Main / May0208S

May 02 08 - Story Form - The Bigger They Are

Finglas hearing the combat from his place on the winding stairs ran up into the hallway and through the open doors to confront the Fire Priestesses. Percival moved away from the doorway and confronted the Fire Priestess who had cast on him slicing her open with a mighty blow then remained on guard as she slumped to the ground. Kit moved to the remaining Fire Priestess in the room and used her claws on her, quickly disemboweling the priest. Moirra moved to check on Paul’s wounds where the Fire Priestess had slashed him to try some healing and detect if there was any noxious substance on the claws.

Meanwhile downstairs the Fire Priest who had been hiding in the large chest that was pushed down the stairs opened up the chest. He was bruised from the rattling he took on the way down, but he quickly and quietly slipped out of the chamber and through the doors to the outside. On reaching the entrance to the Temple he gathered together some of the loose arrows lying around. He fled down the slopes of the mountain, reaching the small village there.

(end of round 87)

Moirra was able to help close some of Paul’s wounds and continued to explore the extent of the damage. As Finglas, Percival and Taurus formed a protective circle Kit and Anterias turned to attack the looming Fire Elemental that seemingly was free of control now that the Fire Priestesses were dead. In a flurry of flashing blades and claws they dispersed the summoned creature back to its home plane.

(end of round 88)

Kit quickly searched through the pockets in the robes of the downed Fire Priestess but did not find anything of value beyond her Holy Symbol. As the group moved to explore the hallway to the east, they closed the doors they came in and moved into a similar chamber that they had just left. There were two Fire Priests on this side with a Fire Elemental that quickly reacted to them. One of the Fire Priests cast upon Moirra but was unsuccessful, and then the southern doors opened.

One Fire Priestess bent down to the eastern door and shoved a dagger under it to wedge it open. Then another Fire Priestess moved to run through the opening. Ramone? quickly stabbed at the one trying to spike the door, killing her. The Priestess’ body collapsed into front of the door; keeping it open anyway. Then Ramone? jumped out of the way of the sprawling bodies as one tried to guard the opening with others behind her.

(end of round 89)

Ramone? attempted to cast a hold person on one of the Fire Priestesses but was unable to enchant her. Then another Fire Priestess tried to run through the hallway but was cut down. Arilyn? turned her sword on the other Priestess standing near the doorway.

While in the other room now blocked away from the rest of the group Victoriana, Percival and Anterias were weakened by a spell cast by one of the Fire Priests in the chamber with them, then the other Fire Priest and the Fire Elemental moved forward to attack. Percy quickly dispatched one of the Priests before the others could move to protect him. Hearing the sounds of Percival’s war cry Kit leaped up and ran full tilt at the door blocking the passageway, smashing into it and breaking it off the hinges to create a free space. Finglas took the opportunity to shoot the Fire Priestess who was still standing in the opening, felling her with a barrage of arrows.

The doors cleared just in time to see Anterias turn into a whirlwind of flashing blades to reduce the Fire Elemental to ashes.

Then with a rumble the southern chamber erupted into flame. A Fire Priestess attempted to cast upon Ramone?, and two Large Fire Elementals moved forward to engulf the group in a raging fire.

Map of the combat at this point.

Moirra and Arilyn? fought back and were able to push one of the Fire Elementals back some, but Moirra’s belonging caught fire in the process. Her hide armor collapsed under the flames, along with most of her other possessions.

(end of round 90)

Finglas aimed at the heart of the flames and attempted to pierce the Fire Elemental, doing great damage to it. Kylia let loose a ‘cone of cold’ at the other to try and disperse it. Arilyn? cast a ‘fire shield’ to help protect herself, as Moirra attempted to gather up her remaining possessions.

Anterias and Kit launched a vicious attack on the two Fire Elementals dispersing them. Victoriana ran through the fading flames and slashed as the remaining Fire Priestess before she could flee. The Priestess then begged for mercy “please don’t kill me”.

(end of round 91)

Ramone? moved to the cowering Priestess to begin getting information out of her, while Kylia moved over to Paul to see if Moirra had cured him of his wounds. As Tori and Ramone? continued to interrogate the Priestess she cried, please show mercy on us, we have suffered, and are paying for our sins, why do you want to kill us!

Kit explored the chamber that Percy and Anterias had killed the Priests and Fire Elemental opening the door to the north, and hearing “COME ONE STEP CLOSER AND I BURN THE PLACE DOWN!!!!!”

As Kit kept the door open another voice inside what looked to be a library cried out “LEAVE NOW OR I BURN IT DOWN”.

The Fire Priestess implored for mercy, responding to demands about prisoners with “there are always sacrifices, the gods are hungry; we sacrifice prisoners”

(end of round 92-93)

Story continues on May0908S.