Main / Chang-liu-shuiOasis

Chang-liu-shui Oasis

Chang-liu-shui, or Inexhaustible Spring Halt, is found on the Spice Road between the Merket Depression and the Ni-Ko Oasis. The well is marked by a lone willow tree that stands over a small, muddy-looking pond. Although the banks of the pond are crusted and foul-looking, the spring water is sweet and fresh. The water comes from an underground river that passes beneath the oasis. The spring gets its name because the pool has never completely dried out, even during the worst summers.

Next to the pond is a small house, half-buried in the ground. This is the home and caravansary of Altho Farambler, a halfling originally from Hillshire Haven. He has taken a particular liking to this place and has set up his own little business. His caravansary is particularly favored by travelers from the west, since it has many of the features of home, even though his prices are high. Merchants from Shou Lung find his caravansary exotic and often not to their tastes. Altho’s biggest difficulty is the nomads who come to “his” well. The spring, while everflowing, does not provide much water. The nomads arrive in large groups and often take all there is. At first Altho tried to fight, losing and enraging the nomads at the same time. Now, he stores excess water in casks in his house and sells this to travelers. When nomads arrive, he stays out of sight and, except for a little trading (where he does his best to fleece the barbarians), Altho prefers to have as little contact with them as possible.