Main / Freya

Freya - Norse - Priests - Gods

Freya is the goddess of love, unbridled passion, and human fertility. Like her twin brother, Frey, she is one of the Vanir sent to guarantee peace with the Aesir. In the sense that passion is a hot, consuming emotion, she is also associated with fire. She is the patroness of a type of magic called “seithr,” in which the sorceress enters a trance in order to answer questions about the future. As the goddess of fertility, Freya also looks after women in labor. She has the power to kindle passion in any being, to control fires anywhere on Midgard, to see the future, to bless any woman with a child, and to alleviate pain and injury. Freya also has a beautiful fur-lined cloak that allows her to turn into a falcon. In her true form, Freya is a voluptuous woman of entrancing beauty.

Role-playing Notes:

Freya is a rather vain goddess who enjoys flattery-though she is far from foolish enough to believe it. She is not above using her looks to acquire what she wants, such as her priceless necklace, Brisingamen.

Gods Information

Alignment: EN
Worshiper's Alignment: Any
Area of Control: Love, Passion, and Human Fertility
Symbol: fire in shape of a woman

Avatar Information

Freya's avatar takes the form of an unbelievably voluptuous, beautiful woman. She can call upon the abjuration and enchantment/charm schools of magic. (Wizard 16)

Str 18/76 Dex 18 Con 18
Int 18 Wis 18 Cha 20
MV 15 SZ 5' MR 25%
AC 4 HD 16 HP 128
#AT 1 THAC0 5 Dmg 1d4 + 10 (dagger) +4

Special Att/Def: Any being struck by the avatar's fiery dagger must save versus spells or burst into flames (suffering 2d10 points of damage). These magical flames continue to burn until a successful dispel magic is used on them. Any male who looks on the avatar must save versus spells or be charmed by her.

Worshipers Requirements

Requirements: must be Woman with min Cha 15
Alignment: any Chaotic
Turning: Nil
Armor: No armor allowed
Weapons: Dagger

Major: All, Animal, Charm, Creation, Divination, Healing, Necromantic
Minor: none

3rd - Polymorph Self into horse form
6th - Predict the future of any individual with 10%/level accuracy (95% maximum)
9th - create one philter of love each time they advance a level

Duties of the Priesthood

Priestesses of Freya are all “seithr,” itinerant women who travel the countryside telling fortunes. These women are seldom welcomed into a village by wives. They have the ability to change themselves into horses, in which state they have been known to commit acts against the law for human beings.