Main / BlummWood

Blumm Wood

The Blumm Wood lies north of Dryads Lair and southwest of the Cordrawn Hills. Bound on the west and north by the Velikaya River and the east by the Narva River the Blumm Wood stretches more than 120 miles at its widest and over 70 miles north to the Cordrawn Hills. It is a deep dark forest with a thriving population of bugbears, orcs and goblins. Officially the Blumm Wood is part of the Principality however there has never been any sort of control over the forest. After almost 250 years of sporadic attacks and raids on The City Princess Dasandri built a wall in Dryads Lair Principality in 1148 TGR to help contain some of the danger to the woods. The land north of the wall is still considered part of the Principality but the sheriff does not patrol there nearly as much there as south of the wall. The patrols only venture into the Blumm Wood under direct orders. The groups who live in the wood consider this space disputed territory and reject any attempt at control by those outside of the woods. The only other human political power that adjoins the wood is the Dukedom of Domvile to the east. There are small towns and villages scattered throughout the Blumm Wood mostly of bugbears, orcs and human bandits. One of those bandit towns on the western verges of the wood along the Velikaya River is Deksport.

Most of the central and eastern portion off the wood is controlled by several tribes of bugbears. The western portion of the wood is more evenly divided between bugbears and orcs, some of who have alliances with the tribes in the Orcnest Deep forest across the Velikaya River. The goblins have enclaves scattered through out the wood. There are also elves and other woodland creatures in the Blumm Wood as in any wilderness. The Smaragus Colles Saltus clan of green dragons roams the northeastern portion of the Wood.

The group spent time here during the Barber for Hire adventure and returned for After Shave. The group explored the northern portion of the wood during the War by Art story arc.