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Deep Dark Dangerous - in character discussions

Finglas takes a deep breath and exhales it slowly. "Okay group, those of you who are left... We have a problem. The heroic antics of the last fight got our guide killed. Again. Moirra and I both agree that he should not be brought back again. Last time he died he went to his god and we ripped him away and put him in a new body for our own selfish needs. While our need is dire, I will not do that again to him. He made it clear he wished we had left him well enough alone the first time. We are close to home. We don't have too far to go now. We need some good ideas on how to get to the surface. Through stone tell and speak with dead I might be able to get some direction, but I doubt it will be terribly specific. Any other ideas?"

"My people are just as likely if not more so to detect the attempts at scrying. If anyone wants to attack our lands, it will be harder for them to take my forest than your grasslands, Paul, but perhaps I should have Anterias stay back just in case. Bradwarden is a capable strategist, but you can never be too careful. If you wish I will ask the pixies if they would help to patrol the protectorate as well. They aren't always reliable at keeping organized, but their curiosity makes them natural scouts. I do not divine, but do you know of a way to track the scrying back to who is doing it? I will also confer with the gypsies and" shudders "even send a messenger to the drow to see what they know of it. At the very least I can be pretty sure the drow would not turn on us in any conflict. Who else would be stupid enough to treat with them the way I have? I do need to figure out a way to get rid of them. Hm... Ant, also have a messenger sent to tell the gnomes. They may shed some light. Have the druids keep up communications with the forest animals for intruders and have our windriders alternate days for constant patrolling. Send a message through to the centaurs to keep an ear to the ground, and have the sylph keep her eyes open as well. And if anyone can find that leprechaun in all the chaos ask him to pay attention as well. Our forest will not be penetrated without our knowing of it, and as much activity as we can muster will hopefully deter anyone from making any action until I get back from the underdark and dealing with that threat to us."


Lady Kylia, Master Fin, I have confirmed from my people and Wilson that someone has been scrying, looking for at least Lady Kylia and myself. I am sure they have been scrying for Fin too but his people may not be smart enough to detect it. I surmise they are not looking to attack our lands without us as they have had at least a week to do so if they wanted to. They are either tracking our progress, knowing to some extent what we are doing, or they are some other party that wished to "contact" or "attack" us directly. I have Kit to join us for addtional security, but I feel we need to stick together until this is clarified.


"That was an interesting story, Liam. I do enjoy hearing the story behind a good bow. We will make sure we rescue your father's bow from those Drow. I couldn't stand seeing it left in their hands."


Paul comes back to the group from one round behind. "What, I was was just, a... grooming myself. Glad to see am no longer a dog man. Do we have a lake or river?" ::Counts heads:: "Well I can teleport home if you all want to ride in the scroll. Find me a river and I'll Pool us home."

Finglas replied, "That would work, and I am sure that the three of us could handle whatever situation occurs on our own, but then we leave the rest of the group behind, and I am loathe to do that. I would not sacrifice the safety of the group for the safety of those two. But in this I will defer to the Lady Kylia. If she truly wants us to go to the far side then I will go. And stop consorting with that underdark scum. I know you used to be one of them, but you have since had the good fortune to be raised above your sorry old station. Go consort with Kylia if you wish physical pleasures. Gods above know she could use something to unwind herself."

Paul walks back to the front of the group. "Sorry, I was just making out with the Drow chick. I think she likes the bondage. She pretends to want to be free but.... What, what did I miss. Bridge Disappeared? Rave disappeared? Can we go the other way? Oh her too. How about I cast fly on Anteris, he is halk dragon right. Now that Fin has flying airborn creature he can ride Ant for real like he has been for years. I can fly shot gun and then we can regroup on the other side or do search and rescue as needed. Think your up for it fly boy?"

Walking along Ovkulik looks over at the new dwarf. "You got the beard wrong again Bug. And don't go borrowing trouble, we still have lots of other things to get through before we have the nightmare of being out on the water."

grumbles about drowning and stupidity of boats to himself as he walks

1/5/09 (Reality Time)

After the winds die down and calm returns to the Underdark, Rave in Dwarven form becomes visible and walks over to the dwarves.

"Excuse me stout companions, but could someone tell me a bit about this "Lake or Sea" we shall be coming to here in our travels. I heard something about the water being bitterly cold and deadly? What is the truth to these rumors? Do we currently have any boats we can use to traverse it and do you know about how long we shall have to be on the water to get to our destination? Also any ideas of what dangers (other than drowning) we shall have to face?

1/1/09 (Earth Time) Paul awakes oddly refreshed. "It is a good day, a new day. Let the past lay sleeping and lets push forward with confidence and determination. Each to do his/her or it's best for them and for us all as a team."

"Truly, I am so disappointed in myself when I let the causal warning of dwarfs to guide my attentions to a bunch of goblins without considering the bigger picture, or the bigger foes. Thank goodness we had a couple elves on our side" Paul mutters out loud to no one in particular.

Bofgur turns to Paul, "you ok? you look even more sick than most humans I have seen. Did a few goblins really frighten you that badly? Maybe you should think about staying up in your safe surface world. "

Bofgur looks at the ugly flying bug, "Khazefryn is or was a monastery and I have never been there. It is a hive of villainy and scum now for all sorts to hide out and conspire in"

Continues to sharpen his axe as the drums keep pounding.

As Paul is fighting side by side with the dwarfs, he strikes up a conversation.

"So, How long has it been sense you have been to this Khazefryn? Did I say that right, considering my lack of accent.


Paul's Words to Tori (may have been overheard by others)

Tori, I have to say I thought you would be more at ease with the DragonSlayers with the time you have put in, especially with the younger members not too long ago. I still sense you have not overcome your feelings that I fear are more instinct then experience. The most important part of being a DragonSlayer is the ablity to be a part of a group that transcends typical race relations. We all have had our issues with those outside of the group but once we are inside the 'family' those issues must take a back seat. I do not want to be blunt but let me be personal on my own experience. My daughter is 1/2 drow and I myself was drow not too long ago. Kit especially had a hard time gaining acceptance with the group early on. She has found her way to let the past lie and others, while I am sure they remember, have seen the change. I fear if you do not make a similar change, the tension may effect the DragonSlayers. If it is accepance or respect, there are beter ways to achieve that; Khan appreciated your team work during his activity with the group. If it is truly personal then further disussion may be required. Let me know if I can help.


Paul’s Conversation with Lady Kylia and Master Fin (may have been overheard by other)

There has been some talk lately of the DragonSlayers’ recent changes and some about my part in it. No offence to Fin but from where and when I came into the picture, it has always been Kylia’s group. She has led with a strong yet open arm to others, especially Finglass of late. I know I have had my input at times but I have never thought to have earned the respect that I have for the two of you. Between Roadhaven and Greenborough you have each added to the value of the world. I have done as much harm as good it seems in my area. You have balanced well your personal concerns and the concerns of the group; each of you has accomplished much in your chosen way of life. I have done little to improve upon myself my short time in this new life. I know I will never undo the life I had before but at least when I was trying to I felt I was accomplishing something. Now that the thrill of a new life has faded, I find it hard to focus on any goal. While this journey has peaked my interest, I still feel like a bystander in your group. I do not feel like the leader some consider me. I do not intend to complain or to share my sorrow, only that I owe it to you as my closest friends. As far as my guidance with the group, there was a thought from my past to make someone feel a part of the group, to truly celebrate when one has reached true membership in a group, be it through well fought battle, or long term commitment or sharing a humiliating defeat. Let those you travel with know for sure that they do not merely travel with you unless that is all they do. If that is all they do, maybe it’s best they do not.


Luckily, Paul was not hard to find. He quickly joins the DragonSlayers in Roadhaven and addresses the group.

Ladies and Gentlemen and Rave, I hope you all understand what you are suggesting. Let us get past the fact of who you are trusting for information, of course she was in a zone of truth. What she does not know can get us killed. You want to vacation in Hell, sure go ahead, but pack well. I considered before that Mercedes was just trying to get us away from home, this is away from home for a long time. While I would love to go on a romp, it sounds like we cannot go in with guns blazing. Even without considering the bad guys and other natives that lurk in the Underdark, it is a deadly place. It is a constant battle of the elements, a cavern the size of a country. Pit traps are easy compared to that landscape. If you still insist on going we will have to do something we do not do well. Plan.
