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Crossroads Tactics

Each player controls a leader as they manage an army through different scenarios. While they don't directly participate in the scenarios, the class, level and skills of the leader gives bonuses to their army, as well as determine the maximum size and number of squads.

While the conflicts on Crossroads come from the same political, religious and resource differences on all worlds, the main division of armies is broken down between Outsiders and Natives and those sides are interchangeable as each side considers the others Outsiders, especially during times of conflict. As such, no consideration should be made to presume Good or Evil, for that too is a matter of perspective on Crossroads.

For ease of clarity, the players of Crossroads Tactics will each control a different race to reflect the different affiliations. While there will be some racial modifiers that will have an effect on some scenarios, all races of the same type are considered equal. i.e. a human fighter, elf fighter and orc fighter are all equal on a neutral battlefield

Leader type
Fighter - Bonus to Attack
Guard - Bonus to Defense
Calvary - Bonus to Move
Scout - Bonus to Sight
Leader Characteristics

Squad Characteristics
Type - Fighter, Guard, Calvary, Scout
Max Hit Points = Max Number of troops
Current Hit Points = Current # of Troops
Move - Standard distance move in turn
Sight - Standard Sight Distance\\ Level
Actions per Squad per Turn
Defend - Bonus to Defense
Recruit - add to squad size
Train - add to squad level

Scenario 1
For 2 - 4 players or teams
Each team starts on opposite sides of a square map with the objective to get all their troops past the opposite side of the map. Scenario ends when one team left on map
Bonus XP for the most troops gotten off the far edge of map
Bonus XP for the fastest to get all surviving troops off the far edge of map