Main / CallarduranSmoothhands

Callarduran Smoothhands - Gnomish - Priests - Gods

Callarduran is a patron god of svirfnebli, on very good terms with the other gnomish gods and secondary to Garl Glittergold. His hands are perfectly smooth from his constant polishing of a massive stone controlling earth elements which he holds at the centre of the world (in svirfnebli legend), granting his race their summoning abilities. He is a benign but secretive deity, caring only for his own people and their defense against drow. Solitary and thoughtful, Callarduran rarely consorts even with other gnomish gods.

Callarduran is the master of stone, worshipped primarily by Svirfneblin. The Deep Gnomes consider him equal in might to Garl Glittergold, though he is largely ignored by the other subraces. It was Calladuran who taught Svirfneblin how to summon and befriend earth elementals. He will often send his avatar to aid his people; his appearance is that of a wiry Svirfneblin miner, indistinguishable from virtually any other Deep Gnome except for a golden ring with a star insignia he always wears.

Role-playing Notes:

The deity is very involved with his people. He frequently sends avatars to protect them, and may leave a deposit gf smoothed stone or a stone shaped ring, to guide poor svirfnebli to a cache of gems (his avatar can create one star gem, worth 5,000 gp, from its ring when pressed against stone). The presence of the avatar is often signaled to svirfnebli by its humming, which can be heard through solid rock.

Gods Information

Alignment: N (NG)
Worshiper's Alignment: N, NG (svirfnebli)
Area of Control: Protection, Earth, and Mining
Symbol: gold ring with star pattern

Avatar Information

Callarduran's avatar appears as a handsome, brown-skinned svirfneblin wearing chain mail and a gold ring with a star pattern. He uses spells from the alteration, elemental (earth) and abjuration schools, and from spheres listed for his priests. (Wizard 12, Priest 14)

Str 16 Dex 18 Con 17
Int 19 Wis 17 Cha 19
MV 12 BR 6 SZ 4'6" MR 35%
AC -3 HD 16 HP 128
#AT 1 THAC0 5 Dmg 1d8+3 (axe) +1

Special Att/Def: The avatar can summon any creature from the Plane of Elemental Earth, three summonings per day (as for ordinary svirfnebli). He is 50% likely to be accompanied by a huge xorn (16 HD, attacks do double damage) which is wholly obedient. His chain +4 confers 80% magic resistance against spells cast by drow. His axe +3 kills drow outright on a hit roll of 17+ (no save).

Worshipers Requirements

Requirements: Int 12 Wis 12
Alignment: N, NG
Turning: Turn at -4 levels
Armor: Chain
Weapons: Any (Axe 1st)

Major: all, charm, creation, elemental (earth), healing, protection, wards
Minor: combat, divination, necromantic

1st - +2 saves versus drow spells
4th - may subtract 5% per level from magic resistance of drow
7th - 5% chance per lovel to summon 16 HD earth elemental, 6 turns

Duties of the Priesthood

Svirfnebli priests are vigilant against drow incursions and expeditions to repulse of the dark elves from svirfnebli lands. They are also teachers of magic, and some 50% are illusionist/priests.
Level Limit: 13
Hit Die: d6
Shamans: Yes

Shaman Requirements

Requirements: Standard
Alignment: any Non-Evil

Level Limit: 5
Hit Die: d4