperance): should we take some chances with cure light or cure mod again?
BOB Different times you took the potion, not everyone took it the same round
BOB plus there is a small variable
BOB You know where the guards were coming from
BOB so you could go move to that intersection if you want
BOB or stay here
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): move to the hideout hole?
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): leave the abyss behind?
MeLange: Hey guys... I don't think Roth is doing so hot...
Rothuss Carder: Was it the cloud of blood around me in the water?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): leaving the abyss would at least mean tempe can focus on other things
MeLange: yea that and the gaping wounds
<font color="#417700">MeLange chuckles
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): lol
MeLange: there there
Vee Barlett: At least his arm ain't about to fall off like Glimbs.
<font color="#417700">MeLange: pats Roth on the shoulder
Rothuss Carder: I wouldn't call them "gaping". Merely... "bigger than I'd like"
MeLange: you'll be alright, we just gotta patch ya up
Glimber Silvernose: My arms are attached!
Vee Barlett: Y'all we either gotta move or get some defense up.
Temperance: Did someone say arms are falling off?
<font color="#417700">Temperance: looks back concerned.
MeLange: Can you move Roth?
Temperance: I certainly hope they are the shark's arms.
Vee Barlett: These two be a mess but at least one was able to hit things
Vee Barlett: .Sharks got fins.
Rothuss Carder: If we leave, they'll be prepared for us to come back. But we can also be prepared.
Vee Barlett: Poor shark... he was just hungry. Ain't deserve to die like that. He was retreatin'
MeLange: Preparing sounds good
Effect ['Protection from Evil;IFT: ALIGN(evil);AC: 2'] -> [to Temperance]
Temperance: You know, the creatures who wield the tridents like you.
Vee Barlett: Yar but if we stay here, Tempe be starin' into the abyss so maybe we fort up elsewhere.
Vee Barlett: Ah, the sangreens.
Temperance: Yes, the Sahua... those.
Temperance: Anyways, healing?
Vee Barlett: Movin'
Temperance: Alright, moving.
Vee Barlett: Move and heal if'n possible.
<font color="#417700">Temperance: nods lightly as she slowly backs away from the abyss.
MeLange: Movin it is, seems like
BOB and Temp has 8 more rounds of Protection from Evil on her
Vee Barlett: wherre were we thinking? the room with the island in the middle?
Temperance: My spell is still active for a while, so wherever it suits you.
Temperance: I will try to heal along the way.
Carissa (Vee Barlett): looking at map to decide..... we could just move up?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): ugh won't let me draw
Shislif (MeLange): we're looking for a place to camp up?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): place to better defend ourselves
Shislif (MeLange): kewl
BOB It is not even Noon yet
<font color="#417700">Ratbone Carder: hummy hum hum
The time is 11:20 AM
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): that clock is messed up
Shislif (MeLange): what ppl don't sleep at noon?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): were vee is now........we could have three corners covered and only one could get through at a time... right?
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): we took the boat to the caves at Noon!!!
Carissa (Vee Barlett): good point!
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): so it is impossible for it to be earlier than that
BOB DOH I forgot to add the hour
Effect ['Water Breathing'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Lirtimya]
Effect ['Water-breath'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Rothuss Carder]
Effect ['Water-breath'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Ratbone Carder]
Effect ['Water-breath'] -> [EXPIRED] [on MeLange]
Effect ['Water-breath'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Inv Zora Polasis]
Effect ['Water-breath'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Temperance]
Effect ['Protection from Evil;IFT: ALIGN(evil);AC: 2'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Temperance]
Effect ['Water-breath'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Glimber Silvernose]
Effect ['Waterbreathing'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Vee Barlett]
wyjyoon (Temperance): whoa
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): hey!
BOB chuckles
Carissa (Vee Barlett): and now you get to fix that too! yay!
TMO (Rothuss Carder): RUDE
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): LOL
Ratbone Carder: [sings] [chokes] nevermind
BOB So where are you moving to?
BOB and I will add in the effects back for what is left
wyjyoon (Temperance): i think the pile of rocks were in the chamber with the skulls. is that where the sharks are coming from?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): thoughts for just up here? if we aren't too worried about the abyss yet?
Ratbone Carder: Cmon Olmes, go in front of me so I can protect you from behind.
wyjyoon (Temperance): i can block from the back in case something does come up the abyss
Carissa (Vee Barlett): ugh seriously I just want to draw
Carissa (Vee Barlett): but this plus a third person then it should only allow one shark dude in at a time
Carissa (Vee Barlett): so three can attack one
BOB exactly
BOB that ping
Carissa (Vee Barlett): one in each arm of the cave...
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): that's where the one ran to
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): to get help
Carissa (Vee Barlett): it jump down into a hole tho
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): there
Carissa (Vee Barlett): but we can put mel in that spot
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): LOL
Carissa (Vee Barlett): he has good ac if something does come up there
Carissa (Vee Barlett): and vee can always reach past someone
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): he's blocking the whole passage
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): if he wants to fight them all alone ...
Carissa (Vee Barlett): were the sharks coming out from where Mel was? Or from the north passage?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): I thought it was the north passage
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): we don't know
BOB You think the north
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): we were too far down to see
BOB where Vee is
Carissa (Vee Barlett): yes so that's what I was planning was north
BOB BUT could be wrong
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): lol
Carissa (Vee Barlett): Put Vee back where she was, Mel at the other passage, and someone in back
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): there's a rock pile guard passage up in the northern chamber too
Carissa (Vee Barlett): trying to funnel them in one at a time
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): so they could be coming from either
Carissa (Vee Barlett): sigh let me mspaint to discord because this isn't explaining well one sec
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): but the passages are so narrow only one can fight them at a time
Carissa (Vee Barlett): yes and planning for either passage
Glimber Silvernose: not sure putting heavily wounded glimber as point man is the best strategy
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lemme get my two snips
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): ooc
Carissa (Vee Barlett): definitely not
Carissa (Vee Barlett): so stop moving them for a second bob :P
Effect ['Protection from Evil;IFT: ALIGN(evil);AC: 2'] -> [to Temperance]
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): looking at it right now only MeL or glimber can fight what somes down the passage
Effect ['Water-breath'] -> [to Temperance]
Effect ['Water-breath'] -> [to Glimber Silvernose] [by Temperance]
Effect ['Water-breath'] -> [to Vee Barlett] [by Temperance]
Effect ['Water-breath'] -> [to MeLange] [by Temperance]
Effect ['Water-breath'] -> [to Inv Zora Polasis] [by Temperance]
Effect ['Water-breath'] -> [to Lirtimya] [by Temperance]
Effect ['Water-breath'] -> [to Rothuss Carder] [by Temperance]
wyjyoon (Temperance): man i wish tempe just had the ability to give out water breathing abilities to everyone
Effect ['Water-breath'] -> [to Ratbone Carder] [by Temperance]
TMO (Rothuss Carder): do we want to leave Tempe hanging out at the back here?
TMO (Rothuss Carder): or have we just not reached that portion of arrangement yet?
wyjyoon (Temperance): should be ok right? she has her shield thingy... but whatever the strategist decides :)
Spring (Ratbone Carder): Tempe said a minute ago she wanted to guard the reat
TMO (Rothuss Carder): ah, missed that.
BOB Everyone's effects are corrected now. Temp has 6 more rounds of Protection from Evil, everyone else has a new potion of water breathing that takes you to 40+ more rounds
Spring (Ratbone Carder): *rear
wyjyoon (Temperance): yeah i did. figured it would help in case something crawls out of the crevice
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): I'm not liking us hanging out in such a small space
wyjyoon (Temperance): that's a valid point
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): not sure how long it will take for someone else to show up
Carissa (Vee Barlett): It's not my favorite either, but if it means fighting only one at a time, it's better than multiple fights at a time
BOB You can hear them coming
BOB unknown how many
Shislif (MeLange): probably a good point
Shislif (MeLange): one at a time i mean
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): ok then can glimber not be the point man? or he can
Carissa (Vee Barlett): hey bob..... did we notice them having any disadvangates when we fought them on land versus in the water?
[TURN] Temperance - [LIGHT: 60/0 continual light | Protection from Evil; IFT: ALIGN(evil); AC: 2; [D: 6] | Water-breath; [D: 40]]
BOB Yes they were slower on land
wyjyoon (Temperance): i can try to heal glimber and rothuss before we start
Carissa (Vee Barlett): so that's another option if you don't want tight space is finding land for them to be forced on
wyjyoon (Temperance): officially
Carissa (Vee Barlett): and please move glimber where you want, lisa
Carissa (Vee Barlett): only two key people I'm thinking about are Mel and Vee.
BOB You can heal but this is all happening in real time as you adjust etc. you have spent two rounds so far moving around, adjusting, seeing who wants to go where,
<font color="#417700">Rothuss Carder: Rothuss will take his potion of healing
wyjyoon (Temperance): ok
BOB ok
TMO (Rothuss Carder): do you roll or do I?
BOB You bring the Effect over from the potion onto Roth
Carissa (Vee Barlett): where did that potion come from?
BOB that shoudl auto heal for the correct ammount
Rothuss Carder: [HEAL] Potion of Healing [2d4+2 = 7]
Heal [7] -> [to Rothuss Carder] [STATUS: Moderate]
Rothuss Carder: Potion of Healing
Carissa (Vee Barlett): to track on the party pack
wyjyoon (Temperance): tempe has a potion too, so if anyone needs an extra you can take hers
wyjyoon (Temperance): i think it came with the water breathing right?
wyjyoon (Temperance): not sure
Carissa (Vee Barlett): well one was a potion I tihnk with three doses and one was just regular?
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): do we have the big bottle that has 4 doses in it?
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): from the mage?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): TMO do you remember where you potion came from?
TMO (Rothuss Carder): Not offhand, but I can search for it
wyjyoon (Temperance): i have something that says 3 doses
Carissa (Vee Barlett): i kind of miss the potion chest
wyjyoon (Temperance): i think that might be it
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): yeah people holding stuff individually makes it confusing
Carissa (Vee Barlett): very very much
TMO (Rothuss Carder): might be 20241004
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): crap
wyjyoon (Temperance): on my character sheet the dose isn't included in the label
wyjyoon (Temperance): so i didn't know :)
wyjyoon (Temperance): does lisa want to move glimber elsewhere
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): I can't move him
wyjyoon (Temperance): oh ok
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): I tried
Carissa (Vee Barlett): yes and I already posted our positions so bob needs to move us first
Carissa (Vee Barlett): because it is WAY too crowded up here
BOB is that better for where you want to be?
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): lol
Carissa (Vee Barlett): not in the least
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): sure
BOB Ok so go around the clock
BOB Temp is right?
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): zora will pull glimber out if needed
Carissa (Vee Barlett): yes
BOB Roth is right?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): no
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): with her subhuman strength
Carissa (Vee Barlett): move him back
BOB ping where Roth is supposed to be
Carissa (Vee Barlett): actually let's do this different
Carissa (Vee Barlett): move EVERYONE back except vee and mel to start
BOB back to where?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): just... away! off with them!
Carissa (Vee Barlett): mel is fine where he is, vee goes where lirt is
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): if we can't see you we can't know to help you
Spring (Ratbone Carder): Where did Olmes go? Is he trampled?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): put lirt behind vee
Carissa (Vee Barlett): (you'll move up just need clear space to think)
Carissa (Vee Barlett): no Vee where Zora is
Carissa (Vee Barlett): do I need to redraw my photo?
BOB So Vee is NOT in the water?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): She is. Just near that ledge
Carissa (Vee Barlett): Then Lirt directly behind her because mage doesn't need direct acccess to things usually
Carissa (Vee Barlett): hmm... well okay shoot vee might have to be out of the water....
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): is she going to start casting?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): for once I now understand why michael wanted to bang his head against the desk
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): sorry
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): go for it
Carissa (Vee Barlett): .........ok and now that I clicked Vee I see the Mel problem
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): you two fight and we'll kick back
Carissa (Vee Barlett): uhhh....
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): let us know when it's over
Carissa (Vee Barlett): no not what I was trying to do
Carissa (Vee Barlett): just trying to get the onces with health closer up front
Carissa (Vee Barlett): then everyone else filter in
Carissa (Vee Barlett): screw it, I can't right now
Carissa (Vee Barlett): toss vee behind mel
Carissa (Vee Barlett): move everyone else where they want to go
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): sorry the passsages are so small it's hard to not have one person block the way
BOB That gives Mel and Glimber attacks and then Vee can stab past either one
TMO (Rothuss Carder): Rothuss and Zora switched places. That okay, or swap back?
BOB Roth and Zora are there as backups
Carissa (Vee Barlett): did glimbs heal at all?
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): no
wyjyoon (Temperance): i didn't get to heal glimber yet due to all the moving
wyjyoon (Temperance): or rothuss
BOB Roth took a potion
Carissa (Vee Barlett): glimbs was down more which is why I worried about him
wyjyoon (Temperance): oh yeah that's right
Vee Barlett: so switch zora and glimber since you're being nice and trying to udnerstand bob
Carissa (Vee Barlett): ooc
BOB So another potion to Glimber or ?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): if he has time yes
wyjyoon (Temperance): ok
Carissa (Vee Barlett): but still don't know which potion TMO had
TMO (Rothuss Carder): I still have the potion in my inventory in FG
wyjyoon (Temperance): am i healing on my turn or can i do it real quick before the whole thing happens?
BOB You can cast a healing spell on Glimber yes
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): once you use it you should delete it?
BOB and yes with Lisa about TMO's potion
BOB but after you use X number of doses
Temperance: Temperance cast a spell NOT memorized.
Temperance: [HEAL] Cure Moderate Wounds [d10 = 4]
Heal [2] -> [to Temperance] [STATUS: Healthy]
wyjyoon (Temperance): oh whoa
wyjyoon (Temperance): sorry
wyjyoon (Temperance): not myself
TMO (Rothuss Carder): I removed the effect from my Actions tab, but not the inventory. Wasn't sure if the one in my inventory could somehow give a clue to where it came from
Temperance: [HEAL] Cure Moderate Wounds [d10 = 4]
Heal [4] -> [to Glimber Silvernose] [STATUS: Moderate]
wyjyoon (Temperance): ok
[TURN] Glimber Silvernose - [(IFT:TYPE(bugbear, giant, gnoll, ogre, troll); AC: 4) | LIGHT: 60/0 continual light | (IFT: TYPE(kobold,goblin); ATK: 1) | [TRGT: Glimber Silvernose]; VISION: 60 infravision | Water-breath; [D: 40]]
Glimber Silvernose: Thank you Miss Temperance
Shislif (MeLange): brb just a refill i'll be quick!
User has gone AFK. (Shislif)
Temperance: It's the least I can do! I hope you are feeling better.
<font color="#417700">Temperance: smiles lightly.
Carissa (Vee Barlett): uhhh... shariffff
BOB So Temp holds
wyjyoon (Temperance): yes
BOB Glimber holds
Rothuss Carder: I got your back, Glim. If you get in too deep drop back behind me and I'll pick up whatever bits you leave behind.
BOB unless he is going out after the shark
Glimber Silvernose: Thank you!
BOB You all got lucky that they rolled higher Init than you did that is why they are all bunched up at 6
BOB I just reduced them down to go after one by one
Rothuss Carder: that's because they suck
TMO (Rothuss Carder): that's because they suck
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): now you want us to wait for them rather than us moving up and attacking?
BOB That is what I was asking
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): oh a new shark
Carissa (Vee Barlett): is that another shark??? toss the body of the old shark at it as warning
BOB Did Glimber want to hold or go after the shark
TMO (Rothuss Carder): that's the point to having a defensive position
Carissa (Vee Barlett): the sharks are just hungry so give it food
BOB agreed, hold and let them come to you
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): ok
Carissa (Vee Barlett): remember the last time we had to do this in a cave??
[TURN] Vee Barlett - 0 continual light | Ring of Protection +1; ROD: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; WAND: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; POISON: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; DEATH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; STAFF: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; BREATH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; PETRIFICATION: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; AC: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; POLYMORPH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; SPELL: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; PARALYZATION: 1 | Water-breath; [D: 40?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): man you are getting SO much prank mail for this
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): they get to hit first that way
wyjyoon (Temperance): lol
<font color="#417700">Vee Barlett: parries for Glimber
[TURN] MeLange - [Water-breath; [D: 40]]
BOB No you get to hit first before they do when they come in
Shislif (MeLange): so start fighting yes?
TMO (Rothuss Carder): so long as you went first and held your attack
Carissa (Vee Barlett): yes
BOB Yes for Sharif
BOB you have that one in front of you
MeLange: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20-1 = 6]
Attack [6] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Axe, Battle) [at Sahuagin 17] [Hit-AC: 10 vs. 5 ] [AC: 10 ] [MISS]
Shislif (MeLange): doh
Carissa (Vee Barlett): no the other one
Shislif (MeLange): not 17?
BOB two attacks on even number rounds
[TURN] Inv Zora Polasis - [Water-breath; [D: 40]]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol just a joke keep going
Carissa (Vee Barlett): a bad joke and roll again
Shislif (MeLange): oh lol
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): she can't do anything so she will be a constant skip
Shislif (MeLange): is odd number
[TURN] Lirtimya - [Water-breath; [D: 40]]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): oops sorry maybe no one listen to me anymore if anyone is
Carissa (Vee Barlett): not offended
Rothuss Carder: (LINK)
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Could I even see them for a cantrip from here?
BOB You can see the one attacking Melange,
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Can I try to cantrip it?
BOB but Cantrip does not do much of anything, you would need a magic missle or the like to damage it
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Just to distract, not damage
BOB ok
Lirtimya: [SKILL] Cantrip [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 9]
[TURN] Rothuss Carder - 0 continual light; [D: 238] | Netted; Restrained | Water-breath; [D: 40?
TMO (Rothuss Carder): holding attacks
wyjyoon (Temperance): is the net still on him btw
wyjyoon (Temperance): i hope not
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): lol
BOB Thank you
TMO (Rothuss Carder): not sure which button at the top is Hold, but I'm Holding. :)
[TURN] Ratbone Carder - [Water-breath; [D: 40]]
[TURN] Shark 2
Spring (Ratbone Carder): Standing fast
BOB Glimber gets to attack
TMO (Rothuss Carder): rothuss is ready just in case it somehow gets past Glimber
Carissa (Vee Barlett): (and vee is parrying for him)
Glimber Silvernose: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(0)] [d20 = 7]
Attack [7] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Pick, Footman's) [at Shark 2] [Hit-AC: -7 vs. 6 ] [AC: -7 ] [HIT]
Glimber Silvernose: [DAMAGE (M)] Pick, Footman's [TYPE: piercing (1d6+1=6)] [d6+1 = 6]
[6] -> [to Shark 2] [STATUS: Light]
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): or large?
BOB Large
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): oops
BOB Medium for the Sea Devils Large for the Shark
Glimber Silvernose: [DAMAGE (M)] Pick, Footman's [TYPE: piercing, large (2d4=4)] [2d4 = 4]
[4] -> [to Shark 2] [STATUS: Moderate]
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): lol - more damage the other way
Carissa (Vee Barlett): it was large for a shark? darn... not that he ever hit hard
Shark 2: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(13)] [d20 = 13]
Attack [13] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Attack #1) [at Glimber Silvernose] [Hit-AC: 0 vs. 8 ] [AC: 0 ] [HIT]
Spring (Ratbone Carder): oh was the other shark large too? i didn't realize
BOB Now Vee attepts to parry that
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): I'll like it when he finally gets 2 attacks
Vee Barlett: yep she definitely does... somehow?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): (what do I do?)
BOB hit AC 4
wyjyoon (Temperance): battle in the briny deep - that's somehow poetic
Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20+2 = 20]
Attack [20] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Shark 2] [Hit-AC: -4 vs. 6 ] [AC: -4 ] [HIT]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): boom shakalaka
wyjyoon (Temperance): whoo!
BOB So yes that is a parry and the attack misses Glimber
Shislif (MeLange): nice
Vee Barlett : [Translation] Yar, you back yer ass up. Ain't no food here!
<font color="#000000">Yar, you back yer ass up. Ain't no food here!
[understood by: Vee Barlett]
BOB Now Vee has one more attack left
BOB can use it now on the shark
Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20+2 = 17]
Attack [17] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Shark 2] [Hit-AC: -1 vs. 6 ] [AC: -1 ] [HIT]
Vee Barlett: [DAMAGE (M)] Trident [TYPE: piercing, large (3d4+1=13)] [3d4+1 = 13]
[13] -> [to Shark 2] [STATUS: Heavy]
Vee Barlett : [Translation] Scam!
<font color="#000000">Scam!
[understood by: Vee Barlett]
Vee Barlett : [Translation] *Scram!
<font color="#000000">*Scram!
[understood by: Vee Barlett]
Shark 2's health adjusted by +4
[TURN] Sahuagin 7 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
[TURN] Sahuagin 5 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
[TURN] Sahuagin 17 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
Sahuagin 17: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 18]
Attack [18] ->[ATTACK (M)] (UNKNOWN) [at MeLange] [Hit-AC: 1 vs. 0 ] [AC: 1 ] [MISS]
TMO (Rothuss Carder): JTom's FG just closed on him. He'll return
'JtomTMO' disconnected
'JtomTMO' connected
BOB Ok that is a hit
BOB Double checking Splint Mail
Carissa (Vee Barlett): awww
wyjyoon (Temperance): since i'm most likely holding for the time being, brb, need h2o and snacks
BOB Corrrect, cannot wear Splint Mail underwater
BOB so without that Mel's AC goes from 0 to 6
BOB which is a hit
Carissa (Vee Barlett): he has the buckler +3
User has gone AFK. (wyjyoon)
Carissa (Vee Barlett): oversight since mel wasn't here when we talked about changing armor for water - sorry dude
BOB Yes that is all he has for AC
Carissa (Vee Barlett): no retrocon for leather since he was awol?
Sahuagin 17: [DAMAGE (M)] Trident [TYPE: piercing (1d6+1=3)] [d6+1 = 3]
[3] -> [to MeLange] [STATUS: Light]
Shislif (MeLange): all good :)
Carissa (Vee Barlett): then again mel seems like the type of guy to show off his bare chest....
[TURN] Sahuagin 18 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
[TURN] Sahuagin 16 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): yeah just a downside of missing those kind of sessions and not having a fallback
[TURN] Sahuagin 11 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
Shislif (MeLange): uh oh
BOB Did Roth or Zora want to do anything at the end of the round?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): but that's a discussion for later when I'm more pleasant maybe
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): I have returned
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): can't move
TMO (Rothuss Carder): nothing much I can do
BOB ok
[TURN] Temperance - [LIGHT: 60/0 continual light | Protection from Evil; IFT: ALIGN(evil); AC: 2; [D: 5] | Water-breath; [D: 39]]
[TURN] Glimber Silvernose - [(IFT:TYPE(bugbear, giant, gnoll, ogre, troll); AC: 4) | LIGHT: 60/0 continual light | (IFT: TYPE(kobold,goblin); ATK: 1) | [TRGT: Glimber Silvernose]; VISION: 60 infravision | Water-breath; [D: 39]]
Glimber Silvernose: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(0)] [d20 = 11]
Attack [11] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Pick, Footman's) [at Shark 2] [Hit-AC: -11 vs. 6 ] [AC: -11 ] [HIT]
Glimber Silvernose: [DAMAGE (M)] Pick, Footman's [TYPE: piercing, large (2d4=6)] [2d4 = 6]
[6] -> [to Shark 2]
[TURN] Vee Barlett - 0 continual light | Ring of Protection +1; ROD: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; WAND: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; POISON: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; DEATH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; STAFF: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; BREATH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; PETRIFICATION: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; AC: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; POLYMORPH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; SPELL: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; PARALYZATION: 1 | Water-breath; [D: 39?
BOB Vee has two attacks if she does not parry
Carissa (Vee Barlett): oh she can reach the shark now right?
BOB yes
Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20+2 = 13]
Attack [13] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Shark 2] [Hit-AC: 3 vs. 6 ] [AC: 3 ] [HIT]
Vee Barlett: [DAMAGE (M)] Trident [TYPE: piercing, large (3d4+1=8)] [3d4+1 = 8]
[8] -> [to Shark 2] [STATUS: Critical]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): why parry when can kill
BOB grins
Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20+2 = 14]
Attack [14] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Shark 2] [Hit-AC: 2 vs. 6 ] [AC: 2 ] [HIT]
Vee Barlett: [DAMAGE (M)] Trident [TYPE: piercing, large (3d4+1=6)] [3d4+1 = 6]
[6] -> [to Shark 2] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 4] [STATUS: Dying (0)]
[TURN] MeLange - [Water-breath; [D: 39]]
MeLange: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20-1 = 9]
Attack [9] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Axe, Battle) [at Sahuagin 17] [Hit-AC: 7 vs. 5 ] [AC: 7 ] [MISS]
MeLange: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20-1 = 14]
Attack [14] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Axe, Battle) [at Sahuagin 17] [Hit-AC: 2 vs. 5 ] [AC: 2 ] [HIT]
MeLange: [DAMAGE (M)] Axe, battle [TYPE: slashing (1d8+3=4)] [d8+3 = 4]
[4] -> [to Sahuagin 17] [STATUS: Critical]
Shislif (MeLange): dang it
[TURN] Inv Zora Polasis - [Water-breath; [D: 39]]
[TURN] Lirtimya - [Water-breath; [D: 39]]
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Does me cantripping the enemy do anything?
BOB Not really, it is a slight distraction
BOB but they have a target right in front of them
TMO (Rothuss Carder): Make Mel smell really repulsive so they don't want to get near him
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): lol
TMO (Rothuss Carder): you know, like he did last week...
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): TMO did not like the idea of lightning bolt, so I will hold
BOB max range is 10 to 30 feet
Shislif (MeLange): lol
[TURN] Rothuss Carder - 0 continual light; [D: 237] | Water-breath; [D: 39?
BOB Yeah Lighting Bolt will just electrify the water and everyone in it
TMO (Rothuss Carder): holding my attack, just in case a target becomes available
[TURN] Ratbone Carder - [Water-breath; [D: 39]]
wyjyoon (Temperance): i think i could've had a spell that might have helped mel with the armor situation
[TURN] Shark 2
[TURN] Sahuagin 7 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
Rothuss Carder: How you doing, Glimber?
[TURN] Sahuagin 5 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
[TURN] Sahuagin 17 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
Glimber Silvernose: Okay. How are you?
Sahuagin 17: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 5]
Attack [5] ->[ATTACK (M)] (UNKNOWN) [at MeLange] [Hit-AC: 14 vs. 6 ] [AC: 14 ] [MISS]
[TURN] Sahuagin 18 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
BOB Tearing at the shark's corpse to get to you
[TURN] Sahuagin 16 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
[TURN] Sahuagin 11 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): Roth can move up next to him? Glimber is small ...
BOB yes
'wyjyoon' disconnected
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): lunch!
Carissa (Vee Barlett): vee can move over towards mel if that opens up space as well
[TURN] Temperance - [LIGHT: 60/0 continual light | Protection from Evil; IFT: ALIGN(evil); AC: 2; [D: 4] | Water-breath; [D: 38]]
[TURN] Glimber Silvernose - [(IFT:TYPE(bugbear, giant, gnoll, ogre, troll); AC: 4) | LIGHT: 60/0 continual light | (IFT: TYPE(kobold,goblin); ATK: 1) | [TRGT: Glimber Silvernose]; VISION: 60 infravision | Water-breath; [D: 38]]
'wyjyoon' connected
Glimber Silvernose: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(0)] [d20 = 11]
Attack [11] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Pick, Footman's) [at Sahuagin 18] [Hit-AC: -11 vs. 5 ] [AC: -11 ] [HIT]
Glimber Silvernose: [DAMAGE (M)] Pick, Footman's [TYPE: piercing (1d6+1=6)] [d6+1 = 6]
[6] -> [to Sahuagin 18] [STATUS: Moderate]
TMO (Rothuss Carder): Save the Lightning Bolt for when we're escaping and they're all chasing after us and it will only hurt them
[TURN] Vee Barlett - 0 continual light | Ring of Protection +1; ROD: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; WAND: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; POISON: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; DEATH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; STAFF: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; BREATH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; PETRIFICATION: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; AC: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; POLYMORPH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; SPELL: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; PARALYZATION: 1 | Water-breath; [D: 38?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): electricity plus water = bad
Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20+2 = 13]
Attack [13] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Sahuagin 17] [Hit-AC: 3 vs. 5 ] [AC: 3 ] [HIT]
Vee Barlett: [DAMAGE (M)] Trident [TYPE: piercing (1d6+2=7)] [d6+2 = 7]
[7] -> [to Sahuagin 17] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 6] [STATUS: Dying (0)]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): can she reach any other?
BOB no
Carissa (Vee Barlett): can she use her second attack to parry?
BOB remember there were 5 plus 1 shark, I will take the dead ones off to make it easier to see
[TURN] MeLange - [Water-breath; [D: 38]]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): I was waiting for an answer
BOB Sorry yes she can wait to use it to parry
Carissa (Vee Barlett): okay she'll do that if she's able even if mel moves
MeLange: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20-1 = 17]
Attack [17] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Axe, Battle) [at Sahuagin 5] [Hit-AC: -1 vs. 5 ] [AC: -1 ] [HIT]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): ...but he probably moved too far for it to matter but that's okay kill them all!
MeLange: [DAMAGE (M)] Axe, battle [TYPE: slashing (1d8+3=8)] [d8+3 = 8]
[8] -> [to Sahuagin 5] [STATUS: Heavy]
Shislif (MeLange): finally a decent roll lol
Shislif (MeLange): just one right?
BOB correct
[TURN] Inv Zora Polasis - [Water-breath; [D: 38]]
[TURN] Lirtimya - [Water-breath; [D: 38]]
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): I'll keep holding
[TURN] Rothuss Carder - 0 continual light; [D: 236] | Water-breath; [D: 38?
TMO (Rothuss Carder): hold attack
[TURN] Ratbone Carder - [Water-breath; [D: 38]]
[TURN] Sahuagin 7 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
BOB Protection from Evil is half way over by the way
Rothuss Carder: I'm doing alright. Just watching the show, wishing I had some popcorn.
wyjyoon (Temperance): yes i am keeping an eye on it
Sahuagin 7: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 10]
Attack [10] ->[ATTACK (M)] (UNKNOWN) [at MeLange] [Hit-AC: 9 vs. 6 ] [AC: 9 ] [MISS]
[TURN] Sahuagin 5 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
wyjyoon (Temperance): thank you for reminding me bob :)
Sahuagin 5: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 8]
Attack [8] ->[ATTACK (M)] (UNKNOWN) [at MeLange] [Hit-AC: 11 vs. 6 ] [AC: 11 ] [MISS]
[TURN] Sahuagin 18 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
wyjyoon (Temperance): does d: 4 mean 4 more rounds?
Sahuagin 18: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 10]
Attack [10] ->[ATTACK (M)] (UNKNOWN) [at Glimber Silvernose] [Hit-AC: 9 vs. 8 ] [AC: 9 ] [MISS]
[TURN] Sahuagin 16 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
BOB yes to Temp
wyjyoon (Temperance): ok thank you
[TURN] Sahuagin 11 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
wyjyoon (Temperance): do y'all want me to recast when it's done?
Temperance: i dunno how many slots i'll need to save for healing, but this looks to be going well for the most part
wyjyoon (Temperance): ooc
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): maybe see where we are in 4 rds
wyjyoon (Temperance): ok
[TURN] Sahuagin 6 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
[TURN] Temperance - [LIGHT: 60/0 continual light | Protection from Evil; IFT: ALIGN(evil); AC: 2; [D: 3] | Water-breath; [D: 37]]
wyjyoon (Temperance): um so bob question
wyjyoon (Temperance): how close is this space
BOB yes?
wyjyoon (Temperance): i can't access the length measuring toggle
BOB each square is 5 feet
wyjyoon (Temperance): ok
BOB so most of these are pretty tight
wyjyoon (Temperance): bless says it covers 50 feet, so i didn't want accidentally bless someone i didn't want
wyjyoon (Temperance): maybe i'll hold
Carissa (Vee Barlett): chant is what yu'd do, not bless
[TURN] Glimber Silvernose - [(IFT:TYPE(bugbear, giant, gnoll, ogre, troll); AC: 4) | LIGHT: 60/0 continual light | (IFT: TYPE(kobold,goblin); ATK: 1) | [TRGT: Glimber Silvernose]; VISION: 60 infravision | Water-breath; [D: 37]]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): bless if for before combat
wyjyoon (Temperance): ah right
Glimber Silvernose: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(0)] [d20 = 1]
Attack [1] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Pick, Footman's) [at Sahuagin 18] [Hit-AC: -1 vs. 5 ] [AC: -1 ] [MISS-AUTOMATIC]
[TURN] Vee Barlett - 0 continual light | Ring of Protection +1; ROD: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; WAND: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; POISON: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; DEATH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; STAFF: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; BREATH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; PETRIFICATION: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; AC: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; POLYMORPH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; SPELL: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; PARALYZATION: 1 | Water-breath; [D: 37?
wyjyoon (Temperance): i don't know why i put bless as the one for combat in my notes
wyjyoon (Temperance): i need to fix that
Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20+2 = 16]
Attack [16] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Sahuagin 5] [Hit-AC: 0 vs. 5 ] [AC: 0 ] [HIT]
Vee Barlett: [DAMAGE (M)] Trident [TYPE: piercing (1d6+2=4)] [d6+2 = 4]
[4] -> [to Sahuagin 5] [STATUS: Critical]
Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20+2 = 11]
Attack [11] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Sahuagin 5] [Hit-AC: 5 vs. 5 ] [AC: 5 ] [HIT]
Vee Barlett: [DAMAGE (M)] Trident [TYPE: piercing (1d6+2=7)] [d6+2 = 7]
[7] -> [to Sahuagin 5] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 6] [STATUS: Dying (0)]
[TURN] MeLange - [Water-breath; [D: 37]]
wyjyoon (Temperance): fixed
MeLange: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20-1 = 10]
Attack [10] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Axe, Battle) [at Sahuagin 7] [Hit-AC: 6 vs. 5 ] [AC: 6 ] [MISS]
TMO (Rothuss Carder): more dead sahuagins! Poppa's hungry!
BOB 2 attacks
MeLange: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20-1 = 9]
Attack [9] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Axe, Battle) [at Sahuagin 7] [Hit-AC: 7 vs. 5 ] [AC: 7 ] [MISS]
Shislif (MeLange): dang it
[TURN] Inv Zora Polasis - [Water-breath; [D: 37]]
BOB I did not say two hits ;)
Shislif (MeLange): well say it next time
Shislif (MeLange): :)
BOB Zora have a change in plans?
[TURN] Lirtimya - [Water-breath; [D: 37]]
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Still hold
[TURN] Rothuss Carder - 0 continual light; [D: 235] | Water-breath; [D: 37?
Rothuss Carder: HAH! You aren't Brave Sahuagin Warriors! You're wimpy widdle goldfish, swimming ineffectually upstream.
TMO (Rothuss Carder): hold attacks
[TURN] Ratbone Carder - [Water-breath; [D: 37]]
[TURN] Sahuagin 7 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
Sahuagin 7: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 10]
Attack [10] ->[ATTACK (M)] (UNKNOWN) [at MeLange] [Hit-AC: 9 vs. 6 ] [AC: 9 ] [MISS]
[TURN] Sahuagin 18 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
GM: [d20 = 10]
Sahuagin 18: [CAST] Net [at Rothuss Carder]
Sahuagin 18: [ATTACK (R)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 2]
Attack [2] ->[ATTACK (R)] (Net) [at Rothuss Carder] [Hit-AC: 17 vs. 8 ] [AC: 17 ] [MISS]
[TURN] Sahuagin 16 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
Rothuss Carder: Not this time, Fish Boy!
Sahuagin 16: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 17]
Attack [17] ->[ATTACK (M)] (UNKNOWN) [at Glimber Silvernose] [Hit-AC: 2 vs. 8 ] [AC: 2 ] [HIT]
Sahuagin 16: [DAMAGE (M)] Trident [TYPE: piercing (1d6+1=3)] [d6+1 = 3]
[3] -> [to Glimber Silvernose] [STATUS: Heavy]
[TURN] Sahuagin 11 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
[TURN] Temperance - [LIGHT: 60/0 continual light | Protection from Evil; IFT: ALIGN(evil); AC: 2; [D: 2] | Water-breath; [D: 36]]
wyjyoon (Temperance): for now hold
[TURN] Glimber Silvernose - [(IFT:TYPE(bugbear, giant, gnoll, ogre, troll); AC: 4) | LIGHT: 60/0 continual light | (IFT: TYPE(kobold,goblin); ATK: 1) | [TRGT: Glimber Silvernose]; VISION: 60 infravision | Water-breath; [D: 36]]
Glimber Silvernose: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(0)] [d20 = 9]
Attack [9] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Pick, Footman's) [at Sahuagin 18] [Hit-AC: -9 vs. 5 ] [AC: -9 ] [HIT]
Glimber Silvernose: [DAMAGE (M)] Pick, Footman's [TYPE: piercing (1d6+1=6)] [d6+1 = 6]
[6] -> [to Sahuagin 18] [STATUS: Critical]
[TURN] Vee Barlett - 0 continual light | Ring of Protection +1; ROD: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; WAND: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; POISON: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; DEATH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; STAFF: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; BREATH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; PETRIFICATION: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; AC: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; POLYMORPH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; SPELL: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; PARALYZATION: 1 | Water-breath; [D: 36?
Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20+2 = 7]
Attack [7] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Sahuagin 18] [Hit-AC: 9 vs. 5 ] [AC: 9 ] [MISS]
Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20+2 = 11]
Attack [11] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Sahuagin 18] [Hit-AC: 5 vs. 5 ] [AC: 5 ] [HIT]
Vee Barlett: [DAMAGE (M)] Trident [TYPE: piercing (1d6+2=6)] [d6+2 = 6]
[6] -> [to Sahuagin 18] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 2] [STATUS: Dying (0)]
[TURN] MeLange - [Water-breath; [D: 36]]
Rothuss Carder: You need me to take over the front line?
MeLange: Not yet
MeLange: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20-1 = 11]
Attack [11] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Axe, Battle) [at Sahuagin 7] [Hit-AC: 5 vs. 5 ] [AC: 5 ] [HIT]
MeLange: [DAMAGE (M)] Axe, battle [TYPE: slashing (1d8+3=7)] [d8+3 = 7]
[7] -> [to Sahuagin 7] [STATUS: Heavy]
Vee Barlett: Nah he means for Glimbs. Lots of blood around him...
MeLange: oh then yea for sure
[TURN] Inv Zora Polasis - [Water-breath; [D: 36]]
[TURN] Lirtimya - [Water-breath; [D: 36]]
[TURN] Rothuss Carder - 0 continual light; [D: 234] | Water-breath; [D: 36?
TMO (Rothuss Carder): Can I skootch past Glimber?
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): bob said yes
BOB yes
TMO (Rothuss Carder): Being such a petitle l'il guy and all...
Carissa (Vee Barlett): nicer than stepping over him like mel ;)
Rothuss Carder: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(18)] [d20 = 1]
Attack [1] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Sabre) [at Sahuagin 16] [Hit-AC: 17 vs. 5 ] [AC: 17 ] [MISS-AUTOMATIC]
Rothuss Carder: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(18)] [d20-2 = 7]
Attack [7] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Main-gauche (2nd Atk)) [at Sahuagin 16] [Hit-AC: 11 vs. 5 ] [AC: 11 ] [MISS]
Shislif (MeLange): lols
Rothuss Carder: [DAMAGE (M)] Sabre [TYPE: slashing (1d6+1=2)] [d6+1 = 2]
[2] -> [to Sahuagin 16] [STATUS: Light]
TMO (Rothuss Carder): ignore the damage
TMO (Rothuss Carder): the 1 came in in BIG BOLD LETTERS so I thought it was a hit
Sahuagin 16's health adjusted by +2
[TURN] Ratbone Carder - [Water-breath; [D: 36]]
[TURN] Sahuagin 7 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
Sahuagin 7: [CAST] Net [at MeLange]
Sahuagin 7: [ATTACK (R)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 3]
Attack [3] ->[ATTACK (R)] (Net) [at MeLange] [Hit-AC: 16 vs. 6 ] [AC: 16 ] [MISS]
[TURN] Sahuagin 16 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
Sahuagin 16: [CAST] Net [at Rothuss Carder]
Spring (Ratbone Carder): whew
MeLange: haha!
Sahuagin 16: [ATTACK (R)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 1]
Attack [1] ->[ATTACK (R)] (Net) [at Rothuss Carder] [Hit-AC: 18 vs. 8 ] [AC: 18 ] [MISS-AUTOMATIC]
[TURN] Sahuagin 11 - [(SAVE:-2,light) | (DDR: -1 fire)]
[TURN] Temperance - [LIGHT: 60/0 continual light | Protection from Evil; IFT: ALIGN(evil); AC: 2; [D: 1] | Water-breath; [D: 35]]
wyjyoon (Temperance): 1 more round left before recast. i'll hold
[TURN] Glimber Silvernose - [(IFT:TYPE(bugbear, giant, gnoll, ogre, troll); AC: 4) | LIGHT: 60/0 continual light | (IFT: TYPE(kobold,goblin); ATK: 1) | [TRGT: Glimber Silvernose]; VISION: 60 infravision | Water-breath; [D: 35]]
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): he can't reach I assume?
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): or can he?
BOB would have to move
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): he and roth can share the passage?
BOB yes
BOB My map keeps taking over my CT
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): ok he moves up then
Glimber Silvernose: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(0)] [d20 = 16]
Attack [16] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Pick, Footman's) [at Sahuagin 16] [Hit-AC: -16 vs. 5 ] [AC: -16 ] [HIT]
Glimber Silvernose: [DAMAGE (M)] Pick, Footman's [TYPE: piercing (1d6+1=6)] [d6+1 = 6]
[6] -> [to Sahuagin 16] [STATUS: Moderate]
[TURN] Vee Barlett - 0 continual light | Ring of Protection +1; ROD: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; WAND: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; POISON: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; DEATH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; STAFF: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; BREATH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; PETRIFICATION: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; AC: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; POLYMORPH: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; SPELL: 1 | Ring of Protection +1; PARALYZATION: 1 | Water-breath; [D: 35?
BOB Vee can move to help Mel
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): between the two of us ...
BOB OR move to help Roth
BOB Glimber does not need help ;P
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): lol
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): his arms are still attached
Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20+2 = 13]
Attack [13] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Sahuagin 16] [Hit-AC: 3 vs. 5 ] [AC: 3 ] [HIT]
wyjyoon (Temperance): no limbs detaching, thank you
Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20+2 = 19]
Attack [19] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Sahuagin 16] [Hit-AC: -3 vs. 5 ] [AC: -3 ] [HIT]
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): we were doing just fine ...
Vee Barlett: [DAMAGE (M)] Trident [TYPE: piercing (1d6+2=8)] [d6+2 = 8]
[8] -> [to Sahuagin 16] [STATUS: Critical]
Vee Barlett: [DAMAGE (M)] Trident [TYPE: piercing (1d6+2=8)] [d6+2 = 8]
[8] -> [to Sahuagin 16] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 5] [STATUS: Dying (0)]
wyjyoon (Temperance): unless it's that of the sahuagin
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol but it had more health so decided to go that way
[TURN] MeLange - [Water-breath; [D: 35]]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): and like bob said, I know glimber is fine but roth....
MeLange: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20-1 = 8]
Attack [8] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Axe, Battle) [at Sahuagin 7] [Hit-AC: 8 vs. 5 ] [AC: 8 ] [MISS]
Shislif (MeLange): one go or two?
Shislif (MeLange): nice
MeLange: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20-1 = 14]
Attack [14] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Axe, Battle) [at Sahuagin 7] [Hit-AC: 2 vs. 5 ] [AC: 2 ] [HIT]
MeLange: [DAMAGE (M)] Axe, battle [TYPE: slashing (1d8+3=10)] [d8+3 = 10]
[10] -> [to Sahuagin 7] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 3] [STATUS: Dying (0)]
Shislif (MeLange): nice
wyjyoon (Temperance): nice!
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): nice
[TURN] Inv Zora Polasis - [Water-breath; [D: 35]]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): whew
[TURN] Lirtimya - [Water-breath; [D: 35]]
<font color="#417700">Vee Barlett: checks for chuvor
TMO (Rothuss Carder): cantrip! cantrip! cantrip!
User has gone AFK. (Spring)
BOB Zora want to go around checking for things?
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): so roll for 90 to get chuvor?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): d99
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): I'm all about the chuvor
wyjyoon (Temperance): mm chuvor
BOB So before you roll
Lisa (Glimber Silvernose): lol
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): yes?
BOB You have 5 more chances. If you roll them all together you need under 90
Carissa (Vee Barlett): so like she just said.... because she math!
BOB but if you add 1 chance then you need under 50 and or under 40 to find two of them
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): so that d100 would only get us 1 pouch?
BOB Each time you roll a d100 you have a chance of finding a pouch
BOB they carry them to use on captured prisoners
BOB some of them have been used up, some they are carrying for the next prisoner
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): or rolling 5 times to get 10 or less?
BOB correct
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): what do you think?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): do you feel lucky?
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): all the non combatants give it a roll?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): I wish my brain could do statistics to figure out what is a better chance
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): combat is boring if you don't get to play
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol
Carissa (Vee Barlett): I'm fine with that
BOB It is 50 / 50 either it works or it doesn't
BOB :)
Carissa (Vee Barlett): my rolls are better saved for successful stabs
Carissa (Vee Barlett): y'all split up these
wyjyoon (Temperance): i'm usually ok with being support, not boring at all :) but sure, i'll try!
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): spring, wendy, jtom, tmo and ?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): mel?
Shislif (MeLange): yea?
Spring (Ratbone Carder): okay are we ready to run now?
Carissa (Vee Barlett): he misses combat so he can roll one
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): oh i was bored for zora
Carissa (Vee Barlett): oh you forgot yourself
Carissa (Vee Barlett): then roll
Carissa (Vee Barlett): I assumed you in that, lol
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): I already rolled and missed
MeLange: [d100 = 37]
Shislif (MeLange): that correct?
Lirtimya: [d100 = 39]
wyjyoon (Temperance): what number are we rolling under?
BOB yes to correct but not low enough
Carissa (Vee Barlett): aim low guys
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): 10
Rothuss Carder: [d100 = 74]
BOB 10 or under
Shislif (MeLange): doh
wyjyoon (Temperance): wow
wyjyoon (Temperance): uh
Carissa (Vee Barlett): ....we just need to find the stash at this point
Rothuss Carder: [d10 = 6]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): wtf
TMO (Rothuss Carder): made it!
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): lol
Carissa (Vee Barlett): tmo made a roll???
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): no
Spring (Ratbone Carder): hahaha
TMO (Rothuss Carder): my name was listed, sorry
Ratbone Carder: [d100 = 17]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): aw so close
TMO (Rothuss Carder): ignore it anyways. I was searching the site for the potion of healing source and missed a bit
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): wendy?
wyjyoon (Temperance): si going :) gimme a sec
BOB Last chance from this batch
Temperance: [d100 = 42]
Carissa (Vee Barlett): it was already used, it could be searched for later
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): we'll never get a potion at this rate
wyjyoon (Temperance): dice say no
Carissa (Vee Barlett): bye lychelle
Inv Zora Polasis: Olmes, where did you find that chuvor?
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Yeah under a 10 we weren't getting that
Vee Barlett: Must be a stash somewhere. Guard house maybe?
Inv Zora Polasis: Did you kill to get it or find it?
Temperance: If we are going to help find your friend we may need more to help us.
Olmes: I stole it from one of the Sea Devils when they were busy chopping off Teresa's head
<font color="#417700">Inv Zora Polasis: sighs
wyjyoon (Temperance): oof these sahuagin are like the queen of hearts
Inv Zora Polasis: Thank you for telling us
wyjyoon (Temperance): off with your head!
<font color="#417700">Vee Barlett: pinches bridge of her nose
Inv Zora Polasis: I am sorry for you having to go through that
Olmes: If I can just get back home
Inv Zora Polasis: a boat will be at the entrance tomorrow at noon
Inv Zora Polasis: If you can just hold on until tomorrow
Olmes: I will try
Inv Zora Polasis: Good man
Temperance: There is hope yet. We've made it this far.
<font color="#417700">Temperance: attempting to sound optimistic.
TMO (Rothuss Carder): checking the Party Sheet, and it doesn't list the Potion in Rothuss' inventory, but it's still in his inventory??
BOB and with that a good place to pause?
Lisa (Inv Zora Polasis): tis time
Shislif (MeLange): yea my allergies are acting up
TMO (Rothuss Carder): sorry, I should be in there helping cheer up Olmes
Carissa (Vee Barlett): yeah good pause point
BOB Stay safe Sharif
wyjyoon (Temperance): sounds good :)
BOB and Lisa
Spring (Ratbone Carder): Sorry I wasn't very active tonight.
BOB YOu did fine Spring
Shislif (MeLange): Thanks Bob, have a great week everyone gnight :)
Carissa: hope you guys get a break from the fires
TMO (Rothuss Carder): not much to do sometimes
Spring: I did get one good slash in on that shark
'Shislif' disconnected
Lisa: goodnight all!
Carissa: only... what? 19 to go?
TMO (Rothuss Carder): Party Sheet also doesn't have the potion of water breathing in Rothuss' inventory.
Spring: goodnight y'all!
'Lisa' disconnected
Carissa: night all!
wyjyoon: i will keep track of sharks on summary. goodnight!
'Spring' disconnected
'Carissa' disconnected
'wyjyoon' disconnected
[200 XP] -> Ratbone Carder
[200 XP] -> MeLange
[350 XP] -> Temperance
[350 XP] -> Vee Barlett
TMO (Rothuss Carder): gnite all!
[350 XP] -> Lirtimya
[200 XP] -> Glimber Silvernose
[200 XP] -> Inv Zora Polasis
[350 XP] -> Rothuss Carder
JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Goodnight!
'JtomTMO' disconnected
BOB Have a great weekend
TMO (Rothuss Carder): stay safe everyone
'TMO' disconnected