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Events of 10-9-1266 TGR - House Affairs

Events of 8-9-1266 TGR

Branwyn stepped out into the courtyard, looked across the way and watched Jennevive arranging things in the chapel. She wondered how long anything Jennevive was doing would last before Tristan came in and re-arranged everything. Cautiously stepping inside, she looked around and said, “I hope the chapel suits your needs. I also hope that you are satisfied with the room I chose for you. I wanted to thank you. To thank you again for what you did on the ship back then, but also for helping me during that morning meeting,” she paused and sat down on one of the benches.

“I do suppose I should be talking with Tristan about all this. He is my Spiritual Advisor and “Confessor” after all,” she said with look of slight discomfort at the notion. “But to be honest, I am glad he missed the meeting and am thinking that all I am going to receive from him is admonitions and anger every time church matters are brought up. I know I have to do these things and I will keep my word that when we are out I will be respectful and all the things that I need to be. But surely you must see that I have to be able to speak my mind when we are alone. To keep all my feelings inside constantly would be a recipe for disaster. The last Ambassador spent 10,000 gold pieces on one feast when there are 254 in a year. That is ten percent of our entire stipend! And we have only just arrived,” Branwyn laughed. “And here I go again. I will stop. But I cannot allow Phillipe to think that things will operate the same as when the former Ambassador had this position and if the lid on my real feelings is clamped down too tightly I might not be able to sustain it when it is most needed. Can you at least understand that and be able to help me through all of this?”

Carrying his idol of Cahus, Tristan approaches the chapel to start setting up a place for his devotion. Hearing his name being said, he stops in the corridor and listens in to the conversation between Branwyn and Jennevive. Once he's heard enough he steps into the room.

"It saddens me that through all we've been through Branwyn that you still do not believe I hold the best interest of our group at heart. If I come off harsh, I do apologize. Though, I thought you would have learned of passion and devotion through your studies in magic. I saw you stick to your convictions when we dealt with the white dragon no different then when I hold to mine. The life of a military man is one of orders and obedience. There are times that I forget when it is my time to lead, and my time to follow. I am here to ensure the success of this mission and to ensure the interests and safety of the Kayugan faithful in Drillian are met."

Looking to Jennevive and back to Branwyn, he adds sadly, "If you would prefer that Aunt Jennevive take over the duties of your "confessor" all you need do is ask. All I have ever done was try and perform my duty to my god and my friends. If you feel that I am unapproachable, then I have failed you in my task. It is no secret that you do not trust priests, though I always hoped I was different. Why you turn your back on the gods I will never know. Those are questions in your own heart that I wish I could help answer one day..."

Looking around the room Tristan sets his idol down in a nook. Setting a candle down in front of it, he lights it and kneels to pray for guidance.

Branwyn jumped in her seat, startled at the sound of Tristan’s voice. Her face was flushed and she listened to him with a stricken guilty look and then watched him begin to pray.

She walked over to Tristan and knelt beside him. Closing her eyes for a moment to gather her thoughts, she said softly, “Those words were not meant for your ears and you do not understand my meaning. I do know very well that you have always acted in our best interests and have healed and protected us, cared for us and fought with us. You have my trust and respect and my affection,” she said with a small smile. “Yes, I do like you, Tristan. You are a good man and I do understand your passion, if not the direction in which it flows.’

‘But, you see, this is exactly why,” her voice rising a little as her feelings started to come through. “This is why I said I was glad you weren’t at the meeting. I did not wish you to hear my thoughts and be angry or worried that I will embarrass you. I felt that I have caused you to be angry at me in the past for my lack of understanding. And here you are in the center of all you hold most dear. The last thing I want is to ruin that for you or make things more difficult. But at the same time, I do need an outlet for my raw thoughts and feelings. I was hoping that Jennevive could help me filter a bit so that I would not be a disappointment to you. I do not believe Jennevive expects much from me, so I do not think I can offend or disappoint her as I might you.”

Branwyn held out her finger and blew on it gently. A small butterfly appeared; flapping its delicate wings a few times before it flew off to explore the chapel on its own. “Isn’t that beautiful? When I do that, that is what I think. I did that. When you so compassionately heal Indigo after a battle, I look on with gratitude and think, Tristan did that. Not Cahus or anyone else for that matter. And so I resent what I think are outlandish requests for gold…” she paused a moment for continuing, “or crusades against non-believers. A topic that none of us will be able to avoid for much longer thanks to the late Ambassador Waverlyn. But we can discuss that later.’

‘I realize I can be most frustrating if my thoughts are left unfettered and spoken aloud. I have had the luxury of not having to deal with it much in the past, but now the stakes are incredibly high and I need to be able do what I have to do in public and not allow that public persona erode who I am inside in the process. Tristan, do you really want my unvarnished feelings on matters of church and gods before they are ready for public consumption?”

Tristan looks over at Branwyn and smiles. "You would never embarrass me. Ever Branwyn. You have your beliefs as I have mine. Though we differ on spiritual manners I am always here for you if you need to talk. My advice may differ from yours but we should not fear the truth from one another. Indeed there are some who wear the cloth that are driven by power and greed. No more than any other organization. We are all mortals. As such we are subject to temptations. The gift you gave to honor Broodhoy was a noble gesture. Though you could have refused all the same could you not? Sure that would have upset some but you could have. As for the ideas of Crusades... I fear it is nasty business indeed. How can I explain it to you...."

He takes a deep breath "Priests take an oath to honor and protect their followers as well as their God. I know you do not share my faith, but if you did, you would understand that the other religions preach gospels from false gods. Much like perhaps Necromancy is viewed by your peers? I do not know if that is a fair comparison..." Shakes his head struggling to make sense.

"When I take up arms in a Crusade, I fight for the souls of those I feel are being led astray and to protect those who honor the Gods of the Kayugan faith. If someone came and started convincing your family and friends to do something that you felt with all your soul would doom them for all eternity, would you not try to fight that person? To show your friends the error in the reasoning of this person? That is what the holy knights and priestly orders fight for. If a Crusade is called by my order, I hope you understand I will have no option but to participate with all my ability. I would never expect you to follow me nor jeopardize your mission here."

Branwyn listened and nodded. “No, you are right. Necromancy is a fair comparison. It definitely is an evil art and after Indigo told me the stories of one such necromancer turning an entire town into zombies, I would have no qualms hunting that one down. For me though, it would never be a quest to rid this world of them in general,” she said, pausing again.

“So … So this means if the Crusade plans are successful you will leave us. That would not be good at all. But I will not try to stop you, if that is what you truly wish,” she said frowning and thinking. “Perhaps we shall have no religious war and the talk will die down. At least we can hope. And without a strong advocate, maybe...”

Jennivive interrupts Branwyn and Tristan. "Tristan, just stop right there. I am not sure if you need to get that stick back up your ass or take it out you are so wishy washy right now. What is wrong with you? No, I am not going to be Branwyn's confessor. You are the one responsible for watching over her eternal soul not me. I have enough to do with watching out for the Kingdom's well being here. You just need to get over the fact that you want to go play war with your buddies and get all bloody and tell stories. You have a job to do here, with Branwyn. I do not care if they call up every able bodied man with two legs to go off on some stupid crusade. I will break both of your legs if you even think of going along."

Turns to Branwyn, "Do not believe a word he says about you did not have to buy those seats for the Feast. If you do not show up at certain key Feasts to establish what you prefer then you will be stuck going to all of them. ALL OF THEM." Raises an eyebrow, "you want to go to 254 holy days?" Watching Branwyn shake her head. "You will go to one or four of them, you will send Tristan and others to different ones. Then you will send the household to still other ones. The cook would love a day away from that damn screeching of the hippogriff every time a courier rides from the Palace out to the western gate." Jennivive chuckles, "although I bet the quartermaster is happy they are so prompt on leaving the city."

Swiveling back to Tristan. "You will need to move that idol to the right if you want to leave it here in this chapel. We will keep this as a chapel to the Faith. That is what Branwyn had in Jistille before she built the Church of the Defending Mage. You have plenty of places out side to go worship with your warrior friends. Speaking of which where is Leatherus? Is he really going to let the head of the guards do how many shifts walking around out there? Who ever heard of the captain of the house guard doing the same shifts as the common guards."

"I am not here to run this household. I am here to assist our Ambassador with her dealings with Terraguard and the Church. Tristan you and Hoffman will have to work together to ensure the household is safe and running properly. Ilero's information gathering will be invaluable but he can only be in one place at a time."

Glares at Tristan, "Do you think you can handle that?"

Branwyn, who had forgotten that Jennevive was even in the chapel by that point, listened in stunned silence. She rose to her feet in anger, her hand twitching slightly at her side. “That is ENOUGH! You have delivered your advice and I think we are quite done with you. You obviously feel that you have too much responsibility here. Consider yourself relieved of any duties other than those specifically commanded by the Queen. Your input on any other matter is no longer required,” she said coldly.

Turning to Tristan she said, “I am sorry for this, Tristan. We have a meeting soon at the Grand Celestry that we should probably discuss. We will talk later, but I think right now I need to get some air.” And with that, Branwyn strode back out into the courtyard to take some deep breaths and see if Marisu and Atribella were ready to go dress shopping.

Tristan smirks at Jennevive as he replaces the statue of Belinos with Cahus and hands it to her. "She's got a temper doesn't she?"

Jennevive smiles at Tristan and takes the Belinos bust then plucks the Cahus bust off the altar as well. "You can put this in your own room. As I said here in the City we need to keep this as a shrine to the Faith and not show preference to anyone." Smiling sweetly, "Although there is that old shrine in the basement you could go take over. You do have a think with basements don't you?" She says archly.

Waiting for Tristan to leave she adds, "You do understand that if she is mad at the church it will just make your job that much harder to keep relations calm. You need to come to an understanding. You notice how she left and avoided the topic of attending the Feasts. How are you going to handle that? Are you really going to go to every single one for her?"

Tristan holds his ground not willing to leave before Jennevive does. Locked in a battle of wills.

"Of course this is a shrine to the faith. There is no reason one god should be held in higher regard in this city. As for your "commands", YOU will learn that I do not nor will I ever answer to you. You are here as a guest of the queen only as your duties to Branywn have now been relieved. I must thank you for that outburst. Really you must learn to control yourself my dear. Though, its good to finally see the true colors come out from you. Keep hanging yourself with your own rope and you won't last long. Though I can not say you would be greatly missed."

"Your concern for Branwyn's appearance at the feasts is warranted, I shall see to it that she is guided properly. If I am to attend every feast so she can focus on her mission here, then I shall gladly carry that burden or see to it that it is handled."

He looks at her and steps out of the way and motions to the door. "I'm sure you have important matters for the Queen to attend. I shall keep you no longer."

Jennivive steps up close to Tristan. She leans in and whispers in his ear, "I always knew you like ropes, just like your protege Leatherus. Don't worry I can help you with those repressed urges." She runs a finger along Tristan's jaw line.

Then stepping back she says in her normal voice, "I am very glad we had this talk. It appears you are now properly motivated to perform your tasks as assigned. Remember you do answer to Branwyn. Her success depends on you."

Jennivive smiles warmly and tweaks the end of Tristan's nose. "We are going to have so much fun living together."

With a twirl of her dress she leaves the shrine and heads upstairs to her room.

Events of 10-9-1266 TGR

Hoffman find a moment break from construction and working on the schedule to get Tristan alone. "I am still getting used to this whole new life, starting to think we are really settling in and that is not normal for a follower of Fate. You know I am too free a spirit to be burdened by a more formal religion as you, but we do share some common core beliefs and with Qui Fon and Brother Foto out I do not know who I can talk with that accepts me for who I am. I am hoping we can talk with the understanding that we serve the same cause from different perspectives?

Tristan smiles at Hoffman. "We are friends Hoffman. I know as well as anyone when someone is committed to their beliefs, it may be difficult to change their faith. Though it is true that I have always wished to bring such a potent warrior as yourself into the fold of Cahus' followers, I understand you already serve a spiritual lord. You have my word that I shall not make any attempts at converting you to my faith. Should you ever need a spiritual advisor it would be my honor and privilege to serve in that role for you."

"I truly appreciate that." Hoffman continues. "In the short time I remember, I have always been on the move and mostly alone. My adapted mother told me I should keep moving and never settle, certainly not in a big city. But I have grown close to the people here, you and Branwyn and Miranda and the rest. If Qui were here I fear he would say this feeling I have is Fate telling me not to settle in and to move on with my life." He pauses a moment to look at Tristian. "But you know of loyalty and duty, and I feel I must be here to protect those in my charge. I only hope, if I start to stay or lose focus in my goals, you will provide a gentle reminder. " He clears his throat as he hears someone comming."So as far as protection, we have the physical guards planed out. I was hoping you would assist in the priestly guards. Either your own spela or advising on spela we may need. just in case of course."

Magic Defense

Trisan thinks on what Hoffman said and quickly whispers in his ear to keep the conversation personal, "I have read somewhere Hoffman that death is lighter than a feather but duty is heavier than a mountain. I too face a dilemma with my duty to the Church. There are rumors of a crusade being called. A holy war to protect the faithful of my religion. If this rumor proves true, then I will be duty bound to answer the call and join in this war. I will be forced to leave my friends behind... Please do not tell anyone of this. Only you and Branwyn know. I plan on telling the group when the time is right."

Speaking in normal tones he responds "I can see what I can do with the defenses. I will also be going to the Grand Celestry tomorrow morning with Branwyn. Perhaps I can speak to a leader of my order and they can provide a priest or two to assist in the protection of our establishment. I do hope that you join us on the trip to the Temple."