Main / Deksport


Along the banks of the Velikaya River tucked into the Blumm Wood huddled behind an ancient breakwater of unknown provenance and hemmed in by dense woodlands, the pirate stronghold of Deksport is an isolated, violent place. Orcs and goblins openly walk the streets among the human inhabitants and serve on the many predatory vessels sailing from the port.

Built upon the ruins of an old logging town swept away long ago in a tide of blood and slaughter great quantities of loot, treasure and slaves flows through the dilapidated, ruined port. Ruled by a loose coalition of three powerful, vicious and depraved co-rulers, Deksport is a nest of suffering, self-interest and barely restrained racial violence. Each of the three co-rulers plots ceaselessly against their peers, working to become the undisputed lord of the pirates and thus the town perpetually teeters on the edge of bloodshed and chaos.

The Terraguard navy grows increasingly angry with the pirates’ depredations and has ventured into the wilderness to try and crush the pirate threat once and for all. Like smashing an ant hill the pirates scatter and come back to haphazardly rebuild the parts that the navy damages.

Across the Velikaya River the Orcnest Deep in the Wildlands and Bindbole Wood along the northern border of Gold Hills create additional places for inhabitants of the town to retreat to or raid.

Near to Deksport, the land has been cleared of trees and small farms have sprung up here and there. Most comprise little more than a retired pirate’s freeholding, but along the banks of the Velikaya, perhaps at the mouth of a minor river or huddled in sheltered cove, old comrades have banded together to found small hamlets of a half-dozen or so houses. Many of these nascent settlements are named for the vessels upon which their founder served. This makes for some colorful local names. Here, the inhabitants fish and work the river as well as farming the surrounding area. Almost without exception these settlements have at least rudimentary defenses – perhaps a ditch or wood stockade.