Main / CharacterSheetWeapons


update to include armed selection in the correct spot
update data file to match new layout

KloOge Character Sheets - Chapter 3 - Basics of the Attack Roll


These are the details that are included for each weapon.

Name the name of the weapon: Sting, Cleathalas, etc.
Armed check box to indicate Weapon in Hand
Type of Weapon short sword, long bow, etc.
Size T, S, M, L, H
Type S, P, B: Slashing, Piercing or Bludgeoning for use with Weapon Type Versus Armor
Speed Weapon speed
Range Weapon Ranges, mostly S/M/L short/medium/long for missile weapons
# # of weapons, used for arrows or other consumables
# of attacks number of attacks with the weapon each round
Attack Adjustments
($atk)Ability Adj from the Attributes section of the character sheet
(-)Racial Adj any Racial bonus for the weapon
(-)Skill Adj skill bonuses such as weapon styles
(-)Profic Adj bonuses for specialization
(-)Magic Adj if the weapon is magical
Place a (+0) in the Atk Adj space
Damage Adjustments
Ability Adj from the Attributes section of the character sheet
Racial Adj any Racial bonus for the weapon
Skill Adj skill bonuses such as weapon styles
Profic Adj bonuses for specialization
Magic Adj if the weapon is magical
DMG SM Damage to Medium targets and smaller
DMG L Damage to Large sized targets and bigger
Knockdown the knockdown die the weapon uses$KNCK
Atk Snd special attack sound if desired
DMG Snd special damage sound if desired
Atk FX special attack display if desired
DMG FX special damage display if desired