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Guard Schedule

Hoffman talks to everyone he can as he is working on the remodeling. "we know we are outsiders in a strange situation. I do not expect we will be under attack like when we are on the road ( and John is rolling for encounters) but we need Two smallerprepared, that is why I want to set up a schedule so someone is always ready. We are still not sure what magic or outside help we will get, and we are not going to attack anyone who comes to the door. Does anyone have questions or suggestions.

Ilero looks over the schedule for a bit. "It look good. Couple questions. Shows you work 1 to 5am, and again 9am to 1pm. You okay sleep day, up all night? Also MJ 5 to 9am, and 11 to 3. T'at not so bad. And guard number 6 3 to 7am, t'en 1 to 5pm. T'at one not get much sleep, hye t'ink." He thinks a bit more. "Sorry, hye new t'is type work. Same way every day, or rotate over week?"

Hoffman scratches he head. "I know if we had more people it would be easier, but it seems like we would each get 12 hours or so between shifts. The schedule keeps flowing so of I get off at 4 am, I will not start again until 4 pm then again at 8 am, so no one has to work the night shift every night. The hardest part is tracking time, but after 4 hours you should just wake the next one on the list.

Ilero mutters to himself for a bit, looking at the schedule from a couple different directions and thinking. Finally he grabs a blank piece of parchment from a shelf and a piece of writing charcoal and starts sketching a diagram on it. He draws a crude circle with a two smaller circles inside it, then marks at each of the cardinal directions, making it look like either a clock or a map compass. "Hokay." He points at the top right quadrant. "Day 1, daytime. 12 hours. Divide into six 2 hour blocks." And he makes 6 little dividers through that arc. Then he moves to the bottom right of the circle and repeats his actions. "Day 1, nighttime." The bottom left- "Day 2, daytime." And then the top left, "Day 2, nighttime."

He starts back at the top of the circle and works on the outer ring. "T'is patrol 1 ring. Two 2 hour blocks make one 4 hour shift, yes? So group ask blocks into pairs like so." He goes back over and darkens the lines surrounding two of the blocks so they look like one larger single block. "T'is guard 1," and he marks a number 1 in the block. "Number 1 not be on again for 12 hours at least, yes? So number 1 not show in list again until here." Ilero points to the bottom right quadrant of Day 1 nighttime. Ilero goes through and groups all of the smaller 2 hour blocks into larger 4 hour blocks.

He then moves to the inner ring. "Patrol 2 here. Start 2 hours later t'an Patrol 1." He moves around the circle grouping the blocks together so that they are offset from Patrol 1 and each one overlaps with two from the other ring. "So, make sure no one work in same quarter of circle twice. We needs 6 different guards at smallest to cover one quarter of circle, yes? T'en can use same 6 in same or different order in t'is quarter, and t'is one, and t'is one," he says, pointing to each of the quarters in turn. "It cover two days, full schedule plan."

He slides the diagram around to Hoffman. "Not sure, t'is maybe help some?"

If you want me to,I can upload a sketch of what he drew for you later today. -TMO


Hoffman relaxes. "I think we have things covered now. Some magic back up would be nice but I do not expect to have any issues with this show of force. If you can keep the thieves away, then if anything does happen, our spell casters and other leaders will be rested to handle any real threat."

Hoffman tries to catch Branwyn as she is comming into the house and sees if she has time to sit for a moment. "I was not sure what Ilero has told you about our security plans, but I was hoping to speak to you directly about two concerns. First, I was not sure if you wanted to invite the head of the guard here to ... well, show our importance and make sure he gives our security proper priority. But on a more direct request, have you considered what magic might be required for security? I know it is not a specialty of yours, I mean defensive magic, not magic itself, certainly not defending a house, do you. I just thought there should be some discussion on that point." Smile and sits quietly, letting his thought settle and really listens.

Branwyn sat down next to Hoffman thinking about what he said. “I really haven’t paid much attention to the guard situation, thinking you would handle it. I do agree that we should entertain the Captain of the City Guard,” she said and then continued carefully. “I was thinking more along the lines of making an ally of him. It would be nice to have a friend in local law enforcement. Besides, who knows more about who’s who and how this city really operates than he does? He could be quite an invaluable source of information. Talk to Philippe and have him help get some kind of small gift and have him over for drinks. I would be happy to meet him if you want, unless you think it would be better if it were a men’s evening sort of thing.’

‘As far as defending the house, you are certainly right that I am not one for defensive magic. Tristan is the one that can help the most with that. He knows all sorts of wards and fortification spells. Or maybe between Miranda, Marisu and myself we can try to learn something for you. The only concern I have is that it will need to be something that can protect, but not accidentally trap anyone by accident. We do have many people coming and going and don’t want anyone to get hurt. The former Ambassador had spells guarding her house for a couple of reasons. One, she could not defend herself and didn’t have anyone with her who had that capability except one guard. That is not the case with us. And two, the more I find out about Mistress Waverlyn, the more I think she made more enemies than allies here. That is a mistake I do not wish to repeat. I have no plans for my diplomatic efforts to inspire murder. Tell me what you think is best and we will help you. I trust you, but know that I do think you have done a splendid job already at keeping the house secure.”

Hoffman laughs out loud. "I thought it funny being put in charge of protecting you until I understood my job was to protect the house. I have no doubt your open and honest approach will still make some people hate you, but I do not fear for you. I still have a number of people to protect on your behalf. And as it comes to that, I have already made plans to speak with Tristian and had Miranda dispatch a letter to Brother Foto, but I want to cover all our options. With you being so busy, I thought you might allow Miranda to act in your behalf, learning or researching what ever spell you recommend. You know her in that way as well as me. I only know her endless desire to learn and grow. How can I hope to guide her or know when to say enough. I need you to give her that guidance, focus her and give her limits. Much like me, she will do anything for you,if you only ask. She may have ambitions beyond you and me, but she is still one of your DragonSlayers.

“Making the house secure is protecting me, as well as everyone else here. And you know I wouldn’t do well with bodyguards. Besides that, I think it would send the wrong message. I would rather have people think that I have nothing to worry about. If you want me to talk to Miranda, of course I will. She has said that she wanted to do some teaching though and researching new spells can take up a lot of time. I don’t want to make her do things for the house when she would rather be doing something else. We shall see the next time we see her."


Hoffman standa. "That will be fine, I do not want to keep you. I will work out the schedule meeting worth the Captain of the Guard and see who is available. It may be better to have the meeting with Indigo, but if you are arround and want to stop in.

" Magical Defence Discussion"

After the events of Nov1414 the morning of 11-9-1266

Hoffman goes to see the new guards. (assuming he finds one)

"Greetings, I am Hoffman, I am the one that made the arrangement with your captain, on behalf of the Ambassador. I am new to the area and the ways of the city but I hope we can help each other in our common goal of keeping the peace. Did the Captain assign any one person in charge of this detail yet or do you report directly to the Captain sorry I did not get your name."

The guard looks Hoffman up and down. "You don't dress like no lord, you do not sound like no lord. But the Captin did say that there were barbarians here at the old Ashgrove palace. I am Drond, but I am no captain or nothin'. The Captin said we was to come over here and guard the old palace for a couple of hours when we was done with our regular routes. I don't know that no one is in charge other than the Captin."

He looks up at the towers and walls then back at Hoffman, "You think there will be trouble? I ain't never heard of no one being killed by the ghosts there. All those that were killed were strangers."

Hoffman shakes his head like no one listens to him "I never said I was a lord, I am just experienced fighter working for the Embasador. I wil work on the work details with the captin but do you have information about this house, it would be greatly appreciated. You say only strangers were killed, Drond? Do you mean people new to town like us? Why do you think the ghosts did not kill anyone?

Drond looks at Hoffman and speaks again slowly. "I said that I did not know anyone that the ghosts killed. I never said that the ghosts don't kill anyone. It was just last summer that they found that girl frozen to death right there on the stoop." Points to the front door. "I don't have anythin' to do with finding out why, we just report them when we find them. I 'spect that is what you want me to do with you now right?"