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Bag of Clouds - In Character Discussions

Waiting for a Dragon

After the meeting with Mistress Erindale, Branwyn went to find Tristan right away. She smiled in relief when she saw him crossing the courtyard and hurried over to catch him. “Tristan! I have so much to tell you. I have a diplomatic mission that only you can lead.” Branwyn told him all about the visit from Mistress Erindale and what she knew of the Temple of Air and Light.

She told him about how the Temple had brought Imari and herself back from paralyzation and brought Kristelle back from death. “Our debt for that is paid, but I hope that we can help each other when we can. And in this case, what they need is a treaty negotiation sealed by a priest of the Kayugan faith. The Temple of Air and Light is literally in the clouds. They need to come down to the ground for certain building materials and were trying to purchase them from the Duke of Domville. The Duke is insisting on a Kayugan priest and the Temple is not sure who they can trust. They do trust me and I trust you so it seems the perfect solution.’

‘I told her that you would not be available until the 14th after the Prince’s Ball, so that you may be here to visit the Grand Celestry and be able to make more contacts at the ball. This is your mission as a representative of the Kayugan faith and for us as well. So any decisions to make regarding this are yours alone and I shall support you fully. Mistress Erindale said that you may bring up to three people to assist. Your team will meet at the airship. So pick your team and be ready to go after the party. Oh and before I forget, metal sinks airships and so leather armor and very minimal metal weapons will be allowed. But it is a treaty negotiation so I’m not sure weapons are even necessary,” she said brightly.

"It would be a pleasure Branwyn. I have not been on an airship before. This will be an interesting adventure. What do you know of this, Mistress Erindale. You say she comes from a Temple of Air and Light? Is she a priestess herself? Do we know anything of this Duke of Domville? Perhaps, I shall pay a visit to Mistress Erindale and find out more on this matter after our visit to the Temple tomorrow."

"That's a very good idea. I really don't know very much about their beliefs. All I know is that the temple area is quite beautiful and simply floats among the clouds. The people we met were most kind. They saved us from paralyzation and death and asked for relatively little in return for their kindness," Branwyn explained a little sheepishly for not getting more information for Tristan. "I offered to let Mistress Erindale stay here, but she said she preferred her airship, so she should be relatively easy to find. We should ask Philippe if he can give us any information on this Duke. Though it's like pulling teeth to get anything out of that man voluntarily."

Indigo nods at Miranda’s offer to stay and smiles. “That’s a good idea. Anybody who’s already here who wants to fight the dragon should probably stay here. That way we can have all four spots open on the airship for whoever’s home and wants to come.”

Indigo starts to walk toward the cabin to fetch the priestess, then stopped and turned back to the group. “You know, I don’t think it’s going to be as hard as you think. If Miranda has those stop falling spells, she can help people if they get picked up, and well, gas, well, even if you do get hit, it doesn’t mean anyone is sure to die. I mean, it hurts a lot and everything but I don’t think you just fall over and die I don’t think. If dragons weren’t hard to fight then they’d be like mice and they wouldn’t have big caves full of treasure. Maybe while I’m gone you can ask more about the dragon attacks and then maybe you can track where it came from and see where it lives and get a plan together that way. Like did the dragon go inside the mine and steal whatever gems it could find or does it come because there’s a time when the gems come out of the mine and they’re all in big carts he can take all at once? Stuff like that.’

‘Should I ask Mistress Erindale to come back here and help with tracking while I am waiting for everyone to come home? And ….ummm … is there something special you want me to tell Branwyn when I get back?”

Tristan nods to Indigo "I agree Indigo. Anyone who is planning on coming back should just stay so we can bring more people back on the return trip. I will work with the Duke while you are gone Indigo to try and for some type of standing defense. I hope that when you get back the others will be home soon. If it is more than a few days we may need you to gather whoever you can and return... So I think Mistress Erindale should stay there so you can leave as soon as possible."

"As for Branwyn... Please explain our situation with care. She can be a little...touchy when it comes to dragons. I can see her trying to stop our defense and protecting the "innocent man-killing dragon"."

Shaking his head he adds "Tell Branwyn that this a deal that we made and I must honor it with or without her help. Let her know that I would hope she could help us protect the innocent from this dragon. If she cannot, then I understand."

Helping Indigo carry the body of the fallen priestess, he says "Please return her to the priests at the Celestry. They will perform the sacred burial rites and send her home to the gods. You will be returning to help me right Indigo? I could use your fighting skill in this battle."

Indigo opened his mouth to start to say something about Branwyn, but then thought better of it and focused on Tristan’s last question. He scratched his head and looked up at Tristan. “Well, I was thinking about giving my airship spot to someone else if you want to know. If we fight the dragon with the airship, I could help with the ballista, but I don’t have any weapons that work at a distance, like Shurkural and Hoffman and the others. The dragon would have to get pretty close to me for me to do any good with these,” he said, gesturing to his short swords at his side. “If you want me here, of course I’ll come. I just didn’t think I would be the best one for this with everyone so worried about it and all.”

"Not to beat a dead horse.." Miranda starts quietly ".. Parrent the expression, but I still think you are a prime candidate for me to cast fly on. Just wait until the dragon gets close, then you can take off and it will never expect your power.You could practice if you stay or get back early."

Indigo looks over at Miranda and shrugs. "Sure, I'll do it. Makes sense to me now since everyone else seems scared all of a sudden. This is what we do. Be brave. Face danger head on." Indigo paused and looked around at all of them. "That is what we do ... isn't it? But as far as who goes and who stays, it also doesn't bother me either way," Indigo breaks out in a big grin. "But whoever goes has to be the one that explains all this to Branwyn. Did someone else want to go instead of me?"

Slapping her gloves against her knee Mistress Erindale stood up. "Indigo are you coming with me back to the City? I want to leave now while there is still light." She started walking back up the hill to the tower where her ship was tethered.

In alarm, Indigo watched Mistress Erindale walk away. “I’m coming! Please don’t leave without me!” he shouted and then hurried off into the cabin.

Carefully, he picked up the dead priestess and carried her slowly towards the awaiting airship. He nods at the others as he passes by.

Miranda wave "Tell everybody I said Hi." Then runs to make sure all her stuff is left on the ground.


Marisu joins the group from where she'd been doing some reading. "I'll stay here to finish my training with Tristan, as well as work with the Duke to make sure we have all the information we need about the dragon and its attacks."

The group watches as the airship Tarangini drops its restraints and sails slowly upward heading south.

Indigo arrives home on 20-9-1266 TGR {continued in House Affairs}

now waiting to see who (or if) anyone returns by the first

Tristan looks to Marisu, "Can you please arrange for our party's lodging? I need to speak with the Duke to get a grasp on what the strength of his forces are."

Tristan takes a deep breath and asks for Cahus' guidance and walks back in to speak with the Duke. With a polite bow he begins, "My Lord, I have dispatched the airship to gather more of the Dragonslayers to help us in your defense. I hope that they return a couple days time. Which gives us time to prepare. I need to know how many soldiers to you have. Do you have any siege engines at your disposal, particularly more ballistas? When the dragon has come in the past, what happened? Does he tend to meet or attack at a certain location? Did he explain why he is attacking? Did he demand tribute or just terrorize your community? It is vital we know all you, or anyone who has witnessed this dragon, knows of it's habits. I assume you have accurate maps of your holdings? Those will prove extremely useful if we are trying to set a trap for this dragon."

Takes a deep breath..."Forgive me my Lord, I know that is a lot of questions. But I must admit that I was not prepared to engage a dragon when you asked for our aid. Though I assure you that would not have mattered. Perhaps the others will disagree with me on this point, but I am here to the end. The defense the faithful is my holy obligation."

Then he adds, "When we are complete with our discussion on Tactics... I must ask about the other priests you summoned. Who you sent word to requesting a priest to bless this treaty. Who would have been notified. It pertains to a...personal matter to me."

The Duke nods at Tristan.

"Patron Tristan, I can tell you that the Dragon appeared one day and demanded a tribute. He returned later and when there was no tribute to be had destroyed all of the military equipment we had. I then gave him a tribute and he exacted a promise that there would be more the following month. Each time he has returned he has taken his tribute and also destroyed any defenses or catapults we have crafted in the intervening time."

"I am grateful for your comrades to come and assist you for my men have all been beaten by this Dragon and cannot continue to fight. While they might be strong against the bugbears of the hills they are no match for such a ferocious overpowering adversary and have grown weaker in their defenses each time."

"On the first I am to have a small chest open on the ground for the Dragon to inspect and then take away if it meets his expectations. If it does not I am supposed to be ready to meet any shortfall."

He bows his head and kneels in front of Tristan.

"Patron Tristan, I seek your forgiveness. I must have incurred the Gods wrath upon my house to have such a plague upon me. Please intercede with them for me and spare my house any further destruction."

Miranda goes to Tristian and Marisu, away from the locals. "Can you guys make sure we have a place to stay? I am gonna talk to the workers but I think you need to deal with the Duke"

Miranda looks for Isla "So Isla, as we are waiting for the air ship, I have to ask, do you plan on standing with us when the dragon comes or are you going to do your own thing. I fully appreciate this is not your fight, I am just preparing a list of assets and liabilities and you seem to be the one independent unknown. This is going to be a life and death situation and I need to know as much as I can of your experience with adventurous situations." She watches and waits as the question sinks in to walk Miranda leads Isla ask she is walking to find the guard she first met. "Hey how are you doing? Do you know Isla? We are gathering information for Sir Tristan and wanted to get your view on the dragon. Have you seen him fly in or been involved with any confrontations? We all want to help end this situation once and for all.

Miranda spots Marisu wandering around and calls out "Hey Marisu I need some help over here. Am I being too intimidating? I just trying to get some information and all i seem to get is blank looks. What am I doing wrong?

After the events of Apr2415

Miranda come out of the building and seeing Hoffman gets a big smile and starts running but quickly composes herself seeing the rest of the group and puts a somewhat serious look on her face "what are both of you doing here? Who is gonna keep Brawyn out of trouble, ok no one can do that but what about the house and everyone? Who is gonna hide the bodies? No I understand, this is a Dragon and it is good that you all came. So before we start discussing detail, who are these strangers and why would you bring someone crazy enough to walk into a fight with a dragon?

Indigo looked up at Miranda and grinned. “Hello, Miranda! Ehh, don’t worry about Branwyn. All the others that came back from the werewolf hunt are home with her. And when I got back she and Jennevive hadn’t killed each other or destroyed the house or anything. They’ll be fine. And these two? They can’t be any crazier than Hoffman, Galdek and me since we came out here to fight a dragon and we aren’t very crazy I don’t think,” Indigo said and then gestured over to the two new team members.

“This is Kenna Westfoot. She’s a priestess. If you ever get pregnant she can deliver your baby. And this is Hugh D’Ambray. He’s working for us but is undercover so he won’t be living in the house with us. We found him a room by the Thieves Guild.”

After the events of May0115

Hoffman and Miranda head towards the tower on the hill seemingly oblivious to the rest of the group. Leaning close Miranda says quietly "I missed you." Hoffman puts his arm gently arround her and says softly "I was worried I would not see you, at least for longer than I wanted to" Thinkin he heard someone comming behind them, Hoffman gives her a quick pat on the back. "Let us take a look what we can see from the tower."

Miranda nudges Hoffman as they keep walking. "oh, by the way, they have had some Bugbear attacks so don't get too distracted. I was thinking I was thinking I could cast Fly on you so you can chase the Dragon. You want to try it out now, get used to it and do a little scouting at the same time?" They reach the tower and look arround for anything and any one.

Hoffman looks around and then right into Miranda's eyes "Before we get intrupted, and I am sure we will be, I just have say... " He pauses a moment for effect. "I can't stop thinking 'bout you girl. I must be living in a fantasy world, I'm so high on you."

Dragon Aftermath 01-10-1266

After the events of May0915

Miranda sits down with Hugh to give him her view of the events for the report.

"I thought the mixture of plans worked fairly well and if it had been an actual Dragon, it would have been almost flawless. I wanted you out of the way Hugh, but I thought the cave was better, but you did not get hurt at least. I had asked Galdek to be in the cave, but as a brave warrior he followed his calling by Indigo's side. Kenna, I think her name is, was a surprize but very effective addtion. My plan to have Hoffman flying even worked with the chance encounter with the real dragon, so we have that oppertunity to explore. On a side note, as much as I want to be back in the city, I think a little more time as a group on the road may be refreshing. What do you think Hugh?"

Hugh "I think the best laid plans don't work. What did his death mean? He was cut in half fighting something that wasn't even there. Who am I to these gods around me? I have no doubt any one of them could kill me with one look if they so choose. I don't have the heart of a dragon slayer. What use is a death? What would it change? So he died with honor. But, think of all the good he could do if he was still here? I don't want to go happily to my death against a dragon or an illusion or whatever. We rushed into this and even with decent plans we ended up failing. I don't want to be responsible for death to my comrades. I am not planning another thing while I travel with them. I will grow into a decent fighter and I have my uses elsewhere, but fighting a dragon and all that is out of my league. I want to go back to the city where I can be of some use. I want to learn and become better before I even think about taking on such a large task. Great that my companions can, but I cant and wont be part of it until I am better. I have my uses, they just aren't in up close and personal fighting."

Miranda could not help but smile." Hugh, Oh Hugh, you..." she took a moment to compose herself. " let me tell you about my first day as a DragonSlayer. It was only a couple years ago but I was much younger. I was just starting out as a healer and thought I was joining a group much larger than we are now. Literally the first day, the Dragonslayer company was destroyed by a dragon right in front of me. I went from being a support healer to front line soldier in an instant. (as recorded Jan2210) You want to consider us Gods, I can tell you Gods let people down that day. But what I found is that people helping each other in a team is what life is all about." She pauses for a moment. After a deep breath she continues. "I am sorry but you must understand I have had my issues with Gods and I have had issues with people, but I can relate to people, I can learn from people and so can you. You will find your place here Hugh. I can not guarantee your safety, no one can. The previous Ambassador was killed in her own home in the city, so death can happen anywhere. But here may be a surprise, Death does not have to be permanent. Prove yourself worthy in what you do and there is no telling how much you can achieve."

Hugh takes deep breath. Okay. What is our next move everyone. I have filled out a complete report to Branwyn and have compiled my notes on the illusion and real dragons. I still don't want to be all goody goody with the gnome, and I will maintain my distance, however I think we should find out what is going on here. There is so much unexplained. Furthermore, by golly if we actually go against the real dragon, I say we place all the ballistae we can in front of the cave entrance and lure the dragon out. Apparantelly they are very powerful and I think if they are used correctly should provide an easy way to defeat the dragon since his cave limits his range of movement. Also, If we take precautions, the gas shouldn't be a problem. Besides, someone around here might be able to assist us in further precautions against his gas. Hopefully if he has a treasure trove, there might be some other valuables besides jewels and gems. Preferrably texts and tomes that contain useful knowledge. It really comes down to where we want to concentrate our efforts. Tracking down the gnomes leads, or investigating that one guy who is here (I think a duke?) or just killing the dragon.

OOC It probably wouldn't take a whole session to just set up the ballistae and kill the dragon now we know what is going on in that regard. This could take upwards of three game sessions to do the three above tasks. Kill the dragon, investigate the gnomes, and investigate the lying duke guy. If we establish this now on the web, then we can quickly go about our tasks tomorrow night and that way it will keep planning to a minimum and keep the action quick in the actual game time. Thoughts and/or Concerns?

After the events May1515

Miranda and Hoffman come out of the cabin holding hands and smiling and quickly catch up with the conversation.

Hoffman talks authoritivly "We are not going to condem an entire village for the actions of a handfull of individuals. while there maybe some of you who take on the mercenary stance on who's paying who to do what, I am going to the gnome village to avoid further bloodshed. I saw them go into the brush, I have no doubt we will find them or they will find us"

Miranda smiles at Hoffman as he speaks then continues with a bit calmer tone. "I agree. But to keep everyone happy, we need to allow others to do as they must. I would ask Mistress Erindale to take whomever wants to go back to the city now with the body and whomever wants to go. We will resolve the gnome issue and ask that Mistress Erindale come back and hopefully the rest of us can get a ride back."

Hoffman and Miranda stand symblicily across from Mistress Erindale "Who will travel with us?"

Indigo scratches his head looking at the two of them. “Are you two together now? When did that happen?”

“Well anyway,” he continued, shaking his head. “You can’t just go running off into the woods and find them. This village could be anywhere and we have a gnome right here. We can try talking to him again. Maybe Tristan or Kenna can cast something to make him more friendly to us. But I also liked Isla’s idea of tracking him. What if maybe Miranda turned Rock into a beacon of light that even us could follow? She could cast continual light on his hair. That way it wouldn’t be permanent but we can follow him home. Seems faster than just wandering around.”

Indigo kicked up a clod of dirt in front of him. “And I don’t think anyone wants to go in and destroy an entire village of gnomes. But I’m not sure how else to look at the problem other than who’s paying who to do what. That was Tristan’s whole job! To set up who was going to pay for what. If we don’t stop the gnomes from stealing from the Duke, no one’s going to be happy and we’ll have failed in our jobs. Really, I’m not sure how different this is from the time when the two of you helped us kill an entire village of lizardmen just because Foriso was getting a dagger for Regor the Mad and we had to do what the Yuan Ti snakemen wanted us to do. That whole trip is why Branwyn hates Regor so much. She’s never forgiven him for sending us on that “evil mission” as she calls it. But you’re right. We don’t have to hurt anyone if we can avoid it. We can fix this any way we want as long as we fix it. Then we can all go home.”

Indigo took a deep breath and then finished with what was really on his mind. “But I’ve been thinking about how we’re going to get home and the only way I can think of to get all of us home is to teleport. I thought Kenna would be able to cast something on Artiark to let her take him home, but her spells aren’t strong enough for a creature like Artiark and the trip home is too long. We can’t … we just … well, we can’t come home to Imari and say that Galdek got killed AND we lost Artiark because we weren’t smart enough to figure this out. The Duke has to know some mages or priests who can make one of those teleport coins like we had when we went to the northern kingdom. We can pay for it with the gems that Hoffman brought or if we get more from taking care of the gnome problems. Or Hugh can write a letter saying that Branwyn will pay for it. Artiark was tied up so he wouldn’t get hurt in the dragon fight, wasn’t he? We make sure he is tied up and we feed him. We make sure the miners don’t hurt him and then we take care of the gnomes while the magic people make us a teleport coin. Then we all go home together when we’re done. We have to do this for Imari.”

Hoffman and Miranda at each other for a sec and Miranda nods to Hoffman as if it is his turn. He starts calmly. "I am all for ideas on how to find the gnomes and sticking together and going home together, Indigo sir, but maybe you have been to long in the city. Traveling is my thing, I miss being out in the wild. I have no issues walking home but I also know not everyone will agree, that is the only reason we.... yes we" he says with a shrug "suggested to split up. And if Tristian orders us to do one thing or another, I am fine following orders but with the question of loyalty and politics, I thought it best if we handle this as a third party not as the Duke's assault team. Maybe the question should be posed to Mistress Erindale, maybe it is better for her to make one trip to the river and sail the rest of the way once we have finished with the gnomes. " Miranda puts her hand on Hoffman's arm to interrupt. "I am confident it will not be an issue to find the Gnomes and if we know someone is waiting for us, it might keep Hoffman from straying from the path. But we are open to suggestions from all, especially our newest companions."

Indigo shrugged. “I just thought since we were going to have to spend the gems to teleport to get Artiark home to Imari then we might as well all of us teleport, but anyone who would rather walk home can go ahead.”

Hugh waited for a lull in the conversation and then spoke up "I would like to add my two cents. Wait... my two coppers? Anyhoo, I would like to not disappoint Imari as that would end up being hazardous to my health. I have a full report for Branwyn for whomever returns. I am fine with a peaceful or non peaceful approach to the Gnome village, but in my eyes, we have fulfilled our end of the bargain. The "dragon" that was causing problems is no more. The duke and Erindale have a target, and we have done our part as intermediaries for the negotiations of the treaty. We should get paid for our part, and then ask the duke if he want to hire us for any other aspects. If you would like, I can get a general consensus and then have a talk with the duke (online) so we can quickly go about our business and head home."

Miranda puts her head down for a moment and counts to ten "ok, no offence to Tristian, I ... We ::motioning to Hoffan:: understand the variation of what we have to do and what we can do. Hoffman and I do not agree on a few things but when you boil it all down, the question is what is right. That is why we tried to keet the decision simple. Maybe We did not make it simple enough. by show of hands, who wants to go right home? .. Oh and Sir Indigo, I may not know Telepot yet but I understand the concept enough that the Mage casting would have to go with us and they would have to be pretty powerfully to take all of us people. I can only imagine if I were that powerful and any where near here, I would be here for a reason, but maybe that is just me."

Now it was Hoffman's turn to get Miranda under control. "We appreciate everyone's ideas but we just need to make a decision as a group, even if that decision is to split up."

Hugh sits back for a moment and thinks. Well, I don't particularly want to go home as I feel there are some things we can do to wrap up things here. That being said, we as mediaries are done with our task and we need to impress that upon the duke and Erindale. If we cannot come to a consensus within the next hour of debate, I am heading back to the city either with Erindale or by Horse. I feel that is reasonable and I will bring my reports and the body back with me as well if you all wish. But, I simply do not wish to stand here for the next day arguing about what we should do. I am a bit of a man of action right now and would like to do something. Hopefully Indigo has an opinion.

A little later Miranda puts quil to parchment to write the DragonSlayers Client report.

"While the DragonSlayers were not officially hired for the situation in Domvile, we have served as assistants to Sir Tristian and so we provide this end of contract report. With the treaty signed and the projected danger delt with, the DragonSlayers have accomplished more than contracted to do. While we recommend further defenses to ensure proper protection and there are specific dangers that can and should be delt with, that would be covered in a future potential contract. Most of this will have to be resolved after the negation of The Duke's negation with Sir Tristian to build a church and formal establishment. the DragonSlayers remain open to future contracts from either party."

Miranda passes arround the draft to those whom can read and reads to those that can't looking for input and approval.

"I'll sign that" Hugh Motions.

Traveling Home

"Giants. Sirens, Goblins, Ogres, and now mischievous things in caves. This is why I sail," Isla moans aloud, "but the past few weeks have been full of more surprises than I have had out at sea in many twenty years." She lays her head back against the cold stone and watches the snow float into the entrance.

Indigo nodded his head. “You’re right. We have seen a large amount of strange things in the last two days. We’ve had some odd luck. I mean really,” he said looking out the entrance of the cave. “Look at all this snow! But my experience on ships hasn’t really been smooth sailing either. We had our barge run aground by a dragon turtle, been attacked by scrags too many times, and well, you know, there’s always pirates!” he said with a grin.

"What the heck is a Scrag?" Hugh asks. "I've never heard of that before."

"Scrags are like big crab things and have big claws. They're hard to kill and if you don't kill them fast enough, the parts you just chopped off grow back again. They're nasty. I thought they were only in the water but once they climbed out onto the docks and attacked us."

I chuckle lightly and smirk at the joke. "Ever ride a scrag?" I ask.

Indigo's eyes grew wide and he shook his head. "No! I don't think they'd like that very much. Have you?"

"Well after about a minute of running on deck it decided to go swimming. Never killed the bastard but it got him off the boat." I snicker as I draw my dirk. "Knives right beside the spine just above the neck. It hooks into a bone I guess. Makes for one hell of a ride." I laugh at the memory and put away the dirk. "What about you, what was the wildest thing you have done?"

Indigo thought about it for a minute, staring up at the ceiling of the cave and thinking about past adventures. “Well, I don’t think I’ve done anything really wild. I think it’s more that strange things happen to me. Like because of my size, things like to try and eat me. I got half swallowed by a tree once and ankhegs always seem to being eating me whenever we run into them. The other guys make fun of me sometimes since that seems to happen a lot. Tristan helped pull me out of the tree and I have been able to cut myself out of the ankheg bellies, so it all works out in the end. Kinda messy though. How about you, Hugh?”

Well, I've never been eaten and I have no plans to ever have that happen. I am not the strongest or the fastest of you all. I have to find other ways to prove useful. I'm proficient with a dagger but that doesn't seem to help for the big stuff. One day I would like to put my specialties to use. I want to be a scholar and engineer. Killing stuff is fun and all, but I want to build a monument to last a for a thousand years! I want to make a large difference for my friends and those who help me. I will never be as Magical as Bran, Talented a fighter as Indigo, a ship master or great warrior like everyone else. I want to build and design to my hearts content. I help where I can, but you all are better at this sort of thing. I'm relatively certain I could not kill a scrag without help and quite frankly if a beast managed to swallow me, then It probably already chewed me into bite sized pieces. I gotta be honest. If that ever looks like it may happen. Put me out of my misery. Imari would probably take pleasure in it, but if not there, someone else should. *sigh* Well, I better get back to watch. There is a bear in here and strange giggling munchkins about. Wouldn't want to end up in the air again would we?

I snicker at Indigo's comment but after hearing Hughe's I nod. "I fine dream," I reply, "but a far one too. Have you tried speaking to the dwarves? We had a few join us for passage across the sea now and again, and they always had the most intricate nick knacks."

Tristan looks up at Isla's comment. "Dwarves? I have not met a dwarf before but I always thought they were allergic to water? Gnomes I believe make great traps" he said with a heavy sigh.

I return from a small trip up to the top and grab one of the books I had found above. Taking a seat on one of the small piles I look the text over.

It appears to be a log book of transactions. 16 bales of fur for 3 pounds of silver... etc.

I flip through the books to get a feel for the type of smugglers that come through here, and what they trade. It would give me an idea of the standard visitors and the ships they bring with them, as well as who we might be able to truly fool or bribe.

I approach Indigo during one of the shifts the two of us had off. "Indigo, I thought you said you used to sail?" I ask.

“I can sail … boats,” Indigo replied. “I wanted to be a great sailor of the seas and then many things happened that seemed to prevent it. When the time came that I could actually spend time to study the art, I found a teacher who could teach me how to sail small craft. In the swamps of Drillian it seemed much more useful. I didn’t think it mattered much, but I’ve found sailing ships is much different than steering boats about. So you can sail the big ships and I can sail the boats."

"I am sorry if I wasn't clear about that before. I didn't really think we were going to steal a ship. that wouldn't have been right. A thief tried to steal our barge once and I chopped off her hand. I told her to stop and she just wouldn't. I couldn't let the barge get away or we wouldn't have been able to save the Queen.” Indigo sighed. "Sometimes I think it is my size. I warn people to yield. That I do not wish to hurt them, but many do not listen to me. But I do try."

Indigo leaned in close to whisper to Isla. "What I am worried about is this curse the Captain talked about. Maybe he would tell you what it is. But it sure seemed to make him mad."

"Indigo," I reply in low tones, "I think he got hit hard, and this is what is left. He took us on mainly because he'd have extra crew. This curse he was saying, I think is just used to describe the brutality of losing his crew." I then point to the sails and continue in a normal voice, "And the sails of ships require more than on person in all honesty. To sail a ship requires a crew who are able to work together. You can only fail at sailing a ship if you have no crew behind you."

Recognizance in Deksport

Leaving Captain Nolin with the warning to be back by noon Isla heads out to the nearest tavern to start looking for information.

She enters the Green Rat and heads to the bar.

Isla says, "Light mead please?" The hobgoblin behind the bar snears at Isla "what is wrong sissy"

"Nothing is the matter goblin," I retort, "I just would like a drink."

"Then why are you drinking like a little girl? I think you need to go find a place that can give you want you want. Like maybe the goat herd."

I roll my eyes and look at him. "Would have information for sale then, or should I just go find another tavern and pay for a drink and information?" I ask.

"You can get information for free young lady. Here is your first piece. IF you want to go around dressing up like a pirate you should learn to act like one. Try drinking this, " he puts a tankard of thick dark ale in front of Isla.

"Remember you get your information free, you pay for your drinks."

I let off a laugh, worn by years at sea. "My my," I begin, "I asked for a light mead, not this. As for the payment that is no problem."

"I do not serve no sissy drink here. Good strong Orc Ale here. I still have not seen any coin from you little girl. "

"Then a drink I shall not have," I shrug and continue, "I seek knowledge on a rogue captain by the name of Halvar Ontegreo. I wish to know if he passed through here, and if so where he was headed if he had left."

The hobgoblin rolls his eyes and wipes the bar down. "Again one more time little girl. You do not pay for information, you pay for drinks. Here is your ale, now show some coin and pay up or leave."

I growl and pass the coin for the drink and wait.

"And they say you cannot train humans." He says with a chuckle as the coin disappears off the counter.

"Now rather than play a little game of Goblin and Rat why not just come to the point. How many drinks are you willing to buy and how much do you want to know?"

"I will tell you that Captain Ontegrero has been here in town recently."

I buy another drink and ask, "He stay in town?"

The bartender shakes his head, "No Ontegrero does not have a warehouse here. He seems to be a free lancer that visits only when he needs something. Or he is following up on a good lead. "

I buy one more drink. "You know where he went, or the direction he went?" I ask.

The barkeep sweeps the bar clean again, pocketing the coins. "I don't know you from a hole in the wall. I am not about to spill out everything I know to some human girl. If you want to talk with him so bad then you should send him a message to meet you."

He moves down the bar to help another customer.

"Worthless goblin shit," I mutter as I leave the tavern.

“Giving up so soon, are we, lass? You’ll never find your Ontegrero that way,” said a raspy voice from a table near the door. The man shoved the chair next to him in Isla’s direction. “If you want to find him, you’ll have to do better than that. Now, come sit down and buy your old friend Gustav a drink.”

Gustav looked the young woman up and down. “So, what you want a man like Ontegrero for anyway? He break your heart and you be wanting to get him back?”

I look back shrewdly, eyeing him up and down myself before joining him. "Far from that. Ontegrero is an old friend of mine," I say, "He and I have some catching up to do."

“There’s a good girl. Don’t get many pretty lasses sitting themselves down at my table. This should get me a bit of braggin’ rights for a day or two, maybe,” Gustav said with a grin. “Come now, pull that chair closer. You don’t want to be yelling your business all over the tavern now, do you? Don’t be shy. I’m not going to bite you. At least not without a proper invite.”

Gustav took another swig of his ale and waited for the cautious Isla to comply.

“That wasn’t so hard, was it? But I think you’re trying to pull me leg here. If Ontegrero was such a good friend of yours, why didn’t you leave a message for ‘im with the goblin? Set up a meet. Why you wanna go chasing after him up and down the river?” Gustav then held up his hand and shook his head violently.

“No, no! I’m not all up into yer business. I’m not the shoulder for broken hearted lasses to go crying on. Though, what you saw in ‘im is a mystry to me. I think I gots me a better looking face than that one. Whatcha think?” Gustav said, turning his head to the side so Isla can see his profile. “But don’t think you be foolin’ ol’ Gustav with the looking for a friend routine. Ontegrero is a right bastard, he is, and I doubt he has any old friends that don’t wanna slit his throat. I guess what I’m really asking is, do you wanna be chasing him or do you want ‘im to come to you?”

I think for a moment ans ask, "Are you telling me you can set something up here?"

“Well, I can’t tell you to come back next week or nothin’. He’s not in town. He came by a ways back and picked himself up a shipment. S’pose he’s off delivering it. He’ll be back though. He always comes back sooner or later.”

Gustav leaned back in his chair, thinking for a moment. “Way I see it is you got you two options. You can stay ‘ere in Deksport and wait for ‘im. That’s the easy one. I’m sure a lass like yourself shouldn’t have any trouble finding someone to take care of you while you wait. There’s plenty of rooms to let in town and you look like you’d be able to get some odd jobs or something to keep you in coin. Only thing is, don’t know how long it’ll take ‘im to get back ‘ere. You could be here a while.’

‘Then your other option is you can leave ‘im an invite with me and Hobby the bartender over there. One of us will surely see ‘im the next time he comes through. That way you can see ‘im at your place, on your terms. You just got to decide who we should tell ‘im’s lookin’ for ‘im. You haven’t said what your name is, but you think on it a bit. If I tell ‘im, you is lookin’ for ‘im, what’s he gonna say, now? Will he come a runnin’ when he knows you be callin’? If not, lass, maybe you should think of what would get ‘im comin’ in your direction. You know ‘im. Ontegrero has a small ship that carries that specialized type cargo. He don’t do bulk shipments. Maybe you got a job for ‘im. Maybe one of your friends? Or we can just tell ‘im you want to see ‘im. You miss ‘is ugly mug. Whatcha think there, lass?”

I go silent and lean back in my chair, arms and legs crossed as I debate for a bit. After a little bit I sit up again and say, "Alright, I can write this down if you need me to. Tell him that an old lass of his is in the Dryad's Lair, and want to spend some time to catch up. All expenses for port and the room and board will be paid for by me. (GM, she'll work a bit back in the town to earn the excess gold needed in addition to what she has.) I'm very important to his work, and his visit will not be a waste of time."

“Maybe you should write it down. I’m no good at the writing stuff,” Gustave said, finishing the last of his ale. “Besides, you still haven’t said yer name. Better write it in the note there. Or at least where he’s supposed to be finding you. Dryads Lair is a big city, lass. Go ahead. And me and Hobby’ll make sure he gets it.”

I nod and pull some stuff out to write it down. I give roughly the same message, with instructions to visit a particular tavern I had heard of in my conversations with my companions. Instead of a name, I leave the location of where he ambushed my ship and sunk her. Once done I hand it over to Gustave. "Here is the message," I say, "Be sure it gets to him so he can read it." I hand him some gold as well.

Gustav's eyes widen as he sees the gold. "Yes, Miss. I'll make sure he gets your message. Yes, Ma'am. He'll get it, he will." He thinks for a moment and scratches his head. "You must've really loved this one. Can't see it myself, but then there's no understanding women now is there."

"What can I say?" I ask as I get up, "He stole my heart." I walk away, not mentioning where my heart had lain when he had stolen it.