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Aug 08 08 - The Magic of Music Summaried in Khan's Log Entry 14

[BOB] ==== Gaming session has been running for and 26 seconds ====

John aka TBA has joined the game on Fri Aug 08 18:23:15 EDT 2008

John aka TBA is receiving the map Base Map...

John aka TBA has received the map Base Map.

mikE has joined the game on Fri Aug 08 18:23:43 EDT 2008

mikE is receiving the map Base Map...

mikE has received the map Base Map.

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so you should both be on the Keep map again

[John aka TBA] why does it not say I got the map?

Vicki has joined the game on Fri Aug 08 18:26:11 EDT 2008

Vicki is receiving the map Base Map...

Vicki has received the map Base Map.

[BOB] not sure John

[BOB] you are on the Keep Map?

[BOB] or the Base Map?

[BOB] and hello Vicki

[John aka TBA] Keep

[BOB] ok

[John aka TBA] McKenna

[BOB] I might have interupted the Base Map from loading fully fo ryou

[BOB] ok, and I unloaded the Base Map

[BOB] so that everyone should automatically get the Keep Map now

[BOB] if the three of you get the chance

[BOB] there is a new FAQ on the site

[BOB] if you could look at it

[BOB] I also altered the Welcome page just slightly

[BOB] I am guessing that we will have a few people visit the site after GenCon

[BOB] want to try and clean up for visitors so to speak

[BOB] and question one for tonight to John adn Mike was did the Chat jump when Vicki logged in

[Vicki] Hello

[John aka TBA] saw FAQ, really aiming low

[John aka TBA] hello

[BOB] and if you notice it jumping at all tonight please let me know

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Aug 08 18:30:01 EDT 2008

Kaz is receiving the map Base Map...

Kaz has received the map Base Map.

[BOB] you think we should add to it John? let me know what we should be doing

[Vicki] I was just checking for more recent updates on the site.

[Vicki] Hi Kaz

[BOB] hey Kaz

Kaz has left the game on Fri Aug 08 18:30:41 EDT 2008

John aka TBA has left the game on Fri Aug 08 18:30:50 EDT 2008

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Aug 08 18:30:59 EDT 2008

Kaz is receiving the map Base Map...

Kaz has received the map Base Map.

mikE has left the game on Fri Aug 08 18:31:01 EDT 2008

Vicki has left the game on Fri Aug 08 18:31:16 EDT 2008

[John 2] oops, my fault

John 2 has joined the game on Fri Aug 08 18:31:38 EDT 2008

John 2 is receiving the map Base Map...

John 2 has received the map Base Map.

mikE has joined the game on Fri Aug 08 18:31:45 EDT 2008

mikE is receiving the map Base Map...

mikE has received the map Base Map.

Vicki has joined the game on Fri Aug 08 18:32:07 EDT 2008

Vicki is receiving the map Base Map...

Vicki has received the map Base Map.

[Kaz] hey gang

[BOB] I am sorry I have no clue why it is givign you guys the Base Map

[BOB] we are not using that tonight that I know of

[Kaz] huh - clocking for the map

[BOB] it is not even loaded

[BOB] ok

[BOB] better now Kaz?

[mikE] hey guys

[Kaz] yes, thanks

[BOB] can you see Rhys?

[BOB] and such>?

[Kaz] Hi Mike, Hi John

[John 2] it's good to be back

[BOB] smiles

[Kaz] Yes, I see everyone

[BOB] so John you were saying about the FAQ?

[Kaz] Hi Vicki

[John 2] Ariella moved 466'06".

[BOB] what is too low?

[John 2] the point of your questions, maybe

[BOB] I should add tougher ones?

[BOB] or?

[Kaz] what type of questions would you have, John?

[John 2] so basic

[BOB] I would like to expand it

[Kaz] do it as levels, you need basic for some people. Do low level and high level questions.

[John 2] are you trying to teach people what D&D is or just what version

[BOB] just what version we use

[BOB] was my first thought

[John 2] trying to think like a stranger

[John 2] I am a gammer

[mikE] we should take the snob nerd high road. faq: if you have questions about dnd, you aren't qualified to play dnd

[BOB] lol

[Vicki] When you ask what sort of game this is, perhaps you should answer that it's an RPG

[John 2] I guess I just hate FAQ pages

[Vicki] then continue with version and such

[BOB] that is a point Vicki

[BOB] I obviously did not think we needed one until I talked to Rob recently

[Vicki] or a different question such as how many versions are there and which one do you run?

[BOB] I made a comment about the "contact" button or lack of one

[John 2] what did Rob ask?

[BOB] he said put it in your FAQ

[BOB] I went DOH

[John 2] I think maybe make it clear this is a communication site, we do not "play" on it

[BOB] ok

[John 2] no your welcome page says it fine

[BOB] brb

[mikE] so last week we ended up on the other side of the mountains, right?

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[John 2] if they are confused, we do not need them

[mikE] i forget

[John 2] no this side of the mountain

[Kaz] So, there was a sudden heatwave and thaw, and now we're trekking through mud?

[Kaz] and we've come to a keep?

[John 2] we have not gotten too close yet, I think

[Vicki] according to what I've read, we are now on the south east side of the mountains

[John 2] yes, this side

[Vicki] and the other side from where we started last week

[mikE] and didn't the giant tell us that the woman didn't go through his mountains?

[Kaz] Not specifically, no

[Kaz] I believe he said he hadn't specifically seen her, or didn't see all travelers on the road, or something like that.

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] you do not know if you are ahead or behind Mercedes

[Vicki] when I asked Bob after I read the site about the woman, he just grinned and said what he did just now

[BOB] Sirus was not sure if she had been by his place

[mikE] let's scry for her. oh wait, in all our levels of epicness we have no scryers. =P

[mikE] john, you need to get paul some scrying spells

[John 2] I have a good nose

[BOB] grins, you already asked the Dream Mage about that and she told you that she was not visible that way or was on another plane

[John 2] I need to get Paul some money to learn spels

[BOB] did you see the quote from Sirus on the site?

[John 2] who is Sirus?

[Vicki] the giant

[BOB] the Cloud Giant

[John 2] funny funny

[BOB] and one from Mike last week

[mikE] we had funny quotes?

[mikE] i don't remember these funny quotes

[John 2] esp from you

[BOB] They were nice folks, I wonder why they are so worried about some traveling singer. They must really be fans of hers. Sirus

[BOB] Mike - BOB, are you going to try and use every obscure mage type in this adventure?

[Vicki] lol

[mikE] i didn't realize that was so funny

[BOB] is a good thing

[John 2] good for you, not us

[Vicki] now Bob is likely to use every obscure mage on this adventure

[mikE] well, if they're friendly mages good for us.

[Kaz] Hey, Guy got off work early, so I'm going to get him now. Be back in a half hour or less.

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

[mikE] we need to find one of those arabian tinker mages

[John 2] we had 2 nice NPC's already

[John 2] how many do you think are out there

[Vicki] Kaz, can't Guy walk?

[mikE] so as i understand what we were told, the wench isn't even on this plane anymore

[BOB] or she is hidden from Scrying

[John 2] or that

[Vicki] if that's the case, how do we get to the other plane? or do we have to wait for her to come to us?

[John 2] maybe she is dead?

[mikE] it couldn't be that easy.

[BOB] all possibilities

[BOB] she did try to shut up the mage and elves

[John 2] and blame the orc

[mikE] granted, it was as easy as kissing the girl

[John 2] the orcs probably got to her

[John 2] I say we just kick back and enjoy the locals

[John 2] er local scene

[Vicki] I say we try to find out more info if she's been through here first

[John 2] oh kill joy

[John 2] you past the test

[Vicki] well, if she hasn't then we can kick back...

[Vicki] if she has, then we must keep moving

[mikE] are there pretty girls and/or horses in this town?

[Vicki] I couldn't imagine a human carrying a centaur foal

[mikE] who cares about gestation? it's the making of the kids that's the fun

[Vicki] and if you happen to reproduce with a human?

[BOB] well Brad can only reproduce with another Centaur

[BOB] he can practice with who ever he can get to practice with though

[mikE] i think you're putting too much thought into my comment

[Vicki] good, cuz he'd kill an innocent human by having her carry his child

[Vicki] Mike, I think like that all the time

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so moving along

[BOB] you all know you are in the late winter, that is the correct date and time

[BOB] you are arrived at where Sirus said was a small estate where a Knight is

[BOB] beyond that you are not sure of anything else

[John 2] we communication will not be easy

[BOB] nods, you know that they speak C Comm

[BOB] 50% recognition at the most

[BOB] and more likely 20% or less

[Vicki] lovely...

[John 2] i am good at pictonary

[mikE] they should speak normal



[John 2] yo no habla espanol

[Vicki] well, let's get to talking to this Knight to see if we can understand each other

[BOB] you arrive in town

[Vicki] John, you don't speak spanish?

[mikE] you sound suprised at that

[BOB] the group of you draw a few stares and pointing fingers

[BOB] especially by children

[BOB] looking at Brad

[mikE] i make faces at them

[BOB] the Elves attract other stares, like they are not seen in this area

[John 2] ci'

[BOB] Tori gets scowls

[John 2] I try and look friendly

[John 2] ::waves::

[Tori (Vicki)] ((that's normal reaction for her))

[John 2] (Her box kind of jumped?)

[John 2] (like it was big then shrunk down)

[John 2] (oh that always happends)

Tori (Vicki) holds her head high pretending she didn't notice the disapproval of the others

[BOB] as you go through town

[BOB] it looks like mostly farmers

[BOB] peasents

[BOB] no real trades people or bars

[BOB] so all that must be at the keep

[mikE] every farming community has the one tavern

[BOB] apparently not here

[John 2] sometimrd it's a chruch

[BOB] it does seem that the only stone building in the area is the keep

[BOB] so you must be off track a bit

[BOB] as most of the places on teh Silk Road have at least a Inn with a room or two

[John 2] hmmmmmm

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Bob, I'd like to see the other map and where we are on that as well, if that's possible))

[BOB] you are not on the other map but I can put it up for you

[Tori (Vicki)] ((can you "highlight" the direction we went?))

[Tori (Vicki)] ((not that one, the one that showed us where semphar was))

[BOB] the sample overland

[BOB] you are farther to the east than that map shows

[Tori (Vicki)] ((thanks, now where would we have gone off track?))

[Tori (Vicki)] ((I do know what part))

[BOB] being lost in the mountains for a couple of weeks would have sent you off track

[BOB] this is where you can try to get back on track

[Tori (Vicki)] ((We thought we were on track then when we found a path, correct? and are now finding out we may not be where we originally started heading?))

[mikE] lovely. you know, aragorn never had this problem tracking the orcs

[John 2] he is much higher level

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Tori (Vicki)] ((We're not tracking orcs, we're tracking elves))

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Welcome back Kaz))

[mikE] aragorn wasn't THAT high a level.

[Kaz (to Vicki only)] in answer to your question, he works 7 miles away. So, no.

[Kaz] Back, all

[BOB] you were tracking a woman on a Cart

[John 2] without tracking skills

[mikE] we're not tracking elves, we're tracking an illusionist

[BOB] and you are now on a nearby road

[John 2] weeks behind

[Tori (Vicki) (to Kaz only)] I was just being sarcastic... I know he wouldn't be able to walk that far

[mikE] think she's really edward norton?

Vicki is receiving the map McKenna Keep...

Vicki has received the map McKenna Keep.

[BOB] so caught up Kaz?

[John 2] near abey road?

[BOB] and are you taking the standard track of visit the Keep to talk with the person in charge?

[John 2] there is no other buiding that stands out right?

[BOB] correct

[John 2] any old man sitting out front?

[BOB] a guard

[John 2] anyone holding s sign

[Vicki] Well, doesn't look like we'd be welcome here to kick back. We do need to find out where we are and such.

[BOB] standing at attentoin

[Kaz] caught up now, Bob

[BOB] but letting people in and out it seems

[BOB] they all look like locals

[John 2] sure, he looks like an easy target

[BOB] ok, so you walk up to him

[mikE] let's rob him

[BOB] ?

[BOB] he looks at you, sees you are not locals

[mikE] if he's an easy mark

[BOB] and moves to block you entering the keep

[BOB] in a friendly way

[mikE] like the old dude in stardust?

[BOB] he says " eorue awone wouu woenouorurs? "

Fritz has joined the game on Fri Aug 08 19:23:00 EDT 2008

Fritz is receiving the map Base Map...

Fritz has received the map Base Map.

[mikE] i bet this guy knows kung fu

[John 2] I wave

[Vicki] Hiya Fritz

[BOB] he smiles and nods to you

[BOB] and says again' eorue awone wouu? "

[John 2] I say "we do not speak your language"

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Greetings, good sir. I'm afraid we do not understand you.

[BOB] he nods at you

[BOB] smiling

[BOB] indicating you to stay here

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) smiles tentatively

[BOB] pointing at a spot on the ground to the site of the entrance

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Hello sir, we have come for your ale."

[BOB] waving his finger in teh air in a circles

[BOB] then pointing to the ground off to the side

[BOB] holding out a hand to stop you

[John 2] We will wait here? and I point

[BOB] pointing at the ground

[BOB] nods

[John 2] ::steps to the side:

Fritz is now controlling Val'Iant Le Quella

[BOB] he smiles and nods

[BOB] then looks inside the gate and calls out to someone

Fritz is now controlling Mentor

[BOB] then he comes back and smiles more

[Mentor (Fritz)] ((Bob do I speak his form of common?))

[BOB] holding up a hand to seem to say please wait

[BOB] (did you pay for both W Comm and C Comm?)

[Mentor (Fritz)] I didn't know there was a difference and I have the proficiency left over from orison

[BOB] as an Elf you get Elven for free, and you spend a slot to learn W Comm

[BOB] so you could spend that other slot on C Comm

[John 2] save that for when we need it fritz

[Mentor (Fritz)] I have 2 slots john

[Mentor (Fritz)] for both characters

[BOB] it would make sense for them both to know both languages

[Mentor (Fritz)] Yes

[BOB] or all three really

[Mentor (Fritz)] They would need to know both so what is all 3

[BOB] you can use the slot

[John 2] (just kidding)

[BOB] Elven W Comm C Comm

[John 2] W, C & East

[BOB] 2 slots

[BOB] E Comm would be another slot

[BOB] and of course another for each to be able to read and write

[BOB] plus you spent on Orc already

[Bradwarden (mikE)] everyone sing john william's ode to the olympics! commie style!

[BOB] but in any case as someone else comes up

[Chamberlain (BOB)] Hello my good adventurers

[Chamberlain (BOB)] I am glad you have come to our small part of the world

[John 2] Good Day sir

[Chamberlain (BOB)] welcome

[Chamberlain (BOB)] he ushers you into the courtyard

[Chamberlain (BOB)] it seems there is a large curtain wall surrounding a small stone keep

[Chamberlain (BOB)] the area inside the curtain wall is where the market is

[John 2] ::follows::

[Chamberlain (BOB)] people doing buisness

[Vicki] I may have to go for a bit, doing some estimates for roofing at my mother's. Will let you know when I have to leave...

[Chamberlain (BOB)] no bar or tavern but someone has a stall serving ale

[Chamberlain (BOB)] the Chamberlain walks you over to the front door

[Mentor (Fritz)] Ok Vick and Hi

[Chamberlain (BOB)] of the tower

[Tori (Vicki)] "That ought to make Brad happy."

[Chamberlain (BOB)] then pauses and looks at Brad

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Hi Fritz))

[Chamberlain (BOB)] perhaps we could talk somewhere else?

[Chamberlain (BOB)] raises an eyebrow?

[John 2] Certainly, any shade?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "How about over by that stall?"

[Chamberlain (BOB)] he leads the way around the side

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::points to the beer man::

[Chamberlain (BOB)] looks over at where Brad points

[Chamberlain (BOB)] --whistles-- circles his hand in the air, and the bar keep waves

[Chamberlain (BOB)] then sends over a young boy with a platter of mugs for the group

[Chamberlain (BOB)] he looks at the group of you standing there

[Chamberlain (BOB)] he smiles

[Chamberlain (BOB)] Welcome again to McKenna Keep

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::smiles back::

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Thank you very much.

[Chamberlain (BOB)] I am very glad you ahve chosen to come help us

[Chamberlain (BOB)] we ahve been sorely pressed to find people to visit our area of the world

[John 2] Um, excuse me?

[Chamberlain (BOB)] I can assure you that His Lordship will be very happy to see you

[John 2] We have not decided anything yet

[John 2] there is much to discuss

[Chamberlain (BOB)] well

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Glad he'll be glad to see us."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "It's nice to be welcome."

[BOB] Malachy McKenna moved 50'05".

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Why have you had problems getting people to visit?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "It's the lack of a proper tavern."

[Chamberlain (BOB)] well

[Chamberlain (BOB)] we are a bit off the beaten track

[Chamberlain (BOB)] we did post some signs in larger towns

[Chamberlain (BOB)] but few have responded as of yet

[John 2] it has been cold

[BOB] then a large man bounds down the steps

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "See, ya build the biggest, grandest tavern anyone around here's ever seen, then the track comes to you."

[BOB] looks over at your group

[BOB] walks up to Khan

[BOB] SHAKES his hand

[BOB] over to Brad and Rhys

[Mentor (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Val'Iant Le Quella modified: Languages - DELETED: Common. ADDED: E Common. ADDED: ** New **. ADDED: W Common. ADDED: C Common.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "People travel for a famous tavern, ya know."


[John 2] Do I know you

[Mentor (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Val'Iant Le Quella modified: Languages - DELETED: ** New **.

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] HUllo HULLOO

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] How are you fine adventurers

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) bows, looking slightly puzzled

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Greetings, good sir.

[BOB] Welcome my good fellows. You must be here to try and earn that reward. Well you look like you stand a fair chance at finding the source of our troubles. We pride ourselves here on our mushroom hunting hogs, they have quite the nose you know. But we are having problems in the swamp with some giant frogs that have eaten two of our prize truffle hunting boars. We will pay a bounty of 1 gold piece for every giant frog leg you bring back. He winks, that should make it easy to double your reward don't you think.

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] he grins

[Mentor (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mentor modified: Languages - DELETED: Common. ADDED: W Common. ADDED: C Common.

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] now when can you start?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "You seen a woman with a cart come through here?"

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) looks over at Khan.

[John 2] (rght to the point)

[John 2] We had a little mater to ask you first

[Tori (Vicki)] ((*sigh* This chat doesn't like to go down to the bottom when you scroll up to catch up on what's been missed))

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] Well Well I am sure that old Batty here can help you out with anything you need

[Chamberlain (BOB)] yes sir, be glad to help out in anyway I can Sir

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) (to Fritz only)] Sorry for the late greeting. Hi there!! :D

[Tori (Vicki)] ::goes out and navigates the nature of wind, sun, and see if she can pick up any recognizable sounds::

[Chamberlain (BOB)] what questions can I help you with?

[John 2] Have you seen a woman in a cart come by here in the past few weeks, maybe months

[Chamberlain (BOB)] Sir McKenna wanders about the marketplace as you talk with the Chamberlain

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] A type of gypsy cart, perhaps.

[Chamberlain (BOB)] hmmm, not that I know of

[Chamberlain (BOB)] ahh

[Chamberlain (BOB)] Gypsy's

[Chamberlain (BOB)] we get a few in

[Chamberlain (BOB)] mostly in the fall and spring

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] She's not a gypsy, though, just has that type of cart.

[Chamberlain (BOB)] can't say that I remember any recently though

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Oh, and she sings, a lovely soprano.

[Chamberlain (BOB)] this early thaw has changed plans

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "She can change her look though. One of those wiley magic types."

[Chamberlain (BOB)] has the whole place in an uproar

[Chamberlain (BOB)] thoughts of spring already

[Chamberlain (BOB)] shakes his head

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] I can imagine, sir, that you have been mightily busy, what with the early thaw.

[Chamberlain (BOB)] no, no singing

[Chamberlain (BOB)] the pigs have been out

[Chamberlain (BOB)] and we have had a couple taken from us

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Giant frogs?

[Chamberlain (BOB)] we are trying to help stem that tide

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Any idea how many frogs are out there?

[Chamberlain (BOB)] yes

[Chamberlain (BOB)] oh I imagine there must be several otu there

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) turns to Khan, saying, "Do you think it's possible we've gotten ahead of her?"

[Chamberlain (BOB)] there is a large swamp just outside of town

[John 2] or off track

[Chamberlain (BOB)] it has an area that is very dark and dangerous

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "I think it's possible we're in the wrong area entirely."

[Chamberlain (BOB)] then the area where we do most of our rooting around

[Chamberlain (BOB)] and in the forests to the south and west

[John 2] How far off is the spice road?

[Chamberlain (BOB)] the Spice Road sir? is a bit north of here

[John 2] like a day?

[Chamberlain (BOB)] the Silk Road is a bit south

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Chamberlain (BOB)] which were you looking for?

[Chamberlain (BOB)] begging your pardon

[Chamberlain (BOB)] but you seem to be from the West?

[Tori (Vicki)] ::Returns to the group::

[Chamberlain (BOB)] most there aren't very familar with things here in the civilized lands

[John 2] I'd have to check my notes, the rote to Halstat?

[Chamberlain (BOB)] ahh well the Empire is to the south a bit here

[Tori (Vicki)] "Pardon me, but which road is this that this place is near?"

[Chamberlain (BOB)] I don't think it has a name miss

[Chamberlain (BOB)] it is just the Road

[Chamberlain (BOB)] you go West to the mountains

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "I've been on this road out west. The Road is everywhere."

[Tori (Vicki)] "If we take the road that seems to go Southwest, would we find the Silk Road again?"

[Chamberlain (BOB)] South to woodwind

[Chamberlain (BOB)] and of course you came down the North road

[Chamberlain (BOB)] well you would find your way to the Empire after soem time yes

[BOB (to GM only)] Mushroom Farmer moved 57'04".

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] "Milord, there is evil sorcery afoot! I was out ta fetch the cows from the west pasture, and what should I see but that the foul bog has disappeared! In its place is a wondrous forest of large oaks and elms. Never have I seen anything so amazing. Then I heard the scream of a horse over the knoll, and when I looked, there was poor Sunburst in the grip of a hideous winged beast! It had blue feathers, and its body was that of a large cat. It ripped and tore at the horse with large talons and an enormous beak, and began to eat her up. I tell you, it was horrible! Then the creature saw me and gave an awful squawk, and I ran like the wind! Oh, milord, something awful has happened!"

[BOB] Malachy McKenna moved 7'10".

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] what?

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] tell me again old boy, what happened?

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[Tori (Vicki)] "Khan, would you like to remain here for a day or two and help these folks out?"

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Winged cat? Sphinx?"

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz) (to BOB only)] you were right I only had one point left for mentor since I added Orc for him so I corrected the 2 types of commons...I hope I did that right...For VAl I had 2 left so It was easy I split them to east , west and central

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) ponders on the illusion of a bog becoming a forest

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Thought they told riddles, not ate horses."

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] A gryphon, perhaps?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "But they've got bird heads."

[John 2] Like to no, but it is the DragonSlayers way to help where we can

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Not cat."

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Yes, a gryphon has a bird's beak

[John 2] (besides it's what BOB expects us to do)

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((grrr with the chat pausing))

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Ok Bob the chat has started skipping now...mark this as the time it starts.

[BOB] back

[BOB] le me know when and why please

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Maybe if we log off and you restart klooge it will stop

[Tori (Vicki)] ((smiles, aside from what Bob expects... we may just find out some information remaining here and helping))

[BOB] lets go a bit first

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Please no this is aweful

[BOB] it is jumping every time someoen types?

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] I'm not getting the skipping yet, but the self-pausing has begun.

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Yes

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i've got no problems

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] I am getting the skipping

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] huh

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] It skips when I type, but when you guys do, no skipping

[BOB] how about now

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] it seems to have stopped

[BOB] I made the icons very small

[Vicki] Seems we all get different issues when we do something

[Vicki] Mine seems to jump when I have to scroll up and back down to catch up

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Ooh, just self-paused

[Vicki] because it doesn't fully get to the bottom

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] and when it self-paused, it scrolled me up a bit

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] that happens as well v

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] good point

[BOB] I do not get any of these symptoms

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] That's because you're BOB

[BOB] so if you can help pin point so we can submit a bug report

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Amen

[BOB] with exactly what is happening

[BOB] please try to make a note of it

[Vicki] at the moment, I am only seeing text scrolling up, not very smoothly, but going

[BOB] ok

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] just self-paused again

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] scrolled me back up, no clue why

[BOB] do you have keyboard shortcuts turned on or off?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] off

[BOB] trying clicking on the pause, to be sure it is turned off

[BOB] then type something

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] lalala

[Vicki] mine's not disabled

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so back to the game?

[Vicki] oy...

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] please

[Vicki] when it's comes up, it appears across the screen before sized to the text

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) (to BOB only)] I'm also trying what you said, having my chat go over the map, too

[BOB] so in a nutshell you have a Knight and staff who thought you were here for one adventure, adn suddenly another adventure has reared its head

[Vicki] ok...

[John 2] and we are still lost

[BOB] yes

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] l

[John 2] we do not know if the singer came this way

[BOB] no

[Tori (Vicki)] ai yi yi... my map jumped

[Tori (Vicki)] (ooc and it auto paused)

[John 2] we do not know where she is headed, except south and east

[BOB] well that was the path out of the mountains

[BOB] after that it could have been anywhere

[BOB] anyone want me to repeat what the farmer said?

[Fritz] well we are here and there is a need so lets see if we can help

[Fritz] sure

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] The farmer said that the bog suddenly became a forest

[BOB] "Milord, there is evil sorcery afoot! I was out ta fetch the cows from the west pasture, and what should I see but that the foul bog has disappeared! In its place is a wondrous forest of large oaks and elms. Never have I seen anything so amazing. Then I heard the scream of a horse over the knoll, and when I looked, there was poor Sunburst in the grip of a hideous winged beast! It had blue feathers, and its body was that of a large cat. It ripped and tore at the horse with large talons and an enormous beak, and began to eat her up. I tell you, it was horrible! Then the creature saw me and gave an awful squawk, and I ran like the wind! Oh, milord, something awful has happened!"

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] and a winged cat ate a horse

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Sounds like a griffon to me...I suggest you hide Bradwarden

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] I thought the same, Val'lant

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Wait I have a better idea!!!

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Not about Brad hiding, but about the type of creature.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] wow, this is a weird opening

[Tori (Vicki)] ::hears there's trouble afoot and heads in the direction::

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Let's build a big box...and lable it "Purina" and put Brad in it as bait for the creature. When it comes around during meal time we can all attack it and kill it!!!

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) stares silently at Val'lant.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "I'm not going to be some over sized bird cat's meal

[John 2] Well fellow Misfits, shall we make our people proud?

[Tori (Vicki)] ::snickers:: "I don't think that would work Val"

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] We can call it the "Trojan Horseman" or something like that

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] I do not think that is a feasible idea, Val.

[Tori (Vicki)] ::whispers to Val:: "As much as I'd like to see Brad in a box as bait, I don't think it would work."

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Ok...You may be right Rhys

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) turns to the Chamberlain, farmer, and McKenna.

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Has a creature like this evern been seen here before?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] WEll we would need to cover his offense Brad, but I heard that Griffon's go crazy over the smell of horseflesh

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] well

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] I suppose I have heard of Griffon's before

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] not up close and personal like

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] But not seen one?

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] but I never heard of a blue one

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] do you suppose they come in colors?

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] like parrots do?

[John 2] I say we meaner over for a look see

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] I do not know.

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) turns to the farmer

[John 2] Sir, to do have a secure place we can store our gear

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Did the bog change to a forest before your eyes?

[Mushroom Farmer (BOB)] bows, No Sir

[John 2] (Illusionist anyone?)

[Mushroom Farmer (BOB)] it was a bog last I looked

[Mushroom Farmer (BOB)] then today was a beautiful forest

[Mushroom Farmer (BOB)] I have never seen the like

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Did you go near it at all? Did it no longer smell like a bog?

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Did the trees sway with breeze?

[Mushroom Farmer (BOB)] I ventured near the edge

[Mushroom Farmer (BOB)] it looked like a forest

[Mushroom Farmer (BOB)] I could smell the leaves

[Tori (Vicki)] ((John, if you're asking if anyone has it, I don't, but if you're asking if anyone believes it's an illusion, I'd imagine so))

[Mushroom Farmer (BOB)] it was like Spring all over

Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz) looks over at Khan...."As curious as I am, I believe that if that griffon took a chunk of my flesh or Brad's flesh, or your flesh - you would be the only one with no noticable sine of damage an hour from now...we would most likely be dead"

[John 2] (we think Mercedes is an Illusionist bent on Chaos, this sounds like her)

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Did the leaves move?

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((I agree))

[Mushroom Farmer (BOB)] blinks and stares at teh ground as he things

[Mushroom Farmer (BOB)] thinks

[Tori (Vicki)] ((ok, now I need to get ready, in case I have to leave very soon))

[Mushroom Farmer (BOB)] I think they did Sir? he says hesitantly

[Mentor (Fritz)] Could be. I have a way of discerning illusions. Mayhap you are right and we should take a look Khan

[Vicki] I am away from the keyboard.

[John 2] So then I will go

[Mushroom Farmer (BOB)] trees have leaves, and they move right?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] fud here

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Thank you, sir.

[Mushroom Farmer (BOB)] I spend more time looking down than up, if you understand Sir

[Mushroom Farmer (BOB)] but I am pretty sure that the leaves were moving

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] I do understand

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) smiles at the farmer

[Mentor (Fritz) (to mikE only)] You know I am just teasing you and Bradwarden right? If it comes to a fight my charcters would die for yours.

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) turns to Khan.

[John 2] Who wants to go with me?

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] I believe we should check this bog/forest very carefully. Should we all go together?

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] I will go

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] Well brother, you know if you are intent on going I will go with you. So you have the 2 of us as well Khan

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] if there is anything you need just ask

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] spare no expense

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Fritz)] uhm Bob we never got to pick our previous spells can we do that now?

[Malachy McKenna (BOB)] we will get to the bottom of this

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] One more question

Chamberlain (BOB) winces

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] This bog, is it the same swamp with the giant frogs?

[Chamberlain (BOB)] well perhaps we can provide soem assistance

[John 2] A horse maybe?

[Mentor (Fritz)] And what will be the price for solving this mystery?

[Mentor (Fritz)] or the reward that is?

[Chamberlain (BOB)] we have no horses to spare I am afraid

[Chamberlain (BOB)] Sunburst was my lord's old war horse

[Chamberlain (BOB)] out to pasture

[Chamberlain (BOB)] for stud use

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) whispers to Mentor, "I do not believe they can afford much of a reward."

[Mentor (Fritz)] What will be the reward for solving this mystery?

[Chamberlain (BOB)] I am sure we can come up with something for you

Mentor (Fritz) whispers back "never hurts to ask"

[Mentor (Fritz)] Good to know

[Chamberlain (BOB)] after we see what resources you need to help solve this

[Mentor (Fritz)] Roll #1: (d10) [1d10=3] 3

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "How about a few barrels of your local brew?"

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "That'd be a good reward."

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) rolls his eyes

[Chamberlain (BOB)] I am sure we can arrange something along those lines

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Perhaps we should settle this later. Not everyone wishes barrels of ale, Brad.

[John 2] that was just for him

[John 2] Let us go

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) nods to Khan, ready to depart.

[BOB] Tori moved 723'08".

[BOB] Ariella moved 551'06".

[BOB] Bradwarden moved 908'08".

[BOB] Khan moved 783'08".

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Where we come from, we could buy and sell this area several times over. Do we really want to take what little money they have?"

[BOB] Mentor moved 854'02".

[BOB] Val'Iant Le Quella moved 916'08".

[BOB] Chohen moved 1013'08".

[Mentor (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mentor modified: Magical Abilities - Spells - CHANGED: Adhesion -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Agannazzars Scorcher -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Improved Phantasmal Force -- # Memorized: 0 (1), DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null.

[BOB] Rhys of Gilmairay moved 946'06".

[BOB] Ariella moved 132'06".

[BOB] Glabius moved 56'11".

[BOB] Lira moved 103'09".

[BOB] Gretchen moved 31'04".

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) says to Brad, "To be honest, I do not wish to take any of their money. It was not I who mentioned a reward."

[Mentor (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Val'Iant Le Quella modified: Combat - Melee THAC0: (THAC0) : CHANGED: 17 (18).

[Chamberlain (BOB)] you can all reset spells

[Chamberlain (BOB)] etc

[Chamberlain (BOB)] fully healed

[Chamberlain (BOB)] ready to face a day of adventuring

[Chamberlain (BOB)] what gear or assistance did you want to ask for?

[John 2] a good meal would be second on my list

[Mentor (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Val'Iant Le Quella modified: Magical Abilities - Spells - CHANGED: Grease -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Magic Missle -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[Chamberlain (BOB)] We can feed you now

[Chamberlain (BOB)] before you go out

[Chamberlain (BOB)] I understand that Griffon's hunt in the morning and evening

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((Hey Bob, my question was never answered))

[Chamberlain (BOB)] so perhaps exploring during the evening

[Chamberlain (BOB)] (what questions? sorry)

[John 2] is it that late, then we will save the meal for when we return

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((about whether the bog turned forest was where the giant frogs were

[Chamberlain (BOB)] the bog where the giant frogs were is next to the new forest

[Chamberlain (BOB)] adn it is only midday

[Chamberlain (BOB)] you could eat now

[Chamberlain (BOB)] and then explore the forest in the afternoon and evening

[John 2] am I hungry?

[Mentor (Fritz)] I need a beer

[Chamberlain (BOB)] Khan? always

[John 2] thought so, I eat fast

[Mentor (Fritz)] ((brb))

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Chamberlain (BOB)] so eating and getting ready

[Chamberlain (BOB)] anything in particular you need help with?

[Chamberlain (BOB)] or just goin goff into the forest?

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((we're not taking overly long with the eating and getting ready, I think))

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Mentor (Fritz) (to BOB only)] I am really excited we are getting some action tonight

[Chamberlain (BOB)] thinking you want to explore while it is afternoon and lots of light

[John 2] how far away is it?

[Chamberlain (BOB)] a mile or two

[Mentor (Fritz)] 270 feet

[Chamberlain (BOB)] wry grin

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] lol

[Bradwarden (mikE)] let's at least go to where the horse is being eaten?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] itsn't that kind of happening as we speak?

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((I think it's probably over with))

[Chamberlain (BOB)] you can find the dead horse easily enough

[John 2] I am trying to find my campaign window

[Chamberlain (BOB)] part of the carcase is still there

[Chamberlain (BOB)] a couple of crows fly away as you approach

Kaz has left the game on Fri Aug 08 20:30:38 EDT 2008

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Aug 08 20:30:55 EDT 2008

Kaz is receiving the map Base Map...

Kaz has received the map Base Map.

Fritz has left the game on Fri Aug 08 20:30:57 EDT 2008

John 2 has left the game on Fri Aug 08 20:31:08 EDT 2008

[John ] found it

John has joined the game on Fri Aug 08 20:31:30 EDT 2008

John is receiving the map Base Map...

John has received the map Base Map.

Skippy has joined the game on Fri Aug 08 20:31:55 EDT 2008

[Kaz] Hey, SSkippy! *snerk*

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((Yippee Skippy!))

Skippy is receiving the map McKenna Keep...

Skippy has received the map McKenna Keep.

Kaz is receiving the map overland lake of mists...

Kaz has received the map overland lake of mists.

Kaz is receiving the map Sample overland...

Kaz has received the map Sample overland.

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] which map is it?

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] thank you

[Skippy (to BOB only)] bob just want to remind you my character always sees magic and invis. also he has a bonus to not being surprised

[Chamberlain (BOB)] nods

[Skippy] Roll #1: (d2) [1d2=2] 2

[Skippy] Roll #1: (d3) [1d3=1] 1

[John (to GM only)] Character sheet for modified: Spells - CHANGED: Spook -- Cast Level: 1 (4), CHANGED: Change Self -- Cast Level: 1 (4), CHANGED: Shield -- Cast Level: 1 (4), CHANGED: Levitate -- Cast Level: 2 (6), CHANGED: Mirror Image -- Cast Level: 2 (4), CHANGED: Blindness -- Cast Level: 2 (4), CHANGED: Magic Missile -- Cast Level: 1 (6), CHANGED: Blindness -- Cast Level: 2 (4), CHANGED: Blindness -- Expression: Blindness spell (Target is permanently blinded unless they save vs spell.),

[John ] issue with my spells, working on it

[BOB] nods, letting everyone be sure you are happy with things

[BOB] as you approach the dead horse

[Skippy (to BOB only)] just had to get roll curse out of the way...I had done only done the d10 die had to do them all

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) (to Skippy only)] Did we go fishing? Because it looks like you're rolling for the halibut. *ducks and flees*

[Skippy] do we need a pecking order

[BOB] only if you are goign to fight over the horse

[Skippy (to Kaz only)] Har har har...I was getting my die curse out of the way

[John ] hapy hapy joy joy

[Bradwarden (mikE)] happy, too

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) (to Skippy only)] hee hee. Agreed. It's better to get it out of the way than to flounder later.

[BOB] groans

[Skippy (to Kaz only)] OUCH

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) (to Skippy only)] Meh, it was just a fluke that I was able to say that.

[Skippy] PAINFUL

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((beams innocently))


[BOB] people will groan later when they read the chat

[BOB] moving on

[BOB] dead horse here

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy)] examines the horse to see if he can tell if it was really a bird like creature that did the killing

[BOB] large chunks taken out of the flesh

[BOB] claw marks

[BOB] other than that how would you know?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy)] I would say....Hrmmmm Yes...

[John ] brb

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy)] It appears my good Watson that a large birdlike creature did this

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((well, if you can ascertain that there are talon marks and beak marks))

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy)] It is Elementary

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) looks around for this 'Watson' person.

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] We already knew that a large birdlike creature did this. The farmer reported seeing it firsthand.

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy)] Ahh Haa then I am correct!!!!

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "You're a looney."

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) blinks several times, then turns to the carcass.

Mentor (Skippy) shakes his head sadly

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Poor old horse.

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((are we in the forest or just by it?))

Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy) Now if we only knew how to track things that flew?

[BOB] jus tin front of the forest

[BOB] right at the edge

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((ok, thanks))

[BOB] looks like the horse might have been grazing

Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy) looks up in the air for possible signs of large avaian wing tracks

[BOB] along the fresh shrubs nearby

[Bradwarden (mikE)] air elementals are faultless trackers. even through the air

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) looks at the trees and bushes at the edge of the forest.

Mentor (Skippy) looks along the ground for signs of large bird droppings and gore or blood

[BOB] no bird droppings or things left on the ground in an area around the dead horse for at least 25 yards

[BOB] it must have flown off

Mentor (Skippy) won't embarras himself or give his brother the thrill of seeing him look up

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) looks closely to see if the leaves move in the breeze, and shakes a nearby shrub, watching carefully to see how the plant reacts.

[BOB] all seems normal

[Mentor (Skippy)] No sign of magic or illusion?

[BOB] none

[Mentor (Skippy)] This is real folks

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "I bet it's not."

[Mentor (Skippy)] (any claw marks that may give a clue as to which direction he may have taken off towards))?

Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) walks several feet into the forest, then back to the pasture, checking his boots.

[John ] can I make a roll

[John ] disbelieve

[BOB] sure john, for?

[BOB] and your boots are dirty, you have a leaf or two stuck to them as you come out of the forest

[Bradwarden (mikE)] hallucionary forest

[John ] Khan: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[John ] Khan: Spellcraft check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 17!!

[BOB] this looks like a forest

[John ] Khan: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 17!!

[Mentor (Skippy)] ((ROFLMAO))

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((Bob, those dice rolls make my chat jump horribly))

[John ] So then we head for the bog

[John ] (laugh it up fuz ball)

[Mentor (Skippy)] I suggest we head into the new forest

[Mentor (Skippy)] ((snicker))

[BOB] you want to leave the forest and go to the bog john?

[Mentor (Skippy)] ((that is why I rolled my die curses first before we started this adventure john))

[Mentor (Skippy)] I say we go into the forest

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Let's look into this mystery forest. The bog's always been there."

[John ] Where do you supose we go in the new forest?

[Mentor (Skippy)] Middle sounds like a plan

[John ] ::waves hands to let the dark one lead the way::

[Mentor (Skippy)] /me shrugs

[Mentor (Skippy)] ok lets go

[BOB] You have been in some beautiful woods before, but none quite like this. The trees are truly majestic, and the damp cool air is fresh with the scents of moss, shrubs, and wildflowers. Birds fly about, singing merrily, and occasionally you see a chipmunk or squirrel dashing about in the upper branches of the trees. As you head deeper into the forest, the overhead cover becomes thicker, allowing only occasional glimpses of the sun. It feels like you are the first people to ever set foot here.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "You can only go in to the middle of a forest. After that, you're going out."

[John ] is Chohen here?

[BOB] yes

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "It's a nice forest. For a fake. Maybe especially because it's a fake."

[John ] What do you think Chohen, one of yours?

[Chohen (BOB)] one of my what?

[John ] one of your forestes, don't you druids make forests like this all the time

[Mentor (Skippy)] Val'Iant Le Quella: Healing check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[Chohen (BOB)] I don't know I suppose they could, but this seems older

[Chohen (BOB)] but I don't see a lot of forests, I spent most of my childhood on the plains

[Chohen (BOB)] this looks nice, safe

[John ] a plain druid

[Chohen (BOB)] much nicer that that last forest we explored

[John ] chuckels to self

[Mentor (Skippy)] I thought he would be exceptonal myself

[Mentor (Skippy)] but I see you are right Khan

[John ] you can tell the age of a forest no?

[Mentor (Skippy)] no

[Chohen (BOB)] me? no

Hansie has joined the game on Fri Aug 08 20:55:00 EDT 2008

Hansie is receiving the map Base Map...

Hansie has received the map Base Map.

[Mentor (Skippy)] ((Hansie!!!!))

[John ] you said this seems older? Older than what

[Mentor (Skippy)] You, younger than dirt

[Chohen (BOB)] older than a new forest

[John ] especialy when we were told it is brand new

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((Hi Hans!))

[Mentor (Skippy)] (woops wrong character)

[John ] we contiune onward

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy)] You, younger than dirt

[Hansie] HOwdy everybody-

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy)] Hiya Hansie

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy)] ((Wanna Corona Light?))

[Taurus (Hansie)] ((Thanks. I don't touch the stuff anymore. It's raspberry sparkling water for me))

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i like the berrywies

[Taurus (Hansie)] ((I also like the pomegranate essence))

[Bradwarden (mikE)] it's a happy fruity beer

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy)] ((Shudders...I gave up drinking once...then I gave my life to Christ and went back to drinking again!!))

[John ] ouch

[Taurus (Hansie)] I'm with John. He said something about "continuing onward". By the way, I'll change my chat color in a sec...

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i gave up drinking once.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] then i woke up.

[Taurus (Hansie)] Test

[Taurus (Hansie)] Nope. Rhys has this color...

[BOB] Glabius moved 927'06".

[BOB] Taurus moved 990'02".

[Taurus (Hansie)] test

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy)] ((The preachers made me feel guilty for not doing anything that I had to go back to drinking so that I had something to feel guilty about doing so that I could have something to repent about going to hell about...))

Lorie :O) has joined the game on Fri Aug 08 21:01:37 EDT 2008

Lorie :O) is receiving the map Base Map...

Lorie :O) has received the map Base Map.

[BOB] Gretchen moved 907'00".

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((Yeah... there's a good reason to drink... :-S))

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy)] ((Well it made sense that night after my 5th drink...It doesn't make quite as much sense now that I am sober...let me drink some more and the specifics of the argument will come back to me))

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((Hiya Lorie :D ))

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy)] ((Hiya Lor))

[Chohen (BOB)] Hans is Christy joining us tonight?

[Taurus (Hansie)] Yep. But she's got a bad headache, so she's kinda movin' in slow-mo...

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy) (to Hansie only)] I hope you know I am just kidding

[Chohen (BOB)] no problem

[Taurus (Hansie)] Lorie knows all about that.

[Taurus (Hansie) (to Skippy only)] I see ya, Skippy

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy)] Me too. I suffer from severe migraines

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy) (to Hansie only)] Is that you Lord?

[Taurus (Hansie) (to Skippy only)] I'm gonna make my next char name "Perfunctory". It has a nice ring.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] migranes are against my religeon

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy) (to Hansie only)] snicker

[Taurus (Hansie) (to Skippy only)] where do you find the inspiration for all these diverse nicknames?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy) (to Hansie only)] life...for example the chat keeps "skipping and pausing" so my name tonight is skippy

Christy has joined the game on Fri Aug 08 21:06:07 EDT 2008

Christy is receiving the map Base Map...

Christy has received the map Base Map.

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((Hey there Christy!))

[Taurus (Hansie) (to Skippy only)] I'm not seeing that. I know a couple of you saw that last week. But you're seeing it *again* this week? I'd probably hafta call it quits...

[Taurus (Hansie) (to John only)] test

[Chohen (BOB)] we will see how things go with the chat pausing etc.

[John ] Hello all

[Taurus (Hansie) (to John only)] so what's going on, in a nutshell?

[Chohen (BOB)] seems to have happened, then stopped for the most part

[Chohen (BOB)] will let everyone catch up and ask questions

[Chohen (BOB)] before pushing ahead

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy) (to Hansie only)] My parents were watching Keneth Copeland this morning when I called them. I was going to call myself "Kenny" but then I figured I would have cursed myself and died like the "kenny" in southpark.

[John (to Hansie only)] we are exploring a forest that apeared overnight

[Taurus (Hansie) (to John only)] I said I was with you in the "continuing onward" comment you made.

[Christy] hey y'all

[Taurus (Hansie)] Yeay! Christy made it!

[John (to Hansie only)] I saw,

[Christy] not sure how long I will be here.

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy)] Howdy Christy. Welcome aboard the "Skip Train"

[Christy] what's skipping?

[Lorie :O)] ((Evening all...sorry I'm so late. Just walked the door ))

[John (to Hansie only)] I am a little distracted, watching Stargate while things get going, durring the down time

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy)] The chat as usual

[Taurus (Hansie) (to John only)] is this related to trying to find the bad lady?

[Christy] i haven't read any of the chat yet

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy)] NP Lor, Just glad you could make it

[Christy] i'm going to skim the chat, brb

[John (to Hansie only)] not directly, kind of trying to help the locals while we wait

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) (to Hansie only)] you're the same colour text as Christy

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy)] Quick summary...We ended up in the land of this knight named McKenna

[Taurus (Hansie)] To me, the chat is always annoying. Okay, it just skipped on me, too. Ugh.

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy)] He thought we were here to solve his giant toad problem

[Chohen (BOB)] Malachy McKenna

[Lorie :O)] Okay... so the game is afoot

[Lorie :O)] Suivez la Piste and all that

[Chohen (BOB)] chuckles

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy)] They are eating his pigs who root for his truffles

Skippy has left the game on Fri Aug 08 21:10:50 EDT 2008

Skippy has joined the game on Fri Aug 08 21:11:09 EDT 2008

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] However, they have a second, newer problem

Skippy is receiving the map McKenna Keep...

Skippy has received the map McKenna Keep.

[Taurus (Hansie)] Thank you for the summary, Skippy-doodle. I personally don't want to read 2 hours of chat to figure that out. No offence, anyone...

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Part of the bog turned into a forest

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] AND what may be a griffon/gryphon/whatever has eaten a horse in the pasture

[Taurus (Hansie)] Well, that is, uh, unexpected...

[Skippy] WE were all set to help when a farmer runs up saying that part of the bog where the frogs are has been turned into a lush forest.

[BOB] Ariella moved 1013'09".

[Skippy] The forest has a blue feathered griffon in it that ate the knights old stud horse

[Taurus (Hansie)] And we want to *go* in there? I guess the Dragonslayers *are* heroes. Or just fools with death-wishes, eh?

[Skippy] we came out here the forest is real and not illusion or magical

[Skippy] we found the dead horse

[John ] we plan on running from anything blue

[Skippy] we found no trace of the griffon

[Taurus (Hansie)] Was it fully eaten or just partially eaten?

[Skippy] we are worried that it will eat Bradwarden

[Bradwarden (mikE)] anyone have circle of protection blue?

[Skippy] partial

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((Yeah, Sherlock over there put on his deerstalker cap and went bonkers))

[Taurus (Hansie)] Are we really worried that it will eat Bradwarden?

[John ] well not worried, we appreciate the possiblity

[Skippy] we are now heading into the forest to find out what is going on

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] There was a bit of carcass left

[Skippy] also we get paid 1 gp per toad leg, and extra for solving the forest mystery

[Skippy] That's it in a nutshell

[BOB] and he is a big nut

[Taurus (Hansie)] Well let's do it. Sounds good. I'm guessing the 2 events are probably related. Is this going to put us off our main task too much?

[Skippy] That's why I am called Skippy

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Oh, and the keep seems to be a bit strained, financially

[Skippy] WE don't have any clue where Mercedes is or if she has been through here yet

[Skippy] she may be behind us

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[Skippy] or infront of us

[Tori (Vicki)] I'm back

[Skippy] the silkroad is to the north of us

[Taurus (Hansie)] Skippy is a most appropriate Nom du Jour (I don't think I spelled that correctly).

[Skippy] Ok back into character

Skippy is now controlling Val'Iant Le Quella

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((welcome back Vicki))

Skippy is now controlling Mentor

[Christy] okay, i read as much as my eyeballs could there's something about blue feathers and frog legs. sure, let's do it-whatever thyat is.

[Taurus (Hansie)] I said last week we could probably just follow the trail of chaos to find Mercedes.

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Thanks Kaz, did the estimates already))

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy) (to Vicki only)] hiya

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Let's away into this mysterious forest."

[Tori (Vicki) (to Skippy only)] hi, chat doing better?

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so into the forest

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy)] ((the forest is about 325 feet acros at it's widest

[BOB] You have been in some beautiful woods before, but none quite like this. The trees are truly majestic, and the damp cool air is fresh with the scents of moss, shrubs, and wildflowers. Birds fly about, singing merrily, and occasionally you see a chipmunk or squirrel dashing about in the upper branches of the trees. As you head deeper into the forest, the overhead cover becomes thicker, allowing only occasional glimpses of the sun. It feels like you are the first people to ever set foot here.

[BOB] you wander through the woods

[BOB] exploring

[BOB] jumping a bit at a bird call

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy)] ((450))

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Hi Hans, Christy and Lorie))

[BOB] a fox startles you

[Lorie :O)] (( waves ))

[BOB] but you do not see any signs of a Griffon

[John ] is she hot?

[John ] the fox?

[Christy] ( hey! :) )

[Bradwarden (mikE)] if these are real woods i should be able to sense any trouble in it.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] she's a fox

[BOB] they seem to be very serene almost untouched by man

[BOB] they are what elves are always singing about

[Christy] the trees or the critters?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy)] ((how about horseman?))

[Christy] la la la

[Christy] (elf singing)

[BOB] the trees darken

Taurus (Hansie) searching high and low for any signs of large animals who undoubtedly leave some kind of remains of their presence.

[BOB] as evening begins to grow

[BOB] you look for an appropriate place to make camp

[Tori (Vicki)] ((exactly, what time is it now?))

[BOB] it is early evening

[Taurus (Hansie)] Bob, is the forest to scale?

[Christy] (yeah, let's make camp in the magically hatched forest)

[Taurus (Hansie)] Like Fritz was saying, it's about 450 feet at its widest point according to the map.

[BOB] very rough scale, the forest is about a mile or more out from the keep

[BOB] and a few miles across

[BOB] you are tracking back and forth through it

[BOB] looking for clues

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy)] ((so in otherwords "NO" it isn't to scale))

[BOB] it is at least as large as the Thenti Forest, during the last adventure

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Okay. I don't know that we want to camp *inside* this magical mystical forest, folks."

[BOB] you know that Griffons hunt evenings and mornings

[Ariella (Christy)] (whats' the worst that could happen?)

[BOB] so being in the forest is the best way to catch it in the act

[Ariella (Christy)] (hahahahahaha)

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy)] Let's hang around it is our best time to catch it

[BOB] there are no more horses at teh keep

[Tori (Vicki) (to BOB only)] does this mean that Tori can mention that most forests have orcs and she doesn't pick up any sound of one?

[BOB (to Vicki only)] sure

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy)] We have a horse here...and I am not being facetious...

[Tori (Vicki)] "Um... guys..."

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Do we want to stay in the forest tonight? It could be quite an adventure, I guess. A very dangerous adventure, but I don't run from danger."

[Ariella (Christy)] (if we find the griffon, can we keep it?)

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Yes, Tori?"

[Tori (Vicki)] "Something is missing in this forest."

[Taurus (Hansie)] "What is missing?"

[John ] Staying the night may be the best way to see what happends

[John ] What Tori?

[Tori (Vicki)] "Most forests contain orcs somewhere within them."

[Ariella (Christy)] what's missing?

Skippy has left the game on Fri Aug 08 21:24:38 EDT 2008

[John ] Well that is a stretch

[Tori (Vicki)] "I don't hear any orcs nearby or around us."

[Ariella (Christy)] not the forests in nice neighborhoods

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Only if the elves are lazy."

[John ] you could also say there is no elf

[John ] and no Druid

Skippy has joined the game on Fri Aug 08 21:25:06 EDT 2008

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Well then, let's stay. I'm not against fighting monsters, I just distrust magic a little bit. I can't fight magic."

[John ] but you would be wrong

[Lorie :O)] ((So we're staying hte forest ghetto?))

[Ariella (Christy)] well, no elf in this nice of a forest IS unusual

[John ] This is the Forest of Eden as I here it described

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Well, we still have a lot of forest to cover. Maybe we'll come across some orcs & elves."

[Tori (Vicki)] "In this one? Does anyone not see there are an absense of beings outside ourselves?"

Skippy is receiving the map McKenna Keep...

Skippy has received the map McKenna Keep.

[Taurus (Hansie)] "But then again, this is a special magical forest that just suddenly appeared. I don't know that we should expect normal things in this abnormal forest."

[John ] Yes , in a magic forest that just apeared there should be more then just us, for the forest sake

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Do we know if it really is a forest or an illusion?))

[Ariella (Christy)] I, for one, do not find it ususal that there aren't any humanoid in this magiccaly created forest.

[John ] (You can try and disbelieve, I did)

[Ariella (Christy)] if I were going to make myself a nice forest, I certainly wouldn't put noisy, messy people in it

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Of course, Tori can't disbelieve illusion and really does think that it's a forest))

[Ariella (Christy)] and I meant UNusual

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Well, let's set up camp *here*" ::pointing to a small clearing::

[Skippy] I am gonna change my name to "Boot"

Skippy is now controlling Val'Iant Le Quella

Skippy is now controlling Mentor

[John ] ((that makes sence))

[Taurus (Hansie) (to Skippy only)] I think we'd all intuit that...

[Tori (Vicki) (to BOB only)] Is it possible for Tori to disbelieve?

[Tori (Vicki) (to BOB only)] at first, I didn't think so, so that's why I said what I did...

[BOB (to Vicki only)] you could try, but it does seem really real, and others say it is real

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy) (to Hansie only)] Grrrr I am getting tired of this..I either get booted or I have skip and pause problems

[Tori (Vicki) (to BOB only)] what do I need to roll?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy)] I agree with Ariella let's make camp

[BOB (to Vicki only)] roll a d20

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::lays down::

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Gretchen, if you have a better idea of where to set up camp, let us know."

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::snores::

[BOB] ok, I will leave the caldnar alone just in case,

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::farts a horsey fart::

[BOB] but thise does seem to be the best place to camp you have found

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy)] We should do something extra to guard against the griffon for Bradwarden

[BOB] who will do the watch?

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] If there's going to be a griffon hunting, I think we should try to stay under low-branched trees.

Taurus (Hansie) ::giving the horse-man plenty of space::

[Tori (Vicki)] (1d20) [1d20=15] 15

[Taurus (Hansie)] I want 2nd watch!

[BOB] Tori really believes in thsi forest

[Lorie :O)] Gretchen will take a watch

[Ariella (Christy)] yeah, so not sleeping next to Brad...

[John ] i'll Take first

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] I will take a watch

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy)] The 2 of us will take last watch

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy) (to BOB only)] I need to roll Val's hitpoints

[Ariella (Christy)] i can take first or last, but I prefer not to take 2nd so I can have spells tomorrow

[Tori (Vicki)] "Let me know if I can be of assistance."

[BOB (to Skippy only)] go for it

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Ariella, you should probably take first watch. That way, if you use spells, you can get them back by tomorrow morning.

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] I will take second watch.

[BOB] so gretchen and Khan on first watch?

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Tori, why don't you take 2nd watch with me. That's the dead of the night. It would be good to have 2 strong fighters on that watch."

[BOB] with Air?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy) (to BOB only)] looking it up

[Tori (Vicki)] "Alright Taurus."

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy)] Val and Mentor take the same watch we prefer last if possible

[Ariella (Christy)] yeah, sure, just don't get spooked if you don't see me.

[BOB] ok

[Ariella (Christy)] I like to be unseen

[BOB] three first watch people

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Rhys, I thought you were doing 3rd watch with Val'lant"

[BOB] Ari Gretchen and Khan

[Taurus (Hansie)] Or, Fritz, were you saying your 2 chars would take 3rd watch?

[BOB] the rest are asleep

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((Fritz said his two would take third))

[Tori (Vicki)] ::snoozes away, as she gets her rest for next watch::

[Taurus (Hansie)] All right, if you want on 2nd watch, I think that would be great.

[Ariella (Christy)] and I'll be using my shadow hiding thing :)

[BOB] Khan: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Taurus (Hansie) (to Kaz only)] I don't think we can have *too many* people on watch...

[John ] ok

[John ] do I sence anything before it happens?

[BOB] Gretchen: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 16!!

[John ] or after

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy)] Roll #1: (d10) [1d10=9] 9

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) (to Hansie only)] I agree

[John ] we are so sunk

[BOB] Ariella: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[BOB] well apparently you are

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((uh oh))

[BOB] ok

[BOB] change of plans

[Ariella (Christy)] that's just great

[Val'Iant Le Quella (Skippy) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Val'Iant Le Quella modified: Personal Information - Next Level:: CHANGED: 18000 (9000). Combat - Current Hit Points:: CHANGED: 43 (32). Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 43 (32). Class Levels - Character Level: (L) : CHANGED: 4 (3). Warrior: (WARL) : CHANGED: 4 (3). Wizard: (WL) : CHANGED: 4 (3).

[BOB] give me a moment

[John ] are we all in the Area of effect?

[Ariella (Christy)] I am sooo not in the mood to get killed tonight

Skippy has left the game on Fri Aug 08 21:37:36 EDT 2008

[John ] did you roll for surprise?

[John ] does it matter?

[Taurus (Hansie)] He should come back as "Boot". I think we'd all know it's him...

[BOB (to GM only)] Giant Owl moved 338'10".

[BOB (to GM only)] Giant Owl moved 248'11".

[BOB (to GM only)] Giant Owl moved 187'08".

[BOB (to GM only)] Giant Owl moved 358'08".

[Tori (Vicki)] ((We'd all know it was him anyway, he has his picture as his icon"

[Tori (Vicki)] ))*

[Taurus (Hansie)] Boot, bump, disconnect, thrown out, pushed, kicked, shoved, etc. would all work.

[Taurus (Hansie)] There are pictures?

[Taurus (Hansie)] Just kidding...

[Tori (Vicki)] ((lol))

[BOB] Ok, ready

BOOT has joined the game on Fri Aug 08 21:40:04 EDT 2008

BOOT is receiving the map Base Map...

BOOT has received the map Base Map.

[Tori (Vicki) (to BOOT only)] hiya, wb

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((welcome back, Bootsie))

[Taurus (Hansie)] ::snoring quite peacefully::

[BOB] everyone is settled, I will type this out in a longer format for you

[Taurus (Hansie)] ::dreaming of fighting a red dragon::

[John ] your all dead is enough

[Tori (Vicki)] ::startles at a sound of an animal running past, rolls over and settles in a bit::

[Taurus (Hansie)] ((I told you I can't fight magic, folks))

[Taurus (Hansie)] ((It appears no one else can, either))

[Ariella (Christy)] yeah, if we're all dead you don't really need to type out that much

[Tori (Vicki)] ((*snicker* That would suffice, John, but he said a change in plans))

[Ariella (Christy)] you're dead is plenty

[Bradwarden (mikE)] ::dreams of buxom centaur girls with giant mugs of ale."

[BOB] you awake in the morning slightly confused, no one woke you for your watch, when you start to get up you find you are pinned to the ground with ropes and branches, the ground around you has grown up around you to keep you captive. There are four large owls in the trees above you watching you, you can look around slightly and see that all your companions are here, but similarly tied up

[BOOT (to BOB only)] I don't get surprised does that matter?

[John ] and our stuff?

BOOT is receiving the map McKenna Keep...

BOOT has received the map McKenna Keep.

[BOB] anyone who is an elf can make a wisdom check

[Ariella (Christy)] so like Gulliver

[BOB] and you can not feel much, but it does feel like most of your stuff is gone, you do not see your packs, etc.

[Ariella (Christy)] Ariella: WIS check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[John ] how about former elves?

[BOOT] Val'Iant Le Quella: WIS check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 9!!

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Hello!"

[BOB] adn Gretchen can make a check

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Who goes there!"

[BOOT] Mentor: WIS check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!


[Ariella (Christy)] yay! I made it!

[Taurus (Hansie)] "I insist that you let me out of these bindings at once!"

[Bradwarden (mikE)] bob, horsey str check to stand up?

[BOB] nope

[Lorie :O)] sorry..what kind of check should i make? Same as everyone else?

[BOB] everyone is bound very tight

[BOB] and yes to that Lor

[John ] took my ring?

[BOB] wisdom

[BOB] yes to Khan

[Taurus (Hansie)] Right, I want to make a check of some sort, too. Open doors?

[BOB] you look like a Troll

[Taurus (Hansie)] Open locked doors?

[Lorie :O)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=16] 16

[BOOT] I made my wisdom roll and what about my surprise abillity?

[BOB] and the elves and Gretchen

[Tori (Vicki)] ((*snicker* Hans and Christy have the same color font))

[Bradwarden (mikE)] (d20) [1d20=8] 8

[BOB] all can tell that you are drugged

[BOB] with an elven sleep potiion

BOOT is now controlling Mentor

[BOB] reduces your strength to almost zero

[Ariella (Christy)] (i didn't even notice)

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz) (to BOB only)] when people roll checks and saves, my chat jumps badly

[BOB] the Owls look like they are there guarding you

BOOT is now controlling Val'Iant Le Quella

[BOB] Gretchen says that they look like trained creatures

[Mentor (BOOT)] What did the wisdom roll give us bob?

[Tori (Vicki)] ::struggles in her bindings::

[BOB] they are on alert for something

[Taurus (Hansie)] A-ha.

[Lorie :O)] ((Can I shaape shift?))

[Tori (Vicki)] ((she doesn't take too kindly to being tied up))

[BOB] no to Gretchen

[Lorie :O)] ((Not saying that Gretchen wants to... ))

[Bradwarden (mikE)] can i shape shift?

[Taurus (Hansie)] How did they get us all to drink an elven sleep potion?

[BOB] grins

[BOB] so

[BOB] you are all here and into the clearing walks a short elven woman

[Ariella (Christy)] Mom!

[BOB] Kelleen is 4'8" tall and weighs no more than 75 lbs. She has bright red hair, piercing blue eyes, and a deep tan. The elf maid wears a green and tan leather outfit with soft booh~. Around her neck is a necklace made of maple leaves that always show autumn colors. Her cloak of honey-colored leather is waterproof and can be used as a skirt when tied around her waist. Although Kelleen is 103 years old, she is the equivalent of a 19-year-old human.

[John ] short for an elf

[Ariella (Christy)] (just kidding)

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((lol))

[Ariella (Christy)] (that woulda been funny)

[John ] and we know this how?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Hmmm.... A little young, but you got a boyfriend girl?"

[Mentor (BOOT) (to BOB only)] I guess my magic resistance didnt help either.

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Bob, are we gagged too or can we talk?))

[Kellen (BOB) (to BOOT only)] yeah, is a plot twist will set things right in a bit

[Ariella (Christy)] (so there's that skipping thing you guys were talking about)

[Kellen (BOB)] you can all talk as you wish

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Do you know who did this?"

[Kellen (BOB)] I am Kellen

[Kellen (BOB)] I am responsible for keeping you here, safe

[Tori (Vicki)] "Khan, what will happen if we remain like this for days, will those townspeople come looking for us? If so, they might get a surprise seeing you as a troll."

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] I am Val'Iant Le Quella. We were safe.

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Keeping who safe from what?

[Kellen (BOB)] rather than letting Kentor tear you to shreds like I should

[Taurus (Hansie)] "This is not how I would keep someone safe."

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] Was Kentor the griffon?

[Ariella (Christy)] many thanks for keeping us safe. I would love to stretch. Could you let me up?

[John ] Your worried about that?

[Kellen (BOB)] and a large blue griffon walks up behind Kellen

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "I should tell Fin about this one. She's cute. And he needs a girl."

[Ariella (Christy)] ooohh...he is the most interesting creature I have ever seen.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Besides that one from back home. She's like a screeching harpie." ::shudders::

[Kellen (BOB)] she angrily stomps her foot

[Tori (Vicki)] "Well, I'm more worried that they won't come to help us. They would be greatly surprised as they seen you as a human and not a troll."

[Kellen (BOB)] he si not a CREATURE

[Taurus (Hansie)] "We were looking for the creature that ate a knight's horse. Your animals can't just go eating everything they want, Griffon-keeper."

[Kellen (BOB)] he is my boyfriend

[Kellen (BOB)] and that horrible witch

[Kellen (BOB)] that evil woman

[Kellen (BOB)] changed him

[Ariella (Christy)] I am so sorry if I offended.

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] Ahhh well I see both Kentor and we were lucky for we were hired to dispatch Kentor and it would have been distrous for us to waste such needless blood of a beautiful elf

[Kellen (BOB)] and ruined our forest

[Ariella (Christy)] we had no idea.

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] what horrible witch?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] Or handsom I should say

[John ] Mercedes?

[Ariella (Christy)] we are also looking for a horrible witch. I'll betcha its the same one.

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] Let me guess...Mercedes?

[Kellen (BOB)] YOU KNOW HER?

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] And how did your forest get here?

[Kellen (BOB)] !?!?!?!!

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] WE are out to get her

[Tori (Vicki)] "Goodness gracious, who did you come across? Oh and, can we get out of these bindings?

[John ] of her yes, we are chaseing her

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] We know OF her

[Ariella (Christy)] we don't know her but we know she's been causing trouble

[Taurus (Hansie)] "Mercedes has been plaguing the Dragonslayers for months with her deceitful trickery."

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] She has caused mischief to the west and we are out to stop her

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] She has been causing trouble all over the place

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "He's your boyfriend? My master Finglas is a lot better looking than he is."

[Ariella (Christy)] and we're looking to put an end to it

Hansie has left the game on Fri Aug 08 21:54:20 EDT 2008

[John ] Can I ask you a question?

[Tori (Vicki)] "Leave it to Brad to be shallow."

[Kellen (BOB)] she is visibly trying to calm down

[Kellen (BOB)] taking deep breaths

[Tori (Vicki)] "Brad, she said that her boyfriend got changed to this creature."

[John ] did you know your forest is out of place? not where it should be

[Kellen (BOB)] you should not even see this forest

[Ariella (Christy)] we could possibly help you with your situation if we can find this woman.

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] Milady please release us and let us speak like friends and comrades with the same enemy....maybe we can work together

[Kellen (BOB)] it was hidden from all outsiders for many years

[Kellen (BOB)] how can I trust you

Hansie has joined the game on Fri Aug 08 21:55:37 EDT 2008

Hansie is receiving the map Base Map...

Hansie has received the map Base Map.

[John ] ah, then just should be out of sight, my error

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)]

[Ariella (Christy)] your forest is beautiful and peaceful like none we have seen.

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] I do not see how that can be right, Khan.

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] The enemy of my enemy is my friend

[Ariella (Christy)] we have no desire to change your forest.

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] In this place was a bog that the truffle pigs always went through.

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] I give you my word as an elf to an elf

[Ariella (Christy)] and mine as well

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "I work for an elf. Does that count?"

[Kellen (BOB)] no, this is not where the humans would search for the fruits of the earth

[John ] I trust she knows what she says and it is the truth

[Kellen (BOB)] and I can not trust you yet

[Ariella (Christy)] we just want to find and stop the woman who seems to be wreaking havoc wherever she goes.

[John ] do you know of the frog attacks?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] What would you have us do to prove our worth to you ?

[Kellen (BOB)] but I will not have Kentor eat you

[Kellen (BOB)] there are always frogs,

[Kellen (BOB)] anyone stupid enough to get close will be hurt

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Giant frogs that eat pigs?

[Ariella (Christy)] yeah, we don't really want to be eaten by Kentor either.

[John ] so nothing outside your forest has changed?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] What would you have us do to prove our worth to you ?

[Hansie] "We are Dragonslayers, Kellen. I am Taurus and I defend the weak and pursue justice. Mercedes will pay for her treacheries."

[Kellen (BOB)] we had this forest safe for many years

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] Mayhap we can find a way to restore the forest and your boyfriend?

[Tori (Vicki)] "Taurus, exactly how would that help gain trust when this Mercedes has been using the DragonSlayers' symbol?"

[Hansie] "When was the last time you saw Mercedes? Which direction did she go? We must find her."

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] And destroy her

[Kellen (BOB)] I saw her fly off on her broom to the north

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] or at the very least bring her to justice and give her a good what not!!!

[Kellen (BOB)] there is something

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Let's give her a sacking."

[Hansie] "She has a broom? That's the first report of her flying on a broom."

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] She has done hateful, horrible things for many miles around

[Kellen (BOB)] "There is one thing you could do. My father, chieftain of this tribe, told me that if we ever needed help, we had a powerful friend, a wizard named Kamalotus. Long ago the Rubato saved him from some awful monsters that came into our forest, and he swore that he would return and repay us. I was only a small child some forty years ago, but I remember Kamalotus bringing us a magical instrument, the recorder that my beloved Kentor played every festival to keep our forest concealed. "Kamalotus also told Father that, if we ever needed assistance, to come to his stone tower five days' travel west of here. It sits on a hill northwest of the junction of the two rivers. I have been thinking of going to beg the wizard's aid, but I cannot leave my helpless kinsmen in this condition. Perhaps you could go to Kamalotus and ask him to help us find this horrible woman."

[Ariella (Christy)] egads-fly off on a broom?

[Tori (Vicki)] "Kellen, could you do me a favor? Give Khan his ring back?"

[Kellen (BOB)] (ooops that is East of here where the wizard's tower is sorry)

[Hansie] "Kellen, yes, we can help you. Well, once we can actually move."

[John ] (or all our stuff)

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] I would be glad to go to this wizard and get his help for your tribe and forest.

[Bradwarden (mikE)] "Why more wizards and towers? I don't fit in them."

[Kellen (BOB)] I will let you loose

[Kellen (BOB)] if you will promise to go to Kamalotus

[Kellen (BOB)] and bring him here to help

[Tori (Vicki)] "Brad, perhaps you'd like to stay with Kellen and her boyfriend?"

[Hansie] "Val'lant, we can't just destroy her. But we will certainly detain her and bring her to justice."

[John ] I promise

Hansie has left the game on Fri Aug 08 22:03:25 EDT 2008

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] Yes we shall but do you want him to come here or to go and capture Mercedes?

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Yikes, chat's really jumping now and I don't know what I've done))

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)]

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] I do so swea upon the name of my holy god, Diancecht

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] Gunzunhieght

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] *swear ((sheesh))

[Kellen (BOB)] she fingers a ring on her hand, twisting it back and forth

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((Did you just Gesundheit me? LOL))

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] ((Yea that was it))

ly Twice has joined the game on Fri Aug 08 22:04:50 EDT 2008

ly Twice is receiving the map Base Map...

ly Twice has received the map Base Map.

[Tori (Vicki)] "We can't have Khan going anywhere looking like a Troll. His master gave him that ring for his protection."

[John ] Not that it matters but I have it on loan

[John ] for obviously reasons

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT) (to ly Twice only)] Who's the "boot" now? HUNH?!!!!!!

[Ariella (Christy)] brb-getting kids into bed

[Christy] I am away from the keyboard.

[Kellen (BOB)] she sighs

[Kellen (BOB)] then agrees to untie you

[Kellen (BOB)] she undoes Ari first

[ly Twice (to BOOT only)] Yeah, I tried to name my session "Kicked off shamelessly twice" but Klooge didn't like that, I guess.

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT) (to ly Twice only)] Ha

[Kellen (BOB)] and then starts to relate more of her story to you

[ly Twice] "Well, it doesn't seem that we pose any threat to you, even if you untie us."

[Kellen (BOB)] as she undoes each person

[Kellen (BOB)] Fifty years ago, when the wizard Kamalatus was young and learning the ways of magic, he was ambushed in a sylvan forest by a gruesome pair of hungry ettercaps. Fortunately, a band of Rubato wood elves heard the commotion and came to his rescue just in time. The elves cured Karnalotus's poisoned wounds and allowed him to recover in their camp before sending him on his way. The young wizard never forgot the favor and swore to repay them somehow. As he grew older, Kamalotus was disturbed to hear many tales about elves being forced out of their forests by the onslaught of human civilization. He devoted much of his adventuring treasure to developing a device that would conceal his friends' forest. After many years and much experimentation, he created a magical recorder, a musical instrument that would make the Rubatos' forest look, smell, and sound like a poisonous bog to all but the animals, wood elves, and other sylvan beings that resided there. 'To initiate and renew the enchantment, one elf must play the recorder during the first and last midnight of the Seldanqith festivaL The wizard delivered the recorder to the elves with the promise that, if they should ever need anything else from him, all they had to do was come to his tower, located several days' march to the east. The Rubato elves were surprised at such a magnificent gift but were delighted when they saw how well the inatruroent worked and heard how wonderfully the soft tones of the recorder complemented their elven instruments. By this time, Kamalotus was known throughout the land as a powerful sorcerer and was a member of the adventuring party known as the Blue Griffon Company. He and his stalwart friend, the bard Gangwolf, made up the nucleus of this small group, which included others from time to time.

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((Bob, that huge paragraph caused me to auto-pause and scrolled me wayyyyy up))

[Kellen (BOB)] ok

[Tori (Vicki)] I had to scroll up myself and it wouldn't go all the way to the bottom so I can read the rest, especially when people type after that. (ooc)

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] That is very interesting. I have never heard of a griffon being blue, before.

[Kellen (BOB)] and it did just jump for me when Vicki typed

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] Yea and also it didn't even fit on the chat screen

[Kellen (BOB)] giving everyone time to read digest and then form questions

[Taurus (ly Twice)] What are the odds of that? The wizard is part of the "Blue Griffin" company and we have ourselves a blue griffon. Hmmmm...

[Bradwarden (mikE)] i'm going to sign out here guys.

[Taurus (ly Twice)] Okay, Mike.

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] So how did you all run into Mercedes?

[Bradwarden (mikE)] since i can't take brad into a tower anyway.

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] ((Night Mike))

[Kellen (BOB)] have a great night Mike

[Tori (Vicki)] ((night night Mike))

[John ] ttfn

[Bradwarden (mikE)] good luck. have fun with another buzzare wizard type

[Kellen (BOB)] check the site to see if we are playing

[Kellen (BOB)] lol

mikE has left the game on Fri Aug 08 22:10:54 EDT 2008

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] I wonder... perhaps Mercedes has some grudge against Kamalotus or one of his group?

[Taurus (ly Twice)] The display of the chat isn't blinking or anything, but it is weird. It's like there is a different-colored background on the upper half of each little chat bubble. But it's only on about half of 'em. Weird stuff, man.

[Kellen (BOB)] ok

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)]

[Taurus (ly Twice)] Is anybody else seeing that/

[Tori (Vicki)] ((nope))

[Taurus (Hansie)] Hmmm. Okay.

[Tori (Vicki)] ((now... I forgot what I read))

[Lorie :O)] :: nods :: and the chat keeps getting cut off

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((I've had that before, but not now. I got it when I changed colours.))

[John ] I see it

[John ] it

[Kellen (BOB)] ok

[John ] any chance of calling it a night?

[Kellen (BOB)] we can continue

[Tori (Vicki)] ((I see chat going up to a certain extent, (seems like page up and page down) and making it really difficult to read))

[Taurus (Hansie)] I'm fine with that, although it's getting interesting now.

[Kellen (BOB)] there is more, close to the end of the first movement

[Kellen (BOB)] want you to have what background you need

[Kellen (BOB)] and ask what you want

[Taurus (Hansie)] I think I'm starting to get a headache because of this display.

[Kellen (BOB)] so that if we pick up next week or in two weeks you can move forward

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] How did you all get involved with Mercedes?

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Seems like Mercedes targets only a specific area. We've had one tell us south and east, and now this one saying North))

[Kaz] If she is chaotic, then going one way and then another only seems right

[Kellen (BOB)] I only heard her called Mercedes once, she refered to her self as Octavia with Kentor

[John ] So no one to go with us this time?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] Ok how did you get involved with Octavia?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] ((friggin splittin hairs here))

[Kellen (BOB)] I was not involved

[Tori (Vicki) (to BOOT only)] what hairs?

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Did it seem to you that she chose to come here randomly?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] YOU ALL you group the elves, your boyfriend who ever

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] Don't take me so LITERALLY

[Kellen (BOB)] another chunk of text for you

[Kellen (BOB)] Invisibly, Octavia slipped into the encampment and played her lute, singing a lullaby spell. The spell worked excellently, and the elves went into a deep sleep. Next, Octavia tied up Kentor and Kelleen and dragged them away from the encampment. She then sang the arise spell (the reverse of the lullaby spell), which brought the couple out of their stupor. The charlatan made an offer to the elves: If Kentar and a few of the elves with their instruments would come to the castle and compose a few pieces of music for her, Octavia would gladly awaken all the others and things could go on as before. Kelleen and Kentor saw through the charlatan's lying ways, however, and cursed her roundly. Octavia got very angry at this second rejection from Kentar, and she decided to take revenge. She collected all the elven instruments she could find (but not Kelleen's lute, which was stared in the hoilow of a tree). Then she polymorphed Kentar inta a blue griffon (a spontaneous decision triggered by her memories of the many blue griffon emblems throughout the castle) and warned him that if he tried ta kill her, the counterspell to the elves' deep slumber would be lost forever. She suggested that the two elves reconsider their answer and informed them that she would be back in 30 days for their reply. By then, the concealing enchantment on the forest would have dissipated, and their precious solitude would be lost forever. Finally, Octavia informed the horrified Kelleen that Kentar would soon develop a desire for horseflesh-or worse-and warned the elf maiden to keep her lover well fed. Laughing hideously, Octavia mounted her broom and flew away. with no intention of returning. Kentor chewed through Kelleen's bonds, but she found that nothing would bring her tribesmen out of their trance. Sighing, she dragged her kinsmen inta the tribe's wooden lodges ta protect them from the elements, then tried to figure out what ta do next.

[Kellen (BOB)] (if you gave me more time to organize it rather than demand answers I would put it in smaller pieces)

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((okay, you talk about Octavia's memories of emblems in a castle - how does that fit in? What castle? Why does she have memories of it? Why mention it?))

[John ] So recently this happened

[John ] about a month

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Or less

[John ] we are still behind her, but close

[Taurus (Hansie)] The chat display is killing me. Y'all have a good night. I gotta check out-

[Kellen (BOB)] This evil woman attacked us only a couple of days ago

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] This was the second time they made contact with her what about the first time?

[Kellen (BOB)] and teh spell wore off this morning

Hansie has left the game on Fri Aug 08 22:20:45 EDT 2008

[Tori (Vicki)] ((night night Hans))

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((Night HAans))

[Kellen (BOB)] (at least that is how Kellen sees it)

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] I believe this is the only time they had contact with her, Val

[Kellen (BOB)] (what other time?)

[Lorie :O)] Hey gang...I'm going to head out. I'm exhauted

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] Just the one time.

[Lorie :O)] BOB, if I don't see you before...have a GREAT TIME next week, safe flight

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((Night Lorie))

[Tori (Vicki)] ((Night night Lorie))

[Kellen (BOB)] thanks Lor

[Lorie :O)] Say hi to everyone :: hugs ::

[Lorie :O)] :: waves ::

Lorie :O) has left the game on Fri Aug 08 22:22:32 EDT 2008

[Kellen (BOB)] the musical instruments she stole include a pair of silver bells, a set of magical bagpipes, a long fiddle, the enchanted recorder, and a harp.

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] It was the second time that kellan rejected her

[Kellen (BOB)] the same meeting

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] No kentar I am sorry

[Kellen (BOB)] as far as Kellen understands

[Kellen (BOB)] although you did get a bit of the next plot point there

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] What castle did she want you to come to?

[John ] I will have to re-read again to misunderstand what I am suposed to

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] were any of the other instruments enchanted?

[Kellen (BOB)] none that I know of

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] Do we see any sleeping elves?

[Kellen (BOB)] adn there are rumors of a castle in the mountains north of Woodwind

[Kellen (BOB)] there are no sleeping elves here

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] Do wish this Kalamazoo guy to go after Octavia Mercedes or to come here?

[Tori (Vicki)] "Did Octavia have a soprano voice?"

[Ariella (Christy)] sorry, but I have to head out before my head explodes.

[Kellen (BOB)] he would be the only person who can save Kentor

[Kellen (BOB)] and restore our forest

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] Do wish this Kalamazoo guy to go after Octavia Mercedes or to come here?

[Kellen (BOB)] waves chrsity

[Ariella (Christy)] goodnight!

Christy has left the game on Fri Aug 08 22:28:40 EDT 2008

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((night Christy))

[Tori (Vicki)] ((night night Christy))

[Kellen (BOB)] what good will it do to go after her? if Kentor is still in this form?

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] YOu said for him to go after her that is why I am asking for clarification. It seemed an odd request

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] I believe it best if the wizard come here to help the tribe and Kentor, and we can continue to track that... nasty person

[Kellen (BOB)] I want her to be punished

[Kellen (BOB)] to suffer for what she has done

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] And we want to punish her

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] and have her brought to Justice

John has left the game on Fri Aug 08 22:30:46 EDT 2008

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] She has done much evil mischief to many, many people

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mentor modified: Notes - CHANGED: riddle -- :

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] The problem with Elves While exploring the woods of Skye, Crandon was captured by hostile wood elves. Smair, the powerful chief of the elves told him he could make one final statement which would determine how he would die. If the statement he made was false, he would be fed to the eagles. If the statement were true, he would be fed to the wolves. Crandon found neither of this options too his liking, so he made a statement that got him out of this seemingly impossible situation. What is the one statement he could make to save himself?

St. Delila is an island in the far southern oceans

[Kellen (BOB)] Invisibly, Octavia slipped into the encampment and played her lute, singing a lullaby spell. The spell worked excellently, and the elves went into a deep sleep. Next, Octavia tied up Kentor and Kelleen and dragged them away from the encampment. She then sang the arise spell (the reverse of the lullaby spell), which brought the couple out of their stupor. The charlatan made an offer to the elves: If Kentar and a few of the elves with their instruments would come to the castle and compose a few pieces of music for her, Octavia would gladly awaken all the others and things could go on as before. Kelleen and Kentor saw through the charlatan's lying ways, however, and cursed her roundly. Octavia got very angry at this second rejection from Kentar, and she decided to take revenge. She collected all the elven instruments she could find (but not Kelleen's lute, which was stared in the hoilow of a tree). Then she polymorphed Kentar inta a blue griffon (a spontaneous decision triggered by her memories of the many blue griffon emblems throughout the castle) and warned him that if he tried ta kill her, the counterspell to the elves' deep slumber would be lost forever. She suggested that the two elves reconsider their answer and informed them that she would be back in 30 days for their reply. By then, the concealing enchantment on the forest would have dissipated, and their precious solitude would be lost forever. Finally, Octavia informed the horrified Kelleen that Kentar would soon develop a desire for horseflesh-or worse-and warned the elf maiden to keep her lover well fed. Laughing hideously, Octavia mounted her broom and flew away. with no intention of returning. Kentor chewed through Kelleen's bonds, but she found that nothing would bring her tribesmen out of their trance. Sighing, she dragged her kinsmen inta the tribe's wooden lodges ta protect them from the elements, then tried to figure out what ta do next. (

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] The problem with Elves While exploring the woods of Skye, Crandon was captured by hostile wood elves. Smair, the powerful chief of the elves told him he could make one final statement which would determine how he would die. If the statement he made was false, he would be fed to the eagles. If the statement were true, he would be fed to the wolves. Crandon found neither of this options too his liking, so he made a statement that got him out of this seemingly impossible situation. What is the one statement he could make to save himself?

St. Delila is an island in the far southern oceans


[Kellen (BOB)] (did you have other questions?)

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mentor modified: Notes - CHANGED: riddle -- :

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] The problem with Elves While exploring the woods of Skye, Crandon was captured by hostile wood elves. Smair, the powerful chief of the elves told him he could make one final statement which would determine how he would die. If the statement he made was false, he would be fed to the eagles. If the statement were true, he would be fed to the wolves. Crandon found neither of this options too his liking, so he made a statement that got him out of this seemingly impossible situation. What is the one statement he could make to save himself?

St. Delila is an island in the far southern oceans

[Kellen (BOB)] Invisibly, Octavia slipped into the encampment and played her lute, singing a lullaby spell. The spell worked excellently, and the elves went into a deep sleep. Next, Octavia tied up Kentor and Kelleen and dragged them away from the encampment. She then sang the arise spell (the reverse of the lullaby spell), which brought the couple out of their stupor. The charlatan made an offer to the elves: If Kentar and a few of the elves with their instruments would come to the castle and compose a few pieces of music for her, Octavia would gladly awaken all the others and things could go on as before. Kelleen and Kentor saw through the charlatan's lying ways, however, and cursed her roundly. Octavia got very angry at this second rejection from Kentar, and she decided to take revenge. She collected all the elven instruments she could find (but not Kelleen's lute, which was stared in the hoilow of a tree). Then she polymorphed Kentar inta a blue griffon (a spontaneous decision triggered by her memories of the many blue griffon emblems throughout the castle) and warned him that if he tried ta kill her, the counterspell to the elves' deep slumber would be lost forever. She suggested that the two elves reconsider their answer and informed them that she would be back in 30 days for their reply. By then, the concealing enchantment on the forest would have dissipated, and their precious solitude would be lost forever. Finally, Octavia informed the horrified Kelleen that Kentar would soon develop a desire for horseflesh-or worse-and warned the elf maiden to keep her lover well fed. Laughing hideously, Octavia mounted her broom and flew away. with no intention of returning. Kentor chewed through Kelleen's bonds, but she found that nothing would bring her tribesmen out of their trance. Sighing, she dragged her kinsmen inta the tribe's wooden lodges ta protect them from the elements, then tried to figure out what ta do next.

[Kellen (BOB)] Fifty years ago, when the wizard Kamalatus was young and learning the ways of magic, he was ambushed in a sylvan forest by a gruesome pair of hungry ettercaps. Fortunately, a band of Rubato wood elves heard the commotion and came to his rescue just in time. The elves cured Karnalotus's poisoned wounds and allowed him to recover in their camp before sending him on his way. The young wizard never forgot the favor and swore to repay them somehow. As he grew older, Kamalotus was disturbed to hear many tales about elves being forced out of their forests by the onslaught of human civilization. He devoted much of his adventuring treasure to developing a device that would conceal his friends' forest. After many years and much experimentation, he created a magical recorder, a musical instrument that would make the Rubatos' forest look, smell, and sound like a poisonous bog to all but the animals, wood elves, and other sylvan beings that resided there. 'To initiate and renew the enchantment, one elf must play the recorder during the first and last midnight of the Seldanqith festivaL The wizard delivered the recorder to the elves with the promise that, if they should ever need anything else from him, all they had to do was come to his tower, located several days' march to the east. The Rubato elves were surprised at such a magnificent gift but were delighted when they saw how well the inatruroent worked and heard how wonderfully the soft tones of the recorder complemented their elven instruments. By this time, Kamalotus was known throughout the land as a powerful sorcerer and was a member of the adventuring party known as the Blue Griffon Company. He and his stalwart friend, the bard Gangwolf, made up the nucleus of this small group, which included others from time to time.

[Kellen (BOB)] "There is one thing you could do. My father, chieftain of this tribe, told me that if we ever needed help, we had a powerful friend, a wizard named Kamalotus. Long ago the Rubato saved him from some awful monsters that came into our forest, and he swore that he would return and repay us. I was only a small child some forty years ago, but I remember Kamalotus bringing us a magical instrument, the recorder that my beloved Kentor played every festival to keep our forest concealed. "Kamalotus also told Father that, if we ever needed assistance, to come to his stone tower five days' travel west of here. It sits on a hill northwest of the junction of the two rivers. I have been thinking of going to beg the wizard's aid, but I cannot leave my helpless kinsmen in this condition. Perhaps you could go to Kamalotus and ask him to help us find this horrible woman." (

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] The problem with Elves While exploring the woods of Skye, Crandon was captured by hostile wood elves. Smair, the powerful chief of the elves told him he could make one final statement which would determine how he would die. If the statement he made was false, he would be fed to the eagles. If the statement were true, he would be fed to the wolves. Crandon found neither of this options too his liking, so he made a statement that got him out of this seemingly impossible situation. What is the one statement he could make to save himself?

St. Delila is an island in the far southern oceans

[Kellen (BOB)] Invisibly, Octavia slipped into the encampment and played her lute, singing a lullaby spell. The spell worked excellently, and the elves went into a deep sleep. Next, Octavia tied up Kentor and Kelleen and dragged them away from the encampment. She then sang the arise spell (the reverse of the lullaby spell), which brought the couple out of their stupor. The charlatan made an offer to the elves: If Kentar and a few of the elves with their instruments would come to the castle and compose a few pieces of music for her, Octavia would gladly awaken all the others and things could go on as before. Kelleen and Kentor saw through the charlatan's lying ways, however, and cursed her roundly. Octavia got very angry at this second rejection from Kentar, and she decided to take revenge. She collected all the elven instruments she could find (but not Kelleen's lute, which was stared in the hoilow of a tree). Then she polymorphed Kentar inta a blue griffon (a spontaneous decision triggered by her memories of the many blue griffon emblems throughout the castle) and warned him that if he tried ta kill her, the counterspell to the elves' deep slumber would be lost forever. She suggested that the two elves reconsider their answer and informed them that she would be back in 30 days for their reply. By then, the concealing enchantment on the forest would have dissipated, and their precious solitude would be lost forever. Finally, Octavia informed the horrified Kelleen that Kentar would soon develop a desire for horseflesh-or worse-and warned the elf maiden to keep her lover well fed. Laughing hideously, Octavia mounted her broom and flew away. with no intention of returning. Kentor chewed through Kelleen's bonds, but she found that nothing would bring her tribesmen out of their trance. Sighing, she dragged her kinsmen inta the tribe's wooden lodges ta protect them from the elements, then tried to figure out what ta do next. ).

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] ((not that I can think of right now, to be honest))

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mentor modified: Notes - CHANGED: riddle -- :

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] The problem with Elves While exploring the woods of Skye, Crandon was captured by hostile wood elves. Smair, the powerful chief of the elves told him he could make one final statement which would determine how he would die. If the statement he made was false, he would be fed to the eagles. If the statement were true, he would be fed to the wolves. Crandon found neither of this options too his liking, so he made a statement that got him out of this seemingly impossible situation. What is the one statement he could make to save himself?

St. Delila is an island in the far southern oceans

[Kellen (BOB)] Invisibly, Octavia slipped into the encampment and played her lute, singing a lullaby spell. The spell worked excellently, and the elves went into a deep sleep. Next, Octavia tied up Kentor and Kelleen and dragged them away from the encampment. She then sang the arise spell (the reverse of the lullaby spell), which brought the couple out of their stupor. The charlatan made an offer to the elves: If Kentar and a few of the elves with their instruments would come to the castle and compose a few pieces of music for her, Octavia would gladly awaken all the others and things could go on as before. Kelleen and Kentor saw through the charlatan's lying ways, however, and cursed her roundly. Octavia got very angry at this second rejection from Kentar, and she decided to take revenge. She collected all the elven instruments she could find (but not Kelleen's lute, which was stared in the hoilow of a tree). Then she polymorphed Kentar inta a blue griffon (a spontaneous decision triggered by her memories of the many blue griffon emblems throughout the castle) and warned him that if he tried ta kill her, the counterspell to the elves' deep slumber would be lost forever. She suggested that the two elves reconsider their answer and informed them that she would be back in 30 days for their reply. By then, the concealing enchantment on the forest would have dissipated, and their precious solitude would be lost forever. Finally, Octavia informed the horrified Kelleen that Kentar would soon develop a desire for horseflesh-or worse-and warned the elf maiden to keep her lover well fed. Laughing hideously, Octavia mounted her broom and flew away. with no intention of returning. Kentor chewed through Kelleen's bonds, but she found that nothing would bring her tribesmen out of their trance. Sighing, she dragged her kinsmen inta the tribe's wooden lodges ta protect them from the elements, then tried to figure out what ta do next.

[Kellen (BOB)] Fifty years ago, when the wizard Kamalatus was young and learning the ways of magic, he was ambushed in a sylvan forest by a gruesome pair of hungry ettercaps. Fortunately, a band of Rubato wood elves heard the commotion and came to his rescue just in time. The elves cured Karnalotus's poisoned wounds and allowed him to recover in their camp before sending him on his way. The young wizard never forgot the favor and swore to repay them somehow. As he grew older, Kamalotus was disturbed to hear many tales about elves being forced out of their forests by the onslaught of human civilization. He devoted much of his adventuring treasure to developing a device that would conceal his friends' forest. After many years and much experimentation, he created a magical recorder, a musical instrument that would make the Rubatos' forest look, smell, and sound like a poisonous bog to all but the animals, wood elves, and other sylvan beings that resided there. 'To initiate and renew the enchantment, one elf must play the recorder during the first and last midnight of the Seldanqith festivaL The wizard delivered the recorder to the elves with the promise that, if they should ever need anything else from him, all they had to do was come to his tower, located several days' march to the east. The Rubato elves were surprised at such a magnificent gift but were delighted when they saw how well the inatruroent worked and heard how wonderfully the soft tones of the recorder complemented their elven instruments. By this time, Kamalotus was known throughout the land as a powerful sorcerer and was a member of the adventuring party known as the Blue Griffon Company. He and his stalwart friend, the bard Gangwolf, made up the nucleus of this small group, which included others from time to time.

[Kellen (BOB)] "There is one thing you could do. My father, chieftain of this tribe, told me that if we ever needed help, we had a powerful friend, a wizard named Kamalotus. Long ago the Rubato saved him from some awful monsters that came into our forest, and he swore that he would return and repay us. I was only a small child some forty years ago, but I remember Kamalotus bringing us a magical instrument, the recorder that my beloved Kentor played every festival to keep our forest concealed. "Kamalotus also told Father that, if we ever needed assistance, to come to his stone tower five days' travel west of here. It sits on a hill northwest of the junction of the two rivers. I have been thinking of going to beg the wizard's aid, but I cannot leave my helpless kinsmen in this condition. Perhaps you could go to Kamalotus and ask him to help us find this horrible woman."

[Kellen (BOB)] I only heard her called Mercedes once, she refered to her self as Octavia with Kentor (

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] The problem with Elves While exploring the woods of Skye, Crandon was captured by hostile wood elves. Smair, the powerful chief of the elves told him he could make one final statement which would determine how he would die. If the statement he made was false, he would be fed to the eagles. If the statement were true, he would be fed to the wolves. Crandon found neither of this options too his liking, so he made a statement that got him out of this seemingly impossible situation. What is the one statement he could make to save himself?

St. Delila is an island in the far southern oceans

[Kellen (BOB)] Invisibly, Octavia slipped into the encampment and played her lute, singing a lullaby spell. The spell worked excellently, and the elves went into a deep sleep. Next, Octavia tied up Kentor and Kelleen and dragged them away from the encampment. She then sang the arise spell (the reverse of the lullaby spell), which brought the couple out of their stupor. The charlatan made an offer to the elves: If Kentar and a few of the elves with their instruments would come to the castle and compose a few pieces of music for her, Octavia would gladly awaken all the others and things could go on as before. Kelleen and Kentor saw through the charlatan's lying ways, however, and cursed her roundly. Octavia got very angry at this second rejection from Kentar, and she decided to take revenge. She collected all the elven instruments she could find (but not Kelleen's lute, which was stared in the hoilow of a tree). Then she polymorphed Kentar inta a blue griffon (a spontaneous decision triggered by her memories of the many blue griffon emblems throughout the castle) and warned him that if he tried ta kill her, the counterspell to the elves' deep slumber would be lost forever. She suggested that the two elves reconsider their answer and informed them that she would be back in 30 days for their reply. By then, the concealing enchantment on the forest would have dissipated, and their precious solitude would be lost forever. Finally, Octavia informed the horrified Kelleen that Kentar would soon develop a desire for horseflesh-or worse-and warned the elf maiden to keep her lover well fed. Laughing hideously, Octavia mounted her broom and flew away. with no intention of returning. Kentor chewed through Kelleen's bonds, but she found that nothing would bring her tribesmen out of their trance. Sighing, she dragged her kinsmen inta the tribe's wooden lodges ta protect them from the elements, then tried to figure out what ta do next.

[Kellen (BOB)] Fifty years ago, when the wizard Kamalatus was young and learning the ways of magic, he was ambushed in a sylvan forest by a gruesome pair of hungry ettercaps. Fortunately, a band of Rubato wood elves heard the commotion and came to his rescue just in time. The elves cured Karnalotus's poisoned wounds and allowed him to recover in their camp before sending him on his way. The young wizard never forgot the favor and swore to repay them somehow. As he grew older, Kamalotus was disturbed to hear many tales about elves being forced out of their forests by the onslaught of human civilization. He devoted much of his adventuring treasure to developing a device that would conceal his friends' forest. After many years and much experimentation, he created a magical recorder, a musical instrument that would make the Rubatos' forest look, smell, and sound like a poisonous bog to all but the animals, wood elves, and other sylvan beings that resided there. 'To initiate and renew the enchantment, one elf must play the recorder during the first and last midnight of the Seldanqith festivaL The wizard delivered the recorder to the elves with the promise that, if they should ever need anything else from him, all they had to do was come to his tower, located several days' march to the east. The Rubato elves were surprised at such a magnificent gift but were delighted when they saw how well the inatruroent worked and heard how wonderfully the soft tones of the recorder complemented their elven instruments. By this time, Kamalotus was known throughout the land as a powerful sorcerer and was a member of the adventuring party known as the Blue Griffon Company. He and his stalwart friend, the bard Gangwolf, made up the nucleus of this small group, which included others from time to time.

[Kellen (BOB)] "There is one thing you could do. My father, chieftain of this tribe, told me that if we ever needed help, we had a powerful friend, a wizard named Kamalotus. Long ago the Rubato saved him from some awful monsters that came into our forest, and he swore that he would return and repay us. I was only a small child some forty years ago, but I remember Kamalotus bringing us a magical instrument, the recorder that my beloved Kentor played every festival to keep our forest concealed. "Kamalotus also told Father that, if we ever needed assistance, to come to his stone tower five days' travel west of here. It sits on a hill northwest of the junction of the two rivers. I have been thinking of going to beg the wizard's aid, but I cannot leave my helpless kinsmen in this condition. Perhaps you could go to Kamalotus and ask him to help us find this horrible woman." ).

[BOB] grins, Fritz you can just read it on the site later on

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mentor modified: Notes - CHANGED: riddle -- :

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] The problem with Elves While exploring the woods of Skye, Crandon was captured by hostile wood elves. Smair, the powerful chief of the elves told him he could make one final statement which would determine how he would die. If the statement he made was false, he would be fed to the eagles. If the statement were true, he would be fed to the wolves. Crandon found neither of this options too his liking, so he made a statement that got him out of this seemingly impossible situation. What is the one statement he could make to save himself?

St. Delila is an island in the far southern oceans

[Kellen (BOB)] Invisibly, Octavia slipped into the encampment and played her lute, singing a lullaby spell. The spell worked excellently, and the elves went into a deep sleep. Next, Octavia tied up Kentor and Kelleen and dragged them away from the encampment. She then sang the arise spell (the reverse of the lullaby spell), which brought the couple out of their stupor. The charlatan made an offer to the elves: If Kentar and a few of the elves with their instruments would come to the castle and compose a few pieces of music for her, Octavia would gladly awaken all the others and things could go on as before. Kelleen and Kentor saw through the charlatan's lying ways, however, and cursed her roundly. Octavia got very angry at this second rejection from Kentar, and she decided to take revenge. She collected all the elven instruments she could find (but not Kelleen's lute, which was stared in the hoilow of a tree). Then she polymorphed Kentar inta a blue griffon (a spontaneous decision triggered by her memories of the many blue griffon emblems throughout the castle) and warned him that if he tried ta kill her, the counterspell to the elves' deep slumber would be lost forever. She suggested that the two elves reconsider their answer and informed them that she would be back in 30 days for their reply. By then, the concealing enchantment on the forest would have dissipated, and their precious solitude would be lost forever. Finally, Octavia informed the horrified Kelleen that Kentar would soon develop a desire for horseflesh-or worse-and warned the elf maiden to keep her lover well fed. Laughing hideously, Octavia mounted her broom and flew away. with no intention of returning. Kentor chewed through Kelleen's bonds, but she found that nothing would bring her tribesmen out of their trance. Sighing, she dragged her kinsmen inta the tribe's wooden lodges ta protect them from the elements, then tried to figure out what ta do next.

[Kellen (BOB)] Fifty years ago, when the wizard Kamalatus was young and learning the ways of magic, he was ambushed in a sylvan forest by a gruesome pair of hungry ettercaps. Fortunately, a band of Rubato wood elves heard the commotion and came to his rescue just in time. The elves cured Karnalotus's poisoned wounds and allowed him to recover in their camp before sending him on his way. The young wizard never forgot the favor and swore to repay them somehow. As he grew older, Kamalotus was disturbed to hear many tales about elves being forced out of their forests by the onslaught of human civilization. He devoted much of his adventuring treasure to developing a device that would conceal his friends' forest. After many years and much experimentation, he created a magical recorder, a musical instrument that would make the Rubatos' forest look, smell, and sound like a poisonous bog to all but the animals, wood elves, and other sylvan beings that resided there. 'To initiate and renew the enchantment, one elf must play the recorder during the first and last midnight of the Seldanqith festivaL The wizard delivered the recorder to the elves with the promise that, if they should ever need anything else from him, all they had to do was come to his tower, located several days' march to the east. The Rubato elves were surprised at such a magnificent gift but were delighted when they saw how well the inatruroent worked and heard how wonderfully the soft tones of the recorder complemented their elven instruments. By this time, Kamalotus was known throughout the land as a powerful sorcerer and was a member of the adventuring party known as the Blue Griffon Company. He and his stalwart friend, the bard Gangwolf, made up the nucleus of this small group, which included others from time to time.

[Kellen (BOB)] "There is one thing you could do. My father, chieftain of this tribe, told me that if we ever needed help, we had a powerful friend, a wizard named Kamalotus. Long ago the Rubato saved him from some awful monsters that came into our forest, and he swore that he would return and repay us. I was only a small child some forty years ago, but I remember Kamalotus bringing us a magical instrument, the recorder that my beloved Kentor played every festival to keep our forest concealed. "Kamalotus also told Father that, if we ever needed assistance, to come to his stone tower five days' travel west of here. It sits on a hill northwest of the junction of the two rivers. I have been thinking of going to beg the wizard's aid, but I cannot leave my helpless kinsmen in this condition. Perhaps you could go to Kamalotus and ask him to help us find this horrible woman."

[Kellen (BOB)] I only heard her called Mercedes once, she refered to her self as Octavia with Kentor

[Kellen (BOB)] the musical instruments she stole include a pair of silver bells, a set of magical bagpipes, a long fiddle, the enchanted recorder, and a harp. (

[Giant Raven #1 (BOB)] The problem with Elves While exploring the woods of Skye, Crandon was captured by hostile wood elves. Smair, the powerful chief of the elves told him he could make one final statement which would determine how he would die. If the statement he made was false, he would be fed to the eagles. If the statement were true, he would be fed to the wolves. Crandon found neither of this options too his liking, so he made a statement that got him out of this seemingly impossible situation. What is the one statement he could make to save himself?

St. Delila is an island in the far southern oceans

[Kellen (BOB)] Invisibly, Octavia slipped into the encampment and played her lute, singing a lullaby spell. The spell worked excellently, and the elves went into a deep sleep. Next, Octavia tied up Kentor and Kelleen and dragged them away from the encampment. She then sang the arise spell (the reverse of the lullaby spell), which brought the couple out of their stupor. The charlatan made an offer to the elves: If Kentar and a few of the elves with their instruments would come to the castle and compose a few pieces of music for her, Octavia would gladly awaken all the others and things could go on as before. Kelleen and Kentor saw through the charlatan's lying ways, however, and cursed her roundly. Octavia got very angry at this second rejection from Kentar, and she decided to take revenge. She collected all the elven instruments she could find (but not Kelleen's lute, which was stared in the hoilow of a tree). Then she polymorphed Kentar inta a blue griffon (a spontaneous decision triggered by her memories of the many blue griffon emblems throughout the castle) and warned him that if he tried ta kill her, the counterspell to the elves' deep slumber would be lost forever. She suggested that the two elves reconsider their answer and informed them that she would be back in 30 days for their reply. By then, the concealing enchantment on the forest would have dissipated, and their precious solitude would be lost forever. Finally, Octavia informed the horrified Kelleen that Kentar would soon develop a desire for horseflesh-or worse-and warned the elf maiden to keep her lover well fed. Laughing hideously, Octavia mounted her broom and flew away. with no intention of returning. Kentor chewed through Kelleen's bonds, but she found that nothing would bring her tribesmen out of their trance. Sighing, she dragged her kinsmen inta the tribe's wooden lodges ta protect them from the elements, then tried to figure out what ta do next.

[Kellen (BOB)] Fifty years ago, when the wizard Kamalatus was young and learning the ways of magic, he was ambushed in a sylvan forest by a gruesome pair of hungry ettercaps. Fortunately, a band of Rubato wood elves heard the commotion and came to his rescue just in time. The elves cured Karnalotus's poisoned wounds and allowed him to recover in their camp before sending him on his way. The young wizard never forgot the favor and swore to repay them somehow. As he grew older, Kamalotus was disturbed to hear many tales about elves being forced out of their forests by the onslaught of human civilization. He devoted much of his adventuring treasure to developing a device that would conceal his friends' forest. After many years and much experimentation, he created a magical recorder, a musical instrument that would make the Rubatos' forest look, smell, and sound like a poisonous bog to all but the animals, wood elves, and other sylvan beings that resided there. 'To initiate and renew the enchantment, one elf must play the recorder during the first and last midnight of the Seldanqith festivaL The wizard delivered the recorder to the elves with the promise that, if they should ever need anything else from him, all they had to do was come to his tower, located several days' march to the east. The Rubato elves were surprised at such a magnificent gift but were delighted when they saw how well the inatruroent worked and heard how wonderfully the soft tones of the recorder complemented their elven instruments. By this time, Kamalotus was known throughout the land as a powerful sorcerer and was a member of the adventuring party known as the Blue Griffon Company. He and his stalwart friend, the bard Gangwolf, made up the nucleus of this small group, which included others from time to time.

[Kellen (BOB)] "There is one thing you could do. My father, chieftain of this tribe, told me that if we ever needed help, we had a powerful friend, a wizard named Kamalotus. Long ago the Rubato saved him from some awful monsters that came into our forest, and he swore that he would return and repay us. I was only a small child some forty years ago, but I remember Kamalotus bringing us a magical instrument, the recorder that my beloved Kentor played every festival to keep our forest concealed. "Kamalotus also told Father that, if we ever needed assistance, to come to his stone tower five days' travel west of here. It sits on a hill northwest of the junction of the two rivers. I have been thinking of going to beg the wizard's aid, but I cannot leave my helpless kinsmen in this condition. Perhaps you could go to Kamalotus and ask him to help us find this horrible woman."

[Kellen (BOB)] I only heard her called Mercedes once, she refered to her self as Octavia with Kentor ).

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] Ok one last thing..she took the magical recorder so even if we get the mage we still have to hunt her down to bring it back in time for you to reenchant your forest.

[BOB] no

[BOB] she did not get that

[BOB] It is hidden in the forest

[Rhys of Gilmairay (Kaz)] you said she did

Kaz has left the game on Fri Aug 08 22:35:45 EDT 2008

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] Oh I thought the musical instruments she stole were

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] [Kellen (BOB)] the musical instruments she stole include a pair of silver bells, a set of magical bagpipes, a long fiddle, the enchanted recorder, and a harp.

[BOB] two magical instuments

[Tori (Vicki)] "How was it that the humans in the town about a mile or so from here, saw a bog one day and forest the next?"

[BOB] one recorder

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Aug 08 22:36:18 EDT 2008

[Tori (Vicki)] ((wb Kaz))

[BOB] and there is a magical lute

[BOB] that is hidden

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] Not THE recorder

Kaz is receiving the map McKenna Keep...

Kaz has received the map McKenna Keep.

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] Ok well The skipping now has me with a headache and dizzy so I will leave you 3 to figure out what was stolen and what is hidden and who stole the cookie from the cookie jar

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] Good Night

[BOB] waves

[Tori (Vicki)] ((night night Fritz))

[Val'Iant Le Quella (BOOT)] You are leaving when Bob?

[BOB] early Monday morning

[BOOT] Safe Trip, and have fun

[BOB] thanks

[BOB] have a thought on the chat skipping actually

[BOB] Fritz and Kaz

[BOB] do you have the plain text?

[BOB] or the boxes around your text in the chat history?

[Kaz] I have plain text

[Tori (Vicki)] boxes for me and it skips on my end too

[BOOT] I switched from plain text to boxes and it still skipped

[BOOT] I thought that might be the cause

[BOOT] It wasn't

[BOB] ok

[BOOT] Good idea though

[Vicki] course it would have helped if I got out of Tori

[Vicki] Bob, I did ask a question above... as tori

[BOB] when you are not in a character it doesn't skip?

[BOOT] Hey the skipping seems to have stopped now that I don't have a character icon on

[Kaz] ooh, I didn't notice if that's the case, Bob

[Kaz] Actually, no, I'm still skipping

[BOB] ok

[BOOT] wait

[BOOT] It seems as if the skipping occurs if the person typing types more than one line of text at a time

[BOOT] yep

[BOOT] that is it

[BOB] Fritz if you could post or anyone actually, on the klooge boards

[BOOT] I just tested it

[BOB] what you see

[BOB] hmm

[BOB] ok

[Vicki] Fritz is right

[Kaz] Okay, I'm about to be annoying

[BOB] so one line of text is fine?

[Vicki] I get that skipping when several separate lines of text

[Kaz] blah blah blah, and la la la la la. I wonder how much I actually have to type to get multiple lines of text in the chat box? What do you guys think? La la la.

[Kaz] lala

[BOOT] yep it happened kaz

[Vicki] but I also get the box expanding to the end of screen and sizing to the text each time someone types regardless of size

[BOOT] true

[BOB] ok, so what can we actually report as a bug?

[Kaz] my chat just auto-paused and scrolled way up to when Mike logged out.

[BOOT] but the skip only occurs if there is more than one line

[Vicki] The whole thing?

[Vicki] lol

[BOB] that the chat history SKips, auto pausing when there is more than one line of text?

[BOOT] that there is a skip occuring if there is more than one line of text

[BOB] how long is one line?

[Vicki] paragraphs are a pain in the... you know where

[Kaz] I don't know if it auto-pauses every time there is more than one line

[BOB] so Kaz you type numbers

[BOOT] oh and it is very bad if people type on top of each other when someone has more than one line of text like you and I did just then bob

[BOB] just 1 2 3 etc

[BOB] and when you get to the end of the line hit enter

[Kaz] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

[BOB] my guess it that it is less than 80 characters

[BOB] did that make it skip for you?

[BOOT] Miriam is in Atlanta so I have to take the dogs out. See you all later

[Kaz] I can't tell when I get to the end of a line

[BOB] waves Fritz

BOOT has left the game on Fri Aug 08 22:46:45 EDT 2008

[BOB] when you hit the end of the chat box entry

[Vicki] I do know that I don't have auto pausing problems until I scroll up myself to read top of text, but after that, if someone types, I can't get to the bottom

[Vicki] and it skipped several times just now

[Kaz] I just auto-paused again when Vicki typed that first line

[Kaz] It scrolled up to when Hans said he was getting a headache

[BOB] ok, I will type in a set of numbers

[BOB] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

[Vicki] ok, I'll just repetively go from 0-9 and we'll see how many sets get across the lines after bob does it

[BOB] no skipping?

[Kaz] might be characters

[BOB] nods

[BOB] which would be 60 characters I just typed

[Kaz] every time Vicki types more than one line, I auto-pause and scroll up

[Kaz] I meant to say 66 characters

[BOB] did it skip when I typed those?

[Kaz] 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456

[Vicki] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

[Vicki] ok...

[BOB] I don't see the skipping

[BOB] 99% of the time

[Kaz] my whole chat goes blank, too

[Kaz] Bob, type something long. Not a huge block of text, but more than one line.

[Kaz] Vicki, don't say anything yet

[Kaz] please

[BOB] this is a bit of text that will be longer than the chat line is to enter text in then I get to keep on typing until I know I am past that end

[Kaz] I didn't have a problem with yours Bob.

[BOB] ok

[Kaz] Okay, Vicki, go ahead

[Vicki] I wasn't saying anything, just had my text jumping up and down when you typed those 3 lines... was rather annoying

[Vicki] and I don't know how I did it but I got just one line that time

[BOB] have an idea

[Kaz] Okay, my text box just went blank, then auto-paused, then scrolled up to Lorie saying goodnight, just after Hans left.

[BOB] when did it scroll up Kaz?

[Vicki] ok... that's it, Klooge hates me :-(

[Vicki] lol

[Vicki] when I talked

[Kaz] when Vicki posted the comment about not saying anything

[Kaz] it's fine when you post one line, V

[Kaz] But the two lines killed me

[BOB] this is a bit of text that will be longer than the chat line is to enter text in then I get to keep on typing until I know I am past that end

[Vicki] on my screen the not saying anything was just one line

[Kaz] no skipping, no problem Bob

[Vicki] but when bob types 2 lines it jumps for me

[Kaz] It was two lines on mine

[BOB] ok

[BOB] now KAZ you copy and paste what I typed

[Vicki] it appears as we have different size fonts

[BOB] then after vicki hits enter

[BOB] you can paste it here

[BOB] control C control V

[Kaz] No, I have my text box tall and narrow

[Kaz] [Kellen (BOB)] the musical instruments she stole include a pair of silver bells, a set of magical bagpipes, a long fiddle, the enchanted recorder, and a harp.

[Vicki] oh I have mine across the bottom

[Kaz] huh

[Kaz] it didn't copy what I had highlighted

[BOB] ok, so did it jump?

[Kaz] [Kellen (BOB)] the musical instruments she stole include a pair of silver bells, a set of magical bagpipes, a long fiddle, the enchanted recorder, and a harp.

[Kaz] no, but it hesitates after, just for a second.

[Kaz] That's no big deal, it's the jumping that hurts

[BOB] vicki did it jump for you?

[Vicki] when you did it or Kaz?

[Kaz] me

[BOB] Kaz, I did not do any

[Vicki] hmm... I don't think it did

[Kaz] I didn't say you did?

[BOB] sorry

[BOB] ok

[Kaz] lol

[BOB] Kaz do it again please

[Kaz] [Kellen (BOB)] the musical instruments she stole include a pair of silver bells, a set of magical bagpipes, a long fiddle, the enchanted recorder, and a harp.

[BOB] no jumping on my end

[Kaz] okay, it just jumped when you talked, Bob

[Vicki] there's a slight jump but not like it went page up then page down

[Kaz] and it jumped again when I said you talked

[Vicki] without pausing

[Kaz] and it jumped when Vicki talked

[Kaz] and my jumping is like going a page up

[BOB] so it is not only with long than one line?

[BOB] but that is good info

[Kaz] no, it didn't jump when you said "So it is not only with long than one line?" BUT it DID with "but that is good info"

[BOB] and the jump is up one page?

[Vicki] but I just typed 2 words and it jumped

[Kaz] about, I'd say.

[BOB] ok, it just jumped for me

[BOB] when Kaz typed

[Kaz] Bob, I don't really know how to pinpoint this, it doesn't seem to have just one rule.

[BOB] ok, we will have to explore more later

[BOB] thank you both for trying

[Kaz] it really seems to be random

[Vicki] no problem

[Vicki] Bob, did you want to answer Tori's question before we quit for the night?

[BOB] what was it?

[Kaz] yeah, no problem - anything to get it fixed so we can concentrate on playing!

[BOB] what question Vicki?

[Kaz] to be honest, I don't remember having any real problem until they added the icons and so forth, the last time they made all the additions to chat

[BOB] nods, actually I think it was when he added the plain chat back

[Kaz] perhaps, yes

[Kaz] he should have left chat as it was to begin with

[Vicki] was about how a human a mile away would see a bog one night and next day he see a forest

[BOB] it was a bog when he walked by it one day

[BOB] the next day he walked by and it was a forest

[BOB] he was not a mile away looking at it

[BOB] he lives a ways away from it

[Kaz] he was walking into the pasture, I thought

[Kaz] I have to go - tired big time.

[BOB] waves

[Kaz] had a good time tonight. Sweet dreams!

Kaz has left the game on Fri Aug 08 23:06:14 EDT 2008

[BOB] good night Vicki

[Vicki] I suppose

[Vicki] night night Bob

Vicki has left the game on Fri Aug 08 23:06:58 EDT 2008