Main / DragonslayersCompany

Dragonslayers Company

The Dragonslayers Company is a mercenary unit that takes contracts throughout the Small Kingdoms. They rarely venture beyond into Terraguard.

Unit Roll Call

Enemy Combatants

Dragonslayers Company History

265 SKR Founding of The Dragonslayers Company mercenary unit in Blackwater

312 SKR the Shardik Regulars are slaughtered to a man in Drillian, the Dragonslayers Company come upon the scene and recaptures the unit's banner and returns it to Carnak

9-3-338 SKR the Earl Medipop hires the Dragonslayer Company to put down an outbreak of Bullywugs in South Central Drillian, meeting at the town of Redfern Lake

17-4-338 SKR the Fledgling Squad of The Dragonslayers Company meets Corporal Antero

20-4-338 SKR 1260 TGR - remaining Dragonslayers sign a contract with the Jistille Estates

9-6-338 SKR 1260 TGR - Dragonslayers complete contract with the Jistille Estates and become the Dragonslayers Company Detached

From 25-10-342 SKR to 20-12-342 SKR the Dragonslayers Company Detached completes a contract during the She Said Yes! adventure