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Diplomatic Entanglements

Courier Dispatches

For letters that the characters wish to send around the City or the Principality that do not belong in the Diplomatic Pouches. Anyone can send out letters. If the character cannot read or write someone on staff can take dictation for them.

When the Ambassador's Attache presents the morning communications to the Ambassador he uses a color code:

Each letter should have a date at the end so we know the sequence of events it happened in.

To Midguard the Magnificent,

Thank you very much for your kind reception of me and my friends at the Guild yesterday. I look forward to spending time there and getting to know you better. Your confidence in me is most gratifying. That and your generous gift of the teleport scroll were much appreciated. However, it was not until we were saying good day to each other that you mentioned the spells necessary for the Magus Club test. It was only then that I realized that I will not be able to pass your tests, with or without the teleport spell. It is not within my ability to remove the magic that others cast. So, given that information, I cannot in good conscience accept this gift and must return it to you, as it was given with the intent that I would use it to be accepted by the Magus Club.

I apologize for any misunderstandings that have occurred regarding my abilities and look forward to seeing you at the Guild in the future.

Yours truly,

Branwyn the Mysterious

9-9-1266 TGR

Admiral Olana

Missive to Ambassador Branwyn

My dear Ambassador. I am glad that you have come to our glorious city. From seeing your generous contribution of your thoughts and wisdom I can only conclude that you are smart, cunning, and good at your job. I also can see clear as day that you aren’t one for politics. I have no doubt if you could have gotten away with it, you would have stabbed each of us as we squabbled amongst ourselves with our own desires and petty power with a smile on your face and relief that you no longer had to participate in our foolishness. Unfortunately, we all have to play nice and attempt to go about our ways in a manner suitable to society. You and I are people of action and have only one goal in mind. The success and well-being of our men and woman at arms.

I meant what I said before you rushed home to undoubtedly shatter vases with our likeness painted on them. My fellow council members may not agree, but they don’t maintain the same contacts that I do. My sailors are to a man usually suitable for honorable work, however a long way from home without *ahem* companionship and a good drink with entertainment usually sends them to shall I say more unfavorable city establishments. And, towards dark rumors and fell omens. My Captains usually send a more level headed crew member with them to keep them manageable and keep an eye on them. Suffice it to say that they hear interesting things from these unsavory locations and occasionally, only occasionally mind you, these interesting things get back to me.

I don’t know any substantial information and this is always treated as rumor until proven otherwise in my intelligence circles, but one of my men heard something interesting regarding the former ambassador two weeks before she died. He was mostly drunk and my captain was sure he was simply fantasying about a pretty lady he saw while wandering the city in a drunken stupor. Two days later he was found floating in the bay. It happens occasionally and my men know that if they make poor judgements, the knife can come back to them. Usually in the back. If you understand my meaning.

One week before her unfortunate death, my sober watchman accompanying my men for the night visited the same location with the rest of his crew as the dead crewmember. He never left. There was a note pinned to him where one of his eyes used to be. “Eavesdropping is a deadly sin.” The rest of the crew made it back alright, and didn’t know what happened. One of the men who wasn’t feeling too well and didn’t have too much ale said he heard something about an ambassador from one of the rooms but didn’t think nothing of it as he returned with a companion to the dock house. Once more, I didn’t think anything of it. There are many ambassadors in the city. Probably was nothing. I pulled my men from the establishment from that night on and they have orders not to go back to the knifes *ahem* Guest houses until the city is cleansed and my sailors stop dropping like flies.

The ambassador dies. Exactly 6 days later.

I don’t know if any of this is connected and it may well simply be my paranoia, but you need to be careful. Furthermore, I need to know if I can trust you.

I meant what I said in the council chamber, all of our men and women are recognizable to any unsavory characters in the city. I have heard tell that the thieves’ guild is on the rise. Murders and Dark sayings are oozing through the cracks in the political wall erected around the Knife. This city may have many cunning enemies on the outside, but there are more poisonous and deadly ones inside of it. I know you wish the best for your people. Our goals are not in conflict. I need fresh faces and experienced men and woman to help the city. You need to create a safer and more stable place for your men and woman. They are well balanced goals that complement each other. The resources and talents of the city is at your disposal. At least the ones I am allowed to offer. I understand the need to create the appearance of impartiality and you would of course be wise to do so. From the tales that precede you, your group was formally a mercenary company. You are not synonymous with contracts your associates take. It is understood that mercenaries are mercenaries. If you wish to continue operating under the table I understand and I would be willing to help you with that if you would like to assist the city. The compensation would be fair and there would be other benefits as well that could help your companions in their other dealings.

Should you reject this offer, I understand and will never hold any of this against my opinion of you whatsoever. A commander is loyal to theirs and theirs alone. Even a mercenary commander. I am first and foremost a commander of men that loves my men and their service and loyalty. I would do anything for my sailors and men. Anything. Even some things that would be best left unspoken. Should I come to trust you, I might tell you about it some time. The experience…made me a different man with a different outlook on some crucial things. I may be a squabbling politician now with a fleet and a mission, but I am still an honorable one. I don’t truly know how many of us are still left in the city. Honorable men and women seem to be in short supply in this day and age.

Now, for you to make your judgement of me? Here is the question you probably want answered: How can I trust him? Well, quite frankly you just met me and I have no idea on how to make you trust me. I will however grant you a boon with no strings attached. The secondary parchment delivered with this missive is a sealed parchment with my personal crest and a code for the Captain of the CGC Coca Cola. A High Endurance Sloop meant for stealth and moderate combat." I hope you use it for the benefit of the city. Should you desire to work with the city, or, your company of mercs, other useful favors might be on the horizon. My concern is for the city first and foremost.

Upon receiving this missive. Please have a known associate of yours pen back your signet, crest, and code 2738 and Deliver it to my ship to show you have received this message.

I admire your work so far and if you ever want to indulge in some harmless fun against the sky captains let me know. I personally hate them and am surprised that you even got one to speak with you. I am curious on how the encounter turned out in the end and would love to hear about it sometime. From my understanding they care about nothing but their own interests and look down upon those who roam the land.

I wish you good health and security. Please. Be on your guard.


2-10-1266 TGR

Master Earwine Earwine and Sons Ltd. South Bayside District Rivers Bend

Master Earwine,

I hope this letter finds you well. Although we have only met once a few years ago, you know my friend, Indigo Bolger, quite well from the time that he trained under you in Rivers Bend. Indigo is Sir Captain Indigo now, a decorated knight and Captain of the Royal Marines of Drillian. I hope that you can be proud of his accomplishments. He has told me much of his time with you and how you taught him when no one else would give him a chance. Indigo holds you in the highest regard. All he dreamed of back then was to learn his trade and one day be hired onto a crew of a ship. He has travelled far since those days. Indigo would be writing to you himself, but he is currently visiting his family in Gold Hills and an urgent matter has arisen that cannot wait for his return.

I have been appointed Ambassador of Drillian in Dryads Lair and so write now in that capacity. Her Majesty, Queen Wilamina Mosskin, is desirous of expanding her naval presence. Recent events in Drillian make this need of the upmost urgency. Her majesty needs ships sent to Drillian as soon as possible. We are ready to make the necessary purchase of whatever ships we can acquire that are ready to sail. I could send letters to the individual noble houses. I do know their names and reputations, however, I am not aware which of the houses would have ships to aid in Queen Wilamina’s efforts to keep the Queendom secure in light of the current strife. I thought discretion and knowledge would be a better strategy. And who knows ships and their availability in Rivers Bend more than you?

Another good friend of ours in the city is Sarengar Swiftbreeze. I am not sure if he is still there with his barge or is back singing at the opera house. But he is also a man who knows ships and the families of Rivers Bend. Unfortunately, Sarengar has an adventurous nature and I am not sure if he is in Rivers Bend at the moment. If you do know him, I know that at the mention of mine and Indigo’s name and if you this letter with him, he will aid us as well.

I pray that you may be of assistance in our time of need. Of course, we would be sure to pay you a commission on any ships that you can arrange for us. And if Earwine and Sons has ships themselves for sale, we would prefer to give such business to you. Enclosed is a promise of payment with the seal of Drillian to secure the purchase with the. I have also enclosed gold for you to send a rapid message back to me as to the status of this request. If I am needed in person to finalize any deals, you have only to send me a message and I shall be there immediately.

I know this is an odd request, but I wouldn’t make it if our need was not so great. Your reputation of honour and trustworthiness makes me feel confident that I can entrust this request to you.

Yours Sincerely,

Marquessa Branwyn the Mysterious Ambassador of Drillian at Dryads Lair

7-11-1266 TGR

To His Royal Highness
Prince Gregory Loplin
Dryads Lair

I cannot begin to tell you how sorry I am that I was unable to explain things to you face to face. I hold you in the highest respect and admiration. And even though I do not have an audience, I cannot in good conscience return home without providing you with an explanation of what has transpired and what I know of the well being of your son, Lord Sam.

About halfway through my tenure as Ambassador, Lord Sam approached me privately and asked me to locate the names of his birth parents. The only clue that I had to work with was the name from a blanket, “Ronwith.” At that time, I urged him most strenuously to simply sit down with you and ask for the information directly. I also offered to approach you myself and make a plea on his behalf for this information. All of this was refused by him. It was his thought that he did not wish to hurt you with his questions, but as a man, he needed to know who his parents were to help him better find his place in this world. Lord Sam requested that we be as discreet as possible and so you and the Royal Library were not accessible for this endeavor. To be honest, I did nothing with this request for months. It was a difficult task and I felt my hands were tied not to have the most logical resources for information available to me. But when I received word that my time as Ambassador would be drawing to a close, I felt that I could not leave the city without at least making an attempt to help Lord Sam in his quest for knowledge. I had no idea at the time what kind of hornet’s nest I would be disturbing in getting these answers. I had assumed there was some nobility in his parentage, but could not have dreamt of what we did actually find.

If Lord Sam was but a child, I would have withheld such information and would have taken it to you myself. But Sam in a grown man and I felt that he had a right to know. And since I had agreed to take on this endeavor, I had a responsibility to tell him. He was quite shocked by the news, as was understandable. Again at this point, we urged him to discuss this with you. When he left us he said that he had to think about this and I did not see him again until he was on board my ship heading to Cornelia.

It appears that he wishes to explore his possibilities in Terraguard under the protection of Queen Annia Cinna of Cornelia. This makes sense in a way, as the Kingdom of Jarvis is completely foreign to him and all his knowledge and upbringing is rooted in Terraguard. It is my belief that Queen Annia shall do everything within her power to protect him and keep him safe from harm. Perhaps more for her own political reasons rather than altruistic reasons, but protect him she shall.

Lord Sam left spontaneously and needs time to come to terms with what he has now learned. We did not wish to leave him without resources and so please know that Drillian has provided him with a goodly sum of gold that shall make him independent of the Queen for resources and tools for communication that lets him know that he may count on us for assistance if the need arises.

Before I left, I pleaded with him to understand what I believe to be your motivations for keeping Lord Sam’s parentage a secret from him. I assured him that you loved him greatly and were trying to protect him. You are the father that loves him and will help him if ever he so needs it. Lord Sam did not seem to me to be angry. He seemed more frustrated that he was not given the information to make the decisions he needs to make on his own. He needs time to process these things. I believe with all of my heart that you both can find a way back to each other and have a relationship once more. He is in Cornelia if you wish to reach out to him again.

I am sorry that everything happened the way that it did. I acted in what I thought was the right course once I found out the truth. You have raised a highly intelligent, good and honest man in Sam. From what I have seen in his interactions with the City Council, he is also adroit in matters of diplomacy and is quite resourceful. You must trust that you have raised him well and have prepared him to tackle what life brings him in the future. It is my most ardent hope that the two of you may find peace and be able to move forward from this.

I shall not ask your forgiveness for my part in this, but hope that one day you may understand and not judge me too harshly. From the moment I met you, the last thing I wanted to do was to give you cause not to trust me or Drillian’s intentions. My largest regret is that I may have failed in that regard at the very end of my time here. Any failures are mine, and as I stated, Drillian has provided Lord Sam with ample resources to make free choices as he desires. I hope that any animosity you may feel be saved for me alone. I will always think of you with admiration and affection.

Yours most respectfully,

Marquessa Branwyn the Mysterious of Drillian