Main / Gaea

Gaea - Greek - Priests - Gods

Gaea is the mother and sustainer of all life. She married Uranus and thus gave birth to the Titans and two broods of terrible monsters, the Cyclopes and the Hecatoncheires. Even after the rise to supremacy of the Olympians, Gaea continues to be widely worshiped. She presides over marriages, nursing the sick, and is foremost among the oracles (before Apollo took it over, the great oracle at Delphi belonged to her). In her true form, Gaea is the earth itself.

Role-playing Notes:

Although she is widely worshiped, Gaea is one of the most aloof of Greek gods — which is to say she does not spend all of her time meddling in the affairs of mortals. Still, if the proper sacrifices of fruits and animals are made to her, Gaea has been known to lend her aid to those in dire need. She has an affinity for hideous monsters, however, and will never aid anyone in fighting them. In fact, she may well aid the monster if the battle is brought to her attention. Omens from Gaea can take any form associated with nature, such as foul weather, plagues, abundant crops, etc.

Gods Information

Alignment: N
Worshiper's Alignment: Any
Area of Control: Fertility, Health, and Prophesy
Symbol: a basket of fruit

Avatar Information

Gaea’s avatar takes the form of a mature, buxom beauty. She can call upon the all, animal, charm, elemental, healing, plant, and weather spheres for her spells. (Druid 24)

Str 20 Dex 20 Con 22
Int 20 Wis 20 Cha 24
MV 24 SZ 10' MR 60%
AC -3 HD 24 HP 192
#AT 1 THAC0 -3 Dmg 1d4+1 (sickle) +8

Special Att/Def: Gaea’s avatar wields a black sickle that forces all those hit by it to save versus death or be instantly slain. In addition, any being that looks uninvited upon Gaea’s avatar must save versus petrification or be blinded for 1d10 days.

Worshipers Requirements

Requirements: AB as druid
Alignment: neutral
Turning: yes
Armor: Any non-metal
Weapons: club, sickle, quarterstaff, other agricultural implements
Major: All, Animal, Divination, Elemental, Healing, Plant, Weather
Minor: none
5th - Cure Disease 15th - Divination (Bob, this is what the book said, but I'm not clear about it)

The primary duty of priests of Gaea is overseeing planting and animal husbandry. They must also minister to the sick, and often serve as oracles for their communities. All of Gaea’s priests are druids.