Main / Baldur

Baldur - Norse - Priests - Gods

The son of Frigga, Baldur is the god of beauty and charisma. He is also a warrior of considerable skill, and is as wise as he is handsome. He often serves as the patron of sages. As a young god, Baldur had dreams of doom, so his mother extracted promises from all things not to injure him, overlooking only mistletoe. The gods take great delight in his resulting invulnerability, and often make contests of bouncing axes and spears off his chest. Unfortunately, Loki plans to kill Baldur one day with a spear made of mistletoe. Baldur has the power to increase the Charisma of any being to 18.

Role-playing Notes:

Despite his attractiveness, Baldur is not a vain god. He is loyal to Odin and the other Aesir, and never fails to fulfill his obligations to them. When an ugly man or woman demonstrates his worth by performing a self-sacrificing deed of great importance, Baldur often rewards the individual by increasing his or her Charisma to 18. Omens from Baldur are usually delivered by a handsome or beautiful member of the opposite sex.

Gods Information

Alignment: NG
Worshiper's Alignment: Any Non-Evil
Area of Control: Beauty and Charisma
Symbol: gem-encrusted chalice

Avatar Information

Baldur's avatar takes the form of an incredibly handsome fighter. He can call upon any school of magic for his spells. More often than not, he is followed by an entourage of several hundred women. (Fighter 14, Bard 14)

Str 18/00 Dex 18 Con 18
Int 18 Wis 18 Cha 21
MV 15 SZ 6' MR 30%
AC 0 HD 14 HP 112
#AT 2 THAC0 7 Dmg 1d8 +2 (sword) +6

Special Att/Def: Baldur's avatar cannot be injured by any attack (even magic) not utilizing mistletoe as its major component. Mortal females looking upon the avatar must save versus paralyzation or become permanent worshipers of Baldur, abandoning their homes, families, and countries to follow the avatar wherever he goes.

Worshipers Requirements

Requirements: Standard plus Cha at least 16
Alignment: any Non-Evil
Turning: Nil
Armor: Any
Weapons: Any

Major: All, Charm, Divination, Protection, Summoning
Minor: none

5th - raise Cha to 18
12th - members of the opposite sex who look upon the priest must save versus spells or be permanently charmed (as per the spell) by the priest

Duties of the Priesthood

Although priests of Baldur must themselves be extremely handsome or beautiful, they are expected to treat the less fortunate with compassion and kindness.