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Court of Thanes - In Character Discussions

Miranda takes Amie to the Idun orphanage.
"Amie, this is where I hopped to spend some time with you. Unfortunately, I just go and a must go now. This is Sinthea, she will be in charge while I am gone but I know you will behave and have lots of fun with the other kids. You will be safe as long as you listen to Sinthea. It will be like your own adventure, we can share stories as soon as I get back. Remember I love you." Amid waves with a sad look as Sinthea escorts her to the common room.Miranda watched and smiles until the door closes, then heads to the office to say goodbye and write a quick letter.

Outside: To be read to Hofman - ONLY IF Inside: My dearest Hofman, I want you to know my last thoughts were of you. As much as this might pain you, please do not peruse me, either physically or magicially. Know that while not assigned by the Norse church, this is a mission assigned by the Gods and for Family in every sense of the word. As such you should consider what ever happened as Fate and you should not try to change it.I understand others may or may not agree with me, but you have to be strong and do what is right for me, leaving me to my fate. I will leave it up to you regarding Amie, I did not have the time to see how she would adjust to being in the city so you will have to talk to her about that as well as my fate. I fear it will be too much for her losing another parent so soon. It will be hard for You to decide what is best, but I have faith in you. You have made my life complete, although I had hope to watch you grow old while I stayed in my young body, I think we both know our lives would not allow it. I will wait for your heroic return on your own time. Always my love, Miranda

After the events of 20191018c

Miranda tries to talk calmly, but with some conviction. "I would say it is about time to discuss possible options when we do run into the drow. While many of us may want to attack them out right and they very well may attack is on sight, can we even discuss the possibility of a peaceful solution? We have had some similar bad individuals in our must and have had peaceful conversations. This maybe, especially for Shi, the most difficult thing to consider, but the stakes are pretty high so I would like to have some feedback before I say or do something crazy, like offering the drow a trade." She braces herself for the response.

Branwyn listens to Miranda and nods. “I’m not sure we have much to trade. This little excursion was not exactly in the plan when we headed out to Loosend. To be honest, as we have been travelling up here, my thoughts were more along the lines of trying to steal the shell. IF our stealthier members of the group are up to the task,” turning to glance at Ilero. "Maybe a little distraction to aid in the effort if we can find the possible location of the shell. I have no desire to commit a mass slaughter to get a stolen item unless we are attacked and have no other choice but to defend ourselves. That strategy will most likely cause casualties on our side as well and I do not wish to lose anyone in this quest. Whoever did this was using enough magic and brute force to overpower the entire Greek pilgrimage party and so I am not overly anxious to provoke an all out battle if I can help it. Other than sheer numbers, these orcs do not seem overly troublesome, but potentially high level magic using Drow? That’s another story.”

Ilero thinks silently for a few minutes. "Magic make stealt' harder, hif t'ey use it t'at way. Magic traps often not visible, no clue you trip alarm spell, or t'at kind of stuff. Hye can try, but good idea have backup plan." He is quiet for another few moments. "Did t'ey say how big shell is?"

“If I recall correctly, it was about 1 foot wide. So not something that can be slipped into a pocket. But if it is in a room, then it could be put into the room scroll quickly. I’m not sure what we will be able to do at this moment, but I think reconnaissance will be very important,” Branwyn responded.

Ilero shakes his head. "Backpack safer. Hif hye gets caught, only lose me and pack, and t'ey keep shell. Hif hye gots room scroll, lose it and everyt'ing in it too."

Miranda bobbs her head up and down and a little bit of a circle. "Yes, I know that is always a possibility, but we don't want to lose you or anyone. I can't imagine why the drow would want the shell other than the basic spite, power or gold. Not that we want to give them something but if it saves lives, or distracts them, I was considering trading my shell flute.

"Not sure how biased information we have is, but t'ey not sound trustwort'y so far."

After the events of 20191115c:

Ilero lingers slightly behind the rest of the group as they make their way to the revealed secret door. Just before he gets to it, he turns around suddenly, takes off his black dragon-scale helmet and drops down to one knee, bowing his head.

"Lady Witches. Hye am Prince Ilero Sauscha, fifth born of Czar Orrager and Aeli Sauscha, of Lisjask, Blackwater. In Blackwater t'ere many tales of bog witches, bot' knowledgeable and dangerous to seek. Hye know tonight your Eyes on t'is local event and foretelling. After my friends and hye done helping make t'e future you See happen, hye would be honored if you turn your Eye on me, and see if you can help hye see pat' t'rough hye situation. Hye not sure what is being asked of me, what to prepare for. Or if is all giant cosmic mistake, a joke foisted on hye by t'e gods." He waits, kneeling, for any response..

Erichtho says, "Should MacBeth fall, Your future you may see. Should Cawdor fall, Your future unknown will be."

Hoffman tosses and turns and wakes, unsure of what day it is. Ever sense the Dream Mage adventure, something has disturbed his dreams. His last visit to Skull Church certainly did not help. Now having a ring, with no more excuses just seems to have put him over the top. Who could he talk to, who would understand.
He promised Miranda he would not leave her, but it is just a trip to Looosend, so why does he worry so much. Should he have asked her, should he have gone with her. Has he made a decision or is he accepting fate. Maybe a long walk will help.
During his walk, Hoffman lets his mind wander over the important moments that changed his view of life: his adopted mother that saved him from hill Giants with her magic, the mage that stabbed at undead, the look on her face when he killed a dragon to save a companion, working with her to save a friend being dragged off, the look on her face when he tried being funny, the planning on taking out a dragon with a different kind of mage , those moments of vulnerability that made everything else seem pointless, the one woman wanting him to be happy with another. How is a man supposed to honor three woman? How is a man supposed to be loyal to three women? Three different women, with three different relationships. One who took care of you, one that took care of her people and one who took care of your heart and soul.
What was it his mother said when she sent him out into the world...
"Be careful how close you get to people, some will treat you different than you want. Treat them all with respect but you are allowed to treat them different, for each one is unique"