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Chat Log List - 2025-01-10 - Evil Tide - Formatted - Chat

So before jumping into an abyss with no thought whatsoever, Lirtimya examines the crevasse and does some serious thinking.

Lirtimya: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 9]

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Spellcraft [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 11]

Below is summary of Lirtimya’s deductions:

1 - the Water Breathing Potions do allow spell casting, etc.

2 - the Water Breathing Potions do NOT affect other underwater things

The difference is how the different types of magical breathing affect different things. Conversion, Transformation, or Adaptation

Water Breathing spell/potion falls into the last category

you do NOT get any conversion to being an underwater creature so no swimming, ability to ignore high pressure etc.

A - the Sea Devils can go DEEEEEEP (2,000 feet down)

Humans typically can handle 400 feet

Gnomes/Halflings can handle 200 feet

So Olmes has a pouch to drink from that WILL protect you from pressure, etc. as it is a transformation potion

That he stole from the Sea Devils

Each leather pouch of Chuvor has 2 doses

Rothuss Carder: ghiblee..

So Roth is awake

Ratbone Carder: hugs her brother

Temperance: does anyone require healing before we go? or are we good?

Temperance casts Cure Light Wounds on Rothuss making him lightly wounded.

Rothuss Carder: Ahh, thank ye, Temperance. That bugger stung like fire.

Ratbone Carder: smiles thanks to Tempe

Temperance: Least I can do while you all are doing the fighting. I'm glad you are alright.

Temperance: smiles and salutes.

Rothuss Carder: salutes back.

Rothuss Carder: At your service, madame! Uh.. priestess..? Your worship? Ehhh... you know what I mean.

Temperance: laughs lightly.

Temperance: Temperance is fine, really. Titles are so stuffy.

Rothuss Carder: Oh good. I was never going to remember any of those others.

Temperance: Do you think the things you took off of Museio would help? She was a Sea Elf from what I heard, and... well... we are in the ocean...

Temperance: Um, what did Vee call them again? Bracelets?

Temperance: motions with her hands.

Rothuss Carder: blinks a few times at her, then starts patting himself down until he finds them in his belt pouch.

Rothuss Carder: Huh. Totally forgot I had them.

Temperance: Well, Vee trying them out was.... interesting. But it might be good to try and see if it will help now that we're mostly going to be in water.

Temperance: Maybe Lirtimya can give more insight on it?

Rothuss Carder: shrugs.

Rothuss Carder: Maybe. Hey, Lirt! You got a second to do that magic knowledge thing you got on these?

Rothuss Carder: Give us the lowdown.

Rothuss Carder: shows her the bracers from the sea elf.

Temperance: turns to Olmes while they check out those bracers.

Temperance: How are you holding up, sir?

Olmes: I am ok, I am trying to breathe

Olmes: I am ok, I am trying to breathe

Olmes: I am ok, I am trying to breathe

Vee and Lirtimya take a closer look at the sea elf bracelets that Rothuss is carrying.

Vee Barlett: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 4]

Vee can guess that like she would need to breath water and need pressure help.... these on a sea elf might mean needing to breath air and lower pressure help

Rothuss Carder: Alright, might as well. You know what they say: No guts, no garters.

Rothuss Carder: puts on the bracers.

Temperance: furrows her brows.

Vee Barlett: We got company, y'all.

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Getcha gone now.

So this is shark versus Vee

as the shark is up front and delaying the Sea Devils from advancing

and the rest of the group is up on land

Shark 3 tries to attack Vee Barlett but misses.

Vee Barlett attacks Shark 3 with her Trident, moderately wounding it.

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Ya want more?

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Maybe them sea devils behind ya taste better, ya?

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Ain't no reason to fight, ya? We'd let ya go on yer way. Just gotta get rid of them behind ya.

Shark 3 : [Translation] Food

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Yar. Behind ya is good.

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Them tastier than us. We stringy and gross.

Vee Barlett : [Translation] They be marinated in sea water and fish behind ya. We taste like dry air. Gross.

Vee Barlett attacks Shark 3 with her Trident, heavily wounding it.

Vee Barlett : [Translation] You eat them I won't keep hittin' ya....

Rothuss acknowledged he is wearing the sea elf’s bracers.

Rothuss Carder: If I turn into a sea elf, I'm gonna blame Vee.

Temperance: I'm sure she will be slightly jealous if you do.

Rothuss Carder: Even better then!

Temperance: laughs lightly.

Rothuss Carder: moves over to behind Vee as backup.


Vee Barlett : [Translation] And trust me, THAT idiot behind me taste like shit.

Shark 3 attacks Vee Barlett, wounding her.

Right now Temp Rat, Mel and Olm can easily see Vee fighting a Shark, and Roth behind her, harder to make out details is the Sea Devils behind the shark

Only the shark is visible to attack

Tempe and Zora examine the crevasse leading to the abyss more closely.

Temperance: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 4]

Inv Zora Polasis: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 14]

Temperance and Zora come to the conclusion that the crevasse is where evil things go up and down in.....

Temperance casts Protection From Evil on herself and stands in front of the crevasse to keep any evil beings from emerging.

Vee Barlett: moves back then attacks the shark

Vee Barlett attacks Shark 3 with her Trident, critically wounding it.

Rothuss Carder tries to attack Shark 3 with his Sabre but misses.

Ratbone Carder stabs Shark 3 with her Knife, further wounding it.

Sahuagin 14 tries to throw a net over Vee Barlett but misses.

Rothuss Carder tries to attack Sahuagin 14 with his Sabre and misses, but was able to hit it with his Main-gauche, lightly wounding it.

The Shark tries to turn and flee

Vee Barlett : [Translation] That's right ya leave.

Sahuagin 8 tries to attack Shark 3 but misses.

Vee Barlett : [Translation] If ya don't attack me, I can see if'n I can help ya...

Sahuagin 20 also tries to attack Shark 3 but misses.

Sahuagin 12 also tries to attack Shark 3 but misses.

Temperance: Olmes, would you like to stand behind me? I have a spell that may be able to help protect you.

Ratbone Carder: Olmes, let’s back up

Ratbone Carder: this is wildly unsafe

Ratbone Carder: starts moving toward Olmes trying to get him to move back

Temperance: jumps into the water in front of the abyss / crevice to block any evil creature that might appear.

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 7] [d20 = 20]

Glimber Silvernose jumps in the water and attacks Sahuagin 8 with his Footman's Pick, moderately wounding it.

Vee Barlett attacks Sahuagin 14 with her Trident, critically wounding it.

Sahuagin 14 attacks Vee Barlett, moderately wounding her.

Rothuss Carder stabs Sahuagin 14 with his Sabre, killing it.

Sahuagin 12 kills Shark 3.

Vee Barlett : [Translation] I'll avenge you!!

Sahuagin 8 attacks Glimber Silvernose with its Trident, moderately wounding him.

Sahuagin 20 repeatedly attacks Rothuss Carder, heavily wounding him.

So it dove around the dead one and then it just furiously claw claw bite claw claw at Rothuss

Glimber Silvernose attacks Sahuagin 8 with his Footman's Pick, further wounding it.

Vee Barlett attacks Sahuagin 20 with her Trident, moderately wounding it.

Mel jumps in there

Glimber on one side, Vee on the other

MeLange tries to attack Sahuagin 20 with his Battle Axe but misses.

Inv Zora Polasis tries to stab Sahuagin 8 with her Rapier but misses.

Lirtimya tries to cantrip some distraction.

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Cantrip [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 15]

Rothuss tumbles towards Temperance for some healing.

Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Tumbling [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 7]

Temperance: Whoa, hello!

Rothuss Carder: Need an assist if you got anything still in reserve! No poison this time at least!

Temperance: Good to know no poison is involved! I will see what I can do.

Sahuagin 8 attacks Glimber Silvernose with its Trident, heavily wounding him.

Sahuagin 20 tries to attack Vee Barlett but misses.

Temperance casts Cure Moderate Wounds on Rothuss Carder, healing him a little.

Temperance: That didn't work as well as I would've liked. Apologies.

Glimber Silvernose attacks Sahuagin 8 with his Footman's Pick repeatedly, critically wounding it.

Vee Barlett attacks Sahuagin 20 with her Trident repeatedly, killing it.

Vee Barlett: Go help Glimbs, Mel

MeLange: where is he?!?!

Vee Barlett: Right under ya.

MeLange: oh right!

Vee Barlett: Yer just too tall and beefy to notice. Kill that one in front of ya!

MeLange: sorry Glimbs!

MeLange attacks Sahuagin 8 with his Battle Axe, killing it.

Vee Barlett: Yar, good slicin' there!

MeLange: ta daaa!

Vee Barlett: Now don't let the one behind find Glimbs. Block 'em with those hard abs of yers!

MeLange: That's what they're there for!

Vee Barlett: laughs

Lirtimya tries to cantrip some distraction again.

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Cantrip [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 12]

Rothuss Carder: Wow, they went down quicker than I expected. Guess I'll go help clean up.

Temperance: Alright, be careful!

MeLange: Been there before...

Ratbone Carder: gives Rothuss an exasperated look

Temperance: takes a glance behind her before focusing on her barrier.

Rothuss Carder tries to attack Sahuagin 12 with both his Sabre and his Main-gauche but misses.

Sahuagin 12 throws his net over Rothuss Carder.

Ratbone Carder: facepalms

Temperance is all that is standing between the group and the Abyss

Temperance: continues to focus on the barrier, determined not to let evil things come upstairs.

Glimber Silvernose attacks Sahuagin 12 with his Footman's Pick, heavily wounding it.

Vee Barlett attacks Sahuagin 12 with her Trident repeatedly, killing it.

Vee Barlett: Yer welcome.

MeLange: ah man

Temperance: Everyone alright over there?

MeLange: was looking forward to the last one

Temperance: calls over.

Rothuss Carder: struggles in the net.

MeLange: searches the bodies for stuff

MeLange: Whoa Roth! You hurt man?

MeLange: Hey guys... I don't think Roth is doing so hot...

Rothuss Carder: Was it the cloud of blood around me in the water?

MeLange: yea that and the gaping wounds

MeLange chuckles

MeLange: there there

Vee Barlett: At least his arm ain't about to fall off like Glimbs.

MeLange: pats Roth on the shoulder

Rothuss Carder: I wouldn't call them “gaping.” Merely... “bigger than I'd like”

MeLange: you'll be alright, we just gotta patch ya up

Glimber Silvernose: My arms are attached!

Vee Barlett: Y'all we either gotta move or get some defense up.

Temperance: Did someone say arms are falling off?

Temperance: looks back concerned.

MeLange: Can you move Roth?

Temperance: I certainly hope they are the shark's arms.

Vee Barlett: These two be a mess but at least one was able to hit things

Vee Barlett: Sharks got fins.

Rothuss Carder: If we leave, they'll be prepared for us to come back. But we can also be prepared.

Vee Barlett: Poor shark... he was just hungry. Ain't deserve to die like that. He was retreatin'

MeLange: Preparing sounds good

Temperance: You know, the creatures who wield the tridents like you.

Vee Barlett: Yar but if we stay here, Tempe be starin' into the abyss so maybe we fort up elsewhere.

Vee Barlett: Ah, the sangreens.

Temperance: Yes, the Sahua... those.

Temperance: Anyways, healing?

Vee Barlett: Movin'

Temperance: Alright, moving.

Vee Barlett: Move and heal if'n possible.

Temperance: nods lightly as she slowly backs away from the abyss.

MeLange: Movin it is, seems like

Vee Barlett: where were we thinking? the room with the island in the middle?

Temperance: My spell is still active for a while, so wherever it suits you.

Temperance: I will try to heal along the way.

Ratbone Carder: hummy hum hum

Ratbone Carder: Cmon Olmes, go in front of me so I can protect you from behind.

You can hear them coming

unknown how many

Rothuss Carder drinks a Potion of Healing making him only moderately wounded.

Temperance casts Cure Moderate Wounds on Glimber Silvernose making him only moderately wounded.

Glimber Silvernose: Thank you Miss Temperance

Temperance: It's the least I can do! I hope you are feeling better.

Temperance: smiles lightly.

Rothuss Carder: I got your back, Glim. If you get in too deep drop back behind me and I'll pick up whatever bits you leave behind.

Glimber Silvernose: Thank you!

MeLange tries to attack Sahuagin 17 with his Battle Axe but misses.

Lirtimya tries to cantrip some distraction again.

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Cantrip [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 9]

Glimber Silvernose attacks Shark 2 with his Footman's Pick, lightly wounding it.

Shark 2 tries to bite Glimber, but Vee leans in with her Trident, parrying the attack, and the shark misses Glimber.

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Yar, you back yer ass up. Ain't no food here!

Vee Barlett attacks Shark 2 with her Trident, heavily wounding it.

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Scram!

Sahuagin 17 attacks MeLange with its Trident, lightly wounding him.

Glimber Silvernose attacks Shark 2 with his Footman's Pick, further wounding it.

Vee Barlett attacks Shark 2 with her Trident repeatedly, killing it.

MeLange attacks Sahuagin 17 with his Battle Axe, critically wounding it.

Rothuss Carder: How you doing, Glimber?

Glimber Silvernose: Okay. How are you?

Sahuagin 17 tries to attack MeLange with its Trident but misses.

Sahuagin 18 is tearing at the shark's corpse to get to you

Glimber Silvernose attacks Sahuagin 18 with his Footman's Pick, moderately wounding it.

Vee Barlett attacks Sahuagin 17 with her Trident, killing it.

MeLange attacks Sahuagin 5 with his Battle Axe, heavily wounding it.

Sahuagin 7 and Sahuagin 5 try to attack MeLange but miss.

Sahuagin 18 tries to attack Glimber Silvernose but misses.

Glimber Silvernose tries to attack Sahuagin 18 with his Footman's Pick but misses.

Vee Barlett attacks Sahuagin 5 with her Trident repeatedly, killing it.

MeLange tries to attack Sahuagin 7 with his Battle Axe but misses.

Rothuss Carder: HAH! You aren't Brave Sahuagin Warriors! You're wimpy widdle goldfish, swimming ineffectually upstream.

Sahuagin 7 tries to attack MeLange but misses.

Sahuagin 18 tries to throw its net over Rothuss Carder but misses.

Rothuss Carder: Not this time, Fish Boy!

Sahuagin 16 attacks Glimber Silvernose with its Trident, heavily wounding him.

Glimber Silvernose attacks Sahuagin 18 with his Footman's Pick, critically wounding it.

Vee Barlett attacks Sahuagin 18 with her Trident, killing it.

Rothuss Carder: You need me to take over the front line?

MeLange: Not yet

Vee Barlett: Nah he means for Glimbs. Lots of blood around him...

MeLange: oh then yea for sure

MeLange attacks Sahuagin 7 with his Battle Axe, heavily wounding it.

Rothuss Carder tries to attack Sahuagin 16 with his Sabre and Main-Gauche but misses.

Sahuagin 7 tries to throw its net over MeLange but misses.

Sahuagin 16 tries to throw its net over Rothuss Carder but misses.

MeLange: haha!

Glimber Silvernose attacks Sahuagin 16 with his Footman's Pick, moderately wounding it.

Vee Barlett attacks Sahuagin 16 with her Trident, killing it.

MeLange attacks Sahuagin 7 with his Battle Axe, killing it.

Vee Barlett: checks for chuvor

With both battles ending, the group sadly finds no pouches of chuvor on the dead.

Inv Zora Polasis: Olmes, where did you find that chuvor?

Vee Barlett: Must be a stash somewhere. Guard house maybe?

Inv Zora Polasis: Did you kill to get it or find it?

Temperance: If we are going to help find your friend we may need more to help us.

Olmes: I stole it from one of the Sea Devils when they were busy chopping off Teresa's head

Inv Zora Polasis: sighs

Inv Zora Polasis: Thank you for telling us

Vee Barlett: pinches bridge of her nose

Inv Zora Polasis: I am sorry for you having to go through that

Olmes: If I can just get back home

Inv Zora Polasis: a boat will be at the entrance tomorrow at noon

Inv Zora Polasis: If you can just hold on until tomorrow

Olmes: I will try

Inv Zora Polasis: Good man

Temperance: There is hope yet. We've made it this far.

Temperance: attempting to sound optimistic.