Main / DruidicPowers

Druidic Powers - Druids / Celtic - Priests - Gods

Gods Information

Druids worship the Celtic pantheon as a whole, rather than any one individual God.

Worshipers Requirements

Requirements: Wis 12+ & Cha of 15+ Alignment: Neutral
Turning: nil
Armor: only "natural" armors -- padded, hide, or leather armor and wooden shields, including those with magical enhancements. All other armors are forbidden.
Weapons: club, sickle, dart, spear, dagger, scimitar, sling, and staff.

Major: All, Animal, Elemental (all), Healing, Plant, Weather
Minor: Divination, Thought, Travelers

1 - +2 to saves versus fire or electrical attacks
3 - perfect identification of plants, animals and pure water in the Druid's native area
3 - can pass through overgrown areas (thick thorn bushes, tangled vines, brier patches, etc) without leaving a trail and at normal movement rate
3 - earns one proficiency slot to spend on one of the languages of the woodland creatures (one additional slot per level after 3rd)
7 - immune to charm spells cast by woodland creatures
7 - shapechange up to three times per day, once into each animal form (reptile, bird or mammal), and heal damage upon shape change (1d6*10%)

Duties of the Priesthood

As protectors of nature, Druids are aloof from the complications of the temporal world. Their greatest concern is for the continuation of the orderly and proper cycles of nature--birth, growth, death, and rebirth. Druids tend to view all things as cyclic and thus, the battles of good and evil are only the rising and falling tides of time. Only when the cycle and balance are disrupted does the druid become concerned. Given this view of things, the Druid must be neutral in alignment. In Hallstatt the Druids have come to be the ruling class in their quest to ensure balance.

Druids are charged with protecting wilderness--in particular trees, wild plants, wild animals, and crops. By association, they are also responsible for their followers and their animals. Druids recognize that all creatures (including humans) need food, shelter, and protection from harm. Hunting, farming, and cutting lumber for homes are logical and necessary parts of the natural cycle. However, Druids do not tolerate unnecessary destruction or exploitation of nature for profit. Druids often prefer subtle and devious methods of revenge against those who defile nature. It is well known that Druids are both very unforgiving and very patient.

Known Worshipers

descriptions and or links to characters

Note: These roleplaying notes are taken from the Legends and Lore Book, the Monster Mythology Book and many other reference sources; it also incorporates many alterations to those works. The information is provided in this layout for existing players ease of use and access to campaign details.