Main / Cronus

Cronus - Greek - Priests - Gods

The youngest of the Titans born to Uranus and Gaea, Cronus was the ambitious one who attacked his father and then assumed the throne to become ruler of the universe. However, when his mother Gaea prophesied that one of his children would overthrow him as he had his father, Cronus proved just as despotic as Uranus. As his wife, Rhea, gave birth to the Olympian gods, he seized them and swallowed them up. His plan might have worked, had Rhea not tricked him into swallowing a stone instead of her sixth child. This god, Zeus, eventually returned to lead the successful revolt against him. Because of his past actions, Cronus was imprisoned in Tartarus.

Role-playing Notes:

Because Cronus remains penned in Tartarus, he is unable to influence events on earth except through his avatars. Therefore, at least one avatar is constantly moving about Greece, promising men great rewards in return for worshiping Cronus and turning their backs on the Olympian gods. On occasion, these avatars rise to a position of power in a polis, and the result is invariably war as the avatar attacks the power bases of Cronus' rivals. Because of his imprisonment, Cronus cannot send omens or portents.

Gods Information

Alignment: AL
Worshiper's Alignment: Any Evil
Area of Control: Sinister Ambition
Symbol: sickle

Avatar Information

Cronus' avatar is an evil looking fighter with a gleam in his otherwise dark eyes. He often passes himself off as a human warrior with no claim to his divine status. (Fighter 20)

Str 21 Dex 18 Con 18
Int 18 Wis 15 Cha 14
MV 20 SZ 6' MR 40%
AC -3 HD 20 HP 160
#AT 2 THAC0 1 Dmg 1d4 +1 (sickle) +9

Special Att/Def: Although it is not magic, Cronus' adamant sickle cuts through any material it touches, effectively lowering his opponents' AC to a maximum of 5 (unless due strictly to Dexterity). Beings hit by the sickle must save versus death or lose whatever appendage it hits (DMs should determine this randomly or by decree based on the situation).

Worshipers Requirements

Requirements: Standard
Alignment: any Non-Good
Turning: Nil
Armor: Any
Weapons: Sickle

Major: none
Minor: none


Duties of the Priesthood

Cronus is no longer worshiped actively by the people of Greece. Nevertheless, there are small sects of priests dedicated to him in Athens, Rhodes, and Thebes who are constantly trying to recruit worshipers through the promise of power or money. In these three cities, the priests organize large harvest-time festivals in which class distinctions are abolished. Their intention is to use the festival as a recruiting tool.