Main / Frigga

Frigga - Norse - Priests - Gods

Frigga is the goddess of the clouds, sky, married love, and wives. In her role as goddess of married love, she is sometimes prayed to for fertility. Frigga is the second but principal wife of Odin, being the mother of Balder, Hoder, Hermod, and Tyr. She can foretell the future, and has the power to control all forms of weather, to view any area that has a breeze blowing through it, to assume the form of any flying animal, to spin flax into gold, and to make any husband fall madly and permanently in love with his wife. In her true form, she is a mature woman of great beauty.

Role-playing Notes:

Role-playing Notes: Though permitted to share the throne with Odin, Frigga spends most of her time in her house, Fensalir, spinning golden thread or weaving multicolored clouds. She often sends her avatar to attend to the welfare of mortal wives, either taking vengeance on cruel husbands or assuring deserving worshipers of a blissful marriage. Her wishes often conflict with those of her warrior husband, and she will not hesitate to resort to trickery to get her own way.

Gods Information

Alignment: LN
Worshiper's Alignment: Any Lawful
Area of Control: Sky and Domestic Life
Symbol: spinning wheel

Avatar Information

Frigga's avatar is a beautiful, somewhat matronly woman. She can call upon any school of magic for her spells. (Wizard 16, Bard 10)

Str 18/76 Dex 18 Con 17
Int 18 Wis 17 Cha 19
MV 15 SZ 5' MR 25%
AC 2 HD 16 HP 128
#AT 1 THAC0 5 Dmg 1d4 (dagger) +4

Special Att/Def: Frigga's avatar wears a necklace of black opals that will charm anyone within sight of it (save to negate). Any being struck by her dagger must save versus paralyzation or be carried 2 miles away by a powerful wind.

Worshipers Requirements

Requirements: Standard
Alignment: any Lawful
Turning: Nil
Armor: Any
Weapons: Dagger and Club

Major: All, Animal, Charm, Creation, Divination, Plant, Sun, Weather
Minor: none

1st - Detect Lie 10th - Summon Storm (doing 1d6 points of damage to all exposed people and structures, lasting 1 turn/level)

Duties of the Priesthood

Priests of Frigga must be married women. They are expected to watch over their home and set a good example for other wives by not letting their husbands stray too far out of the marital fold. If the husband of a priestess of Frigga practices the common Norse custom of taking a second wife, the priestess must divorce him immediately. They must also serve as midwives.