Main / Dec0806

Dec 08 06 - Mindflayer Invasion

[DM] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Dec 08 17:54:24 EST 2006 ====

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

John has joined the game on Fri Dec 08 18:00:12 EST 2006

mikE has joined the game on Fri Dec 08 18:02:26 EST 2006

[John] so I can get an earth elemental

[mikE] that's cool

[John] more risks than the priest but as much power

[John] Bob says we can have just a planning night

[John] kit' sstrength is 20 I can increase it by 1d8+4 to forec the max of 25

[mikE] okay.

[mikE] i can haste

[mikE] stoneskin

[John] 13 rounds which should be 1 combat then she has to rest for 1-3 TURNS

[John] It would work on Mal, add at least 5 to his str

[mikE] but it's pointless. he can't fight

[John] he may be the only one standing to cray off the dead bodies

[John] Sweetums would also be maxed to 25

[John] adds 6 to dammage, +4 to hit, with haste 4 attacks min of like 60 hp if all hit

[John] we will probable need to do one at a time incase there is more than one combat

[John] what do you know of the Party pack, MIA?

[John] I can monster Summon 4th level monsters

[mikE] sorry. i've been afk

[mikE] doing some food downstairs

[John] np I am awaya nd back and away and back

[John] I wsh I had learned Gloab of Invunerable, would have added 4th level to our protection

[mikE] i don't know much of the pack at all

[mikE] that's lorie's domain

[John] can you imagine summoning 3 ankhegs?

[mikE] that would be fun.

[John] 3 hydras?

[John] do you mind if I look at your spells, or are you going to suprise me?

[mikE] go for it

[John] intresting toys and spells, what does Spirt Form let you do?

[mikE] uh... take a spirit form?

[John] ok, but when in Spirit from can you be hurt by Magic? Are you on the Etherial plane? Does it only stop you from being hurt by normal weaponds?

[mikE] i have no idea

[mikE] it's a witch spell and i have no books here

[John] oh sorry

[mikE] maybe bibo will put in witch spells next

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] Hello

[John] hey

[DM] will look up spirit form for you

[mikE] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] abilty to shift body into a ononcorporeal form

[DM] translucent and ghostly appearne can pas easily through wal, doores, even sold ground at its nomral movement rate

[John] sounds like improved wraith ofrm

[DM] ignore nomral weapon or missle attacks

[DM] magical weapond do half

[DM] one full roudn to do the switch

[DM] but can switch back and forth as many times as you want

[mikE] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] laste for 4 turns + 1d8 turns

[John] enough tksa

[mikE] cool

[DM] I wou dlhave that as a persistant spell abiltiy

[DM] and just be crazy

[mikE] i knew i took that as an ability

[mikE] er, reason

[mikE] you cna't do fifth levels as persistant

[mikE] only up to fourth, right?

[John] depends on level of character

[DM] is a great idea

[John] plus there are other ways to make "permenent"

[DM] someone who just walks itno walls

[DM] forgettign to switch first

[DM] absently moving around through walls adn into the bedrooms, etc

[John] How is this for freeky, Caste Hase then hold indefinate with my ring

[DM] nods

[DM] I wonder how the aging works?

[John] only one casting

[DM] better to burn out, then to fade away

[mikE] the spell ages you one year

[John] did you read the whole thing, Hast and Improved Str have the ablity of one character to do MIN 60 pts damage if all hits

[DM] Beth will be late

[DM] Andrea is not looking in tonight

[DM] I do not think anyone outside is thinking of looking in tonight

[DM] yes to John

[DM] lots of damage

[DM] is the way to go

[DM] hyped up speeded up fighters with some protection

[DM] and hope they do nto fail their saves

[mikE] the minimum is always 0

[John] I was just about to take to mike about trading items

[DM] you missed it Mike

[DM] Nyrma is making cookies for us tonight

[DM] started them without knowing that no one was goign to be here

[mikE] awww man

[John] then I was going to mention to Mike how Polymorth other with Monster summoning can work

[mikE] summon a goblin and make it a big critter?

[John] they are your spells

[John] OK BOB two tough questions

[DM] becasue the light refracts off of the red so it looks blue

[John] Do you still have the party pack items I sent over so long ago?

[DM] and go ask your mother

[DM] you mean the item you created?

[John] yes

[DM] or the individual things?

[DM] will go look through the files to see if they will open under this version

[DM] which did you want to try?

[John] the scroll of Min globe

[John] and confirm we still have access to them, they were never used

[DM] Potion moved 2'06".

[DM] try that

SPC has joined the game on Fri Dec 08 19:03:02 EST 2006

Hans has joined the game on Fri Dec 08 19:03:22 EST 2006

[Hans] Hello, All!

[DM] Hey there

[John] hello

[Hans] Christy's putting the kids to bed, but she'll join us shortly...

[Hans] I am away from the keyboard.

John is receiving the map Base Map...

John has received the map Base Map.

Hans is receiving the map Base Map...

Hans has received the map Base Map.

[John] can not use currentlt

[DM] ok

[DM] why not?

SPC is receiving the map Base Map...

SPC has received the map Base Map.

[John] not sure, can't view sheet, like not for player

[mikE] hey all

[DM] ok, I just changed somethign try now

[DM] Potion moved 8'05".

[John] Potion moved 3'08".

[John] no change, i can move or target/follow

[John] the important thing is if you agree how many are in the party pack?

[DM] Potion moved 4'04".

[DM] will check that next

[John] Mike FYI, I would like you to color spray any charmed humans

Christy has joined the game on Fri Dec 08 19:11:08 EST 2006

[Christy] i just logged Christy on. -Hans

[mikE (to GM only)] Character sheet for Malagorn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Chromatic Orb Violet -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Color Spray -- # Memorized: 1 (null), DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null.

[DM] Potion moved 6'10".

[DM] Potion targets Sweetums. Distance: 3'07"

[DM] Potion moved 3'02".

[DM] Potion: Min Globe Invulnerablity: Read Scroll (1d100) [1] 1 -- You can't hit me, You can't hit me added to Sweetums

[Sweetums (SPC)] oh wait ... need to roll first

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sweetums: Magic Resistant check:(d100) [45] 45. PROBABLY FAILS against (15) [15] 15

[DM] no

[DM] just testing

[Sweetums (SPC)] ah.

[DM] John try to see if that will work for you? you can target someone with it now?

[DM] I right click and can target, and roll dice, which is all you need

[Hans] I am back at the keyboard.

Christy is receiving the map Base Map...

Christy has received the map Base Map.

[DM] with three more weeks to go after this week, it is very close between Lorie, Mike & Marco for the end of the year by the way

[John (to GM only)] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Magical Abilities - Spells - CHANGED: Dimensional Blade -- # Memorized: 3 (1), CHANGED: Rencarnation -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Death Fog -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Cloud Kill -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Teleport -- # Memorized: 2 (1), CHANGED: Conjure Earth Elemental -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Leomund's Hidden Lodge -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Polmorph Self -- # Memorized: 1 (3), CHANGED: Enchant Weapon -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Min Globe Invulnerablity -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Remove Curse -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Dig -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Fly -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Lightning Bolt -- # Memorized: 1 (3), CHANGED: Blink -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Clairvoyance -- # Memorized: 2 (0), CHANGED: Improved Spider Climb -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Agannazzars Schorcher -- # Memorized: 2 (6), CHANGED: Deep Freeze -- # Memorized: 4 (2), CHANGED: Spectral Hand -- # Memorized: 2 (1), CHANGED: Gaze reflection -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Conjur Spell Comonet -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Divination Rod -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[John] Potion targets Captive #1. Distance: 11'04"

[DM] Sean is mathmatically still in there, but the other three woudl have to miss all three weeks for him to catch up

[John] cannot not" roll"

[DM] do you not have a roll dice option? or did I use up the scroll in my casting?

[DM] can you make changes tot he character sheet?

[John] no, but it's not important, it will be easier to make a new one, give me a sec

[John] maybe better for you to make the sheet and I will edit

[John] any questions from the gallary?

[DM] um, how about I try a new tactic then

[John] we can just add to the character sheets that have it?

[DM] No Name moved 1'05".

[DM] there you go

[DM] try that

[John] No Name targets Captive #1. Distance: 13'08"

[John] No Name: Min Globe Invulnerablity: Read Scroll (1d100) [87] 87 -- You can't hit me, You can't hit me added to Captive #1

[John] ta da

[DM] I made it a PC instead of an item

[John] so make three of them so we can give them to PC

[Hans] I just updated my saving throw for spells. it should have been "11" but it was set to "13".

[DM] No Name #3 moved 1'06".

[DM] there you go

[DM] I do think that looking over the sheets is a good idea

[DM] to make sure that everyone is tidied up

[DM] corrected etc

[DM] Pepe moved 4'10".

[Hans] Is Lorie coming tonight?

[John (to GM only)] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Magical Abilities - Spells - CHANGED: Improved Invisiblity -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Improved Strength -- # Memorized: 2 (0), CHANGED: Remove Curse -- # Memorized: 0 (1),

[DM] No no lorie or Marco

[Hans] ooooh.

[DM] Beth will be late

[Hans] bad.

[DM] have not heard from Molly in 2 days, which is unusual

[DM] so this is the group to depend on

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] of course you do nto hvae to launch any grand assault tonight

[Christy] uh, for what

[DM] if you do not want to

[mikE] i would rather wait

[DM] you are still missing Brad Johnson

[mikE] it's never smart to go out at half strenth

[mikE] brad johnson's brain was in the stew

[Christy] so do we have other things to do besides going after the illithids?

[DM] nah

[DM] you always have things to clean up straighten up etc

[DM] Thedd maps?

[mikE] going into thedd would be just as bab

[mikE] bad

[Christy] why?

[mikE] because bad things live there. like liches

[mikE] i'm not sure which i'd rather not go up against

[Christy] you let a lich move into thed?

[Hans] i think the lich has always been there...

[Hans] since '95, at least...

[John] yes

[mikE] that's my impression.

[Christy] that's not the same lich from way back is it?

[mikE] but now it's personally hating us

[John] I am back at the keyboard.

[John] but now his is mad at the DS

[DM] I moved Arylin to a sample of the thedd maps

[Christy] we have to get rid of that lich

[DM] grins

[mikE] i think he's got an army for us now

[DM] christy and hans, if you want to look at the map, Arlyn is on a sample of it

Hans is receiving the map New Thedd Section B...

Hans has received the map New Thedd Section B.

Christy is receiving the map New Thedd Section B...

Christy has received the map New Thedd Section B.

[Hans] This looks awesome, Bob-

John is receiving the map New Thedd Section B...

John has received the map New Thedd Section B.

[DM] there is more coming,

[John] eventually

[DM] actualy getting back in touch with that cartographer now

[Christy] that is cool

SPC is receiving the map New Thedd Section B...

SPC has received the map New Thedd Section B.

[DM] that map by the way is where the last time they were down here was converted into a temple for rats

[DM] the section at the top

[Christy] temple for rats? should i ask?

[Hans] Whatever you guys want to do is cool with me. Bob's world is just very dangerous. Bob can kill you with ants.

[Hans] Of course, those were pretty big ants...

[Hans] Still, message is nonetheless true.

[DM] osquips

[mikE] i remember that place

[mikE] it was kind of fun

[mikE] enough traps to make it dangerous, but we pulled through

[mikE] with nothing to show, of course. since bob's world has no treasure.

[mikE] bob's world is a third world world in the planes =P

[DM] lol

[Hans] heh heh heh

[Hans] He's got to keep you coming back again & again...

[DM] anything else you want on the map john? Mike? what is in the pack that you want to see?

[DM] Christy your magical sword

[DM] you want a seperate icon for it?

[DM] so you can chat as the sword?

[DM] see if you can do a chat as teh potion first please

[DM] someone

[DM] grabing a new drink brb

[Christy] sure, i'd like to chat as the sword :)

[mikE] so now we have a drunken dm. can't get any better

[No Name #2 (John)] I spit at thee

[Hans] you can't even chat as Arilyn. how you gonna chat as da sword, girl?

[Christy] if he's drunk, maybe we can talk him into stuff

[Hans] drink up, bob!

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Hans] wait, I don't really want anything.

[Arilyn (Christy)] i can chat as Arilyn

[Hans] I just want.

[No Name #2 (John)] so Hans, how do you feel about being hasted?

[Hans] Adventure.

[Arilyn (Christy)] i'd like a gold dragon familiar

[Hans] I want to defeat evil whilst hasted.

[mikE] hahaha

[Arilyn (Christy)] or a flying cat

[mikE] gold dragon familiar

[mikE] well, mal knows all the familiar enhansers past what you could cast yet

[Arilyn (Christy)] that's my 1st choice

Hans is receiving the map Base Map...

Hans has received the map Base Map.

[mikE] i dont' know if i'd want a familiar as a half fighter

[mikE] they pretty much stay on you, remember

[Arilyn (Christy)] if i die, i want to be reincarnated as a red dragon turned good

[Hans] Percival moved 14'09".

[Hans] Percival moved 16'01".

[Hans] Percival moved 12'06".

[Hans] Percival moved 14'01".

[Hans] Percival moved 13'11".

[Hans] Percival moved 13'08".

[Hans] Percival moved 13'01".

[Hans] Percival moved 14'11".

[Hans] Percival moved 11'08".

[mikE] if they're not in contact they don't get your saves and such

[John] I am back at the keyboard.

Christy is receiving the map Base Map...

Christy has received the map Base Map.

[Hans] how long did that take me? i'm mooooving.

[No Name #2 (John)] well we canreincarnate you then polymorh you but I'm not sure BOB will let you play what is left

[Arilyn (Christy)] that's why we get him drunk first

[No Name #2 (John)] AH, the missing piece of the plan

[DM] she had her chance

[DM] I take it no one can chat as teh potion?

[John] So Hans, what is your character's str?

[John] I did chat as no name 2

[DM] that is a PC not an item

[Hans] My str is, um, not good.

[DM] there is the pool of wishes

[Hans] 15 (13ST, 17 MU)

[DM] that percy and arylin would like to try out maybe

[Arilyn (Christy)] pool of wishes? do tell

[DM] Mike?

[DM] care to elaborate

[Hans] That's rightttttttt........

[mikE] sigh

[John] don't forget the well of Improvment

[mikE] you and hans would each get one wish

[mikE] i'm just always wary of using that.

[DM] you have a lawful good person here

[mikE] i suppose mal would get one, too.

[Arilyn (Christy)] i could wish to have the ability to polymorph into a gold dragon at will with all said creatures abilities

[DM] in percy so you can talk

[mikE] hans is a pally. he's lg

[DM] loads of possiblities

[Arilyn (Christy)] what do you need lg for?

[DM] although I would not go to the attribute pool

[John] ::slaps forhead::

[mikE] to initiate conversation

[Hans] I wish to defeat evil better!

[DM] the pool will not tlak to you unless you are LG

[DM] you need someone who is LG oto talk to the pool for you

[mikE] but any alignment can then wish

[Hans] Hmmmmmm... I can serve the party by talking to this kind pool creature.

[Arilyn (Christy)] ahh, so the paladin could talk for us

[Hans] Of course, we would do nothing to exploit its potentially great power.

[John] BOB I need you to look up the spell Reduce Resistance for me PLEASE!

[Arilyn (Christy)] for the greater good of course

[DM] where is that from John? any clue? not in teh wizards books

[John] no just found it on the sheet, maybe form the cryt adventure

[Arilyn (Christy)] hans is away from the keyboard-he's making me somehing to eat

[John] ahhhhhhh

[DM] hmmm

[mikE] what a sweetie pie. send him over here next

[mikE] i want a carmel brownie sundae

[John] how is this for combo, Haste Heroism and Improved str to 25

[DM] which crypt adventure do you think John?

[DM] where are you seeing this now?

[John] on Paul's Consumable

[John] The one with the wizard ghost I thought

[DM] ok, might be a magic item and not a spell?

[DM] or will look in shrine just a sec

SPC is receiving the map Base Map...

SPC has received the map Base Map.

[John (to GM only)] Character sheet for Kit modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Maximum: 3 (2), Custom Expressions - CHANGED: Breathe Fire 10' 2 time a day -- Expression: {3d6} (3d6).

[John] Sean did you read the whole chat room?

[Sweetums (SPC)] From last week? No.

[Sweetums (SPC)] From the week before? Yes.

[Sweetums (SPC)] So I have no idea what happened last week.

[John] from tonight we have a spell to cast on Sweetum

[DM] not in the shrine john

[mikE] there is a spell lower resistance

[mikE] somewhere

[DM] will look for that instead

[John] maybe it's from the water adventure, that water mage

[DM] mike has it

[mikE] i do?

[DM] spell target gets only half of their magic resistance against this spell and there is no save

[DM] if it gets through the MR is reduced by 16+1 per level %

[mikE] i don't see it on my list

[DM] so 9th level caster reduces by 25%

[DM] I mean you have it correct with the name of the spell mike

[mikE] ah. gotcha

[mikE] i remember using it in baldur's gate against the dragons

[DM] grins

[John] so if they make their 1st MR than no effect

[DM] right

[John (to GM only)] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Consumable Magic Items - DELETED: scroll of Reduce resistance, You feel your protection fading, 2, 1. ADDED: scroll of Lower resistance, You feel your protection fading, 2, 1.

[John] I think with our fighters that will not be an issue

[John] So anyway Sean, if you are up for it, we can rasie Sweetums Strength to 25 for 13 rounds or so

[John] but when it ends you will have to rest for 1-3 turns

[DM] Sword moved 1'01".

[John] beter to hit, more dammage when you hit

[DM] There you go Christy

[DM] you can rename it to what you want

[DM] and write up its story on the sheet there

[Sweetums (SPC)] Well ... who are the other fighters in the group?

[DM] the sword is next to arilyn

[DM] looks at sweetums

[DM] holds up a mirror

[Sweetums (SPC)] I'm the only fighter?

[John] Kit, Sweetums are the main for the spell, strongest

[DM] percy over there

[Arilyn (Christy)] i'm a fighter too who just happens to know a spell or two

[John] Paul and Percy are fighters also, just not for this spell, does not help enough

[Hans] I am away from the keyboard.

[Hans] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] Christy you can rename that sword to the proper name

[DM] etc.

[John] Chrsti, it will have much less effect on you

[Sweetums (SPC)] I'd be inclined to give it to the fighter with the best THAC0

[Arilyn (Christy)] how do i do that?

[DM] it is a PC

[DM] you can do anythign you want to it now

[Hans] Getting caught up on the chat history. Haste Heroism looks awesome, John-

[Sweetums (SPC)] It does no good for me to outclass the rest of the fighters and have a fight last longer than 13 rounds

[Hans] I make a mean caramel brownie sundae. And I call it a turtle.

[Arilyn (Christy) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Sword modified: Personal Information - ADDED: Elaris. ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: Misc. Attributes -

[Sweetums (SPC)] But ... what's the to-hit and damage bonus for a STR of 25?

[DM] smiles

[mikE] more than you have?

[Sweetums (SPC)] No, really, I"m trying to figure this out here ...

[mikE] i don't have any books, so i can't help you

[John] Sean, the point is to get the combat over quicker, move on to the next


[Hans] I couldn't see how I could possibly be improved by a spell, anyway. I just need to be prayed for & blessed.

[DM] sorry Sean, I will look up the PH for you

[John] +14 dmage

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] +7 to hit

[Sweetums (SPC)] okay, before I go all crazy here ...

[DM] max press 1750 pounds

[DM] open locked doors on an 18

[John] too late

[Sword (Christy)] if they mind blast us, it won't matter how much damage we can do

[Sweetums (SPC)] Is this a special weapon?

[Hans] Although, if you cast the spell on someone who didn't have STR 19 already, then we would have one character with STR 19 and one with STR 25.

[Sweetums (SPC)] Or a spell (or something similar)?

[John] no, spell

[Hans] instead of one with STR 15 and STR 25

[Sweetums (SPC)] okay.

[mikE] kit has 20 already, doesn't she?

[Hans] Yeah, you don't want to cast it on persons who are already superhumanly strong...

[John] UM no

[Sweetums (SPC)] I get double damage when I use my weapons

[John] the point is characters stronger then 18/00 get the best numbers bonus

[Hans] You'd actually want to give it to the physically *weakest* fighter with the most attacks.

[John] if you do d6 +3 now, then you will do d6 +14, so like doubble dammage

[Sweetums (SPC)] Or the one with the best THAC0

[mikE] each point past 20 is better than each point below it

[Hans] Oh.....

[mikE] so it is worth it to give it to whoever will get to 25

[Sweetums (SPC)] but with a +14, it's be 2 * (d12 + 14)

[Sweetums (SPC)] or a minimum of 30 points

[John] for examlple if I cast on Paul with a str of 14 she only gpes up to maybe 18/50

[Hans] Anyway, I'm good. I'll just be on the lookout for a belt or girdle of giant strength.

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sweetums: Damage v SM: Giant-kin 2handed sword: (2*(d10)++7+3) [2*(7)+7+3] 24 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Hans] That's probably what I would *wish* for.

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sweetums: Damage v SM: Giant-kin halberd of Speed +2: (2*(d12)++7+2+2) [2*(1)+7+2+2] 13 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Sweetums (SPC)] wait a second bob ...

[Hans] It would help me defeat evil even better. Except for being zapped by mind flayers, that is.

[Sweetums (SPC)] is the double damage just applied to the weapon?

[John] it changes the 3 to 14

[John] so it adds 11 points the plusses are not doubbled

[Sweetums (SPC)] oh.

[John] if you roll an avg of 5 you will do as much with your str bonus as your doubble dammage

[Sweetums (SPC)] so a min of 24 points (instead of the 12)

[Hans] By the way, we'll be at my office Christmas party next week, so we'll be out, my friends.

[Hans] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] pity Hans and Christy, when will you be back from that?

[Sword (Christy)] probably not until late, it's in DC

[Sweetums (SPC)] Which fighter has the better THAC0? I have a 13

[DM] the other thing to consider John is do you have anything that can puch up the Thac0 only for someoen like your archer (Rose)?

[John] potion of Herosim

[Sweetums (SPC)] While I can do a lot of damage, a particularly well armed foe might be hard for me to actually hit.

[John] we can lean cat's grace quick enough to increase the dex

[John] Sean,your to hit will be beter

[John] is Rose a fighter?

[DM] she is

[John] d6 to dex

[DM] archer by trade

[DM] aim of 17 right now

[DM] so likely a +1 maybe a +2

[John] so plus one or 2, plus one or two for herosim, protect her with Globle of Invul and haste her

[John] wish she were here

[DM] that would be interesting her thac0 is only 14

[Sweetums (SPC)] So, will someone clue me in on what we're planning to fight?

[DM] two mindflayers as far as you know Sean

[DM] the lead on and one flunky

[Sweetums (SPC)] okay.

[DM] by the way as you did not get the chance last week to investigate

[Sweetums (SPC)] A better approach might be something that can counteract their mindblast thingy.

[DM] the other one was killed by an intellect devourer

[DM] when you blipped over to the Ethereal

[Sweetums (SPC)] aj/

[Sweetums (SPC)] ah.

[DM] attracted by the mind blasts

[mikE] how's that work?

[DM] was waiting for you to cast a spell in teh ethereal

[DM] then it would have gone after your group next

[Sweetums (SPC)] if we can neutralize their mindblast thingy, and keep them at range, they should be pretty easy to dispatch.

[John] well that is a question for BOB

[DM] what is?

[John] the MB is a inane Magic like ablity

[DM] how to neutralize the MB?

[Arilyn (Christy)] we have a much better chance if we don't get mind blasted

[DM] it is a mental attack

[mikE] oh, we'll get mind blasted

[mikE] probably twice

[mikE] i think there are spells that defend against it

[DM] it is surviving it that is tricky

[mikE] i think bibo mentioned mind blank

[Arilyn (Christy)] if we don't have a mind, they can't blast it.

[Sweetums (SPC)] Is there no way to neutralize the mindblash?

[Sweetums (SPC)] Wait ... it's magic, right?

[DM] yes

[Sweetums (SPC)] So an anti-magic amulet should neutralize it, right?

[DM] depends on how it works

[Sweetums (SPC)] Well, DM, how does it work?

[DM] grins,

[DM] which one are you refering to?

[Sweetums (SPC)] We have an anti-magic amulet if I remember correctly.

[John] so it is magic, so then the only question is what level

[John] Sean, we have Min Globel of Inv which will protect one preson if it is 3rd level or lover, it certainly will help against another fireball or the like

[Sweetums (SPC)] No, don't we have an anti-magic amulet?

[Sweetums (SPC)] We got it from Scorpion dude if I remember

[John] yes but that effect our magic too

[DM] yes that one is in the party pack I believe

[Sweetums (SPC)] So?

[DM] but John is right it erases all magic around it

[Sweetums (SPC)] So?

[Hans] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] just pointing that out

[Hans] I'm gonna go watch Rudolph with my kids. Y'all have a good night-

Hans has left the game on Fri Dec 08 20:33:00 EST 2006

[Sweetums (SPC)] It's what? Three fighters vs. two mindflayers.

[John] I do not think we could use the pool or other magic to get to where we are going so it will take a week to get back there

[John] though I see it hard to say we carry arund with us so it must be in RH so the travel ime will be longer

[DM] you can use the pool to get to the town

[DM] but not to the exact place you left


[DM] you will have to go back to the sewers

[John] HANSa

[Sweetums (SPC)] Well, have any other ideas for neutralizing the mind blast?

[John] did you say we cannot use the Crysatl Ball on Brad?

[mikE] no clue, really.

[DM] yes you get a blank when you try to

[mikE] besides buff up the fighters and hope they dont' get dazed?

Molly has joined the game on Fri Dec 08 20:35:36 EST 2006

[Sweetums (SPC)] Then I'd rather take the time to get the anti-magic amulet

[John] I have a spell that will stop it if it is level 3, I can learn one that will work on higher level, but it takes time

[John] I would like to roll to see if Kit knows what level

[DM] welcome Molly

[Sweetums (SPC)] Greetings and Salutations

[Molly] Hi All!!

[Molly] Hi Sean!!

[Arilyn (Christy)] hi Molly!

[Sweetums (SPC)] So, what will take the least time ...

[John] oh well hello molly, well hello Molly, .....

[Molly] Sorry I'm late.

[Molly] Hi Christy!!

[Sweetums (SPC)] 1) finding out what level the mindflayer mind blast is

[John] a week I think

[Sweetums (SPC)] 2) researching a higher level spell

[Molly] Hi John!!

[Sweetums (SPC)] 3) getting the anti-magic amulet to the sewers

[John] BOB maks it sound getting the amulet to the sewers is no biggie

[Molly] catching up on my reading for a moment. 'scuse me, all.

[John] then we have to deal with no spells, so torches

[Arilyn (Christy)] where is the amulet?

Molly is receiving the map Base Map...

Molly has received the map Base Map.

[DM] um

[Arilyn (Christy)] won't that also affect our magic?

[DM] john if you have the anit magic amulet you have to walk

[DM] without it you can pool/blip over

[Sweetums (SPC)] We've got two legs.

[John] thats what I thought

[mikE] and there's no garauntee it'll even help

[mikE] and, it's winter

[Sweetums (SPC)] Bob said the MB is magic.

[DM] the issue with time is you can gues that righ tnow there are only the two mindflayers left

[mikE] and do we know if it ruins permanent enchantments?

[DM] but if you give them weeks to rebuild

[DM] yes to Mike

[Arilyn (Christy)] can't we call ye old fedex and have them send it over?

[DM] no magic works

[John] Paul is going the next day no matter what. He already pisses off his wife, he is going to get it done and over with, one way or the other

[Molly] MB??

[Sweetums (SPC)] mindblast

[DM] Mind Blast,

[Arilyn (Christy)] i just got magic items, I'd like to keep them

[Sweetums (SPC)] how the illithid stunned all of us

[Molly] ah. thank you.

[DM] the attack the Mind Flayers did to stun everyone last time

[Sweetums (SPC)] okay, different track---what *type* of magic is the mind blast?

[Arilyn (Christy)] i'd rather face 2 mind flayers than who knows how many if we wait too long to go back.

[Sweetums (SPC)] It won't do us any good if we all get stunned again.

[DM] mental Sean

[Arilyn (Christy)] how about if we tell the lich in Thedd that the mind flayers said he was a stinky old sissy lich

[Molly] um, you guys spoke of a 'Party Pack', early on in the log??

[DM] as to which school?

[Molly] ????

[Sweetums (SPC)] yes.

[Sweetums (SPC)] The party pack is where we store our treasure and useful items.

[Molly] mind explaining??

[Molly] like what?

[Sweetums (SPC)] Gold, magic items

[John] well I have not beenhere in a while, I have an old list

[Sweetums (SPC)] supplies

[Arilyn (Christy)] extra magic items that we come across but are not actively used by any one character

[Molly] and what's an ankheg??

[DM] hard to say which school Sean, but immunity to a particular school woudl not work

[Molly] something similar to an ankh?

[John] bug like in MID

[Sweetums (SPC)] Why not?

[Molly] MID??

[Arilyn (Christy)] why don't we go to the wishing well and wish them gone

[John] MIB, Men in Black

[DM] because for those inate effects that are of a particular school they list it

[Sweetums (SPC)] An ankheg is a type of monster

[DM] this does not have any

[Molly] ah, thank you!!

[John] big man eating bug

[mikE] because you only get one wish

[mikE] and that's kinda a waste of it

[Arilyn (Christy)] well i'm not wasting my wish on THAT!

[DM] by thw way now that Hans is gone and Molly is here you might want to rethink the wish idea

[Molly] ::wishing I had an encyclopedia of Kloogerisms right now::

[John] would a ring of Mind Shielding work?

[Molly] sorry??

[DM] will check john

[Molly] why would Hans being gone and my showing up change anything??

[DM] no to john

[Sweetums (SPC)] wait ...

[John] can you tell us what levell it is?

[Arilyn (Christy)] hans is sitting right behind me if we need him

[Sweetums (SPC)] would it be possible to go to the sewers, then wish for the anti-magic amulet?

[DM] nods to Chrsity

[DM] what level is what? the MB?

[John] yes

[mikE] wouldn't that kill the well? =P

[DM] the wish is from the pool and Mike brings up a good point, thank you very much

[DM] could have gotten rid of

[DM] sighs

[mikE] i mean, i imagine that a wishing well is a well, magical entity

[DM] the mind blast is not a particular level the save is versus wands so no particular school either

[Sweetums (SPC)] Next thing you'll tell me is that we have a holocaust cloak and a wheelbarrow

[Molly] we don't??

[Molly] why the hell NOT??

[John] but there has to be an equilevent spell level

[mikE] no fezzi, we don't

[John] Its on our wish list

[DM] no to John

[Molly] ::sighs:: damn

[Arilyn (Christy)] maybe Santa will visit us

[DM] no spell level, would affect anyone even if immune to 9th level spells

[Molly] do we have Santa arounnd here??

[Arilyn (Christy)] i think I'm on the nice list

[DM] that is being optomistic

[DM] Nice, Naughty, or Don't Ask

[Molly] Santa, or the spell level??

[Arilyn (Christy)] I played with a DM once-not Bob-that played Santa and gave out nifty magic items on Christmas

[Molly] oh??

[DM] the grinch already visited here

[Molly] ::eyes the Great One::

[mikE] it's not exactly a spell, so it doesn't have a level, i imagine

[mikE] kit's breath doesn't have a level, does it?

[mikE] it's just a spell like ability

[Molly] I have a Max sitting here....

[Arilyn (Christy)] doesn't the grinch give it all back at the end? Doesn't his heart grow?

[mikE] so it's magic in nature, but not a spell spell

[DM] ahh yes, have a heart attack to make things better

[John] it's a physical ablity,resistane to majic will not help

[DM] helping your saves will, but not resisting magic

[John] this is a new catagory mental ablity that is hinding in spells becaus emental ablities do not exist in BOB's world

[Sweetums (SPC)] wait a second ... then it's not bloody well magic, is it?

[DM] except for the inant people like Sweetums

[DM] you get your MR roll still

[Molly] (confused again)

[DM] the MB attack

[DM] is magical

[Arilyn (Christy)] so how can we all get improved magic resistance?

[DM] so you get your Magical Resistance roll,

[John] ok, I' have to go, will try and be back

[Sweetums (SPC)] but it has no level, and no type

[DM] right

[DM] to sean

[Molly] I don't have one.

[Sweetums (SPC)] and can't be protected against, unless you have an innate magic resistance

[DM] correct Molly

[DM] or magically created MR

[Molly] ?????

[DM] you do not have a Magic Resistance

John has left the game on Fri Dec 08 20:54:41 EST 2006

[Sweetums (SPC)] or have an anti-magic amulet or a holocaust cloak

[DM] you do have saving throws

[Molly] so how am I s'pposed to roll for it??

[DM] you do not

[DM] you do not get the chance to roll for it

[DM] someone like Sweetums who has it

[Molly] ::sighs:: peachy

[DM] gets to make that roll first when attacked by magic

[DM] then if it gets through anyway

[DM] then has to make a saving throw against the effect just like you do

[DM] is an extra level of protection that some creatures get

[Molly] uh huh

[Sweetums (SPC)] So I vote we get the anti-magic amulet

[Sweetums (SPC)] unless there is any other way to neutralize the mindblast

[Sweetums (SPC)] (on the plus side, even if they do reenforce, they won't be able to mindblast us, or transport us to another plane)

[DM] bless and prayer to boost your saves

[Sweetums (SPC)] (they'lll just have the ability to suck our brains out)

[DM] is the alternative

[Molly] whose saves???

[Sweetums (SPC)] the players, us.

[Arilyn (Christy)] we'll all have to stash or magic weapons, armor, etc when that amulet is around. didn't you say that it will kill those items?

[DM] the people going into the attack

[DM] it will kill any one shot things like potions, scrolls, etc

[Molly] thought they could already suck our brains out??

[DM] and put out of commission anything else while it is around

[Sweetums (SPC)] they have a magic attack called a "mindblast"

[Sweetums (SPC)] when they do it, you make a save roll.

[DM] brb rest room break

[Molly] okay....

[Sweetums (SPC)] if you make it, then it doesn't affect you.

[Sweetums (SPC)] if you fail the save roll, you are stunned.

[Molly] uh huh

[Sweetums (SPC)] The eating of brains only happens if they get all four of their tentacles on you.

[mikE] okay, then keep this in mind, it's going to affect pepe

[mikE] he's magically enhanced

[mikE] it's going to kill a lot of people's armor

[Molly] what's going to affect Pepe??

[Molly] how many people are wearing armor?

[mikE] it'll turn mal into a useless lump of flesh

[Sweetums (SPC)] well, unless we can get our saves down to 1 or so, I still vote for the amuluet.

[Sweetums (SPC)] Molly, we have a anti-magic amulet.

[mikE] then you all have fun storming the castle. it's pointless and probably detrimental to have mal go. i'm going to keep him home

[Molly] oh?

[Arilyn (Christy)] and I will have an ac of like 8 because all my ac is magic-I don't wear armor so that I can fight and cast

[Sweetums (SPC)] that will protect us from the mindblast, but ...

[mikE] but have fun losing charisma

[mikE] due to razor blade tentacles

[Molly] sorry?

[mikE] as i recall those things have decent to hits

[Sweetums (SPC)] only up close and personal though.

[DM] the issue is you can protect your self from the mind blast really well but limit your effectiveness at attacks and defense,

[Sweetums (SPC)] if we keep them far enough away, they can't hit us.

[DM] Mike is refering to the fact that the three of these mind flayers

[DM] seem to have some sort of razors they wear over their tentcles

[Molly] razors???

[DM] unliek the previous ones you encountered

[DM] so they can slice your face open as they attack

[Molly] how come we didn't know this before??

[DM] to do more damage

[mikE] uh, we did

[DM] he told you that night

[Sweetums (SPC)] Only if they get close enough.

[DM] and just now

[mikE] i told you that.

[DM] to reinforce it

[mikE] probably no one paid attention as usual

[Molly] you did? when was this?

[DM] during the battle

[Molly] forgive me for asking, but I never saw ANYTHING about razors.

[Arilyn (Christy)] i have no range attack aside from MAGIC which the amulet will neutralize

[Sweetums (SPC)] Heck, give me a non-magical giant halberd, the anti-magic amulet, and I'll walk in alone to finish this.

[mikE] because as soon as i go into character most everyone ignores me in spite of the fact that mal's probably the most knowledgable character in the party next to, or even including paul

[Sweetums (SPC)] I have a natural AC of -1

[Sweetums (SPC)] and with the halberd I can keep them at bay.

[Molly] ::eyeing Mike::

[Sweetums (SPC)] and if I can't, I have my sword.

[mikE] yes? is there something the matter molly?

[Molly] yeah, but it's not gonna matter, so forget it.

[Sweetums (SPC)] it's probably buried somewhere in the chat logs.

[Molly] um hmm

[Arilyn (Christy)] i'm not going toe to toe with a razor wearing souped up mindflayer and an ac of 8

[Sweetums (SPC)] And I'm not going unless we can neutralize the mindblast

[DM] perhaps two waves?

[Arilyn (Christy)] i'm all for not getting mind blasted

[DM] one to draw the MB

[DM] then the next to attack after that?

[Molly] uh huh.

[Molly] volunteers for the first wave??

[Molly] right.

[DM] it is a dangerous thing

[Molly] ::eyeing the Great One::

[mikE] not to mention ALL illithids can do it, so the second wave would get the second illithid's blast....

[Sweetums (SPC)] okay, can we find out the *range* of the mindblash?

[DM] you know it goes at least 40 feet because that is how far it went last time

[mikE] we had it on the map before. either 60 or 30 feet

[DM] but you can guess that it would be 60 because of what Mike said

[mikE] bob, put someone on the tunnels map

[Sweetums (SPC)] (and why do I keep typing "blash?")

[DM] knowing how the mechanics work

[Molly] what Mike said??

[mikE] we DO have a paper map with the characters

[DM] of it being 30 or 60 for most spell like things

[Molly] uh huh. when was this?

[DM] ramone is there now

[mikE] and raymond was at the outside range of the blast, so mal could figure the range to a decent estimation

[Molly] tonight, or last week?

[mikE] if he doesn't just know how far the flayers can blast

[DM] last week molly

[Sweetums (SPC)] when we first got blasted

[Sweetums (SPC)] two weeks ago.

mikE is receiving the map Caves...

mikE has received the map Caves.

[DM] no attacks have happened tongiht

[DM] just planing and preparing

[DM] making sure everyoen understands

[mikE] the one the other week was 30'

[Molly] ::sighs:: right

[DM] anyone who wants to look at the map, Ramone is there

[mikE] from the center of the "bedroom" to the center of the other one is about that far

[Sweetums (SPC)] okay, what's the range on the antimagic amulet?

[DM] 60 feet I think would have to double check

[Sweetums (SPC)] Please double check.

[DM] yes 60 feet,

[Molly] your chat from earlier says that Mike states that 'Brad Johnson's brain was in the stew'.

[mikE] my measuring tool put it at 30 feet. so unless you used it at half range or your map scale is off, it should be thirty

[DM] that was not accurate Molly

[DM] he is not dead

[DM] that you can figure out at least

[mikE] that was a pessimistic view on bob's dead end quests

[Molly] was that a joke, or did someone find that out for real??

[Molly] why?

[mikE] well, we also have no proof he's alive

[mikE] in fact, we have more proof pointing to him dead than alive

[DM] no proof either way is correct

[DM] adn teh magic amulet is 60 foot radius

[Molly] because Mike just said he never gets noticed, but he was the one poking around the brain material.

[DM] adn teh mind blast is a guess at 60 foot also

[Molly] did you discover something I haven't read somewhere, Mike??

[mikE] hah. then you nerfed it, bob

[Molly] or am I in the dark again??

[Sweetums (SPC)] To get to the lair, do I ahve to be mansized?

[DM] yes to Sean

[Sweetums (SPC)] okay.

[DM] to Molly Mike did not do anythign this week, that was last week that he was poking through the brains

[Molly] yeah

[DM] and Mike was just being pessimistic

[DM] on the chances of finding Brad alive still

[Molly] and I'm asking if he found something that I didn't catch.

[DM] no proof either way that he is alive or dead

[DM] the only thing he found was the tadpoles,

[Molly] it seems there was quite a bit last week that I didn't get.

[Molly] I'm trying my best to catch up.

[DM] I can put that chat on teh map fo rou now if you like

[Molly] shrug

[Molly] whatever.

[Molly] I'm still trying to catch up on this week's.

[DM] dec 1 06.html moved 12'08".

[DM] there you go on teh map for anyone who wishes it

[Sweetums (SPC)] Can we wish for immunity to an illithid mindblast?

[DM] sure

[Molly] just one?

[Sweetums (SPC)] Will it be successful?

[Sweetums (SPC)] (well, to any illithid mindblast)

[Christy] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] you can try

[Molly] right

[DM] I would guess you can be successful

[Molly] your answer, Sean, is no.

[DM] for one person

[Molly] what exactly is a lich?

[Sweetums (SPC)] It's an undead magic user, at least level 18 or so.

[DM] very tough evil undead

[Molly] uh huh

[DM] much harder to go after than a mind flayer

[Molly] yummy

[Sweetums (SPC)] But you don't risk getting mind blasted or your brains sucked out.

[Sweetums (SPC)] and they tend to be antisocial and loners

[Sweetums (SPC)] so they aren't that much of a threat.

[Sweetums (SPC)] they like to be left alone.

[Molly] don't wanna know what they CAN do...

[DM] what other questions did you have Molly

[DM] to try and make sure that everyone understands the optoins

[DM] oh and Sean did you add Molly to the email list yet?

[Molly] you said something about a spell for me??

[Molly] email list??

[DM] John has a spell that can increase your Dexterity by 1d6 temporarily

[DM] adn another spell that can double how much you can do in a round

[Molly] 1d6??

[Molly] what's that?

[DM] 1 to 6 points

[Molly] ah

[Molly] what kind of spell are we talking about here?

[DM] wizard spells that Paul (john's character) woudl cast

[Molly] uh huh

[Molly] what KIND of wizard spell, Great One??

[DM] not sure off the top of my head

[DM] I know he discussed Haste

[DM] if you look that up in the players handbook

[Molly] ::rubbing forehead::

[Molly] and I'm the only one eligible for this??

[DM] no

[Molly] okay....

[DM] they were discussing what to cast on which characters

[Molly] ::sighs::

[DM] what Mol?

[Molly] since I can't tell what's going on in the chat from Domesday, why don't you explain what all is involved in this, and who all is affected, and for how long??

[DM] no one is affected yet

[DM] nothign has been cast

[DM] it is all just discussions on what is possible to do

[Molly] ::eyeing the Great One::

[DM] and I am not going to say what John or Mike or Lorie, etc. might or might not cast

[Molly] okay...

[DM] not trying to cause confustion

[Molly] this has been loads of fun.

[Molly] TOO LATE.

[DM] just trying to let you take it small steps

[Molly] all I'm getting is giant steps BACKWARDS.

[DM] ok,

[DM] why do you think you are going backwards?

[Molly] so how bout some explanations, or I'll just call it a night, before my migraine REALLY goes haywire??

[DM] explain what?

[Molly] you told me to ask about this spell of yours.

[Molly] I'M ASKING.

[DM] I told you to ask JOHN

[Molly] who isn't here.

[DM] I can not answer for him

[DM] I am sorry he is not here for that

[DM] you have that Players Handbook I sent you in eBook right?

[Molly] yes...

[Molly] what of it?

[DM] so you can do a search in there for the Haste Spell

[DM] that is one of them he discussed casting

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sigh

[Sweetums (SPC)] Bob, can't you just explain what the spell does?

[DM] I did

[DM] it doubles your speed,

[DM] twice the attacks etc.

[DM] is why I am suggesting that Molly read it

[DM] perhaps that will be clearer for her

[Molly] who ELSE is gonna be using it??

[DM] only a Magic User can cast it

[DM] and only they coudl say who gets it and how many they have to cast

[DM] it is a balancing act,

[Molly] then why am I even being mentioned??

[DM] because you are a possible recipient

[DM] of the spell to make you better in combat against them

[Molly] ::rubbing forehead::

[DM] what do you not understand about that?

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Molly] okay...let's try this again.

[Molly] who ELSE is a possible recipient??

[DM] everyone in the group

[DM] that is the current disuccsion

[DM] what to cast on who

[Arilyn (Christy)] i know how you feel Molly, I got the migraine going too-I'm on day 2

[DM] what spells you have available how they can best be used, etc

[Arilyn (Christy)] i think i'm going to call it a night

[Molly] thank you, Christy.

[Molly] I'm sorry you're not feeling well either.

[DM] have a great night Christy

[DM] I do think there was progress made tonight

[Arilyn (Christy)] i'm not much of a planner so yes to whatever(within reason!) and I'll see you guys next week.

[DM] I think the only thing left to really decide i the use the anti magic amulet or not

[Sweetums (SPC)] Well, if we get a wish, I know what we could use it for.

[Molly] you guys do what you like, but do NOT single me out for any spells.

[Arilyn (Christy)] i won't be of much use with the amulet but I'm sure we can come up with something. I'm sure Marco and Lorie will have some good ideas.

[Arilyn (Christy)] night-

[DM] there is Arlin, Percy, and Rose that still get wishes

[DM] night christy

Christy has left the game on Fri Dec 08 21:42:06 EST 2006

[DM] Mike?

[DM] any other ideas?

[DM] Molly what other questions

[DM] and why not single you out for spells?

[Molly] I thought only Percy and Mike got wishes?

[DM] no, every character can make one wish

[DM] but you need a character that is Lawful Good to go in with you to talk to the magical pool that grants the wishes

[Molly] and Mike is lawful good?

[mikE] well, i'm not going to go with an anti magic amulet around

[mikE] i'd be as useful as tits on a bull

[DM] percy islG

[mikE] if the fighters want to do that, good for them.

[mikE] i can have mal do spell stuff

[mikE] i want him to learn a couple i forgot about when i was making him

[mikE] lorie's on her way hom

[DM] nods

[Molly] Rose has already been the target of one spell gone wrong.

[mikE] apparently her nuts are all good and cracked and she's going to log on when she gets there

[Molly] she won't go down that road again.

[Sweetums (SPC)] well, I'll forgoe the anti-magic shell if we can get one fighter immune to the anti-magic shell

[DM] that is a good roleplaying idea Molly, but for the best survivaility you may want to find a way for her to conceed to having a spell cast on her

[DM] Sean you mean immune to the Mind Blast?

[Sweetums (SPC)] ah, yes.

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sorry.

[Molly] perhaps, but I can't get a decent explanation as to what all is involved.

[Molly] so for now, sorry.

[DM] no one is castign anything now

[DM] it will happen next week when you go in for the attacks

[Molly] shrug

[Molly] whatever.

[DM] too short staffed right now to handle it

[Molly] and this is not news to you, Great One.

[DM] what is not news?

[Molly] Rose's hesitation about spells.

[DM] not saying it is

[mikE] so who are we planning on having make sean invulnerable to the blast?

[DM] so far no one has come up with a plan or spell that makes anyone invulnerable

[DM] the best you can do is to boost people saves against it

[Sweetums (SPC)] least you forget, Bob did say a wish might work.

[DM] yes

[mikE] well, without the spell books i can't look up spells, but even if we find one, i'll have to learn it

[DM] if you make a wish correctly I would think you can make your self immune to mind blasts

[mikE] so we won't be doing our overnight counter attack

[Sweetums (SPC)] well, right now, there's me, Molly and you.

[Sweetums (SPC)] when the others get back, we can all go.

[DM] I was thinking you were waiting till morning

[Sweetums (SPC)] and I"m sure we can do the overnight thing if we can work it out.

[Sweetums (SPC)] no bob, please don't think for us.

[DM] smiles

[DM] not saying it is what happens

[Sweetums (SPC)] last time, you had us attacking at night when we thought we were attacking during the day.

[DM] nods

[DM] get that issues also

[mikE] but sean, don't you remember what a good idea that was?

[mikE] if we attacked during the day those hounds wouldn't have had their baying

[Sweetums (SPC)] yeah, don't want to miss that

[DM] what was the other question Molly

[Molly] it's not important.

[Molly] you all decide what you want to do. I'll back you up.

[DM] you understanding what is happenign is important for you to be able to back them up

[Molly] well, that's not gonna happen tonight.

[DM] no

[Molly] so do what you all need to do.

[DM] but any questions you can ask now they have time to explain to you now

[DM] rather than in the middle of combat

[DM] when everyoen is crazy

[Molly] I'm tired of trying to ask questions to concepts that I don't understand in the first place, and the only thing it's getting me is mad and upset.

[Molly] so please, do what you all need to do.

[DM] then ask about the concept

[DM] so you will not be mad or upset when things happen

[DM] what concept is giving you issues right now

[Molly] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] ok

[DM] Mike? Sean? any issues to go over?

[DM] I am hanging out here for the next hour to answer as much as I can

[DM] any thoughs on an explicit wish if you want to do it tonight?

[mikE] tonight, not really

[mikE] at this point i'd be suprised if we went back at all

[DM] not tonight you will not go back

[mikE] i'd like to know what the spell mind blank does if that's the name

[DM] but you can do the wish

[DM] tonight if you want

[DM] will look up mind blank

[mikE] no, obviously not tonight, but this is the point where our "adventures" usually derail

[DM] mind blank would work

[DM] maybe

[Sweetums (SPC)] cool ... we could save a wish

[Sweetums (SPC)] maybe

[Sweetums (SPC)] sigh

[mikE] you know how i feel about planning

[mikE] hours of it get done and it all goes awry.

[DM] will copy adn paste it here for you to decide just a sec

[mikE] i honestly think we handle things much better off the cuff as it were

[Sweetums (SPC)] The only thing I'm concerned about is the mind blast.

[Sweetums (SPC)] I have a habit of failing saving rolls.

[DM] When the very powerful mind blank spell is cast, the creature is totally protected from all devices and spells that detect, influence, or read emotions or thoughts. This protects against augury, charm, command, confusion, divination, empathy (all forms), ESP, fear, feeblemind, mass suggestion, phantasmal killer, possession, rulership, soul trapping, suggestion, and telepathy. Cloaking protection also extends to the prevention of discovery or information gathering by crystal balls or other scrying devices, clairaudience, clairvoyance, communing, contacting other planes, or wish-related methods (wish or limited wish). Of course, exceedingly powerful deities can penetrate the spell's barrier.

[Sweetums (SPC)] and I'd rather be useful than a drooling idiot.

[mikE] hahaha. that's true

[mikE] hah. brad must be mind blanked

[mikE] he's protecting himself from the illithids and it blocks the ball

[mikE] i assume the mind blast would fall under that blanket there

[mikE] it seems to me that it influences thoughts

[mikE] what level/school is that, bob?

[DM] 8th level

[Sweetums (SPC)] Ouch.

[mikE] hahahaha

[mikE] well, that WOULD be lovely, but i'll need a few levels to get to it

[DM] and abjuration

[mikE] bears and rocks

[mikE] tie rocks to bears and push them in on top of the illithis

[mikE] if the falling rock doesn't kill them, the pissed off bear will

[DM] lol

[Molly] I am back at the keyboard.

[mikE] is there a way to induce non barbarians into a rage?

[DM] taunting

[mikE] if we could get sean into a berserk he wouldn't get affected by the blast

[Sweetums (SPC)] Wait! Wati! I know!

[Sweetums (SPC)] We kill the fighters, animate their corposes to take care of the illithids. Then bring them back to life.

[mikE] that works, too

[DM] wow

[Sweetums (SPC)] That way, we won't have to worry about mind blast *or* having the brains sucked out.

[mikE] you volunteering? =P

[Molly] uh huh.

[DM] wow

[Sweetums (SPC)] What?

[mikE] that's awesome, sean

[Molly] small problem there.

[Molly] unless I read my book wrong.

[DM] if you had a necromancer to pull off the animation part is amazing

[Molly] which I probably did.

[mikE] bibo always did want to play a necromancer....

[Molly] two of your fighters can't be reincarnted.

[DM] this is an issue true Molly

[Molly] shrug

[Molly] do what you will.

[Sweetums (SPC)] There's also ressurection and raise dead.

[DM] not for elves

[Sweetums (SPC)] But without animate dead, there isn't much we can do.

[Molly] again, two of your fighters can't be used for either of those.

[mikE] resurection works for elves, bob

[mikE] and reincarnation

[mikE] just not raise dead

[Molly] not according to the elf book, it doesn't.

[mikE] of course, what elf would ever want to be reincarnated?

[Molly] we get one life, period.

[Molly] shrug

[Molly] but I probably read it wrong.

[mikE] it says somewhere that resurect works. it's a higher level spell that completely rips the sould back into a completely magically fassioned new body.

[DM] Mike has it with that spell Molly

[Sweetums (SPC)] Anyway, it was just an idea.

[DM] the issue is that why would you want to do that

[mikE] the issue with that, i think is the cleric casting it takes some sort of hit for it

[Molly] I'm not going there tonight.

[DM] to stop being an elf and come back as a lowly human

[Molly] do as you wish.

[mikE] no one is going tonight.

[Sweetums (SPC)] I just had a nother thought ...

[Sweetums (SPC)] how many times can an illithid do a mindblast?

[mikE] it's probbaly something like once a turn

[mikE] i dont' think it's as often as every round

[Sweetums (SPC)] turn is 10 rounds, right?

[DM] yes

[Sweetums (SPC)] send one or two people in, get them to do the mindblast(s),

[Sweetums (SPC)] once they do that, rush in and finish the job.

[Molly] the Great One's double wave attack theory.

[Molly] any volunteers for the first wave??

[Sweetums (SPC)] Yeah ... Bob.

[Sweetums (SPC)] Toss him in first.

[Molly] uh huh, right.

[DM] you should guess that once per turn is possible for the mind blast

[Molly] once per turn, or once per round?

[Sweetums (SPC)] Turn.

[Sweetums (SPC)] Which is 10 rounds.

[mikE] well, mal would be good for that.

[mikE] he could be a great round two

[DM] you do not know for certtain what is it

[mikE] send in the annoying paladin for one

[DM] but Sean is right that 10 rounds = 1 turn

[Molly] uh huh.

[mikE] mal goes in next, resists it, and teleports/dimension doors the two of them out

[Molly] so it's entirely POSSIBLE it could be once per round.

[mikE] or maybe we leave the pally behind. ;)

[Sweetums (SPC)] Yes,

[Sweetums (SPC)] but only Bob knows for sure.

[Molly] uh huh

[Molly] ::rubbing forehead::

Lorie has joined the game on Fri Dec 08 22:23:28 EST 2006

[Sweetums (SPC)] Greetings and Salutations.

[DM] Hey Lor

[Sweetums (SPC)] We have a plan for the illithids.

[Sweetums (SPC)] We kill the fighters, animate their corposes to take care of the illithids. Then bring them back to life afterwards.

[Molly] y'know, it's been loads of fun playing interrogation with you all evening, Great One, but I'd appreciate some solid answers once in a while.

[Molly] Hi Lorie.

[Lorie] Evening Mike... BOB

[Sweetums (SPC)] no worries about mind blasts or brain sucking.

[Lorie] Greetings and Salutations SPC

[DM] sorry Molly

[Lorie] and hi Molly

[Lorie] we need answers?

[Lorie] we have questions?

[Sweetums (SPC)] You know Bob ...

[DM] you do not get answers handed to you, most things you find out by trial and error

[Sweetums (SPC)] ask him a straight questions.

[mikE] hey lor!

[Molly] then stop it, Great One.

[Lorie] What did you do NOW BOB :: giggles ::

[Sweetums (SPC)] Get a vague answer back.

[Lorie] he's doing his job

[Lorie] ;)

[Lorie] So what are we killing ...err... interrogating tonight?

Lorie is receiving the map Base Map...

Lorie has received the map Base Map.

[Sweetums (SPC)] planning on killing some illithids.

[Molly] if you're not going to answer a question, please say so, especially when I'm trying to figure something out.

[Sweetums (SPC)] only thing stopping us is the lack of mind last immunity.

[mikE] i'm telling you. bears with rocks.

[mikE] it would totally work

[Molly] fine, Mike. go find us some bears and rocks, please.

[mikE] sure. right out back

[Molly] good. you get to deal with the bears.

[Lorie] SPC ...gotcha and good point :: raises hand :: Umm...why are we using bears and what are they doing with rocks?

[mikE] we tie bears to rocks and drop them in the pool on top of the illithids

[Sweetums (SPC)] well, they could distract the illithid and bear the brunt of a few mind blasts.

[Molly] uh huh.

[mikE] if the big rock dropping on them doesn't kill them, the reall pissed off bears will =P

[mikE] groan

[Sweetums (SPC)] but they're tied to the rocks ...

[Sweetums (SPC)] can't fight if you're tied to a rock.

[mikE] oh, we pick rocks that they can bear

[Sweetums (SPC)] No, I'm serious. summon some creates to take the blast for us.

[mikE] yes, that would work

[mikE] john mentioned he has iv

[mikE] mal has some level or other of it, too

[Sweetums (SPC)] Cool!

[DM] I do always answer the questions as best I can Molly, you just have to accept that you only get certain answers that are clear cut, like most of life things are murky

[Lorie] I think I might have something like that...but I need to verify my list

[Sweetums (SPC)] summons. Send them in. Wait for the blats

[Sweetums (SPC)] then go in a finish them up.

[mikE] we could even do two waves

[mikE] one of john's one of mine

[Lorie] Molly can I ask what your question was?

[SPC] I am away from the keyboard.

[Molly] I have more than I can count, Lorie.

[Molly] and too many to remember right now.

[Lorie] Okay... why don't you put them down in writing...send them over to BOB and he can send them along

[DM] did you pass your email along to Sean Molly?

[Molly] nods, fair enough.

[DM] so he can add you to the email list?

[Lorie] It can be frustrating during the first few encounters to follow everything

[Lorie] Are you following what your character can do?

[Lorie] Mike / SPC... I think the idea of summoned creatures to take the MBs is a good one

[Molly] I haven't been able to figure out what my character can do.

[Lorie] Okay...she's a fighter correct?

[Molly] and I've been trying for six months now.

[DM] we have time tonight molly for any question you have

[Lorie] aside from a sword...what skills does she have?

[SPC] I am back at the keyboard.

[Molly] I've already tried that, Bob. I'm not going there again tonight, thank you.

[DM] you have Lorie Mike and Sean here to help you

[DM] try to take advantage of that

[Molly] yeah, but I've had two vicodin and a muscle relaxant.

[Molly] so trying to understand anything is beyond me right now.

[DM] smiles

[DM] perhaps that is teh way to

[Molly] it's also what's keeping me from skewering you.

[Lorie] Well... :: shrugs :: I'm not sure what else to say...I offered to help you weren't let's move along

[Lorie] Next week is when the attack goes off?

[DM] yes

[Molly] thank you, Lorie. If I were feeling better, I'd ask questions till your head was spinning too.

[DM] Sean's main stikcing point is the mind blast

[Molly] I'll try again next week.

[DM] to avoid it or protect against it

[Lorie] Molly...I'd rather we didn't take up a lot of game time doing questiosn

[Lorie] it's easier to move things along if you send your questions via IM or email to the group

[Sweetums (SPC)] But it's game time when they are most likely to come up.

[Lorie] it's not that we don't want to help... we do

[Lorie] SPC ... I totally agree... suggestions?

[Sweetums (SPC)] And it can be terribly frustrating when they aren't answered.

[Lorie] Again agree...

[Sweetums (SPC)] short of flying everyone to Bob's house for a tabletop and getting rid of kLoOge?

[DM] chuckles

[Sweetums (SPC)] Getting Boib typing lessons so he can type more and faster?

[mikE] getting him to set up his dragon speak

[Molly] dragon speak?

[Molly] ::shakes head::

[Lorie] a program (unrelated to D&D ) that assists in typing from voice

[Sweetums (SPC)] I'm guessing some type of voice program.

[Molly] uh huh

[DM] nod

[Lorie] Well were you all winding down for the evening?

[DM] yes to Lorie

[Lorie] Because I'm not sure what else to say

[DM] but we wanted to be sure we answered as many possiblities

[DM] the possiblity of a wish

[DM] that the mind blast would not work

[Lorie] We need Khan for wishes

[DM] came up

[DM] Percy is LG

[DM] and needs a wish

[Molly] okay, when you all have got an email list put together, the Great One knows how to find me.

[DM] arlin

[Lorie] we have a distribution list

[DM] which email do you want to use Molly

[Lorie] have had one maintained by SPC

[DM] Sean will add you right now

[Molly] okay

[Sweetums (SPC)] Just need an email address ...

[Lorie] We need to invest in globes of invulnerability

[Lorie] :: starts her D&D Christmas list ::

[Molly] thought you all had one??

[Lorie] And a mage with lots and lots of Barkskin

[DM] there are three scrolls of it on the map now Lorie

[Molly] or was I reading about something else earlier??

[Lorie] I like the wish plan though... wish them into the tower

[Lorie] had one what?

[mikE] barkskin's a priest spell, isn't it?

[Lorie] stoneskin...sorry

[Molly] ::rubbing forehead::

[Sweetums (SPC)] okay, Molly has been added to the mailing list.

[Lorie] thanks SPC

[Lorie] :)

[Lorie] What if we just put them in a wall of ice and stone... I am not sure how far away their mind blast works... I think it's a fairly decent one though they probably wouldn't help

[Lorie] :: thinking out loud ::

[mikE] oh, and anyone else like the teamspeak idea?

[Molly] thank you, Sean.

[mikE] lorie and i have used it to good effect so far

[Molly] what was the invulnerability thing you all were testing earlier??

[Sweetums (SPC)] we figure their mindblast is 60' radius

[DM] I would be willing to try the teamspeak

[Lorie] :: nods :: that would make a lot of sense... I'm guessing they are fairly advance since they can plan shift so easily

[DM] I just hate the idea of forcing anyone to invest any money in a head set

[Lorie] advanced even

[Molly] teamspeak??

[Sweetums (SPC)] it's a program to allow a group of people to speak via voice over the Internet.

[mikE] well, they could at least listen

[mikE] and mic investment is... i paid 12

[mikE] and mine's not great, but not horrible, either

[Molly] oh? huh

[Lorie] BOB... think about it

[DM] about what? teamspeak? I am willing to try, we will have you and Mike connected with it next week at a miminum

[DM] and teh idea of walling them up is viable for a quick attack

[Molly] how exactly would it work with this program?

[DM] but they would be able to get otu easily

[Lorie] I know the acoustics of the room upstairs isn't great... so it may not be feasible. I believe when we tried before we had issues because your line was open all the time and everyone else was clicking to speak

[DM] I think we should try it without me invovled to start

[Sweetums (SPC)] Did we use teamspeak last time?

[DM] then add more people

[mikE] the issue was his mic was TOO good

[Sweetums (SPC)] or was that something else?

[mikE] when we google talked we used his cheaper headset mic

[Lorie] we tried Ventrilo and TeamSpeak and GoogleTalk

[mikE] and you didn't complain too much about it. no more than usual ;)

[DM] ok

[DM] so any last questions suggestions complaints?

[Sweetums (SPC)] kLoOge sucks!

[mikE] i second

[Lorie] Klooge is better than everything else we tried

[Lorie] and we can still get together every Friday

[Sweetums (SPC)] which says alot about online role playing games 8-/

[Lorie] it's not perfect

[Lorie] some nights it's downright mean...but we connect with people all over the country and world

[Lorie] I think sometimes...that's pretty slick

[Lorie] okay...tonight I have optismim

[Molly] zanku.

[Lorie] tomorrow ...maybe not so much

[DM] smiles

[mikE] night all

mikE has left the game on Fri Dec 08 22:55:11 EST 2006

[Molly] goodnight.

[Lorie] .xfkbafdkjgafjga

[Lorie] <--- Hi from Alyssa

[DM] raised eyebrow?

[DM] lol

[DM] waves

[Lorie] Hi Uncle Bob she says

[Lorie] Hi from kristen

[DM] hey Kristen

[DM] how was the dancing?

[Lorie] she stayed home with Paul...I went with colleagues from China

[DM] ahhh

[Lorie] They had never seen or knew the story

Molly has left the game on Fri Dec 08 22:59:08 EST 2006

[DM] adn you had all sorts of fun describign I bet

[Lorie] oh yeah

[DM] anything else before I shut this down?

[Lorie] okies... the sugar plum fairy is calling...

[Lorie] :: hugs :: Night all

Lorie has left the game on Fri Dec 08 23:01:08 EST 2006

[DM] Sean?

SPC has left the game on Fri Dec 08 23:02:25 EST 2006