Main / BattleragerDwarf

Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits - Dwarven Kits


Note: This kit is taken from the book Complete Book of Dwarves.

Another Vindicator kit is available from the Complete Book of Dwarves.
Another Berserker kit is available from the Complete Fighter's Handbook.

The Battlerager fills a particular niche in dwarf society and culture. He is a fearless warrior, able to create an insane rage within himself which increases his fighting ability and distorts his physical features.

While enraged, a Battlerager's face becomes twisted and his teeth grind together. Spittle flies from his mouth and dribbles down his beard. His eyes enlarge, bulge, and become bloodshot. Size increases (his height by an inch or more) as his muscles swell and his body expands.

His fighting ability becomes awesome, allowing him to fight longer and harder than any other dwarf. While in his rage, he is almost unstoppable. A dangerous enemy, he is a menace to friend and foe alike.

A Battlerager must have a minimum Strength of 15 and Intelligence and Wisdom scores no higher than 10.

Role: He is believed to have been touched by a dwarven deity, and is held in reverence and fear by his fellows. Madness and irrational behavior are commonly associated with Battleragers. Many believe that, if killed in battle, Battleragers return to the earth, to be reborn with more power. Therefore they have no fear of death.

While there is no Battlerager Guild, they tend to band together and occupy outlying sections of strongholds. They are given to drinking, rowdy and boisterous singing, and drunken dancing. Others prefer not to socialize with Battleragers if possible. They are quick to anger and will avenge any imagined insult with a battle axe.

In war Battleragers come into their own. Groups, and even individuals, will charge ahead of the military to attack the enemy with no regard for their own safety.

In a campaign, Battleragers are dangerous not only to others but to themselves.Battleragers players must be reckless, never weighing the odds. They are argumentative, coarse, and definitely not diplomats! "If it moves, kill it!" is the likely response of a Battlerager. Most of them live short, often glorious, lives.

Secondary Skills: Battleragers have no secondary skills of any worth. Weapon Proficiencies: Battleragers must specialize in battle axe (single or twohanded) and warhammer. Warhammers are thrown at enemies while charging, usually accompanied by a battle cry such as "Stitch that, Goblin!" They cannot start with any other ranged weapon proficiency, and it is forbidden to learn or use a ranged weapon. (Unthinkable! Missile weapons are coward's toys!)

Bonus Nonweapon Proficiencies: Endurance, Intimidation, Singing.

Recommended Nonweapon Proficiencies: Appraising, Armorer, Blind-fighting, Dancing, Direction Sense, Sound Analysis, Underground Navigation, Underground Survival.

Equipment: Battleragers must start play with a battle axe and a warhammer. They may wear any type of armor, but it must be slightly larger than required to accommodate the increased size when in battle rage. They usually carry wineskins containing a vile concoction of fermented goat's milk and herbs "gutshaker". They are the only creatures known to drink gutshaker without becoming violently ill.

Distinctive Appearance: Battleragers are the most distinctive of warriors. With rings through their noses, ears, and sometimes lips, they will dye their hair and beards vivid colors. They often shave their faces and heads, sometimes leaving long tufts of hair that are stiffened with lime or thick grease. Tattoos on the face and body in the form of spirals and abstract designs are a source of intense pride for all Battleragers.

Special Benefits: They excel at fighting. Not only are they specialists with battle axe and warhammer, they are able to enter a furious killing rage that endangers friend and foe alike. They have little control over it. Any time one feels insulted, threatened, or when in combat, he will bellow a battle song at the top of his lungs. After five rounds, during which time he can fight or perform other activities, he enters the rage. This lasts until there are no enemies left to slay. Whether enemies are standing to fight or lying wounded on the ground, the Battlerager will hack them apart. He will then turn to anyone left alive, even his friends. During the rage, Battleragers continue to sing, pausing only to scream insults at foes.

A Battlerager can try to come out of the rage at the beginning of each round by making a Wisdom check. If he succeeds, his rage ends and he suffers the effects below. If not, he remains enraged. He may attempt withdrawal each round, until he succeeds.

He may attempt to prevent a killing rage by making a successful Wisdom check. If he succeeds, he can control himself for the rest of the encounter. During the next five rounds, he will gnaw ferociously on his shield rim or grind his teeth together in an effort to control himself. If he fails the check, he enters the rage.

A silence spell will prevent him from entering a rage, but he will attack the character who cast the spell, if he can tell who it was. If not, he will attack all who get in his way.

The Killing Rage: While in a killing rage, the Battlerager receives the following special benefits:

Killing Rage Disadvantages: A Battlerager suffers the following disadvantages while enraged:

Special Hindrances: Being a psychopathic killer with an axe is a special hindrance in itself, particularly because he is a liability to himself and all who adventure with him. Other dwarves react to Battleragers with a -3 reaction adjustment penalty. But instead of attacking, they will withdraw. Other races automatically sense the latent violence in a Battlerager and react to him with a -2 penalty, though they may not have enough common sense not to attack him.

Wealth Options: The Battlerager receives the normal 5d4x10 gp.