Main / FlandalSteelskin

Flandal Steelskin - Gnomish - Priests - Gods

Flandal Steelskin is the gnomish god of mining and smithing, an excellent craftsman with an unerring nose (of great size!) for finding metals in the earth. He is physically strong, and no stranger to battle. He helped forge Arumdina, and so often has the ear of Garl. He is also concerned with the skills of gnomes working as artisans and craftsmen of all kinds.

Flandal with his skin of mithril steel, eyes like flaming coals, and beard of silver-blue, is the patron of gnomish smiths--not just blacksmiths but also goldsmiths, silversmiths, and all other workers in metal. He is physically the strongest of the gnomish gods, and his uncanny ability to sniff of the veins of metal that thread through the earth makes him a patron of miners.

Role-playing Notes:

Flandal will, rarely, send an avatar to instruct gnomes in some very tricky smithing process, or to guide them to untapped metal ores. He may also send an avatar to deal with any disputes between gnomes and fire-dwelling creatures. His omens are always fiery, involving sudden flares of fire in forge or hearth or small jets of flame moving around on a bare floor or earth. Pyromancy is practiced by many of his priests.

Gods Information

Alignment: NG
Worshiper's Alignment: NG (any Non-Evil gnome)
Area of Control: Mining, Smithing, and Fitness
Symbol: flaming hammer

Avatar Information

Flandal's avatar appears as a balding, slightly ageing, huge-nosed gnome with skin the color of blue mithril steel, and his eyes appear as flaming coals. His hair and beard are brilliant blue-silver. He wears a leather apron over his other clothing. (Fighter 10, Priest 10)

Str 18/76 Dex 17 Con 18
Int 16 Wis 16 Cha 14
MV 9 SZ 4' MR 20%
AC -1 HD 15 HP 120
#AT 3/2 THAC0 5 Dmg 2d4+4 (hammer) +4

Special Att/Def: The avatar wears an apron of fire resistance and can cast stoneskin 2/day. Once per day, he can summon ld4 16 HD fire elementals for 6 turns. His axe-backed hammer +4 shoots a 6 hit dice fireball 6/day and does double damage to all cold-using and cold-dwelling creatures; it can speak the languages of all fire-using creatures (red dragons, chimerae, etc.).

Worshipers Requirements

Requirements: Str 12 or Con 12
Alignment: Any Good
Turning: Nil
Armor: Any
Weapons: Any metal-bladed or metal-headed weapon (hammer 1st)

Major: all, creation, elemental (earth, fire), guardian, protection
Minor: divination, healing

1st - Resist Fire 2/day
4th - +1 to Str or Con
7th - Detect metal ore (vein) within 40' through solid rock 1/week

Duties of the Priesthood

Flandal's priests are inveterate miners and smiths, developing wide proficiencies with underground detection skills, and looking after the safety of gnomish miners, as well as being fine weapon craftsmen. They are expected to undergo strength and stamina training (a sight often hilarious to other races).
Level Limit: 13
Hit Die: d8
Shamans: No