Main / Apr2508S

Apr 25 08 - Story Form - The Bigger They Are

Ramone? cast wizard lock on the double doors to keep anything from exiting the rear of the temple. Moirra cast an Augury to hear what advice her god had to give about the pentagram on the floor in front of the doors. Kylia gathered the rest of the group around her to begin healing as many people as she could.

(end of round 17)

After receiving Kylia's healing touch Ramone? cast X-ray vision upon himself to peer through the doors and begin to look for traps in the hallway beyond.

Then he returned for more healing as Kylia and Moirra walked among the group dispensing their cures. The group took their time to recover and regroup.

(rounds 18 to 66)

Paul took the opportunity to show his skill and walk through the magically locked doors and into the hallways beyond. He quickly made certain that the circular staircase led up and down and no one was nearby. Then he went to one of the other doors to open and see what was through it. Meanwhile the priests finished healing the last of the injuries the remaining fighter's had.

(rounds 67 to 72)

Paul and Ramone? explored the new corridor for traps, discovering more than a dozen alcoves with flames dancing in them. They left and gathering the rest of the party at the foot of the circular stairs to start exploring the second level of the temple.

(rounds 73 to 83)

Ramone? (the invisible flying gypsy) moved up the stairs first, followed by Paul, then Kit. As Ramone? reached the top of the spiral a large chest came tumbling down the stairs. Hitting Ramone?, then smashing into Paul. Ramone?, Paul and the chest continued to tumble down the stairs, enveloping Kit in the avalanche going down the stairs. Percy blocked any further disaster. Pushing the chest aside and examining each other Paul quickly flew back up the stairs to confront their assailant.

A Fire Priest immediately cast some sort of mental attack spell at Paul, but he shrugged it off.

(end of round 84)

The Fire Priest raked at Paul with an iron glove, then Paul returned the attack with a set of punches of his own, killing the priest before it could call out any further warning. The rest of the group quickly ascended the stairs to join Paul in the second floor entrance room.

(end of round 85)

Percival moved through the double doors and into the temple living area. He was quickly targeted by another Fire Priest who used a spell to command him to vomit. Percy was doubled over trying to recover as Arilyn? and Kit moved past him to the attack. Arilyn? ignored another Fire Priest's spell attack as she moved to slice him with her sword, massively wounding him. Kit moved to another Fire Priest who was standing in front of a large Fire Elemental.

(end of round 86)

Map at this point

Story continues on May0208S.