Main / Belenus

Belenus - Celtic - Priests - Gods

Belenus is a god of the sun and of fire, a patron of the druids. He has the ability to control the heat and light from fires and from the sun, bringing them into focus to destroy or blocking them off to freeze when he wishes. In the spring, the Celts drive cattle through special Beltain fires while Belenus watches with favor and raises the overall quality of the livestock. Belenus encourages the construction of standing stones to measure the progress of his sun and sacred groves where his druids may meet and build great bonfires to him.

Role-playing Notes:

Belenus sends his avatar to the world of men frequently to visit with chieftains and court the ladies of the Celts. He can look unfavorably upon a particular village and cause the sun to stand still or never come up for some period of time. With such powers, he can easily bring otherwise powerful chieftains in line with his thinking.

Gods Information

Alignment: NG
Worshiper's Alignment: any Good
Area of Control: sun, heat, light
Symbol: solar disc and standing stones

Avatar Information

Belenus’ avatar appears as a strong young man with curled black hair and a terrific shining torc around his neck.

Str 18 Dex 17 Con 15
Int 15 Wis 15 Cha 18
MV 15 SZ 6' MR 30%
AC 0 HD 15 HP 150
#AT 5/2 THAC0 6 Dmg 1d8 (longsword)+2

Special Att/Def:

Belenus’ avatar can blind any living creature within sight by making his magical torc shine with the brightness of the sun. He can also focus that light for one round, inflicting 3d10 damage provided he hits his mark. His longsword can be made to flame once per turn, doing an additional 2d10 to creatures affected by fire.

Worshipers Requirements

Requirements: Wis 12+ Cha 15+ Alignment: Neutral
Turning: turn
Armor: only natural armors, no metals
Weapons: club, sickle, dart, spear, dagger, scimitar, sling, staff

Major: All, Animal, Elemental (all), Healing, Law, Plant, Time, Thought, Weather
Minor: Divination

1 - continual light on command
10 - enchant stones

Duties of the Priesthood

Priests of Belenus must be druids. At least once in their lives they are required to take part in the construction of a stone structure in honor of their god and his sun. This usually takes at least a year. Meetings with other druids must take place in designated groves around enormous fires. Wandering druids must tend to forest fires, taking care that they occur in sufficient quantity to renew portions of the woods, but not too frequently that they devastate it.

Known Worshipers

descriptions and or links to characters

Note: These roleplaying notes are taken from the Legends and Lore Book, the Monster Mythology Book and many other reference sources; it also incorporates many alterations to those works. The information is provided in this layout for existing players ease of use and access to campaign details.