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Cloak Check - Out of Character Discussions

Laying out the timeline:

3/12 Carissa

Idle thoughts to consider through the week, but first:

We are at least in a semi-safe spot provided we don't let those manticores know we returned. The small hallway has a secret door to hide us from others so we're safe on that side, at least, from anyone who doesn't know about that door. This gives us time to regroup, heal up, reassess. But now that we know about the slaves and that damn bugbear, I'm not sure about staying here for long at all.

N'laea is still in pretty good shape. I am seriously considering having her go after that bugbear. If her rolls are good, she may be able to sneak up on it, but who knows if there are other giants down there, too. We could have a second person within earshot of her recon, or waiting nearby for her to run back if she needs backup? I'm sure Tiberius would be happy to once he's a bit more healed. It's hard to tell in chat, but if that bugbear WAS speaking giant, we can try to capture him and make Youtargim slightly redeem himself (he has a LONG way to full redemption) by getting what information he can from the captured bugbear if we can get it to talk.

On the other hand, we can ignore all that, try to dispose of the manticores quick, hope the chain is there, and go...

I know one other consideration is trying to not waste the Many-Jaws spell which still has a few more rounds before it disappears. I was also considering, for when we face the manticores, of trying to talk to them (out of sight) and see if we can get anything from them. We don't fully know why they are there, and if they're chained up, there is always a chance they actually would love to kill the giants.

Bob had hinted at it earlier, but we all do still need to consider when or whether to use up spells as we may need them all. I'm pissed that Rae wasted one on Yout already, and accidentally another on N'laea (although Battlefate is also still active for a few more rounds if we jump right back into combat). I can't say what anyone else could or should do, but I am trying to keep Rae from casting unless dire so she can heal.

And again, going to point out we have potions we can have fun with if we're super bored and just want to bomb (stink up?) the place with various types of dragon breaths.

3/16 Lisa

Sorry for not responding sooner. Needed to put this aside for a bit.

All good points. Choices, choices! I’m good with however the group decides but here are my thoughts. I’m leaning toward sticking with the manticores.

Bugbear 6 ran off in Round 6 and we are starting Round 13. It’s over 120 ft (1 rd) to even get to the corridor behind the giants. I’m not sure where he would be by the time N’laea would get there. Do we want to open that can of worms and split the party, losing 2 fighters to that quest? Or would we all just go back and kill everything in those areas so we can be sure of some peace and quiet exploring further? After some healing hopefully.

Yes, it would be nice not to waste a couple rounds of manyjaws, but it’s not the worst thing in the world if it happens.

I’m conflicted on the manticores. I’m not a fan of killing things that are behind bars. Other than the tail spikes, we are at a great advantage in fighting them, but it’s not really a “good” thing to do. On the other hand, manticores are not good creatures and I’m not sure we could believe anything they said anyway.

We have 3 rounds of manyjaws left. Maybe someone goes out there with Branwyn (she only needs to go out far enough to get a line of sight. Tell them they have 10 seconds to talk or we send a horde of jaws at them that will tear the flesh from their bones. (Subtle, I know). If they talk, we talk. If they send tail spikes, we will have 2 rounds of jaws left to eat one of the manticores. If they decide to test us, hopefully they will send the spikes toward the person threatening and not Branwyn, which allows her to be able to send the jaws.

If the manticores are good and let us do what we need to do in there, maybe we can offer to flip the levers in the hall before we leave and shut the door. Fair trade?

Where are the slaves? There is one closed door east of the secret door that we haven’t tried. Maybe they are in there? Not something we need to deal with right now. Just thinking about it.

Do people have a preference on which area they want to tackle?

4-23 BOB

The next session will deeply involved Lorie and Carissa. The three Elves will be interacting and deciding several things. Some of it should be discussed in character (here on the site or live on Friday) and some of it should be out of character.

For the Elves this is an interesting situation. You are in a place that normally Elves access when dead, which these three are definitely not. :) Do you stay here because it is destiny? Heroes welcomed to the lands of the goddess. Go back to Dragon Fen because it is not time for you to be here? Licornah going back to Dragon Fen with the group looking for a way home to her own Plane or deciding to stay with this group of adventurers? On the one hand you have lots of time to think about this and do what you want. On the other we have one game session to roleplay out that decision. You can choose to stay here a while then go home after a relaxing "vacation". If there are things/skills to learn, etc.

Also Sharif now has a few sessions under his belt and can decide does he like Zayden and wants to continue him? Or knowing now more of how characters work create someone new from the ground up that can continue with the group.

Talking about ideas here will help formulate the roleplay on Friday and beyond.

4/23 Carissa

I read this during my too brief lunch break, and to be honest, I just don't have the bandwidth for it. I've nearly run out of bandwidth to play right now, much faster than I expected. So I'm not going to think about it. They'll return. The end. It can be an interesting situation another time. May their god/dess bless their return and move on.

As for the chain? I'm just ready to be done with it all. I have many thoughts about this arc, but I'm too cranky to be reasonable. I don't even know if I'll be here for that part of the night when the chain needs to be dealt with as it is. Let it be destroyed. Let the real Goddess do what she wants with it. Other people can post their opinions on it because I just can't right now, and I don't foresee it getting better before Friday. Sorry.

But posting now so everyone knows I have nothing to provide, but I can happily agree with someone else.