Main / AcrobatSP

Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits - Other Kits


Note: This kit is taken from the book Skills and Powers.

Another Acrobat kit is available from the Complete Thief's Handbook.

An acrobat is a general term for performers of amazing physical feats. These include jugglers, tumblers, jesters, and tightrope-walkers. Whatever their specialty, these characters make a living by entertaining others. Acrobats often travel in groups or with circuses or carnivals. These shows wander from town to town and castle to castle. All levels of society wish to be entertained. As such, successful acrobats find themselves in much demand.

A life on the road is not an easy one, however, and many acrobats often turn to other avenues to make money. Their dexterous skills make them valuable adventurers, especially if some larceny or petty theft is involved.

Social ranks: Acrobats most often occupy the middle tier of a society. Most lower-ranked members of a society have not the time to develop skills, like those of the acrobat. They must concentrate on putting food on the table. Roll 2d6 to determine an acrobat’s social rank at the campaign’s beginning.
2d6 roll Social rank
2–8 Lower Middle Class
9–12 Upper Middle Class

Requirements: To take this kit, a character must have a minimum Dexterity/Balance of 14 and a minimum Strength/Stamina of 12. The acrobat kit is barred to half-ogres, as well as any optional PC race that is size large (restriction z from the Other Races section of Chapter Three).

Weapon proficiencies: Small, light weapons are preferred by acrobats, as bulky or heavy ones would hinder their agile maneuvers. Suggested weapons include the knife, dagger, short sword, club, and hand axe. Thrown weapons and those with long hafts or handles also are common choices among acrobats, as the weapons can be used to juggle or pole-vault. These weapons include: quarterstaff, dart, javelin, and spear.

Recommended nonweapon proficiencies: Disguise, juggling, jumping, musical instrument, tightrope-walking, and tumbling.

Equipment: Acrobats prefer to be lightly armed and armored to allow for the fullestrange of movement.

Recommended traits: Ambidexterity, double-jointed, glibness.

Benefits: If unarmored, acrobats receive a +2 bonus to tumbling, tightrope-walking, and jumping proficiency checks. In addition, they gain a +2 bonus to Armor Class versus hurled missile weapons—provided they have room to dodge the attack and are not otherwise prevented from moving freely.

Hindrances: Any acrobat who wears armor heavier than studded leather (AC 7) suffers a –1 penalty to tumbling, tightrope-walking, and jumping proficiency checks per point of armor class better than AC 7. For example, an acrobat wearing chain mail— AC5—suffers a –2 penalty. Note that Dexterity or magical bonuses to Armor Class do not increase this penalty. An acrobat wearing studded leather armor, a ring of protection +2, and having a 15 Dexterity would incur no penalty despite his AC 4 rating.

Wealth: Acrobats receive the normal amount of starting cash appropriate to their class.