Main / ClangeddinSilverbeard

Clangeddin Silverbeard - Dwarven - Priests - Gods

Clangeddin is the Father of Battle, the general on the battlefield who leads from the front. He is concerned with war as a way of life, very different to Moradin in this respect. "War is the finest hour of dwarvenkind" is a saying of the god and his priests. He is a strict and ethical deity, however; one who brooks no trickery or deceit. Triumph must be obtained through valor and bravery, and Clangeddin is swift to humble and humiliate any who overcome by cowardly or deceitful means. He abhors cowardice; Clangeddin never backs away from a fight, no matter what the odds.

Role-playing Notes:

Clangeddin's avatar is no stranger to battles on the Prime Material. He appears at the site of major, epic battles, and by fighting and singing stirring songs inspires dwarven warriors to victory. Clangeddin rarely bothers with the subtlety of omens, but if he does then these are usually "gut level'' events (earth tremors, rockfalls, and "earthblood-seeping red liquid from newly-exposed veins of ore).

Gods Information

Alignment: LG
Worshiper's Alignment: LG
Area of Control: Battle
Symbol: Two crossed battle axes

Avatar Information

Clangeddin's avatar appears as a craggy, middle-aged, bald, silver-bearded dwarf in chain mail with paired battle axes, powerful and always smiling. He disdains spell use.

Str 22 Dex 15 Con 19
Int 16 Wis 16 Cha 17
MV 12 SZ M(5')/H(18') MR 40%
AC -1 HD 18 HP 144
#AT 4 THAC0 3 Dmg (1D8+4{axe} +10)*2

Special Att/Def: Clangeddin's avatar can touch any metal weapon and enchant it to +2 strength for 1 turn, and can mend any damaged metal armor by touch. He wields two mithral battle ares +4 and strikes twice with each, per round. He wears steel chain mail +5. Giants attack him with a -4 penalty even when he appears in his Huge form (which he always does in battle).

Worshipers Requirements

Requirements: Wis 9+ Str 15+ Alignment: LG
Turning: Nil
Armor: Any metal, no shields
Weapons: Any, Battle axe first
Level Limit: 14
Hit Die: D8

Major: All, Combat, Guardian, Law, Protection, War
Minor: Charm, Elemental (Earth), Healing, Wards

1) command 2/day in combat
5) strength (add 1d8 as if fighter)
9) may use one triple damage battle-axe blow per day

Duties of the Priesthood

Clangeddin's priests are most often fighter/priests, and they form an elite warrior caste in many clans. They strive to maintain such a position, and train hard physically. They must always prepare for war, physically, tactically and by acquiring resources. They must attack hill giants whenever possible.

Known Worshipers

descriptions and or links to characters