Main / Forseti

Forseti - Norse - Priests - Gods

The wisest and most eloquent of the Aesir, Forseti serves as the god of justice and the arbiter of divine disputes. No one has ever found fault with one of his decisions, and Odin often calls upon him to decide matters in which the chieftain of the gods feels he cannot be impartial. Forseti lives in Asgard in a radiant palace called Glitnir. Forseti knows when a lie is spoken anywhere in Gladsheim and has the power to make any mortal anywhere speak the truth, whether the individual wishes to or not. In his true form, Forseti is a handsome man dressed in a tunic of gold and breeches of silver.

Role-playing Notes:

Forseti is most concerned with justice and truth. Whenever a body of men gathers to make laws, there is a 10% chance that Forseti’s avatar will come to aid them. If this body is making laws that affect more than fifty thousand people, his avatar is sure to appear at the meeting disguised as one of the lords who has a right to attend the meeting. There is a 10% chance that he will send his avatar to aid those trying to throw off the rule of an unjust tyrant.

Gods Information

Alignment: LG
Worshiper's Alignment: Any Good
Area of Control: Justice
Symbol: scales

Avatar Information

Forseti's avatar takes the form of an ordinary looking man, save that he seems unusually calm and sure of himself. He can draw upon the all, charm, combat, divination, and protection spheres for his spells. (Priest 16, Fighter 12)

Str 18/00 Dex 18 Con 18
Int 19 Wis 19 Cha 18
MV 15 SZ 6' MR 35%
AC 2 HD 16 HP 128
#AT 3/2 THAC0 5 Dmg 1d8 +5 (sword) +6

Special Att/Def: When the avatar swings his sword at a being who has spoken a lie within the last seven days, it never misses. Otherwise, the weapon functions as an ordinary sword of sharpness +5. Any being questioned by Forseti's avatar finds himself answering honestly.

Worshipers Requirements

Requirements: Standard plus minimum Wis of 16
Alignment: LG
Turning: Turn
Armor: Any
Weapons: Sword

Major: All, Charm, Combat, Divination, Protection
Minor: none

5th - Detect Lie (no save)
12th - ask one question per week of Forseti

Duties of the Priesthood

Forseti's priests often serve as advisors to their chieftains, and are sometimes entrusted with full authority to administer the law. They must always be fair and consistent in their advice or decisions, avoiding any temptation to use their positions to further their own interests.