Main / ExplorerSP

Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits - Other Kits


Explorers live to see what’s over the next mountain or to sail beyond the countries at the edge of a map. They yearn to discover new places, people, and wonders. And their wanderlust drives them ever on. They make perfect adventurers, never staying in one town for more than a few days or weeks. And they are always eager to explore ruins, abandoned temples, and cave complexes. Many explorers are demihumans who, not fitting into human-dominated towns, turned to traveling. Others are half-breeds, such as half-elves, half-orcs, and half-ogres, who found more acceptance in the wilderness than in either of their parent’s communities. Of course, there are human explorers, too, these leaving their homes simply because they had to know what’s out there.

Social ranks: Explorers come from all walks of life. Roll 2d6 to determine social rank at the beginning of the campaign.
2d6 roll Social rank
2–3 Lower Class
4–6 Lower Middle Class
7–10 Upper Middle Class
11–12 Upper Class

Requirements: Explorers must have a minimum of 12 for Wisdom/ Willpower and Intelligence/Knowledge scores. This kit is open to all player character races and classes.

Weapon proficiencies: These characters can select any weapon proficiencies allowed their adventuring classes.

Recommended nonweapon proficiencies: Direction sense, fire-building, fishing, survival, weather sense, seamanship, local history, ancient history, reading/writing.

Equipment: Explorers are practical and try to carry all of their arms, armor, and belongings with them. They prize extra-dimensional spaces and magical carts and boxes such as: bags of holding, Heward’s handy haversacks, quivers of Ehlonna, portable holes, mouse carts, flatboxes, and more.

Recommended traits: Internal compass, inherent immunity to cold, inherent immunity to heat, keen eyesight, keen hearing, precise memory.

Benefits: Explorers gain the survival nonweapon proficiency at no cost, and they can choose any two terrain types to apply it to. Possible terrains are: arctic, woodland, desert, steppe, mountain, and tropical.

Hindrances: These characters cannot stay in one place too long, calling no place home unless “home” is a ship or a covered wagon. Therefore, explorers cannot spend more than a few weeks at best in any given city or keep.

Wealth: Explorers begin with the maximum amount of gold allowed their character class.