Main / Broodhoy

Broodhoy - Kayugan - Priests - Gods

Broodhoy was a master brewer who's beverages were legendary. She loved a celebration and sharing her creations with friends. Broodhoy would travel the world learning new recipes and perfecting her craft. Her endless thirst for knowledge gained the respect of Cogse. Knowing her son Belinos' love for good wine, Uthe appeared to Broodhoy and asked for some of her legendary honey wine. When the Gods sampled her drinks it was agreed that Broodhoy was to become the brewer for the gods and she was raised up to lesser goddess by Uthe and Cogse.

Role-playing Notes:

Broodhoy is playful goddess. She believes that celebrations allow her followers to get the most out of life. Often seen as a trickster, she will often play pranks on her followers when intoxicated, though never to any ill effect. Followers of Broodhoy often hold giant celebrations which involve heavy drinking and sometimes orgies. Priests teach that life is too short to be serious all the time and use the consumption of alcohol in all their ceremonies. Every priest is also a competent brewer and their creations are highly sought over by wealthy consumers. Because grains are such a integrated part of brewing she is also the goddess of harvests and the main harvest festivals each year are dedicated to her.

Gods Information

Alignment: CG
Worshiper's Alignment: Any but evil are extremely rare
Area of Control: Celebrations, Brewing, Harvesting
Symbol: A Grapevine

Avatar Information

Notes and descriptions of how the God's Avatar appears.

Str Dex Con
Int Wis Cha

Special Att/Def: description of the special attacks, defenses, and abilities of the Avatar

Worshipers Requirements

Requirements: Wis 9+, Con 12+
Alignment: Any but evil are extremely rare
Turning: None
Armor: Any
Weapons: Sickle, scythe, Dagger
Hit Die: D8

Major: All, Chaos, Creation, Charm
Minor: Plant, Sun, Travelers


Duties of the Priesthood

Priests of Broodhoy try and teach the benefits of taking life a little lightly. They are always trying to create new recipes for alcoholic beverages. They often adventure to try and find new ingredients for their concoctions. They are in charge of planning each town's harvest festival and take this charge very seriously. If a festival is not a drunken celebration, the priests feel they have failed their goddess.

Known Worshipers

descriptions and or links to characters