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Diplomatic Entanglements

Barber for Hire - In Character Discussions

Ferrin's Crossing Group accompanying first day out

"Miss Kenna, I must admit I am at peace with myself." Anton looked distantly away into the snow.

Anton sat at the front of the wagon as it pulled away from Northam. His cheeks were rosy from the wind and cold, a world away from the comfort of the chapel where he just met with Uncle Appleby and swore to tell the truth for the next month.

He reflected on his life so far, how the most recent portion has been one big lie. "Since I fled Lord Haskin's employ more than 10 years ago, I have had to lie about every part of my life, my intentions, my history, just to survive. I didn't realize just how strong that habit had become, until today.

"As soon as I spoke with Laika, I felt I had to be deceitful to get what we wanted. I never once considered uttering the truth. What if I said we simply needed the unicorn hair for a quest?" He furrowed his brow, angry at himself. "Worst off, she could have sent us away. But instantly I felt the need to dazzle, to embellish, to fib my way to winning her over. That has become my way of life."

Anton looked ashamedly at his boots. His warm gear, new family, his current place in the world, was also obtained with deceit. "I even lied to you all, when I first met you. I tried to be someone I wasn't; larger, better, just so I would be accepted. That was a means to an end, but it was deceit nonetheless."

"I am far from a spiritual person. I only know of the Gods what was told to me over a dinner fire. My Master was not spiritual either, so I have limited knowledge. Truth be told, as I can only do so, I am intimidated by those of Faith, for I have a lack of knowledge in their ways. But I still respect their life's calling." He looked at Kenna, then quickly away. "But my Master, he showed no respect for those who were holy. I neither believed nor disbelieved; I just did the best I could all on my own."

Anton looked up, a new resolve emanating from within. "But Uncle Appleby shone a light on me. I am now forced to tell the truth for the next month, or all who look at me will see I am a liar.

"I do not look at this as a curse. No, it is a new beginning, a chance to break my habit of lying, to be honest, to everyone, both family and stranger. The pressure I have carried on my shoulders since I was a child has been lifted. I will not lie. I will be honest, not because I have to be, but because I want to be. And if my honesty leads my past back to me, so be it. I shall face that if and when it happens."

As he settled in for the short ride to camp, a genuine smile of comfort crossed Anton's face, for the first time in a very long time. He no longer feared his past, nor his future. Whether he meant to or not, Uncle Appleby had certainly changed Anton's life.

"Maybe there is something to being spiritual after all."

"Anton," said Kenna, lightly touching his arm, "your attitude does you much credit. And honor. This could have become an excuse for bitterness and resentment for you, but you have made of it something more meaningful. I think you are more spiritual than you know. It is a sign of faith that you believe good can come of this. Perhaps a tiny faith, but it is there."

She smiled. "Great things come from small beginnings. And if you have to face something hard, I will be here with you. We all will."

Still humming the benediction song of the day, Kenna came back to the party's stopping site to find a scene of chaos which included an ogre corpse, its pockets turned inside out.

"What in the world happened here? Shur! Anton! You're bleeding!" She unstrapped her kit and got to work straightaway.