Main / Divaekah


City: DivaekahClan: DivaekPeople: DivaekiPopulation: 2200

Divaekah is an Elven city located in the southeastern region of the Lorien Woods. It is home to the clan Divaek which number about 2200. The city itself is fairly rectangular, about a mile East-West, and over half a mile North - South. However, lands claimed by the Divaek clan extend between 5 - 10 miles in every direction. The city is located about 30 miles from the east edge and 40 miles from the southern edge of Lorien Wood.

The city has slowly grown over its 3500+ year history, radiating out from its geographical and spiritual center, the Tree of Life. Over the many years, the lands within the city boundaries have been divinely and magically shaped and seduced to produce the sublime contours and breath-taking scenery that exist today.

The city is the unofficial capital of the Lorien Council, the Elven council that governs the three major clans and three minor clans of the Lorien Wood. Divaekah is also home to the Lorien Academy of Magick, the Library of Lore, and a bustling marketplace frequented by the most daring of merchants.

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Founding: Cantors of Divaekah each have their own version of The Path, the story of the founding of the city. Each time the tale is sung, it seems to grow with another legendary encounter or hardship. Two cants of The Path sung simultaneously would be totally unique, with the exception of Koehaera, the High Priestess who led the surviving Elves of Sylvanon through what is arguably the most difficult trek an elf has ever made.

The most accurate account is kept safely in the Library of Lore, just a short walk from the Tree of Life. Recorded immediately after the settlement of Divaekah, the account can be recited from memory by the Head Librarian:

"The original location of the clan was located some 2100 miles south of the current city of Divaekah, in the city of Sylvanon (Faerie, Forest, Keeper). Nestled against the mountains to the east with the ocean shimmering to the west, the Fennec Forest was home to the Sylvanoni clan for centuries. The forest was truly a sight to behold: massive trees provided the perfect canopy for a very large city, with a clover-covered forest floor dotted with numerous freshwater lakes and streams. The foothills to the east provided many cave entrances for the cultivation of fungi and mushrooms, which along with the fresh fish caught heading up the river from the ocean, provided a more-than-adequate bounty.

By the blessings of Solonor, life was good in Sylvanon, and the Sylvanoni were loved by all.

Sylvanon was chosen to host the fifth centennial Fall Fest for Fennec Forest, with the other clans to attend. Two dawns before the Fallrite, the Elves were all a bustle: preparing breads and pastries, carting autumn crops, gathering barrels of feywine, readying the fest grounds. Sylvanon was always so serene and peaceful, the elves let their guard down. It would prove to be fatal.

In preparations for the Fallrite, Koehaera, high priestess of Solonor, had taken the most senior of her acolytes into Fennec Forest, in search of the last missing herbs needed to the Blessing of the Fallrite ceremony, and also to contemplate the week ahead. During Fallrite, the faithful team would be called upon to offer spiritual guidance to the elves in making their most important decisions. Accompanied by a few guards, the crew set out southward towards a known location for the herb.

Just as the sun set over the water, rumblings could be heard from the foothill caves. The ground seemed to shake as a horde of Drow Elves crashed through the cave walls, emerging from their underground city. Their ingrained hatred for surface elves drove the subterranean fiends through the entire Fennec Forest, laying waste to the woods as they went, slaughtering anyone or thing that was not Drow. Every clan town, defending itself alone for the attack was quick, fell almost instantly. As they retreated back to their caves, the burrow elves set fire to every plant, shrub, bush, and tree, including the Sylvanoni's Tree of Life. The charred forest floor, black with ash, was all that remained of the city.

Koehaera and the crew returned to find the smoldering city in total ruins, the Tree of Life nothing more than torched tinder. The guards and acolytes searched for anyone with an ounce of life left, and quickly gathered them by the remains of the Tree. Koehaera was utterly devastated. How could Solonor allow this to happen, when the Sylvanoni were nothing if not faithful and reverent? She struggled to hold her faith and openly wept, her heart filled with inconceivable sorrow, at the pile of ash that was once the tree of her church and the total destruction of the forest. Exhausted and emotionally spent, Koehaera succumbed to her fatigue.

As with all things, Solonor has his reasons as you must have faith.

Unsure if it was a dream or reality, Koehaera awoke to find herself face to face with her Deity, Solonor. His avatar was familiar to her; she had it’s description memorized: A strong, sinuous male elf clad in a great cloak portraying living elves, striding out in search of game and to destroy evil. He spoke to her. “Never lose faith. All things happen for a reason, not always clear to you. I have a new location for you. A new Tree of Life, where a new beginning awaits you, if you are of a true faithful heart. I will lead you, provide you a Path. When you are lost, look for Me, you will see Me, as I will guide you back to The Path.” As she came to her senses, Koehaera felt her faith renewed. Solonor would provide The Path; It was up to her now to follow it.

No one knew where The Path would lead, nor where they would end up. But the faith of Koehaera and the survivors was strong. The Path led the group over every imaginable terrain: swamp, cave, forest, and mountain. For nine months, the team traveled, encountering every type of terrain and weather. Mountains gave way to sticky swamps. Bogs became hills and mountains again. Cold rushing streams became rivers. At every turn, Solonor provided clues to the traveling direction: a flight of birds, wildlife scurrying about, twigs, mysteriously snapping to mark the way. With some practice Koehaera could almost anticipate where the Path would next turn.

While the Path was long and arduous, Solonor was wise and always provides.

Eventually they found themselves lost in a dense forest. Not losing faith, Koehaera prayed for days on end, weakening her and testing her faith. Just as all hope seemed lost, a single firefly sparked in the nearby bush. Then another, and then another. Soon, the entire bush was illuminated in a bright pink glow. The fireflies quickly moved to form a figure, which slowly morphed into a fairy. The fairy slowly rose, and led Koehaera by the hand, her glowing presence somehow revealing pathways that weren't visible before.

Koehaera was strong, and her faith was even stronger. She never wavered from the Path.

The fairy, by Solonor's wishes, led Koehaera to what is today Divaekah and the Tree of Life. By his will, Koehaera and the others settled and made this their new home. The new Tree of Life was their beacon, their faith was rewarded. The clan grew as strong as their faith. In time, some elves felt the call to branch out and form their own clans. The major clans, Haathkash and Selihar, share the Lorien Woods with the Divaek clan.

Our alliance is strong, as Solonor blesses it to be, for He has faith in us as we must have faith in Him. When your faith may waver, remember Koehaera. Remember The Path. Remember our origins."

History: Haathkash and Selihar, the two other major Elven clans of the Wood, allied with the other Elves forces of The Wildlands to battle King Farthorn the First who invaded from the East (in the battles where Teb was formed and lost).

Composition: Divaekah is roughly divided into three physical sections; Sunshade Mist, where the homes are built in the tree tops, divided into seven tree neighborhoods; The Groundwood, the area beneath the homes of Sunshade Mist where the craft shops, markets, and communal locations, like the Lorien Academy of Magick, Library of Lore, and Lorien Council Chambers are located; and The Outlands, the uncultivated wildlands surrounding the city, which provide for the sustenance required by the citizens of Divaekah. Almost everything required by the clan is naturally provided, manually cultivated, or magically induced in the outlying areas.

Sunshade Mist: The Upper City - Sunshade Mist spans the canopy of the massive trees grown around the center of the city. The Divaek clan has built their homes in this canopy, high above the forest floor. On extremely humid days, the tree top city is shrouded in fog/mist, lending to the name of the area.
Over many years with magic and divination, massive ‘Home’ trees were grown. Magic was used to grow these ‘Home’ trees of exceptional size and strength (about 60-70 feet diameter) in strategic locations to form neighborhoods in the canopy. A grouping of ‘Home’ trees may number from 4-5, with sparse tree growth surrounding the dense cluster; together these trees form a neighborhood. The trees are close together enough to be joined by rope bridges and walkways. The canopy above is sparse enough to allow for ample sunlight to the tree homes and The Groundwood below.
There are seven neighborhoods in all. Each neighborhood can adequately provide housing for 150-200 elves. The neighborhood in which a family chooses to live is not based on any social status. All neighborhoods are equal in stature, space is the determining factor. The original five neighborhoods (Cyprus Centre, Holly Hall, Goldenfinch Galley, Nightingale Nest, and Flycatcher’s Folly) are all linked by rope bridges and walkways. They are located within 200-300 yards of each other, and almost encircle the Tree of Life around the center of the City. The two newest neighborhoods, Vireo Vista and Acacia Alley, are a bit farther off to the east. They are connected via rope bridges to each other, but not to the other five neighborhoods. These were built to keep up with the increasing population of the city. The elves mostly associate with other elves in their neighborhood due to proximity, but also freely visit with others in their neighborhoods. While open plazas have been created for congregation within the neighborhoods in the treetops, most socializing takes place in the Market area on the Groundwood floor.
The tree tops start about 80 feet from the ground, and the elves build their homes about 10-20 feet above that. The branches extend up 60-70 feet from the lowest branches, so many ‘layers’ of homes are built onto one tree. Magic spells were used to form large flat areas of tree growth in the crooks of the largest branches. Homes were then constructed on these growths. The homes are built from naturally fallen timber, honed and decorated to compliment, if not blend, into the trees on which they are constructed.
Each neighborhood has various up-points, methods to access the tree tops and homes. Ladders, ropes, staircases, and elevator systems are all constructed to be naturally blended into the surroundings.
Almost all Neighborhoods have a ‘well’ in the treetop plazas. The well is always kept topped off, supplied by a lift mechanism that brings water up onto the treetops, powered by Silverfish Stream, the same stream that carries the water through the Groundwood. The well supplies enough water for the daily use of the elves in that Neighborhood. Runoff or unused water is returned to the Silverfish Stream. Vines that naturally trap water hang from the ‘Home’ trees, and provide a clean source of drinking water as well. This supplements the ‘wells’ of water manually lifted to each neighborhood.
The Groundwood: The roughly one mile by half-mile rectangle of land beneath Sunshade Mist is called The Groundwood. It is the usual gathering place of the elves. Socializing outside of immediate neighborhoods usually takes place here.
On the forest ‘floor’, the Divaeki find the communal buildings of the city: The Lorien Council Chambers and Court, Civic Center, Lorien Academy of Magick, The Library of Lore, and the Shrine of the Shrike, among others. The social centers are also on the forest floor, including the Mockingbird Market and Firefly Fountain, and the Sora Stage fronting the Flicker Fairgrounds. All these landmarks encircle the city’s centre, the Tree of Life.
Silverfish Stream runs roughly southwest to east-northeast. Water collects in beautifully manicured pools, lined with fragrant flowers and colorful, sweet smelling foliage. Stones are placed for adequate seating along the banks. It runs under or close to every neighborhood above, providing water and hydropower for the ‘well lifts’. Silverfish Stream runs into and forms Meadowlark Lake, just east of the Shrine of the Shrike, and then exits east over Koehaera Falls. The water that supplies Silverfish Stream is usually naturally produced. But in times of drought, when Solonor does not provide, magic spells are used to produce enough rainwater for the clan. A few miles outside of the Outlands to the east, the Silverfish Stream makes its way underground through a cavern system until eventually draining into the Velikaya River.
The main walkway winds through the Groundwood, leading to and from all areas. Seating areas branch off the main walkway, where some privacy can be expected. Minor paths lead to topiary gardens, hedge mazes, and small ponds, where the elves divert themselves with fun and laughter. Secret locations, which aren’t really a secret to any Divaek, can be discovered by pushing through shrubs or ducking behind or under fallen logs. Wooden bridges allow for the crossing of the Silverfish Stream, but some elves make a game of jumping from one bank to the other.
The Groundwood isn’t known for its production of sustenance vegetation. However, fruit trees and berry bushes are planted as ornamentals and food alike. Some fungus cultivation exists in the outskirts, with patches of edible mushrooms and lichen, but most fungi and lichen are found in the Wetlands in various parts of The Outlands.
The Outlands: The outlying areas of Divaekah provide the citizens with almost every need. The entire area, known as The Outlands, is fairly safe from outsiders, as it lies within the berms and trenches that protect the entire city. However, parts of The Outlands are extremely dangerous, as wild beasts call this part of the Lorien Wood home as well. While there is no clear land for the cultivation of crops, the lands of the outlying areas provide more than enough sustenance for the clan. Divaeks are careful to not take more than the land can sustain; they would go hungry a day or two before upsetting the balance of Solonor.
The Outlands are made up of four distinct terrains, ranging from deep forest and wetland to sun drenched meadows and Edgelands. Each terrain hosts its own flora and fauna.
The most common terrain found in The Outlands is the Deep Forest. The canopy restricts all but the most persistent of sun rays. It always appears to be dusk in these spaces. Certain foliage thrive in the dry, fairly dark recesses of the Deep Forest. Greenbriar, mayapple, wineberries, wintergreen, fiddlehead, bedstraw (cleaver), bleeding hearts (turkscap), old oaks, pecans, sassafras, sycamore, mulberry, and pines grow in abundance in these areas.
Wetlands of the area are under certain dimness, due to the almost-complete canopy cover. These areas host foliage that thrive in moist climes and humid conditions; specifically elderberry, dewberries, cattails (used to make textile fiber), arrowroot, stringy algae, pickerelweed, and mallow. Fish, birds, and turtles can be found to supplement the mostly vegetarian diet in collected waters such as lakes and ponds. As a hobby, some small patches of cultivated fungi and lichen are tended by Divaeki who fancy themselves to have a green (or brown?) thumb. These are mainly for personal consumption, but usually produce enough to share.
Some parts of the forest are not covered by the tree canopy at all, fully exposed to the sun’s rays. Open meadows full of thistle, sunflower, blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, passionvine, yaupon, yucca, violets, daylily, dandelion, plantain (the grass), chickweed, unicorn plant (also known as devil’s claw) and clover all can be found. Small game is located in these types of areas: small rodents, raptors, and snakes are not uncommon enjoying the warmth of the sunlight.
The areas between the dark forest and sun-kissed areas host their own varieties of foliage, informally known as Edgelands. Black walnuts, maple, greenbriar, raspberries, smaller oaks, onions, garlic, sumac, plum trees, bleeding hearts, honey locust, and redbud thrive in the part-sun, part-shade of the forest edge. The wildlife that dwell in these areas are numerous: bigger mammals like armadillos, hogs, wolves, and deer; and tiny flitting birds that like forest and open-space abound.
Not only does the Outlands provide fresh sustenance, it also provides items for storage for when the weather gets cold. Divaeks have mastered the practice of foraging dried acorn, maple, and elm seeds for winter storage. Some meats are dried for protein, along with maple and sycamore sap boiled into delicious syrups.
Lakes and ponds dot the Outlands. It’s not uncommon to see the banks of the Khajeet Pond lined with anglers at the first catfish of the season.
The pristine, lush forest floor is occasionally broken by short, rocky outcroppings. These outcroppings lead to fairly large cave warrens. A favorite location for the younger elves to play, the caves are relatively safe, having been cleared a long time ago. Of course, every warren has its own legend of some form of monster or haunt, a feeble attempt to keep the younger ones from wandering too far. No one believes the myths.
One warren to the northeast has a large, open cavern that has been farmed for fungi, lichen, and mushrooms by the Delvestri family for years. They have built their home just outside the cave opening, in the Outlands. The yield is so high, the Delvestri often have enough product for trade, both with Divaeks and the caravans who frequent the market.

‘Natural’ Defense: Divaekah is ‘naturally’ protected by two layers of defense, both of which were magically created over the centuries by the mages of Divaekah and up kept by the School of Magic and the Shrine of the Shrike. Two rings of ‘natural’ formations encircle the entire claimed lands of the city.

The outer ring consists of berms, rising some 50-60 feet, making any kind of routine travel past them difficult. The berms are designed to dissuade travel over them. Instead, the land immediately nearby is fairly clear to either side, naturally routing any traffic around the city. The berms provide picturesque waterfalls from the creeks and riverlets that run throughout the Wood. The beautiful surroundings aid in persuading travelers to remain off the berms

If one is truly determined to scale the berms, they will find broken grounds and thickets for almost a half mile. The broken thicket is actually strategically placed trenches, each higher than the first. The overgrown thorny plants, like dewberries, stinging nettle, and greenbriar are commingled with assorted irritating rash producing plants, like poison oak, stinging nettle, ivy, and sumac. This combination creates a natural ‘barbed wire’ effect with severe irritation. Anyone trying to move through the trenches will ultimately be caught in the thorns. The first few feet of travel is usually enough to dissuade even the most determined traveler.

The same barrier rings encircle the Groundwood about a mile from the actual border with The Outlands. Plenty of small access points are provided for the Elves to pass; however the sloping ramps are purposely narrow and steep, to help prevent quick movement.

The formal, official entrance to the city is from the east. A worn path leads north out of the Groundwood, where it immediately turns east, and leads through the Outlands into the Lorien Wood, ultimately terminating at the Velikaya River. Some traders feel the trip up the river, braving the dangerous waters surrounding Deksport, is worth the reward of some of the Elven treasures. Visible guards are positioned along the path as it enters The Outlands, reinforced by an unseen force hidden in the canopy. The barbed trenches inconspicuously funnel all visitors through narrow passages, with many twists and turns. This path is designed to slow any raiding forces, essentially pooling them into Flanking Zones. The trees above these zones can be manned by a battery of Elven archers, who can rain volleys of arrows onto unsuspecting armies.

Security and Crime: Clan Guardsmen can be found in all parts of Divaekah, usually in the Mockingbird Market, where the majority of outsiders are found. Routine patrols also occasionally lead then through the Sunshade Mist, and minimally pass through the nearby Outlands.

Not many Clan Guardsmen are needed at one time, as the city is fairly well-behaved. Lawbreakers are dealt with fairly and firmly, and usually a warning is all that it takes to keep order. Divaeks themselves will seldom cause disruption, and outsiders do not want to lose the privilege of accessing the city. A small jail is located in the Groundwood, for the occasional outsider that fancies the Feywine.

When the Lorien Council is in session, Shadow Guardians are strategically dispatched to protect the visiting dignitaries and their meetings. Delegate quarters are located close to the Lorien Council Hall to minimize disractions.

Festivals: Elves need little reason to celebrate, and the Divaeki are no exception. Along with the standard Elven Fests, the Divaeki also take time from their busy schedules to celebrate simple feats, regaled with gatherings, music, and fare.

Meeting of the Messengers - a festival celebrating the ties of the three clans of the Lorien Woods with the location rotating between the three each year it is held; while the days of crude communication and shaky alliances have long past, the festival celebrates those moments of strengthening bonds and communication. Rather than the past of hospitality for the elven messengers and diplomats, many travel to the location of the year where they are guaranteed to be greeted with an array of foods, most notably a dish known as Cache Cake: a cake made from the various nuts and berries collected and stashed by local birds. The birds themselves are also celebrated as they were, and are sometimes still, used to relay messages between the clans. It is said the musical performance of this festival is beautiful and haunting as many bird songs contribute from the tinge of bell birds to the whirl of thrushes, many bred or captured specifically for this festival and the performance.

Song for Arvanaith - a day reserved for honoring those who have left for Arvanaith as well as acknowledging the beauty that awaits those when their time arrives; filled with foods, many the favorites of elves past that year, but also the iconic Black Millet Mash made from a cultivated grass with black leaves and green veins representing a basic depiction of the cycle of life; there are also Golden Amber-colored candles set to burn to the east for new life, Plum Amethyst-color to the west for those who past, and Verdant Emerald-color in the center of the village to represent those still alive.

Festival of Folly - while the day ends in foolishness and silliness, it begins as a day dedicated to preventing follies of the past, notably the upkeep and repairs of the bridges lest one breaks again; though maintained constantly, this festival is dedicated to the replacement of old bridges and the ceremonial construction of a new one; it is a sight to see with the intricate grass weavings and magic wielding, even if the bridge determined to be replace that year is a small one; all the hardwork of the morning in maintaining the town means enjoyment and frivery the rest of the day.

Gala of Goodberry Glee - a festival to celebrate both the arrival of berry season and dedication to Solonor by his faithful, particularly those in the clergy; it celebrates the progress of those in their priesthood, and allow those already ordained to commit a small act of faith while also helping the clan by providing goods to be traded outside the Wildlands; many berry-related foods, drinks, songs, and dances including the classic dances such as the Raspberry Rhyme and the Strawberry Seven-Step.

Strike of the Shrike - a pre-holy festival turned leisurely, it is a day known for many elves to try and test their mettle with the bow in celebration of Solonor; often the day ends with the elders teaching the young, rivalries becoming revelry and possibly romance (myth states an arrow through mistletoe is good fortune, and to pierce a single berry is lasting love), and at least one elf with an arrow to the knee; a local festival for those who cannot or will not be able to take part in Shield-meet.

Notable Individuals: A list of NPCs and other individuals of note residing in Divaekah.

Family Members of PCs
Shopkeepers and Merchants
  • Finocchi, the legendary musical instruments maker who runs a music shop. He has started devoting his past couple decades towards apprenticing other elves which the clan believes means he has Arvanaith on his mind.
  • Tavariah, the fletcher who runs an archery shop specializing in arrows. He is incredibly proud of his arrows and demands worthy trade for just a single one, a fact the elves accept without concern. Non-elves also seek his craft, but the few who meet him find him to be exceptionally unpleasant and narcissistic.
  • Lanarlas, owner of the local alchemy shop for rare and obscure components. There are few in the Lorien Woods with as much knowledge of the flora and fauna of the region, or at least, the uses of each. While more guarded on the secrets of rarer components, he freely gives his knowledge to the younger clan members on topics such as foraging, botany, and animal handling.
  • Fendoryl, assistant of Lanarlas who is often sent to find the components to sell. As a young, strong elf (from his many cliff climbing escapades), he catches the eye of many an elf, but there are questions on his intelligence level.
  • Quelenna, runs her own candles and craft shops. She is the daughter of Sarya, and though she specializes in other crafts, she is said to also be a decent tailor.
  • Sarya, master tailor and textile artist who only takes special requests. She is mother of Quelenna and currently experimenting with how to combine their crafts into some new.
  • Elorina, known as the Baker of the Wood and frequent winner of the annual Confectioner's Challenge. What Elorina wants, she gets as all know she will turn it into something unforgettable. She has become a bit conceited in recent years, but she is still widely respected within the clan.
  • Venali, one of the best cooks within Divaekah. After one embarrassing attempt at baking (involving some perilous pudding), he retreated back to his quiet little shop which he rarely leaves. It is as much to focus on his cooking as it is to avoid interacting with Elorina. His humble nature does not mesh well with her boisterous one.
  • Ytharra Tarsap, the current innkeeper of Tarsap Teas and Tinctures. In her younger years, Ytharra was viewed as a bit of a loon due to her obsession with non-Elven cultures, especially the time she left to try to live with some Dwarves. She returned decades later with child in tow, and while the clan was reluctant to let her back in, they could not turn away an Elven child. She is still looked down upon by the clan, but as merchants seem to enjoy staying at her inn, she is tolerated, for now.
  • Rennyn Tarsap, son of Ytharra Tarsap, who helps at the family inn. While none are certain of his father, or if Ytharra is truly his mother, the clan still had hope of teaching him the Elven way. Unfortunately, he takes after Ytharra, with an intense interest in non-Elven culture, to the disappointment of the clan. Still, clientele find Rennyn and his mother a refreshing change from the other Elves around.
The Shrine of the Shrike
  • Gleweril Tossel (Golden Eagle), current High Treekeeper and priestess of Solonor. As expected of a the High Treekeeper, Gleweril is very down-to-earth, fastidious, and practical, but has little time to dedicate to anything other than the health of the Tree of Life.
  • Tira’allara (Blood Hawk), one of the main priestesses of Solonor in the clan. She is one of the few who Shi'Nynze respects as Tira'allara seemed aware of some of Shi'Nynze antics during her priesthood training, but never saw fit to punish her or report her.
  • Giilvas (Grizzly Bear), one of the main priests of Solonor in the clan. He is a deeply devoted priest who wishes the younger ones of the clergy would take their duties more seriously. He can be reminded to have fun every now and then.
The Lorien Academy of Magick
  • Iefyr, one of the oldest instructors at the academy. Rumors say he was quite jealous of Ruavain for she had skill he did not and, for reasons no one knows, she never felt him worthy of her knowledge. Still, he has learned much over his centuries of life and isn't without secret knowledge of his own.
The Library of Lore
  • Darshee, head librarian focused more on preservation than assisting others. She understands the need to make knowledge available to all the clan, but doesn't understand why they don't understand how to not be obnoxious in gaining it.
  • Nym, assistant librarian and best to ask for help locating material. He feels Darshee is a little too protective of the collection, especially when she kicked someone out for simply sneezing (their mouth was covered!), and tries to covertly work around her to help others.
Divaekah Clan Guard and Shadow Guards
  • Esyae, one of the most respected within the Shadow Guardians, if only for her magnificent companion, Okapi the Unicorn. The pair are rarely seen in Divaekah as they devote their time to guarding the Lorien Woods. It is believed that Esyae will put off Arvanaith for as long as Okapi remains.
  • Talila, a member of the clan guard. In her younger years, she had ambitions to join the Shadow Guardians, but lacked the talent. She has many a tall tale, but few that anyone believes anymore.
Lorien Council and Courts
  • Voron, one of the Elders in the Lorien Council. Although he has served as an Elder for over a century, the clan appreciates more his talent in storytelling. All in the clan have heard the myths and legends of their people from Voron who finds joy in passing on these stories to the younger generation. Still, some of his best stories are ones specifically sought from him as he knows many versions, including the best for that individual to hear.
Other Notable Individuals
  • Keerla, originally from Haathkash, but moved to Divaekah decades ago to continue to learn the art of bladesong. She can be blunt, and sometimes comes off as unfriendly, but cares deeply for those close to her. She met Shi'Nynze in an incident involving an angry bear only a few years after moving to Divaekah. They have been best friends since that day. If not for her studies, she tells anyone who will listen she would have left to help Shi'Nynze. It is a point she emphasizes knowing Keldorldrin travels with Shi'Nynze. The near animosity Keerla exhibits towards Keldorldrin is something Shi'Nynze attributes to simple jealousy for how much longer he has known her than Keerla.
  • Nieven, a young elf whose musical talent is already impressive for his age. He is currently tutoring under Lorahana Uladi to learn the subtleties of songs from Elven clans beyond the Lorien Woods. It is no secret that he has become smitten with her daughter nor that Lorahana thinks courteous, kindhearted Nieven is a perfect match for Shi'Nynze.
  • Meira, talented ranger and girlfriend of Ellidor before he died. While still too early to tell, the rumors say they were starting to get serious with their relationship.
  • Jhaeros Audark, the elf to go to when seeking gossip; however, not all elves appreciate the methods he employs to gather gossip. One particular incident where he intercepted a letter meant for Keerla left him unable to use his arm for a week. He carefully avoids her now.
  • Uler and Ulada, a brother and sister Dwarven pair often spotted in Mockingbird Market. They have been making the trek from the Central Mountains for many years to seek the pulp needed to make Hammerbane’s Brew. Unlike other dwarves seeking the same, Uler and Ulada have the experience, and patience, dealing with elves, and have what could almost be considered a friendship with some of the merchants. This rare, mutual respect has earned Uler and Ulada top quality pulp and their brew is said to be the best, although few elves care to drink it when the siblings offer a taste.
  • Arnn (Storm), a jaguarundi which appeared in Divekah during a fierce storm a few months before Shi'Nynze left on her quest. As with many big cats, Arnn is very temperamental, and tolerates the company of very few. He appeared in the village, back leg missing, and was attended by Shi'Nynze, Keerla, and a couple of other followers of Solonor. While some of the clan eagerly awaits for Arnn to move on, he seems to have made it his home. Shi'Nynze has argued in his favor, stating it could be a sign from Solonor as big cats are followers of his, the storm could have been the doing of Talos, and there was a streak of green on his coat when he appeared (she only admits reluctantly it could easily be a grass stain). While Tira’allara is certain Shi'Nynze doesn't fully believe this, nor does she, the temple as a whole decided it was best to leave Arnn to his own decisions rather than risk the possible ire of Solonor by sending him away.