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Calendar of Events - Holidays

Event Planning

This page is to organize the event planning for the parties and dinners that are hosted during the Diplomatic Entanglements Era.

3 parties to plan between now (13-9) and New Years Eve. Also Religious holidays and events to attend.

Fest of Luminance 16-10 suggested as a possibility - Lisa likes the idea but given Father Mortin's plan to send a bunch of crazy crusaders to defeat the Mist in Drillian, Branwyn will probably not be happy with supporting that theme.

The last party should be at least two weeks before New Years Eve.

New Years Eve Party - 28-12

Parties on Schedule

Mourning of Megrim - 10/15:

Background: Megrim was a human woman the god Belinos fell in love with. She was murdered by agents of his brother. When Belinos tried to save her by raising her to goddess status, she was killed again by Shar. She is held in reverence mostly as personification of unrequited love or love that ends tragically.
Feast: Celebrations are traditionally held in dining halls where all the participants wear black. Single women end the feast by drinking a glass of wine that is "poisoned" at midnight.
Gypsy Trial: Branwyn will be arbiter. Two families in dowry dispute. The woman Branwyn chooses will marry and the other will be cast out. The alternative would be to burn the entire caravan.
Our party plans: Food quality - good #not highest crazy but nice and elegant#, music for mood but not a dance party, paper mache death masks at door, we are in black, simple decorations, red/black dyed roses scattered about, ice sculpture, "poison" wine at table by fountain, pull single women to the front, cantrip some smoke over drinks
Schedule: In general, do a priest-type thing at beginning, trial in middle, poison drink at end
Invites: Council, Prince & Sam, Lord Brightbint, Ambassador Belinor, Midguard, Lord Branadarus, Penelope, Prince Unthim, Mr. Silver, Illustrious Madam Zimm

Feast of the Basket - 10/25:

Feast: This is often a mischievous feast day in celebration of Brennios. Celebrants at this feast all bring a closed basket to share with the group. What ever is chosen to bring in the basket each member of the table must share in, including the person who brought the basket.
Expected: We would, as a household, create one basket that will serve everyone we invite and invite people to come with their own that would serve all in attendance. Since there are about a dozen of us without guests, this would be a big thing for both us and for guests.
Our Plans: ???
->As I see it we can go a couple different ways. Have an exclusive rich party where we would hope to get as good as we give. OR we can invite a selection of the working class, regular folk of the city. We do down home kind of food, local music, casual dress, and the people we invite can bring something small or just come and share in our basket. Each of our characters can contribute something to our basket to share. I am leaning towards option B myself (Lisa).
->->It would be very bad form for someone to show up without a basket to an event. People who unable to participate would most likely decline an invitation or would simply have a meager basket (BOB)

Future Party Ideas

I was trying to leave party planning to our other players but since I am not seeing a lot of that happening, I am going to toss out some ideas hoping to kick things off and encourage other suggestions. Bob can correct me on this if I'm wrong, but I believe that the slow pace of day by day that is happening right now will be over when the dragon team comes back. This would mean that parties will be happening sooner rather than later. As soon as we finalize some plans, we can get to partying.

Below are a few ideas based on characters’ wps/nwps that I know about. I can’t remember everyone’s but I thought it would be a good place to start. Please add and comment so Bob can get going. Anything sound good/bad?


Hoffman will talk everyone out of having parties, Especialy masked parties. As a player, the most likely party Miranda will attend is a magic duel. But I had a fun idea that if Hoffman gets back he will suggest. We have a party where no one wears a mask but is expected to pretend to be someone or something else and whom ever is most convincing gets a present ---

1. Masked Ball – Given Branwyn and Marisu’s cantrip abilities as well as priest orison spells, we could make all sorts of fun changes to our appearances besides the masks. I do not think this is a good idea for New Years though. Since evidently New Years is a night of party hopping, asking guests and ourselves to mask up for one might be difficult when everyone has 5 other parties to attend. Phillipe did say that we should have a good party to entice people to come to our New Years one so maybe we can do this before the big New Years blast.

2. Casino Night – If Indigo could have a party, this would be his. We could have gambling tables and let the nobility play games without having to visit the seedy taverns around the city. We’d also be playing a bit higher stakes than most taverns.

3. Dance Party – A Shurkural inspired event. We could hire musicians, maybe a local dance group for a performance/demonstration during the night, etc.

4. Archery Tournament – We would need to get a venue outside the villa, but we could do this for our fighters. This would relatively harmless so no one would be dying at our party but participants will get a chance to show off a bit. We could offer maybe a 100 gp purse and a kiss from our lovely Marisu to the winner. The entrants would be basically doing called shots to hit targets. We could have an outdoor kind of fair outside with tables of food and drink, wandering musicians, kind of a Ren Faire kind of thing with the tournament as the center.

5. Magic Duel - with all the priests and mages we can finally see who is most powerfully #John }

6. Barbarian Ball - Can send to Carnak for some barbarians to come and host a celebration.

Updates and News?

To update on party plans:

On the 15th there will be the Mourning of Megrim On the 25th there will be the Feast of the Basket

Both have some planning done but needs to be finalized.

The Fest of Luminescence is suggested as an additional party on the 16th no planning has been done for that yet.

All party planing is presumed to be Out of Character so that everyone can participate in it. I would guess that all characters will be home in time for the Mourning of Megrim event if they survive the journey.

Michael has some very nice ideas for the New Years Eve ball and other thoughts to use throughout the events.

Perhaps you want to come up with a theme for your parties at the Residence. Lisa has mentioned The Mist as a possible unifying theme or inspiration.

Looking forward to everyone's participation.

In regard to the Mourning of M. We have the invitations now we just need some entertainment and decide on the food. I don't think it would be too hard to have Phillipe tell us what is popular at the moment (for both) and have that. The "poison" at the end can be whatever will work. An alchoholic beverage or something. We just need a cost estimate and to pay the bills. I think we should aim for all parties as upscale. The feast of M. shouldn't really be all that hard to plan as it is just a dinner and poisoned wine. Personally I don't like Jennivieves ideas though. I don't really know what I should include plan wise. My plan for for a ball so I don't think it applies here. This is more like sending out and invite for a fancy dinner. Those aren't hard to plan. They arrive, we seat them, we feed them, they drink poisoned wine, be merry, and we don't let the door hit them on the way out. This isn't a hard event.


P.S. Lisa I will be working hard this week and then leaving for California Thursday. I will try to be online for Friday but I am very busy and may not have a lot of time for planning. I will try to check back as often as possible as my rss feed notifies me, but I may not be as active as I would wish. I'll try to post thoughts as they come into my head.

Is all the party planning done? Who is getting invited? I was going to try and make up an invite list today, but seems like that's already done? Where is the list located?


I do not know of any actual complete list of who is coming to the next two parties that are happening.

I do think there is an idea of two invites to each character but not quite sure on which party, etc.

There is definitely a need for input and more complete descriptions of what is going to happen.


Nice work, everybody! Especially all these various ideas.

I do think the wine at the end should be able to suggest poison without actually being a poison. Maybe laced with a hallucinogen? Or some substance that turns people's skin cold? Or a strange color? Some benign, temporary, but obvious meddling.

Kenna would be interested in a bake-off. Or other competitive cooking.

Spring 2015-06-19

Hey guys so have pretty much finalized the feast of M. so now we are just looking at the baskets right? Have we decided which type of social group and basket we are looking for? If not, I can begin looking at that unless someone else is responsible for this one. Also, since the new years ball is a jump around to each party type of thing, it obviously wont be a masquerade or anything like that. I can start looking into it if you want. Or not. Up to you. Feel free to bounce ideas and let me know. Thx

-Michael H.