Main / Bragi

Bragi - Norse - Priests - Gods

Bragi is the god of poetry and song. The son of Odin and Gunlod, Bragi was born in a stalactite-hung cave, put aboard a boat made by the dwarves, presented with a magic golden harp, and set adrift. As the boat floated out of the cavern, Bragi took the harp and began to play the song of life. With his song, he has the power to make plants grow and bloom, and to charm any animal into doing his will. In his true form, Bragi resembles an old, white-bearded man with a sparkle in his eye.

Role-playing Notes:

Whenever people sing or recite poetry, they are worshiping Bragi. Since this is a favorite pastime in almost every hall, Bragi never lacks worshipers. He is a special friend to bards, often revealing to them the location of secret treasures. Most often, this revelation occurs as a sudden insight while the bard is singing before a large crowd. If the bard interrupts his song, however, he immediately forgets the location of the treasure.

Gods Information

Alignment: NG
Worshiper's Alignment: Any
Area of Control: Poetry and Music
Symbol: harp

Avatar Information

Bragi's avatar is an old man with a long beard. He can call upon any school of magic for his spells. (Bard 20)

Str 18/83 Dex 19 Con 16
Int 18 Wis 18 Cha 18
MV 15 SZ 6' MR 25%
AC 1 HD 22 HP 176
#AT 1 THAC0 -1 Dmg 1d6 (sword) +4

Special Att/Def: When the avatar sings, all creatures within earshot must save versus spells or fall under his control (as per the domination spell). He also carries a harp which modifies any creature's saving throw by -4 while it is being played.

Worshipers Requirements

Requirements: Standard as both Priest and Bard
Alignment: any Non-Evil
Turning: Nil
Armor: Any
Weapons: Club, Bow and Arrow

Major: All, Charm, Divination, Healing, Protection
Minor: none

3rd - faultless memory (can recall anything heard)
12th - Dominate (as domination spell) with song

Duties of the Priesthood

Most often, the village storyteller is a priest of Bragi. It is his duty to preserve knowledge of the gods and the past, passing it from generation to generation through heroic ballads and poems. It is permissible for a human worshiper of Bragi to advance as a multi-class priest/bard.