Main / VindicatorDwarf

Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits - Dwarven Kits


Note: This kit greatly references and uses the same information contained in the Battlerager kit available from the Complete Book of Dwarves.

The Vindicator is imbued with the spiritual power of his deity. When this power is manifested, he becomes a fearless and powerful warrior. He is able to enter a rage similar to that experienced by Battleragers; his face becomes contorted and he grinds his teeth together. See Battlerager for details concerning changes in appearance.

A Vindicator must have a minimum Strength of 15, Intelligence no higher than 10, and Wisdom no higher than 14.

Barred: Vindicators cannot belong to any religion that is concerned with peace or love. They worship gods of war, death, elemental forces, lightning, fire, strength, or thunder.

Role: They are often the most potent force of a religion, expected to give their lives for their religion. Most are well aware that their lives are likely to be short, though sometimes glorious.

Secondary Skills: Vindicators may choose any secondary skill.

Weapon Proficiencies: They must be proficient in battle axe (one or two handed) and warhammer, regardless of the restrictions imposed by their religion. They cannot start play with any ranged weapon other than warhammer, and may not have any other ranged weapon proficiency.

Bonus Nonweapon Proficiencies: Endurance, Intimidation, Religion, Singing.

Recommended Nonweapon Proficiencies: Appraising, Armorer, Blind-fighting, Dancing, Direction Sense, Healing, Herbalism, Sound Analysis, Underground Navigation, Underground Survival.

Equipment: Vindicators must start play with a battle axe and a warhammer. They may wear any type of armor, but it must be slightly larger in size than normal to accommodate their increased size when in a killing rage (see Battlerager).

''Distinctive Appearance:' They usually have facial and body tattoos.

Special Benefits: Vindicators gain all the special benefits of Battleragers, but are not allowed to specialize in any weapon.

Because of their higher Wisdom, Vindicators are usually able to exert more control over their own actions.

Special Hindrances: Vindicators have the same hindrances as Battleragers, except that members of their own religion do not react to them with a negative penalty. When enraged, Vindicators cannot cast any spells, but may benefit from spells cast prior to becoming enraged.

Wealth Options: Vindicators start with 5d4x10 gp.