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A Trip to the Wildlands - For the Love of Mist

Leaving 14-3-348
22 days from Scary to the Wildlands

The trip there will be around the western edge of the old forest the across the northern part of Gold Hills. That path goes eastward till you are home. It is all laid out in Google Earth.

Carissa 01/19/2020

''All right so I want to start writing Shi's trip out. The problem is I don't write linear meaning I have other parts written that'd happen way later in her journey, but almost nothing yet for the beginning. She's got 22 days of travel before she even gets to Haathkash (then later gets dragged to Divaekah). If you guys have ideas of some story worthy encounters, especially right now on the road, let me know. Better, if you want to be part of an encounter as an NPC, please do! I can set something up for you to later reply to on site. I've only got a small handful of ideas here and there of things for her trip north, but always open to more ideas. For reference, from BOB:

"The trip there will be around the western edge of the old forest the across the northern part of Gold Hills. That path goes eastward till you are home."

And map: Cawdor is towards the bottom left if I remember correctly...

And yes, if you also have things you'd like to see happen once in the Wildlands (new characters, better fleshing out of characters via interaction, places to visit, foods to try, whatever, ect), I'm open to that, too. The world can always use a little more building :)

TMO 01/19/2020 If I can help in any way, let me know how.

Carissa 01/19/2020 Ideas!! Oh forgot one other part of the email:

TMO 01/19/2020 whine but that means 'thinking'!!!!

Carissa 01/19/2020 "There are going to be some wilderness type people when outside of the scattered villages of the shires." No more thinking than tossing spaghetti at the wall and hoping it sticks :slight_smile: But at the least there are wilderness type people if you feel a desire to try to come up with one to talk to. Now what qualifies as wilderness type people... I don't know yet.

TMO01/19/2020 Yeti!

TMO01/19/2020 Ghiraman, LN Monk 4 (the stats for for a 3E monk, so ignore all the class-based stuff) Ghiraman grew up on his family farm near the woods, but always felt he was missing out on something. He wanted to know what the world was about, why things were the way they were, and what his place in it was. He took to finding secluded places in his spare time, places he could just sit and think. The seasons happened regularly, the crops always came in, the animals always behaved in the same ways - he could see the smaller patterns of the world, but had no way of knowing what the larger patterns were. Perhaps if he travelled he could learn more. But when he got to those other towns, they were all just the same as his. If there was nothing new to learn out there, why go? So he returned home, and set up his own place in the woods, where he could sit and think. He is still near his hometown. His greatest obstacle is that he gets caught up watching all the little details going on around him, and forgets to look for larger patterns. Perhaps when he is older he will have discovered more of the universe's secrets to become a sage of some sort, but for now he is just a young man who sits in the woods and thinks to himself a lot.

John 01/19/2020 Shi should run into a Centar with wolf friends Thinking ranger like

John 01/19/2020 Not sure if you have complete humanoids book. Lone Centar generally has lost mate. No gods of own and they speak elven.

John 01/19/2020 Thinking Shi comes across wolves chasing centat

Carissa 01/20/2020 You guys are awesome.

John 01/20/2020 Oh and is it me or does Shi have to come across another run away? Maybe a young elven couple in love that were not ment to be?

John 01/20/2020 (e) these humans and their necromancy, extending life and bringing people back... It goes against the Natural order we are all a part of Too much?

Carissa 01/20/2020 Dunno. I'll see where her story goes and if it does or not!

John 01/20/2020 And I think I will start a Centar village in general, minor details. I have the character in my head, just let me know if you want top plan or how I can be involved

Carissa 01/20/2020 I need to start writing and posting stuff soon, but whenever I get to the centaur part of her trip, feel free to play/post as the centaur. S/he can talk about the village you've thought up or convince her to stop and say hi or whatever.

BOB 01/20/2020 Northern Wildlands just north of the Old Forest so would be the first non-halfling non-human non-elven settlement along the trip max of four buildings

2/9 Carissa

Because you know I have to follow-up, more responding to John, but also anyone else curious:

I'm not saying I chose a crow on purpose or anything (crows have a more widespread range than ravens hence crow over raven), or that I'm debating if Athras comes back to Dragon Fen (with DM permission, of course, and if it makes sense storywise), but that's exactly what I'm saying. :)

And yes, there are better crow talking videos on Youtube, but they're usually ones of stupid humans imprinting birds thinking it's fine and that imprint animals aren't a big deal, and as I used work at a wildlife sanctuary and have dealt with the rehab side, I have very, very strong opinions on these idiots people.

02/12 BOB (truncated)

Shi is traveling home and will arrive there on 8-1-349 SKR. Her options to return are up to how Carissa wants to play it. She can walk back the 877 miles to Dragon Fen (37 days), she can shave 50 miles off of that by going by river (35 total days instead), or find some sort of high level elven mage to teleport her to Loosend then she only has to walk back the rest of the way like the rest of the group did (8 days).

So for timelines the group will be home for a minimum of 15 days to 45 days plus the number of days that Shi spends back home. So a minimum of a month and more likely at least two before Shi is back in Dragon Fen.

This means that Carissa will be playing Thistle and perhaps one of the Guild Members if Ilero decides to send one along to help with Skull Church for my guess the next 5 months of sessions. That gives everyone plenty of time to help Carissa with her roleplay story lines.

2/13 Carissa (minor edits)

For those interested in reference to the post above, in reference to A Trip To The Wildlands, in reference to helping out, (in reference to referencing) I have a few upcoming segments planned that will allow other people to jump in and play a character if they want. Obviously, I want everyone to because why not, it's fun, but it's just an option I'm leaving out. While it's fun writing a novel, the fun of D&D is that it's a collaborative story and I want parts of her story to keep that spirit going.

So to have in the back of your mind, and to look out for, before Shi gets home, I'm tentatively planning in approximate order: Ghiraman Monk Encounter (TMO suggestion so yes hoping TMO will be Ghiraman), Surprise "Town" (will be revealed, but you can be an NPC if you want!), Centaur Encounter (John suggestion so yes hoping John will be playing however many centaurs he wants to play), and Gypsy Encounter (may or may not be before centaurs due to location, but you can be a gypsy!).

Anyways, just tossing that out that. More people see this than chat or Discord combined. I am not writing this story in a linear fashion which is why I haven't update lately as I've been writing scene that happen when Shi is home, but I plan to get back to it since I hope others will contribute to the first half. And once we get past that, I'll think of some that can happen at home if you all are interested to keep RPing parts :).

P.P.S. I have learned there exists winged wolves "in the northern portions of the Great Mountains or the Central Mountains up near the Northern Wastes" so.... road trip?? Don't tell Shi or she might head the wrong way when she leaves home. If she can't have a dragon, a winged wolf is not a bad alternative...

2/14 John

I will certainly respond in story Carissa. I was actually thinking a Centaur might escort you back, but if nothing else I want to leave open the possibilities of PC at some point. Not sure if any of my other Centaur story would be acceptable in this world.

2/15 Carissa (minor formatting)

Thanks John! Just to clarify, you mean escort her back to Dragon Fen or to an Elven city? I admit the teleportation option is of interest to get back to Dragon Fen, although I probably won't make that decision until close to her actual return. But I can put the centaur after the gypsies so they can at least be introduced, and then leave open the option of her returning to find the centaur before she leaves IF she goes the teleportation route... which will mean centaur will also need to convince said Elven mage to teleport both. Just things to think about until we get there.

2/16 John

I like to keep all options open. So much can change by the time we finish Skull Church. If Shi travels through Loosend, I would probably have Miranda travel with her to Dragon Fen. If Hoffman dies, my new PC will likely do the same. As far as the Centaur, yes to both directions, if it works out. And teleporting away with out the unnamed Centaur works well too. In my mind, even if you do not write it into your story, someone will tell someone and a Centaur will know of the rag tag group of DragonSlayers.

All posts above this line can be found elsewhere on the site, texts, or Discord. They are just copy, edit, pastes of previous conversations.

2/20 Carissa

I hate organizing things in real life (so many papers still not filed), but I love it when it comes to things like this for whatever reason. Anyways, in summary up to today of where things are at and new things to think about:

That's all I have for now. My mind runs a million miles a minute when writing, a million plans per hour. Although at least my plans only need to go until late summer and not something ridiculous like 2026. ;)

3/8 Carissa

This leaves more or less one story a week, but will likely end up more depending on how long the interactive bits take and depending how much more I write because there is a lot to write and a lot of possibilities for more stories...

6/7 Carissa

Except for the collaborative stories, everything being posted right now was written mostly in February, maybe some in March. Since I'm not sure who all is reading, or how invested or interest you may or may not be or may or may not find the story, my thought is to post a little at a time, nothing too long, so it's easier to read it if there's even just minimal interest. Kind of like High School English when you read just a few pages at a time! All in all, with help of the collaborations, it's at least 50,000 words long so the minimum for a basic novel. So again, similar to English Class Required Reading! Except without the final exam. Maybe...

Anyways, point being, long stories I'm posting once a week right now, usually Sunday or Wednesday depending. If it's a shorter story, I'm looking to post twice a week. I admit I haven't been writing much lately, but I do have more stories/chapters in mind, so I'll need to get to that again soon. I don't want Shi coming back until I'm actually done with her story AND it's posted.

Also the story I'll be posting next week is the one I'm most excited to post (this week is a long one so, yes, you'll have to wait a week). Hopefully you (whoever you are), enjoys the twist :)