Dumathoin - Dwarven - Priests - Gods
Dumathoin is known as "Keeper of Secrets Under the Mountain', and he hides the secrets of the earth until deserving and diligent dwarves are ready to be guided to them. He lays veins of metals where he feels they will best benefit his followers when they are found. He watches over the safety and security of miners, and has a special role as protector of mountain dwarves. Those revering him often carry a small gemstone in their pockets in the hope of attracting his attention
Role-playing Notes:
Dumathoin often acts by direct placement of metal resources for dwarves, but ensures that only the diligent find them. He rarely resorts to sending an avatar as a guide or protector, unless exploring dwarves face hidden dangers they could not anticipate. Omens take the form of underground rumbling, and the sudden unblocking of obstacles.
Gods Information
Alignment: N (ln)
Worshiper's Alignment: any
Area of Control: Mining, Mountain Dwarves, Underground exploration
Symbol: Gem inside a mountain
Avatar Information
Dumathoin's Avatar (Fighter 16, Priest 10) Dumathoin's avatar appears as a barrel-chested male dwarf with hair and beard of sculpted gray stone, earth-brown skin, and eyes of silver fire. The avatar can use spells from all spheres listed for his priests.
Str 19 | Dex 15 | Con 20 | ||
Int 18 | Wis 19 | Cha 15 | ||
MV 9 br 9 | SZ M(5'6")/H (18') | MR 40% | ||
AC -2 | HD 16 | HP 128 | ||
#AT 2 | THAC0 5 | Dmg 1D6+6 (mattock) +7 |
Special Att/Def: Dumathoin's avatar can see through solid rock to a range of 120', uses all earth/stone/metal based wizard spells as if a 22nd level wizard (and is himself immune to all such spells), and can summon ld6 16HD earth elementals to do his bidding for 12 turns once per day. He uses a huge mattock +5 made of solidified magma.
Worshipers Requirements
Requirements: Wis 9+, Con 12+
Alignment: LN, N
Turning: Nil
Armor: Any
Weapons: Any
Level Limit: 14
Hit Die: D8
Requirements: Wis 9+, Con 9+
Alignment: N, LN, LG, NG
Level Limit: 5
Hit Die: D6
Major: All, Creation, Elemental (Earth, Fire), Protection, Wards
Minor: Combat, Divination, Healing, Travelers
1) stoneskin
5) stone shape
9) detect gems underground, 1 turn, 60'
Duties of the Priesthood
Dumathoin's priests often supervise mining operations, and maintain underground safety and security. They are charged with retrieving treasures buried in the earth without being overly greedy, and without marring the beauty of the subterranean realm. They are also negotiators with other, non-hostile, underground races, bargaining to avoid over exploitation of resources.
Known Worshipers
descriptions and or links to characters