Main / Crossroads


Game/ Story setting by John Anstett

Imagine a world, not too warm and not too cold, with plenty of water and just the right amount of sunlight.

Crossroads is an old world with a rich, mostly forgotten history, where many of its many varied species spend their days concerned with just surviving. Primarily an agricultural world, the limited supply of fossil fuels hampered the natural development of technology on a global scale.  While some areas have what are often call artifacts or remnants of seemingly advanced technology, the population in general believes it to be another form of lesser magic, less reliable than the Devine or Arcane practiced and accepted worldwide.

Many races live their lives in separate communities, but over time, there have been a blending of races and communities. Acceptance is relative to local culture and history. Some hold deep seeded if some what irrelevant hatred for others not like them, for some it is just a mild prejudgment or odd curiosity.

Like all worlds as old as this, stories of it's inhabitants beginning vary by belief. Some believe in Devine intervention, some believe in Natural development whiles other believe they are the leftovers of an ancient civilization. (More than one is right)

Fans and practitioners of Arcane magic believe Devine magic is simply tapping into a different form of magic.  Devine believers often feel straying from Nature and the Devine will bring upon their wraith while men and women of study seek to protect knowledge lest is is lost or worse, corrupted. But all races go about their day with little concerns outside their separate realms. Some enjoy the news of travelers, some find the stories mildly distracting. Even people in power are often so concerned with local politics that the world at larger means little until it comes to their door. To many, the most interesting and the most powerful people are the Wanderers. Not to be confused for the nomads that travel in family groups, the Wanderer travel in small, often eclectic groups, sometimes even world wide, exploring and trading in information. Their motivations vary as much as where they come from, but where ever they go, stories are sure to follow.

Campaign 1

Story 1

Story 2

Tactical Game

